# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### from blenderkit import utils, append_link, bg_blender, download, upload_bg, upload import sys, json, math, os import bpy import mathutils BLENDERKIT_EXPORT_DATA = sys.argv[-1] def get_obnames(): with open(BLENDERKIT_EXPORT_DATA, 'r',encoding='utf-8') as s: data = json.load(s) obnames = eval(data['models']) return obnames def center_obs_for_thumbnail(obs): s = bpy.context.scene # obs = bpy.context.selected_objects parent = obs[0] if parent.type == 'EMPTY' and parent.instance_collection is not None: obs = parent.instance_collection.objects[:] while parent.parent != None: parent = parent.parent # reset parent rotation, so we see how it really snaps. parent.rotation_euler = (0, 0, 0) bpy.context.view_layer.update() minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = utils.get_bounds_worldspace(obs) cx = (maxx - minx) / 2 + minx cy = (maxy - miny) / 2 + miny for ob in s.collection.objects: ob.select_set(False) bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = parent parent.location += mathutils.Vector((-cx, -cy, -minz)) camZ = s.camera.parent.parent camZ.location.z = (maxz - minz) / 2 dx = (maxx - minx) dy = (maxy - miny) dz = (maxz - minz) r = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) scaler = bpy.context.view_layer.objects['scaler'] scaler.scale = (r, r, r) coef = .7 r *= coef camZ.scale = (r, r, r) bpy.context.view_layer.update() def render_thumbnails(): bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True, animation=False) if __name__ == "__main__": try: with open(BLENDERKIT_EXPORT_DATA, 'r',encoding='utf-8') as s: data = json.load(s) user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences if data.get('do_download'): # if this isn't here, blender crashes. bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.file_preview_type = 'NONE' #need to save the file, so that asset doesn't get downloaded into addon directory temp_blend_path = os.path.join(data['tempdir'], 'temp.blend') bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath = temp_blend_path) bg_blender.progress('Downloading asset') asset_data = data['asset_data'] has_url = download.get_download_url(asset_data, download.get_scene_id(), user_preferences.api_key, tcom=None, resolution='blend') if not has_url == True: bg_blender.progress("couldn't download asset for thumnbail re-rendering") # download first, or rather make sure if it's already downloaded bg_blender.progress('downloading asset') fpath = download.download_asset_file(asset_data) data['filepath'] = fpath main_object, allobs = append_link.link_collection(fpath, location=(0,0,0), rotation=(0,0,0), link=True, name=asset_data['name'], parent=None) allobs = [main_object] else: bg_blender.progress('preparing thumbnail scene') obnames = get_obnames() main_object, allobs = append_link.append_objects(file_name=data['filepath'], obnames=obnames, link=True) bpy.context.view_layer.update() camdict = { 'GROUND': 'camera ground', 'WALL': 'camera wall', 'CEILING': 'camera ceiling', 'FLOAT': 'camera float' } bpy.context.scene.camera = bpy.data.objects[camdict[data['thumbnail_snap_to']]] center_obs_for_thumbnail(allobs) bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = data['thumbnail_path'] if user_preferences.thumbnail_use_gpu: bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = 'GPU' fdict = { 'DEFAULT': 1, 'FRONT': 2, 'SIDE': 3, 'TOP': 4, } s = bpy.context.scene s.frame_set(fdict[data['thumbnail_angle']]) snapdict = { 'GROUND': 'Ground', 'WALL': 'Wall', 'CEILING': 'Ceiling', 'FLOAT': 'Float' } collection = bpy.context.scene.collection.children[snapdict[data['thumbnail_snap_to']]] collection.hide_viewport = False collection.hide_render = False collection.hide_select = False main_object.rotation_euler = (0, 0, 0) bpy.data.materials['bkit background'].node_tree.nodes['Value'].outputs['Value'].default_value \ = data['thumbnail_background_lightness'] s.cycles.samples = data['thumbnail_samples'] bpy.context.view_layer.cycles.use_denoising = data['thumbnail_denoising'] bpy.context.view_layer.update() # import blender's HDR here # hdr_path = Path('datafiles/studiolights/world/interior.exr') # bpath = Path(bpy.utils.resource_path('LOCAL')) # ipath = bpath / hdr_path # ipath = str(ipath) # this stuff is for mac and possibly linux. For blender // means relative path. # for Mac, // means start of absolute path # if ipath.startswith('//'): # ipath = ipath[1:] # # img = bpy.data.images['interior.exr'] # img.filepath = ipath # img.reload() bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = int(data['thumbnail_resolution']) bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = int(data['thumbnail_resolution']) bg_blender.progress('rendering thumbnail') render_thumbnails() fpath = data['thumbnail_path'] + '.jpg' if data.get('upload_after_render') and data.get('asset_data'): # try to patch for the sake of older assets where thumbnail update doesn't work for the reasont # that original thumbnail files aren't available. # upload.patch_individual_metadata(data['asset_data']['id'], {}, user_preferences) bg_blender.progress('uploading thumbnail') file = { "type": "thumbnail", "index": 0, "file_path": fpath } upload_data = { "name": data['asset_data']['name'], "token": user_preferences.api_key, "id": data['asset_data']['id'] } upload_bg.upload_file(upload_data, file) bg_blender.progress('background autothumbnailer finished successfully') except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1)