# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # mainly update functions and callbacks for ratings properties, here to avoid circular imports. import bpy from blenderkit import utils, paths, tasks_queue, rerequests from bpy.props import ( IntProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, StringProperty, EnumProperty, BoolProperty, PointerProperty, ) import threading import requests import logging bk_logger = logging.getLogger('blenderkit') def upload_rating_thread(url, ratings, headers): ''' Upload rating thread function / disconnected from blender data.''' bk_logger.debug('upload rating ' + url + str(ratings)) for rating_name, score in ratings: if (score != -1 and score != 0): rating_url = url + rating_name + '/' data = { "score": score, # todo this kind of mixing is too much. Should have 2 bkit structures, upload, use } try: r = rerequests.put(rating_url, data=data, verify=True, headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print('ratings upload failed: %s' % str(e)) def send_rating_to_thread_quality(url, ratings, headers): '''Sens rating into thread rating, main purpose is for tasks_queue. One function per property to avoid lost data due to stashing.''' thread = threading.Thread(target=upload_rating_thread, args=(url, ratings, headers)) thread.start() def send_rating_to_thread_work_hours(url, ratings, headers): '''Sens rating into thread rating, main purpose is for tasks_queue. One function per property to avoid lost data due to stashing.''' thread = threading.Thread(target=upload_rating_thread, args=(url, ratings, headers)) thread.start() def update_ratings_quality(self, context): user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences api_key = user_preferences.api_key headers = utils.get_headers(api_key) if not(hasattr(self, 'rating_quality')): # first option is for rating of assets that are from scene asset = self.id_data bkit_ratings = asset.bkit_ratings url = paths.get_api_url() + 'assets/' + asset['asset_data']['id'] + '/rating/' else: # this part is for operator rating: bkit_ratings = self url = paths.get_api_url() + f'assets/{self.asset_id}/rating/' if bkit_ratings.rating_quality > 0.1: ratings = [('quality', bkit_ratings.rating_quality)] tasks_queue.add_task((send_rating_to_thread_quality, (url, ratings, headers)), wait=2.5, only_last=True) def update_ratings_work_hours(self, context): user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences api_key = user_preferences.api_key headers = utils.get_headers(api_key) if not(hasattr(self, 'rating_work_hours')): # first option is for rating of assets that are from scene asset = self.id_data bkit_ratings = asset.bkit_ratings url = paths.get_api_url() + 'assets/' + asset['asset_data']['id'] + '/rating/' else: # this part is for operator rating: bkit_ratings = self url = paths.get_api_url() + f'assets/{self.asset_id}/rating/' if bkit_ratings.rating_work_hours > 0.45: ratings = [('working_hours', round(bkit_ratings.rating_work_hours, 1))] tasks_queue.add_task((send_rating_to_thread_work_hours, (url, ratings, headers)), wait=2.5, only_last=True) def update_quality_ui(self, context): '''Converts the _ui the enum into actual quality number.''' user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences if user_preferences.api_key == '': # ui_panels.draw_not_logged_in(self, message='Please login/signup to rate assets.') # bpy.ops.wm.call_menu(name='OBJECT_MT_blenderkit_login_menu') # return bpy.ops.wm.blenderkit_login('INVOKE_DEFAULT', message='Please login/signup to rate assets. Clicking OK takes you to web login.') # self.rating_quality_ui = '0' self.rating_quality = int(self.rating_quality_ui) def update_ratings_work_hours_ui(self, context): user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences if user_preferences.api_key == '': # ui_panels.draw_not_logged_in(self, message='Please login/signup to rate assets.') # bpy.ops.wm.call_menu(name='OBJECT_MT_blenderkit_login_menu') # return bpy.ops.wm.blenderkit_login('INVOKE_DEFAULT', message='Please login/signup to rate assets. Clicking OK takes you to web login.') # self.rating_work_hours_ui = '0' self.rating_work_hours = float(self.rating_work_hours_ui) def update_ratings_work_hours_ui_1_5(self, context): user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences if user_preferences.api_key == '': # ui_panels.draw_not_logged_in(self, message='Please login/signup to rate assets.') # bpy.ops.wm.call_menu(name='OBJECT_MT_blenderkit_login_menu') # return bpy.ops.wm.blenderkit_login('INVOKE_DEFAULT', message='Please login/signup to rate assets. Clicking OK takes you to web login.') # self.rating_work_hours_ui_1_5 = '0' self.rating_work_hours = float(self.rating_work_hours_ui_1_5) def update_ratings_work_hours_ui_1_10(self, context): user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences if user_preferences.api_key == '': # ui_panels.draw_not_logged_in(self, message='Please login/signup to rate assets.') # bpy.ops.wm.call_menu(name='OBJECT_MT_blenderkit_login_menu') # return bpy.ops.wm.blenderkit_login('INVOKE_DEFAULT', message='Please login/signup to rate assets. Clicking OK takes you to web login.') # self.rating_work_hours_ui_1_5 = '0' # print('updating 1-5') # print(float(self.rating_work_hours_ui_1_5)) self.rating_work_hours = float(self.rating_work_hours_ui_1_10) def stars_enum_callback(self, context): '''regenerates the enum property used to display rating stars, so that there are filled/empty stars correctly.''' items = [] for a in range(0, 10): if self.rating_quality < a + 1: icon = 'SOLO_OFF' else: icon = 'SOLO_ON' # has to have something before the number in the value, otherwise fails on registration. items.append((f'{a + 1}', f'{a + 1}', '', icon, a + 1)) return items class RatingsProperties(): message: StringProperty( name="message", description="message", default="Rating asset", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) asset_id: StringProperty( name="Asset Base Id", description="Unique id of the asset (hidden)", default="", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) asset_name: StringProperty( name="Asset Name", description="Name of the asset (hidden)", default="", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) asset_type: StringProperty( name="Asset type", description="asset type", default="", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) rating_quality: IntProperty(name="Quality", description="quality of the material", default=0, min=-1, max=10, update=update_ratings_quality, options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) # the following enum is only to ease interaction - enums support 'drag over' and enable to draw the stars easily. rating_quality_ui: EnumProperty(name='rating_quality_ui', items=stars_enum_callback, description='Rating stars 0 - 10', default=0, update=update_quality_ui, options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) rating_work_hours: FloatProperty(name="Work Hours", description="How many hours did this work take?", default=0.00, min=0.0, max=300, update=update_ratings_work_hours, options={'SKIP_SAVE'} ) high_rating_warning = "This is a high rating, please be sure to give such rating only to amazing assets" rating_work_hours_ui: EnumProperty(name="Work Hours", description="How many hours did this work take?", items=[('0', '0', ''), ('.5', '0.5', ''), ('1', '1', ''), ('2', '2', ''), ('3', '3', ''), ('4', '4', ''), ('5', '5', ''), ('6', '6', ''), ('8', '8', ''), ('10', '10', ''), ('15', '15', ''), ('20', '20', ''), ('30', '30', high_rating_warning), ('50', '50', high_rating_warning), ('100', '100', high_rating_warning), ('150', '150', high_rating_warning), ('200', '200', high_rating_warning), ('250', '250', high_rating_warning), ], default='0', update=update_ratings_work_hours_ui, options={'SKIP_SAVE'} ) rating_work_hours_ui_1_5: EnumProperty(name="Work Hours", description="How many hours did this work take?", items=[('0', '0', ''), ('.2', '0.2', ''), ('.5', '0.5', ''), ('1', '1', ''), ('2', '2', ''), ('3', '3', ''), ('4', '4', ''), ('5', '5', '') ], default='0', update=update_ratings_work_hours_ui_1_5, options={'SKIP_SAVE'} ) rating_work_hours_ui_1_10: EnumProperty(name="Work Hours", description="How many hours did this work take?", items=[('0', '0', ''), ('1', '1', ''), ('2', '2', ''), ('3', '3', ''), ('4', '4', ''), ('5', '5', ''), ('6', '6', ''), ('7', '7', ''), ('8', '8', ''), ('9', '9', ''), ('10', '10', '') ], default='0', update=update_ratings_work_hours_ui_1_10, options={'SKIP_SAVE'} )