# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### from blenderkit import paths, utils, categories, ui, colors, bkit_oauth, version_checker, tasks_queue, rerequests, \ resolutions, image_utils, ratings_utils import blenderkit from bpy.app.handlers import persistent from bpy.props import ( # TODO only keep the ones actually used when cleaning IntProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, StringProperty, EnumProperty, BoolProperty, PointerProperty, ) from bpy.types import ( Operator, Panel, AddonPreferences, PropertyGroup, UIList ) import requests, os, random import time import threading import platform import bpy import copy import json import math import unicodedata import urllib import queue import logging bk_logger = logging.getLogger('blenderkit') search_start_time = 0 prev_time = 0 def check_errors(rdata): if rdata.get('statusCode') and int(rdata.get('statusCode')) > 299: utils.p(rdata) if rdata.get('detail') == 'Invalid token.': user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences if user_preferences.api_key != '': if user_preferences.enable_oauth: bkit_oauth.refresh_token_thread() return False, rdata.get('detail') return False, 'Use login panel to connect your profile.' else: return False, rdata.get('detail') if rdata.get('statusCode') is None and rdata.get('results') is None: return False, 'Connection error' return True, '' search_threads = [] thumb_workers_sml = [] thumb_workers_full = [] thumb_sml_download_threads = queue.Queue() thumb_full_download_threads = queue.Queue() reports_queue = queue.Queue() all_thumbs_loaded = True rtips = ['Click or drag model or material in scene to link/append ', "Please rate responsively and plentifully. This helps us distribute rewards to the authors.", "Click on brushes to link them into scene.", "All materials are free.", "Storage for public assets is unlimited.", "Locked models are available if you subscribe to Full plan.", "Login to upload your own models, materials or brushes.", "Use 'A' key over asset bar to search assets by same author.", "Use 'W' key over asset bar to open Authors webpage.", ] def refresh_token_timer(): ''' this timer gets run every time the token needs refresh. It refreshes tokens and also categories.''' utils.p('refresh timer') user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences fetch_server_data() categories.load_categories() return max(3600, user_preferences.api_key_life - 3600) def update_ad(ad): if not ad.get('assetBaseId'): try: ad['assetBaseId'] = ad['asset_base_id'] # this should stay ONLY for compatibility with older scenes ad['assetType'] = ad['asset_type'] # this should stay ONLY for compatibility with older scenes ad['verificationStatus'] = ad[ 'verification_status'] # this should stay ONLY for compatibility with older scenes ad['author'] = {} ad['author']['id'] = ad['author_id'] # this should stay ONLY for compatibility with older scenes ad['canDownload'] = ad['can_download'] # this should stay ONLY for compatibility with older scenes except Exception as e: bk_logger.error('BlenderKit failed to update older asset data') return ad def update_assets_data(): # updates assets data on scene load. '''updates some properties that were changed on scenes with older assets. The properties were mainly changed from snake_case to CamelCase to fit the data that is coming from the server. ''' data = bpy.data datablocks = [ bpy.data.objects, bpy.data.materials, bpy.data.brushes, ] for dtype in datablocks: for block in dtype: if block.get('asset_data') != None: update_ad(block['asset_data']) dicts = [ 'assets used', # 'assets rated',# assets rated stores only true/false, not asset data. ] for s in bpy.data.scenes: for bkdict in dicts: d = s.get(bkdict) if not d: continue; for asset_id in d.keys(): update_ad(d[asset_id]) # bpy.context.scene['assets used'][ad] = ad def purge_search_results(): ''' clean up search results on save/load.''' s = bpy.context.scene sr_props = [ 'search results', 'search results orig', ] asset_types = ['model', 'material', 'scene', 'hdr', 'brush'] for at in asset_types: sr_props.append('bkit {at} search') sr_props.append('bkit {at} search orig') for sr_prop in sr_props: if s.get(sr_prop): del (s[sr_prop]) @persistent def scene_load(context): ''' Loads categories , checks timers registration, and updates scene asset data. Should (probably)also update asset data from server (after user consent) ''' wm = bpy.context.window_manager purge_search_results() fetch_server_data() categories.load_categories() if not bpy.app.timers.is_registered(refresh_token_timer) and not bpy.app.background: bpy.app.timers.register(refresh_token_timer, persistent=True, first_interval=36000) update_assets_data() def fetch_server_data(): ''' download categories , profile, and refresh token if needed.''' if not bpy.app.background: user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences api_key = user_preferences.api_key # Only refresh new type of tokens(by length), and only one hour before the token timeouts. if user_preferences.enable_oauth and \ len(user_preferences.api_key) < 38 and len(user_preferences.api_key) > 0 and \ user_preferences.api_key_timeout < time.time() + 3600: bkit_oauth.refresh_token_thread() if api_key != '' and bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit profile') == None: get_profile() if bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit_categories') is None: categories.fetch_categories_thread(api_key, force=False) first_time = True last_clipboard = '' def check_clipboard(): ''' Checks clipboard for an exact string containing asset ID. The string is generated on www.blenderkit.com as for example here: https://www.blenderkit.com/get-blenderkit/54ff5c85-2c73-49e9-ba80-aec18616a408/ ''' # clipboard monitoring to search assets from web if platform.system() != 'Linux': global last_clipboard if bpy.context.window_manager.clipboard != last_clipboard: last_clipboard = bpy.context.window_manager.clipboard instr = 'asset_base_id:' # first check if contains asset id, then asset type if last_clipboard[:len(instr)] == instr: atstr = 'asset_type:' ati = last_clipboard.find(atstr) # this only checks if the asset_type keyword is there but let's the keywords update function do the parsing. if ati > -1: search_props = utils.get_search_props() search_props.search_keywords = last_clipboard # don't run search after this - assigning to keywords runs the search_update function. def parse_result(r): ''' needed to generate some extra data in the result(by now) Parameters ---------- r - search result, also called asset_data ''' scene = bpy.context.scene # TODO remove this fix when filesSize is fixed. # this is a temporary fix for too big numbers from the server. # try: # r['filesSize'] = int(r['filesSize'] / 1024) # except: # utils.p('asset with no files-size') asset_type = r['assetType'] if len(r['files']) > 0: # TODO remove this condition so all assets are parsed. get_author(r) r['available_resolutions'] = [] allthumbs = [] durl, tname, small_tname = '', '', '' if r['assetType'] == 'hdr': tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(r['thumbnailLargeUrlNonsquared']) else: tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(r['thumbnailMiddleUrl']) small_tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(r['thumbnailSmallUrl']) allthumbs.append(tname) # TODO just first thumb is used now. # if r['fileType'] == 'thumbnail': # tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnailLarge']) # small_tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnail']) # allthumbs.append(tname) # TODO just first thumb is used now. for f in r['files']: # if f['fileType'] == 'thumbnail': # tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnailLarge']) # small_tname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnail']) # allthumbs.append(tname) # TODO just first thumb is used now. if f['fileType'] == 'blend': durl = f['downloadUrl'].split('?')[0] # fname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['filePath']) if f['fileType'].find('resolution') > -1: r['available_resolutions'].append(resolutions.resolutions[f['fileType']]) # code for more thumbnails # tdict = {} # for i, t in enumerate(allthumbs): # tdict['thumbnail_%i'] = t r['max_resolution'] = 0 if r['available_resolutions']: # should check only for non-empty sequences r['max_resolution'] = max(r['available_resolutions']) # tooltip = generate_tooltip(r) # for some reason, the id was still int on some occurances. investigate this. r['author']['id'] = str(r['author']['id']) # some helper props, but generally shouldn't be renaming/duplifiying original properties, # so blender's data is same as on server. asset_data = {'thumbnail': tname, 'thumbnail_small': small_tname, # 'tooltip': tooltip, } asset_data['downloaded'] = 0 # parse extra params needed for blender here params = r['dictParameters'] # utils.params_to_dict(r['parameters']) if asset_type == 'model': if params.get('boundBoxMinX') != None: bbox = { 'bbox_min': ( float(params['boundBoxMinX']), float(params['boundBoxMinY']), float(params['boundBoxMinZ'])), 'bbox_max': ( float(params['boundBoxMaxX']), float(params['boundBoxMaxY']), float(params['boundBoxMaxZ'])) } else: bbox = { 'bbox_min': (-.5, -.5, 0), 'bbox_max': (.5, .5, 1) } asset_data.update(bbox) if asset_type == 'material': asset_data['texture_size_meters'] = params.get('textureSizeMeters', 1.0) # asset_data.update(tdict) au = scene.get('assets used', {}) if au == {}: scene['assets used'] = au if r['assetBaseId'] in au.keys(): asset_data['downloaded'] = 100 # transcribe all urls already fetched from the server r_previous = au[r['assetBaseId']] if r_previous.get('files'): for f in r_previous['files']: if f.get('url'): for f1 in r['files']: if f1['fileType'] == f['fileType']: f1['url'] = f['url'] # attempt to switch to use original data gradually, since the parsing as itself should become obsolete. asset_data.update(r) return asset_data # @bpy.app.handlers.persistent def search_timer(): # this makes a first search after opening blender. showing latest assets. # utils.p('timer search') # utils.p('start search timer') global first_time preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences if first_time and not bpy.app.background: # first time first_time = False if preferences.show_on_start: # TODO here it should check if there are some results, and only open assetbar if this is the case, not search. # if bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results') is None: search() # preferences.first_run = False if preferences.tips_on_start: utils.get_largest_area() ui.update_ui_size(ui.active_area_pointer, ui.active_region_pointer) ui.add_report(text='BlenderKit Tip: ' + random.choice(rtips), timeout=12, color=colors.GREEN) # utils.p('end search timer') return 3.0 # if preferences.first_run: # search() # preferences.first_run = False # check_clipboard() # finish loading thumbs from queues global all_thumbs_loaded if not all_thumbs_loaded: ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI search_name = f'bkit {ui_props.asset_type.lower()} search' wm = bpy.context.window_manager if wm.get(search_name) is not None: all_loaded = True for ri, r in enumerate(wm[search_name]): if not r.get('thumb_small_loaded'): all_loaded = all_loaded and load_preview(r, ri) all_thumbs_loaded = all_loaded global search_threads if len(search_threads) == 0: # utils.p('end search timer') props = utils.get_search_props() props.is_searching = False return 1.0 # don't do anything while dragging - this could switch asset during drag, and make results list length different, # causing a lot of throuble. if bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI.dragging: # utils.p('end search timer') return 0.5 for thread in search_threads: # TODO this doesn't check all processes when one gets removed, # but most of the time only one is running anyway if not thread[0].is_alive(): search_threads.remove(thread) # icons_dir = thread[1] scene = bpy.context.scene # these 2 lines should update the previews enum and set the first result as active. wm = bpy.context.window_manager asset_type = thread[2] props = utils.get_search_props() search_name = f'bkit {asset_type} search' if not thread[0].params.get('get_next'): # wm[search_name] = [] result_field = [] else: result_field = [] for r in wm[search_name]: result_field.append(r.to_dict()) global reports_queue while not reports_queue.empty(): props.report = str(reports_queue.get()) # utils.p('end search timer') return .2 rdata = thread[0].result ok, error = check_errors(rdata) if ok: ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI orig_len = len(result_field) for ri, r in enumerate(rdata['results']): asset_data = parse_result(r) if asset_data != None: result_field.append(asset_data) all_thumbs_loaded = all_thumbs_loaded and load_preview(asset_data, ri + orig_len) # Get ratings from BlenderKit server user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences api_key = user_preferences.api_key headers = utils.get_headers(api_key) if utils.profile_is_validator(): for r in rdata['results']: if ratings_utils.get_rating_local(r['id']) is None: rating_thread = threading.Thread(target=ratings_utils.get_rating, args=([r['id'], headers]), daemon=True) rating_thread.start() wm[search_name] = result_field wm['search results'] = result_field # rdata=['results']=[] wm[search_name + ' orig'] = rdata wm['search results orig'] = rdata if len(result_field) < ui_props.scroll_offset or not (thread[0].params.get('get_next')): # jump back ui_props.scroll_offset = 0 props.search_error = False props.report = 'Found %i results. ' % (wm['search results orig']['count']) if len(wm['search results']) == 0: tasks_queue.add_task((ui.add_report, ('No matching results found.',))) # undo push # bpy.ops.wm.undo_push_context(message='Get BlenderKit search') # show asset bar automatically, but only on first page - others are loaded also when asset bar is hidden. if not ui_props.assetbar_on and not thread[0].params.get('get_next'): bpy.ops.object.run_assetbar_fix_context() else: bk_logger.error(error) props.report = error props.search_error = True props.is_searching = False # print('finished search thread') mt('preview loading finished') # utils.p('end search timer') if not all_thumbs_loaded: return .1 return .3 def load_preview(asset, index): scene = bpy.context.scene # FIRST START SEARCH props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI directory = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % props.asset_type.lower()) s = bpy.context.scene results = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results') loaded = True tpath = os.path.join(directory, asset['thumbnail_small']) if not asset['thumbnail_small'] or asset['thumbnail_small'] == '' or not os.path.exists(tpath): # tpath = paths.get_addon_thumbnail_path('thumbnail_notready.jpg') asset['thumb_small_loaded'] = False iname = utils.previmg_name(index) # if os.path.exists(tpath): # sometimes we are unlucky... img = bpy.data.images.get(iname) if img is None: if not os.path.exists(tpath): return False # wrap into try statement since sometimes try: img = bpy.data.images.load(tpath) img.name = iname except: return False elif img.filepath != tpath: if not os.path.exists(tpath): # unload loaded previews from previous results bpy.data.images.remove(img) return False # had to add this check for autopacking files... if bpy.data.use_autopack and img.packed_file is not None: img.unpack(method='USE_ORIGINAL') img.filepath = tpath try: img.reload() except: return False if asset['assetType'] == 'hdr': # to display hdr thumbnails correctly, we use non-color, otherwise looks shifted image_utils.set_colorspace(img, 'Non-Color') else: image_utils.set_colorspace(img, 'sRGB') asset['thumb_small_loaded'] = True return True def load_previews(): scene = bpy.context.scene # FIRST START SEARCH props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI directory = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % props.asset_type.lower()) s = bpy.context.scene results = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results') # if results is not None: i = 0 for r in results: load_preview(r, i) i += 1 # line splitting for longer texts... def split_subs(text, threshold=40): if text == '': return [] # temporarily disable this, to be able to do this in drawing code text = text.rstrip() text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n') lines = [] while len(text) > threshold: # first handle if there's an \n line ending i_rn = text.find('\n') if 1 < i_rn < threshold: i = i_rn text = text.replace('\n', '', 1) else: i = text.rfind(' ', 0, threshold) i1 = text.rfind(',', 0, threshold) i2 = text.rfind('.', 0, threshold) i = max(i, i1, i2) if i <= 0: i = threshold lines.append(text[:i]) text = text[i:] lines.append(text) return lines def list_to_str(input): output = '' for i, text in enumerate(input): output += text if i < len(input) - 1: output += ', ' return output def writeblock(t, input, width=40): # for longer texts dlines = split_subs(input, threshold=width) for i, l in enumerate(dlines): t += '%s\n' % l return t def writeblockm(tooltip, mdata, key='', pretext=None, width=40): # for longer texts if mdata.get(key) == None: return tooltip else: intext = mdata[key] if type(intext) == list: intext = list_to_str(intext) if type(intext) == float: intext = round(intext, 3) intext = str(intext) if intext.rstrip() == '': return tooltip if pretext == None: pretext = key if pretext != '': pretext = pretext + ': ' text = pretext + intext dlines = split_subs(text, threshold=width) for i, l in enumerate(dlines): tooltip += '%s\n' % l return tooltip def has(mdata, prop): if mdata.get(prop) is not None and mdata[prop] is not None and mdata[prop] is not False: return True else: return False def generate_tooltip(mdata): col_w = 40 if type(mdata['parameters']) == list: mparams = utils.params_to_dict(mdata['parameters']) else: mparams = mdata['parameters'] t = '' t = writeblock(t, mdata['displayName'], width=int(col_w * .6)) # t += '\n' # t = writeblockm(t, mdata, key='description', pretext='', width=col_w) return t def get_random_tip(): t = '' tip = 'Tip: ' + random.choice(rtips) t = writeblock(t, tip) return t def generate_author_textblock(adata): t = '' if adata not in (None, ''): col_w = 2000 if len(adata['firstName'] + adata['lastName']) > 0: t = '%s %s\n' % (adata['firstName'], adata['lastName']) t += '\n' if adata.get('aboutMe') is not None: t = writeblockm(t, adata, key='aboutMe', pretext='', width=col_w) return t def download_image(session, url, filepath): r = None try: r = session.get(url, stream=False) except Exception as e: bk_logger.error('Thumbnail download failed') bk_logger.error(str(e)) if r and r.status_code == 200: with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) def thumb_download_worker(queue_sml, queue_full): # print('thumb downloader', self.url) # utils.p('start thumbdownloader thread') while 1: session = None # start a session only for single search usually, if users starts scrolling, the session might last longer if # queue gets filled. if not queue_sml.empty() or not queue_full.empty(): if session is None: session = requests.Session() while not queue_sml.empty(): # first empty the small thumbs queue url, filepath = queue_sml.get() download_image(session, url, filepath) exit_full = False # download full resolution image, but only if no small thumbs are waiting. If there are small while not queue_full.empty() and queue_sml.empty(): url, filepath = queue_full.get() download_image(session, url, filepath) if queue_sml.empty() and queue_full.empty(): if session is not None: session.close() session = None time.sleep(.5) def write_gravatar(a_id, gravatar_path): ''' Write down gravatar path, as a result of thread-based gravatar image download. This should happen on timer in queue. ''' # print('write author', a_id, type(a_id)) authors = bpy.context.window_manager['bkit authors'] if authors.get(a_id) is not None: adata = authors.get(a_id) adata['gravatarImg'] = gravatar_path def fetch_gravatar(adata): ''' Gets avatars from blenderkit server Parameters ---------- adata - author data from elastic search result ''' # utils.p('fetch gravatar') # fetch new avatars if available already if adata.get('avatar128') is not None: avatar_path = paths.get_temp_dir(subdir='bkit_g/') + adata['id'] + '.jpg' if os.path.exists(avatar_path): tasks_queue.add_task((write_gravatar, (adata['id'], avatar_path))) return; url = paths.get_bkit_url() + adata['avatar128'] r = rerequests.get(url, stream=False) # print(r.body) if r.status_code == 200: # print(url) # print(r.headers['content-disposition']) with open(avatar_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) tasks_queue.add_task((write_gravatar, (adata['id'], avatar_path))) elif r.status_code == '404': adata['avatar128'] = None utils.p('avatar for author not available.') return # older gravatar code if adata.get('gravatarHash') is not None: gravatar_path = paths.get_temp_dir(subdir='bkit_g/') + adata['gravatarHash'] + '.jpg' if os.path.exists(gravatar_path): tasks_queue.add_task((write_gravatar, (adata['id'], gravatar_path))) return; url = "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" + adata['gravatarHash'] + '?d=404' r = rerequests.get(url, stream=False) if r.status_code == 200: with open(gravatar_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) tasks_queue.add_task((write_gravatar, (adata['id'], gravatar_path))) elif r.status_code == '404': adata['gravatarHash'] = None utils.p('gravatar for author not available.') fetching_gravatars = {} def get_author(r): ''' Writes author info (now from search results) and fetches gravatar if needed.''' global fetching_gravatars a_id = str(r['author']['id']) preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences authors = bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit authors', {}) if authors == {}: bpy.context.window_manager['bkit authors'] = authors a = authors.get(a_id) if a is None: # or a is '' or (a.get('gravatarHash') is not None and a.get('gravatarImg') is None): a = r['author'] a['id'] = a_id a['tooltip'] = generate_author_textblock(a) authors[a_id] = a if fetching_gravatars.get(a['id']) is None: fetching_gravatars[a['id']] = True thread = threading.Thread(target=fetch_gravatar, args=(a.copy(),), daemon=True) thread.start() return a def write_profile(adata): utils.p('writing profile information') user = adata['user'] # we have to convert to MiB here, numbers too big for python int type if user.get('sumAssetFilesSize') is not None: user['sumAssetFilesSize'] /= (1024 * 1024) if user.get('sumPrivateAssetFilesSize') is not None: user['sumPrivateAssetFilesSize'] /= (1024 * 1024) if user.get('remainingPrivateQuota') is not None: user['remainingPrivateQuota'] /= (1024 * 1024) if adata.get('canEditAllAssets') is True: user['exmenu'] = True else: user['exmenu'] = False bpy.context.window_manager['bkit profile'] = adata def request_profile(api_key): a_url = paths.get_api_url() + 'me/' headers = utils.get_headers(api_key) r = rerequests.get(a_url, headers=headers) adata = r.json() if adata.get('user') is None: utils.p(adata) utils.p('getting profile failed') return None return adata def fetch_profile(api_key): utils.p('fetch profile') try: adata = request_profile(api_key) if adata is not None: tasks_queue.add_task((write_profile, (adata,))) except Exception as e: bk_logger.error(e) def get_profile(): preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences a = bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit profile') thread = threading.Thread(target=fetch_profile, args=(preferences.api_key,), daemon=True) thread.start() return a def query_to_url(query={}, params={}): # build a new request url = paths.get_api_url() + 'search/' # build request manually # TODO use real queries requeststring = '?query=' # if query.get('query') not in ('', None): requeststring += query['query'].lower() for i, q in enumerate(query): if q != 'query': requeststring += '+' requeststring += q + ':' + str(query[q]).lower() # add dict_parameters to make results smaller # result ordering: _score - relevance, score - BlenderKit score order = [] if params['free_first']: order = ['-is_free', ] if query.get('query') is None and query.get('category_subtree') == None: # assumes no keywords and no category, thus an empty search that is triggered on start. # orders by last core file upload if query.get('verification_status') == 'uploaded': # for validators, sort uploaded from oldest order.append('created') else: order.append('-last_upload') elif query.get('author_id') is not None and utils.profile_is_validator(): order.append('-created') else: if query.get('category_subtree') is not None: order.append('-score,_score') else: order.append('_score') if requeststring.find('+order:') == -1: requeststring += '+order:' + ','.join(order) requeststring += '&dict_parameters=1' requeststring += '&page_size=' + str(params['page_size']) requeststring += '&addon_version=%s' % params['addon_version'] if params.get('scene_uuid') is not None: requeststring += '&scene_uuid=%s' % params['scene_uuid'] # print('params', params) urlquery = url + requeststring return urlquery def parse_html_formated_error(text): report = text[text.find('') + 7: text.find('')] return report class Searcher(threading.Thread): query = None def __init__(self, query, params, tempdir='', headers=None, urlquery=''): super(Searcher, self).__init__() self.query = query self.params = params self._stop_event = threading.Event() self.result = {} self.tempdir = tempdir self.headers = headers self.urlquery = urlquery def stop(self): self._stop_event.set() def stopped(self): return self._stop_event.is_set() def run(self): global reports_queue, thumb_sml_download_threads, thumb_full_download_threads maxthreads = 50 query = self.query params = self.params t = time.time() # utils.p('start search thread') mt('search thread started') # tempdir = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % query['asset_type']) # json_filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, '%s_searchresult.json' % query['asset_type']) rdata = {} rdata['results'] = [] try: utils.p(self.urlquery) r = rerequests.get(self.urlquery, headers=self.headers) # , params = rparameters) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: bk_logger.error(e) reports_queue.put(str(e)) # utils.p('end search thread') return mt('search response is back ') try: rdata = r.json() except Exception as e: if hasattr(r, 'text'): error_description = parse_html_formated_error(r.text) reports_queue.put(error_description) tasks_queue.add_task((ui.add_report, (error_description, 10, colors.RED))) bk_logger.error(e) return mt('data parsed ') if not rdata.get('results'): utils.pprint(rdata) # if the result was converted to json and didn't return results, # it means it's a server error that has a clear message. # That's why it gets processed in the update timer, where it can be passed in messages to user. self.result = rdata # utils.p('end search thread') return # print('number of results: ', len(rdata.get('results', []))) if self.stopped(): utils.p('stopping search : ' + str(query)) # utils.p('end search thread') return mt('search finished') i = 0 thumb_small_urls = [] thumb_small_filepaths = [] thumb_full_urls = [] thumb_full_filepaths = [] # END OF PARSING for d in rdata.get('results', []): thumb_small_urls.append(d["thumbnailSmallUrl"]) imgname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(d['thumbnailSmallUrl']) imgpath = os.path.join(self.tempdir, imgname) thumb_small_filepaths.append(imgpath) if d["assetType"] == 'hdr': larege_thumb_url = d['thumbnailLargeUrlNonsquared'] else: larege_thumb_url = d['thumbnailMiddleUrl'] thumb_full_urls.append(larege_thumb_url) imgname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(larege_thumb_url) imgpath = os.path.join(self.tempdir, imgname) thumb_full_filepaths.append(imgpath) # for f in d['files']: # # TODO move validation of published assets to server, too manmy checks here. # if f['fileType'] == 'thumbnail' and f['fileThumbnail'] != None and f['fileThumbnailLarge'] != None: # if f['fileThumbnail'] == None: # f['fileThumbnail'] = 'NONE' # if f['fileThumbnailLarge'] == None: # f['fileThumbnailLarge'] = 'NONE' # # thumb_small_urls.append(f['fileThumbnail']) # thumb_full_urls.append(f['fileThumbnailLarge']) # # imgname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnail']) # imgpath = os.path.join(self.tempdir, imgname) # thumb_small_filepaths.append(imgpath) # # imgname = paths.extract_filename_from_url(f['fileThumbnailLarge']) # imgpath = os.path.join(self.tempdir, imgname) # thumb_full_filepaths.append(imgpath) sml_thbs = zip(thumb_small_filepaths, thumb_small_urls) full_thbs = zip(thumb_full_filepaths, thumb_full_urls) # we save here because a missing thumbnail check is in the previous loop # we can also prepend previous results. These have downloaded thumbnails already... self.result = rdata if self.stopped(): utils.p('stopping search : ' + str(query)) # utils.p('end search thread') return # this loop handles downloading of small thumbnails for imgpath, url in sml_thbs: if not os.path.exists(imgpath): thumb_sml_download_threads.put((url, imgpath)) if self.stopped(): utils.p('stopping search : ' + str(query)) # utils.p('end search thread') return if self.stopped(): # utils.p('end search thread') utils.p('stopping search : ' + str(query)) return # start downloading full thumbs in the end tsession = requests.Session() for imgpath, url in full_thbs: if not os.path.exists(imgpath): thumb_full_download_threads.put((url, imgpath)) # utils.p('end search thread') mt('thumbnails finished') def build_query_common(query, props): '''add shared parameters to query''' query_common = {} if props.search_keywords != '': # keywords = urllib.parse.urlencode(props.search_keywords) keywords = props.search_keywords.replace('&', '%26') query_common["query"] = keywords if props.search_verification_status != 'ALL' and utils.profile_is_validator(): query_common['verification_status'] = props.search_verification_status.lower() if props.unrated_only and utils.profile_is_validator(): query["quality_count"] = 0 if props.search_file_size: query_common["files_size_gte"] = props.search_file_size_min * 1024 * 1024 query_common["files_size_lte"] = props.search_file_size_max * 1024 * 1024 if props.quality_limit > 0: query["quality_gte"] = props.quality_limit query.update(query_common) def build_query_model(): '''use all search input to request results from server''' props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkit_models query = { "asset_type": 'model', # "engine": props.search_engine, # "adult": props.search_adult, } if props.search_style != 'ANY': if props.search_style != 'OTHER': query["model_style"] = props.search_style else: query["model_style"] = props.search_style_other # the 'free_only' parametr gets moved to the search command and is used for ordering the assets as free first # if props.free_only: # query["is_free"] = True if props.search_condition != 'UNSPECIFIED': query["condition"] = props.search_condition if props.search_design_year: query["designYear_gte"] = props.search_design_year_min query["designYear_lte"] = props.search_design_year_max if props.search_polycount: query["faceCount_gte"] = props.search_polycount_min query["faceCount_lte"] = props.search_polycount_max if props.search_texture_resolution: query["textureResolutionMax_gte"] = props.search_texture_resolution_min query["textureResolutionMax_lte"] = props.search_texture_resolution_max build_query_common(query, props) return query def build_query_scene(): '''use all search input to request results from server''' props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkit_scene query = { "asset_type": 'scene', # "engine": props.search_engine, # "adult": props.search_adult, } build_query_common(query, props) return query def build_query_HDR(): '''use all search input to request results from server''' props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkit_HDR query = { "asset_type": 'hdr', # "engine": props.search_engine, # "adult": props.search_adult, } if props.true_hdr: query["trueHDR"] = props.true_hdr build_query_common(query, props) return query def build_query_material(): props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkit_mat query = { "asset_type": 'material', } # if props.search_engine == 'NONE': # query["engine"] = '' # if props.search_engine != 'OTHER': # query["engine"] = props.search_engine # else: # query["engine"] = props.search_engine_other if props.search_style != 'ANY': if props.search_style != 'OTHER': query["style"] = props.search_style else: query["style"] = props.search_style_other if props.search_procedural == 'TEXTURE_BASED': # todo this procedural hack should be replaced with the parameter query["textureResolutionMax_gte"] = 0 # query["procedural"] = False if props.search_texture_resolution: query["textureResolutionMax_gte"] = props.search_texture_resolution_min query["textureResolutionMax_lte"] = props.search_texture_resolution_max elif props.search_procedural == "PROCEDURAL": # todo this procedural hack should be replaced with the parameter query["files_size_lte"] = 1024 * 1024 # query["procedural"] = True build_query_common(query, props) return query def build_query_texture(): props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkit_tex query = { "asset_type": 'texture', } if props.search_style != 'ANY': if props.search_style != 'OTHER': query["search_style"] = props.search_style else: query["search_style"] = props.search_style_other build_query_common(query, props) return query def build_query_brush(): props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkit_brush brush_type = '' if bpy.context.sculpt_object is not None: brush_type = 'sculpt' elif bpy.context.image_paint_object: # could be just else, but for future p brush_type = 'texture_paint' query = { "asset_type": 'brush', "mode": brush_type } build_query_common(query, props) return query def mt(text): global search_start_time, prev_time alltime = time.time() - search_start_time since_last = time.time() - prev_time prev_time = time.time() utils.p(text, alltime, since_last) def add_search_process(query, params): global search_threads, thumb_workers_sml, thumb_workers_full, all_thumbs_loaded while (len(search_threads) > 0): old_thread = search_threads.pop(0) old_thread[0].stop() # TODO CARE HERE FOR ALSO KILLING THE Thumbnail THREADS.? # AT LEAST NOW SEARCH DONE FIRST WON'T REWRITE AN NEWER ONE tempdir = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % query['asset_type']) headers = utils.get_headers(params['api_key']) if params.get('get_next'): urlquery = params['next'] else: urlquery = query_to_url(query, params) if thumb_workers_sml == []: for a in range(0, 8): thread = threading.Thread(target=thumb_download_worker, args=(thumb_sml_download_threads, thumb_full_download_threads), daemon=True) thread.start() thumb_workers_sml.append(thread) all_thumbs_loaded = False thread = Searcher(query, params, tempdir=tempdir, headers=headers, urlquery=urlquery) thread.start() search_threads.append([thread, tempdir, query['asset_type'], {}]) # 4th field is for results mt('search thread started') def get_search_simple(parameters, filepath=None, page_size=100, max_results=100000000, api_key=''): ''' Searches and returns the Parameters ---------- parameters - dict of blenderkit elastic parameters filepath - a file to save the results. If None, results are returned page_size - page size for retrieved results max_results - max results of the search api_key - BlenderKit api key Returns ------- Returns search results as a list, and optionally saves to filepath ''' headers = utils.get_headers(api_key) url = paths.get_api_url() + 'search/' requeststring = url + '?query=' for p in parameters.keys(): requeststring += f'+{p}:{parameters[p]}' requeststring += '&page_size=' + str(page_size) requeststring += '&dict_parameters=1' bk_logger.debug(requeststring) response = rerequests.get(requeststring, headers=headers) # , params = rparameters) # print(response.json()) search_results = response.json() results = [] results.extend(search_results['results']) page_index = 2 page_count = math.ceil(search_results['count'] / page_size) while search_results.get('next') and len(results) < max_results: bk_logger.info(f'getting page {page_index} , total pages {page_count}') response = rerequests.get(search_results['next'], headers=headers) # , params = rparameters) search_results = response.json() # print(search_results) results.extend(search_results['results']) page_index += 1 if not filepath: return results with open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as s: json.dump(results, s, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) bk_logger.info(f'retrieved {len(results)} assets from elastic search') return results def get_single_asset(asset_base_id): preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences params = { 'asset_base_id': asset_base_id } results = get_search_simple(params, api_key=preferences.api_key) if len(results)>0: return results[0] return None def search(category='', get_next=False, author_id=''): ''' initialize searching''' global search_start_time # print(category,get_next,author_id) user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences search_start_time = time.time() # mt('start') scene = bpy.context.scene wm = bpy.context.window_manager ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI props = utils.get_search_props() if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL': if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_models'): return; query = build_query_model() if ui_props.asset_type == 'SCENE': if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_scene'): return; query = build_query_scene() if ui_props.asset_type == 'HDR': if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_HDR'): return; query = build_query_HDR() if ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL': if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_mat'): return; query = build_query_material() if ui_props.asset_type == 'TEXTURE': if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_tex'): return; # props = scene.blenderkit_tex # query = build_query_texture() if ui_props.asset_type == 'BRUSH': if not hasattr(wm, 'blenderkit_brush'): return; query = build_query_brush() # crop long searches if query.get('query'): if len(query['query']) > 50: query['query'] = strip_accents(query['query']) if len(query['query']) > 150: idx = query['query'].find(' ', 142) query['query'] = query['query'][:idx] # it's possible get_next was requested more than once. # print(category,props.is_searching, get_next) # print(query) if props.is_searching and get_next == True: # print('return because of get next and searching is happening') return; if category != '': if utils.profile_is_validator() and user_preferences.categories_fix: query['category'] = category else: query['category_subtree'] = category if author_id != '': query['author_id'] = author_id elif props.own_only: # if user searches for [another] author, 'only my assets' is invalid. that's why in elif. profile = bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit profile') if profile is not None: query['author_id'] = str(profile['user']['id']) # utils.p('searching') props.is_searching = True page_size = min(30, ui_props.wcount * user_preferences.max_assetbar_rows) params = { 'scene_uuid': bpy.context.scene.get('uuid', None), 'addon_version': version_checker.get_addon_version(), 'api_key': user_preferences.api_key, 'get_next': get_next, 'free_first': props.free_only, 'page_size': page_size, } orig_results = bpy.context.window_manager.get(f'bkit {ui_props.asset_type.lower()} search orig') if orig_results is not None and get_next: params['next'] = orig_results['next'] add_search_process(query, params) tasks_queue.add_task((ui.add_report, ('BlenderKit searching....', 2))) props.report = 'BlenderKit searching....' def update_filters(): sprops = utils.get_search_props() ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI fcommon = sprops.own_only or \ sprops.search_texture_resolution or \ sprops.search_file_size or \ sprops.search_procedural != 'BOTH' or \ sprops.free_only or \ sprops.quality_limit > 0 if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL': sprops.use_filters = fcommon or \ sprops.search_style != 'ANY' or \ sprops.search_condition != 'UNSPECIFIED' or \ sprops.search_design_year or \ sprops.search_polycount elif ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL': sprops.use_filters = fcommon elif ui_props.asset_type == 'HDR': sprops.use_filters = sprops.true_hdr def search_update(self, context): utils.p('search updater') # if self.search_keywords != '': update_filters() ui_props = bpy.context.window_manager.blenderkitUI if ui_props.down_up != 'SEARCH': ui_props.down_up = 'SEARCH' # here we tweak the input if it comes form the clipboard. we need to get rid of asset type and set it in UI sprops = utils.get_search_props() instr = 'asset_base_id:' atstr = 'asset_type:' kwds = sprops.search_keywords idi = kwds.find(instr) ati = kwds.find(atstr) # if the asset type already isn't there it means this update function # was triggered by it's last iteration and needs to cancel if ati > -1: at = kwds[ati:].lower() # uncertain length of the remaining string - find as better method to check the presence of asset type if at.find('model') > -1: ui_props.asset_type = 'MODEL' elif at.find('material') > -1: ui_props.asset_type = 'MATERIAL' elif at.find('brush') > -1: ui_props.asset_type = 'BRUSH' elif at.find('scene') > -1: ui_props.asset_type = 'SCENE' elif at.find('hdr') > -1: ui_props.asset_type = 'HDR' # now we trim the input copypaste by anything extra that is there, # this is also a way for this function to recognize that it already has parsed the clipboard # the search props can have changed and this needs to transfer the data to the other field # this complex behaviour is here for the case where the user needs to paste manually into blender? sprops = utils.get_search_props() sprops.search_keywords = kwds[:ati].rstrip() # return here since writing into search keywords triggers this update function once more. return # print('search update search') search() # accented_string is of type 'unicode' def strip_accents(s): return ''.join(c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn') class SearchOperator(Operator): """Tooltip""" bl_idname = "view3d.blenderkit_search" bl_label = "BlenderKit asset search" bl_description = "Search online for assets" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'} esc: BoolProperty(name="Escape window", description="Escape window right after start", default=False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'} ) own: BoolProperty(name="own assets only", description="Find all own assets", default=False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) category: StringProperty( name="category", description="search only subtree of this category", default="", options={'SKIP_SAVE'} ) author_id: StringProperty( name="Author ID", description="Author ID - search only assets by this author", default="", options={'SKIP_SAVE'} ) get_next: BoolProperty(name="next page", description="get next page from previous search", default=False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'} ) keywords: StringProperty( name="Keywords", description="Keywords", default="", options={'SKIP_SAVE'} ) # close_window: BoolProperty(name='Close window', # description='Try to close the window below mouse before download', # default=False) tooltip: bpy.props.StringProperty(default='Runs search and displays the asset bar at the same time') @classmethod def description(cls, context, properties): return properties.tooltip @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def execute(self, context): # TODO ; this should all get transferred to properties of the search operator, so sprops don't have to be fetched here at all. if self.esc: bpy.ops.view3d.close_popup_button('INVOKE_DEFAULT') sprops = utils.get_search_props() if self.author_id != '': sprops.search_keywords = '' if self.keywords != '': sprops.search_keywords = self.keywords search(category=self.category, get_next=self.get_next, author_id=self.author_id) # bpy.ops.view3d.blenderkit_asset_bar() return {'FINISHED'} # def invoke(self, context, event): # if self.close_window: # context.window.cursor_warp(event.mouse_x, event.mouse_y - 100); # context.area.tag_redraw() # # context.window.cursor_warp(event.mouse_x, event.mouse_y); # return self. execute(context) class UrlOperator(Operator): """""" bl_idname = "wm.blenderkit_url" bl_label = "" bl_description = "Search online for assets" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'} tooltip: bpy.props.StringProperty(default='Open a web page') url: bpy.props.StringProperty(default='Runs search and displays the asset bar at the same time') @classmethod def description(cls, context, properties): return properties.tooltip def execute(self, context): bpy.ops.wm.url_open(url=self.url) return {'FINISHED'} class TooltipLabelOperator(Operator): """""" bl_idname = "wm.blenderkit_tooltip" bl_label = "" bl_description = "Empty operator to be able to create tooltips on labels in UI" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'} tooltip: bpy.props.StringProperty(default='Open a web page') @classmethod def description(cls, context, properties): return properties.tooltip def execute(self, context): return {'FINISHED'} classes = [ SearchOperator, UrlOperator, TooltipLabelOperator ] def register_search(): bpy.app.handlers.load_post.append(scene_load) for c in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(c) user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences if user_preferences.use_timers and not bpy.app.background: bpy.app.timers.register(search_timer) categories.load_categories() def unregister_search(): bpy.app.handlers.load_post.remove(scene_load) for c in classes: bpy.utils.unregister_class(c) if bpy.app.timers.is_registered(search_timer): bpy.app.timers.unregister(search_timer)