# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # PEP8 compliant (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008) bl_info = { "name": "Is key Free", "author": "Antonio Vazquez (antonioya)", "version": (1, 0, 2), "blender": (2, 6, 9), "location": "Properties pane > IsKeyFree Tools", "description": "Find free shortcuts and inform of used keys", "category": "Development"} import bpy from bpy.props import ( StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty, ) from bpy.types import ( Operator, Panel, PropertyGroup, ) # ------------------------------------------------------ # Class to find keymaps # ------------------------------------------------------ class MyChecker(): lastfind = None lastkey = None mylist = [] # Init def __init__(self): self.var = 5 # Verify if the key is used @classmethod def check(cls, findkey, ctrl, alt, shift, oskey): if len(findkey) > 0: cmd = "" if ctrl is True: cmd += "Ctrl+" if alt is True: cmd += "Alt+" if shift is True: cmd += "Shift+" if oskey is True: cmd += "OsKey+" cls.lastfind = cmd + findkey.upper() cls.lastkey = findkey.upper() else: cls.lastfind = None cls.lastkey = None wm = bpy.context.window_manager mykeys = [] for context, keyboardmap in wm.keyconfigs.user.keymaps.items(): for myitem in keyboardmap.keymap_items: if myitem.active is True and myitem.type == findkey: if ctrl is True and myitem.ctrl is not True: continue if alt is True and myitem.alt is not True: continue if shift is True and myitem.shift is not True: continue if oskey is True and myitem.oskey is not True: continue t = (context, myitem.type, "Ctrl" if myitem.ctrl is True else "", "Alt" if myitem.alt is True else "", "Shift" if myitem.shift is True else "", "OsKey" if myitem.oskey is True else "", myitem.name) mykeys.append(t) sortkeys = sorted(mykeys, key=lambda key: (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4], key[5])) cls.mylist.clear() for e in sortkeys: cmd = "" if e[2] is not "": cmd += e[2] + "+" if e[3] is not "": cmd += e[3] + "+" if e[4] is not "": cmd += e[4] + "+" if e[5] is not "": cmd += e[5] + "+" cmd += e[1] if e[6] is not "": cmd += " " + e[6] cls.mylist.append([e[0], cmd]) # return context @classmethod def getcontext(cls): return str(bpy.context.screen.name) # return last search @classmethod def getlast(cls): return cls.lastfind # return last key @classmethod def getlastkey(cls): return cls.lastkey # return result of last search @classmethod def getlist(cls): return cls.mylist # verify if key is valid @classmethod def isvalidkey(cls, txt): allkeys = [ "LEFTMOUSE", "MIDDLEMOUSE", "RIGHTMOUSE", "BUTTON4MOUSE", "BUTTON5MOUSE", "BUTTON6MOUSE", "BUTTON7MOUSE", "ACTIONMOUSE", "SELECTMOUSE", "MOUSEMOVE", "INBETWEEN_MOUSEMOVE", "TRACKPADPAN", "TRACKPADZOOM", "MOUSEROTATE", "WHEELUPMOUSE", "WHEELDOWNMOUSE", "WHEELINMOUSE", "WHEELOUTMOUSE", "EVT_TWEAK_L", "EVT_TWEAK_M", "EVT_TWEAK_R", "EVT_TWEAK_A", "EVT_TWEAK_S", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "ZERO", "ONE", "TWO", "THREE", "FOUR", "FIVE", "SIX", "SEVEN", "EIGHT", "NINE", "LEFT_CTRL", "LEFT_ALT", "LEFT_SHIFT", "RIGHT_ALT", "RIGHT_CTRL", "RIGHT_SHIFT", "OSKEY", "GRLESS", "ESC", "TAB", "RET", "SPACE", "LINE_FEED", "BACK_SPACE", "DEL", "SEMI_COLON", "PERIOD", "COMMA", "QUOTE", "ACCENT_GRAVE", "MINUS", "SLASH", "BACK_SLASH", "EQUAL", "LEFT_BRACKET", "RIGHT_BRACKET", "LEFT_ARROW", "DOWN_ARROW", "RIGHT_ARROW", "UP_ARROW", "NUMPAD_2", "NUMPAD_4", "NUMPAD_6", "NUMPAD_8", "NUMPAD_1", "NUMPAD_3", "NUMPAD_5", "NUMPAD_7", "NUMPAD_9", "NUMPAD_PERIOD", "NUMPAD_SLASH", "NUMPAD_ASTERIX", "NUMPAD_0", "NUMPAD_MINUS", "NUMPAD_ENTER", "NUMPAD_PLUS", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F13", "F14", "F15", "F16", "F17", "F18", "F19", "PAUSE", "INSERT", "HOME", "PAGE_UP", "PAGE_DOWN", "END", "MEDIA_PLAY", "MEDIA_STOP", "MEDIA_FIRST", "MEDIA_LAST", "TEXTINPUT", "WINDOW_DEACTIVATE", "TIMER", "TIMER0", "TIMER1", "TIMER2", "TIMER_JOBS", "TIMER_AUTOSAVE", "TIMER_REPORT", "TIMERREGION", "NDOF_MOTION", "NDOF_BUTTON_MENU", "NDOF_BUTTON_FIT", "NDOF_BUTTON_TOP", "NDOF_BUTTON_BOTTOM", "NDOF_BUTTON_LEFT", "NDOF_BUTTON_RIGHT", "NDOF_BUTTON_FRONT", "NDOF_BUTTON_BACK", "NDOF_BUTTON_ISO1", "NDOF_BUTTON_ISO2", "NDOF_BUTTON_ROLL_CW", "NDOF_BUTTON_ROLL_CCW", "NDOF_BUTTON_SPIN_CW", "NDOF_BUTTON_SPIN_CCW", "NDOF_BUTTON_TILT_CW", "NDOF_BUTTON_TILT_CCW", "NDOF_BUTTON_ROTATE", "NDOF_BUTTON_PANZOOM", "NDOF_BUTTON_DOMINANT", "NDOF_BUTTON_PLUS", "NDOF_BUTTON_MINUS", "NDOF_BUTTON_ESC", "NDOF_BUTTON_ALT", "NDOF_BUTTON_SHIFT", "NDOF_BUTTON_CTRL", "NDOF_BUTTON_1", "NDOF_BUTTON_2", "NDOF_BUTTON_3", "NDOF_BUTTON_4", "NDOF_BUTTON_5", "NDOF_BUTTON_6", "NDOF_BUTTON_7", "NDOF_BUTTON_8", "NDOF_BUTTON_9", "NDOF_BUTTON_10", "NDOF_BUTTON_A", "NDOF_BUTTON_B", "NDOF_BUTTON_C" ] try: allkeys.index(txt) return True except ValueError: return False mychecker = MyChecker() # Global class handler # ------------------------------------------------------ # Button: Class for search button # ------------------------------------------------------ class RunActionCheck(Operator): bl_idname = "iskeyfree.action_check" bl_label = "" bl_description = "Verify if the selected shortcut is free" # ------------------------------ # Execute # ------------------------------ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene.is_keyfree txt = scene.data.upper() global mychecker mychecker.check(txt, scene.use_crtl, scene.use_alt, scene.use_shift, scene.use_oskey) return {'FINISHED'} # ------------------------------------------------------ # Defines UI panel # ------------------------------------------------------ class UIControlPanel(Panel): bl_space_type = "TEXT_EDITOR" bl_region_type = "UI" bl_label = "Is Key Free" # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene.is_keyfree row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(scene, "data") row.operator("iskeyfree.action_check", icon="VIEWZOOM") row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(scene, "use_crtl", toggle=True) row.prop(scene, "use_alt", toggle=True) row.prop(scene, "use_shift", toggle=True) row.prop(scene, "use_oskey", toggle=True) row = layout.row() row.prop(scene, "numpad") global mychecker mylist = mychecker.getlist() oldcontext = None box = None if len(mylist) > 0: cmd = mychecker.getlast() if cmd is not None: row = layout.row() row.label("Current uses of " + str(cmd), icon="PARTICLE_DATA") for e in mylist: if oldcontext != e[0]: box = layout.box() box.label(e[0], icon="UNPINNED") oldcontext = e[0] row = box.row(align=True) row.label(e[1]) else: cmd = mychecker.getlast() if cmd is not None: box = layout.box() if mychecker.isvalidkey(mychecker.getlastkey()) is False: box.label(str(mychecker.getlastkey()) + " looks not valid key", icon="ERROR") else: box.label(str(cmd) + " is free", icon="FILE_TICK") # ------------------------------------------------------ # Update key (special values) event handler # ------------------------------------------------------ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def update_data(self, context): scene = context.scene.is_keyfree if scene.numpad != "NONE": scene.data = scene.numpad class IskeyFreeProperties(PropertyGroup): data = StringProperty( name="Key", maxlen=32, description="Shortcut to verify" ) use_crtl = BoolProperty( name="Ctrl", description="Ctrl key used in shortcut", default=False ) use_alt = BoolProperty( name="Alt", description="Alt key used in shortcut", default=False ) use_shift = BoolProperty( name="Shift", description="Shift key used in shortcut", default=False ) use_oskey = BoolProperty( name="OsKey", description="Operating system key used in shortcut", default=False ) numpad = EnumProperty( items=(('NONE', "Select key", ""), ("LEFTMOUSE", "LEFTMOUSE", ""), ("MIDDLEMOUSE", "MIDDLEMOUSE", ""), ("RIGHTMOUSE", "RIGHTMOUSE", ""), ("BUTTON4MOUSE", "BUTTON4MOUSE", ""), ("BUTTON5MOUSE", "BUTTON5MOUSE", ""), ("BUTTON6MOUSE", "BUTTON6MOUSE", ""), ("BUTTON7MOUSE", "BUTTON7MOUSE", ""), ("ACTIONMOUSE", "ACTIONMOUSE", ""), ("SELECTMOUSE", "SELECTMOUSE", ""), ("MOUSEMOVE", "MOUSEMOVE", ""), ("INBETWEEN_MOUSEMOVE", "INBETWEEN_MOUSEMOVE", ""), ("TRACKPADPAN", "TRACKPADPAN", ""), ("TRACKPADZOOM", "TRACKPADZOOM", ""), ("MOUSEROTATE", "MOUSEROTATE", ""), ("WHEELUPMOUSE", "WHEELUPMOUSE", ""), ("WHEELDOWNMOUSE", "WHEELDOWNMOUSE", ""), ("WHEELINMOUSE", "WHEELINMOUSE", ""), ("WHEELOUTMOUSE", "WHEELOUTMOUSE", ""), ("EVT_TWEAK_L", "EVT_TWEAK_L", ""), ("EVT_TWEAK_M", "EVT_TWEAK_M", ""), ("EVT_TWEAK_R", "EVT_TWEAK_R", ""), ("EVT_TWEAK_A", "EVT_TWEAK_A", ""), ("EVT_TWEAK_S", "EVT_TWEAK_S", ""), ("A", "A", ""), ("B", "B", ""), ("C", "C", ""), ("D", "D", ""), ("E", "E", ""), ("F", "F", ""), ("G", "G", ""), ("H", "H", ""), ("I", "I", ""), ("J", "J", ""), ("K", "K", ""), ("L", "L", ""), ("M", "M", ""), ("N", "N", ""), ("O", "O", ""), ("P", "P", ""), ("Q", "Q", ""), ("R", "R", ""), ("S", "S", ""), ("T", "T", ""), ("U", "U", ""), ("V", "V", ""), ("W", "W", ""), ("X", "X", ""), ("Y", "Y", ""), ("Z", "Z", ""), ("ZERO", "ZERO", ""), ("ONE", "ONE", ""), ("TWO", "TWO", ""), ("THREE", "THREE", ""), ("FOUR", "FOUR", ""), ("FIVE", "FIVE", ""), ("SIX", "SIX", ""), ("SEVEN", "SEVEN", ""), ("EIGHT", "EIGHT", ""), ("NINE", "NINE", ""), ("LEFT_CTRL", "LEFT_CTRL", ""), ("LEFT_ALT", "LEFT_ALT", ""), ("LEFT_SHIFT", "LEFT_SHIFT", ""), ("RIGHT_ALT", "RIGHT_ALT", ""), ("RIGHT_CTRL", "RIGHT_CTRL", ""), ("RIGHT_SHIFT", "RIGHT_SHIFT", ""), ("OSKEY", "OSKEY", ""), ("GRLESS", "GRLESS", ""), ("ESC", "ESC", ""), ("TAB", "TAB", ""), ("RET", "RET", ""), ("SPACE", "SPACE", ""), ("LINE_FEED", "LINE_FEED", ""), ("BACK_SPACE", "BACK_SPACE", ""), ("DEL", "DEL", ""), ("SEMI_COLON", "SEMI_COLON", ""), ("PERIOD", "PERIOD", ""), ("COMMA", "COMMA", ""), ("QUOTE", "QUOTE", ""), ("ACCENT_GRAVE", "ACCENT_GRAVE", ""), ("MINUS", "MINUS", ""), ("SLASH", "SLASH", ""), ("BACK_SLASH", "BACK_SLASH", ""), ("EQUAL", "EQUAL", ""), ("LEFT_BRACKET", "LEFT_BRACKET", ""), ("RIGHT_BRACKET", "RIGHT_BRACKET", ""), ("LEFT_ARROW", "LEFT_ARROW", ""), ("DOWN_ARROW", "DOWN_ARROW", ""), ("RIGHT_ARROW", "RIGHT_ARROW", ""), ("UP_ARROW", "UP_ARROW", ""), ("NUMPAD_1", "NUMPAD_1", ""), ("NUMPAD_2", "NUMPAD_2", ""), ("NUMPAD_3", "NUMPAD_3", ""), ("NUMPAD_4", "NUMPAD_4", ""), ("NUMPAD_5", "NUMPAD_5", ""), ("NUMPAD_6", "NUMPAD_6", ""), ("NUMPAD_7", "NUMPAD_7", ""), ("NUMPAD_8", "NUMPAD_8", ""), ("NUMPAD_9", "NUMPAD_9", ""), ("NUMPAD_0", "NUMPAD_0", ""), ("NUMPAD_PERIOD", "NUMPAD_PERIOD", ""), ("NUMPAD_SLASH", "NUMPAD_SLASH", ""), ("NUMPAD_ASTERIX", "NUMPAD_ASTERIX", ""), ("NUMPAD_MINUS", "NUMPAD_MINUS", ""), ("NUMPAD_ENTER", "NUMPAD_ENTER", ""), ("NUMPAD_PLUS", "NUMPAD_PLUS", ""), ("F1", "F1", ""), ("F2", "F2", ""), ("F3", "F3", ""), ("F4", "F4", ""), ("F5", "F5", ""), ("F6", "F6", ""), ("F7", "F7", ""), ("F8", "F8", ""), ("F9", "F9", ""), ("F10", "F10", ""), ("F11", "F11", ""), ("F12", "F12", ""), ("F13", "F13", ""), ("F14", "F14", ""), ("F15", "F15", ""), ("F16", "F16", ""), ("F17", "F17", ""), ("F18", "F18", ""), ("F19", "F19", ""), ("PAUSE", "PAUSE", ""), ("INSERT", "INSERT", ""), ("HOME", "HOME", ""), ("PAGE_UP", "PAGE_UP", ""), ("PAGE_DOWN", "PAGE_DOWN", ""), ("END", "END", ""), ("MEDIA_PLAY", "MEDIA_PLAY", ""), ("MEDIA_STOP", "MEDIA_STOP", ""), ("MEDIA_FIRST", "MEDIA_FIRST", ""), ("MEDIA_LAST", "MEDIA_LAST", ""), ("TEXTINPUT", "TEXTINPUT", ""), ("WINDOW_DEACTIVATE", "WINDOW_DEACTIVATE", ""), ("TIMER", "TIMER", ""), ("TIMER0", "TIMER0", ""), ("TIMER1", "TIMER1", ""), ("TIMER2", "TIMER2", ""), ("TIMER_JOBS", "TIMER_JOBS", ""), ("TIMER_AUTOSAVE", "TIMER_AUTOSAVE", ""), ("TIMER_REPORT", "TIMER_REPORT", ""), ("TIMERREGION", "TIMERREGION", ""), ("NDOF_MOTION", "NDOF_MOTION", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_MENU", "NDOF_BUTTON_MENU", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_FIT", "NDOF_BUTTON_FIT", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_TOP", "NDOF_BUTTON_TOP", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_BOTTOM", "NDOF_BUTTON_BOTTOM", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_LEFT", "NDOF_BUTTON_LEFT", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_RIGHT", "NDOF_BUTTON_RIGHT", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_FRONT", "NDOF_BUTTON_FRONT", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_BACK", "NDOF_BUTTON_BACK", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_ISO1", "NDOF_BUTTON_ISO1", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_ISO2", "NDOF_BUTTON_ISO2", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_ROLL_CW", "NDOF_BUTTON_ROLL_CW", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_ROLL_CCW", "NDOF_BUTTON_ROLL_CCW", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_SPIN_CW", "NDOF_BUTTON_SPIN_CW", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_SPIN_CCW", "NDOF_BUTTON_SPIN_CCW", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_TILT_CW", "NDOF_BUTTON_TILT_CW", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_TILT_CCW", "NDOF_BUTTON_TILT_CCW", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_ROTATE", "NDOF_BUTTON_ROTATE", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_PANZOOM", "NDOF_BUTTON_PANZOOM", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_DOMINANT", "NDOF_BUTTON_DOMINANT", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_PLUS", "NDOF_BUTTON_PLUS", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_MINUS", "NDOF_BUTTON_MINUS", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_ESC", "NDOF_BUTTON_ESC", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_ALT", "NDOF_BUTTON_ALT", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_SHIFT", "NDOF_BUTTON_SHIFT", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_CTRL", "NDOF_BUTTON_CTRL", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_1", "NDOF_BUTTON_1", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_2", "NDOF_BUTTON_2", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_3", "NDOF_BUTTON_3", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_4", "NDOF_BUTTON_4", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_5", "NDOF_BUTTON_5", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_6", "NDOF_BUTTON_6", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_7", "NDOF_BUTTON_7", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_8", "NDOF_BUTTON_8", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_9", "NDOF_BUTTON_9", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_10", "NDOF_BUTTON_10", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_A", "NDOF_BUTTON_A", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_B", "NDOF_BUTTON_B", ""), ("NDOF_BUTTON_C", "NDOF_BUTTON_C", "") ), name="Quick Type", description="Enter key code in find text", update=update_data ) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Registration # ------------------------------------------------------ def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) bpy.types.Scene.is_keyfree = PointerProperty(type=IskeyFreeProperties) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) del bpy.types.Scene.is_keyfree