# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # """ This script is an exporter to the nuke's .chan files. It takes the currently active object and writes it's transformation data into a text file with .chan extension.""" from mathutils import Matrix, Euler from math import radians, degrees def save_chan(context, filepath, y_up, rot_ord): # get the active scene and object scene = context.scene obj = context.active_object camera = obj.data if obj.type == 'CAMERA' else None # get the range of an animation f_start = scene.frame_start f_end = scene.frame_end # prepare the correcting matrix rot_mat = Matrix.Rotation(radians(-90.0), 4, 'X').to_4x4() previous_rotation = Euler() filehandle = open(filepath, 'w') fw = filehandle.write # iterate the frames for frame in range(f_start, f_end + 1, 1): # set the current frame scene.frame_set(frame) # get the objects world matrix mat = obj.matrix_world.copy() # if the setting is proper use the rotation matrix # to flip the Z and Y axis if y_up: mat = rot_mat @ mat # create the first component of a new line, the frame number fw("%i\t" % frame) # create transform component t = mat.to_translation() fw("%f\t%f\t%f\t" % t[:]) # create rotation component r = mat.to_euler(rot_ord, previous_rotation) fw("%f\t%f\t%f\t" % (degrees(r[0]), degrees(r[1]), degrees(r[2]))) # store previous rotation for compatibility previous_rotation = r # if the selected object is a camera export vertical fov also if camera: vfov = degrees(camera.angle_y) fw("%f" % vfov) fw("\n") # after the whole loop close the file filehandle.close() return {'FINISHED'}