# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** import bpy import os import re import json def find_index(objekti): luku = 0 for tex in objekti.active_material.texture_slots: if(not(hasattr(tex,'texture'))): break luku = luku +1 return luku def RemoveFbxNodes(objekti): Node_Tree = objekti.active_material.node_tree for node in Node_Tree.nodes: if node.type != 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL': Node_Tree.nodes.remove(node) else: output = node output.location = 340,400 Prin_mat = Node_Tree.nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled") Prin_mat.location = 13, 375 Node_Tree.links.new(Prin_mat.outputs[0], output.inputs[0]) def UVTiling(objekti, index, texturelist): """ Checks what Tiles are linked with Material """ objekti.coat3D.applink_scale = objekti.scale tiles_index = [] tile_number ='' for poly in objekti.data.polygons: if (poly.material_index == (index)): loop_index = poly.loop_indices[0] uv_x = objekti.data.uv_layers.active.data[loop_index].uv[0] if(uv_x >= 0 and uv_x <=1): tile_number_x = '1' elif (uv_x >= 1 and uv_x <= 2): tile_number_x = '2' elif (uv_x >= 2 and uv_x <= 3): tile_number_x = '3' elif (uv_x >= 3 and uv_x <= 4): tile_number_x = '4' elif (uv_x >= 4 and uv_x <= 5): tile_number_x = '5' elif (uv_x >= 5 and uv_x <= 6): tile_number_x = '6' elif (uv_x >= 6 and uv_x <= 7): tile_number_x = '7' elif (uv_x >= 7 and uv_x <= 8): tile_number_x = '8' elif (uv_x >= 8 and uv_x <= 9): tile_number_x = '9' uv_y = objekti.data.uv_layers.active.data[loop_index].uv[1] if (uv_y >= 0 and uv_y <= 1): tile_number_y = '0' elif (uv_y >= 1 and uv_y <= 2): tile_number_y = '1' elif (uv_x >= 2 and uv_y <= 3): tile_number_y = '2' elif (uv_x >= 3 and uv_y <= 4): tile_number_y = '3' elif (uv_x >= 4 and uv_y <= 5): tile_number_y = '4' elif (uv_x >= 5 and uv_y <= 6): tile_number_y = '5' elif (uv_x >= 6 and uv_y <= 7): tile_number_y = '6' elif (uv_x >= 7 and uv_y <= 8): tile_number_y = '7' elif (uv_x >= 8 and uv_y <= 9): tile_number_y = '8' tile_number = '10' + tile_number_y + tile_number_x if tile_number not in tiles_index: tiles_index.append(tile_number) return tiles_index def updatetextures(objekti): # Update 3DC textures for index_mat in objekti.material_slots: for node in index_mat.material.node_tree.nodes: if (node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE'): if (node.name == '3DC_color'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_metalness'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_rough'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_nmap'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_displacement'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_emissive'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_AO'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_alpha'): node.image.reload() for index_node_group in bpy.data.node_groups: for node in index_node_group.nodes: if (node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE'): if (node.name == '3DC_color'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_metalness'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_rough'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_nmap'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_displacement'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_emissive'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_AO'): node.image.reload() elif (node.name == '3DC_alpha'): node.image.reload() def link_material_into_uvset(objekti, material, material_index): for layer in objekti.data.uv_layers: for face in objekti.data.polygons: for vert_idx, loop_idx in zip(face.vertices, face.loop_indices): uv_coords = layer.data[loop_idx].uv def readtexturefolder(objekti, mat_list, texturelist, is_new, udim_textures): #read textures from texture file # Let's check are we UVSet or MATERIAL mode create_nodes = False for ind, index_mat in enumerate(objekti.material_slots): active_uvset = link_material_into_uvset(objekti, index_mat, ind) if(udim_textures): tile_list = UVTiling(objekti,ind, texturelist) else: tile_list = [] texcoat = {} texcoat['color'] = [] texcoat['ao'] = [] texcoat['rough'] = [] texcoat['metalness'] = [] texcoat['nmap'] = [] texcoat['emissive'] = [] texcoat['emissive_power'] = [] texcoat['displacement'] = [] texcoat['alpha'] = [] create_group_node = False if(udim_textures == False): for texture_info in texturelist: if is_new == False: if texture_info[0] == index_mat.name: if texture_info[2] == 'color' or texture_info[2] == 'diffuse': if(index_mat.material.coat3D_diffuse): texcoat['color'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'metalness' or texture_info[2] == 'specular' or texture_info[2] == 'reflection': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_metalness): texcoat['metalness'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'rough' or texture_info[2] == 'roughness': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_roughness): texcoat['rough'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'nmap' or texture_info[2] == 'normalmap' or texture_info[2] == 'normal_map' or texture_info[2] == 'normal': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_normal): texcoat['nmap'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'emissive': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_emissive): texcoat['emissive'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'emissive_power': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_emissive): texcoat['emissive_power'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'ao': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_ao): texcoat['ao'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2].startswith('displacement'): if (index_mat.material.coat3D_displacement): texcoat['displacement'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'alpha' or texture_info[2] == 'opacity': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_metalness): texcoat['alpha'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) create_group_node = True else: if index_mat.name.startswith(texture_info[0]): if texture_info[2] == 'color' or texture_info[2] == 'diffuse': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_diffuse): texcoat['color'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'metalness' or texture_info[2] == 'specular' or texture_info[ 2] == 'reflection': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_metalness): texcoat['metalness'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'rough' or texture_info[2] == 'roughness': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_roughness): texcoat['rough'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'nmap' or texture_info[2] == 'normalmap' or texture_info[ 2] == 'normal_map' or texture_info[2] == 'normal': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_normal): texcoat['nmap'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'emissive': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_emissive): texcoat['emissive'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'emissive_power': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_emissive): texcoat['emissive_power'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'ao': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_ao): texcoat['ao'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2].startswith('displacement'): if (index_mat.material.coat3D_displacement): texcoat['displacement'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) elif texture_info[2] == 'alpha' or texture_info[2] == 'opacity': if (index_mat.material.coat3D_metalness): texcoat['alpha'].append(texture_info[3]) create_nodes = True else: os.remove(texture_info[3]) create_group_node = True else: for texture_info in texturelist: if texture_info[2] == 'color' or texture_info[2] == 'diffuse': texcoat['color'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]]) create_nodes = True elif texture_info[2] == 'metalness' or texture_info[2] == 'specular' or texture_info[ 2] == 'reflection': texcoat['metalness'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]]) create_nodes = True elif texture_info[2] == 'rough' or texture_info[2] == 'roughness': texcoat['rough'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]]) create_nodes = True elif texture_info[2] == 'nmap' or texture_info[2] == 'normalmap' or texture_info[ 2] == 'normal_map' or texture_info[2] == 'normal': texcoat['nmap'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]]) create_nodes = True elif texture_info[2] == 'emissive': texcoat['emissive'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]]) create_nodes = True elif texture_info[2] == 'emissive_power': texcoat['emissive_power'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]]) create_nodes = True elif texture_info[2] == 'ao': texcoat['ao'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]]) create_nodes = True elif texture_info[2].startswith('displacement'): texcoat['displacement'].append([texture_info[0],texture_info[3]]) create_nodes = True if texture_info[2] == 'alpha' or texture_info[2] == 'opacity': texcoat['alpha'].append([texture_info[0], texture_info[3]]) create_nodes = True create_group_node = True if(create_nodes): coat3D = bpy.context.scene.coat3D path3b_n = coat3D.exchangedir path3b_n += ('%slast_saved_3b_file.txt' % (os.sep)) if (os.path.isfile(path3b_n)): export_file = open(path3b_n) for line in export_file: objekti.coat3D.applink_3b_path = line export_file.close() coat3D.remove_path = True createnodes(index_mat, texcoat, create_group_node, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new) def createnodes(active_mat,texcoat, create_group_node, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new): # Cretes new nodes and link textures into them bring_color = True # Meaning of these is to check if we can only update textures or do we need to create new nodes bring_metalness = True bring_roughness = True bring_normal = True bring_displacement = True bring_emissive = True bring_AO = True bring_alpha = True coat3D = bpy.context.scene.coat3D coatMat = active_mat.material if(coatMat.use_nodes == False): coatMat.use_nodes = True act_material = coatMat.node_tree main_material = coatMat.node_tree applink_group_node = False # First go throug all image nodes and let's check if it starts with 3DC and reload if needed for node in coatMat.node_tree.nodes: if (node.type == 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL'): out_mat = node break for node in act_material.nodes: if(node.name == '3DC_Applink' and node.type == 'GROUP'): applink_group_node = True act_material = node.node_tree applink_tree = node break print('TeXture UPDATE happens') for node in act_material.nodes: if (node.type != 'GROUP'): if (node.type != 'GROUP_OUTPUT'): if (node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE'): if (node.name == '3DC_color'): bring_color = False elif (node.name == '3DC_metalness'): bring_metalness = False elif (node.name == '3DC_rough'): bring_roughness = False elif (node.name == '3DC_nmap'): bring_normal = False elif (node.name == '3DC_displacement'): bring_displacement = False elif (node.name == '3DC_emissive'): bring_emissive = False elif (node.name == '3DC_AO'): bring_AO = False elif (node.name == '3DC_alpha'): bring_alpha = False elif (node.type == 'GROUP' and node.name.startswith('3DC_')): if (node.name == '3DC_color'): bring_color = False elif (node.name == '3DC_metalness'): bring_metalness = False elif (node.name == '3DC_rough'): bring_roughness = False elif (node.name == '3DC_nmap'): bring_normal = False elif (node.name == '3DC_displacement'): bring_displacement = False elif (node.name == '3DC_emissive'): bring_emissive = False elif (node.name == '3DC_AO'): bring_AO = False elif (node.name == '3DC_alpha'): bring_alpha = False #Let's start to build new node tree. Let's start linking with Material Output if(create_group_node): if(applink_group_node == False): main_mat2 = out_mat.inputs['Surface'].links[0].from_node for input_ind in main_mat2.inputs: if(input_ind.is_linked): main_mat3 = input_ind.links[0].from_node if(main_mat3.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED'): main_mat = main_mat3 group_tree = bpy.data.node_groups.new( type="ShaderNodeTree", name="3DC_Applink") group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Color") group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Metallic") group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Roughness") group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketVector", "Normal map") group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Emissive") group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Displacement") group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Emissive Power") group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "AO") group_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Alpha") applink_tree = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeGroup') applink_tree.name = '3DC_Applink' applink_tree.node_tree = group_tree applink_tree.location = -400, -100 act_material = group_tree notegroup = act_material.nodes.new('NodeGroupOutput') notegroup.location = 220, -260 if(texcoat['emissive'] != []): from_output = out_mat.inputs['Surface'].links[0].from_node if(from_output.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED'): add_shader = main_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeAddShader') emission_shader = main_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeEmission') emission_shader.name = '3DC_Emission' add_shader.location = 420, 110 emission_shader.location = 70, -330 out_mat.location = 670, 130 main_material.links.new(from_output.outputs[0], add_shader.inputs[0]) main_material.links.new(add_shader.outputs[0], out_mat.inputs[0]) main_material.links.new(emission_shader.outputs[0], add_shader.inputs[1]) main_mat = from_output else: main_mat = out_mat.inputs['Surface'].links[0].from_node else: main_mat = out_mat.inputs['Surface'].links[0].from_node index = 0 for node in coatMat.node_tree.nodes: if (node.type == 'GROUP' and node.name =='3DC_Applink'): for in_node in node.node_tree.nodes: if(in_node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT'): notegroup = in_node index = 1 break if(index == 1): break # READ DATA.JSON FILE json_address = os.path.dirname(bpy.app.binary_path) + os.sep + '2.80' + os.sep + 'scripts' + os.sep + 'addons' + os.sep + 'io_coat3D' + os.sep + 'data.json' with open(json_address, encoding='utf-8') as data_file: data = json.loads(data_file.read()) if(out_mat.inputs['Surface'].is_linked == True): if(bring_color == True and texcoat['color'] != []): CreateTextureLine(data['color'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup, main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new) if(bring_metalness == True and texcoat['metalness'] != []): CreateTextureLine(data['metalness'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup, main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new) if(bring_roughness == True and texcoat['rough'] != []): CreateTextureLine(data['rough'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup, main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat,tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new) if(bring_normal == True and texcoat['nmap'] != []): CreateTextureLine(data['nmap'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup, main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new) if (bring_emissive == True and texcoat['emissive'] != []): CreateTextureLine(data['emissive'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup, main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new) if (bring_displacement == True and texcoat['displacement'] != []): CreateTextureLine(data['displacement'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup, main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new) if (bring_color == True and texcoat['alpha'] != []): CreateTextureLine(data['alpha'], act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup, main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new) def CreateTextureLine(type, act_material, main_mat, texcoat, coat3D, notegroup, main_material, applink_tree, out_mat, coatMat, tile_list, objekti, ind, is_new): if(tile_list): texture_name = coatMat.name + '_' + type['name'] texture_tree = bpy.data.node_groups.new(type="ShaderNodeTree", name=texture_name) texture_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Color") texture_tree.outputs.new("NodeSocketColor", "Alpha") texture_node_tree = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeGroup') texture_node_tree.name = '3DC_' + type['name'] texture_node_tree.node_tree = texture_tree texture_node_tree.location[0] = type['node_location'][0] texture_node_tree.location[0] -= 400 texture_node_tree.location[1] = type['node_location'][1] notegroupend = texture_tree.nodes.new('NodeGroupOutput') count = len(tile_list) uv_loc = [-1400, 200] map_loc = [-1100, 200] tex_loc = [-700, 200] mix_loc = [-400, 100] nodes = [] for index, tile in enumerate(tile_list): tex_img_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage') for ind, tex_index in enumerate(texcoat[type['name']]): if(tex_index[0] == tile): tex_img_node.image = bpy.data.images.load(texcoat[type['name']][ind][1]) break tex_img_node.location = tex_loc if tex_img_node.image and type['colorspace'] != 'color': tex_img_node.image.colorspace_settings.is_data = True tex_uv_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeUVMap') tex_uv_node.location = uv_loc if(is_new): tex_uv_node.uv_map = objekti.data.uv_layers[ind].name else: tex_uv_node.uv_map = objekti.data.uv_layers[0].name map_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMapping') map_node.location = map_loc map_node.name = '3DC_' + tile map_node.vector_type = 'TEXTURE' map_node.use_min = True map_node.use_max = True tile_int_x = int(tile[3]) tile_int_y = int(tile[2]) map_node.min[0] = tile_int_x - 1 map_node.max[0] = tile_int_x map_node.min[1] = tile_int_y map_node.max[1] = tile_int_y + 1 if(index == 0): nodes.append(tex_img_node.name) if(count == 1): texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[0], notegroupend.inputs[0]) texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[1], notegroupend.inputs[1]) if(index == 1): mix_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMixRGB') mix_node.blend_type = 'ADD' mix_node.inputs[0].default_value = 1 mix_node.location = mix_loc mix_loc[1] -= 300 texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[0], mix_node.inputs[2]) texture_tree.links.new(texture_tree.nodes[nodes[0]].outputs[0], mix_node.inputs[1]) mix_node_alpha = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMath') mix_node_alpha.location = mix_loc mix_loc[1] -= 200 texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[1], mix_node_alpha.inputs[1]) texture_tree.links.new(texture_tree.nodes[nodes[0]].outputs[1], mix_node_alpha.inputs[0]) nodes.clear() nodes.append(tex_img_node.name) nodes.append(mix_node.name) nodes.append(mix_node_alpha.name) elif(index > 1): mix_node = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMixRGB') mix_node.blend_type = 'ADD' mix_node.inputs[0].default_value = 1 mix_node.location = mix_loc mix_loc[1] -= 300 texture_tree.links.new(texture_tree.nodes[nodes[1]].outputs[0], mix_node.inputs[1]) texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[0], mix_node.inputs[2]) mix_node_alpha = texture_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMath') mix_node_alpha.location = mix_loc mix_loc[1] -= 200 texture_tree.links.new(texture_tree.nodes[nodes[2]].outputs[0], mix_node_alpha.inputs[0]) texture_tree.links.new(tex_img_node.outputs[1], mix_node_alpha.inputs[1]) nodes.clear() nodes.append(tex_img_node.name) nodes.append(mix_node.name) nodes.append(mix_node_alpha.name) tex_loc[1] -= 300 uv_loc[1] -= 300 map_loc[1] -= 300 texture_tree.links.new(tex_uv_node.outputs[0], map_node.inputs[0]) texture_tree.links.new(map_node.outputs[0], tex_img_node.inputs[0]) if(count > 1): texture_tree.links.new(mix_node.outputs[0], notegroupend.inputs[0]) texture_tree.links.new(mix_node_alpha.outputs[0], notegroupend.inputs[1]) if(tile_list): node = texture_node_tree if(texcoat['alpha'] != []): if (type['name'] == 'color'): act_material.links.new(node.outputs[1], notegroup.inputs[8]) else: if(type['name'] == 'alpha'): act_material.links.new(node.outputs[1], notegroup.inputs[8]) else: node = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage') uv_node = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeUVMap') if (is_new): uv_node.uv_map = objekti.data.uv_layers[ind].name else: uv_node.uv_map = objekti.data.uv_layers[0].name act_material.links.new(uv_node.outputs[0], node.inputs[0]) uv_node.use_custom_color = True uv_node.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2]) node.use_custom_color = True node.color = (type['node_color'][0],type['node_color'][1],type['node_color'][2]) if type['name'] == 'nmap': normal_node = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeNormalMap') normal_node.use_custom_color = True normal_node.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2]) node.location = -671, -510 if(tile_list == []): uv_node.location = -750, -600 normal_node.location = -350, -350 normal_node.name = '3DC_normalnode' elif type['name'] == 'displacement': disp_node = main_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeDisplacement') node.location = -630, -1160 disp_node.location = 90, -460 disp_node.inputs[2].default_value = 0.1 disp_node.name = '3DC_dispnode' node.name = '3DC_' + type['name'] node.label = type['name'] if (type['name'] != 'displacement'): for input_index in type['find_input']: input_color = main_mat.inputs.find(input_index) if(input_color != -1): break if(tile_list == []): node.image = bpy.data.images.load(texcoat[type['name']][0]) if node.image and type['colorspace'] == 'noncolor': node.image.colorspace_settings.is_data = True if (coat3D.createnodes): if(type['name'] == 'nmap'): act_material.links.new(node.outputs[0], normal_node.inputs[1]) if(input_color != -1): act_material.links.new(normal_node.outputs[0], main_mat.inputs[input_color]) act_material.links.new(normal_node.outputs[0], notegroup.inputs[type['input']]) if (main_mat.inputs[input_color].name == 'Normal' and input_color != -1): main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs[type['input']], main_mat.inputs[input_color]) elif (type['name'] == 'displacement'): rampnode = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeValToRGB') rampnode.name = '3DC_ColorRamp' rampnode.use_custom_color = True rampnode.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2]) rampnode.location = -270, -956 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[0], rampnode.inputs[0]) act_material.links.new(rampnode.outputs[0], notegroup.inputs[5]) main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs[5], disp_node.inputs[0]) main_material.links.new(disp_node.outputs[0], out_mat.inputs[2]) coatMat.cycles.displacement_method = 'BOTH' else: if (texcoat['alpha'] != []): if (type['name'] == 'color'): act_material.links.new(node.outputs[1], notegroup.inputs[8]) else: if (type['name'] == 'alpha'): act_material.links.new(node.outputs[1], notegroup.inputs[8]) huenode = createExtraNodes(act_material, node, type) act_material.links.new(huenode.outputs[0], notegroup.inputs[type['input']]) if (main_mat.type != 'MIX_SHADER' and input_color != -1): main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs[type['input']], main_mat.inputs[input_color]) else: location = main_mat.location #applink_tree.location = main_mat.location[0], main_mat.location[1] + 200 if(type['name'] == 'emissive'): for material in main_material.nodes: if(material.name == '3DC_Emission'): main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs[type['input']], material.inputs[0]) break if(tile_list == []): uv_node.location = node.location uv_node.location[0] -= 300 uv_node.location[1] -= 200 else: node.location = type['node_location'][0], type['node_location'][1] if (tile_list == []): uv_node.location = node.location uv_node.location[0] -= 300 act_material.links.new(node.outputs[0], notegroup.inputs[type['input']]) if (input_color != -1): main_material.links.new(applink_tree.outputs[type['input']], main_mat.inputs[input_color]) def createExtraNodes(act_material, node, type): curvenode = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeRGBCurve') curvenode.name = '3DC_RGBCurve' curvenode.use_custom_color = True curvenode.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2]) if(type['huenode'] == 'yes'): huenode = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeHueSaturation') huenode.name = '3DC_HueSaturation' huenode.use_custom_color = True huenode.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2]) else: huenode = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeMath') huenode.name = '3DC_HueSaturation' huenode.operation = 'MULTIPLY' huenode.inputs[1].default_value = 1 huenode.use_custom_color = True huenode.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2]) if(type['rampnode'] == 'yes'): rampnode = act_material.nodes.new('ShaderNodeValToRGB') rampnode.name = '3DC_ColorRamp' rampnode.use_custom_color = True rampnode.color = (type['node_color'][0], type['node_color'][1], type['node_color'][2]) if (type['rampnode'] == 'yes'): act_material.links.new(node.outputs[0], curvenode.inputs[1]) act_material.links.new(curvenode.outputs[0], rampnode.inputs[0]) if(type['huenode'] == 'yes'): act_material.links.new(rampnode.outputs[0], huenode.inputs[4]) else: act_material.links.new(rampnode.outputs[0], huenode.inputs[0]) else: act_material.links.new(node.outputs[0], curvenode.inputs[1]) if (type['huenode'] == 'yes'): act_material.links.new(curvenode.outputs[0], huenode.inputs[4]) else: act_material.links.new(curvenode.outputs[0], huenode.inputs[0]) if type['name'] == 'metalness': node.location = -1300, 119 curvenode.location = -1000, 113 rampnode.location = -670, 115 huenode.location = -345, 118 elif type['name'] == 'rough': node.location = -1300, -276 curvenode.location = -1000, -245 rampnode.location = -670, -200 huenode.location = -340, -100 elif type['name'] == 'color': node.location = -990, 530 curvenode.location = -660, 480 huenode.location = -337, 335 elif type['name'] == 'emissive': node.location = -1200, -900 curvenode.location = -900, -900 huenode.location = -340, -700 elif type['name'] == 'alpha': node.location = -1200, -1200 curvenode.location = -900, -1250 rampnode.location = -600, -1200 huenode.location = -300, -1200 return huenode def matlab(objekti,mat_list,texturelist,is_new): ''' FBX Materials: remove all nodes and create princibles node''' if(is_new): RemoveFbxNodes(objekti) '''Main Loop for Texture Update''' updatetextures(objekti) if(texturelist != []): udim_textures = False if texturelist[0][0].startswith('100'): udim_textures = True if(udim_textures == False): readtexturefolder(objekti,mat_list,texturelist,is_new, udim_textures) else: path = texturelist[0][3] only_name = os.path.basename(path) if(only_name.startswith(objekti.coat3D.applink_index)): readtexturefolder(objekti, mat_list, texturelist, is_new, udim_textures) return('FINISHED')