# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### import os import mathutils DEBUG = os.environ.get('BLENDER_DEBUG', False) #activates debug mode if DEBUG: import sys sys.path.append(os.environ['PYDEV_DEBUG_PATH']) import pydevd from .model.migiusModel import MigiusDXFLibDrawing SUPPORTED_TYPES = ('MESH')#,'CURVE','EMPTY','TEXT','CAMERA','LIGHT') def exportDXF(context, filePath, settings): """ Main entry point into export facility. """ print("----------\nExporting to {}".format(filePath)) import time time1 = time.clock() if settings['verbose']: print("Generating Object list for export... (Root parents only)") scene = context.scene if settings['onlySelected'] is True: objects = (ob for ob in scene.objects if not ob.hide_viewport and ob.select_get() and ob.type in SUPPORTED_TYPES) else: objects = (ob for ob in scene.objects if not ob.hide_viewport and ob.type in SUPPORTED_TYPES) if DEBUG: pydevd.settrace() mw = get_view_projection_matrix(context, settings) try: # add Entities -------------------- #todo: fixme: seems to be the reason for missing BLOCK-export #if APPLY_MODIFIERS: tmp_me = Mesh.New('tmp') #else: tmp_me = None drawing = MigiusDXFLibDrawing() exported = 0 for o in objects: if _exportItem(context, o, mw, drawing, settings): exported +=1 if not drawing.isEmpty(): # NOTE: Only orthographic projection used now. # if PERSPECTIVE: # generate view border - passepartout # from .primitive_exporters.viewborder_exporter import ViewBorderDXFExporter # e = ViewBorderDXFExporter(settings) # e.export(drawing, ob, mx, mw) drawing.convert(filePath) duration = time.clock() - time1 print('%s objects exported in %.2f seconds. -----DONE-----' %\ (exported, duration)) except IOError: print('DXF Exporter: Write Error: ', filePath) except Exception as e: print('Nothing exported. Error: %s' % str(e)) print("Finished") #------------------------------------------------- def getCommons(ob, settings): """set up common attributes for output style: color=None extrusion=None layer='0', lineType=None lineTypeScale=None lineWeight=None thickness=None parent=None """ BYBLOCK=0 #DXF-attribute: assign property to BLOCK defaults BYLAYER=None #256 #DXF-attribute: assign property to LAYER defaults LAYERNAME_DEF='' #default layer name LAYERCOLOR_DEF=7 #default layer color index LAYERLTYPE_DEF=0 #'CONTINUOUS' - default layer lineType ENTITYLAYER_DEF=LAYERNAME_DEF #default entity color index ENTITYCOLOR_DEF=BYLAYER #default entity color index ENTITYLTYPE_DEF=BYLAYER #default entity lineType #layers = ob.layers #gives a list e.g.[1,5,19] layers = ob.users_collection if layers: ob_layer_nr = layers[0] if DEBUG: print('ob_layer_nr=', ob_layer_nr) #-------------- materials = ob.material_slots if materials: ob_material = materials[0] ob_mat_color = ob_material.material.diffuse_color else: ob_mat_color, ob_material = None, None if DEBUG: print('ob_mat_color, ob_material=', ob_mat_color, ob_material) #-------------- data_materials = ob.material_slots if data_materials: data_material = data_materials[0] data_mat_color = data_material.material.diffuse_color else: data_mat_color, data_material = None, None if DEBUG: print('data_mat_color, data_material=', data_mat_color, data_material) #-------------- entitylayer = ENTITYLAYER_DEF c = settings['entitylayer_from'] #["default_LAYER","obj.name","obj.layer","obj.material","obj.data.name","obj.data.material","..vertexgroup","..group","..map_table"] if c=="default_LAYER": entitylayer = LAYERNAME_DEF elif c=="obj.layer" and ob_layer_nr: entitylayer = 'LAYER'+ str(ob_layer_nr) elif c=="obj.material" and ob_material: entitylayer = ob_material.name elif c=="obj.name": entitylayer = ob.name elif c=="obj.data.material" and ob_material: entitylayer = data_material.name elif c=="obj.data.name": entitylayer = ob.data.name entitycolor = ENTITYCOLOR_DEF cfrom = settings['entitycolor_from'] if cfrom=="default_COLOR": entitycolor = LAYERCOLOR_DEF elif cfrom=="BYLAYER": entitycolor = BYLAYER elif cfrom=="BYBLOCK": entitycolor = BYBLOCK elif cfrom=="obj.layer" and ob_layer_nr: entitycolor = ob_layer_nr elif cfrom=="obj.color" and ob.color: entitycolor = ob.color elif cfrom=="obj.material" and ob_mat_color: entitycolor = ob_mat_color elif cfrom=="obj.data.material" and data_mat_color: entitycolor = data_mat_color entityltype = ENTITYLTYPE_DEF etype = settings['entityltype_from'] if etype=="default_LTYPE": entityltype = LAYERLTYPE_DEF elif etype=="BYLAYER": entityltype = BYLAYER elif etype=="BYBLOCK": entityltype = BYBLOCK elif etype: entityltype = etype return entitylayer, entitycolor, entityltype def getCameraMatrix(cam): raise NotImplementedError() # camProps = cam.data # mc0 = act_camera.matrix.copy() # #print 'deb: camera.Matrix=\n', mc0 #------------------ # camera = Camera.Get(act_camera.getData(name_only=True)) # #print 'deb: camera=', dir(camera) #------------------ # if camera.type=='persp': PERSPECTIVE = 1 # elif camera.type=='ortho': PERSPECTIVE = 0 # # mcp is matrix.camera.perspective # clip_box, mcp = getClipBox(camera) ## if PERSPECTIVE: ## # get border ## # lens = camera.lens ## min_X1, max_X1, min_Y1, max_Y1,\ ## min_X2, max_X2, min_Y2, max_Y2,\ ## min_Z, max_Z = clip_box ## verts = [] ## verts.append([min_X1, min_Y1, min_Z]) ## verts.append([max_X1, min_Y1, min_Z]) ## verts.append([max_X1, max_Y1, min_Z]) ## verts.append([min_X1, max_Y1, min_Z]) ## border=verts # mw = mc0.copy().invert() # #ViewVector = mathutils.Vector(Window.GetViewVector()) # #print 'deb: ViewVector=\n', ViewVector #------------------ # #TODO: what is Window.GetViewOffset() for? # #print 'deb: Window.GetViewOffset():', Window.GetViewOffset() #--------- # #Window.SetViewOffset([0,0,0]) # mw0 = Window.GetViewMatrix() # #print 'deb: mwOrtho =\n', mw0 #--------- # mwp = Window.GetPerspMatrix() #TODO: how to get it working? # #print 'deb: mwPersp =\n', mwp #--------- # mw = mw0.copy() projectionMapping = { 'TOP' : mathutils.Vector((0, 0, -1)), 'BOTTOM' : mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 1)), 'LEFT' : mathutils.Vector((0, 1, 0)), 'RIGHT' : mathutils.Vector((0, -1, 0)), 'FRONT' : mathutils.Vector((-1, 0, 0)), 'REAR' : mathutils.Vector((1, 0, 0)) } #----------------------------------------------------- def get_view_projection_matrix(context, settings): """ Returns view projection matrix. Projection matrix is either identity if 3d export is selected or camera projection if a camera or view is selected. Currently only orthographic projection is used. (Subject to discussion). """ cam = settings['projectionThrough'] if cam is None: mw = mathutils.Matrix() mw.identity() elif cam in projectionMapping.keys(): projection = mathutils.Matrix.OrthoProjection(projectionMapping[cam], 4) mw = projection else: # get camera with given name c = context.scene.collection.objects[cam] mw = getCameraMatrix(c) return mw def _exportItem(ctx, o, mw, drawing, settings): """ Export one item from export list. mw - modelview """ if settings['verbose']: print('Exporting %s' % o) #mx = ob.matrix.copy() #print 'deb: ob =', ob #--------- #print 'deb: ob.type =', ob.type #--------- #print 'deb: mx =\n', mx #--------- #print 'deb: mw0 =\n', mw0 #--------- #mx_n is trans-matrix for normal_vectors for front-side faces mx = o.matrix_world viewRotation = mw.to_euler().to_matrix() mx_n = o.rotation_euler.to_matrix() @ viewRotation mx @= mw #mx_inv = mx.copy().invert() elayer, ecolor, eltype = getCommons(o, settings) if settings['verbose']: print('elayer=%s, ecolor=%s, eltype=%s' % (elayer, ecolor, eltype)) #TODO: use o.boundBox for drawing extends ?? if elayer is not None and not drawing.containsLayer(elayer): if ecolor is not None: tempcolor = ecolor else: tempcolor = settings['layercolor_def'] drawing.addLayer(elayer, tempcolor) if DEBUG: pydevd.settrace() if (o.type == 'MESH') and settings['mesh_as']: from .primitive_exporters.mesh_exporter import MeshDXFExporter e = MeshDXFExporter(settings) elif (o.type == 'CURVE') and settings['curve_as']: from .primitive_exporters.curve_exporter import CurveDXFExporter e = CurveDXFExporter(settings) elif (o.type == 'EMPTY') and settings['empty_as']: from .primitive_exporters.empty_exporter import EmptyDXFExporter e = EmptyDXFExporter(settings) elif (o.type == 'TEXT') and settings['text_as']: from .primitive_exporters.text_exporter import TextDXFExporter e = TextDXFExporter(settings) elif (o.type == 'CAMERA') and settings['camera_as']: from .primitive_exporters.camera_exporter import CameraDXFExporter e = CameraDXFExporter(settings) elif (o.type == 'LIGHT') and settings['light_as']: from .primitive_exporters.light_exporter import LampDXFExporter e = LampDXFExporter(settings) return e.export(ctx, drawing, o, mx, mx_n, color=ecolor, layer=elayer, lineType=eltype)