# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This ASE conversion uses code from Marcos A Ojeda http://generic.cx/ # # With notes from # http://iamacamera.org/default.aspx?id=109 by Carl Camera and # http://www.colourlovers.com/ase.phps by Chris Williams # """ This script imports a ASE Palette to Blender. Usage: Run this script from "File->Import" menu and then load the desired ASE file. """ import bpy import os import struct def parse_chunk(fd): chunk_type = fd.read(2) while chunk_type: if chunk_type == b'\x00\x01': # a single color o = dict_for_chunk(fd) yield o elif chunk_type == b'\xC0\x01': # folder/palette o = dict_for_chunk(fd) o['swatches'] = [x for x in colors(fd)] yield o elif chunk_type == b'\xC0\x02': # this signals the end of a folder assert fd.read(4) == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' pass else: # the file is malformed? assert chunk_type in [ b'\xC0\x01', b'\x00\x01', b'\xC0\x02', b'\x00\x02'] pass chunk_type = fd.read(2) def colors(fd): chunk_type = fd.read(2) while chunk_type in [b'\x00\x01', b'\x00\x02']: d = dict_for_chunk(fd) yield d chunk_type = fd.read(2) fd.seek(-2, os.SEEK_CUR) def dict_for_chunk(fd): chunk_length = struct.unpack(">I", fd.read(4))[0] data = fd.read(chunk_length) title_length = (struct.unpack(">H", data[:2])[0]) * 2 title = data[2:2 + title_length].decode("utf-16be").strip('\0') color_data = data[2 + title_length:] output = { 'name': str(title), 'type': 'Color Group' # default to color group } if color_data: fmt = {b'RGB': '!fff', b'Gray': '!f', b'CMYK': '!ffff', b'LAB': '!fff'} color_mode = struct.unpack("!4s", color_data[:4])[0].strip() color_values = list(struct.unpack(fmt[color_mode], color_data[4:-2])) color_types = ['Global', 'Spot', 'Process'] swatch_type_index = struct.unpack(">h", color_data[-2:])[0] swatch_type = color_types[swatch_type_index] output.update({ 'data': { 'mode': color_mode.decode('utf-8'), 'values': color_values }, 'type': str(swatch_type) }) return output def parse(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as data: header, v_major, v_minor, chunk_count = struct.unpack("!4sHHI", data.read(12)) assert header == b"ASEF" assert (v_major, v_minor) == (1, 0) return [c for c in parse_chunk(data)] def load(context, filepath): output = parse(filepath) (path, filename) = os.path.split(filepath) pal = None for elm in output: valid = False data = elm['data'] color = [0, 0, 0] val = data['values'] if data['mode'] == 'RGB': valid = True color[0] = val[0] color[1] = val[1] color[2] = val[2] elif data['mode'] == 'Gray': valid = True color[0] = val[0] color[1] = val[0] color[2] = val[0] elif data['mode'] == 'CMYK': valid = True color[0] = (1.0 - val[0]) * (1.0 - val[3]) color[1] = (1.0 - val[1]) * (1.0 - val[3]) color[2] = (1.0 - val[2]) * (1.0 - val[3]) # Create palette color if valid: # Create Palette if pal is None: pal = bpy.data.palettes.new(name=filename) # Create Color col = pal.colors.new() col.color[0] = color[0] col.color[1] = color[1] col.color[2] = color[2] return {'FINISHED'}