# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # bl_info = { "name": "Autodesk 3DS format", "author": "Bob Holcomb, Campbell Barton", "blender": (2, 5, 7), "api": 35622, "location": "File > Import-Export", "description": "Import-Export 3DS, meshes, uvs, materials, textures, cameras & lamps", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/"\ "Scripts/Import-Export/Autodesk_3DS", "tracker_url": "", "support": 'OFFICIAL', "category": "Import-Export"} # To support reload properly, try to access a package var, if it's there, reload everything if "bpy" in locals(): import imp if "import_3ds" in locals(): imp.reload(import_3ds) if "export_3ds" in locals(): imp.reload(export_3ds) import bpy from bpy.props import StringProperty, FloatProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper, ExportHelper, axis_conversion class Import3DS(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper): '''Import from 3DS file format (.3ds)''' bl_idname = "import_scene.autodesk_3ds" bl_label = 'Import 3DS' filename_ext = ".3ds" filter_glob = StringProperty(default="*.3ds", options={'HIDDEN'}) constrain_size = FloatProperty(name="Size Constraint", description="Scale the model by 10 until it reacehs the size constraint. Zero Disables.", min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1000.0, default=10.0) use_image_search = BoolProperty(name="Image Search", description="Search subdirectories for any assosiated images (Warning, may be slow)", default=True) use_apply_transform = BoolProperty(name="Apply Transform", description="Workaround for object transformations importing incorrectly", default=True) axis_forward = EnumProperty( name="Forward", items=(('X', "X Forward", ""), ('Y', "Y Forward", ""), ('Z', "Z Forward", ""), ('-X', "-X Forward", ""), ('-Y', "-Y Forward", ""), ('-Z', "-Z Forward", ""), ), default='Y', ) axis_up = EnumProperty( name="Up", items=(('X', "X Up", ""), ('Y', "Y Up", ""), ('Z', "Z Up", ""), ('-X', "-X Up", ""), ('-Y', "-Y Up", ""), ('-Z', "-Z Up", ""), ), default='Z', ) def execute(self, context): from . import import_3ds keywords = self.as_keywords(ignore=("axis_forward", "axis_up", "filter_glob")) global_matrix = axis_conversion(from_forward=self.axis_forward, from_up=self.axis_up).to_4x4() keywords["global_matrix"] = global_matrix return import_3ds.load(self, context, **keywords) class Export3DS(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper): '''Export to 3DS file format (.3ds)''' bl_idname = "export_scene.autodesk_3ds" bl_label = 'Export 3DS' filename_ext = ".3ds" filter_glob = StringProperty(default="*.3ds", options={'HIDDEN'}) use_selection = BoolProperty(name="Selection Only", description="Export selected objects only", default=False) axis_forward = EnumProperty( name="Forward", items=(('X', "X Forward", ""), ('Y', "Y Forward", ""), ('Z', "Z Forward", ""), ('-X', "-X Forward", ""), ('-Y', "-Y Forward", ""), ('-Z', "-Z Forward", ""), ), default='Y', ) axis_up = EnumProperty( name="Up", items=(('X', "X Up", ""), ('Y', "Y Up", ""), ('Z', "Z Up", ""), ('-X', "-X Up", ""), ('-Y', "-Y Up", ""), ('-Z', "-Z Up", ""), ), default='Z', ) def execute(self, context): from . import export_3ds keywords = self.as_keywords(ignore=("axis_forward", "axis_up", "filter_glob", "check_existing")) global_matrix = axis_conversion(to_forward=self.axis_forward, to_up=self.axis_up).to_4x4() keywords["global_matrix"] = global_matrix return export_3ds.save(self, context, **keywords) # Add to a menu def menu_func_export(self, context): self.layout.operator(Export3DS.bl_idname, text="3D Studio (.3ds)") def menu_func_import(self, context): self.layout.operator(Import3DS.bl_idname, text="3D Studio (.3ds)") def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.append(menu_func_import) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.append(menu_func_export) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.remove(menu_func_import) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.remove(menu_func_export) # NOTES: # why add 1 extra vertex? and remove it when done? - "Answer - eekadoodle - would need to re-order UV's without this since face order isnt always what we give blender, BMesh will solve :D" # disabled scaling to size, this requires exposing bb (easy) and understanding how it works (needs some time) if __name__ == "__main__": register()