# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Copyright 2018-2021 The glTF-Blender-IO authors. import bpy import mathutils import typing from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp.gltf2_blender_gather_cache import cached, bonecache, objectcache from io_scene_gltf2.blender.com import gltf2_blender_math from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_get from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp.gltf2_blender_gather_drivers import get_sk_drivers, get_sk_driver_values from . import gltf2_blender_export_keys from io_scene_gltf2.io.com import gltf2_io_debug from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp.gltf2_blender_gather_tree import VExportNode import numpy as np class Keyframe: def __init__(self, channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], frame: float, bake_channel: typing.Union[str, None]): self.seconds = frame / bpy.context.scene.render.fps self.frame = frame self.fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps self.__length_morph = 0 # Note: channels has some None items only for SK if some SK are not animated if bake_channel is None: self.target = [c for c in channels if c is not None][0].data_path.split('.')[-1] if self.target != "value": self.__indices = [c.array_index for c in channels] else: self.__indices = [i for i, c in enumerate(channels) if c is not None] self.__length_morph = len(channels) else: self.target = bake_channel self.__indices = [] for i in range(self.get_target_len()): self.__indices.append(i) # Data holders for virtual properties self.__value = None self.__in_tangent = None self.__out_tangent = None def get_target_len(self): length = { "delta_location": 3, "delta_rotation_euler": 3, "delta_scale": 3, "location": 3, "rotation_axis_angle": 4, "rotation_euler": 3, "rotation_quaternion": 4, "scale": 3, "value": self.__length_morph }.get(self.target) if length is None: raise RuntimeError("Animations with target type '{}' are not supported.".format(self.target)) return length def __set_indexed(self, value): # Sometimes blender animations only reference a subset of components of a data target. Keyframe should always # contain a complete Vector/ Quaternion --> use the array_index value of the keyframe to set components in such # structures # For SK, must contains all SK values result = [0.0] * self.get_target_len() for i, v in zip(self.__indices, value): result[i] = v return result def get_indices(self): return self.__indices def set_value_index(self, idx, val): self.__value[idx] = val def set_value_index_in(self, idx, val): self.__in_tangent[idx] = val def set_value_index_out(self, idx, val): self.__out_tangent[idx] = val def set_first_tangent(self): self.__in_tangent = self.__value def set_last_tangent(self): self.__out_tangent = self.__value @property def value(self) -> typing.Union[mathutils.Vector, mathutils.Euler, mathutils.Quaternion, typing.List[float]]: if self.target == "value": return self.__value return gltf2_blender_math.list_to_mathutils(self.__value, self.target) @value.setter def value(self, value: typing.List[float]): self.__value = self.__set_indexed(value) @value.setter def value_total(self, value: typing.List[float]): self.__value = value @property def in_tangent(self) -> typing.Union[mathutils.Vector, mathutils.Euler, mathutils.Quaternion, typing.List[float]]: if self.__in_tangent is None: return None if self.target == "value": return self.__in_tangent return gltf2_blender_math.list_to_mathutils(self.__in_tangent, self.target) @in_tangent.setter def in_tangent(self, value: typing.List[float]): self.__in_tangent = self.__set_indexed(value) @property def out_tangent(self) -> typing.Union[mathutils.Vector, mathutils.Euler, mathutils.Quaternion, typing.List[float]]: if self.__out_tangent is None: return None if self.target == "value": return self.__out_tangent return gltf2_blender_math.list_to_mathutils(self.__out_tangent, self.target) @out_tangent.setter def out_tangent(self, value: typing.List[float]): self.__out_tangent = self.__set_indexed(value) @objectcache def get_object_matrix(blender_obj_uuid: str, action_name: str, bake_range_start: int, bake_range_end: int, current_frame: int, step: int, export_settings, only_gather_provided=False ): data = {} # TODO : bake_range_start & bake_range_end are no more needed here # Because we bake, we don't know exactly the frame range, # So using min / max of all actions start_frame = min([v[0] for v in [a.frame_range for a in bpy.data.actions]]) end_frame = max([v[1] for v in [a.frame_range for a in bpy.data.actions]]) if only_gather_provided: obj_uuids = [blender_obj_uuid] else: obj_uuids = [uid for (uid, n) in export_settings['vtree'].nodes.items() if n.blender_type not in [VExportNode.BONE]] frame = start_frame while frame <= end_frame: bpy.context.scene.frame_set(int(frame)) for obj_uuid in obj_uuids: blender_obj = export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].blender_object # if this object is not animated, do not skip : # We need this object too in case of bake # calculate local matrix if export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].parent_uuid is None: parent_mat = mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4).freeze() else: if export_settings['vtree'].nodes[export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].parent_uuid].blender_type not in [VExportNode.BONE]: parent_mat = export_settings['vtree'].nodes[export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].parent_uuid].blender_object.matrix_world else: # Object animated is parented to a bone blender_bone = export_settings['vtree'].nodes[export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].parent_bone_uuid].blender_bone armature_object = export_settings['vtree'].nodes[export_settings['vtree'].nodes[export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].parent_bone_uuid].armature].blender_object axis_basis_change = mathutils.Matrix( ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))) parent_mat = armature_object.matrix_world @ blender_bone.matrix @ axis_basis_change #For object inside collection (at root), matrix world is already expressed regarding collection parent if export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].parent_uuid is not None and export_settings['vtree'].nodes[export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].parent_uuid].blender_type == VExportNode.COLLECTION: parent_mat = mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4).freeze() mat = parent_mat.inverted_safe() @ blender_obj.matrix_world if obj_uuid not in data.keys(): data[obj_uuid] = {} if blender_obj.animation_data and blender_obj.animation_data.action: if blender_obj.animation_data.action.name not in data[obj_uuid].keys(): data[obj_uuid][blender_obj.animation_data.action.name] = {} data[obj_uuid][blender_obj.animation_data.action.name][frame] = mat else: # case of baking selected object. # There is no animation, so use uuid of object as key if obj_uuid not in data[obj_uuid].keys(): data[obj_uuid][obj_uuid] = {} data[obj_uuid][obj_uuid][frame] = mat frame += step return data @bonecache def get_bone_matrix(blender_obj_uuid_if_armature: typing.Optional[str], channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], bake_bone: typing.Union[str, None], bake_channel: typing.Union[str, None], bake_range_start, bake_range_end, action_name: str, current_frame: int, step: int, export_settings ): blender_object_if_armature = export_settings['vtree'].nodes[blender_obj_uuid_if_armature].blender_object if blender_obj_uuid_if_armature is not None else None data = {} # Always using bake_range, because some bones may need to be baked, # even if user didn't request it start_frame = bake_range_start end_frame = bake_range_end frame = start_frame while frame <= end_frame: data[frame] = {} bpy.context.scene.frame_set(int(frame)) bones = export_settings['vtree'].get_all_bones(blender_obj_uuid_if_armature) for bone_uuid in bones: blender_bone = export_settings['vtree'].nodes[bone_uuid].blender_bone if export_settings['vtree'].nodes[bone_uuid].parent_uuid is not None and export_settings['vtree'].nodes[export_settings['vtree'].nodes[bone_uuid].parent_uuid].blender_type == VExportNode.BONE: blender_bone_parent = export_settings['vtree'].nodes[export_settings['vtree'].nodes[bone_uuid].parent_uuid].blender_bone rest_mat = blender_bone_parent.bone.matrix_local.inverted_safe() @ blender_bone.bone.matrix_local matrix = rest_mat.inverted_safe() @ blender_bone_parent.matrix.inverted_safe() @ blender_bone.matrix else: if blender_bone.parent is None: matrix = blender_bone.bone.matrix_local.inverted_safe() @ blender_bone.matrix else: # Bone has a parent, but in export, after filter, is at root of armature matrix = blender_bone.matrix.copy() data[frame][blender_bone.name] = matrix # If some drivers must be evaluated, do it here, to avoid to have to change frame by frame later drivers_to_manage = get_sk_drivers(blender_obj_uuid_if_armature, export_settings) for dr_obj_uuid, dr_fcurves in drivers_to_manage: vals = get_sk_driver_values(dr_obj_uuid, frame, dr_fcurves, export_settings) frame += step return data # cache for performance reasons # This function is called 2 times, for input (timing) and output (key values) @cached def gather_keyframes(blender_obj_uuid: str, is_armature: bool, channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], non_keyed_values: typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[float]], bake_bone: typing.Union[str, None], bake_channel: typing.Union[str, None], bake_range_start, bake_range_end, force_range: bool, action_name: str, driver_obj_uuid, node_channel_is_animated: bool, export_settings ) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List[Keyframe], bool]: """Convert the blender action groups' fcurves to keyframes for use in glTF.""" blender_object_if_armature = export_settings['vtree'].nodes[blender_obj_uuid].blender_object if is_armature is True is not None else None blender_obj_uuid_if_armature = blender_obj_uuid if is_armature is True else None if force_range is True: start_frame = bake_range_start end_frame = bake_range_end else: if bake_bone is None and driver_obj_uuid is None: # Find the start and end of the whole action group # Note: channels has some None items only for SK if some SK are not animated ranges = [channel.range() for channel in channels if channel is not None] if len(channels) != 0: start_frame = min([channel.range()[0] for channel in channels if channel is not None]) end_frame = max([channel.range()[1] for channel in channels if channel is not None]) else: start_frame = bake_range_start end_frame = bake_range_end else: start_frame = bake_range_start end_frame = bake_range_end keyframes = [] baking_is_needed = needs_baking(blender_object_if_armature, channels, export_settings) if baking_is_needed: # Bake the animation, by evaluating the animation for all frames if blender_object_if_armature is not None and driver_obj_uuid is None: if bake_bone is None: pose_bone_if_armature = gltf2_blender_get.get_object_from_datapath(blender_object_if_armature, channels[0].data_path) else: pose_bone_if_armature = blender_object_if_armature.pose.bones[bake_bone] else: pose_bone_if_armature = None # sample all frames frame = start_frame step = export_settings['gltf_frame_step'] while frame <= end_frame: key = Keyframe(channels, frame, bake_channel) if isinstance(pose_bone_if_armature, bpy.types.PoseBone): mat = get_bone_matrix( blender_obj_uuid_if_armature, channels, bake_bone, bake_channel, bake_range_start, bake_range_end, action_name, frame, step, export_settings ) trans, rot, scale = mat.decompose() if bake_channel is None: target_property = channels[0].data_path.split('.')[-1] else: target_property = bake_channel key.value = { "location": trans, "rotation_axis_angle": rot, "rotation_euler": rot, "rotation_quaternion": rot, "scale": scale }[target_property] else: if driver_obj_uuid is None: # If channel is TRS, we bake from world matrix, else this is SK if len(channels) != 0: target = [c for c in channels if c is not None][0].data_path.split('.')[-1] else: target = bake_channel if target == "value": #SK # Note: channels has some None items only for SK if some SK are not animated key.value = [c.evaluate(frame) for c in channels if c is not None] complete_key(key, non_keyed_values) else: mat = get_object_matrix(blender_obj_uuid, action_name, bake_range_start, bake_range_end, frame, step, export_settings) trans, rot, sca = mat.decompose() key.value_total = { "location": trans, "rotation_axis_angle": [rot.to_axis_angle()[1], rot.to_axis_angle()[0][0], rot.to_axis_angle()[0][1], rot.to_axis_angle()[0][2]], "rotation_euler": rot.to_euler(), "rotation_quaternion": rot, "scale": sca, "delta_location": trans, "delta_rotation_euler": rot.to_euler(), "delta_scale": sca }[target] else: key.value = get_sk_driver_values(driver_obj_uuid, frame, channels, export_settings) complete_key(key, non_keyed_values) keyframes.append(key) frame += step else: # Just use the keyframes as they are specified in blender # Note: channels has some None items only for SK if some SK are not animated frames = [keyframe.co[0] for keyframe in [c for c in channels if c is not None][0].keyframe_points] # some weird files have duplicate frame at same time, removed them frames = sorted(set(frames)) if force_range is True: frames = [f for f in frames if f >= bake_range_start and f <= bake_range_end] for i, frame in enumerate(frames): key = Keyframe(channels, frame, bake_channel) # key.value = [c.keyframe_points[i].co[0] for c in action_group.channels] key.value = [c.evaluate(frame) for c in channels if c is not None] # Complete key with non keyed values, if needed if len([c for c in channels if c is not None]) != key.get_target_len(): complete_key(key, non_keyed_values) # compute tangents for cubic spline interpolation if [c for c in channels if c is not None][0].keyframe_points[0].interpolation == "BEZIER": # Construct the in tangent if frame == frames[0]: # start in-tangent should become all zero key.set_first_tangent() else: # otherwise construct an in tangent coordinate from the keyframes control points. We intermediately # use a point at t+1 to define the tangent. This allows the tangent control point to be transformed # normally, but only works for locally linear transformation. The more non-linear a transform, the # more imprecise this method is. # We could use any other (v1, t1) for which (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0) equals the tangent. By using t+1 # for both in and out tangents, we guarantee that (even if there are errors or numerical imprecisions) # symmetrical control points translate to symmetrical tangents. # Note: I am not sure that linearity is never broken with quaternions and their normalization. # Especially at sign swap it might occur that the value gets negated but the control point not. # I have however not once encountered an issue with this. key.in_tangent = [ c.keyframe_points[i].co[1] + (c.keyframe_points[i].handle_left[1] - c.keyframe_points[i].co[1]) / (c.keyframe_points[i].handle_left[0] - c.keyframe_points[i].co[0]) for c in channels if c is not None ] # Construct the out tangent if frame == frames[-1]: # end out-tangent should become all zero key.set_last_tangent() else: # otherwise construct an in tangent coordinate from the keyframes control points. # This happens the same way how in tangents are handled above. key.out_tangent = [ c.keyframe_points[i].co[1] + (c.keyframe_points[i].handle_right[1] - c.keyframe_points[i].co[1]) / (c.keyframe_points[i].handle_right[0] - c.keyframe_points[i].co[0]) for c in channels if c is not None ] complete_key_tangents(key, non_keyed_values) keyframes.append(key) if not export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.OPTIMIZE_ANIMS]: return (keyframes, baking_is_needed) # For armature only # Check if all values are the same # In that case, if there is no real keyframe on this channel for this given bone, # We can ignore this keyframes # if there are some fcurve, we can keep only 2 keyframes, first and last if blender_object_if_armature is not None: cst = fcurve_is_constant(keyframes) if node_channel_is_animated is True: # fcurve on this bone for this property # Keep animation, but keep only 2 keyframes if data are not changing return ([keyframes[0], keyframes[-1]], baking_is_needed) if cst is True and len(keyframes) >= 2 else (keyframes, baking_is_needed) else: # bone is not animated (no fcurve) # Not keeping if not changing property return (None, baking_is_needed) if cst is True else (keyframes, baking_is_needed) else: # For objects, if all values are the same, we keep only first and last cst = fcurve_is_constant(keyframes) if node_channel_is_animated is True: return ([keyframes[0], keyframes[-1]], baking_is_needed) if cst is True and len(keyframes) >= 2 else (keyframes, baking_is_needed) else: # baked object (selected but not animated) return (None, baking_is_needed) if cst is True else (keyframes, baking_is_needed) return (keyframes, baking_is_needed) def fcurve_is_constant(keyframes): return all([j < 0.0001 for j in np.ptp([[k.value[i] for i in range(len(keyframes[0].value))] for k in keyframes], axis=0)]) def complete_key(key: Keyframe, non_keyed_values: typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[float]]): """ Complete keyframe with non keyed values """ for i in range(0, key.get_target_len()): if i in key.get_indices(): continue # this is a keyed array_index or a SK animated key.set_value_index(i, non_keyed_values[i]) def complete_key_tangents(key: Keyframe, non_keyed_values: typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[float]]): """ Complete keyframe with non keyed values for tangents """ for i in range(0, key.get_target_len()): if i in key.get_indices(): continue # this is a keyed array_index or a SK animated if key.in_tangent is not None: key.set_value_index_in(i, non_keyed_values[i]) if key.out_tangent is not None: key.set_value_index_out(i, non_keyed_values[i]) def needs_baking(blender_object_if_armature: typing.Optional[bpy.types.Object], channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], export_settings ) -> bool: """ Check if baking is needed. Some blender animations need to be baked as they can not directly be expressed in glTF. """ def all_equal(lst): return lst[1:] == lst[:-1] # Note: channels has some None items only for SK if some SK are not animated # Sampling is forced if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.FORCE_SAMPLING]: return True # If tree is troncated, sampling is forced if export_settings['vtree'].tree_troncated is True: return True # Sampling due to unsupported interpolation interpolation = [c for c in channels if c is not None][0].keyframe_points[0].interpolation if interpolation not in ["BEZIER", "LINEAR", "CONSTANT"]: gltf2_io_debug.print_console("WARNING", "Baking animation because of an unsupported interpolation method: {}".format( interpolation) ) return True if any(any(k.interpolation != interpolation for k in c.keyframe_points) for c in channels if c is not None): # There are different interpolation methods in one action group gltf2_io_debug.print_console("WARNING", "Baking animation because there are keyframes with different " "interpolation methods in one channel" ) return True if not all_equal([len(c.keyframe_points) for c in channels if c is not None]): gltf2_io_debug.print_console("WARNING", "Baking animation because the number of keyframes is not " "equal for all channel tracks") return True if len([c for c in channels if c is not None][0].keyframe_points) <= 1: # we need to bake to 'STEP', as at least two keyframes are required to interpolate return True if not all_equal(list(zip([[k.co[0] for k in c.keyframe_points] for c in channels if c is not None]))): # The channels have differently located keyframes gltf2_io_debug.print_console("WARNING", "Baking animation because of differently located keyframes in one channel") return True if blender_object_if_armature is not None: animation_target = gltf2_blender_get.get_object_from_datapath(blender_object_if_armature, [c for c in channels if c is not None][0].data_path) if isinstance(animation_target, bpy.types.PoseBone): if len(animation_target.constraints) != 0: # Constraints such as IK act on the bone -> can not be represented in glTF atm gltf2_io_debug.print_console("WARNING", "Baking animation because of unsupported constraints acting on the bone") return True return False