# Copyright 2018-2021 The glTF-Blender-IO authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import typing import bpy import mathutils from io_scene_gltf2.blender.com import gltf2_blender_math from io_scene_gltf2.blender.com.gltf2_blender_data_path import get_target_property_name, get_target_object_path from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_gather_animation_sampler_keyframes from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp.gltf2_blender_gather_cache import cached from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_gather_accessors from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_get from io_scene_gltf2.io.com import gltf2_io from io_scene_gltf2.io.com import gltf2_io_constants from io_scene_gltf2.io.exp import gltf2_io_binary_data from . import gltf2_blender_export_keys from io_scene_gltf2.io.exp.gltf2_io_user_extensions import export_user_extensions @cached def gather_animation_sampler(channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], blender_object: bpy.types.Object, bake_bone: typing.Union[str, None], bake_channel: typing.Union[str, None], bake_range_start, bake_range_end, action_name: str, driver_obj, export_settings ) -> gltf2_io.AnimationSampler: blender_object_if_armature = blender_object if blender_object.type == "ARMATURE" else None if blender_object_if_armature is not None and driver_obj is None: if bake_bone is None: pose_bone_if_armature = gltf2_blender_get.get_object_from_datapath(blender_object_if_armature, channels[0].data_path) else: pose_bone_if_armature = blender_object.pose.bones[bake_bone] else: pose_bone_if_armature = None non_keyed_values = __gather_non_keyed_values(channels, blender_object, blender_object_if_armature, pose_bone_if_armature, bake_channel, driver_obj, export_settings) if blender_object.parent is not None: matrix_parent_inverse = blender_object.matrix_parent_inverse.copy().freeze() else: matrix_parent_inverse = mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4).freeze() sampler = gltf2_io.AnimationSampler( extensions=__gather_extensions(channels, blender_object_if_armature, export_settings, bake_bone, bake_channel), extras=__gather_extras(channels, blender_object_if_armature, export_settings, bake_bone, bake_channel), input=__gather_input(channels, blender_object_if_armature, non_keyed_values, bake_bone, bake_channel, bake_range_start, bake_range_end, action_name, driver_obj, export_settings), interpolation=__gather_interpolation(channels, blender_object_if_armature, export_settings, bake_bone, bake_channel), output=__gather_output(channels, matrix_parent_inverse, blender_object_if_armature, non_keyed_values, bake_bone, bake_channel, bake_range_start, bake_range_end, action_name, driver_obj, export_settings) ) export_user_extensions('gather_animation_sampler_hook', export_settings, sampler, channels, blender_object, bake_bone, bake_channel, bake_range_start, bake_range_end, action_name) return sampler def __gather_non_keyed_values(channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], blender_object: bpy.types.Object, blender_object_if_armature: typing.Optional[bpy.types.Object], pose_bone_if_armature: typing.Optional[bpy.types.PoseBone], bake_channel: typing.Union[str, None], driver_obj, export_settings ) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[float]]: non_keyed_values = [] obj = blender_object if driver_obj is None else driver_obj # Note: channels has some None items only for SK if some SK are not animated if None not in channels: # classic case for object TRS or bone TRS # Or if all morph target are animated if driver_obj is not None: # driver of SK return tuple([None] * len(channels)) if bake_channel is None: target = channels[0].data_path.split('.')[-1] else: target = bake_channel if target == "value": # All morph targets are animated return tuple([None] * len(channels)) indices = [c.array_index for c in channels] indices.sort() length = { "delta_location": 3, "delta_rotation_euler": 3, "location": 3, "rotation_axis_angle": 4, "rotation_euler": 3, "rotation_quaternion": 4, "scale": 3, "value": len(channels) }.get(target) if length is None: # This is not a known target return () for i in range(0, length): if bake_channel is not None: non_keyed_values.append({ "delta_location" : obj.delta_location, "delta_rotation_euler" : obj.delta_rotation_euler, "location" : obj.location, "rotation_axis_angle" : obj.rotation_axis_angle, "rotation_euler" : obj.rotation_euler, "rotation_quaternion" : obj.rotation_quaternion, "scale" : obj.scale }[target][i]) elif i in indices: non_keyed_values.append(None) else: if blender_object_if_armature is None: non_keyed_values.append({ "delta_location" : obj.delta_location, "delta_rotation_euler" : obj.delta_rotation_euler, "location" : obj.location, "rotation_axis_angle" : obj.rotation_axis_angle, "rotation_euler" : obj.rotation_euler, "rotation_quaternion" : obj.rotation_quaternion, "scale" : obj.scale }[target][i]) else: # TODO, this is not working if the action is not active (NLA case for example) trans, rot, scale = pose_bone_if_armature.matrix_basis.decompose() non_keyed_values.append({ "location": trans, "rotation_axis_angle": rot, "rotation_euler": rot, "rotation_quaternion": rot, "scale": scale }[target][i]) return tuple(non_keyed_values) else: # We are in case of morph target, where all targets are not animated # So channels has some None items first_channel = [c for c in channels if c is not None][0] object_path = get_target_object_path(first_channel.data_path) if object_path: shapekeys_idx = {} cpt_sk = 0 for sk in obj.data.shape_keys.key_blocks: if sk == sk.relative_key: continue if sk.mute is True: continue shapekeys_idx[cpt_sk] = sk.name cpt_sk += 1 for idx_c, channel in enumerate(channels): if channel is None: non_keyed_values.append(obj.data.shape_keys.key_blocks[shapekeys_idx[idx_c]].value) else: non_keyed_values.append(None) return tuple(non_keyed_values) def __gather_extensions(channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], blender_object_if_armature: typing.Optional[bpy.types.Object], export_settings, bake_bone: typing.Union[str, None], bake_channel: typing.Union[str, None] ) -> typing.Any: return None def __gather_extras(channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], blender_object_if_armature: typing.Optional[bpy.types.Object], export_settings, bake_bone: typing.Union[str, None], bake_channel: typing.Union[str, None] ) -> typing.Any: return None @cached def __gather_input(channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], blender_object_if_armature: typing.Optional[bpy.types.Object], non_keyed_values: typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[float]], bake_bone: typing.Union[str, None], bake_channel: typing.Union[str, None], bake_range_start, bake_range_end, action_name, driver_obj, export_settings ) -> gltf2_io.Accessor: """Gather the key time codes.""" keyframes = gltf2_blender_gather_animation_sampler_keyframes.gather_keyframes(blender_object_if_armature, channels, non_keyed_values, bake_bone, bake_channel, bake_range_start, bake_range_end, action_name, driver_obj, export_settings) times = [k.seconds for k in keyframes] return gltf2_blender_gather_accessors.gather_accessor( gltf2_io_binary_data.BinaryData.from_list(times, gltf2_io_constants.ComponentType.Float), gltf2_io_constants.ComponentType.Float, len(times), tuple([max(times)]), tuple([min(times)]), gltf2_io_constants.DataType.Scalar, export_settings ) def __gather_interpolation(channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], blender_object_if_armature: typing.Optional[bpy.types.Object], export_settings, bake_bone: typing.Union[str, None], bake_channel: typing.Union[str, None] ) -> str: # Note: channels has some None items only for SK if some SK are not animated if gltf2_blender_gather_animation_sampler_keyframes.needs_baking(blender_object_if_armature, channels, export_settings): if bake_bone is not None: # TODO: check if the bone was animated with CONSTANT return 'LINEAR' else: max_keyframes = max([len(ch.keyframe_points) for ch in channels if ch is not None]) # If only single keyframe revert to STEP if max_keyframes < 2: return 'STEP' # If all keyframes are CONSTANT, we can use STEP. if all(all(k.interpolation == 'CONSTANT' for k in c.keyframe_points) for c in channels if c is not None): return 'STEP' # Otherwise, sampled keyframes use LINEAR interpolation. return 'LINEAR' # Non-sampled keyframes implies that all keys are of the same type, and that the # type is supported by glTF (because we checked in needs_baking). blender_keyframe = [c for c in channels if c is not None][0].keyframe_points[0] # Select the interpolation method. return { "BEZIER": "CUBICSPLINE", "LINEAR": "LINEAR", "CONSTANT": "STEP" }[blender_keyframe.interpolation] @cached def __gather_output(channels: typing.Tuple[bpy.types.FCurve], parent_inverse, blender_object_if_armature: typing.Optional[bpy.types.Object], non_keyed_values: typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[float]], bake_bone: typing.Union[str, None], bake_channel: typing.Union[str, None], bake_range_start, bake_range_end, action_name, driver_obj, export_settings ) -> gltf2_io.Accessor: """Gather the data of the keyframes.""" keyframes = gltf2_blender_gather_animation_sampler_keyframes.gather_keyframes(blender_object_if_armature, channels, non_keyed_values, bake_bone, bake_channel, bake_range_start, bake_range_end, action_name, driver_obj, export_settings) if bake_bone is not None: target_datapath = "pose.bones['" + bake_bone + "']." + bake_channel else: target_datapath = [c for c in channels if c is not None][0].data_path is_yup = export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.YUP] # bone animations need to be handled differently as they are in a different coordinate system if bake_bone is None: object_path = get_target_object_path(target_datapath) else: object_path = None is_armature_animation = bake_bone is not None or (blender_object_if_armature is not None and object_path != "") if is_armature_animation: if bake_bone is None: bone = gltf2_blender_get.get_object_from_datapath(blender_object_if_armature, object_path) else: bone = blender_object_if_armature.pose.bones[bake_bone] if isinstance(bone, bpy.types.PoseBone): if bone.parent is None: axis_basis_change = mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4) if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.YUP]: axis_basis_change = mathutils.Matrix( ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))) correction_matrix_local = axis_basis_change @ bone.bone.matrix_local else: correction_matrix_local = ( bone.parent.bone.matrix_local.inverted() @ bone.bone.matrix_local ) transform = correction_matrix_local else: transform = mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4) else: transform = parent_inverse values = [] for keyframe in keyframes: # Transform the data and build gltf control points value = gltf2_blender_math.transform(keyframe.value, target_datapath, transform) if is_yup and not is_armature_animation: value = gltf2_blender_math.swizzle_yup(value, target_datapath) keyframe_value = gltf2_blender_math.mathutils_to_gltf(value) if keyframe.in_tangent is not None: # we can directly transform the tangent as it currently is represented by a control point in_tangent = gltf2_blender_math.transform(keyframe.in_tangent, target_datapath, transform) if is_yup and blender_object_if_armature is None: in_tangent = gltf2_blender_math.swizzle_yup(in_tangent, target_datapath) # the tangent in glTF is relative to the keyframe value if not isinstance(value, list): in_tangent = value - in_tangent else: in_tangent = [value[i] - in_tangent[i] for i in range(len(value))] keyframe_value = gltf2_blender_math.mathutils_to_gltf(in_tangent) + keyframe_value # append if keyframe.out_tangent is not None: # we can directly transform the tangent as it currently is represented by a control point out_tangent = gltf2_blender_math.transform(keyframe.out_tangent, target_datapath, transform) if is_yup and blender_object_if_armature is None: out_tangent = gltf2_blender_math.swizzle_yup(out_tangent, target_datapath) # the tangent in glTF is relative to the keyframe value if not isinstance(value, list): out_tangent = value - out_tangent else: out_tangent = [value[i] - out_tangent[i] for i in range(len(value))] keyframe_value = keyframe_value + gltf2_blender_math.mathutils_to_gltf(out_tangent) # append values += keyframe_value # store the keyframe data in a binary buffer component_type = gltf2_io_constants.ComponentType.Float if get_target_property_name(target_datapath) == "value": # channels with 'weight' targets must have scalar accessors data_type = gltf2_io_constants.DataType.Scalar else: data_type = gltf2_io_constants.DataType.vec_type_from_num(len(keyframes[0].value)) return gltf2_io.Accessor( buffer_view=gltf2_io_binary_data.BinaryData.from_list(values, component_type), byte_offset=None, component_type=component_type, count=len(values) // gltf2_io_constants.DataType.num_elements(data_type), extensions=None, extras=None, max=None, min=None, name=None, normalized=None, sparse=None, type=data_type )