# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Copyright 2018-2021 The glTF-Blender-IO authors. import bpy import typing from io_scene_gltf2.io.com import gltf2_io from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_gather_animation_channels from io_scene_gltf2.io.com.gltf2_io_debug import print_console from ..com.gltf2_blender_extras import generate_extras from io_scene_gltf2.io.exp.gltf2_io_user_extensions import export_user_extensions from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp.gltf2_blender_gather_tree import VExportNode from ..com.gltf2_blender_data_path import is_bone_anim_channel from mathutils import Matrix def gather_animations( obj_uuid: int, tracks: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[int]], offset: int, export_settings) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List[gltf2_io.Animation], typing.Dict[str, typing.List[int]]]: """ Gather all animations which contribute to the objects property, and corresponding track names :param blender_object: The blender object which is animated :param export_settings: :return: A list of glTF2 animations and tracks """ animations = [] blender_object = export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].blender_object # Collect all 'actions' affecting this object. There is a direct mapping between blender actions and glTF animations blender_actions = __get_blender_actions(blender_object, export_settings) if len([a for a in blender_actions if a[2] == "OBJECT"]) == 0: # No TRS animation are found for this object. # But we need to bake, in case we export selection # (Only when force sampling is ON) # If force sampling is OFF, can lead to inconsistent export anyway if export_settings['gltf_selected'] is True and blender_object.type != "ARMATURE" and export_settings['gltf_force_sampling'] is True: # We also have to check if this is a skinned mesh, because we don't have to force animation baking on this case # (skinned meshes TRS must be ignored, says glTF specification) if export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].skin is None: channels = gltf2_blender_gather_animation_channels.gather_channels_baked(obj_uuid, None, export_settings) if channels is not None: animation = gltf2_io.Animation( channels=channels, extensions=None, # as other animations extras=None, # Because there is no animation to get extras from name=blender_object.name, # Use object name as animation name samplers=[] ) __link_samplers(animation, export_settings) if animation is not None: animations.append(animation) elif export_settings['gltf_selected'] is True and blender_object.type == "ARMATURE": # We need to bake all bones. Because some bone can have some constraints linking to # some other armature bones, for example #TODO pass current_action = None if blender_object.animation_data and blender_object.animation_data.action: current_action = blender_object.animation_data.action # Remove any solo (starred) NLA track. Restored after export solo_track = None if blender_object.animation_data: for track in blender_object.animation_data.nla_tracks: if track.is_solo: solo_track = track track.is_solo = False break # Remove any tweak mode. Restore after export if blender_object.animation_data: restore_tweak_mode = blender_object.animation_data.use_tweak_mode # Remove use of NLA. Restore after export if blender_object.animation_data: current_use_nla = blender_object.animation_data.use_nla blender_object.animation_data.use_nla = False export_user_extensions('animation_switch_loop_hook', export_settings, blender_object, False) # Export all collected actions. for blender_action, track_name, on_type in blender_actions: # Set action as active, to be able to bake if needed if on_type == "OBJECT": # Not for shapekeys! if blender_object.animation_data.action is None \ or (blender_object.animation_data.action.name != blender_action.name): if blender_object.animation_data.is_property_readonly('action'): blender_object.animation_data.use_tweak_mode = False try: __reset_bone_matrix(blender_object, export_settings) export_user_extensions('pre_animation_switch_hook', export_settings, blender_object, blender_action, track_name, on_type) blender_object.animation_data.action = blender_action export_user_extensions('post_animation_switch_hook', export_settings, blender_object, blender_action, track_name, on_type) except: error = "Action is readonly. Please check NLA editor" print_console("WARNING", "Animation '{}' could not be exported. Cause: {}".format(blender_action.name, error)) continue # No need to set active shapekeys animations, this is needed for bone baking animation = __gather_animation(obj_uuid, blender_action, export_settings) if animation is not None: animations.append(animation) # Store data for merging animation later if track_name is not None: # Do not take into account animation not in NLA # Do not take into account default NLA track names if not (track_name.startswith("NlaTrack") or track_name.startswith("[Action Stash]")): if track_name not in tracks.keys(): tracks[track_name] = [] tracks[track_name].append(offset + len(animations)-1) # Store index of animation in animations # Restore action status # TODO: do this in a finally if blender_object.animation_data: if blender_object.animation_data.action is not None: if current_action is None: # remove last exported action __reset_bone_matrix(blender_object, export_settings) blender_object.animation_data.action = None elif blender_object.animation_data.action.name != current_action.name: # Restore action that was active at start of exporting __reset_bone_matrix(blender_object, export_settings) blender_object.animation_data.action = current_action if solo_track is not None: solo_track.is_solo = True blender_object.animation_data.use_tweak_mode = restore_tweak_mode blender_object.animation_data.use_nla = current_use_nla export_user_extensions('animation_switch_loop_hook', export_settings, blender_object, True) return animations, tracks def __gather_animation( obj_uuid: int, blender_action: bpy.types.Action, export_settings ) -> typing.Optional[gltf2_io.Animation]: blender_object = export_settings['vtree'].nodes[obj_uuid].blender_object if not __filter_animation(blender_action, blender_object, export_settings): return None name = __gather_name(blender_action, blender_object, export_settings) try: animation = gltf2_io.Animation( channels=__gather_channels(obj_uuid, blender_action, export_settings), extensions=__gather_extensions(blender_action, blender_object, export_settings), extras=__gather_extras(blender_action, blender_object, export_settings), name=name, samplers=__gather_samplers(obj_uuid, blender_action, export_settings) ) except RuntimeError as error: print_console("WARNING", "Animation '{}' could not be exported. Cause: {}".format(name, error)) return None export_user_extensions('pre_gather_animation_hook', export_settings, animation, blender_action, blender_object) if not animation.channels: return None # To allow reuse of samplers in one animation, __link_samplers(animation, export_settings) export_user_extensions('gather_animation_hook', export_settings, animation, blender_action, blender_object) return animation def __filter_animation(blender_action: bpy.types.Action, blender_object: bpy.types.Object, export_settings ) -> bool: if blender_action.users == 0: return False return True def __gather_channels(obj_uuid: int, blender_action: bpy.types.Action, export_settings ) -> typing.List[gltf2_io.AnimationChannel]: return gltf2_blender_gather_animation_channels.gather_animation_channels( obj_uuid, blender_action, export_settings) def __gather_extensions(blender_action: bpy.types.Action, blender_object: bpy.types.Object, export_settings ) -> typing.Any: return None def __gather_extras(blender_action: bpy.types.Action, blender_object: bpy.types.Object, export_settings ) -> typing.Any: if export_settings['gltf_extras']: return generate_extras(blender_action) return None def __gather_name(blender_action: bpy.types.Action, blender_object: bpy.types.Object, export_settings ) -> typing.Optional[str]: return blender_action.name def __gather_samplers(obj_uuid: str, blender_action: bpy.types.Action, export_settings ) -> typing.List[gltf2_io.AnimationSampler]: # We need to gather the samplers after gathering all channels --> populate this list in __link_samplers return [] def __link_samplers(animation: gltf2_io.Animation, export_settings): """ Move animation samplers to their own list and store their indices at their previous locations. After gathering, samplers are stored in the channels properties of the animation and need to be moved to their own list while storing an index into this list at the position where they previously were. This behaviour is similar to that of the glTFExporter that traverses all nodes :param animation: :param export_settings: :return: """ # TODO: move this to some util module and update gltf2 exporter also T = typing.TypeVar('T') def __append_unique_and_get_index(l: typing.List[T], item: T): if item in l: return l.index(item) else: index = len(l) l.append(item) return index for i, channel in enumerate(animation.channels): animation.channels[i].sampler = __append_unique_and_get_index(animation.samplers, channel.sampler) def __get_blender_actions(blender_object: bpy.types.Object, export_settings ) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[bpy.types.Action, str, str]]: blender_actions = [] blender_tracks = {} action_on_type = {} export_user_extensions('pre_gather_actions_hook', export_settings, blender_object) if blender_object.animation_data is not None: # Collect active action. if blender_object.animation_data.action is not None: blender_actions.append(blender_object.animation_data.action) blender_tracks[blender_object.animation_data.action.name] = None action_on_type[blender_object.animation_data.action.name] = "OBJECT" # Collect associated strips from NLA tracks. if export_settings['gltf_nla_strips'] is True: for track in blender_object.animation_data.nla_tracks: # Multi-strip tracks do not export correctly yet (they need to be baked), # so skip them for now and only write single-strip tracks. non_muted_strips = [strip for strip in track.strips if strip.action is not None and strip.mute is False] if track.strips is None or len(non_muted_strips) != 1: continue for strip in non_muted_strips: blender_actions.append(strip.action) blender_tracks[strip.action.name] = track.name # Always set after possible active action -> None will be overwrite action_on_type[strip.action.name] = "OBJECT" if blender_object.type == "MESH" \ and blender_object.data is not None \ and blender_object.data.shape_keys is not None \ and blender_object.data.shape_keys.animation_data is not None: if blender_object.data.shape_keys.animation_data.action is not None: blender_actions.append(blender_object.data.shape_keys.animation_data.action) blender_tracks[blender_object.data.shape_keys.animation_data.action.name] = None action_on_type[blender_object.data.shape_keys.animation_data.action.name] = "SHAPEKEY" if export_settings['gltf_nla_strips'] is True: for track in blender_object.data.shape_keys.animation_data.nla_tracks: # Multi-strip tracks do not export correctly yet (they need to be baked), # so skip them for now and only write single-strip tracks. non_muted_strips = [strip for strip in track.strips if strip.action is not None and strip.mute is False] if track.strips is None or len(non_muted_strips) != 1: continue for strip in non_muted_strips: blender_actions.append(strip.action) blender_tracks[strip.action.name] = track.name # Always set after possible active action -> None will be overwrite action_on_type[strip.action.name] = "SHAPEKEY" # If there are only 1 armature, include all animations, even if not in NLA if export_settings['gltf_export_anim_single_armature'] is True: if blender_object.type == "ARMATURE": if len(export_settings['vtree'].get_all_node_of_type(VExportNode.ARMATURE)) == 1: # Keep all actions on objects (no Shapekey animation) for act in [a for a in bpy.data.actions if a.id_root == "OBJECT"]: # We need to check this is an armature action # Checking that at least 1 bone is animated if not __is_armature_action(act): continue # Check if this action is already taken into account if act.name in blender_tracks.keys(): continue blender_actions.append(act) blender_tracks[act.name] = None action_on_type[act.name] = "OBJECT" # Use a class to get parameters, to be able to modify them class GatherActionHookParameters: def __init__(self, blender_actions, blender_tracks, action_on_type): self.blender_actions = blender_actions self.blender_tracks = blender_tracks self.action_on_type = action_on_type gatheractionhookparams = GatherActionHookParameters(blender_actions, blender_tracks, action_on_type) export_user_extensions('gather_actions_hook', export_settings, blender_object, gatheractionhookparams) # Get params back from hooks blender_actions = gatheractionhookparams.blender_actions blender_tracks = gatheractionhookparams.blender_tracks action_on_type = gatheractionhookparams.action_on_type # Remove duplicate actions. blender_actions = list(set(blender_actions)) # sort animations alphabetically (case insensitive) so they have a defined order and match Blender's Action list blender_actions.sort(key = lambda a: a.name.lower()) return [(blender_action, blender_tracks[blender_action.name], action_on_type[blender_action.name]) for blender_action in blender_actions] def __is_armature_action(blender_action) -> bool: for fcurve in blender_action.fcurves: if is_bone_anim_channel(fcurve.data_path): return True return False def __reset_bone_matrix(blender_object, export_settings) -> None: if export_settings['gltf_export_reset_pose_bones'] is False: return # Only for armatures if blender_object.type != "ARMATURE": return # Remove current action if any if blender_object.animation_data and blender_object.animation_data.action: blender_object.animation_data.action = None # Resetting bones TRS to avoid to keep not keyed value on a future action set for bone in blender_object.pose.bones: bone.matrix_basis = Matrix()