# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Copyright 2018-2021 The glTF-Blender-IO authors. import math import bpy from mathutils import Matrix, Quaternion, Vector from . import gltf2_blender_export_keys from io_scene_gltf2.blender.com import gltf2_blender_math from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp.gltf2_blender_gather_cache import cached from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_gather_skins from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_gather_cameras from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_gather_mesh from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_gather_joints from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_gather_lights from ..com.gltf2_blender_extras import generate_extras from io_scene_gltf2.io.com import gltf2_io from io_scene_gltf2.io.com import gltf2_io_extensions from io_scene_gltf2.io.exp.gltf2_io_user_extensions import export_user_extensions from io_scene_gltf2.io.com.gltf2_io_debug import print_console def gather_node(blender_object, library, blender_scene, dupli_object_parent, export_settings): # custom cache to avoid cache miss when called from animation # with blender_scene=None # invalidate cache if export settings have changed if not hasattr(gather_node, "__export_settings") or export_settings != gather_node.__export_settings: gather_node.__cache = {} gather_node.__export_settings = export_settings if blender_scene is None and (blender_object.name, library) in gather_node.__cache: return gather_node.__cache[(blender_object.name, library)] node = __gather_node(blender_object, library, blender_scene, dupli_object_parent, export_settings) gather_node.__cache[(blender_object.name, library)] = node return node @cached def __gather_node(blender_object, library, blender_scene, dupli_object_parent, export_settings): children, only_bone_children = __gather_children(blender_object, blender_scene, export_settings) camera = None mesh = None skin = None weights = None # If blender_scene is None, we are coming from animation export # Check to know if object is exported is already done, so we don't check # again if object is instanced in scene : this check was already done when exporting object itself if not __filter_node(blender_object, blender_scene, export_settings): if children: # This node should be filtered out, but has un-filtered children present. # So, export this node, excluding its camera, mesh, skin, and weights. # The transformations and animations on this node will have visible effects on children. # Armature always have children node(s) (that are bone(s)) # We have to check if children are only bones or not for armatures if blender_object.type == "ARMATURE" and only_bone_children is True: return None pass else: # This node is filtered out, and has no un-filtered children or descendants. return None else: # This node is being fully exported. camera = __gather_camera(blender_object, export_settings) mesh = __gather_mesh(blender_object, library, export_settings) skin = __gather_skin(blender_object, export_settings) weights = __gather_weights(blender_object, export_settings) node = gltf2_io.Node( camera=camera, children=children, extensions=__gather_extensions(blender_object, export_settings), extras=__gather_extras(blender_object, export_settings), matrix=__gather_matrix(blender_object, export_settings), mesh=mesh, name=__gather_name(blender_object, export_settings), rotation=None, scale=None, skin=skin, translation=None, weights=weights ) # If node mesh is skined, transforms should be ignored at import, so no need to set them here if node.skin is None: node.translation, node.rotation, node.scale = __gather_trans_rot_scale(blender_object, export_settings) if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.YUP]: # Checking node.extensions is making sure that the type of lamp is managed, and will be exported if blender_object.type == 'LIGHT' and export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.LIGHTS] and node.extensions: correction_node = __get_correction_node(blender_object, export_settings) correction_node.extensions = {"KHR_lights_punctual": node.extensions["KHR_lights_punctual"]} del node.extensions["KHR_lights_punctual"] node.children.append(correction_node) if blender_object.type == 'CAMERA' and export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.CAMERAS]: correction_node = __get_correction_node(blender_object, export_settings) correction_node.camera = node.camera node.children.append(correction_node) node.camera = None export_user_extensions('gather_node_hook', export_settings, node, blender_object) return node def __filter_node(blender_object, blender_scene, export_settings): if blender_object.users == 0: return False if blender_scene is not None: instanced = any([blender_object.name in layer.objects for layer in blender_scene.view_layers]) if instanced is False: # Check if object is from a linked collection if any([blender_object.name in coll.objects for coll in bpy.data.collections if coll.library is not None]): pass else: # Not instanced, not linked -> We don't keep this object return False if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.SELECTED] and blender_object.select_get() is False: return False if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.VISIBLE] and blender_object.visible_get() is False: return False # render_get() doesn't exist, so unfortunately this won't take into account the Collection settings if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.RENDERABLE] and blender_object.hide_render is True: return False if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.ACTIVE_COLLECTION]: found = any(x == blender_object for x in bpy.context.collection.all_objects) if not found: return False if blender_object.type == 'LIGHT': return export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.LIGHTS] if blender_object.type == 'CAMERA': return export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.CAMERAS] return True def __gather_camera(blender_object, export_settings): if blender_object.type != 'CAMERA': return None return gltf2_blender_gather_cameras.gather_camera(blender_object.data, export_settings) def __gather_children(blender_object, blender_scene, export_settings): children = [] only_bone_children = True # True by default, will be set to False if needed # standard children for child_object in blender_object.children: if child_object.parent_bone: # this is handled further down, # as the object should be a child of the specific bone, # not the Armature object continue node = gather_node(child_object, child_object.library.name if child_object.library else None, blender_scene, None, export_settings) if node is not None: children.append(node) only_bone_children = False # blender dupli objects if blender_object.instance_type == 'COLLECTION' and blender_object.instance_collection: for dupli_object in blender_object.instance_collection.objects: if dupli_object.parent is not None: continue if dupli_object.type == "ARMATURE": continue # There is probably a proxy (no more existing) node = gather_node(dupli_object, dupli_object.library.name if dupli_object.library else None, blender_scene, blender_object.name, export_settings) if node is not None: children.append(node) only_bone_children = False # blender bones if blender_object.type == "ARMATURE": root_joints = [] if export_settings["gltf_def_bones"] is False: bones = blender_object.pose.bones else: bones, _, _ = gltf2_blender_gather_skins.get_bone_tree(None, blender_object) bones = [blender_object.pose.bones[b.name] for b in bones] for blender_bone in bones: if not blender_bone.parent: joint = gltf2_blender_gather_joints.gather_joint(blender_object, blender_bone, export_settings) children.append(joint) root_joints.append(joint) # handle objects directly parented to bones direct_bone_children = [child for child in blender_object.children if child.parent_bone] if len(direct_bone_children) != 0: only_bone_children = False def find_parent_joint(joints, name): for joint in joints: if joint.name == name: return joint parent_joint = find_parent_joint(joint.children, name) if parent_joint: return parent_joint return None for child in direct_bone_children: # find parent joint parent_joint = find_parent_joint(root_joints, child.parent_bone) if not parent_joint: continue child_node = gather_node(child, None, blender_scene, None, export_settings) if child_node is None: continue blender_bone = blender_object.pose.bones[parent_joint.name] # fix rotation if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.YUP]: rot = child_node.rotation if rot is None: rot = [0, 0, 0, 1] rot_quat = Quaternion(rot) axis_basis_change = Matrix( ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))) mat = child.matrix_parent_inverse @ child.matrix_basis mat = mat @ axis_basis_change _, rot_quat, _ = mat.decompose() child_node.rotation = [rot_quat[1], rot_quat[2], rot_quat[3], rot_quat[0]] # fix translation (in blender bone's tail is the origin for children) trans, _, _ = child.matrix_local.decompose() if trans is None: trans = [0, 0, 0] # bones go down their local y axis if blender_bone.matrix.to_scale()[1] >= 1e-6: bone_tail = [0, blender_bone.length / blender_bone.matrix.to_scale()[1], 0] else: bone_tail = [0,0,0] # If scale is 0, tail == head child_node.translation = [trans[idx] + bone_tail[idx] for idx in range(3)] parent_joint.children.append(child_node) return children, only_bone_children def __gather_extensions(blender_object, export_settings): extensions = {} if export_settings["gltf_lights"] and (blender_object.type == "LAMP" or blender_object.type == "LIGHT"): blender_lamp = blender_object.data light = gltf2_blender_gather_lights.gather_lights_punctual( blender_lamp, export_settings ) if light is not None: light_extension = gltf2_io_extensions.ChildOfRootExtension( name="KHR_lights_punctual", path=["lights"], extension=light ) extensions["KHR_lights_punctual"] = gltf2_io_extensions.Extension( name="KHR_lights_punctual", extension={ "light": light_extension } ) return extensions if extensions else None def __gather_extras(blender_object, export_settings): if export_settings['gltf_extras']: return generate_extras(blender_object) return None def __gather_matrix(blender_object, export_settings): # return blender_object.matrix_local return [] def __gather_mesh(blender_object, library, export_settings): if blender_object.type in ['CURVE', 'SURFACE', 'FONT']: return __gather_mesh_from_nonmesh(blender_object, library, export_settings) if blender_object.type != "MESH": return None # Be sure that object is valid (no NaN for example) blender_object.data.validate() # If not using vertex group, they are irrelevant for caching --> ensure that they do not trigger a cache miss vertex_groups = blender_object.vertex_groups modifiers = blender_object.modifiers if len(vertex_groups) == 0: vertex_groups = None if len(modifiers) == 0: modifiers = None if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.APPLY]: armature_modifiers = {} if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.SKINS]: # temporarily disable Armature modifiers if exporting skins for idx, modifier in enumerate(blender_object.modifiers): if modifier.type == 'ARMATURE': armature_modifiers[idx] = modifier.show_viewport modifier.show_viewport = False depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() blender_mesh_owner = blender_object.evaluated_get(depsgraph) blender_mesh = blender_mesh_owner.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=depsgraph) for prop in blender_object.data.keys(): blender_mesh[prop] = blender_object.data[prop] skip_filter = True if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.SKINS]: # restore Armature modifiers for idx, show_viewport in armature_modifiers.items(): blender_object.modifiers[idx].show_viewport = show_viewport else: blender_mesh = blender_object.data skip_filter = False # If no skin are exported, no need to have vertex group, this will create a cache miss if not export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.SKINS]: vertex_groups = None modifiers = None else: # Check if there is an armature modidier if len([mod for mod in blender_object.modifiers if mod.type == "ARMATURE"]) == 0: vertex_groups = None # Not needed if no armature, avoid a cache miss modifiers = None materials = tuple(ms.material for ms in blender_object.material_slots) material_names = tuple(None if mat is None else mat.name for mat in materials) # retrieve armature # Because mesh data will be transforms to skeleton space, # we can't instantiate multiple object at different location, skined by same armature blender_object_for_skined_data = None if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.SKINS]: for idx, modifier in enumerate(blender_object.modifiers): if modifier.type == 'ARMATURE': blender_object_for_skined_data = blender_object result = gltf2_blender_gather_mesh.gather_mesh(blender_mesh, library, blender_object_for_skined_data, vertex_groups, modifiers, skip_filter, material_names, export_settings) if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.APPLY]: blender_mesh_owner.to_mesh_clear() return result def __gather_mesh_from_nonmesh(blender_object, library, export_settings): """Handles curves, surfaces, text, etc.""" needs_to_mesh_clear = False try: # Convert to a mesh try: if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.APPLY]: depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() blender_mesh_owner = blender_object.evaluated_get(depsgraph) blender_mesh = blender_mesh_owner.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=depsgraph) # TODO: do we need preserve_all_data_layers? else: blender_mesh_owner = blender_object blender_mesh = blender_mesh_owner.to_mesh() # In some cases (for example curve with single vertice), no blender_mesh is created (without crash) if blender_mesh is None: return None except Exception: return None needs_to_mesh_clear = True skip_filter = True material_names = tuple([ms.material.name for ms in blender_object.material_slots if ms.material is not None]) vertex_groups = None modifiers = None blender_object_for_skined_data = None result = gltf2_blender_gather_mesh.gather_mesh(blender_mesh, library, blender_object_for_skined_data, vertex_groups, modifiers, skip_filter, material_names, export_settings) finally: if needs_to_mesh_clear: blender_mesh_owner.to_mesh_clear() return result def __gather_name(blender_object, export_settings): return blender_object.name def __gather_trans_rot_scale(blender_object, export_settings): if blender_object.matrix_parent_inverse == Matrix.Identity(4): trans = blender_object.location if blender_object.rotation_mode in ['QUATERNION', 'AXIS_ANGLE']: rot = blender_object.rotation_quaternion else: rot = blender_object.rotation_euler.to_quaternion() sca = blender_object.scale else: # matrix_local = matrix_parent_inverse*location*rotation*scale # Decomposing matrix_local gives less accuracy, but is needed if matrix_parent_inverse is not the identity. if blender_object.matrix_local[3][3] != 0.0: trans, rot, sca = blender_object.matrix_local.decompose() else: # Some really weird cases, scale is null (if parent is null when evaluation is done) print_console('WARNING', 'Some nodes are 0 scaled during evaluation. Result can be wrong') trans = blender_object.location if blender_object.rotation_mode in ['QUATERNION', 'AXIS_ANGLE']: rot = blender_object.rotation_quaternion else: rot = blender_object.rotation_euler.to_quaternion() sca = blender_object.scale # make sure the rotation is normalized rot.normalize() trans = __convert_swizzle_location(trans, export_settings) rot = __convert_swizzle_rotation(rot, export_settings) sca = __convert_swizzle_scale(sca, export_settings) if blender_object.instance_type == 'COLLECTION' and blender_object.instance_collection: offset = -__convert_swizzle_location( blender_object.instance_collection.instance_offset, export_settings) s = Matrix.Diagonal(sca).to_4x4() r = rot.to_matrix().to_4x4() t = Matrix.Translation(trans).to_4x4() o = Matrix.Translation(offset).to_4x4() m = t @ r @ s @ o trans = m.translation translation, rotation, scale = (None, None, None) trans[0], trans[1], trans[2] = gltf2_blender_math.round_if_near(trans[0], 0.0), gltf2_blender_math.round_if_near(trans[1], 0.0), \ gltf2_blender_math.round_if_near(trans[2], 0.0) rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3] = gltf2_blender_math.round_if_near(rot[0], 1.0), gltf2_blender_math.round_if_near(rot[1], 0.0), \ gltf2_blender_math.round_if_near(rot[2], 0.0), gltf2_blender_math.round_if_near(rot[3], 0.0) sca[0], sca[1], sca[2] = gltf2_blender_math.round_if_near(sca[0], 1.0), gltf2_blender_math.round_if_near(sca[1], 1.0), \ gltf2_blender_math.round_if_near(sca[2], 1.0) if trans[0] != 0.0 or trans[1] != 0.0 or trans[2] != 0.0: translation = [trans[0], trans[1], trans[2]] if rot[0] != 1.0 or rot[1] != 0.0 or rot[2] != 0.0 or rot[3] != 0.0: rotation = [rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[0]] if sca[0] != 1.0 or sca[1] != 1.0 or sca[2] != 1.0: scale = [sca[0], sca[1], sca[2]] return translation, rotation, scale def __gather_skin(blender_object, export_settings): modifiers = {m.type: m for m in blender_object.modifiers} if "ARMATURE" not in modifiers or modifiers["ARMATURE"].object is None: return None # no skin needed when the modifier is linked without having a vertex group vertex_groups = blender_object.vertex_groups if len(vertex_groups) == 0: return None # check if any vertices in the mesh are part of a vertex group depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() blender_mesh_owner = blender_object.evaluated_get(depsgraph) blender_mesh = blender_mesh_owner.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=depsgraph) if not any(vertex.groups is not None and len(vertex.groups) > 0 for vertex in blender_mesh.vertices): return None # Prevent infinite recursive error. A mesh can't have an Armature modifier # and be bone parented to a bone of this armature # In that case, ignore the armature modifier, keep only the bone parenting if blender_object.parent is not None \ and blender_object.parent_type == 'BONE' \ and blender_object.parent.name == modifiers["ARMATURE"].object.name: return None # Skins and meshes must be in the same glTF node, which is different from how blender handles armatures return gltf2_blender_gather_skins.gather_skin(modifiers["ARMATURE"].object, export_settings) def __gather_weights(blender_object, export_settings): return None def __get_correction_node(blender_object, export_settings): correction_quaternion = __convert_swizzle_rotation( Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), math.radians(-90.0)), export_settings) correction_quaternion = [correction_quaternion[1], correction_quaternion[2], correction_quaternion[3], correction_quaternion[0]] return gltf2_io.Node( camera=None, children=[], extensions=None, extras=None, matrix=None, mesh=None, name=blender_object.name + '_Orientation', rotation=correction_quaternion, scale=None, skin=None, translation=None, weights=None ) def __convert_swizzle_location(loc, export_settings): """Convert a location from Blender coordinate system to glTF coordinate system.""" if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.YUP]: return Vector((loc[0], loc[2], -loc[1])) else: return Vector((loc[0], loc[1], loc[2])) def __convert_swizzle_rotation(rot, export_settings): """ Convert a quaternion rotation from Blender coordinate system to glTF coordinate system. 'w' is still at first position. """ if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.YUP]: return Quaternion((rot[0], rot[1], rot[3], -rot[2])) else: return Quaternion((rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3])) def __convert_swizzle_scale(scale, export_settings): """Convert a scale from Blender coordinate system to glTF coordinate system.""" if export_settings[gltf2_blender_export_keys.YUP]: return Vector((scale[0], scale[2], scale[1])) else: return Vector((scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]))