# Copyright 2018-2021 The glTF-Blender-IO authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import bpy from mathutils import Vector, Matrix from ..com.gltf2_blender_material_helpers import get_gltf_node_name from ...blender.com.gltf2_blender_conversion import texture_transform_blender_to_gltf from io_scene_gltf2.io.com import gltf2_io_debug def get_animation_target(action_group: bpy.types.ActionGroup): return action_group.channels[0].data_path.split('.')[-1] def get_object_from_datapath(blender_object, data_path: str): if "." in data_path: # gives us: ('modifiers["Subsurf"]', 'levels') path_prop, path_attr = data_path.rsplit(".", 1) # same as: prop = obj.modifiers["Subsurf"] if path_attr in ["rotation", "scale", "location", "rotation_axis_angle", "rotation_euler", "rotation_quaternion"]: prop = blender_object.path_resolve(path_prop) else: prop = blender_object.path_resolve(data_path) else: prop = blender_object # single attribute such as name, location... etc # path_attr = data_path return prop def get_socket(blender_material: bpy.types.Material, name: str): """ For a given material input name, retrieve the corresponding node tree socket. :param blender_material: a blender material for which to get the socket :param name: the name of the socket :return: a blender NodeSocket """ if blender_material.node_tree and blender_material.use_nodes: #i = [input for input in blender_material.node_tree.inputs] #o = [output for output in blender_material.node_tree.outputs] if name == "Emissive": # Check for a dedicated Emission node first, it must supersede the newer built-in one # because the newer one is always present in all Principled BSDF materials. type = bpy.types.ShaderNodeEmission name = "Color" nodes = [n for n in blender_material.node_tree.nodes if isinstance(n, type) and not n.mute] nodes = [node for node in nodes if check_if_is_linked_to_active_output(node.outputs[0])] inputs = sum([[input for input in node.inputs if input.name == name] for node in nodes], []) if inputs: return inputs[0] # If a dedicated Emission node was not found, fall back to the Principled BSDF Emission socket. name = "Emission" type = bpy.types.ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled elif name == "Background": type = bpy.types.ShaderNodeBackground name = "Color" else: type = bpy.types.ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled nodes = [n for n in blender_material.node_tree.nodes if isinstance(n, type) and not n.mute] nodes = [node for node in nodes if check_if_is_linked_to_active_output(node.outputs[0])] inputs = sum([[input for input in node.inputs if input.name == name] for node in nodes], []) if inputs: return inputs[0] return None def get_socket_old(blender_material: bpy.types.Material, name: str): """ For a given material input name, retrieve the corresponding node tree socket in the special glTF node group. :param blender_material: a blender material for which to get the socket :param name: the name of the socket :return: a blender NodeSocket """ gltf_node_group_name = get_gltf_node_name().lower() if blender_material.node_tree and blender_material.use_nodes: nodes = [n for n in blender_material.node_tree.nodes if \ isinstance(n, bpy.types.ShaderNodeGroup) and \ (n.node_tree.name.startswith('glTF Metallic Roughness') or n.node_tree.name.lower() == gltf_node_group_name)] inputs = sum([[input for input in node.inputs if input.name == name] for node in nodes], []) if inputs: return inputs[0] return None def check_if_is_linked_to_active_output(shader_socket): for link in shader_socket.links: if isinstance(link.to_node, bpy.types.ShaderNodeOutputMaterial) and link.to_node.is_active_output is True: return True if len(link.to_node.outputs) > 0: # ignore non active output, not having output sockets ret = check_if_is_linked_to_active_output(link.to_node.outputs[0]) # recursive until find an output material node if ret is True: return True return False def find_shader_image_from_shader_socket(shader_socket, max_hops=10): """Find any ShaderNodeTexImage in the path from the socket.""" if shader_socket is None: return None if max_hops <= 0: return None for link in shader_socket.links: if isinstance(link.from_node, bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage): return link.from_node for socket in link.from_node.inputs.values(): image = find_shader_image_from_shader_socket(shader_socket=socket, max_hops=max_hops - 1) if image is not None: return image return None def get_texture_transform_from_mapping_node(mapping_node): if mapping_node.vector_type not in ["TEXTURE", "POINT", "VECTOR"]: gltf2_io_debug.print_console("WARNING", "Skipping exporting texture transform because it had type " + mapping_node.vector_type + "; recommend using POINT instead" ) return None rotation_0, rotation_1 = mapping_node.inputs['Rotation'].default_value[0], mapping_node.inputs['Rotation'].default_value[1] if rotation_0 or rotation_1: # TODO: can we handle this? gltf2_io_debug.print_console("WARNING", "Skipping exporting texture transform because it had non-zero " "rotations in the X/Y direction; only a Z rotation can be exported!" ) return None mapping_transform = {} mapping_transform["offset"] = [mapping_node.inputs['Location'].default_value[0], mapping_node.inputs['Location'].default_value[1]] mapping_transform["rotation"] = mapping_node.inputs['Rotation'].default_value[2] mapping_transform["scale"] = [mapping_node.inputs['Scale'].default_value[0], mapping_node.inputs['Scale'].default_value[1]] if mapping_node.vector_type == "TEXTURE": # This means use the inverse of the TRS transform. def inverted(mapping_transform): offset = mapping_transform["offset"] rotation = mapping_transform["rotation"] scale = mapping_transform["scale"] # Inverse of a TRS is not always a TRS. This function will be right # at least when the following don't occur. if abs(rotation) > 1e-5 and abs(scale[0] - scale[1]) > 1e-5: return None if abs(scale[0]) < 1e-5 or abs(scale[1]) < 1e-5: return None new_offset = Matrix.Rotation(-rotation, 3, 'Z') @ Vector((-offset[0], -offset[1], 1)) new_offset[0] /= scale[0]; new_offset[1] /= scale[1] return { "offset": new_offset[0:2], "rotation": -rotation, "scale": [1/scale[0], 1/scale[1]], } mapping_transform = inverted(mapping_transform) if mapping_transform is None: gltf2_io_debug.print_console("WARNING", "Skipping exporting texture transform with type TEXTURE because " "we couldn't convert it to TRS; recommend using POINT instead" ) return None elif mapping_node.vector_type == "VECTOR": # Vectors don't get translated mapping_transform["offset"] = [0, 0] texture_transform = texture_transform_blender_to_gltf(mapping_transform) if all([component == 0 for component in texture_transform["offset"]]): del(texture_transform["offset"]) if all([component == 1 for component in texture_transform["scale"]]): del(texture_transform["scale"]) if texture_transform["rotation"] == 0: del(texture_transform["rotation"]) if len(texture_transform) == 0: return None return texture_transform def get_node(data_path): """Return Blender node on a given Blender data path.""" if data_path is None: return None index = data_path.find("[\"") if (index == -1): return None node_name = data_path[(index + 2):] index = node_name.find("\"") if (index == -1): return None return node_name[:(index)] def get_factor_from_socket(socket, kind): """ For baseColorFactor, metallicFactor, etc. Get a constant value from a socket, or a constant value from a MULTIPLY node just before the socket. kind is either 'RGB' or 'VALUE'. """ fac = get_const_from_socket(socket, kind) if fac is not None: return fac node = previous_node(socket) if node is not None: x1, x2 = None, None if kind == 'RGB': if node.type == 'MIX_RGB' and node.blend_type == 'MULTIPLY': # TODO: handle factor in inputs[0]? x1 = get_const_from_socket(node.inputs[1], kind) x2 = get_const_from_socket(node.inputs[2], kind) if kind == 'VALUE': if node.type == 'MATH' and node.operation == 'MULTIPLY': x1 = get_const_from_socket(node.inputs[0], kind) x2 = get_const_from_socket(node.inputs[1], kind) if x1 is not None and x2 is None: return x1 if x2 is not None and x1 is None: return x2 return None def get_const_from_socket(socket, kind): if not socket.is_linked: if kind == 'RGB': if socket.type != 'RGBA': return None return list(socket.default_value)[:3] if kind == 'VALUE': if socket.type != 'VALUE': return None return socket.default_value # Handle connection to a constant RGB/Value node prev_node = previous_node(socket) if prev_node is not None: if kind == 'RGB' and prev_node.type == 'RGB': return list(prev_node.outputs[0].default_value)[:3] if kind == 'VALUE' and prev_node.type == 'VALUE': return prev_node.outputs[0].default_value return None def previous_socket(socket): while True: if not socket.is_linked: return None from_socket = socket.links[0].from_socket # Skip over reroute nodes if from_socket.node.type == 'REROUTE': socket = from_socket.node.inputs[0] continue return from_socket def previous_node(socket): prev_socket = previous_socket(socket) if prev_socket is not None: return prev_socket.node return None