# Copyright 2018-2021 The glTF-Blender-IO authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import bpy import os from typing import Optional, Tuple import numpy as np import tempfile import enum class Channel(enum.IntEnum): R = 0 G = 1 B = 2 A = 3 # These describe how an ExportImage's channels should be filled. class FillImage: """Fills a channel with the channel src_chan from a Blender image.""" def __init__(self, image: bpy.types.Image, src_chan: Channel): self.image = image self.src_chan = src_chan class FillWhite: """Fills a channel with all ones (1.0).""" pass class ExportImage: """Custom image class. An image is represented by giving a description of how to fill its red, green, blue, and alpha channels. For example: self.fills = { Channel.R: FillImage(image=bpy.data.images['Im1'], src_chan=Channel.B), Channel.G: FillWhite(), } This says that the ExportImage's R channel should be filled with the B channel of the Blender image 'Im1', and the ExportImage's G channel should be filled with all 1.0s. Undefined channels mean we don't care what values that channel has. This is flexible enough to handle the case where eg. the user used the R channel of one image as the metallic value and the G channel of another image as the roughness, and we need to synthesize an ExportImage that packs those into the B and G channels for glTF. Storing this description (instead of raw pixels) lets us make more intelligent decisions about how to encode the image. """ def __init__(self): self.fills = {} @staticmethod def from_blender_image(image: bpy.types.Image): export_image = ExportImage() for chan in range(image.channels): export_image.fill_image(image, dst_chan=chan, src_chan=chan) return export_image def fill_image(self, image: bpy.types.Image, dst_chan: Channel, src_chan: Channel): self.fills[dst_chan] = FillImage(image, src_chan) def fill_white(self, dst_chan: Channel): self.fills[dst_chan] = FillWhite() def is_filled(self, chan: Channel) -> bool: return chan in self.fills def empty(self) -> bool: return not self.fills def blender_image(self) -> Optional[bpy.types.Image]: """If there's an existing Blender image we can use, returns it. Otherwise (if channels need packing), returns None. """ if self.__on_happy_path(): for fill in self.fills.values(): return fill.image return None def __on_happy_path(self) -> bool: # All src_chans match their dst_chan and come from the same image return ( all(isinstance(fill, FillImage) for fill in self.fills.values()) and all(dst_chan == fill.src_chan for dst_chan, fill in self.fills.items()) and len(set(fill.image.name for fill in self.fills.values())) == 1 ) def encode(self, mime_type: Optional[str]) -> bytes: self.file_format = { "image/jpeg": "JPEG", "image/png": "PNG" }.get(mime_type, "PNG") # Happy path = we can just use an existing Blender image if self.__on_happy_path(): return self.__encode_happy() # Unhappy path = we need to create the image self.fills describes. return self.__encode_unhappy() def __encode_happy(self) -> bytes: return self.__encode_from_image(self.blender_image()) def __encode_unhappy(self) -> bytes: # We need to assemble the image out of channels. # Do it with numpy and image.pixels. # Find all Blender images used images = [] for fill in self.fills.values(): if isinstance(fill, FillImage): if fill.image not in images: images.append(fill.image) if not images: # No ImageFills; use a 1x1 white pixel pixels = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) return self.__encode_from_numpy_array(pixels, (1, 1)) width = max(image.size[0] for image in images) height = max(image.size[1] for image in images) out_buf = np.ones(width * height * 4, np.float32) tmp_buf = np.empty(width * height * 4, np.float32) for image in images: if image.size[0] == width and image.size[1] == height: image.pixels.foreach_get(tmp_buf) else: # Image is the wrong size; make a temp copy and scale it. with TmpImageGuard() as guard: _make_temp_image_copy(guard, src_image=image) tmp_image = guard.image tmp_image.scale(width, height) tmp_image.pixels.foreach_get(tmp_buf) # Copy any channels for this image to the output for dst_chan, fill in self.fills.items(): if isinstance(fill, FillImage) and fill.image == image: out_buf[int(dst_chan)::4] = tmp_buf[int(fill.src_chan)::4] tmp_buf = None # GC this return self.__encode_from_numpy_array(out_buf, (width, height)) def __encode_from_numpy_array(self, pixels: np.ndarray, dim: Tuple[int, int]) -> bytes: with TmpImageGuard() as guard: guard.image = bpy.data.images.new( "##gltf-export:tmp-image##", width=dim[0], height=dim[1], alpha=Channel.A in self.fills, ) tmp_image = guard.image tmp_image.pixels.foreach_set(pixels) return _encode_temp_image(tmp_image, self.file_format) def __encode_from_image(self, image: bpy.types.Image) -> bytes: # See if there is an existing file we can use. data = None if image.source == 'FILE' and image.file_format == self.file_format and \ not image.is_dirty: if image.packed_file is not None: data = image.packed_file.data else: src_path = bpy.path.abspath(image.filepath_raw) if os.path.isfile(src_path): with open(src_path, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() # Check magic number is right if data: if self.file_format == 'PNG': if data.startswith(b'\x89PNG'): return data elif self.file_format == 'JPEG': if data.startswith(b'\xff\xd8\xff'): return data # Copy to a temp image and save. with TmpImageGuard() as guard: _make_temp_image_copy(guard, src_image=image) tmp_image = guard.image return _encode_temp_image(tmp_image, self.file_format) def _encode_temp_image(tmp_image: bpy.types.Image, file_format: str) -> bytes: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: tmpfilename = tmpdirname + '/img' tmp_image.filepath_raw = tmpfilename tmp_image.file_format = file_format tmp_image.save() with open(tmpfilename, "rb") as f: return f.read() class TmpImageGuard: """Guard to automatically clean up temp images (use it with `with`).""" def __init__(self): self.image = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self.image is not None: bpy.data.images.remove(self.image, do_unlink=True) def _make_temp_image_copy(guard: TmpImageGuard, src_image: bpy.types.Image): """Makes a temporary copy of src_image. Will be cleaned up with guard.""" guard.image = src_image.copy() tmp_image = guard.image tmp_image.update() if src_image.is_dirty: # Unsaved changes aren't copied by .copy(), so do them ourselves tmp_buf = np.empty(src_image.size[0] * src_image.size[1] * 4, np.float32) src_image.pixels.foreach_get(tmp_buf) tmp_image.pixels.foreach_set(tmp_buf)