# Copyright 2018-2019 The glTF-Blender-IO authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import bpy from mathutils import Vector, Quaternion, Matrix from .gltf2_blender_scene import BlenderScene class BlenderGlTF(): """Main glTF import class.""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): raise RuntimeError("%s should not be instantiated" % cls) @staticmethod def create(gltf): """Create glTF main method, with optional profiling""" profile = bpy.app.debug_value == 102 if profile: import cProfile, pstats, io from pstats import SortKey pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() BlenderGlTF._create(gltf) pr.disable() s = io.StringIO() sortby = SortKey.TIME ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby) ps.print_stats() print(s.getvalue()) else: BlenderGlTF._create(gltf) @staticmethod def _create(gltf): """Create glTF main worker method.""" BlenderGlTF.set_convert_functions(gltf) BlenderGlTF.pre_compute(gltf) BlenderScene.create(gltf) @staticmethod def set_convert_functions(gltf): if bpy.app.debug_value != 100: # Unit conversion factor in (Blender units) per meter u = 1.0 / bpy.context.scene.unit_settings.scale_length # glTF Y-Up space --> Blender Z-up space # X,Y,Z --> X,-Z,Y def convert_loc(x): return u * Vector([x[0], -x[2], x[1]]) def convert_quat(q): return Quaternion([q[3], q[0], -q[2], q[1]]) def convert_scale(s): return Vector([s[0], s[2], s[1]]) def convert_matrix(m): return Matrix([ [ m[0], -m[ 8], m[4], m[12]*u], [ -m[2], m[10], -m[6], -m[14]*u], [ m[1], -m[ 9], m[5], m[13]*u], [ m[3]/u, -m[11]/u, m[7]/u, m[15]], ]) # Batch versions operate in place on a numpy array def convert_locs_batch(locs): # x,y,z -> x,-z,y locs[:, [1,2]] = locs[:, [2,1]] locs[:, 1] *= -1 # Unit conversion if u != 1: locs *= u def convert_normals_batch(ns): ns[:, [1,2]] = ns[:, [2,1]] ns[:, 1] *= -1 # Correction for cameras and lights. # glTF: right = +X, forward = -Z, up = +Y # glTF after Yup2Zup: right = +X, forward = +Y, up = +Z # Blender: right = +X, forward = -Z, up = +Y # Need to carry Blender --> glTF after Yup2Zup gltf.camera_correction = Quaternion((2**0.5/2, 2**0.5/2, 0.0, 0.0)) else: def convert_loc(x): return Vector(x) def convert_quat(q): return Quaternion([q[3], q[0], q[1], q[2]]) def convert_scale(s): return Vector(s) def convert_matrix(m): return Matrix([m[0::4], m[1::4], m[2::4], m[3::4]]) def convert_locs_batch(_locs): return def convert_normals_batch(_ns): return # Same convention, no correction needed. gltf.camera_correction = None gltf.loc_gltf_to_blender = convert_loc gltf.locs_batch_gltf_to_blender = convert_locs_batch gltf.quaternion_gltf_to_blender = convert_quat gltf.normals_batch_gltf_to_blender = convert_normals_batch gltf.scale_gltf_to_blender = convert_scale gltf.matrix_gltf_to_blender = convert_matrix @staticmethod def pre_compute(gltf): """Pre compute, just before creation.""" # default scene used gltf.blender_scene = None # Check if there is animation on object # Init is to False, and will be set to True during creation gltf.animation_object = False # Blender material if gltf.data.materials: for material in gltf.data.materials: material.blender_material = {} # images if gltf.data.images is not None: for img in gltf.data.images: img.blender_image_name = None if gltf.data.nodes is None: # Something is wrong in file, there is no nodes return for node in gltf.data.nodes: # Weight animation management node.weight_animation = False # Dispatch animation if gltf.data.animations: for node in gltf.data.nodes: node.animations = {} track_names = set() for anim_idx, anim in enumerate(gltf.data.animations): # Pick pair-wise unique name for each animation to use as a name # for its NLA tracks. desired_name = anim.name or "Anim_%d" % anim_idx anim.track_name = BlenderGlTF.find_unused_name(track_names, desired_name) track_names.add(anim.track_name) for channel_idx, channel in enumerate(anim.channels): if channel.target.node is None: continue if anim_idx not in gltf.data.nodes[channel.target.node].animations.keys(): gltf.data.nodes[channel.target.node].animations[anim_idx] = [] gltf.data.nodes[channel.target.node].animations[anim_idx].append(channel_idx) # Manage node with animation on weights, that are animated in meshes in Blender (ShapeKeys) if channel.target.path == "weights": gltf.data.nodes[channel.target.node].weight_animation = True # Meshes if gltf.data.meshes: for mesh in gltf.data.meshes: mesh.blender_name = {} # caches Blender mesh name # Calculate names for each mesh's shapekeys for mesh in gltf.data.meshes or []: mesh.shapekey_names = [] used_names = set() # Some invalid glTF files has empty primitive tab if len(mesh.primitives) > 0: for sk, target in enumerate(mesh.primitives[0].targets or []): if 'POSITION' not in target: mesh.shapekey_names.append(None) continue # Check if glTF file has some extras with targetNames. Otherwise # use the name of the POSITION accessor on the first primitive. shapekey_name = None if mesh.extras is not None: if 'targetNames' in mesh.extras and sk < len(mesh.extras['targetNames']): shapekey_name = mesh.extras['targetNames'][sk] if shapekey_name is None: if gltf.data.accessors[target['POSITION']].name is not None: shapekey_name = gltf.data.accessors[target['POSITION']].name if shapekey_name is None: shapekey_name = "target_" + str(sk) shapekey_name = BlenderGlTF.find_unused_name(used_names, shapekey_name) used_names.add(shapekey_name) mesh.shapekey_names.append(shapekey_name) @staticmethod def find_unused_name(haystack, desired_name): """Finds a name not in haystack and <= 63 UTF-8 bytes. (the limit on the size of a Blender name.) If a is taken, tries a.001, then a.002, etc. """ stem = desired_name[:63] suffix = '' cntr = 1 while True: name = stem + suffix if len(name.encode('utf-8')) > 63: stem = stem[:-1] continue if name not in haystack: return name suffix = '.%03d' % cntr cntr += 1