# Copyright 2018-2019 The glTF-Blender-IO authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import bpy from mathutils import Vector, Quaternion, Matrix from ...io.imp.gltf2_io_binary import BinaryData from ..com.gltf2_blender_math import scale_rot_swap_matrix, nearby_signed_perm_matrix def compute_vnodes(gltf): """Computes the tree of virtual nodes. Copies the glTF nodes into a tree of VNodes, then performs a series of passes to transform it into a form that we can import into Blender. """ init_vnodes(gltf) mark_bones_and_armas(gltf) move_skinned_meshes(gltf) fixup_multitype_nodes(gltf) correct_cameras_and_lights(gltf) pick_bind_pose(gltf) prettify_bones(gltf) calc_bone_matrices(gltf) class VNode: """A "virtual" node. These are what eventually get turned into nodes in the Blender scene. """ # Types Object = 0 Bone = 1 DummyRoot = 2 def __init__(self): self.name = None self.default_name = 'Node' # fallback when no name self.children = [] self.parent = None self.type = VNode.Object self.is_arma = False self.base_trs = ( Vector((0, 0, 0)), Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0)), Vector((1, 1, 1)), ) # Additional rotations before/after the base TRS. # Allows per-vnode axis adjustment. See local_rotation. self.rotation_after = Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0)) self.rotation_before = Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0)) # Indices of the glTF node where the mesh, etc. came from. # (They can get moved around.) self.mesh_node_idx = None self.camera_node_idx = None self.light_node_idx = None def trs(self): # (final TRS) = (rotation after) (base TRS) (rotation before) t, r, s = self.base_trs m = scale_rot_swap_matrix(self.rotation_before) return ( self.rotation_after @ t, self.rotation_after @ r @ self.rotation_before, m @ s, ) def base_locs_to_final_locs(self, base_locs): ra = self.rotation_after return [ra @ loc for loc in base_locs] def base_rots_to_final_rots(self, base_rots): ra, rb = self.rotation_after, self.rotation_before return [ra @ rot @ rb for rot in base_rots] def base_scales_to_final_scales(self, base_scales): m = scale_rot_swap_matrix(self.rotation_before) return [m @ scale for scale in base_scales] def local_rotation(gltf, vnode_id, rot): """Appends a local rotation to vnode's world transform: (new world transform) = (old world transform) @ (rot) without changing the world transform of vnode's children. For correctness, rot must be a signed permutation of the axes (eg. (X Y Z)->(X -Z Y)) OR vnode's scale must always be uniform. """ gltf.vnodes[vnode_id].rotation_before @= rot # Append the inverse rotation after children's TRS to cancel it out. rot_inv = rot.conjugated() for child in gltf.vnodes[vnode_id].children: gltf.vnodes[child].rotation_after = \ rot_inv @ gltf.vnodes[child].rotation_after def init_vnodes(gltf): # Map of all VNodes. The keys are arbitrary IDs. # Nodes coming from glTF use the index into gltf.data.nodes for an ID. gltf.vnodes = {} for i, pynode in enumerate(gltf.data.nodes or []): vnode = VNode() gltf.vnodes[i] = vnode vnode.name = pynode.name vnode.default_name = 'Node_%d' % i vnode.children = list(pynode.children or []) vnode.base_trs = get_node_trs(gltf, pynode) if pynode.mesh is not None: vnode.mesh_node_idx = i if pynode.camera is not None: vnode.camera_node_idx = i if 'KHR_lights_punctual' in (pynode.extensions or {}): vnode.light_node_idx = i for id in gltf.vnodes: for child in gltf.vnodes[id].children: assert gltf.vnodes[child].parent is None gltf.vnodes[child].parent = id # Inserting a root node will simplify things. roots = [id for id in gltf.vnodes if gltf.vnodes[id].parent is None] gltf.vnodes['root'] = VNode() gltf.vnodes['root'].type = VNode.DummyRoot gltf.vnodes['root'].default_name = 'Root' gltf.vnodes['root'].children = roots for root in roots: gltf.vnodes[root].parent = 'root' def get_node_trs(gltf, pynode): if pynode.matrix is not None: m = gltf.matrix_gltf_to_blender(pynode.matrix) return m.decompose() t = gltf.loc_gltf_to_blender(pynode.translation or [0, 0, 0]) r = gltf.quaternion_gltf_to_blender(pynode.rotation or [0, 0, 0, 1]) s = gltf.scale_gltf_to_blender(pynode.scale or [1, 1, 1]) return t, r, s def mark_bones_and_armas(gltf): """ Mark nodes as armatures so that every node that is used as joint is a descendant of an armature. Mark everything between an armature and a joint as a bone. """ for skin in gltf.data.skins or []: descendants = list(skin.joints) if skin.skeleton is not None: descendants.append(skin.skeleton) arma_id = deepest_common_ancestor(gltf, descendants) if arma_id in skin.joints: arma_id = gltf.vnodes[arma_id].parent if gltf.vnodes[arma_id].type != VNode.Bone: gltf.vnodes[arma_id].type = VNode.Object gltf.vnodes[arma_id].is_arma = True gltf.vnodes[arma_id].arma_name = skin.name or 'Armature' for joint in skin.joints: while joint != arma_id: gltf.vnodes[joint].type = VNode.Bone gltf.vnodes[joint].is_arma = False joint = gltf.vnodes[joint].parent # Mark the armature each bone is a descendant of. def visit(vnode_id, cur_arma): # Depth-first walk vnode = gltf.vnodes[vnode_id] if vnode.is_arma: cur_arma = vnode_id elif vnode.type == VNode.Bone: vnode.bone_arma = cur_arma else: cur_arma = None for child in vnode.children: visit(child, cur_arma) visit('root', cur_arma=None) def deepest_common_ancestor(gltf, vnode_ids): """Find the deepest (improper) ancestor of a set of vnodes.""" path_to_ancestor = [] # path to deepest ancestor so far for vnode_id in vnode_ids: path = path_from_root(gltf, vnode_id) if not path_to_ancestor: path_to_ancestor = path else: path_to_ancestor = longest_common_prefix(path, path_to_ancestor) return path_to_ancestor[-1] def path_from_root(gltf, vnode_id): """Returns the ids of all vnodes from the root to vnode_id.""" path = [] while vnode_id is not None: path.append(vnode_id) vnode_id = gltf.vnodes[vnode_id].parent path.reverse() return path def longest_common_prefix(list1, list2): i = 0 while i != min(len(list1), len(list2)): if list1[i] != list2[i]: break i += 1 return list1[:i] def move_skinned_meshes(gltf): """ In glTF, where in the node hierarchy a skinned mesh is instantiated has no effect on its world space position: only the world transforms of the joints in its skin affect it. To do this in Blender: * Move a skinned mesh to become a child of the armature that skins it. Have to ensure the mesh and arma have the same world transform. * When we do mesh creation, we will also need to put all the verts in the bind pose in arma space. """ ids = list(gltf.vnodes.keys()) for id in ids: vnode = gltf.vnodes[id] if vnode.mesh_node_idx is None: continue skin = gltf.data.nodes[vnode.mesh_node_idx].skin if skin is None: continue pyskin = gltf.data.skins[skin] arma = gltf.vnodes[pyskin.joints[0]].bone_arma # First try moving the whole node if we can do it without # messing anything up. is_animated = ( gltf.data.animations and isinstance(id, int) and gltf.data.nodes[id].animations ) ok_to_move = ( not is_animated and vnode.type == VNode.Object and not vnode.is_arma and not vnode.children and vnode.camera_node_idx is None and vnode.light_node_idx is None ) if ok_to_move: reparent(gltf, id, new_parent=arma) vnode.base_trs = ( Vector((0, 0, 0)), Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0)), Vector((1, 1, 1)), ) continue # Otherwise, create a new child of the arma and move # the mesh instance there, leaving the node behind. new_id = str(id) + '.skinned' gltf.vnodes[new_id] = VNode() gltf.vnodes[new_id].parent = arma gltf.vnodes[arma].children.append(new_id) gltf.vnodes[new_id].mesh_node_idx = vnode.mesh_node_idx vnode.mesh_node_idx = None def reparent(gltf, vnode_id, new_parent): """Moves a VNode to a new parent.""" vnode = gltf.vnodes[vnode_id] if vnode.parent == new_parent: return if vnode.parent is not None: parent_vnode = gltf.vnodes[vnode.parent] index = parent_vnode.children.index(vnode_id) del parent_vnode.children[index] vnode.parent = new_parent gltf.vnodes[new_parent].children.append(vnode_id) def fixup_multitype_nodes(gltf): """ Blender only lets each object have one of: an armature, a mesh, a camera, a light. Also bones cannot have any of these either. Find any nodes like this and move the mesh/camera/light onto new children. """ ids = list(gltf.vnodes.keys()) for id in ids: vnode = gltf.vnodes[id] needs_move = False if vnode.is_arma or vnode.type == VNode.Bone: needs_move = True if vnode.mesh_node_idx is not None: if needs_move: new_id = str(id) + '.mesh' gltf.vnodes[new_id] = VNode() gltf.vnodes[new_id].mesh_node_idx = vnode.mesh_node_idx gltf.vnodes[new_id].parent = id vnode.children.append(new_id) vnode.mesh_node_idx = None needs_move = True if vnode.camera_node_idx is not None: if needs_move: new_id = str(id) + '.camera' gltf.vnodes[new_id] = VNode() gltf.vnodes[new_id].camera_node_idx = vnode.camera_node_idx gltf.vnodes[new_id].parent = id vnode.children.append(new_id) vnode.camera_node_idx = None needs_move = True if vnode.light_node_idx is not None: if needs_move: new_id = str(id) + '.light' gltf.vnodes[new_id] = VNode() gltf.vnodes[new_id].light_node_idx = vnode.light_node_idx gltf.vnodes[new_id].parent = id vnode.children.append(new_id) vnode.light_node_idx = None needs_move = True def correct_cameras_and_lights(gltf): """ Depending on the coordinate change, lights and cameras might need to be rotated to match Blender conventions for which axes they point along. """ if gltf.camera_correction is None: return for id, vnode in gltf.vnodes.items(): needs_correction = \ vnode.camera_node_idx is not None or \ vnode.light_node_idx is not None if needs_correction: local_rotation(gltf, id, gltf.camera_correction) def pick_bind_pose(gltf): """ Pick the bind pose for all bones. Skinned meshes will be retargeted onto this bind pose during mesh creation. """ if gltf.import_settings['guess_original_bind_pose']: # Record inverse bind matrices. We're going to milk them for information # about the original bind pose. inv_binds = {'root': Matrix.Identity(4)} for skin in gltf.data.skins or []: if skin.inverse_bind_matrices is None: continue # Assume inverse bind matrices are calculated relative to the skeleton skel = skin.skeleton if skel is not None: if skel in skin.joints: skel = gltf.vnodes[skel].parent if skel not in inv_binds: inv_binds[skel] = Matrix.Identity(4) skin_inv_binds = BinaryData.get_data_from_accessor(gltf, skin.inverse_bind_matrices) skin_inv_binds = [gltf.matrix_gltf_to_blender(m) for m in skin_inv_binds] for i, joint in enumerate(skin.joints): inv_binds[joint] = skin_inv_binds[i] for vnode_id in gltf.vnodes: vnode = gltf.vnodes[vnode_id] if vnode.type == VNode.Bone: # Initialize bind pose to default pose (from gltf.data.nodes) vnode.bind_trans = Vector(vnode.base_trs[0]) vnode.bind_rot = Quaternion(vnode.base_trs[1]) if gltf.import_settings['guess_original_bind_pose']: # Try to guess bind pose from inverse bind matrices if vnode_id in inv_binds and vnode.parent in inv_binds: # (bind matrix) = (parent bind matrix) (bind local). Solve for bind local... bind_local = inv_binds[vnode.parent] @ inv_binds[vnode_id].inverted_safe() t, r, _s = bind_local.decompose() vnode.bind_trans = t vnode.bind_rot = r # Initialize editbones to match bind pose vnode.editbone_trans = Vector(vnode.bind_trans) vnode.editbone_rot = Quaternion(vnode.bind_rot) def prettify_bones(gltf): """ Prettify bone lengths/directions. """ def visit(vnode_id, parent_rot=None): # Depth-first walk vnode = gltf.vnodes[vnode_id] rot = None if vnode.type == VNode.Bone: vnode.bone_length = pick_bone_length(gltf, vnode_id) rot = pick_bone_rotation(gltf, vnode_id, parent_rot) if rot is not None: rotate_edit_bone(gltf, vnode_id, rot) for child in vnode.children: visit(child, parent_rot=rot) visit('root') MIN_BONE_LENGTH = 0.004 # too small and bones get deleted def pick_bone_length(gltf, bone_id): """Heuristic for bone length.""" vnode = gltf.vnodes[bone_id] child_locs = [ gltf.vnodes[child].editbone_trans for child in vnode.children if gltf.vnodes[child].type == VNode.Bone ] child_locs = [loc for loc in child_locs if loc.length > MIN_BONE_LENGTH] if child_locs: return min(loc.length for loc in child_locs) if gltf.vnodes[vnode.parent].type == VNode.Bone: return gltf.vnodes[vnode.parent].bone_length if vnode.editbone_trans.length > MIN_BONE_LENGTH: return vnode.editbone_trans.length return 1 def pick_bone_rotation(gltf, bone_id, parent_rot): """Heuristic for bone rotation. A bone's tip lies on its local +Y axis so rotating a bone let's us adjust the bone direction. """ if bpy.app.debug_value == 100: return None if gltf.import_settings['bone_heuristic'] == 'BLENDER': return Quaternion((2**0.5/2, 2**0.5/2, 0, 0)) elif gltf.import_settings['bone_heuristic'] in ['TEMPERANCE', 'FORTUNE']: return temperance(gltf, bone_id, parent_rot) def temperance(gltf, bone_id, parent_rot): vnode = gltf.vnodes[bone_id] # Try to put our tip at the centroid of our children child_locs = [ gltf.vnodes[child].editbone_trans for child in vnode.children if gltf.vnodes[child].type == VNode.Bone ] child_locs = [loc for loc in child_locs if loc.length > MIN_BONE_LENGTH] if child_locs: centroid = sum(child_locs, Vector((0, 0, 0))) rot = Vector((0, 1, 0)).rotation_difference(centroid) if gltf.import_settings['bone_heuristic'] == 'TEMPERANCE': # Snap to the local axes; required for local_rotation to be # accurate when vnode has a non-uniform scaling. # FORTUNE skips this, so it may look better, but may have errors. rot = nearby_signed_perm_matrix(rot).to_quaternion() return rot return parent_rot def rotate_edit_bone(gltf, bone_id, rot): """Rotate one edit bone without affecting anything else.""" gltf.vnodes[bone_id].editbone_rot @= rot # Cancel out the rotation so children aren't affected. rot_inv = rot.conjugated() for child_id in gltf.vnodes[bone_id].children: child = gltf.vnodes[child_id] if child.type == VNode.Bone: child.editbone_trans = rot_inv @ child.editbone_trans child.editbone_rot = rot_inv @ child.editbone_rot # Need to rotate the bone's final TRS by the same amount so skinning # isn't affected. local_rotation(gltf, bone_id, rot) def calc_bone_matrices(gltf): """ Calculate the transformations from bone space to arma space in the bind pose and in the edit bone pose. """ def visit(vnode_id): # Depth-first walk vnode = gltf.vnodes[vnode_id] if vnode.type == VNode.Bone: if gltf.vnodes[vnode.parent].type == VNode.Bone: parent_bind_mat = gltf.vnodes[vnode.parent].bind_arma_mat parent_editbone_mat = gltf.vnodes[vnode.parent].editbone_arma_mat else: parent_bind_mat = Matrix.Identity(4) parent_editbone_mat = Matrix.Identity(4) t, r = vnode.bind_trans, vnode.bind_rot local_to_parent = Matrix.Translation(t) @ Quaternion(r).to_matrix().to_4x4() vnode.bind_arma_mat = parent_bind_mat @ local_to_parent t, r = vnode.editbone_trans, vnode.editbone_rot local_to_parent = Matrix.Translation(t) @ Quaternion(r).to_matrix().to_4x4() vnode.editbone_arma_mat = parent_editbone_mat @ local_to_parent for child in vnode.children: visit(child) visit('root')