# Copyright 2018-2019 The glTF-Blender-IO authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # NOTE: Generated from latest glTF 2.0 JSON Scheme specs using quicktype (https://github.com/quicktype/quicktype) # command used: # quicktype --src glTF.schema.json --src-lang schema -t gltf --lang python --python-version 3.5 # TODO: add __slots__ to all classes by extending the generator # TODO: REMOVE traceback import # NOTE: this file is modified for addonExtension use. See # https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-IO/commit/62ff119d8ffeab48f66e9d2699741407d532fe0f import sys import traceback from io_scene_gltf2.io.com import gltf2_io_debug def from_int(x): assert isinstance(x, int) and not isinstance(x, bool) return x def from_none(x): assert x is None return x def from_union(fs, x): tracebacks = [] for f in fs: try: return f(x) except AssertionError: _, _, tb = sys.exc_info() tracebacks.append(tb) for tb in tracebacks: traceback.print_tb(tb) # Fixed format tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(tb) for tbi in tb_info: filename, line, func, text = tbi gltf2_io_debug.print_console('ERROR', 'An error occurred on line {} in statement {}'.format(line, text)) assert False def from_dict(f, x): assert isinstance(x, dict) return {k: f(v) for (k, v) in x.items()} def to_class(c, x): assert isinstance(x, c) return x.to_dict() def from_list(f, x): assert isinstance(x, list) return [f(y) for y in x] def from_float(x): assert isinstance(x, (float, int)) and not isinstance(x, bool) return float(x) def from_str(x): assert isinstance(x, str) return x def from_bool(x): assert isinstance(x, bool) return x def to_float(x): assert isinstance(x, float) return x def extension_to_dict(obj): if hasattr(obj, 'to_list'): obj = obj.to_list() if hasattr(obj, 'to_dict'): obj = obj.to_dict() if isinstance(obj, list): return [extension_to_dict(x) for x in obj] elif isinstance(obj, dict): return {k: extension_to_dict(v) for (k, v) in obj.items()} return obj def from_extension(x): x = extension_to_dict(x) assert isinstance(x, dict) return x def from_extra(x): return extension_to_dict(x) class AccessorSparseIndices: """Index array of size `count` that points to those accessor attributes that deviate from their initialization value. Indices must strictly increase. Indices of those attributes that deviate from their initialization value. """ def __init__(self, buffer_view, byte_offset, component_type, extensions, extras): self.buffer_view = buffer_view self.byte_offset = byte_offset self.component_type = component_type self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) buffer_view = from_int(obj.get("bufferView")) byte_offset = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("byteOffset")) component_type = from_int(obj.get("componentType")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") return AccessorSparseIndices(buffer_view, byte_offset, component_type, extensions, extras) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["bufferView"] = from_int(self.buffer_view) result["byteOffset"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.byte_offset) result["componentType"] = from_int(self.component_type) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) return result class AccessorSparseValues: """Array of size `count` times number of components, storing the displaced accessor attributes pointed by `indices`. Substituted values must have the same `componentType` and number of components as the base accessor. Array of size `accessor.sparse.count` times number of components storing the displaced accessor attributes pointed by `accessor.sparse.indices`. """ def __init__(self, buffer_view, byte_offset, extensions, extras): self.buffer_view = buffer_view self.byte_offset = byte_offset self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) buffer_view = from_int(obj.get("bufferView")) byte_offset = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("byteOffset")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") return AccessorSparseValues(buffer_view, byte_offset, extensions, extras) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["bufferView"] = from_int(self.buffer_view) result["byteOffset"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.byte_offset) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) return result class AccessorSparse: """Sparse storage of attributes that deviate from their initialization value.""" def __init__(self, count, extensions, extras, indices, values): self.count = count self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.indices = indices self.values = values @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) count = from_int(obj.get("count")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") indices = AccessorSparseIndices.from_dict(obj.get("indices")) values = AccessorSparseValues.from_dict(obj.get("values")) return AccessorSparse(count, extensions, extras, indices, values) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["count"] = from_int(self.count) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["indices"] = to_class(AccessorSparseIndices, self.indices) result["values"] = to_class(AccessorSparseValues, self.values) return result class Accessor: """A typed view into a bufferView. A bufferView contains raw binary data. An accessor provides a typed view into a bufferView or a subset of a bufferView similar to how WebGL's `vertexAttribPointer()` defines an attribute in a buffer. """ def __init__(self, buffer_view, byte_offset, component_type, count, extensions, extras, max, min, name, normalized, sparse, type): self.buffer_view = buffer_view self.byte_offset = byte_offset self.component_type = component_type self.count = count self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.max = max self.min = min self.name = name self.normalized = normalized self.sparse = sparse self.type = type @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) buffer_view = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("bufferView")) byte_offset = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("byteOffset")) component_type = from_int(obj.get("componentType")) count = from_int(obj.get("count")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") max = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_float, x), from_none], obj.get("max")) min = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_float, x), from_none], obj.get("min")) name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) normalized = from_union([from_bool, from_none], obj.get("normalized")) sparse = from_union([AccessorSparse.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("sparse")) type = from_str(obj.get("type")) return Accessor(buffer_view, byte_offset, component_type, count, extensions, extras, max, min, name, normalized, sparse, type) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["bufferView"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.buffer_view) result["byteOffset"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.byte_offset) result["componentType"] = from_int(self.component_type) result["count"] = from_int(self.count) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["max"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(to_float, x), from_none], self.max) result["min"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(to_float, x), from_none], self.min) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["normalized"] = from_union([from_bool, from_none], self.normalized) result["sparse"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(AccessorSparse, x), from_none], self.sparse) result["type"] = from_str(self.type) return result class AnimationChannelTarget: """The index of the node and TRS property to target. The index of the node and TRS property that an animation channel targets. """ def __init__(self, extensions, extras, node, path): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.node = node self.path = path @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") node = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("node")) path = from_str(obj.get("path")) return AnimationChannelTarget(extensions, extras, node, path) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["node"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.node) result["path"] = from_str(self.path) return result class AnimationChannel: """Targets an animation's sampler at a node's property.""" def __init__(self, extensions, extras, sampler, target): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.sampler = sampler self.target = target @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") sampler = from_int(obj.get("sampler")) target = AnimationChannelTarget.from_dict(obj.get("target")) return AnimationChannel(extensions, extras, sampler, target) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["sampler"] = from_int(self.sampler) result["target"] = to_class(AnimationChannelTarget, self.target) return result class AnimationSampler: """Combines input and output accessors with an interpolation algorithm to define a keyframe graph (but not its target). """ def __init__(self, extensions, extras, input, interpolation, output): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.input = input self.interpolation = interpolation self.output = output @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") input = from_int(obj.get("input")) interpolation = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("interpolation")) output = from_int(obj.get("output")) return AnimationSampler(extensions, extras, input, interpolation, output) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["input"] = from_int(self.input) result["interpolation"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.interpolation) result["output"] = from_int(self.output) return result class Animation: """A keyframe animation.""" def __init__(self, channels, extensions, extras, name, samplers): self.channels = channels self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.name = name self.samplers = samplers @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) channels = from_list(AnimationChannel.from_dict, obj.get("channels")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) samplers = from_list(AnimationSampler.from_dict, obj.get("samplers")) return Animation(channels, extensions, extras, name, samplers) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["channels"] = from_list(lambda x: to_class(AnimationChannel, x), self.channels) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["samplers"] = from_list(lambda x: to_class(AnimationSampler, x), self.samplers) return result class Asset: """Metadata about the glTF asset.""" def __init__(self, copyright, extensions, extras, generator, min_version, version): self.copyright = copyright self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.generator = generator self.min_version = min_version self.version = version @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) copyright = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("copyright")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") generator = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("generator")) min_version = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("minVersion")) version = from_str(obj.get("version")) return Asset(copyright, extensions, extras, generator, min_version, version) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["copyright"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.copyright) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["generator"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.generator) result["minVersion"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.min_version) result["version"] = from_str(self.version) return result class BufferView: """A view into a buffer generally representing a subset of the buffer.""" def __init__(self, buffer, byte_length, byte_offset, byte_stride, extensions, extras, name, target): self.buffer = buffer self.byte_length = byte_length self.byte_offset = byte_offset self.byte_stride = byte_stride self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.name = name self.target = target @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) buffer = from_int(obj.get("buffer")) byte_length = from_int(obj.get("byteLength")) byte_offset = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("byteOffset")) byte_stride = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("byteStride")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) target = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("target")) return BufferView(buffer, byte_length, byte_offset, byte_stride, extensions, extras, name, target) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["buffer"] = from_int(self.buffer) result["byteLength"] = from_int(self.byte_length) result["byteOffset"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.byte_offset) result["byteStride"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.byte_stride) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["target"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.target) return result class Buffer: """A buffer points to binary geometry, animation, or skins.""" def __init__(self, byte_length, extensions, extras, name, uri): self.byte_length = byte_length self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.name = name self.uri = uri @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) byte_length = from_int(obj.get("byteLength")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) uri = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("uri")) return Buffer(byte_length, extensions, extras, name, uri) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["byteLength"] = from_int(self.byte_length) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["uri"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.uri) return result class CameraOrthographic: """An orthographic camera containing properties to create an orthographic projection matrix.""" def __init__(self, extensions, extras, xmag, ymag, zfar, znear): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.xmag = xmag self.ymag = ymag self.zfar = zfar self.znear = znear @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") xmag = from_float(obj.get("xmag")) ymag = from_float(obj.get("ymag")) zfar = from_float(obj.get("zfar")) znear = from_float(obj.get("znear")) return CameraOrthographic(extensions, extras, xmag, ymag, zfar, znear) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["xmag"] = to_float(self.xmag) result["ymag"] = to_float(self.ymag) result["zfar"] = to_float(self.zfar) result["znear"] = to_float(self.znear) return result class CameraPerspective: """A perspective camera containing properties to create a perspective projection matrix.""" def __init__(self, aspect_ratio, extensions, extras, yfov, zfar, znear): self.aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.yfov = yfov self.zfar = zfar self.znear = znear @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) aspect_ratio = from_union([from_float, from_none], obj.get("aspectRatio")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") yfov = from_float(obj.get("yfov")) zfar = from_union([from_float, from_none], obj.get("zfar")) znear = from_float(obj.get("znear")) return CameraPerspective(aspect_ratio, extensions, extras, yfov, zfar, znear) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["aspectRatio"] = from_union([to_float, from_none], self.aspect_ratio) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["yfov"] = to_float(self.yfov) result["zfar"] = from_union([to_float, from_none], self.zfar) result["znear"] = to_float(self.znear) return result class Camera: """A camera's projection. A node can reference a camera to apply a transform to place the camera in the scene. """ def __init__(self, extensions, extras, name, orthographic, perspective, type): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.name = name self.orthographic = orthographic self.perspective = perspective self.type = type @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) orthographic = from_union([CameraOrthographic.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("orthographic")) perspective = from_union([CameraPerspective.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("perspective")) type = from_str(obj.get("type")) return Camera(extensions, extras, name, orthographic, perspective, type) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["orthographic"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(CameraOrthographic, x), from_none], self.orthographic) result["perspective"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(CameraPerspective, x), from_none], self.perspective) result["type"] = from_str(self.type) return result class Image: """Image data used to create a texture. Image can be referenced by URI or `bufferView` index. `mimeType` is required in the latter case. """ def __init__(self, buffer_view, extensions, extras, mime_type, name, uri): self.buffer_view = buffer_view self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.mime_type = mime_type self.name = name self.uri = uri @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) buffer_view = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("bufferView")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") mime_type = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("mimeType")) name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) uri = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("uri")) return Image(buffer_view, extensions, extras, mime_type, name, uri) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["bufferView"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.buffer_view) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["mimeType"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.mime_type) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["uri"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.uri) return result class TextureInfo: """The emissive map texture. The base color texture. The metallic-roughness texture. Reference to a texture. """ def __init__(self, extensions, extras, index, tex_coord): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.index = index self.tex_coord = tex_coord @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") index = from_int(obj.get("index")) tex_coord = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("texCoord")) return TextureInfo(extensions, extras, index, tex_coord) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["index"] = from_int(self.index) result["texCoord"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.tex_coord) return result class MaterialNormalTextureInfoClass: """The normal map texture. Reference to a texture. """ def __init__(self, extensions, extras, index, scale, tex_coord): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.index = index self.scale = scale self.tex_coord = tex_coord @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") index = from_int(obj.get("index")) scale = from_union([from_float, from_none], obj.get("scale")) tex_coord = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("texCoord")) return MaterialNormalTextureInfoClass(extensions, extras, index, scale, tex_coord) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["index"] = from_int(self.index) result["scale"] = from_union([to_float, from_none], self.scale) result["texCoord"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.tex_coord) return result class MaterialOcclusionTextureInfoClass: """The occlusion map texture. Reference to a texture. """ def __init__(self, extensions, extras, index, strength, tex_coord): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.index = index self.strength = strength self.tex_coord = tex_coord @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") index = from_int(obj.get("index")) strength = from_union([from_float, from_none], obj.get("strength")) tex_coord = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("texCoord")) return MaterialOcclusionTextureInfoClass(extensions, extras, index, strength, tex_coord) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["index"] = from_int(self.index) result["strength"] = from_union([to_float, from_none], self.strength) result["texCoord"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.tex_coord) return result class MaterialPBRMetallicRoughness: """A set of parameter values that are used to define the metallic-roughness material model from Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) methodology. When not specified, all the default values of `pbrMetallicRoughness` apply. A set of parameter values that are used to define the metallic-roughness material model from Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) methodology. """ def __init__(self, base_color_factor, base_color_texture, extensions, extras, metallic_factor, metallic_roughness_texture, roughness_factor): self.base_color_factor = base_color_factor self.base_color_texture = base_color_texture self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.metallic_factor = metallic_factor self.metallic_roughness_texture = metallic_roughness_texture self.roughness_factor = roughness_factor @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) base_color_factor = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_float, x), from_none], obj.get("baseColorFactor")) base_color_texture = from_union([TextureInfo.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("baseColorTexture")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") metallic_factor = from_union([from_float, from_none], obj.get("metallicFactor")) metallic_roughness_texture = from_union([TextureInfo.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("metallicRoughnessTexture")) roughness_factor = from_union([from_float, from_none], obj.get("roughnessFactor")) return MaterialPBRMetallicRoughness(base_color_factor, base_color_texture, extensions, extras, metallic_factor, metallic_roughness_texture, roughness_factor) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["baseColorFactor"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(to_float, x), from_none], self.base_color_factor) result["baseColorTexture"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(TextureInfo, x), from_none], self.base_color_texture) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["metallicFactor"] = from_union([to_float, from_none], self.metallic_factor) result["metallicRoughnessTexture"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(TextureInfo, x), from_none], self.metallic_roughness_texture) result["roughnessFactor"] = from_union([to_float, from_none], self.roughness_factor) return result class Material: """The material appearance of a primitive.""" def __init__(self, alpha_cutoff, alpha_mode, double_sided, emissive_factor, emissive_texture, extensions, extras, name, normal_texture, occlusion_texture, pbr_metallic_roughness): self.alpha_cutoff = alpha_cutoff self.alpha_mode = alpha_mode self.double_sided = double_sided self.emissive_factor = emissive_factor self.emissive_texture = emissive_texture self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.name = name self.normal_texture = normal_texture self.occlusion_texture = occlusion_texture self.pbr_metallic_roughness = pbr_metallic_roughness @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) alpha_cutoff = from_union([from_float, from_none], obj.get("alphaCutoff")) alpha_mode = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("alphaMode")) double_sided = from_union([from_bool, from_none], obj.get("doubleSided")) emissive_factor = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_float, x), from_none], obj.get("emissiveFactor")) emissive_texture = from_union([TextureInfo.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("emissiveTexture")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) normal_texture = from_union([MaterialNormalTextureInfoClass.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("normalTexture")) occlusion_texture = from_union([MaterialOcclusionTextureInfoClass.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("occlusionTexture")) pbr_metallic_roughness = from_union([MaterialPBRMetallicRoughness.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("pbrMetallicRoughness")) return Material(alpha_cutoff, alpha_mode, double_sided, emissive_factor, emissive_texture, extensions, extras, name, normal_texture, occlusion_texture, pbr_metallic_roughness) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["alphaCutoff"] = from_union([to_float, from_none], self.alpha_cutoff) result["alphaMode"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.alpha_mode) result["doubleSided"] = from_union([from_bool, from_none], self.double_sided) result["emissiveFactor"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(to_float, x), from_none], self.emissive_factor) result["emissiveTexture"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(TextureInfo, x), from_none], self.emissive_texture) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["normalTexture"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(MaterialNormalTextureInfoClass, x), from_none], self.normal_texture) result["occlusionTexture"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(MaterialOcclusionTextureInfoClass, x), from_none], self.occlusion_texture) result["pbrMetallicRoughness"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(MaterialPBRMetallicRoughness, x), from_none], self.pbr_metallic_roughness) return result class MeshPrimitive: """Geometry to be rendered with the given material.""" def __init__(self, attributes, extensions, extras, indices, material, mode, targets): self.attributes = attributes self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.indices = indices self.material = material self.mode = mode self.targets = targets @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) attributes = from_dict(from_int, obj.get("attributes")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") indices = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("indices")) material = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("material")) mode = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("mode")) targets = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: from_dict(from_int, x), x), from_none], obj.get("targets")) return MeshPrimitive(attributes, extensions, extras, indices, material, mode, targets) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["attributes"] = from_dict(from_int, self.attributes) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["indices"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.indices) result["material"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.material) result["mode"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.mode) result["targets"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: from_dict(from_int, x), x), from_none], self.targets) return result class Mesh: """A set of primitives to be rendered. A node can contain one mesh. A node's transform places the mesh in the scene. """ def __init__(self, extensions, extras, name, primitives, weights): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.name = name self.primitives = primitives self.weights = weights @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) primitives = from_list(MeshPrimitive.from_dict, obj.get("primitives")) weights = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_float, x), from_none], obj.get("weights")) return Mesh(extensions, extras, name, primitives, weights) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["primitives"] = from_list(lambda x: to_class(MeshPrimitive, x), self.primitives) result["weights"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(to_float, x), from_none], self.weights) return result class Node: """A node in the node hierarchy. When the node contains `skin`, all `mesh.primitives` must contain `JOINTS_0` and `WEIGHTS_0` attributes. A node can have either a `matrix` or any combination of `translation`/`rotation`/`scale` (TRS) properties. TRS properties are converted to matrices and postmultiplied in the `T * R * S` order to compose the transformation matrix; first the scale is applied to the vertices, then the rotation, and then the translation. If none are provided, the transform is the identity. When a node is targeted for animation (referenced by an animation.channel.target), only TRS properties may be present; `matrix` will not be present. """ def __init__(self, camera, children, extensions, extras, matrix, mesh, name, rotation, scale, skin, translation, weights): self.camera = camera self.children = children self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.matrix = matrix self.mesh = mesh self.name = name self.rotation = rotation self.scale = scale self.skin = skin self.translation = translation self.weights = weights @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) camera = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("camera")) children = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_int, x), from_none], obj.get("children")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") matrix = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_float, x), from_none], obj.get("matrix")) mesh = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("mesh")) name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) rotation = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_float, x), from_none], obj.get("rotation")) scale = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_float, x), from_none], obj.get("scale")) skin = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("skin")) translation = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_float, x), from_none], obj.get("translation")) weights = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_float, x), from_none], obj.get("weights")) return Node(camera, children, extensions, extras, matrix, mesh, name, rotation, scale, skin, translation, weights) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["camera"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.camera) result["children"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_int, x), from_none], self.children) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["matrix"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(to_float, x), from_none], self.matrix) result["mesh"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.mesh) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["rotation"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(to_float, x), from_none], self.rotation) result["scale"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(to_float, x), from_none], self.scale) result["skin"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.skin) result["translation"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(to_float, x), from_none], self.translation) result["weights"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(to_float, x), from_none], self.weights) return result class Sampler: """Texture sampler properties for filtering and wrapping modes.""" def __init__(self, extensions, extras, mag_filter, min_filter, name, wrap_s, wrap_t): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.mag_filter = mag_filter self.min_filter = min_filter self.name = name self.wrap_s = wrap_s self.wrap_t = wrap_t @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") mag_filter = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("magFilter")) min_filter = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("minFilter")) name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) wrap_s = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("wrapS")) wrap_t = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("wrapT")) return Sampler(extensions, extras, mag_filter, min_filter, name, wrap_s, wrap_t) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["magFilter"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.mag_filter) result["minFilter"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.min_filter) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["wrapS"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.wrap_s) result["wrapT"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.wrap_t) return result class Scene: """The root nodes of a scene.""" def __init__(self, extensions, extras, name, nodes): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.name = name self.nodes = nodes @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) nodes = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_int, x), from_none], obj.get("nodes")) return Scene(extensions, extras, name, nodes) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["nodes"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_int, x), from_none], self.nodes) return result class Skin: """Joints and matrices defining a skin.""" def __init__(self, extensions, extras, inverse_bind_matrices, joints, name, skeleton): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.inverse_bind_matrices = inverse_bind_matrices self.joints = joints self.name = name self.skeleton = skeleton @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") inverse_bind_matrices = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("inverseBindMatrices")) joints = from_list(from_int, obj.get("joints")) name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) skeleton = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("skeleton")) return Skin(extensions, extras, inverse_bind_matrices, joints, name, skeleton) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["inverseBindMatrices"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.inverse_bind_matrices) result["joints"] = from_list(from_int, self.joints) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["skeleton"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.skeleton) return result class Texture: """A texture and its sampler.""" def __init__(self, extensions, extras, name, sampler, source): self.extensions = extensions self.extras = extras self.name = name self.sampler = sampler self.source = source @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extras = obj.get("extras") name = from_union([from_str, from_none], obj.get("name")) sampler = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("sampler")) source = from_int(obj.get("source")) return Texture(extensions, extras, name, sampler, source) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["name"] = from_union([from_str, from_none], self.name) result["sampler"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.sampler) result["source"] = from_int(self.source) # most viewers can't handle missing sources return result class Gltf: """The root object for a glTF asset.""" def __init__(self, accessors, animations, asset, buffers, buffer_views, cameras, extensions, extensions_required, extensions_used, extras, images, materials, meshes, nodes, samplers, scene, scenes, skins, textures): self.accessors = accessors self.animations = animations self.asset = asset self.buffers = buffers self.buffer_views = buffer_views self.cameras = cameras self.extensions = extensions self.extensions_required = extensions_required self.extensions_used = extensions_used self.extras = extras self.images = images self.materials = materials self.meshes = meshes self.nodes = nodes self.samplers = samplers self.scene = scene self.scenes = scenes self.skins = skins self.textures = textures @staticmethod def from_dict(obj): assert isinstance(obj, dict) accessors = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Accessor.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("accessors")) animations = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Animation.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("animations")) asset = Asset.from_dict(obj.get("asset")) buffers = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Buffer.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("buffers")) buffer_views = from_union([lambda x: from_list(BufferView.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("bufferViews")) cameras = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Camera.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("cameras")) extensions = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: from_dict(lambda x: x, x), x), from_none], obj.get("extensions")) extensions_required = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_str, x), from_none], obj.get("extensionsRequired")) extensions_used = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_str, x), from_none], obj.get("extensionsUsed")) extras = obj.get("extras") images = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Image.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("images")) materials = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Material.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("materials")) meshes = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Mesh.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("meshes")) nodes = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Node.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("nodes")) samplers = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Sampler.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("samplers")) scene = from_union([from_int, from_none], obj.get("scene")) scenes = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Scene.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("scenes")) skins = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Skin.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("skins")) textures = from_union([lambda x: from_list(Texture.from_dict, x), from_none], obj.get("textures")) return Gltf(accessors, animations, asset, buffers, buffer_views, cameras, extensions, extensions_required, extensions_used, extras, images, materials, meshes, nodes, samplers, scene, scenes, skins, textures) def to_dict(self): result = {} result["accessors"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Accessor, x), x), from_none], self.accessors) result["animations"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Animation, x), x), from_none], self.animations) result["asset"] = to_class(Asset, self.asset) result["buffers"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Buffer, x), x), from_none], self.buffers) result["bufferViews"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(BufferView, x), x), from_none], self.buffer_views) result["cameras"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Camera, x), x), from_none], self.cameras) result["extensions"] = from_union([lambda x: from_dict(from_extension, x), from_none], self.extensions) result["extensionsRequired"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_str, x), from_none], self.extensions_required) result["extensionsUsed"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(from_str, x), from_none], self.extensions_used) result["extras"] = from_extra(self.extras) result["images"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Image, x), x), from_none], self.images) result["materials"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Material, x), x), from_none], self.materials) result["meshes"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Mesh, x), x), from_none], self.meshes) result["nodes"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Node, x), x), from_none], self.nodes) result["samplers"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Sampler, x), x), from_none], self.samplers) result["scene"] = from_union([from_int, from_none], self.scene) result["scenes"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Scene, x), x), from_none], self.scenes) result["skins"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Skin, x), x), from_none], self.skins) result["textures"] = from_union([lambda x: from_list(lambda x: to_class(Texture, x), x), from_none], self.textures) return result def gltf_from_dict(s): return Gltf.from_dict(s) def gltf_to_dict(x): return to_class(Gltf, x)