# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # Contributors: bart:neeneenee*de, http://www.neeneenee.de/vrml, Campbell Barton """ This script exports to X3D format. Usage: Run this script from "File->Export" menu. A pop-up will ask whether you want to export only selected or all relevant objects. Known issues: Doesn't handle multiple materials (don't use material indices);
Doesn't handle multiple UV textures on a single mesh (create a mesh for each texture);
Can't get the texture array associated with material * not the UV ones; """ import math import os import bpy import mathutils from bpy_extras.io_utils import create_derived_objects, free_derived_objects x3d_names_reserved = {"Anchor", "Appearance", "Arc2D", "ArcClose2D", "AudioClip", "Background", "Billboard", "BooleanFilter", "BooleanSequencer", "BooleanToggle", "BooleanTrigger", "Box", "Circle2D", "Collision", "Color", "ColorInterpolator", "ColorRGBA", "component", "Cone", "connect", "Contour2D", "ContourPolyline2D", "Coordinate", "CoordinateDouble", "CoordinateInterpolator", "CoordinateInterpolator2D", "Cylinder", "CylinderSensor", "DirectionalLight", "Disk2D", "ElevationGrid", "EspduTransform", "EXPORT", "ExternProtoDeclare", "Extrusion", "field", "fieldValue", "FillProperties", "Fog", "FontStyle", "GeoCoordinate", "GeoElevationGrid", "GeoLocationLocation", "GeoLOD", "GeoMetadata", "GeoOrigin", "GeoPositionInterpolator", "GeoTouchSensor", "GeoViewpoint", "Group", "HAnimDisplacer", "HAnimHumanoid", "HAnimJoint", "HAnimSegment", "HAnimSite", "head", "ImageTexture", "IMPORT", "IndexedFaceSet", "IndexedLineSet", "IndexedTriangleFanSet", "IndexedTriangleSet", "IndexedTriangleStripSet", "Inline", "IntegerSequencer", "IntegerTrigger", "IS", "KeySensor", "LineProperties", "LineSet", "LoadSensor", "LOD", "Material", "meta", "MetadataDouble", "MetadataFloat", "MetadataInteger", "MetadataSet", "MetadataString", "MovieTexture", "MultiTexture", "MultiTextureCoordinate", "MultiTextureTransform", "NavigationInfo", "Normal", "NormalInterpolator", "NurbsCurve", "NurbsCurve2D", "NurbsOrientationInterpolator", "NurbsPatchSurface", "NurbsPositionInterpolator", "NurbsSet", "NurbsSurfaceInterpolator", "NurbsSweptSurface", "NurbsSwungSurface", "NurbsTextureCoordinate", "NurbsTrimmedSurface", "OrientationInterpolator", "PixelTexture", "PlaneSensor", "PointLight", "PointSet", "Polyline2D", "Polypoint2D", "PositionInterpolator", "PositionInterpolator2D", "ProtoBody", "ProtoDeclare", "ProtoInstance", "ProtoInterface", "ProximitySensor", "ReceiverPdu", "Rectangle2D", "ROUTE", "ScalarInterpolator", "Scene", "Script", "Shape", "SignalPdu", "Sound", "Sphere", "SphereSensor", "SpotLight", "StaticGroup", "StringSensor", "Switch", "Text", "TextureBackground", "TextureCoordinate", "TextureCoordinateGenerator", "TextureTransform", "TimeSensor", "TimeTrigger", "TouchSensor", "Transform", "TransmitterPdu", "TriangleFanSet", "TriangleSet", "TriangleSet2D", "TriangleStripSet", "Viewpoint", "VisibilitySensor", "WorldInfo", "X3D", "XvlShell", "VertexShader", "FragmentShader", "MultiShaderAppearance", "ShaderAppearance"} def clamp_color(col): return tuple([max(min(c, 1.0), 0.0) for c in col]) def matrix_direction(mtx): return (mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, -1.0)) * mtx.to_3x3()).normalized()[:] def clean_str(name, prefix='rsvd_'): """cleanStr(name,prefix) - try to create a valid VRML DEF name from object name""" newName = name if newName in x3d_names_reserved: newName = '%s%s' % (prefix, newName) if newName[0].isdigit(): newName = "%s%s" % ("_", newName) for bad in [' ', '"', '#', "'", ', ', '.', '[', '\\', ']', '{', '}']: newName = newName.replace(bad, "_") return newName ########################################################## # Functions for writing output file ########################################################## def export(file, global_matrix, scene, use_apply_modifiers=False, use_selection=True, EXPORT_TRI=False,): fw = file.write ########################################################## # Writing nodes routines ########################################################## def writeHeader(ident): filepath = fw.__self__.name #bfile = sys.expandpath( Blender.Get('filepath') ).replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') bfile = repr(os.path.basename(filepath).replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>'))[1:-1] # use outfile name fw("%s\n" % ident) fw("%s\n" % ident) fw("%s\n" % ident) ident += "\t" fw("%s\n" % ident) ident += "\t" fw("%s\n" % (ident, bfile)) fw("%s\n" % (ident, bpy.app.version_string)) fw("%s\n" % ident) ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s\n" % ident) fw("%s\n" % ident) ident += "\t" return ident def writeFooter(ident): ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s\n" % ident) ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s" % ident) return ident def writeViewpoint(ident, ob, mat, scene): loc, quat, scale = mat.decompose() fw("%s\n") def writeFog(ident, world): if world: mtype = world.mist_settings.falloff mparam = world.mist_settings else: return if mparam.use_mist: fw("%s\n" % mparam.depth) else: return def writeNavigationInfo(ident, scene): fw('%s\n' % ident) def writeSpotLight(ident, ob, mtx, lamp, world): safeName = clean_str(ob.name) if world: ambi = world.ambient_color amb_intensity = ((ambi[0] + ambi[1] + ambi[2]) / 3.0) / 2.5 del ambi else: amb_intensity = 0.0 # compute cutoff and beamwidth intensity = min(lamp.energy / 1.75, 1.0) beamWidth = lamp.spot_size * 0.37 # beamWidth=((lamp.spotSize*math.pi)/180.0)*.37 cutOffAngle = beamWidth * 1.3 dx, dy, dz = matrix_direction(mtx) location = mtx.to_translation()[:] radius = lamp.distance * math.cos(beamWidth) # radius = lamp.dist*math.cos(beamWidth) fw("%s\n" % location) def writeDirectionalLight(ident, ob, mtx, lamp, world): safeName = clean_str(ob.name) if world: ambi = world.ambient_color # ambi = world.amb amb_intensity = ((float(ambi[0] + ambi[1] + ambi[2])) / 3.0) / 2.5 else: ambi = 0 amb_intensity = 0.0 intensity = min(lamp.energy / 1.75, 1.0) dx, dy, dz = matrix_direction(mtx) fw("%s\n" % (dx, dy, dz)) def writePointLight(ident, ob, mtx, lamp, world): safeName = clean_str(ob.name) if world: ambi = world.ambient_color # ambi = world.amb amb_intensity = ((float(ambi[0] + ambi[1] + ambi[2])) / 3.0) / 2.5 else: ambi = 0.0 amb_intensity = 0.0 intensity = min(lamp.energy / 1.75, 1.0) location = mtx.to_translation()[:] fw("%s\n" % location) def secureName(name): name = name + str(secureName.nodeID) secureName.nodeID += 1 if len(name) <= 3: newname = "_" + str(secureName.nodeID) return "%s" % (newname) else: for bad in ('"', '#', "'", ', ', '.', '[', '\\', ']', '{', '}'): name = name.replace(bad, "_") if name in x3d_names_reserved: newname = name[0:3] + "_" + str(secureName.nodeID) return "%s" % (newname) elif name[0].isdigit(): newname = "_" + name + str(secureName.nodeID) return "%s" % (newname) else: newname = name return "%s" % (newname) secureName.nodeID = 0 def writeIndexedFaceSet(ident, ob, mesh, mtx, world, EXPORT_TRI=False): shape_name_x3d = clean_str(ob.name) mesh_name_x3d = clean_str(mesh.name) if not mesh.faces: return texface_use_halo = 0 texface_use_billboard = 0 texface_use_collision = 0 use_halonode = False use_billnode = False use_collnode = False if mesh.uv_textures.active: # if mesh.faceUV: for face in mesh.uv_textures.active.data: # for face in mesh.faces: texface_use_halo |= face.use_halo texface_use_billboard |= face.use_billboard texface_use_collision |= face.use_collision # texface_use_object_color |= face.use_object_color if texface_use_halo: fw("%s\n" % ident) use_halonode = True ident += "\t" elif texface_use_billboard: fw("%s\n" % ident) use_billnode = True ident += "\t" elif texface_use_collision: fw("%s\n" % ident) use_collnode = True ident += "\t" del texface_use_halo del texface_use_billboard del texface_use_collision # del texface_use_object_color loc, quat, sca = mtx.decompose() fw("%s\n") ident += "\t" if mesh.tag: fw("%s\n" % (ident, mesh_name_x3d)) else: mesh.tag = True fw("%s\n" % (ident, mesh_name_x3d)) ident += "\t" is_uv = bool(mesh.uv_textures.active) # is_col, defined for each material is_coords_written = False mesh_materials = mesh.materials[:] if not mesh_materials: mesh_materials = [None] mesh_material_tex = [None] * len(mesh_materials) mesh_material_mtex = [None] * len(mesh_materials) mesh_material_images = [None] * len(mesh_materials) for i, material in enumerate(mesh_materials): if material: for mtex in material.texture_slots: if mtex: tex = mtex.texture if tex and tex.type == 'IMAGE': image = tex.image if image: mesh_material_tex[i] = tex mesh_material_mtex[i] = mtex mesh_material_images[i] = image break mesh_materials_use_face_texture = [getattr(material, "use_face_texture", True) for material in mesh_materials] # fast access! mesh_faces = mesh.faces[:] mesh_faces_materials = [f.material_index for f in mesh_faces] mesh_faces_vertices = [f.vertices[:] for f in mesh_faces] if is_uv and True in mesh_materials_use_face_texture: mesh_faces_image = [(fuv.image if (mesh_materials_use_face_texture[mesh_faces_materials[i]] and fuv.use_image) else mesh_material_images[mesh_faces_materials[i]]) for i, fuv in enumerate(mesh.uv_textures.active.data)] mesh_faces_image_unique = set(mesh_faces_image) elif len(set(mesh_material_images) | {None}) > 1: # make sure there is at least one image mesh_faces_image = [mesh_material_images[material_index] for material_index in mesh_faces_materials] mesh_faces_image_unique = set(mesh_faces_image) else: mesh_faces_image = [None] * len(mesh_faces) mesh_faces_image_unique = {None} # group faces face_groups = {} for material_index in range(len(mesh_materials)): for image in mesh_faces_image_unique: face_groups[material_index, image] = [] del mesh_faces_image_unique for i, (material_index, image) in enumerate(zip(mesh_faces_materials, mesh_faces_image)): face_groups[material_index, image].append(i) # same as face_groups.items() but sorted so we can get predictable output. face_groups_items = list(face_groups.items()) face_groups_items.sort(key=lambda m: (m[0][0], getattr(m[0][1], "name", ""))) for (material_index, image), face_group in face_groups_items: # face_groups.items() if face_group: material = mesh_materials[material_index] fw("%s\n" % ident) ident += "\t" is_smooth = False is_col = (mesh.vertex_colors.active and (material is None or material.use_vertex_color_paint)) # kludge but as good as it gets! for i in face_group: if mesh_faces[i].use_smooth: is_smooth = True break fw("%s\n" % ident) ident += "\t" if image: writeImageTexture(ident, image) if mesh_materials_use_face_texture[material_index]: if image.use_tiles: fw("%s\n" % (ident, image.tiles_x, image.tiles_y)) else: # transform by mtex loc = mesh_material_mtex[material_index].offset[:2] # mtex_scale * tex_repeat sca_x, sca_y = mesh_material_mtex[material_index].scale[:2] sca_x *= mesh_material_tex[material_index].repeat_x sca_y *= mesh_material_tex[material_index].repeat_y # flip x/y is a sampling feature, convert to transform if mesh_material_tex[material_index].use_flip_axis: rot = math.pi / -2.0 sca_x, sca_y = sca_y, -sca_x else: rot = 0.0 fw("%s\n") if material: writeMaterial(ident, material, clean_str(material.name, ""), world) ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s\n" % ident) mesh_faces_col = mesh.vertex_colors.active.data if is_col else None mesh_faces_uv = mesh.uv_textures.active.data if is_uv else None #-- IndexedFaceSet or IndexedLineSet if EXPORT_TRI: fw("%s\n") fw("%s\n") if is_uv: fw("%s\n") if is_col: fw("%s\n") fw("%s\n" % ident) else: fw("%s\n") # --- Write IndexedFaceSet Elements if True: if is_coords_written: fw("%s\n" % (ident, "coord_", mesh_name_x3d)) else: fw("%s\n") is_coords_written = True if is_uv: fw("%s\n") if is_col: fw("%s\n") #--- output vertexColors #--- output closing braces ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s\n" % ident) ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s\n" % ident) ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s\n" % ident) ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s\n" % ident) if use_halonode: ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s\n" % ident) elif use_billnode: ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s\n" % ident) elif use_collnode: ident = ident[:-1] fw("%s\n" % ident) def writeMaterial(ident, mat, matName, world): # look up material name, use it if available if mat.tag: fw("%s\n" % (ident, matName)) else: mat.tag = True emit = mat.emit ambient = mat.ambient / 3.0 diffuseColor = tuple(mat.diffuse_color) if world: ambiColor = tuple(((c * mat.ambient) * 2.0) for c in world.ambient_color) else: ambiColor = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 emitColor = tuple(((c * emit) + ambiColor[i]) / 2.0 for i, c in enumerate(diffuseColor)) shininess = mat.specular_hardness / 512.0 specColor = tuple((c + 0.001) / (1.25 / (mat.specular_intensity + 0.001)) for c in mat.specular_color) transp = 1.0 - mat.alpha if mat.use_shadeless: ambient = 1.0 shininess = 0.0 specColor = emitColor = diffuseColor fw("%s\n" % transp) def writeImageTexture(ident, image): name = image.name if image.tag: fw("%s\n" % (ident, clean_str(name))) else: image.tag = True fw("%s\n" % " ".join(["\"%s\"" % f.replace("\\", "/") for f in images])) def writeBackground(ident, world): if world: worldname = world.name else: return blending = world.use_sky_blend, world.use_sky_paper, world.use_sky_real grd_triple = clamp_color(world.horizon_color) sky_triple = clamp_color(world.zenith_color) mix_triple = clamp_color((grd_triple[i] + sky_triple[i]) / 2.0 for i in range(3)) fw("%s\n") ########################################################## # export routine ########################################################## def export_main(): world = scene.world # tag un-exported IDs bpy.data.meshes.tag(False) bpy.data.materials.tag(False) bpy.data.images.tag(False) print("Info: starting X3D export to %r..." % file.name) ident = "" ident = writeHeader(ident) writeNavigationInfo(ident, scene) writeBackground(ident, world) writeFog(ident, world) ident = "\t\t" if use_selection: objects = (o for o in scene.objects if o.is_visible(scene) and o.select) else: objects = (o for o in scene.objects if o.is_visible(scene)) for ob_main in objects: free, derived = create_derived_objects(scene, ob_main) if derived is None: continue for ob, ob_mat in derived: objType = ob.type objName = ob.name ob_mat = global_matrix * ob_mat if objType == 'CAMERA': writeViewpoint(ident, ob, ob_mat, scene) elif objType in ('MESH', 'CURVE', 'SURF', 'FONT'): if (objType != 'MESH') or (use_apply_modifiers and ob.is_modified(scene, 'PREVIEW')): try: me = ob.to_mesh(scene, use_apply_modifiers, 'PREVIEW') except: me = None else: me = ob.data if me is not None: writeIndexedFaceSet(ident, ob, me, ob_mat, world, EXPORT_TRI=EXPORT_TRI) # free mesh created with create_mesh() if me != ob.data: bpy.data.meshes.remove(me) elif objType == 'LAMP': data = ob.data datatype = data.type if datatype == 'POINT': writePointLight(ident, ob, ob_mat, data, world) elif datatype == 'SPOT': writeSpotLight(ident, ob, ob_mat, data, world) elif datatype == 'SUN': writeDirectionalLight(ident, ob, ob_mat, data, world) else: writeDirectionalLight(ident, ob, ob_mat, data, world) else: #print "Info: Ignoring [%s], object type [%s] not handle yet" % (object.name,object.getType) pass if free: free_derived_objects(ob_main) ident = writeFooter(ident) export_main() file.close() print("Info: finished X3D export to %r" % file.name) ########################################################## # Callbacks, needed before Main ########################################################## def save(operator, context, filepath="", use_selection=True, use_apply_modifiers=False, use_triangulate=False, use_compress=False, global_matrix=None, ): if use_compress: if not filepath.lower().endswith('.x3dz'): filepath = '.'.join(filepath.split('.')[:-1]) + '.x3dz' else: if not filepath.lower().endswith('.x3d'): filepath = '.'.join(filepath.split('.')[:-1]) + '.x3d' if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll(): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') file = None if filepath.lower().endswith('.x3dz'): try: import gzip file = gzip.open(filepath, "w") except: print("failed to import compression modules, exporting uncompressed") filepath = filepath[:-1] # remove trailing z if file is None: file = open(filepath, "w") if global_matrix is None: global_matrix = mathutils.Matrix() export(file, global_matrix, context.scene, use_apply_modifiers=use_apply_modifiers, use_selection=use_selection, EXPORT_TRI=use_triangulate, ) return {'FINISHED'}