# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # """ This is a pure python module (no blender deps), that parses EDL files and could be used outside of blender. """ class TimeCode: """ Simple timecode class also supports conversion from other time strings used by EDL """ __slots__ = ( "fps", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "frame", ) def __init__(self, data, fps): self.fps = fps if type(data) == str: self.from_string(data) frame = self.as_frame() self.from_frame(frame) else: self.from_frame(data) def from_string(self, text): # hh:mm:ss:ff # No dropframe support yet if text.lower().endswith("mps"): # 5.2mps return self.from_frame(int(float(text[:-3]) * self.fps)) elif text.lower().endswith("s"): # 5.2s return self.from_frame(int(float(text[:-1]) * self.fps)) elif text.isdigit(): # 1234 return self.from_frame(int(text)) elif ":" in text: # hh:mm:ss:ff text = text.replace(";", ":").replace(",", ":").replace(".", ":") text = text.split(":") self.hours = int(text[0]) self.minutes = int(text[1]) self.seconds = int(text[2]) self.frame = int(text[3]) return self else: print("ERROR: could not convert this into timecode %r" % text) return self def from_frame(self, frame): if frame < 0: frame = -frame neg = True else: neg = False fpm = 60 * self.fps fph = 60 * fpm if frame < fph: self.hours = 0 else: self.hours = int(frame / fph) frame = frame % fph if frame < fpm: self.minutes = 0 else: self.minutes = int(frame / fpm) frame = frame % fpm if frame < self.fps: self.seconds = 0 else: self.seconds = int(frame / self.fps) frame = frame % self.fps self.frame = frame if neg: self.frame = -self.frame self.seconds = -self.seconds self.minutes = -self.minutes self.hours = -self.hours return self def as_frame(self): abs_frame = self.frame abs_frame += self.seconds * self.fps abs_frame += self.minutes * 60 * self.fps abs_frame += self.hours * 60 * 60 * self.fps return abs_frame def as_string(self): self.from_frame(int(self)) return "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d:%.2d" % (self.hours, self.minutes, self.seconds, self.frame) def __repr__(self): return self.as_string() # Numeric stuff, may as well have this def __neg__(self): return TimeCode(-int(self), self.fps) def __int__(self): return self.as_frame() def __sub__(self, other): return TimeCode(int(self) - int(other), self.fps) def __add__(self, other): return TimeCode(int(self) + int(other), self.fps) def __mul__(self, other): return TimeCode(int(self) * int(other), self.fps) def __div__(self, other): return TimeCode(int(self) // int(other), self.fps) def __abs__(self): return TimeCode(abs(int(self)), self.fps) def __iadd__(self, other): return self.from_frame(int(self) + int(other)) def __imul__(self, other): return self.from_frame(int(self) * int(other)) def __idiv__(self, other): return self.from_frame(int(self) // int(other)) # end timecode """Comments Comments can appear at the beginning of the EDL file (header) or between the edit lines in the EDL. The first block of comments in the file is defined to be the header comments and they are associated with the EDL as a whole. Subsequent comments in the EDL file are associated with the first edit line that appears after them. Edit Entries [num] [duration] [srcIn] [srcOut] [recIn] [recOut] * : Filename or tag value. Filename can be for an MPEG file, Image file, or Image file template. Image file templates use the same pattern matching as for command line glob, and can be used to specify images to encode into MPEG. i.e. /usr/data/images/image*.jpg * : 'V' | 'A' | 'VA' | 'B' | 'v' | 'a' | 'va' | 'b' which equals Video, Audio, Video_Audio edits (note B or b can be used in place of VA or va). * : 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'FI' | 'FO' | 'W' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'fi' | 'fo' | 'w'. which equals Cut, Dissolve, Effect, FadeIn, FadeOut, Wipe. * [num]: if TransitionType = Wipe, then a wipe number must be given. At the moment only wipe 'W0' and 'W1' are supported. * [duration]: if the TransitionType is not equal to Cut, then an effect duration must be given. Duration is in frames. * [srcIn]: Src in. If no srcIn is given, then it defaults to the first frame of the video or the first frame in the image pattern. If srcIn isn't specified, then srcOut, recIn, recOut can't be specified. * [srcOut]: Src out. If no srcOut is given, then it defaults to the last frame of the video - or last image in the image pattern. if srcOut isn't given, then recIn and recOut can't be specified. * [recIn]: Rec in. If no recIn is given, then it is calculated based on its position in the EDL and the length of its input. [recOut]: Rec out. If no recOut is given, then it is calculated based on its position in the EDL and the length of its input. first frame of the video. For srcIn, srcOut, recIn, recOut, the values can be specified as either timecode, frame number, seconds, or mps seconds. i.e. [tcode | fnum | sec | mps], where: * tcode : SMPTE timecode in hh:mm:ss:ff * fnum : frame number (the first decodable frame in the video is taken to be frame 0). * sec : seconds with 's' suffix (e.g. 5.2s) * mps : seconds with 'mps' suffix (e.g. 5.2mps). This corresponds to the 'seconds' value displayed by Windows MediaPlayer. More notes, Key """ enum = 0 TRANSITION_UNKNOWN = enum TRANSITION_CUT = enum enum += 1 TRANSITION_DISSOLVE = enum enum += 1 TRANSITION_EFFECT = enum enum += 1 TRANSITION_FADEIN = enum enum += 1 TRANSITION_FADEOUT = enum enum += 1 TRANSITION_WIPE = enum enum += 1 TRANSITION_KEY = enum enum += 1 TRANSITION_DICT = { "c": TRANSITION_CUT, "d": TRANSITION_DISSOLVE, "e": TRANSITION_EFFECT, "fi": TRANSITION_FADEIN, "fo": TRANSITION_FADEOUT, "w": TRANSITION_WIPE, "k": TRANSITION_KEY, } enum = 0 EDIT_UNKNOWN = 1 << enum enum += 1 EDIT_VIDEO = 1 << enum enum += 1 EDIT_AUDIO = 1 << enum enum += 1 EDIT_AUDIO_STEREO = 1 << enum enum += 1 EDIT_VIDEO_AUDIO = 1 << enum enum += 1 EDIT_DICT = { "none": 0, # TODO, investigate this more. "v": EDIT_VIDEO, "a": EDIT_AUDIO, "aa": EDIT_AUDIO_STEREO, "va": EDIT_VIDEO_AUDIO, "b": EDIT_VIDEO_AUDIO, } enum = 0 WIPE_UNKNOWN = enum WIPE_0 = enum enum += 1 WIPE_1 = enum enum += 1 enum = 0 KEY_UNKNOWN = enum KEY_BG = enum # K B enum += 1 KEY_IN = enum # This is assumed if no second type is set enum += 1 KEY_OUT = enum # K O enum += 1 BLACK_ID = { "bw", "bl", "blk", "black", } """ Most systems: Non-dropframe: 1:00:00:00 - colon in last position Dropframe: 1:00:00;00 - semicolon in last position PAL/SECAM: 1:00:00:00 - colon in last position SONY: Non-dropframe: 1:00:00.00 - period in last position Dropframe: 1:00:00,00 - comma in last position PAL/SECAM: 1:00:00.00 - period in last position """ """ t = abs(timecode('-124:-12:-43:-22', 25)) t /= 2 print t """ class EditDecision: __slots__ = ( "number", "reel", "transition_duration", "edit_type", "transition_type", "wipe_type", "key_type", "key_fade", "srcIn", "srcOut", "recIn", "recOut", "m2", "filename", "custom_data", ) @staticmethod def edit_flags_to_text(flag): return "/".join([item for item, val in EDIT_DICT.items() if val & flag]) @staticmethod def strip_digits(text): return "".join(filter(lambda x: not x.isdigit(), text)) def __init__(self, text=None, fps=25): # print text self.number = -1 self.reel = "" # Uniqie name for this 'file' but not filename, when BL signifies black self.transition_duration = 0 self.edit_type = EDIT_UNKNOWN self.transition_type = TRANSITION_UNKNOWN self.wipe_type = WIPE_UNKNOWN self.key_type = KEY_UNKNOWN self.key_fade = -1 # true/false self.srcIn = None # Where on the original field recording the event begins self.srcOut = None # Where on the original field recording the event ends self.recIn = None # Beginning of the original event in the edited program self.recOut = None # End of the original event in the edited program self.m2 = None # fps set by the m2 command self.filename = "" self.custom_data = [] # use for storing any data you want (blender strip for eg) if text is not None: self.read(text, fps) def __repr__(self): txt = "num: %d, " % self.number txt += "reel: %s, " % self.reel txt += "edit_type: " txt += EditDecision.edit_flags_to_text(self.edit_type) + ", " txt += "trans_type: " for item, val in TRANSITION_DICT.items(): if val == self.transition_type: txt += item + ", " break txt += "m2: " if self.m2: txt += "%g" % float(self.m2.fps) txt += "\n\t" txt += self.m2.data else: txt += "nil" txt += ", " txt += "recIn: " + str(self.recIn) + ", " txt += "recOut: " + str(self.recOut) + ", " txt += "srcIn: " + str(self.srcIn) + ", " txt += "srcOut: " + str(self.srcOut) + ", " return txt def read(self, line, fps): line = line.split() index = 0 self.number = int(line[index]) index += 1 self.reel = line[index].lower() index += 1 # AA/V can be an edit type self.edit_type = 0 for edit_type in line[index].lower().split("/"): # stripping digits is done because we don't do 'a1, a2...' self.edit_type |= EDIT_DICT[EditDecision.strip_digits(edit_type)] index += 1 tx_name = "".join([c for c in line[index].lower() if not c.isdigit()]) self.transition_type = TRANSITION_DICT[tx_name] # advance the index later if self.transition_type == TRANSITION_WIPE: tx_num = "".join([c for c in line[index].lower() if c.isdigit()]) if tx_num: tx_num = int(tx_num) else: tx_num = 0 self.wipe_type = tx_num elif self.transition_type == TRANSITION_KEY: # UNTESTED val = line[index + 1].lower() if val == "b": self.key_type = KEY_BG index += 1 elif val == "o": self.key_type = KEY_OUT index += 1 else: self.key_type = KEY_IN # if no args given # there may be an (F) after, eg 'K B (F)' # in the docs this should only be after K B but who knows, it may be after K O also? val = line[index + 1].lower() if val == "(f)": index += 1 self.key_fade = True else: self.key_fade = False index += 1 if self.transition_type in {TRANSITION_DISSOLVE, TRANSITION_EFFECT, TRANSITION_FADEIN, TRANSITION_FADEOUT, TRANSITION_WIPE}: self.transition_duration = TimeCode(line[index], fps) index += 1 if index < len(line): self.srcIn = TimeCode(line[index], fps) index += 1 if index < len(line): self.srcOut = TimeCode(line[index], fps) index += 1 if index < len(line): self.recIn = TimeCode(line[index], fps) index += 1 if index < len(line): self.recOut = TimeCode(line[index], fps) index += 1 def renumber(self): self.edits.sort(key=lambda e: int(e.recIn)) for i, edit in enumerate(self.edits): edit.number = i def clean(self): """ Clean up double ups """ self.renumber() # TODO def as_name(self): cut_type = "nil" for k, v in TRANSITION_DICT.items(): if v == self.transition_type: cut_type = k break return "%d_%s_%s" % (self.number, self.reel, cut_type) class M2: __slots__ = ( "reel", "fps", "time", "data", "index", "tot", ) def __init__(self): self.reel = None self.fps = None self.time = None self.data = None self.index = -1 self.tot = -1 def read(self, line, fps): # M2 TAPEC 050.5 00:08:11:08 words = line.split() self.reel = words[1].lower() self.fps = float(words[2]) self.time = TimeCode(words[3], fps) self.data = line class EditList: __slots__ = ( "edits", "title", ) def __init__(self): self.edits = [] self.title = "" def parse(self, filename, fps): try: file = open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") except: return False self.edits = [] edits_m2 = [] # edits with m2's has_m2 = False for line in file: line = " ".join(line.split()) if not line or line.startswith(("*", "#")): continue elif line.startswith("TITLE:"): self.title = " ".join(line.split()[1:]) elif line.split()[0].lower() == "m2": has_m2 = True m2 = M2() m2.read(line, fps) edits_m2.append(m2) elif not line.split()[0].isdigit(): print("Ignoring:", line) else: self.edits.append(EditDecision(line, fps)) edits_m2.append(self.edits[-1]) if has_m2: # Group indexes i = 0 for item in edits_m2: if isinstance(item, M2): item.index = i i += 1 else: # not an m2 i = 0 # Set total group indexes for item in reversed(edits_m2): if isinstance(item, M2): if tot_m2 == -1: tot_m2 = item.index + 1 item.tot = tot_m2 else: # not an m2 tot_m2 = -1 for i, item in enumerate(edits_m2): if isinstance(item, M2): # make a list of all items that match the m2's reel name edits_m2_tmp = [item_tmp for item_tmp in edits_m2 if (isinstance(item, M2) or item_tmp.reel == item.reel)] # get the new index i_tmp = edits_m2_tmp.index(item) # Seek back to get the edit. edit = edits_m2[i_tmp - item.tot] # Note, docs say time should also match with edit start time # but from final cut pro, this seems not to be the case if not isinstance(edit, EditDecision): print("ERROR!", "M2 incorrect") else: edit.m2 = item file.close() return True def overlap_test(self, edit_test): recIn = int(edit_test.recIn) recOut = int(edit_test.recOut) for edit in self.edits: if edit is edit_test: break recIn_other = int(edit.recIn) recOut_other = int(edit.recOut) if recIn_other < recIn < recOut_other: return True if recIn_other < recOut < recOut_other: return True if recIn < recIn_other < recOut: return True if recIn < recOut_other < recOut: return True return False def reels_as_dict(self): reels = {} for edit in self.edits: reels.setdefault(edit.reel, []).append(edit) return reels