# gpl author: Stanislav Blinov bl_info = { "name": "Cut Faces", "author": "Stanislav Blinov", "version": (1, 0, 0), "blender": (2, 72, 0), "description": "Cut Faces and Deselect Boundary operators", "category": "Mesh", } import bpy import bmesh from bpy.types import Operator from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, IntProperty, EnumProperty, ) def bmesh_from_object(object): mesh = object.data if object.mode == 'EDIT': bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(mesh) else: bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(mesh) return bm def bmesh_release(bm, object): mesh = object.data bm.select_flush_mode() if object.mode == 'EDIT': bmesh.update_edit_mesh(mesh, True) else: bm.to_mesh(mesh) bm.free() def calc_face(face, keep_caps=True): assert face.tag def radial_loops(loop): next = loop.link_loop_radial_next while next != loop: result, next = next, next.link_loop_radial_next yield result result = [] face.tag = False selected = [] to_select = [] for loop in face.loops: self_selected = False # Iterate over selected adjacent faces for radial_loop in filter(lambda l: l.face.select, radial_loops(loop)): # Tag the edge if no other face done so already if not loop.edge.tag: loop.edge.tag = True self_selected = True adjacent_face = radial_loop.face # Only walk adjacent face if current face tagged the edge if adjacent_face.tag and self_selected: result += calc_face(adjacent_face, keep_caps) if loop.edge.tag: (selected, to_select)[self_selected].append(loop) for loop in to_select: result.append(loop.edge) selected.append(loop) # Select opposite edge in quads if keep_caps and len(selected) == 1 and len(face.verts) == 4: result.append(selected[0].link_loop_next.link_loop_next.edge) return result def get_edge_rings(bm, keep_caps=True): def tag_face(face): if face.select: face.tag = True for edge in face.edges: edge.tag = False return face.select # fetch selected faces while setting up tags selected_faces = [f for f in bm.faces if tag_face(f)] edges = [] try: # generate a list of edges to select: # traversing only tagged faces, since calc_face can walk and untag islands for face in filter(lambda f: f.tag, selected_faces): edges += calc_face(face, keep_caps) finally: # housekeeping: clear tags for face in selected_faces: face.tag = False for edge in face.edges: edge.tag = False return edges class MESH_xOT_deselect_boundary(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.ext_deselect_boundary" bl_label = "Deselect Boundary" bl_description = ("Deselect boundary edges of selected faces\n" "Note: if all Faces are selected there is no boundary,\n" "so the tool will not have results") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} keep_cap_edges = BoolProperty( name="Keep Cap Edges", description="Keep quad strip cap edges selected", default=False ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): active_object = context.active_object return active_object and active_object.type == 'MESH' and active_object.mode == 'EDIT' def execute(self, context): object = context.active_object bm = bmesh_from_object(object) try: edges = get_edge_rings(bm, keep_caps=self.keep_cap_edges) if not edges: self.report({'WARNING'}, "No suitable Face selection found. Operation cancelled") return {'CANCELLED'} bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bm.select_mode = {'EDGE'} for edge in edges: edge.select = True context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode[:] = False, True, False finally: bmesh_release(bm, object) return {'FINISHED'} class MESH_xOT_cut_faces(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.ext_cut_faces" bl_label = "Cut Faces" bl_description = "Cut selected faces, connected through their adjacent edges" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} # from bmesh_operators.h SUBD_INNERVERT = 0 SUBD_PATH = 1 SUBD_FAN = 2 SUBD_STRAIGHT_CUT = 3 num_cuts = IntProperty( name="Number of Cuts", default=1, min=1, max=100, subtype='UNSIGNED' ) use_single_edge = BoolProperty( name="Quad/Tri Mode", description="Cut boundary faces", default=False ) corner_type = EnumProperty( items=[('SUBD_INNERVERT', "Inner Vert", ""), ('SUBD_PATH', "Path", ""), ('SUBD_FAN', "Fan", ""), ('SUBD_STRAIGHT_CUT', "Straight Cut", ""), ], name="Quad Corner Type", description="How to subdivide quad corners", default='SUBD_STRAIGHT_CUT' ) use_grid_fill = BoolProperty( name="Use Grid Fill", description="Fill fully enclosed faces with a grid", default=True ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): active_object = context.active_object return active_object and active_object.type == 'MESH' and active_object.mode == 'EDIT' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label("Number of Cuts:") layout.prop(self, "num_cuts", text="") layout.prop(self, "use_single_edge") layout.prop(self, "use_grid_fill") layout.label("Quad Corner Type:") layout.prop(self, "corner_type", text="") def cut_edges(self, context): object = context.active_object bm = bmesh_from_object(object) try: edges = get_edge_rings(bm, keep_caps=True) if not edges: self.report({'WARNING'}, "No suitable Face selection found. Operation cancelled") return False result = bmesh.ops.subdivide_edges( bm, edges=edges, cuts=int(self.num_cuts), use_grid_fill=bool(self.use_grid_fill), use_single_edge=bool(self.use_single_edge), quad_corner_type=eval("self." + self.corner_type) ) bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bm.select_mode = {'EDGE'} inner = result['geom_inner'] for edge in filter(lambda e: isinstance(e, bmesh.types.BMEdge), inner): edge.select = True finally: bmesh_release(bm, object) return True def execute(self, context): if not self.cut_edges(context): return {'CANCELLED'} context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode[:] = False, True, False # Try to select all possible loops bpy.ops.mesh.loop_multi_select(ring=False) return {'FINISHED'} def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(MESH_xOT_deselect_boundary) bpy.utils.register_class(MESH_xOT_cut_faces) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(MESH_xOT_deselect_boundary) bpy.utils.unregister_class(MESH_xOT_cut_faces) if __name__ == "__main__": register()