# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # Repeats extrusion + rotation + scale for one or more faces bl_info = { "name": "MExtrude Plus1", "author": "liero", "version": (1, 2, 9), "blender": (2, 77, 0), "location": "View3D > Tool Shelf", "description": "Repeat extrusions from faces to create organic shapes", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "", "tracker_url": "https://developer.blender.org/T28570", "category": "Mesh"} import bpy import bmesh import random from bpy.types import Operator from random import gauss from math import radians from mathutils import Euler from bpy.props import ( FloatProperty, IntProperty, ) def vloc(self, r): random.seed(self.ran + r) return self.off * (1 + gauss(0, self.var1 / 3)) def vrot(self, r): random.seed(self.ran + r) return Euler((radians(self.rotx) + gauss(0, self.var2 / 3), radians(self.roty) + gauss(0, self.var2 / 3), radians(self.rotz) + gauss(0, self.var2 / 3)), 'XYZ') def vsca(self, r): random.seed(self.ran + r) return self.sca * (1 + random.gauss(0, self.var3 / 3)) class MExtrude(Operator): bl_idname = "object.mextrude" bl_label = "Multi Extrude" bl_description = ("Extrude selected Faces with Rotation,\n" "Scaling, Variation, Randomization") bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} off = FloatProperty( name="Offset", soft_min=0.001, soft_max=2, min=-2, max=5, default=.5, description="Translation" ) rotx = FloatProperty( name="Rot X", min=-85, max=85, soft_min=-30, soft_max=30, default=0, description="X Rotation" ) roty = FloatProperty( name="Rot Y", min=-85, max=85, soft_min=-30, soft_max=30, default=0, description="Y Rotation" ) rotz = FloatProperty( name="Rot Z", min=-85, max=85, soft_min=-30, soft_max=30, default=-0, description="Z Rotation" ) sca = FloatProperty( name="Scale", min=0.1, max=2, soft_min=0.5, soft_max=1.2, default=1.0, description="Scaling of the selected faces after extrusion" ) var1 = FloatProperty( name="Offset Var", min=-5, max=5, soft_min=-1, soft_max=1, default=0, description="Offset variation" ) var2 = FloatProperty( name="Rotation Var", min=-5, max=5, soft_min=-1, soft_max=1, default=0, description="Rotation variation" ) var3 = FloatProperty( name="Scale Noise", min=-5, max=5, soft_min=-1, soft_max=1, default=0, description="Scaling noise" ) num = IntProperty( name="Repeat", min=1, max=50, soft_max=100, default=5, description="Repetitions") ran = IntProperty( name="Seed", min=-9999, max=9999, default=0, description="Seed to feed random values") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): obj = context.object return (obj and obj.type == 'MESH') def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Transformations:") col.prop(self, "off", slider=True) col.prop(self, "rotx", slider=True) col.prop(self, "roty", slider=True) col.prop(self, "rotz", slider=True) col.prop(self, "sca", slider=True) col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Variation settings:") col.prop(self, "var1", slider=True) col.prop(self, "var2", slider=True) col.prop(self, "var3", slider=True) col.prop(self, "ran") col = layout.column(align=False) col.prop(self, 'num') def execute(self, context): obj = bpy.context.object om = obj.mode bpy.context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = [False, False, True] # bmesh operations bpy.ops.object.mode_set() bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(obj.data) sel = [f for f in bm.faces if f.select] after = [] # faces loop for i, of in enumerate(sel): rot = vrot(self, i) off = vloc(self, i) of.normal_update() # extrusion loop for r in range(self.num): nf = of.copy() nf.normal_update() no = nf.normal.copy() ce = nf.calc_center_bounds() s = vsca(self, i + r) for v in nf.verts: v.co -= ce v.co.rotate(rot) v.co += ce + no * off v.co = v.co.lerp(ce, 1 - s) # extrude code from TrumanBlending for a, b in zip(of.loops, nf.loops): sf = bm.faces.new((a.vert, a.link_loop_next.vert, b.link_loop_next.vert, b.vert)) sf.normal_update() bm.faces.remove(of) of = nf after.append(of) for v in bm.verts: v.select = False for e in bm.edges: e.select = False for f in after: f.select = True bm.to_mesh(obj.data) obj.data.update() # restore user settings bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=om) if not len(sel): self.report({"WARNING"}, "No suitable Face selection found. Operation cancelled") return {'CANCELLED'} return {'FINISHED'} def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) if __name__ == '__main__': register()