# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # Contact for more information about the Addon: # Email: germano.costa@ig.com.br # Twitter: wii_mano @mano_wii bl_info = { "name": "Snap Utilities Line", "author": "Germano Cavalcante", "version": (5, 7, 2), "blender": (2, 75, 0), "location": "View3D > TOOLS > Snap Utilities > snap utilities", "description": "Extends Blender Snap controls", "wiki_url": "http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?363859-Addon-CAD-Snap-Utilities", "tracker_url": "https://developer.blender.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/2/", "category": "Mesh"} import bpy import bgl import bmesh from mathutils import Vector from mathutils.geometry import ( intersect_point_line, intersect_line_line, intersect_line_plane, intersect_ray_tri ) from bpy.types import ( Operator, Panel, AddonPreferences, ) from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, StringProperty, ) def get_units_info(scale, unit_system, separate_units): if unit_system == 'METRIC': scale_steps = ((1000, 'km'), (1, 'm'), (1 / 100, 'cm'), (1 / 1000, 'mm'), (1 / 1000000, '\u00b5m')) elif unit_system == 'IMPERIAL': scale_steps = ((5280, 'mi'), (1, '\''), (1 / 12, '"'), (1 / 12000, 'thou')) scale /= 0.3048 # BU to feet else: scale_steps = ((1, ' BU'),) separate_units = False return (scale, scale_steps, separate_units) def convert_distance(val, units_info, precision=5): scale, scale_steps, separate_units = units_info sval = val * scale idx = 0 while idx < len(scale_steps) - 1: if sval >= scale_steps[idx][0]: break idx += 1 factor, suffix = scale_steps[idx] sval /= factor if not separate_units or idx == len(scale_steps) - 1: dval = str(round(sval, precision)) + suffix else: ival = int(sval) dval = str(round(ival, precision)) + suffix fval = sval - ival idx += 1 while idx < len(scale_steps): fval *= scale_steps[idx - 1][0] / scale_steps[idx][0] if fval >= 1: dval += ' ' \ + ("%.1f" % fval) \ + scale_steps[idx][1] break idx += 1 return dval def location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, coord): prj = rv3d.perspective_matrix * Vector((coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], 1.0)) width_half = region.width / 2.0 height_half = region.height / 2.0 return Vector((width_half + width_half * (prj.x / prj.w), height_half + height_half * (prj.y / prj.w), prj.z / prj.w )) def fac_nearest_to_segment_2d(co2v, v2d0, v2d1): u = v2d1.xy - v2d0.xy h = co2v.xy - v2d0.xy return u.dot(h) / u.length_squared def region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(region, rv3d, coord, clamp=None): viewinv = rv3d.view_matrix.inverted() persinv = rv3d.perspective_matrix.inverted() dx = (2.0 * coord[0] / region.width) - 1.0 dy = (2.0 * coord[1] / region.height) - 1.0 if rv3d.is_perspective: origin_start = viewinv.translation.copy() out = Vector((dx, dy, -0.5)) w = out.dot(persinv[3].xyz) + persinv[3][3] view_vector = ((persinv * out) / w) - origin_start else: view_vector = -viewinv.col[2].xyz origin_start = ((persinv.col[0].xyz * dx) + (persinv.col[1].xyz * dy) + viewinv.translation) if clamp != 0.0: if rv3d.view_perspective != 'CAMERA': # this value is scaled to the far clip already origin_offset = persinv.col[2].xyz if clamp is not None: if clamp < 0.0: origin_offset.negate() clamp = -clamp if origin_offset.length > clamp: origin_offset.length = clamp origin_start -= origin_offset view_vector.normalize() return origin_start, view_vector def out_Location(rv3d, region, orig, vector): view_matrix = rv3d.view_matrix v1 = Vector((int(view_matrix[0][0] * 1.5), int(view_matrix[0][1] * 1.5), int(view_matrix[0][2] * 1.5))) v2 = Vector((int(view_matrix[1][0] * 1.5), int(view_matrix[1][1] * 1.5), int(view_matrix[1][2] * 1.5))) hit = intersect_ray_tri(Vector((1, 0, 0)), Vector((0, 1, 0)), Vector(), (vector), (orig), False) if hit is None: hit = intersect_ray_tri(v1, v2, Vector(), (vector), (orig), False) if hit is None: hit = intersect_ray_tri(v1, v2, Vector(), (-vector), (orig), False) if hit is None: hit = Vector() return hit def get_closest_edge(bm, point, dist): r_edge = None for edge in bm.edges: v1 = edge.verts[0].co v2 = edge.verts[1].co # Test the BVH (AABB) first for i in range(3): if v1[i] <= v2[i]: isect = v1[i] - dist <= point[i] <= v2[i] + dist else: isect = v2[i] - dist <= point[i] <= v1[i] + dist if not isect: break else: ret = intersect_point_line(point, v1, v2) if ret[1] < 0.0: tmp = v1 elif ret[1] > 1.0: tmp = v2 else: tmp = ret[0] new_dist = (point - tmp).length if new_dist <= dist: dist = new_dist r_edge = edge return r_edge class SnapCache(): bvert = None vco = None bedge = None v0 = None v1 = None vmid = None vperp = None v2d0 = None v2d1 = None v2dmid = None v2dperp = None bface = None fmid = None fnor = None out_obj = None out_obmat = None out_obimat = None def snap_utilities( cache, context, obj_matrix_world, bm, mcursor, outer_verts=False, constrain=None, previous_vert=None, ignore_obj=None, increment=0.0): rv3d = context.region_data region = context.region scene = context.scene is_increment = False r_loc = None r_type = None r_len = 0.0 bm_geom = None if bm.select_history: bm.select_history[0].select = False bm.select_history.clear() bpy.ops.view3d.select(location=(int(mcursor.x), int(mcursor.y))) if bm.select_history: bm_geom = bm.select_history[0] if isinstance(bm_geom, bmesh.types.BMVert): r_type = 'VERT' if cache.bvert != bm_geom: cache.bvert = bm_geom cache.vco = obj_matrix_world * cache.bvert.co # cache.v2d = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, cache.vco) if constrain: location = intersect_point_line(cache.vco, constrain[0], constrain[1]) # factor = location[1] r_loc = location[0] else: r_loc = cache.vco elif isinstance(bm_geom, bmesh.types.BMEdge): if cache.bedge != bm_geom: cache.bedge = bm_geom cache.v0 = obj_matrix_world * bm_geom.verts[0].co cache.v1 = obj_matrix_world * bm_geom.verts[1].co cache.vmid = 0.5 * (cache.v0 + cache.v1) cache.v2d0 = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, cache.v0) cache.v2d1 = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, cache.v1) cache.v2dmid = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, cache.vmid) if previous_vert and previous_vert not in bm_geom.verts: pvert_co = obj_matrix_world * previous_vert.co perp_point = intersect_point_line(pvert_co, cache.v0, cache.v1) cache.vperp = perp_point[0] # factor = point_perpendicular[1] cache.v2dperp = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, perp_point[0]) # else: cache.v2dperp = None if constrain: location = intersect_line_line(constrain[0], constrain[1], cache.v0, cache.v1) if location is None: is_increment = True orig, view_vector = region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(region, rv3d, mcursor) end = orig + view_vector location = intersect_line_line(constrain[0], constrain[1], orig, end) r_loc = location[0] elif cache.v2dperp and \ abs(cache.v2dperp[0] - mcursor[0]) < 10 and abs(cache.v2dperp[1] - mcursor[1]) < 10: r_type = 'PERPENDICULAR' r_loc = cache.vperp elif abs(cache.v2dmid[0] - mcursor[0]) < 10 and abs(cache.v2dmid[1] - mcursor[1]) < 10: r_type = 'CENTER' r_loc = cache.vmid else: if increment and previous_vert in cache.bedge.verts: is_increment = True r_type = 'EDGE' orig, view_vector = region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(region, rv3d, mcursor) r_loc = intersect_line_line(cache.v0, cache.v1, orig, orig + view_vector)[0] elif isinstance(bm_geom, bmesh.types.BMFace): is_increment = True r_type = 'FACE' if cache.bface != bm_geom: cache.bface = bm_geom cache.fmid = obj_matrix_world * bm_geom.calc_center_median() cache.fnor = bm_geom.normal * obj_matrix_world orig, view_vector = region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(region, rv3d, mcursor) end = orig + view_vector r_loc = intersect_line_plane(orig, end, cache.fmid, cache.fnor, False) if constrain: is_increment = False r_loc = intersect_point_line(r_loc, constrain[0], constrain[1])[0] else: # OUT is_increment = True r_type = 'OUT' orig, view_vector = region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(region, rv3d, mcursor) face_index = -1 if cache.out_obj is None: ## TODO: The Scene.raycast also tests the edited object. # This is highly inefficient because the edited object # does not keep DerivedMesh which forces rebuilding the bvhtree. result, r_loc, normal, face_index, cache.out_obj, cache.out_obmat = scene.ray_cast(orig, view_vector) if result: r_type = 'FACE' cache.out_obimat = cache.out_obmat.inverted() else: face_index = -1 r_loc = None if cache.out_obj and cache.out_obj != ignore_obj: if not r_loc or outer_verts: location = None if face_index == -1: # get the ray relative to the cache.out_obj ray_origin_obj = cache.out_obimat * orig end = orig + view_vector * 1000 ray_target_obj = cache.out_obimat * end result, location, normal, face_index = cache.out_obj.ray_cast(ray_origin_obj, ray_target_obj) if face_index == -1: cache.out_obj = None elif outer_verts: vloc = None try: me = cache.out_obj.data verts = me.polygons[face_index].vertices v_dist = 100 for i in verts: v_co = cache.out_obmat * me.vertices[i].co v_2d = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, v_co) dist = (Vector(mcursor) - v_2d.xy).length_squared if dist < v_dist: v_dist = dist vloc = v_co except Exception as e: print('Fail', e) if vloc: is_increment = False r_type = 'VERT' r_loc = vloc if not r_loc: r_type = 'FACE' r_loc = cache.out_obmat * location if constrain: if r_loc: is_increment = False r_loc = intersect_point_line(r_loc, constrain[0], constrain[1])[0] else: r_loc = intersect_line_line(constrain[0], constrain[1], orig, orig + view_vector)[0] elif not r_loc: r_loc = out_Location(rv3d, region, orig, view_vector) if previous_vert: pv_co = obj_matrix_world * previous_vert.co vec = r_loc - pv_co if is_increment and increment: r_len = round((1 / increment) * vec.length) * increment r_loc = r_len * vec.normalized() + pv_co else: r_len = vec.length return r_loc, r_type, bm_geom, r_len def get_loose_linked_edges(bmvert): linked = [e for e in bmvert.link_edges if not e.link_faces] for e in linked: linked += [le for v in e.verts if not v.link_faces for le in v.link_edges if le not in linked] return linked def draw_line(self, obj, bm, bm_geom, location): if not hasattr(self, 'list_verts'): self.list_verts = [] if not hasattr(self, 'list_edges'): self.list_edges = [] split_faces = set() update_edit_mesh = False tessface = False if bm_geom is None: vert = bm.verts.new(location) self.list_verts.append(vert) elif isinstance(bm_geom, bmesh.types.BMVert): if (bm_geom.co - location).length_squared < .001: if self.list_verts == [] or self.list_verts[-1] != bm_geom: self.list_verts.append(bm_geom) else: vert = bm.verts.new(location) self.list_verts.append(vert) elif isinstance(bm_geom, bmesh.types.BMEdge): self.list_edges.append(bm_geom) ret = intersect_point_line(location, bm_geom.verts[0].co, bm_geom.verts[1].co) if (ret[0] - location).length_squared < .001: if ret[1] == 0.0: vert = bm_geom.verts[0] elif ret[1] == 1.0: vert = bm_geom.verts[1] else: edge, vert = bmesh.utils.edge_split(bm_geom, bm_geom.verts[0], ret[1]) self.list_verts.append(vert) # self.list_edges.append(edge) else: # constrain point is near vert = bm.verts.new(location) self.list_verts.append(vert) elif isinstance(bm_geom, bmesh.types.BMFace): split_faces.add(bm_geom) vert = bm.verts.new(location) self.list_verts.append(vert) # draw, split and create face if len(self.list_verts) >= 2: v1, v2 = self.list_verts[-2:] # v2_link_verts = [x for y in [a.verts for a in v2.link_edges] for x in y if x != v2] for edge in v2.link_edges: if v1 in edge.verts: self.list_edges.append(edge) break else: # if v1 not in v2_link_verts: if not v2.link_edges: edge = bm.edges.new([v1, v2]) self.list_edges.append(edge) else: # split face if v1.link_faces and v2.link_faces: split_faces.update({f for f in v2.link_faces if f in v1.link_faces}) else: if v1.link_faces: faces = v1.link_faces co2 = v2.co.copy() else: faces = v2.link_faces co2 = v1.co.copy() for face in faces: if bmesh.geometry.intersect_face_point(face, co2): co = co2 - face.calc_center_median() if co.dot(face.normal) < 0.001: split_faces.add(face) if split_faces: edge = bm.edges.new([v1, v2]) self.list_edges.append(edge) ed_list = get_loose_linked_edges(v2) for face in split_faces: facesp = bmesh.utils.face_split_edgenet(face, ed_list) del split_faces update_edit_mesh = True tessface = True else: if self.intersect: facesp = bmesh.ops.connect_vert_pair(bm, verts=[v1, v2], verts_exclude=bm.verts) # print(facesp) if not self.intersect or not facesp['edges']: edge = bm.edges.new([v1, v2]) self.list_edges.append(edge) else: for edge in facesp['edges']: self.list_edges.append(edge) # create face if self.create_face: ed_list = set(self.list_edges) for edge in v2.link_edges: for vert in edge.verts: if vert != v2 and vert in self.list_verts: ed_list.add(edge) break else: continue # Inner loop was broken, break the outer break ed_list.update(get_loose_linked_edges(v2)) bmesh.ops.edgenet_fill(bm, edges=list(ed_list)) update_edit_mesh = True tessface = True # print('face created') if update_edit_mesh: bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data, tessface = tessface, destructive=True) return [obj.matrix_world * v.co for v in self.list_verts] class NavigationKeys: def __init__(self, context): # TO DO: # 'View Orbit', 'View Pan', 'NDOF Orbit View', 'NDOF Pan View' self._rotate = set() self._move = set() self._zoom = set() for key in context.window_manager.keyconfigs.user.keymaps['3D View'].keymap_items: if key.idname == 'view3d.rotate': #self.keys_rotate[key.id]={'Alt': key.alt, 'Ctrl': key.ctrl, 'Shift':key.shift, 'Type':key.type, 'Value':key.value} self._rotate.add((key.alt, key.ctrl, key.shift, key.type, key.value)) if key.idname == 'view3d.move': self._move.add((key.alt, key.ctrl, key.shift, key.type, key.value)) if key.idname == 'view3d.zoom': if key.type == 'WHEELINMOUSE': self._zoom.add((key.alt, key.ctrl, key.shift, 'WHEELUPMOUSE', key.value, key.properties.delta)) elif key.type == 'WHEELOUTMOUSE': self._zoom.add((key.alt, key.ctrl, key.shift, 'WHEELDOWNMOUSE', key.value, key.properties.delta)) else: self._zoom.add((key.alt, key.ctrl, key.shift, key.type, key.value, key.properties.delta)) class CharMap: ascii = { ".", ",", "-", "+", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "c", "m", "d", "k", "h", "a", " ", "/", "*", "'", "\"" # "=" } type = { 'BACK_SPACE', 'DEL', 'LEFT_ARROW', 'RIGHT_ARROW' } @staticmethod def modal(self, context, event): c = event.ascii if c: if c == ",": c = "." self.length_entered = self.length_entered[:self.line_pos] + c + self.length_entered[self.line_pos:] self.line_pos += 1 if self.length_entered: if event.type == 'BACK_SPACE': self.length_entered = self.length_entered[:self.line_pos - 1] + self.length_entered[self.line_pos:] self.line_pos -= 1 elif event.type == 'DEL': self.length_entered = self.length_entered[:self.line_pos] + self.length_entered[self.line_pos + 1:] elif event.type == 'LEFT_ARROW': self.line_pos = (self.line_pos - 1) % (len(self.length_entered) + 1) elif event.type == 'RIGHT_ARROW': self.line_pos = (self.line_pos + 1) % (len(self.length_entered) + 1) class SnapUtilitiesLine(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.snap_utilities_line" bl_label = "Line Tool" bl_description = "Draw edges. Connect them to split faces" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} constrain_keys = { 'X': Vector((1, 0, 0)), 'Y': Vector((0, 1, 0)), 'Z': Vector((0, 0, 1)), 'RIGHT_SHIFT': 'shift', 'LEFT_SHIFT': 'shift', } @classmethod def poll(cls, context): preferences = context.user_preferences.addons[__name__].preferences return (context.mode in {'EDIT_MESH', 'OBJECT'} and preferences.create_new_obj or (context.object is not None and context.object.type == 'MESH')) def draw_callback_px(self, context): # draw 3d point OpenGL in the 3D View bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) # bgl.glPushMatrix() # bgl.glMultMatrixf(self.obj_glmatrix) if self.vector_constrain: vc = self.vector_constrain if hasattr(self, 'preloc') and self.type in {'VERT', 'FACE'}: bgl.glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5) bgl.glPointSize(5) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_POINTS) bgl.glVertex3f(*self.preloc) bgl.glEnd() if vc[2] == 'X': Color4f = (self.axis_x_color + (1.0,)) elif vc[2] == 'Y': Color4f = (self.axis_y_color + (1.0,)) elif vc[2] == 'Z': Color4f = (self.axis_z_color + (1.0,)) else: Color4f = self.constrain_shift_color else: if self.type == 'OUT': Color4f = self.out_color elif self.type == 'FACE': Color4f = self.face_color elif self.type == 'EDGE': Color4f = self.edge_color elif self.type == 'VERT': Color4f = self.vert_color elif self.type == 'CENTER': Color4f = self.center_color elif self.type == 'PERPENDICULAR': Color4f = self.perpendicular_color else: # self.type == None Color4f = self.out_color bgl.glColor4f(*Color4f) bgl.glPointSize(10) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_POINTS) bgl.glVertex3f(*self.location) bgl.glEnd() # draw 3d line OpenGL in the 3D View bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) bgl.glDepthRange(0, 0.9999) bgl.glColor4f(1.0, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0) bgl.glLineWidth(2) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_STRIP) for vert_co in self.list_verts_co: bgl.glVertex3f(*vert_co) bgl.glVertex3f(*self.location) bgl.glEnd() # restore opengl defaults # bgl.glPopMatrix() bgl.glDepthRange(0, 1) bgl.glPointSize(1) bgl.glLineWidth(1) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE) bgl.glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) def modal_navigation(self, context, event): evkey = (event.alt, event.ctrl, event.shift, event.type, event.value) if evkey in self.navigation_keys._rotate: bpy.ops.view3d.rotate('INVOKE_DEFAULT') return True elif evkey in self.navigation_keys._move: if event.shift and self.vector_constrain and \ self.vector_constrain[2] in {'RIGHT_SHIFT', 'LEFT_SHIFT', 'shift'}: self.vector_constrain = None bpy.ops.view3d.move('INVOKE_DEFAULT') return True else: for key in self.navigation_keys._zoom: if evkey == key[0:5]: if True: # TODO: Use Zoom to mouse position v3d = context.space_data dist_range = (v3d.clip_start, v3d.clip_end) rv3d = context.region_data if (key[5] < 0 and rv3d.view_distance < dist_range[1]) or\ (key[5] > 0 and rv3d.view_distance > dist_range[0]): rv3d.view_location += key[5] * (self.location - rv3d.view_location) / 6 rv3d.view_distance -= key[5] * rv3d.view_distance / 6 else: bpy.ops.view3d.zoom('INVOKE_DEFAULT', delta = key[5]) return True #break return False def modal(self, context, event): if self.modal_navigation(context, event): return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} context.area.tag_redraw() if event.ctrl and event.type == 'Z' and event.value == 'PRESS': bpy.ops.ed.undo() self.vector_constrain = None self.list_verts_co = [] self.list_verts = [] self.list_edges = [] self.list_faces = [] self.obj = bpy.context.active_object self.obj_matrix = self.obj.matrix_world.copy() self.bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(self.obj.data) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE' or self.bool_update: if self.rv3d.view_matrix != self.rotMat: self.rotMat = self.rv3d.view_matrix.copy() self.bool_update = True self.cache.bedge = None else: self.bool_update = False mval = Vector((event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)) self.location, self.type, self.geom, self.len = snap_utilities( self.cache, context, self.obj_matrix, self.bm, mval, outer_verts=(self.outer_verts and not self.keytab), constrain=self.vector_constrain, previous_vert=(self.list_verts[-1] if self.list_verts else None), ignore_obj=self.obj, increment=self.incremental ) if self.snap_to_grid and self.type == 'OUT': loc = self.location / self.rd self.location = Vector((round(loc.x), round(loc.y), round(loc.z))) * self.rd if self.keyf8 and self.list_verts_co: lloc = self.list_verts_co[-1] orig, view_vec = region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(self.region, self.rv3d, mval) location = intersect_point_line(lloc, orig, (orig + view_vec)) vec = (location[0] - lloc) ax, ay, az = abs(vec.x), abs(vec.y), abs(vec.z) vec.x = ax > ay > az or ax > az > ay vec.y = ay > ax > az or ay > az > ax vec.z = az > ay > ax or az > ax > ay if vec == Vector(): self.vector_constrain = None else: vc = lloc + vec try: if vc != self.vector_constrain[1]: type = 'X' if vec.x else 'Y' if vec.y else 'Z' if vec.z else 'shift' self.vector_constrain = [lloc, vc, type] except: type = 'X' if vec.x else 'Y' if vec.y else 'Z' if vec.z else 'shift' self.vector_constrain = [lloc, vc, type] if event.value == 'PRESS': if self.list_verts_co and (event.ascii in CharMap.ascii or event.type in CharMap.type): CharMap.modal(self, context, event) elif event.type in self.constrain_keys: self.bool_update = True if self.vector_constrain and self.vector_constrain[2] == event.type: self.vector_constrain = () else: if event.shift: if isinstance(self.geom, bmesh.types.BMEdge): if self.list_verts: loc = self.list_verts_co[-1] self.vector_constrain = (loc, loc + self.geom.verts[1].co - self.geom.verts[0].co, event.type) else: self.vector_constrain = [self.obj_matrix * v.co for v in self.geom.verts] + [event.type] else: if self.list_verts: loc = self.list_verts_co[-1] else: loc = self.location self.vector_constrain = [loc, loc + self.constrain_keys[event.type]] + [event.type] elif event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE': point = self.obj_matinv * self.location # with constraint the intersection can be in a different element of the selected one if self.vector_constrain and self.geom: geom2 = get_closest_edge(self.bm, point, .001) else: geom2 = self.geom self.vector_constrain = None self.list_verts_co = draw_line(self, self.obj, self.bm, geom2, point) bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message="Undo draw line*") elif event.type == 'TAB': self.keytab = self.keytab is False if self.keytab: context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = (False, False, True) else: context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = (True, True, True) elif event.type == 'F8': self.vector_constrain = None self.keyf8 = self.keyf8 is False elif event.value == 'RELEASE': if event.type in {'RET', 'NUMPAD_ENTER'}: if self.length_entered != "" and self.list_verts_co: try: text_value = bpy.utils.units.to_value(self.unit_system, 'LENGTH', self.length_entered) vector = (self.location - self.list_verts_co[-1]).normalized() location = (self.list_verts_co[-1] + (vector * text_value)) G_location = self.obj_matinv * location self.list_verts_co = draw_line(self, self.obj, self.bm, self.geom, G_location) self.length_entered = "" self.vector_constrain = None except: # ValueError: self.report({'INFO'}, "Operation not supported yet") elif event.type in {'RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'}: if self.list_verts_co == [] or event.type == 'ESC': bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW') context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = self.select_mode context.area.header_text_set() context.user_preferences.view.use_rotate_around_active = self.use_rotate_around_active if not self.is_editmode: bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() return {'FINISHED'} else: self.vector_constrain = None self.list_verts = [] self.list_verts_co = [] self.list_faces = [] a = "" if self.list_verts_co: if self.length_entered: pos = self.line_pos a = 'length: ' + self.length_entered[:pos] + '|' + self.length_entered[pos:] else: length = self.len length = convert_distance(length, self.uinfo) a = 'length: ' + length context.area.header_text_set( "hit: %.3f %.3f %.3f %s" % (self.location[0], self.location[1], self.location[2], a) ) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def invoke(self, context, event): if context.space_data.type == 'VIEW_3D': # print('name', __name__, __package__) preferences = context.user_preferences.addons[__name__].preferences create_new_obj = preferences.create_new_obj if context.mode == 'OBJECT' and \ (create_new_obj or context.object is None or context.object.type != 'MESH'): mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("") obj = bpy.data.objects.new("", mesh) context.scene.objects.link(obj) context.scene.objects.active = obj # bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_POINT_SMOOTH) self.is_editmode = bpy.context.object.data.is_editmode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') context.space_data.use_occlude_geometry = True self.scale = context.scene.unit_settings.scale_length self.unit_system = context.scene.unit_settings.system self.separate_units = context.scene.unit_settings.use_separate self.uinfo = get_units_info(self.scale, self.unit_system, self.separate_units) grid = context.scene.unit_settings.scale_length / context.space_data.grid_scale relative_scale = preferences.relative_scale self.scale = grid / relative_scale self.rd = bpy.utils.units.to_value(self.unit_system, 'LENGTH', str(1 / self.scale)) incremental = preferences.incremental self.incremental = bpy.utils.units.to_value(self.unit_system, 'LENGTH', str(incremental)) self.use_rotate_around_active = context.user_preferences.view.use_rotate_around_active context.user_preferences.view.use_rotate_around_active = True self.select_mode = context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode[:] context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = (True, True, True) self.region = context.region self.rv3d = context.region_data self.rotMat = self.rv3d.view_matrix.copy() self.obj = bpy.context.active_object self.obj_matrix = self.obj.matrix_world.copy() self.obj_matinv = self.obj_matrix.inverted() # self.obj_glmatrix = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_FLOAT, [4, 4], self.obj_matrix.transposed()) self.bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(self.obj.data) self.cache = SnapCache() self.location = Vector() self.list_verts = [] self.list_verts_co = [] self.bool_update = False self.vector_constrain = () self.navigation_keys = NavigationKeys(context) self.keytab = False self.keyf8 = False self.type = 'OUT' self.len = 0 self.length_entered = "" self.line_pos = 0 self.out_color = preferences.out_color self.face_color = preferences.face_color self.edge_color = preferences.edge_color self.vert_color = preferences.vert_color self.center_color = preferences.center_color self.perpendicular_color = preferences.perpendicular_color self.constrain_shift_color = preferences.constrain_shift_color self.axis_x_color = tuple(context.user_preferences.themes[0].user_interface.axis_x) self.axis_y_color = tuple(context.user_preferences.themes[0].user_interface.axis_y) self.axis_z_color = tuple(context.user_preferences.themes[0].user_interface.axis_z) self.intersect = preferences.intersect self.create_face = preferences.create_face self.outer_verts = preferences.outer_verts self.snap_to_grid = preferences.increments_grid self._handle = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add( self.draw_callback_px, (context,), 'WINDOW', 'POST_VIEW' ) context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} else: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Active space must be a View3d") return {'CANCELLED'} class PanelSnapUtilities(Panel): bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_region_type = "TOOLS" bl_category = "Snap Utilities" bl_label = "Snap Utilities" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): preferences = context.user_preferences.addons[__name__].preferences return (context.mode in {'EDIT_MESH', 'OBJECT'} and preferences.create_new_obj or (context.object is not None and context.object.type == 'MESH')) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout TheCol = layout.column(align=True) TheCol.operator("mesh.snap_utilities_line", text="Line", icon="GREASEPENCIL") addon_prefs = context.user_preferences.addons[__name__].preferences expand = addon_prefs.expand_snap_settings icon = "TRIA_DOWN" if expand else "TRIA_RIGHT" box = layout.box() box.prop(addon_prefs, "expand_snap_settings", icon=icon, text="Settings:", emboss=False) if expand: box.prop(addon_prefs, "outer_verts") box.prop(addon_prefs, "incremental") box.prop(addon_prefs, "increments_grid") if addon_prefs.increments_grid: box.prop(addon_prefs, "relative_scale") box.label(text="Line Tool:") box.prop(addon_prefs, "intersect") box.prop(addon_prefs, "create_face") box.prop(addon_prefs, "create_new_obj") # Add-ons Preferences Update Panel # Define Panel classes for updating panels = ( PanelSnapUtilities, ) def update_panel(self, context): message = "Snap Utilities Line: Updating Panel locations has failed" addon_prefs = context.user_preferences.addons[__name__].preferences try: for panel in panels: if addon_prefs.category != panel.bl_category: if "bl_rna" in panel.__dict__: bpy.utils.unregister_class(panel) panel.bl_category = addon_prefs.category bpy.utils.register_class(panel) except Exception as e: print("\n[{}]\n{}\n\nError:\n{}".format(__name__, message, e)) pass class SnapAddonPreferences(AddonPreferences): # this must match the addon name, use '__package__' # when defining this in a submodule of a python package. bl_idname = __name__ intersect = BoolProperty( name="Intersect", description="Intersects created line with the existing edges, " "even if the lines do not intersect", default=True ) create_new_obj = BoolProperty( name="Create a new object", description="If have not a active object, or the active object " "is not in edit mode, it creates a new object", default=False ) create_face = BoolProperty( name="Create faces", description="Create faces defined by enclosed edges", default=False ) outer_verts = BoolProperty( name="Snap to outer vertices", description="The vertices of the objects are not activated also snapped", default=True ) expand_snap_settings = BoolProperty( name="Expand", description="Expand, to display the settings", default=False ) expand_color_settings = BoolProperty( name="Color Settings", description="Expand, to display the color settings", default=False ) increments_grid = BoolProperty( name="Increments of Grid", description="Snap to increments of grid", default=False ) category = StringProperty( name="Category", description="Choose a name for the category of the panel", default="Snap Utilities", update=update_panel ) incremental = FloatProperty( name="Incremental", description="Snap in defined increments", default=0, min=0, step=1, precision=3 ) relative_scale = FloatProperty( name="Relative Scale", description="Value that divides the global scale", default=1, min=0, step=1, precision=3 ) out_color = FloatVectorProperty( name="OUT", default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5), size=4, subtype="COLOR", min=0, max=1 ) face_color = FloatVectorProperty( name="FACE", default=(1.0, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0), size=4, subtype="COLOR", min=0, max=1 ) edge_color = FloatVectorProperty( name="EDGE", default=(0.0, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0), size=4, subtype="COLOR", min=0, max=1 ) vert_color = FloatVectorProperty( name="VERT", default=(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0), size=4, subtype="COLOR", min=0, max=1 ) center_color = FloatVectorProperty( name="CENTER", default=(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), size=4, subtype="COLOR", min=0, max=1 ) perpendicular_color = FloatVectorProperty( name="PERPENDICULAR", default=(0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), size=4, subtype="COLOR", min=0, max=1 ) constrain_shift_color = FloatVectorProperty( name="SHIFT CONSTRAIN", default=(0.8, 0.5, 0.4, 1.0), size=4, subtype="COLOR", min=0, max=1 ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout icon = "TRIA_DOWN" if self.expand_color_settings else "TRIA_RIGHT" box = layout.box() box.prop(self, "expand_color_settings", icon=icon, toggle=True, emboss=False) if self.expand_color_settings: split = box.split() col = split.column() col.prop(self, "out_color") col.prop(self, "constrain_shift_color") col = split.column() col.prop(self, "face_color") col.prop(self, "center_color") col = split.column() col.prop(self, "edge_color") col.prop(self, "perpendicular_color") col = split.column() col.prop(self, "vert_color") row = layout.row() col = row.column(align=True) box = col.box() box.label(text="Snap Items:") box.prop(self, "incremental") box.prop(self, "outer_verts") box.prop(self, "increments_grid") if self.increments_grid: box.prop(self, "relative_scale") else: box.separator() box.separator() col = row.column(align=True) box = col.box() box.label(text="Line Tool:") box.prop(self, "intersect") box.prop(self, "create_face") box.prop(self, "create_new_obj") box.separator() box.separator() row = layout.row() col = row.column() col.label(text="Tab Category:") col.prop(self, "category", text="") def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(SnapAddonPreferences) bpy.utils.register_class(SnapUtilitiesLine) bpy.utils.register_class(PanelSnapUtilities) update_panel(None, bpy.context) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(PanelSnapUtilities) bpy.utils.unregister_class(SnapUtilitiesLine) bpy.utils.unregister_class(SnapAddonPreferences) if __name__ == "__main__": __name__ = "mesh_snap_utilities_line" register()