### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### import bpy from mathutils import ( Vector, Matrix, ) from mathutils.geometry import intersect_point_line from .drawing_utilities import SnapDrawn from .common_utilities import ( convert_distance, get_units_info, location_3d_to_region_2d, ) class SnapNavigation(): __slots__ = ( 'use_ndof', '_rotate', '_move', '_zoom', '_ndof_all', '_ndof_orbit', '_ndof_orbit_zoom', '_ndof_pan') @staticmethod def debug_key(key): for member in dir(key): print(member, getattr(key, member)) @staticmethod def convert_to_flag(shift, ctrl, alt): return (shift << 0) | (ctrl << 1) | (alt << 2) def __init__(self, context, use_ndof): # TO DO: # 'View Orbit', 'View Pan', 'NDOF Orbit View', 'NDOF Pan View' self.use_ndof = use_ndof and context.preferences.inputs.use_ndof self._rotate = set() self._move = set() self._zoom = set() if self.use_ndof: self._ndof_all = set() self._ndof_orbit = set() self._ndof_orbit_zoom = set() self._ndof_pan = set() for key in context.window_manager.keyconfigs.user.keymaps['3D View'].keymap_items: if key.idname == 'view3d.rotate': self._rotate.add((self.convert_to_flag(key.shift, key.ctrl, key.alt), key.type, key.value)) elif key.idname == 'view3d.move': self._move.add((self.convert_to_flag(key.shift, key.ctrl, key.alt), key.type, key.value)) elif key.idname == 'view3d.zoom': if key.type == 'WHEELINMOUSE': self._zoom.add((self.convert_to_flag(key.shift, key.ctrl, key.alt), 'WHEELUPMOUSE', key.value, key.properties.delta)) elif key.type == 'WHEELOUTMOUSE': self._zoom.add((self.convert_to_flag(key.shift, key.ctrl, key.alt), 'WHEELDOWNMOUSE', key.value, key.properties.delta)) else: self._zoom.add((self.convert_to_flag(key.shift, key.ctrl, key.alt), key.type, key.value, key.properties.delta)) elif self.use_ndof: if key.idname == 'view3d.ndof_all': self._ndof_all.add((self.convert_to_flag(key.shift, key.ctrl, key.alt), key.type)) elif key.idname == 'view3d.ndof_orbit': self._ndof_orbit.add((self.convert_to_flag(key.shift, key.ctrl, key.alt), key.type)) elif key.idname == 'view3d.ndof_orbit_zoom': self._ndof_orbit_zoom.add((self.convert_to_flag(key.shift, key.ctrl, key.alt), key.type)) elif key.idname == 'view3d.ndof_pan': self._ndof_pan.add((self.convert_to_flag(key.shift, key.ctrl, key.alt), key.type)) def run(self, context, event, snap_location): evkey = (self.convert_to_flag(event.shift, event.ctrl, event.alt), event.type, event.value) if evkey in self._rotate: if snap_location: bpy.ops.view3d.rotate_custom_pivot('INVOKE_DEFAULT', pivot=snap_location) else: bpy.ops.view3d.rotate('INVOKE_DEFAULT', use_cursor_init=True) return True if evkey in self._move: bpy.ops.view3d.move('INVOKE_DEFAULT') return True for key in self._zoom: if evkey == key[0:3]: if key[3]: if snap_location: bpy.ops.view3d.zoom_custom_target('INVOKE_DEFAULT', delta=key[3], target=snap_location) else: bpy.ops.view3d.zoom('INVOKE_DEFAULT', delta=key[3]) else: bpy.ops.view3d.zoom('INVOKE_DEFAULT') return True if self.use_ndof: ndofkey = evkey[:2] if ndofkey in self._ndof_all: bpy.ops.view3d.ndof_all('INVOKE_DEFAULT') return True if ndofkey in self._ndof_orbit: bpy.ops.view3d.ndof_orbit('INVOKE_DEFAULT') return True if ndofkey in self._ndof_orbit_zoom: bpy.ops.view3d.ndof_orbit_zoom('INVOKE_DEFAULT') return True if ndofkey in self._ndof_pan: bpy.ops.view3d.ndof_pan('INVOKE_DEFAULT') return True return False class CharMap: __slots__ = ( 'unit_system', 'uinfo', 'length_entered', 'length_entered_value', 'line_pos') ascii = { ".", ",", "-", "+", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "c", "m", "d", "k", "h", "a", " ", "/", "*", "'", "\"" # "=" } type = { 'BACK_SPACE', 'DEL', 'LEFT_ARROW', 'RIGHT_ARROW' } def __init__(self, context): scale = context.scene.unit_settings.scale_length separate_units = context.scene.unit_settings.use_separate self.unit_system = context.scene.unit_settings.system self.uinfo = get_units_info(scale, self.unit_system, separate_units) self.clear() def modal_(self, context, event): if event.value == 'PRESS': type = event.type ascii = event.ascii if (type in self.type) or (ascii in self.ascii): if ascii: pos = self.line_pos if ascii == ",": ascii = "." self.length_entered = self.length_entered[:pos] + ascii + self.length_entered[pos:] self.line_pos += 1 if self.length_entered: pos = self.line_pos if type == 'BACK_SPACE': self.length_entered = self.length_entered[:pos - 1] + self.length_entered[pos:] self.line_pos -= 1 elif type == 'DEL': self.length_entered = self.length_entered[:pos] + self.length_entered[pos + 1:] elif type == 'LEFT_ARROW': self.line_pos = (pos - 1) % (len(self.length_entered) + 1) elif type == 'RIGHT_ARROW': self.line_pos = (pos + 1) % (len(self.length_entered) + 1) try: self.length_entered_value = bpy.utils.units.to_value(self.unit_system, 'LENGTH', self.length_entered) except: # ValueError: self.length_entered_value = 0.0 #invalid #self.report({'INFO'}, "Operation not supported yet") else: self.length_entered_value = 0.0 return True return False def get_converted_length_str(self, length): if self.length_entered: pos = self.line_pos ret = self.length_entered[:pos] + '|' + self.length_entered[pos:] else: ret = convert_distance(length, self.uinfo) return ret def clear(self): self.length_entered = '' self.length_entered_value = 0.0 self.line_pos = 0 class Constrain: def __init__(self, peferences, scene, obj): self.last_type = None self.last_vec = None self.rotMat = None self.preferences = peferences trans_orient = scene.transform_orientation_slots[0] self.orientation = [None, None] if trans_orient.type == 'LOCAL': self.orientation[0] = obj.matrix_world.to_3x3().transposed() self.orientation[1] = Matrix.Identity(3) else: self.orientation[0] = Matrix.Identity(3) self.orientation[1] = obj.matrix_world.to_3x3().transposed() self.orientation_id = 0 self.center = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) self.center_2d = Vector((0.0, 0.0)) self.projected_vecs = Matrix(([0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0])) def _constrain_set(self, mcursor): vec = (mcursor - self.center_2d) vec.normalize() dot_x = abs(vec.dot(self.projected_vecs[0])) dot_y = abs(vec.dot(self.projected_vecs[1])) dot_z = abs(vec.dot(self.projected_vecs[2])) if dot_x > dot_y and dot_x > dot_z: vec = self.orientation[self.orientation_id][0] type = 'X' elif dot_y > dot_x and dot_y > dot_z: vec = self.orientation[self.orientation_id][1] type = 'Y' else: # dot_z > dot_y and dot_z > dot_x: vec = self.orientation[self.orientation_id][2] type = 'Z' return vec, type def modal(self, event, shift_callback): type = event.type if self.last_type == type: self.orientation_id += 1 if type == 'X': if self.orientation_id < 2: self.last_vec = self.orientation[self.orientation_id][0] else: self.orientation_id = 0 self.last_vec = type = None elif type == 'Y': if self.orientation_id < 2: self.last_vec = self.orientation[self.orientation_id][1] else: self.orientation_id = 0 self.last_vec = type = None elif type == 'Z': if self.orientation_id < 2: self.last_vec = self.orientation[self.orientation_id][2] else: self.orientation_id = 0 self.last_vec = type = None elif shift_callback and type in {'RIGHT_SHIFT', 'LEFT_SHIFT'}: if self.orientation_id < 1: type = 'shift' self.last_vec = shift_callback() else: self.orientation_id = 0 self.last_vec = type = None else: return False self.preferences.auto_constrain = False self.last_type = type return True def toogle(self): self.rotMat = None # update if self.preferences.auto_constrain: self.orientation_id = (self.orientation_id + 1) % 2 self.preferences.auto_constrain = self.orientation_id != 0 else: self.preferences.auto_constrain = True def update(self, region, rv3d, mcursor, center): if rv3d.view_matrix != self.rotMat or self.center != center: self.rotMat = rv3d.view_matrix.copy() self.center = center.copy() self.center_2d = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, self.center) vec = self.center + self.orientation[self.orientation_id][0] self.projected_vecs[0] = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, vec) - self.center_2d vec = self.center + self.orientation[self.orientation_id][1] self.projected_vecs[1] = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, vec) - self.center_2d vec = self.center + self.orientation[self.orientation_id][2] self.projected_vecs[2] = location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, vec) - self.center_2d self.projected_vecs[0].normalize() self.projected_vecs[1].normalize() self.projected_vecs[2].normalize() return self._constrain_set(mcursor) class SnapUtilities: """ __slots__ = ( "sctx", "draw_cache", "outer_verts", "unit_system", "rd", "obj", "bm", "geom", "type", "location", "preferences", "normal", "snap_vert", "snap_edge", "snap_face", "incremental", ) """ constrain_keys = { 'X': Vector((1,0,0)), 'Y': Vector((0,1,0)), 'Z': Vector((0,0,1)), 'RIGHT_SHIFT': 'shift', 'LEFT_SHIFT': 'shift', } snapwidgets = [] constrain = None @staticmethod def set_contrain(context, key): widget = SnapUtilities.snapwidgets[-1] if SnapUtilities.snapwidgets else None if SnapUtilities.constrain == key: SnapUtilities.constrain = None if hasattr(widget, "get_normal"): widget.get_normal(context) return if hasattr(widget, "normal"): if key == 'shift': import bmesh if isinstance(widget.geom, bmesh.types.BMEdge): verts = widget.geom.verts widget.normal = verts[1].co - verts[0].co widget.normal.normalise() else: return else: widget.normal = SnapUtilities.constrain_keys[key] SnapUtilities.constrain = key def snap_context_update_and_return_moving_objects(self, context): moving_objects = set() moving_snp_objects = set() children = set() for obj in context.view_layer.objects.selected: moving_objects.add(obj) temp_children = set() for obj in context.visible_objects: temp_children.clear() while obj.parent is not None: temp_children.add(obj) parent = obj.parent if parent in moving_objects: children.update(temp_children) temp_children.clear() obj = parent del temp_children moving_objects.difference_update(children) self.sctx.clear_snap_objects(True) for obj in context.visible_objects: is_moving = obj in moving_objects or obj in children snap_obj = self.sctx.add_obj(obj, obj.matrix_world) if is_moving: moving_snp_objects.add(snap_obj) if obj.instance_type == 'COLLECTION': mat = obj.matrix_world.copy() for ob in obj.instance_collection.objects: snap_obj = self.sctx.add_obj(ob, mat @ ob.matrix_world) if is_moving: moving_snp_objects.add(snap_obj) del children return moving_objects, moving_snp_objects def snap_context_update(self, context): def visible_objects_and_duplis(): if self.preferences.outer_verts: for obj in context.visible_objects: yield (obj, obj.matrix_world) if obj.instance_type == 'COLLECTION': mat = obj.matrix_world.copy() for ob in obj.instance_collection.objects: yield (ob, mat @ ob.matrix_world) else: for obj in context.objects_in_mode_unique_data: yield (obj, obj.matrix_world) self.sctx.clear_snap_objects(True) for obj, matrix in visible_objects_and_duplis(): self.sctx.add_obj(obj, matrix) def snap_context_init(self, context, snap_edge_and_vert=True): from .snap_context_l import global_snap_context_get #Create Snap Context self.sctx = global_snap_context_get(context.evaluated_depsgraph_get(), context.region, context.space_data) self.sctx.set_pixel_dist(12) self.sctx.use_clip_planes(True) if SnapUtilities.snapwidgets: widget = SnapUtilities.snapwidgets[-1] self.obj = widget.snap_obj.data[0] if widget.snap_obj else context.active_object self.bm = widget.bm self.geom = widget.geom self.type = widget.type self.location = widget.location self.preferences = widget.preferences self.draw_cache = widget.draw_cache if hasattr(widget, "normal"): self.normal = widget.normal else: #init these variables to avoid errors self.obj = context.active_object self.bm = None self.geom = None self.type = 'OUT' self.location = Vector() preferences = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences self.preferences = preferences #Init DrawCache self.draw_cache = SnapDrawn( preferences.out_color, preferences.face_color, preferences.edge_color, preferences.vert_color, preferences.center_color, preferences.perpendicular_color, preferences.constrain_shift_color, tuple(context.preferences.themes[0].user_interface.axis_x) + (1.0,), tuple(context.preferences.themes[0].user_interface.axis_y) + (1.0,), tuple(context.preferences.themes[0].user_interface.axis_z) + (1.0,), self.sctx.rv3d) self.snap_vert = self.snap_edge = snap_edge_and_vert shading = context.space_data.shading self.snap_face = not (snap_edge_and_vert and (shading.show_xray or shading.type == 'WIREFRAME')) self.sctx.set_snap_mode(self.snap_vert, self.snap_edge, self.snap_face) #Configure the unit of measure unit_system = context.scene.unit_settings.system scale = context.scene.unit_settings.scale_length scale /= context.space_data.overlay.grid_scale self.rd = bpy.utils.units.to_value(unit_system, 'LENGTH', str(1 / scale)) self.incremental = bpy.utils.units.to_value(unit_system, 'LENGTH', str(self.preferences.incremental)) def snap_to_grid(self): if self.type == 'OUT' and self.preferences.increments_grid: loc = self.location / self.rd self.location = Vector((round(loc.x), round(loc.y), round(loc.z))) * self.rd def snap_context_free(self): self.sctx = None del self.sctx del self.bm del self.draw_cache del self.geom del self.location del self.rd del self.snap_face del self.snap_obj del self.type del self.preferences SnapUtilities.constrain = None