# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### __all__ = ( "SnapContext", ) import bgl from mathutils import Vector VERT = 1 EDGE = 2 FACE = 4 class _Internal: from .mesh_drawing import ( gpu_Indices_enable_state, gpu_Indices_restore_state, gpu_Indices_use_clip_planes, gpu_Indices_set_ProjectionMatrix, ) from .utils_projection import ( region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector, intersect_boundbox_threshold, intersect_ray_segment_fac, project_co_v3, ) from mathutils.geometry import intersect_line_plane class _SnapObjectData(): __slots__ = ('data', 'mat') def __init__(self, data, omat): self.data = data self.mat = omat class _SnapOffscreen(): bound = None def __init__(self, width, height): import ctypes self.freed = False self.is_bound = False self.width = width self.height = height self.fbo = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 1) self.buf_color = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 1) self.buf_depth = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 1) self.cur_fbo = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 1) self.cur_viewport = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 4) bgl.glGenRenderbuffers(1, self.buf_depth) bgl.glBindRenderbuffer(bgl.GL_RENDERBUFFER, self.buf_depth[0]) bgl.glRenderbufferStorage(bgl.GL_RENDERBUFFER, bgl.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, width, height) bgl.glGenTextures(1, self.buf_color) bgl.glBindTexture(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.buf_color[0]) NULL = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 1, (ctypes.c_int32 * 1).from_address(0)) bgl.glTexImage2D(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, bgl.GL_R32UI, width, height, 0, bgl.GL_RED_INTEGER, bgl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, NULL) del NULL bgl.glTexParameteri(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, bgl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, bgl.GL_NEAREST) bgl.glTexParameteri(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, bgl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, bgl.GL_NEAREST) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, self.cur_fbo) bgl.glGenFramebuffers(1, self.fbo) bgl.glBindFramebuffer(bgl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, self.fbo[0]) bgl.glFramebufferRenderbuffer(bgl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, bgl.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, bgl.GL_RENDERBUFFER, self.buf_depth[0]) bgl.glFramebufferTexture(bgl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, bgl.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, self.buf_color[0], 0) bgl.glDrawBuffers(1, bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 1, [bgl.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0])) status = bgl.glCheckFramebufferStatus(bgl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER) if status != bgl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: print("Framebuffer Invalid", status) bgl.glBindFramebuffer(bgl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, self.cur_fbo[0]) def bind(self): if self is not _SnapOffscreen.bound: if _SnapOffscreen.bound is None: bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, self.cur_fbo) bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_VIEWPORT, self.cur_viewport) bgl.glBindFramebuffer(bgl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, self.fbo[0]) bgl.glViewport(0, 0, self.width, self.height) _SnapOffscreen.bound = self def unbind(self): if self is _SnapOffscreen.bound: bgl.glBindFramebuffer(bgl.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, self.cur_fbo[0]) bgl.glViewport(*self.cur_viewport) _SnapOffscreen.bound = None def clear(self): is_bound = self is _SnapOffscreen.bound if not is_bound: self.bind() bgl.glColorMask(bgl.GL_TRUE, bgl.GL_TRUE, bgl.GL_TRUE, bgl.GL_TRUE) bgl.glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) bgl.glDepthMask(bgl.GL_TRUE) bgl.glClearDepth(1.0); bgl.glClear(bgl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | bgl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) if not is_bound: self.unbind() def __del__(self): if not self.freed: bgl.glDeleteFramebuffers(1, self.fbo) bgl.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, self.buf_depth) bgl.glDeleteTextures(1, self.buf_color) del self.fbo del self.buf_color del self.buf_depth del self.cur_fbo del self.cur_viewport def free(self): self.__del__() self.freed = True class SnapContext(): """ Initializes the snap context with the region and space where the snap objects will be added. .. note:: After the context has been created, add the objects with the `add_obj` method. :arg region: region of the 3D viewport, typically bpy.context.region. :type region: :class:`bpy.types.Region` :arg space: 3D region data, typically bpy.context.space_data. :type space: :class:`bpy.types.SpaceView3D` """ def __init__(self, region, space): #print('Render:', bgl.glGetString(bgl.GL_RENDERER)) #print('OpenGL Version:', bgl.glGetString(bgl.GL_VERSION)) self.freed = False self.snap_objects = [] self.drawn_count = 0 self._offset_cur = 1 # Starts with index 1 self.region = region self.rv3d = space.region_3d if self.rv3d.is_perspective: self.depth_range = Vector((space.clip_start, space.clip_end)) else: self.depth_range = Vector((-space.clip_end, space.clip_end)) self.proj_mat = None self.mval = Vector((0, 0)) self._snap_mode = VERT | EDGE | FACE self.set_pixel_dist(12) self._offscreen = _SnapOffscreen(self.region.width, self.region.height) self.winsize = Vector((self._offscreen.width, self._offscreen.height)) self._offscreen.clear() ## PRIVATE ## def _get_snap_obj_by_index(self, index): if index: for snap_obj in self.snap_objects[:self.drawn_count]: data = snap_obj.data[1] if index < data.first_index + data.get_tot_elems(): return snap_obj return None def _get_nearest_index(self): r_snap_obj = None r_value = 0 loc = [self._dist_px, self._dist_px] d = 1 m = self.threshold max_val = 2 * m - 1 last_value = -1 find_next_index = self._snap_mode & FACE and self._snap_mode & (VERT | EDGE) while m < max_val: for i in range(2): while 2 * loc[i] * d < m: value = int(self._snap_buffer[loc[0]][loc[1]]) loc[i] += d if value != last_value: r_value = value if find_next_index: last_value = value find_next_index = False r_snap_obj = self._get_snap_obj_by_index(value) if (r_snap_obj is None) or value < (r_snap_obj.data[1].first_index + len(r_snap_obj.data[1].tri_verts)): continue elif (r_snap_obj is None) or\ (value < r_snap_obj.data[1].first_index) or\ (value >= (r_snap_obj.data[1].first_index + r_snap_obj.data[1].get_tot_elems())): r_snap_obj = self._get_snap_obj_by_index(value) return r_snap_obj, r_value d = -d m += 4 * self._dist_px * d + 1 return r_snap_obj, r_value def _get_loc(self, snap_obj, index): index -= snap_obj.data[1].first_index gpu_data = snap_obj.data[1] if gpu_data.draw_tris: num_tris = len(snap_obj.data[1].tri_verts) if index < num_tris: tri_verts = gpu_data.get_tri_verts(index) tri_co = [snap_obj.mat @ Vector(v) for v in gpu_data.get_tri_co(index)] nor = (tri_co[1] - tri_co[0]).cross(tri_co[2] - tri_co[0]) return _Internal.intersect_line_plane(self.last_ray[1], self.last_ray[1] + self.last_ray[0], tri_co[0], nor), tri_verts, tri_co index -= num_tris if gpu_data.draw_edges: num_edges = len(snap_obj.data[1].edge_verts) if index < num_edges: edge_verts = gpu_data.get_edge_verts(index) edge_co = [snap_obj.mat @ Vector(v) for v in gpu_data.get_edge_co(index)] fac = _Internal.intersect_ray_segment_fac(*edge_co, *self.last_ray) if (self._snap_mode) & VERT and (fac < 0.25 or fac > 0.75): co = edge_co[0] if fac < 0.5 else edge_co[1] proj_co = _Internal.project_co_v3(self, co) dist = self.mval - proj_co if abs(dist.x) < self._dist_px and abs(dist.y) < self._dist_px: return co, (edge_verts[0] if fac < 0.5 else edge_verts[1],), co if fac <= 0.0: co = edge_co[0] elif fac >= 1.0: co = edge_co[1] else: co = edge_co[0] + fac * (edge_co[1] - edge_co[0]) return co, edge_verts, edge_co index -= num_edges if gpu_data.draw_verts: if index < len(snap_obj.data[1].looseverts): co = snap_obj.mat @ Vector(gpu_data.get_loosevert_co(index)) return co, (gpu_data.get_loosevert_index(index),), co return None, None, None def _get_snap_obj_by_obj(self, obj): for snap_obj in self.snap_objects: if obj == snap_obj.data[0]: return snap_obj def __del__(self): if not self.freed: self._offscreen.free() # Some objects may still be being referenced for snap_obj in self.snap_objects: del snap_obj.data del snap_obj.mat del snap_obj del self.snap_objects ## PUBLIC ## def update_all(self): self.drawn_count = 0 self._offset_cur = 1 self._offscreen.clear() def tag_update_drawn_snap_object(self, snap_obj): if len(snap_obj.data) > 1: del snap_obj.data[1:] #self.update_all() # Update on next snap_get call # self.proj_mat = None def update_drawn_snap_object(self, snap_obj): if len(snap_obj.data) > 1: _Internal.gpu_Indices_enable_state() from .mesh_drawing import GPU_Indices_Mesh snap_vert = self._snap_mode & VERT != 0 snap_edge = self._snap_mode & EDGE != 0 snap_face = self._snap_mode & FACE != 0 snap_obj.data[1] = GPU_Indices_Mesh(snap_obj.data[0], snap_face, snap_edge, snap_vert) _Internal.gpu_Indices_restore_state() def use_clip_planes(self, value): _Internal.gpu_Indices_use_clip_planes(self.rv3d, value) def set_pixel_dist(self, dist_px): self._dist_px = int(dist_px) self._dist_px_sq = self._dist_px ** 2 self.threshold = 2 * self._dist_px + 1 self._snap_buffer = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, (self.threshold, self.threshold)) def set_snap_mode(self, snap_to_vert, snap_to_edge, snap_to_face): snap_mode = 0 if snap_to_vert: snap_mode |= VERT if snap_to_edge: snap_mode |= EDGE if snap_to_face: snap_mode |= FACE if snap_mode != self._snap_mode: self._snap_mode = snap_mode self.update_all() def add_obj(self, obj, matrix): matrix = matrix.copy() snap_obj = self._get_snap_obj_by_obj(obj) if not snap_obj: self.snap_objects.append(_SnapObjectData([obj], matrix)) else: self.snap_objects.append(_SnapObjectData(snap_obj.data, matrix)) return self.snap_objects[-1] def get_ray(self, mval): self.last_ray = _Internal.region_2d_to_orig_and_view_vector(self.region, self.rv3d, mval) return self.last_ray def snap_get(self, mval, main_snap_obj = None): ret = None, None, None self.mval[:] = mval snap_vert = self._snap_mode & VERT != 0 snap_edge = self._snap_mode & EDGE != 0 snap_face = self._snap_mode & FACE != 0 _Internal.gpu_Indices_enable_state() self._offscreen.bind() #bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_DITHER) # dithering and AA break color coding, so disable # #multisample_enabled = bgl.glIsEnabled(bgl.GL_MULTISAMPLE) #bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_MULTISAMPLE) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) proj_mat = self.rv3d.perspective_matrix.copy() if self.proj_mat != proj_mat: self.proj_mat = proj_mat _Internal.gpu_Indices_set_ProjectionMatrix(self.proj_mat) self.update_all() ray_dir, ray_orig = self.get_ray(mval) for i, snap_obj in enumerate(self.snap_objects[self.drawn_count:], self.drawn_count): obj = snap_obj.data[0] try: bbmin = Vector(obj.bound_box[0]) bbmax = Vector(obj.bound_box[6]) except ReferenceError: self.snap_objects.remove(snap_obj) continue if bbmin != bbmax: MVP = proj_mat @ snap_obj.mat mat_inv = snap_obj.mat.inverted() ray_orig_local = mat_inv @ ray_orig ray_dir_local = mat_inv.to_3x3() @ ray_dir in_threshold = _Internal.intersect_boundbox_threshold( self, MVP, ray_orig_local, ray_dir_local, bbmin, bbmax) else: proj_co = _Internal.project_co_v3(self, snap_obj.mat.translation) dist = self.mval - proj_co in_threshold = abs(dist.x) < self._dist_px and abs(dist.y) < self._dist_px #snap_obj.data[1] = primitive_point if in_threshold: if len(snap_obj.data) == 1: from .mesh_drawing import GPU_Indices_Mesh snap_obj.data.append(GPU_Indices_Mesh(obj, snap_face, snap_edge, snap_vert)) snap_obj.data[1].set_draw_mode(snap_face, snap_edge, snap_vert) snap_obj.data[1].set_ModelViewMatrix(snap_obj.mat) if snap_obj == main_snap_obj: snap_obj.data[1].Draw(self._offset_cur, -0.0001) else: snap_obj.data[1].Draw(self._offset_cur) self._offset_cur += snap_obj.data[1].get_tot_elems() tmp = self.snap_objects[self.drawn_count] self.snap_objects[self.drawn_count] = self.snap_objects[i] self.snap_objects[i] = tmp self.drawn_count += 1 bgl.glReadBuffer(bgl.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0) bgl.glReadPixels( int(self.mval[0]) - self._dist_px, int(self.mval[1]) - self._dist_px, self.threshold, self.threshold, bgl.GL_RED_INTEGER, bgl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, self._snap_buffer) #bgl.glReadBuffer(bgl.GL_BACK) snap_obj, index = self._get_nearest_index() #print("index:", index) if snap_obj: ret = self._get_loc(snap_obj, index) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) self._offscreen.unbind() _Internal.gpu_Indices_restore_state() return (snap_obj, *ret) def free(self): self.__del__() self.freed = True