# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### #-------------------------- COLORS / GROUPS EXCHANGER -------------------------# # # # Vertex Color to Vertex Group allow you to convert colors channels to weight # # maps. # # The main purpose is to use vertex colors to store information when importing # # files from other software. The script works with the active vertex color # # slot. # # For use the command "Vertex Clors to Vertex Groups" use the search bar # # (space bar). # # # # (c) Alessandro Zomparelli # # (2017) # # # # http://www.co-de-it.com/ # # # ################################################################################ import bpy, bmesh import numpy as np import math, timeit, time from math import *#pi, sin from statistics import mean, stdev from mathutils import Vector from numpy import * try: from .numba_functions import numba_reaction_diffusion except: pass from bpy.types import ( Operator, Panel, PropertyGroup, ) from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, EnumProperty, FloatProperty, IntProperty, StringProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntVectorProperty ) from .utils import * def reaction_diffusion_add_handler(self, context): # remove existing handlers old_handlers = [] for h in bpy.app.handlers.frame_change_post: if "reaction_diffusion" in str(h): old_handlers.append(h) for h in old_handlers: bpy.app.handlers.frame_change_post.remove(h) # add new handler bpy.app.handlers.frame_change_post.append(reaction_diffusion_def) class formula_prop(PropertyGroup): name : StringProperty() formula : StringProperty() float_var : FloatVectorProperty(name="", description="", default=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), size=5) int_var : IntVectorProperty(name="", description="", default=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), size=5) class reaction_diffusion_prop(PropertyGroup): run : BoolProperty(default=False, update = reaction_diffusion_add_handler, description='Compute a new iteration on frame changes. Currently is not working during Render Animation') time_steps : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Steps", default=10, min=0, soft_max=50, description="Number of Steps") dt : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="dt", default=1, min=0, soft_max=0.2, description="Time Step") diff_a : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Diff A", default=0.1, min=0, soft_max=2, precision=3, description="Diffusion A") diff_b : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Diff B", default=0.05, min=0, soft_max=2, precision=3, description="Diffusion B") f : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="f", default=0.055, min=0, soft_max=0.5, precision=3, description="Feed Rate") k : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="k", default=0.062, min=0, soft_max=0.5, precision=3, description="Kill Rate") diff_mult : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Scale", default=1, min=0, soft_max=1, max=2, precision=2, description="Multiplier for the diffusion of both substances") def compute_formula(ob=None, formula="rx", float_var=(0,0,0,0,0), int_var=(0,0,0,0,0)): verts = ob.data.vertices n_verts = len(verts) f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 = float_var i1,i2,i3,i4,i5 = int_var do_groups = "w[" in formula do_local = "lx" in formula or "ly" in formula or "lz" in formula do_global = "gx" in formula or "gy" in formula or "gz" in formula do_relative = "rx" in formula or "ry" in formula or "rz" in formula do_normal = "nx" in formula or "ny" in formula or "nz" in formula mat = ob.matrix_world for i in range(1000): if "w["+str(i)+"]" in formula and i > len(ob.vertex_groups)-1: return "w["+str(i)+"] not found" w = [] for i in range(len(ob.vertex_groups)): w.append([]) if "w["+str(i)+"]" in formula: vg = ob.vertex_groups[i] for v in verts: try: w[i].append(vg.weight(v.index)) except: w[i].append(0) w[i] = array(w[i]) start_time = timeit.default_timer() # compute vertex coordinates if do_local or do_relative or do_global: co = [0]*n_verts*3 verts.foreach_get('co', co) np_co = array(co).reshape((n_verts, 3)) lx, ly, lz = array(np_co).transpose() if do_relative: rx = np.interp(lx, (lx.min(), lx.max()), (0, +1)) ry = np.interp(ly, (ly.min(), ly.max()), (0, +1)) rz = np.interp(lz, (lz.min(), lz.max()), (0, +1)) if do_global: co = [v.co for v in verts] global_co = [] for v in co: global_co.append(mat * v) global_co = array(global_co).reshape((n_verts, 3)) gx, gy, gz = array(global_co).transpose() # compute vertex normals if do_normal: normal = [0]*n_verts*3 verts.foreach_get('normal', normal) normal = array(normal).reshape((n_verts, 3)) nx, ny, nz = array(normal).transpose() try: weight = eval(formula) return weight except: return "There is something wrong" print("Weight Formula: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time)) class weight_formula_wiki(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.weight_formula_wiki" bl_label = "Online Documentation" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): bpy.ops.wm.url_open(url="https://github.com/alessandro-zomparelli/tissue/wiki/Weight-Tools#weight-formula") return {'FINISHED'} class weight_formula(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.weight_formula" bl_label = "Weight Formula" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} ex = [ #'cos(arctan(nx/ny)*6 + sin(rz*30)*0.5)/2 + cos(arctan(nx/ny)*6 - sin(rz*30)*0.5 + pi/2)/2 + 0.5', 'cos(arctan(nx/ny)*i1*2 + sin(rz*i3))/i2 + cos(arctan(nx/ny)*i1*2 - sin(rz*i3))/i2 + 0.5', 'cos(arctan(nx/ny)*i1*2 + sin(rz*i2))/2 + cos(arctan(nx/ny)*i1*2 - sin(rz*i2))/2', '(sin(arctan(nx/ny)*i1)*sin(nz*i1)+1)/2', 'cos(arctan(nx/ny)*f1)', 'cos(arctan(lx/ly)*f1 + sin(rz*f2)*f3)', 'sin(nx*15) 0', 'sin(nz*i1)', 'w[0]**2', 'sqrt((rx-0.5)**2 + (ry-0.5)**2)*2', 'abs(0.5-rz)*2', 'rx' ] ex_items = list((s,s,"") for s in ex) ex_items.append(('CUSTOM', "User Formula", "")) examples : bpy.props.EnumProperty( items = ex_items, default='CUSTOM', name="Examples") old_ex = "" formula : bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Formula", default="", description="Formula to Evaluate") bl_description = ("Generate a Vertex Group based on the given formula") slider_f01 : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="f1", default=1, description="Slider") bl_description = ("Slider Float 1") slider_f02 : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="f2", default=1, description="Slider") bl_description = ("Slider Float 2") slider_f03 : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="f3", default=1, description="Slider") bl_description = ("Slider Float 3") slider_f04 : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="f4", default=1, description="Slider") bl_description = ("Slider Float 4") slider_f05 : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="f5", default=1, description="Slider") bl_description = ("Slider Float 5") slider_i01 : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="i1", default=1, description="Slider") bl_description = ("Slider Integer 1") slider_i02 : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="i2", default=1, description="Slider") bl_description = ("Slider Integer 2") slider_i03 : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="i3", default=1, description="Slider") bl_description = ("Slider Integer 3") slider_i04 : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="i4", default=1, description="Slider") bl_description = ("Slider Integer 4") slider_i05 : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="i5", default=1, description="Slider") bl_description = ("Slider Integer 5") def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=350) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout #layout.label(text="Examples") layout.prop(self, "examples", text="Examples") #if self.examples == 'CUSTOM': layout.label(text="Formula") layout.prop(self, "formula", text="") #try: self.examples = self.formula #except: pass if self.examples != self.old_ex and self.examples != 'CUSTOM': self.formula = self.examples self.old_ex = self.examples elif self.formula != self.examples: self.examples = 'CUSTOM' formula = self.formula layout.separator() if "f1" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_f01") if "f2" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_f02") if "f3" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_f03") if "f4" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_f04") if "f5" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_f05") if "i1" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_i01") if "i2" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_i02") if "i3" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_i03") if "i4" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_i04") if "i5" in formula: layout.prop(self, "slider_i05") layout.label(text="Variables (for each vertex):") layout.label(text="lx, ly, lz: Local Coordinates", icon='ORIENTATION_LOCAL') layout.label(text="gx, gy, gz: Global Coordinates", icon='WORLD') layout.label(text="rx, ry, rz: Local Coordinates (0 to 1)", icon='NORMALIZE_FCURVES') layout.label(text="nx, ny, nz: Normal Coordinates", icon='SNAP_NORMAL') layout.label(text="w[0], w[1], w[2], ... : Vertex Groups", icon="GROUP_VERTEX") layout.separator() layout.label(text="f1, f2, f3, f4, f5: Float Sliders", icon='MOD_HUE_SATURATION')#PROPERTIES layout.label(text="i1, i2, i3, i4, i5: Integer Sliders", icon='MOD_HUE_SATURATION') layout.separator() #layout.label(text="All mathematical functions are based on Numpy", icon='INFO') #layout.label(text="https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/routines.math.html", icon='INFO') layout.operator("scene.weight_formula_wiki", icon="HELP") #layout.label(text="(where 'i' is the index of the Vertex Group)") def execute(self, context): ob = bpy.context.active_object n_verts = len(ob.data.vertices) #if self.examples == 'CUSTOM': # formula = self.formula #else: #self.formula = self.examples # formula = self.examples #f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 = self.slider_f01, self.slider_f02, self.slider_f03, self.slider_f04, self.slider_f05 #i1, i2, i3, i4, i5 = self.slider_i01, self.slider_i02, self.slider_i03, self.slider_i04, self.slider_i05 f_sliders = self.slider_f01, self.slider_f02, self.slider_f03, self.slider_f04, self.slider_f05 i_sliders = self.slider_i01, self.slider_i02, self.slider_i03, self.slider_i04, self.slider_i05 if self.examples != self.old_ex and self.examples != 'CUSTOM': self.formula = self.examples self.old_ex = self.examples elif self.formula != self.examples: self.examples = 'CUSTOM' formula = self.formula if formula == "": return {'FINISHED'} vertex_group_name = "Formula " + formula ob.vertex_groups.new(name=vertex_group_name) weight = compute_formula(ob, formula=formula, float_var=f_sliders, int_var=i_sliders) if type(weight) == str: self.report({'ERROR'}, weight) return {'CANCELLED'} #start_time = timeit.default_timer() weight = nan_to_num(weight) if type(weight) == int or type(weight) == float: for i in range(n_verts): ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], weight, 'REPLACE') elif type(weight) == ndarray: for i in range(n_verts): ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], weight[i], 'REPLACE') ob.data.update() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') # Store formula settings new_formula = ob.formula_settings.add() new_formula.name = ob.vertex_groups[-1].name new_formula.formula = formula new_formula.int_var = i_sliders new_formula.float_var = f_sliders #for f in ob.formula_settings: # print(f.name, f.formula, f.int_var, f.float_var) return {'FINISHED'} class _weight_laplacian(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object._weight_laplacian" bl_label = "Weight Laplacian" bl_description = ("Compute the Vertex Group Laplacian") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bounds : bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=(('MANUAL', "Manual Bounds", ""), ('POSITIVE', "Positive Only", ""), ('NEGATIVE', "Negative Only", ""), ('AUTOMATIC', "Automatic Bounds", "")), default='AUTOMATIC', name="Bounds") mode : bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=(('LENGTH', "Length Weight", ""), ('SIMPLE', "Simple", "")), default='SIMPLE', name="Evaluation Mode") min_def : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Min", default=0, soft_min=-1, soft_max=0, description="Laplacian value with 0 weight") max_def : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Max", default=0.5, soft_min=0, soft_max=5, description="Laplacian value with 1 weight") bounds_string = "" frame = None @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0 def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Evaluation Mode") col.prop(self, "mode", text="") col.label(text="Bounds") col.prop(self, "bounds", text="") if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': col.label(text="Strain Rate \u03B5:") col.prop(self, "min_def") col.prop(self, "max_def") col.label(text="\u03B5" + ": from " + self.bounds_string) def execute(self, context): try: ob = context.object except: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object") return {'CANCELLED'} group_id = ob.vertex_groups.active_index input_group = ob.vertex_groups[group_id].name group_name = "Laplacian" ob.vertex_groups.new(name=group_name) me = ob.data bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(me) bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() # store weight values weight = [] for v in me.vertices: try: weight.append(ob.vertex_groups[input_group].weight(v.index)) except: weight.append(0) n_verts = len(bm.verts) lap = [0]*n_verts for e in bm.edges: if self.mode == 'LENGTH': length = e.calc_length() if length == 0: continue id0 = e.verts[0].index id1 = e.verts[1].index lap[id0] += weight[id1]/length - weight[id0]/length lap[id1] += weight[id0]/length - weight[id1]/length else: id0 = e.verts[0].index id1 = e.verts[1].index lap[id0] += weight[id1] - weight[id0] lap[id1] += weight[id0] - weight[id1] mean_lap = mean(lap) stdev_lap = stdev(lap) filter_lap = [i for i in lap if mean_lap-2*stdev_lap < i < mean_lap+2*stdev_lap] if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': min_def = self.min_def max_def = self.max_def elif self.bounds == 'AUTOMATIC': min_def = min(filter_lap) max_def = max(filter_lap) self.min_def = min_def self.max_def = max_def elif self.bounds == 'NEGATIVE': min_def = 0 max_def = min(filter_lap) self.min_def = min_def self.max_def = max_def elif self.bounds == 'POSITIVE': min_def = 0 max_def = max(filter_lap) self.min_def = min_def self.max_def = max_def delta_def = max_def - min_def # check undeformed errors if delta_def == 0: delta_def = 0.0001 for i in range(len(lap)): val = (lap[i]-min_def)/delta_def if val > 0.7: print(str(val) + " " + str(lap[i])) #val = weight[i] + 0.2*lap[i] ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], val, 'REPLACE') self.bounds_string = str(round(min_def,2)) + " to " + str(round(max_def,2)) ob.vertex_groups[-1].name = group_name + " " + self.bounds_string ob.vertex_groups.update() ob.data.update() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') return {'FINISHED'} class weight_laplacian(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.weight_laplacian" bl_label = "Weight Laplacian" bl_description = ("Compute the Vertex Group Laplacian") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} steps : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Steps", default=10, min=0, soft_max=50, description="Number of Steps") dt : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="dt", default=0.2, min=0, soft_max=0.2, description="Time Step") diff_a : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Diff A", default=1, min=0, soft_max=2, description="Diffusion A") diff_b : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Diff B", default=0.5, min=0, soft_max=2, description="Diffusion B") f : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="f", default=0.055, min=0, soft_max=0.5, description="Feed Rate") k : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="k", default=0.062, min=0, soft_max=0.5, description="Kill Rate") diff_mult : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Scale", default=1, min=0, soft_max=1, max=2, precision=2, description="Multiplier for the diffusion of both substances") bounds_string = "" frame = None @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0 def execute(self, context): try: ob = context.object except: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object") return {'CANCELLED'} me = ob.data bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(me) bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() # store weight values a = [] b = [] for v in me.vertices: try: a.append(ob.vertex_groups["A"].weight(v.index)) except: a.append(0) try: b.append(ob.vertex_groups["B"].weight(v.index)) except: b.append(0) a = array(a) b = array(b) f = self.f k = self.k diff_a = self.diff_a * self.diff_mult diff_b = self.diff_b * self.diff_mult dt = self.dt # initialize n_verts = len(bm.verts) # find max number of edges for vertex max_edges = 0 n_neighbors = [] id_neighbors = [] for v in bm.verts: n_edges = len(v.link_edges) max_edges = max(max_edges, n_edges) n_neighbors.append(n_edges) neighbors = [] for e in link_edges: for v1 in e.verts: if v != v1: neighbors.append(v1.index) id_neighbors.append(neighbors) n_neighbors = array(n_neighbors) a = [[] for i in range(n_verts)] lap_map = [] for e in bm.edges: id0 = e.verts[0].index id1 = e.verts[1].index lap_map[id0].append(id1) lap_map[id1].append(id0) e1 = array(e1) e2 = array(e2) lap_a = a[e1] for i in range(self.steps): lap_a = zeros((n_verts))#[0]*n_verts lap_b = zeros((n_verts))#[0]*n_verts for e in bm.edges: id0 = e.verts[0].index id1 = e.verts[1].index lap_a[id0] += a[id1] - a[id0] lap_a[id1] += a[id0] - a[id1] lap_b[id0] += b[id1] - b[id0] lap_b[id1] += b[id0] - b[id1] ab2 = a*b**2 a += (diff_a*lap_a - ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt b += (diff_b*lap_b + ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt for i in range(n_verts): ob.vertex_groups['A'].add([i], a[i], 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups['B'].add([i], b[i], 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups.update() ob.data.update() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') return {'FINISHED'} class reaction_diffusion(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.reaction_diffusion" bl_label = "Reaction Diffusion" bl_description = ("Run a Reaction-Diffusion based on existing Vertex Groups: A and B") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} steps : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Steps", default=10, min=0, soft_max=50, description="Number of Steps") dt : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="dt", default=0.2, min=0, soft_max=0.2, description="Time Step") diff_a : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Diff A", default=1, min=0, soft_max=2, description="Diffusion A") diff_b : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Diff B", default=0.5, min=0, soft_max=2, description="Diffusion B") f : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="f", default=0.055, min=0, soft_max=0.5, description="Feed Rate") k : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="k", default=0.062, min=0, soft_max=0.5, description="Kill Rate") bounds_string = "" frame = None @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0 def execute(self, context): #bpy.app.handlers.frame_change_post.remove(reaction_diffusion_def) reaction_diffusion_add_handler(self, context) set_animatable_fix_handler(self, context) try: ob = context.object except: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object") return {'CANCELLED'} me = ob.data bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(me) bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() # store weight values a = [] b = [] for v in me.vertices: try: a.append(ob.vertex_groups["A"].weight(v.index)) except: a.append(0) try: b.append(ob.vertex_groups["B"].weight(v.index)) except: b.append(0) a = array(a) b = array(b) f = self.f k = self.k diff_a = self.diff_a diff_b = self.diff_b dt = self.dt n_verts = len(bm.verts) for i in range(self.steps): lap_a = zeros((n_verts))#[0]*n_verts lap_b = zeros((n_verts))#[0]*n_verts for e in bm.edges: id0 = e.verts[0].index id1 = e.verts[1].index lap_a[id0] += a[id1] - a[id0] lap_a[id1] += a[id0] - a[id1] lap_b[id0] += b[id1] - b[id0] lap_b[id1] += b[id0] - b[id1] ab2 = a*b**2 a += (diff_a*lap_a - ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt b += (diff_b*lap_b + ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt for i in range(n_verts): ob.vertex_groups['A'].add([i], a[i], 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups['B'].add([i], b[i], 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups.update() ob.data.update() bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(type='DRAW_WIN_SWAP', iterations=1) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') return {'FINISHED'} class edges_deformation(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.edges_deformation" bl_label = "Edges Deformation" bl_description = ("Compute Weight based on the deformation of edges"+ "according to visible modifiers.") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bounds : bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=(('MANUAL', "Manual Bounds", ""), ('COMPRESSION', "Compressed Only", ""), ('TENSION', "Extended Only", ""), ('AUTOMATIC', "Automatic Bounds", "")), default='AUTOMATIC', name="Bounds") mode : bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=(('MAX', "Max Deformation", ""), ('MEAN', "Average Deformation", "")), default='MEAN', name="Evaluation Mode") min_def : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Min", default=0, soft_min=-1, soft_max=0, description="Deformations with 0 weight") max_def : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Max", default=0.5, soft_min=0, soft_max=5, description="Deformations with 1 weight") bounds_string = "" frame = None @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return len(context.object.modifiers) > 0 def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Evaluation Mode") col.prop(self, "mode", text="") col.label(text="Bounds") col.prop(self, "bounds", text="") if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': col.label(text="Strain Rate \u03B5:") col.prop(self, "min_def") col.prop(self, "max_def") col.label(text="\u03B5" + ": from " + self.bounds_string) def execute(self, context): try: ob = context.object except: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object") return {'CANCELLED'} # check if the object is Cloth or Softbody physics = False for m in ob.modifiers: if m.type == 'CLOTH' or m.type == 'SOFT_BODY': physics = True if context.scene.frame_current == 1 and self.frame != None: context.scene.frame_current = self.frame break if not physics: self.frame = None if self.mode == 'MEAN': group_name = "Average Deformation" elif self.mode == 'MAX': group_name = "Max Deformation" ob.vertex_groups.new(name=group_name) me0 = ob.data me = simple_to_mesh(ob) #ob.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy() if len(me.vertices) != len(me0.vertices) or len(me.edges) != len(me0.edges): self.report({'ERROR'}, "The topology of the object should be" + "unaltered") return {'CANCELLED'} bm0 = bmesh.new() bm0.from_mesh(me0) bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(me) deformations = [] for e0, e in zip(bm0.edges, bm.edges): try: l0 = e0.calc_length() l1 = e.calc_length() epsilon = (l1 - l0)/l0 deformations.append(epsilon) except: deformations.append(1) v_deformations = [] for v in bm.verts: vdef = [] for e in v.link_edges: vdef.append(deformations[e.index]) if self.mode == 'MEAN': v_deformations.append(mean(vdef)) elif self.mode == 'MAX': v_deformations.append(max(vdef, key=abs)) #elif self.mode == 'MIN': v_deformations.append(min(vdef, key=abs)) if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': min_def = self.min_def max_def = self.max_def elif self.bounds == 'AUTOMATIC': min_def = min(v_deformations) max_def = max(v_deformations) self.min_def = min_def self.max_def = max_def elif self.bounds == 'COMPRESSION': min_def = 0 max_def = min(v_deformations) self.min_def = min_def self.max_def = max_def elif self.bounds == 'TENSION': min_def = 0 max_def = max(v_deformations) self.min_def = min_def self.max_def = max_def delta_def = max_def - min_def # check undeformed errors if delta_def == 0: if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': delta_def = 0.0001 else: message = "The object doesn't have deformations." if physics: message = message + ("\nIf you are using Physics try to " + "save it in the cache before.") self.report({'ERROR'}, message) return {'CANCELLED'} else: if physics: self.frame = context.scene.frame_current for i in range(len(v_deformations)): weight = (v_deformations[i] - min_def)/delta_def ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], weight, 'REPLACE') self.bounds_string = str(round(min_def,2)) + " to " + str(round(max_def,2)) ob.vertex_groups[-1].name = group_name + " " + self.bounds_string ob.vertex_groups.update() ob.data.update() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') bpy.data.meshes.remove(me) return {'FINISHED'} class edges_bending(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.edges_bending" bl_label = "Edges Bending" bl_description = ("Compute Weight based on the bending of edges"+ "according to visible modifiers.") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bounds : bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=(('MANUAL', "Manual Bounds", ""), ('POSITIVE', "Positive Only", ""), ('NEGATIVE', "Negative Only", ""), ('UNSIGNED', "Absolute Bending", ""), ('AUTOMATIC', "Signed Bending", "")), default='AUTOMATIC', name="Bounds") min_def : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Min", default=-10, soft_min=-45, soft_max=45, description="Deformations with 0 weight") max_def : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Max", default=10, soft_min=-45, soft_max=45, description="Deformations with 1 weight") bounds_string = "" frame = None @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return len(context.object.modifiers) > 0 def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label(text="Bounds") layout.prop(self, "bounds", text="") if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': layout.prop(self, "min_def") layout.prop(self, "max_def") def execute(self, context): try: ob = context.object except: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object") return {'CANCELLED'} group_name = "Edges Bending" ob.vertex_groups.new(name=group_name) # check if the object is Cloth or Softbody physics = False for m in ob.modifiers: if m.type == 'CLOTH' or m.type == 'SOFT_BODY': physics = True if context.scene.frame_current == 1 and self.frame != None: context.scene.frame_current = self.frame break if not physics: self.frame = None #ob.data.update() #context.scene.update() me0 = ob.data me = simple_to_mesh(ob) #ob.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy() if len(me.vertices) != len(me0.vertices) or len(me.edges) != len(me0.edges): self.report({'ERROR'}, "The topology of the object should be" + "unaltered") bm0 = bmesh.new() bm0.from_mesh(me0) bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(me) deformations = [] for e0, e in zip(bm0.edges, bm.edges): try: ang = e.calc_face_angle_signed() ang0 = e0.calc_face_angle_signed() if self.bounds == 'UNSIGNED': deformations.append(abs(ang-ang0)) else: deformations.append(ang-ang0) except: deformations.append(0) v_deformations = [] for v in bm.verts: vdef = [] for e in v.link_edges: vdef.append(deformations[e.index]) v_deformations.append(mean(vdef)) if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': min_def = radians(self.min_def) max_def = radians(self.max_def) elif self.bounds == 'AUTOMATIC': min_def = min(v_deformations) max_def = max(v_deformations) elif self.bounds == 'POSITIVE': min_def = 0 max_def = min(v_deformations) elif self.bounds == 'NEGATIVE': min_def = 0 max_def = max(v_deformations) elif self.bounds == 'UNSIGNED': min_def = 0 max_def = max(v_deformations) delta_def = max_def - min_def # check undeformed errors if delta_def == 0: if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': delta_def = 0.0001 else: message = "The object doesn't have deformations." if physics: message = message + ("\nIf you are using Physics try to " + "save it in the cache before.") self.report({'ERROR'}, message) return {'CANCELLED'} else: if physics: self.frame = context.scene.frame_current for i in range(len(v_deformations)): weight = (v_deformations[i] - min_def)/delta_def ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], weight, 'REPLACE') self.bounds_string = str(round(min_def,2)) + " to " + str(round(max_def,2)) ob.vertex_groups[-1].name = group_name + " " + self.bounds_string ob.vertex_groups.update() ob.data.update() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') bpy.data.meshes.remove(me) return {'FINISHED'} class weight_contour_displace(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.weight_contour_displace" bl_label = "Contour Displace" bl_description = ("") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} use_modifiers : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Use Modifiers", default=True, description="Apply all the modifiers") min_iso : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Min Iso Value", default=0.49, min=0, max=1, description="Threshold value") max_iso : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Max Iso Value", default=0.51, min=0, max=1, description="Threshold value") n_cuts : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Cuts", default=2, min=1, soft_max=10, description="Number of cuts in the selected range of values") bool_displace : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Add Displace", default=True, description="Add Displace Modifier") bool_flip : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Flip", default=False, description="Flip Output Weight") weight_mode : bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=[('Remapped', 'Remapped', 'Remap values'), ('Alternate', 'Alternate', 'Alternate 0 and 1'), ('Original', 'Original', 'Keep original Vertex Group')], name="Weight", description="Choose how to convert vertex group", default="Remapped", options={'LIBRARY_EDITABLE'}) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0 def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=350) def execute(self, context): start_time = timeit.default_timer() try: check = bpy.context.object.vertex_groups[0] except: self.report({'ERROR'}, "The object doesn't have Vertex Groups") return {'CANCELLED'} ob0 = bpy.context.object group_id = ob0.vertex_groups.active_index vertex_group_name = ob0.vertex_groups[group_id].name bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') if self.use_modifiers: #me0 = ob0.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy() me0 = simple_to_mesh(ob0) else: me0 = ob0.data.copy() # generate new bmesh bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(me0) bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table() # store weight values weight = [] ob = bpy.data.objects.new("temp", me0) for g in ob0.vertex_groups: ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name) for v in me0.vertices: try: weight.append(ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name].weight(v.index)) except: weight.append(0) # define iso values iso_values = [] for i_cut in range(self.n_cuts): delta_iso = abs(self.max_iso - self.min_iso) min_iso = min(self.min_iso, self.max_iso) max_iso = max(self.min_iso, self.max_iso) if delta_iso == 0: iso_val = min_iso elif self.n_cuts > 1: iso_val = i_cut/(self.n_cuts-1)*delta_iso + min_iso else: iso_val = (self.max_iso + self.min_iso)/2 iso_values.append(iso_val) # Start Cuts Iterations filtered_edges = bm.edges for iso_val in iso_values: delete_edges = [] faces_mask = [] for f in bm.faces: w_min = 2 w_max = 2 for v in f.verts: w = weight[v.index] if w_min == 2: w_max = w_min = w if w > w_max: w_max = w if w < w_min: w_min = w if w_min < iso_val and w_max > iso_val: faces_mask.append(f) break #link_faces = [[f for f in e.link_faces] for e in bm.edges] #faces_todo = [f.select for f in bm.faces] #faces_todo = [True for f in bm.faces] verts = [] edges = [] edges_id = {} _filtered_edges = [] n_verts = len(bm.verts) count = n_verts for e in filtered_edges: #id0 = e.vertices[0] #id1 = e.vertices[1] id0 = e.verts[0].index id1 = e.verts[1].index w0 = weight[id0] w1 = weight[id1] if w0 == w1: continue elif w0 > iso_val and w1 > iso_val: _filtered_edges.append(e) continue elif w0 < iso_val and w1 < iso_val: continue elif w0 == iso_val or w1 == iso_val: _filtered_edges.append(e) continue else: v0 = bm.verts[id0].co v1 = bm.verts[id1].co v = v0.lerp(v1, (iso_val-w0)/(w1-w0)) if e not in delete_edges: delete_edges.append(e) verts.append(v) edges_id[str(id0)+"_"+str(id1)] = count edges_id[str(id1)+"_"+str(id0)] = count count += 1 _filtered_edges.append(e) filtered_edges = _filtered_edges splitted_faces = [] switch = False # splitting faces for f in faces_mask: # create sub-faces slots. Once a new vertex is reached it will # change slot, storing the next vertices for a new face. build_faces = [[],[]] #switch = False verts0 = [v.index for v in f.verts] verts1 = list(verts0) verts1.append(verts1.pop(0)) # shift list for id0, id1 in zip(verts0, verts1): # add first vertex to active slot build_faces[switch].append(id0) # try to split edge try: # check if the edge must be splitted new_vert = edges_id[str(id0)+"_"+str(id1)] # add new vertex build_faces[switch].append(new_vert) # if there is an open face on the other slot if len(build_faces[not switch]) > 0: # store actual face splitted_faces.append(build_faces[switch]) # reset actual faces and switch build_faces[switch] = [] # change face slot switch = not switch # continue previous face build_faces[switch].append(new_vert) except: pass if len(build_faces[not switch]) == 2: build_faces[not switch].append(id0) if len(build_faces[not switch]) > 2: splitted_faces.append(build_faces[not switch]) # add last face splitted_faces.append(build_faces[switch]) #del_faces.append(f.index) # adding new vertices for v in verts: new_vert = bm.verts.new(v) bm.verts.index_update() bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() # adding new faces missed_faces = [] added_faces = [] for f in splitted_faces: try: face_verts = [bm.verts[i] for i in f] new_face = bm.faces.new(face_verts) for e in new_face.edges: filtered_edges.append(e) except: missed_faces.append(f) bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table() # updating weight values weight = weight + [iso_val]*len(verts) # deleting old edges/faces bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() for e in delete_edges: bm.edges.remove(e) _filtered_edges = [] for e in filtered_edges: if e not in delete_edges: _filtered_edges.append(e) filtered_edges = _filtered_edges name = ob0.name + '_ContourDisp' me = bpy.data.meshes.new(name) bm.to_mesh(me) ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, me) # Link object to scene and make active scn = bpy.context.scene bpy.context.collection.objects.link(ob) bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = ob ob.select_set(True) ob0.select_set(False) # generate new vertex group for g in ob0.vertex_groups: ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name) #ob.vertex_groups.new(name=vertex_group_name) all_weight = weight + [iso_val]*len(verts) #mult = 1/(1-iso_val) for id in range(len(all_weight)): #if False: w = (all_weight[id]-iso_val)*mult w = all_weight[id] if self.weight_mode == 'Alternate': direction = self.bool_flip for i in range(len(iso_values)-1): val0, val1 = iso_values[i], iso_values[i+1] if val0 < w <= val1: if direction: w1 = (w-val0)/(val1-val0) else: w1 = (val1-w)/(val1-val0) direction = not direction if w < iso_values[0]: w1 = not self.bool_flip if w > iso_values[-1]: w1 = not direction elif self.weight_mode == 'Remapped': if w < min_iso: w1 = 0 elif w > max_iso: w1 = 1 else: w1 = (w - min_iso)/delta_iso else: if self.bool_flip: w1 = 1-w else: w1 = w ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name].add([id], w1, 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups.active_index = group_id # align new object ob.matrix_world = ob0.matrix_world # Displace Modifier if self.bool_displace: ob.modifiers.new(type='DISPLACE', name='Displace') ob.modifiers["Displace"].mid_level = 0 ob.modifiers["Displace"].strength = 0.1 ob.modifiers['Displace'].vertex_group = vertex_group_name bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') print("Contour Displace time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec") bpy.data.meshes.remove(me0) return {'FINISHED'} class weight_contour_mask(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.weight_contour_mask" bl_label = "Contour Mask" bl_description = ("") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} use_modifiers : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Use Modifiers", default=True, description="Apply all the modifiers") iso : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Iso Value", default=0.5, soft_min=0, soft_max=1, description="Threshold value") bool_solidify : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Solidify", default=True, description="Add Solidify Modifier") normalize_weight : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Normalize Weight", default=True, description="Normalize weight of remaining vertices") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0 def execute(self, context): start_time = timeit.default_timer() try: check = bpy.context.object.vertex_groups[0] except: self.report({'ERROR'}, "The object doesn't have Vertex Groups") return {'CANCELLED'} ob0 = bpy.context.object iso_val = self.iso group_id = ob0.vertex_groups.active_index vertex_group_name = ob0.vertex_groups[group_id].name bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') if self.use_modifiers: me0 = simple_to_mesh(ob0)#ob0.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy() else: me0 = ob0.data.copy() # generate new bmesh bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(me0) bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table() # store weight values weight = [] ob = bpy.data.objects.new("temp", me0) for g in ob0.vertex_groups: ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name) for v in me0.vertices: try: #weight.append(v.groups[vertex_group_name].weight) weight.append(ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name].weight(v.index)) except: weight.append(0) faces_mask = [] for f in bm.faces: w_min = 2 w_max = 2 for v in f.verts: w = weight[v.index] if w_min == 2: w_max = w_min = w if w > w_max: w_max = w if w < w_min: w_min = w if w_min < iso_val and w_max > iso_val: faces_mask.append(f) break filtered_edges = bm.edges# me0.edges faces_todo = [f.select for f in bm.faces] verts = [] edges = [] delete_edges = [] edges_id = {} _filtered_edges = [] n_verts = len(bm.verts) count = n_verts for e in filtered_edges: id0 = e.verts[0].index id1 = e.verts[1].index w0 = weight[id0] w1 = weight[id1] if w0 == w1: continue elif w0 > iso_val and w1 > iso_val: continue elif w0 < iso_val and w1 < iso_val: continue elif w0 == iso_val or w1 == iso_val: continue else: v0 = me0.vertices[id0].co v1 = me0.vertices[id1].co v = v0.lerp(v1, (iso_val-w0)/(w1-w0)) delete_edges.append(e) verts.append(v) edges_id[str(id0)+"_"+str(id1)] = count edges_id[str(id1)+"_"+str(id0)] = count count += 1 splitted_faces = [] switch = False # splitting faces for f in faces_mask: # create sub-faces slots. Once a new vertex is reached it will # change slot, storing the next vertices for a new face. build_faces = [[],[]] #switch = False verts0 = list(me0.polygons[f.index].vertices) verts1 = list(verts0) verts1.append(verts1.pop(0)) # shift list for id0, id1 in zip(verts0, verts1): # add first vertex to active slot build_faces[switch].append(id0) # try to split edge try: # check if the edge must be splitted new_vert = edges_id[str(id0)+"_"+str(id1)] # add new vertex build_faces[switch].append(new_vert) # if there is an open face on the other slot if len(build_faces[not switch]) > 0: # store actual face splitted_faces.append(build_faces[switch]) # reset actual faces and switch build_faces[switch] = [] # change face slot switch = not switch # continue previous face build_faces[switch].append(new_vert) except: pass if len(build_faces[not switch]) == 2: build_faces[not switch].append(id0) if len(build_faces[not switch]) > 2: splitted_faces.append(build_faces[not switch]) # add last face splitted_faces.append(build_faces[switch]) # adding new vertices for v in verts: bm.verts.new(v) bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() # deleting old edges/faces bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() remove_edges = [] for e in delete_edges: bm.edges.remove(e) bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() # adding new faces missed_faces = [] for f in splitted_faces: try: face_verts = [bm.verts[i] for i in f] bm.faces.new(face_verts) except: missed_faces.append(f) # Mask geometry if(True): all_weight = weight + [iso_val+0.0001]*len(verts) weight = [] for w, v in zip(all_weight, bm.verts): if w < iso_val: bm.verts.remove(v) else: weight.append(w) # Create mesh and object name = ob0.name + '_ContourMask_{:.3f}'.format(iso_val) me = bpy.data.meshes.new(name) bm.to_mesh(me) ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, me) # Link object to scene and make active scn = bpy.context.scene bpy.context.collection.objects.link(ob) bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = ob ob.select_set(True) ob0.select_set(False) # generate new vertex group for g in ob0.vertex_groups: ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name) if iso_val != 1: mult = 1/(1-iso_val) else: mult = 1 for id in range(len(weight)): if self.normalize_weight: w = (weight[id]-iso_val)*mult else: w = weight[id] ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name].add([id], w, 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups.active_index = group_id # align new object ob.matrix_world = ob0.matrix_world # Add Solidify if self.bool_solidify and True: ob.modifiers.new(type='SOLIDIFY', name='Solidify') ob.modifiers['Solidify'].thickness = 0.05 ob.modifiers['Solidify'].offset = 0 ob.modifiers['Solidify'].vertex_group = vertex_group_name bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') print("Contour Mask time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec") bpy.data.meshes.remove(me0) return {'FINISHED'} class weight_contour_curves(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.weight_contour_curves" bl_label = "Contour Curves" bl_description = ("") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} use_modifiers : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Use Modifiers", default=True, description="Apply all the modifiers") min_iso : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Min Value", default=0., soft_min=0, soft_max=1, description="Minimum weight value") max_iso : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Max Value", default=1, soft_min=0, soft_max=1, description="Maximum weight value") n_curves : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Curves", default=3, soft_min=1, soft_max=10, description="Number of Contour Curves") min_rad : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Min Radius", default=0.25, soft_min=0, soft_max=1, description="Minimum Curve Radius") max_rad : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Max Radius", default=0.75, soft_min=0, soft_max=1, description="Maximum Curve Radius") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): ob = context.object return len(ob.vertex_groups) > 0 or ob.type == 'CURVE' def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=350) def execute(self, context): start_time = timeit.default_timer() try: check = bpy.context.object.vertex_groups[0] except: self.report({'ERROR'}, "The object doesn't have Vertex Groups") return {'CANCELLED'} ob0 = bpy.context.object group_id = ob0.vertex_groups.active_index vertex_group_name = ob0.vertex_groups[group_id].name bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') if self.use_modifiers: me0 = simple_to_mesh(ob0) #ob0.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()).copy() else: me0 = ob0.data.copy() # generate new bmesh bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(me0) bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table() # store weight values weight = [] ob = bpy.data.objects.new("temp", me0) for g in ob0.vertex_groups: ob.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name) for v in me0.vertices: try: #weight.append(v.groups[vertex_group_name].weight) weight.append(ob.vertex_groups[vertex_group_name].weight(v.index)) except: weight.append(0) filtered_edges = bm.edges total_verts = [] total_segments = [] radius = [] # start iterate contours levels for c in range(self.n_curves): min_iso = min(self.min_iso, self.max_iso) max_iso = max(self.min_iso, self.max_iso) try: iso_val = c*(max_iso-min_iso)/(self.n_curves-1)+min_iso if iso_val < 0: iso_val = (min_iso + max_iso)/2 except: iso_val = (min_iso + max_iso)/2 faces_mask = [] for f in bm.faces: w_min = 2 w_max = 2 for v in f.verts: w = weight[v.index] if w_min == 2: w_max = w_min = w if w > w_max: w_max = w if w < w_min: w_min = w if w_min < iso_val and w_max > iso_val: faces_mask.append(f) break faces_todo = [f.select for f in bm.faces] verts = [] edges_id = {} _filtered_edges = [] n_verts = len(bm.verts) count = len(total_verts) for e in filtered_edges: id0 = e.verts[0].index id1 = e.verts[1].index w0 = weight[id0] w1 = weight[id1] if w0 == w1: continue elif w0 > iso_val and w1 > iso_val: _filtered_edges.append(e) continue elif w0 < iso_val and w1 < iso_val: continue elif w0 == iso_val or w1 == iso_val: _filtered_edges.append(e) continue else: #v0 = me0.vertices[id0].select = True #v1 = me0.vertices[id1].select = True v0 = me0.vertices[id0].co v1 = me0.vertices[id1].co v = v0.lerp(v1, (iso_val-w0)/(w1-w0)) verts.append(v) edges_id[e.index] = count count += 1 _filtered_edges.append(e) filtered_edges = _filtered_edges if len(verts) == 0: continue # finding segments segments = [] for f in faces_mask: seg = [] for e in f.edges: try: seg.append(edges_id[e.index]) if len(seg) == 2: segments.append(seg) seg = [] except: pass total_segments = total_segments + segments total_verts = total_verts + verts # Radius try: iso_rad = c*(self.max_rad-self.min_rad)/(self.n_curves-1)+self.min_rad if iso_rad < 0: iso_rad = (self.min_rad + self.max_rad)/2 except: iso_rad = (self.min_rad + self.max_rad)/2 radius = radius + [iso_rad]*len(verts) bm = bmesh.new() # adding new vertices for v in total_verts: bm.verts.new(v) bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() # adding new edges for s in total_segments: try: pts = [bm.verts[i] for i in s] bm.edges.new(pts) except: pass try: name = ob0.name + '_ContourCurves' me = bpy.data.meshes.new(name) bm.to_mesh(me) ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, me) # Link object to scene and make active scn = bpy.context.scene bpy.context.collection.objects.link(ob) bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = ob ob.select_set(True) ob0.select_set(False) bpy.ops.object.convert(target='CURVE') ob = context.object count = 0 for s in ob.data.splines: for p in s.points: p.radius = radius[count] count += 1 ob.data.bevel_depth = 0.01 ob.data.fill_mode = 'FULL' ob.data.bevel_resolution = 3 except: self.report({'ERROR'}, "There are no values in the chosen range") return {'CANCELLED'} # align new object ob.matrix_world = ob0.matrix_world print("Contour Curves time: " + str(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) + " sec") bpy.data.meshes.remove(me0) bpy.data.meshes.remove(me) return {'FINISHED'} class vertex_colors_to_vertex_groups(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.vertex_colors_to_vertex_groups" bl_label = "Vertex Color" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ("Convert the active Vertex Color into a Vertex Group.") red : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="red channel", default=False, description="convert red channel") green : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="green channel", default=False, description="convert green channel") blue : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="blue channel", default=False, description="convert blue channel") value : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="value channel", default=True, description="convert value channel") invert : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="invert", default=False, description="invert all color channels") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return len(context.object.data.vertex_colors) > 0 def execute(self, context): obj = bpy.context.active_object id = len(obj.vertex_groups) id_red = id id_green = id id_blue = id id_value = id boolCol = len(obj.data.vertex_colors) if(boolCol): col_name = obj.data.vertex_colors.active.name bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') if(self.red and boolCol): bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_add() bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_assign() id_red = id obj.vertex_groups[id_red].name = col_name + '_red' id+=1 if(self.green and boolCol): bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_add() bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_assign() id_green = id obj.vertex_groups[id_green].name = col_name + '_green' id+=1 if(self.blue and boolCol): bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_add() bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_assign() id_blue = id obj.vertex_groups[id_blue].name = col_name + '_blue' id+=1 if(self.value and boolCol): bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_add() bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_assign() id_value = id obj.vertex_groups[id_value].name = col_name + '_value' id+=1 mult = 1 if(self.invert): mult = -1 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') sub_red = 1 + self.value + self.blue + self.green sub_green = 1 + self.value + self.blue sub_blue = 1 + self.value sub_value = 1 id = len(obj.vertex_groups) if(id_red <= id and id_green <= id and id_blue <= id and id_value <= \ id and boolCol): v_colors = obj.data.vertex_colors.active.data i = 0 for f in obj.data.polygons: for v in f.vertices: gr = obj.data.vertices[v].groups if(self.red): gr[min(len(gr)-sub_red, id_red)].weight = \ self.invert + mult * v_colors[i].color[0] if(self.green): gr[min(len(gr)-sub_green, id_green)].weight\ = self.invert + mult * v_colors[i].color[1] if(self.blue): gr[min(len(gr)-sub_blue, id_blue)].weight = \ self.invert + mult * v_colors[i].color[2] if(self.value): r = v_colors[i].color[0] g = v_colors[i].color[1] b = v_colors[i].color[2] gr[min(len(gr)-sub_value, id_value)].weight\ = self.invert + mult * (0.2126*r + 0.7152*g + 0.0722*b) i+=1 bpy.ops.paint.weight_paint_toggle() return {'FINISHED'} class vertex_group_to_vertex_colors(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.vertex_group_to_vertex_colors" bl_label = "Vertex Group" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ("Convert the active Vertex Group into a Vertex Color.") channel : bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=[('Blue', 'Blue Channel', 'Convert to Blue Channel'), ('Green', 'Green Channel', 'Convert to Green Channel'), ('Red', 'Red Channel', 'Convert to Red Channel'), ('Value', 'Value Channel', 'Convert to Grayscale'), ('False Colors', 'False Colors', 'Convert to False Colors')], name="Convert to", description="Choose how to convert vertex group", default="Value", options={'LIBRARY_EDITABLE'}) invert : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="invert", default=False, description="invert color channel") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0 def execute(self, context): obj = bpy.context.active_object group_id = obj.vertex_groups.active_index if (group_id == -1): return {'FINISHED'} bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') group_name = obj.vertex_groups[group_id].name bpy.ops.mesh.vertex_color_add() colors_id = obj.data.vertex_colors.active_index colors_name = group_name if(self.channel == 'False Colors'): colors_name += "_false_colors" elif(self.channel == 'Value'): colors_name += "_value" elif(self.channel == 'Red'): colors_name += "_red" elif(self.channel == 'Green'): colors_name += "_green" elif(self.channel == 'Blue'): colors_name += "_blue" bpy.context.object.data.vertex_colors[colors_id].name = colors_name v_colors = obj.data.vertex_colors.active.data mult = 1 if(self.invert): mult = -1 i = 0 for f in obj.data.polygons: for v in f.vertices: gr = obj.data.vertices[v].groups if(self.channel == 'False Colors'): v_colors[i].color = (0,0,0.5,1) else: v_colors[i].color = (0,0,0,1) for g in gr: if g.group == group_id: w = g.weight if(self.channel == 'False Colors'): mult = 0.6+0.4*w if w < 0.25: v_colors[i].color = (0, w*4*mult, 1*mult,1) elif w < 0.5: v_colors[i].color = (0, 1*mult, (1-(w-0.25)*4)*mult,1) elif w < 0.75: v_colors[i].color = ((w-0.5)*4*mult,1*mult,0,1) else: v_colors[i].color = (1*mult,(1-(w-0.75)*4)*mult,0,1) elif(self.channel == 'Value'): v_colors[i].color = ( self.invert + mult * w, self.invert + mult * w, self.invert + mult * w, 1) elif(self.channel == 'Red'): v_colors[i].color = ( self.invert + mult * w,0,0,1) elif(self.channel == 'Green'): v_colors[i].color = ( 0, self.invert + mult * w,0,1) elif(self.channel == 'Blue'): v_colors[i].color = ( 0,0, self.invert + mult * w,1) i+=1 bpy.ops.paint.vertex_paint_toggle() bpy.context.object.data.vertex_colors[colors_id].active_render = True return {'FINISHED'} class curvature_to_vertex_groups(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.curvature_to_vertex_groups" bl_label = "Curvature" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ("Generate a Vertex Group based on the curvature of the" "mesh. Is based on Dirty Vertex Color.") invert : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="invert", default=False, description="invert values") blur_strength : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Blur Strength", default=1, min=0.001, max=1, description="Blur strength per iteration") blur_iterations : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Blur Iterations", default=1, min=0, max=40, description="Number of times to blur the values") min_angle : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Min Angle", default=0, min=0, max=pi/2, subtype='ANGLE', description="Minimum angle") max_angle : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Max Angle", default=pi, min=pi/2, max=pi, subtype='ANGLE', description="Maximum angle") invert : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Invert", default=False, description="Invert the curvature map") def execute(self, context): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.mesh.vertex_color_add() vertex_colors = bpy.context.active_object.data.vertex_colors vertex_colors[-1].active = True vertex_colors[-1].active_render = True vertex_colors[-1].name = "Curvature" for c in vertex_colors[-1].data: c.color = (1,1,1,1) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='VERTEX_PAINT') bpy.ops.paint.vertex_color_dirt( blur_strength=self.blur_strength, blur_iterations=self.blur_iterations, clean_angle=self.max_angle, dirt_angle=self.min_angle) bpy.ops.object.vertex_colors_to_vertex_groups(invert=self.invert) bpy.ops.mesh.vertex_color_remove() return {'FINISHED'} class face_area_to_vertex_groups(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.face_area_to_vertex_groups" bl_label = "Area" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ("Generate a Vertex Group based on the area of individual" "faces.") invert : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="invert", default=False, description="invert values") bounds : bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=(('MANUAL', "Manual Bounds", ""), ('AUTOMATIC', "Automatic Bounds", "")), default='AUTOMATIC', name="Bounds") min_area : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Min", default=0.01, soft_min=0, soft_max=1, description="Faces with 0 weight") max_area : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Max", default=0.1, soft_min=0, soft_max=1, description="Faces with 1 weight") def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label(text="Bounds") layout.prop(self, "bounds", text="") if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': layout.prop(self, "min_area") layout.prop(self, "max_area") def execute(self, context): try: ob = context.object except: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select an Object") return {'CANCELLED'} ob.vertex_groups.new(name="Faces Area") areas = [[] for v in ob.data.vertices] for p in ob.data.polygons: for v in p.vertices: areas[v].append(p.area) for i in range(len(areas)): areas[i] = mean(areas[i]) if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': min_area = self.min_area max_area = self.max_area elif self.bounds == 'AUTOMATIC': min_area = min(areas) max_area = max(areas) elif self.bounds == 'COMPRESSION': min_area = 1 max_area = min(areas) elif self.bounds == 'TENSION': min_area = 1 max_area = max(areas) delta_area = max_area - min_area if delta_area == 0: delta_area = 0.0001 if self.bounds == 'MANUAL': delta_area = 0.0001 else: self.report({'ERROR'}, "The faces have the same areas") #return {'CANCELLED'} for i in range(len(areas)): weight = (areas[i] - min_area)/delta_area ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], weight, 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups.update() ob.data.update() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') return {'FINISHED'} class harmonic_weight(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.harmonic_weight" bl_label = "Harmonic" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ("Create an harmonic variation of the active Vertex Group") freq : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Frequency", default=20, soft_min=0, soft_max=100, description="Wave frequency") amp : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Amplitude", default=1, soft_min=0, soft_max=10, description="Wave amplitude") midlevel : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Midlevel", default=0, min=-1, max=1, description="Midlevel") add : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Add", default=0, min=-1, max=1, description="Add to the Weight") mult : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Multiply", default=0, min=0, max=1, description="Multiply for he Weight") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return len(context.object.vertex_groups) > 0 def execute(self, context): ob = bpy.context.active_object if len(ob.vertex_groups) > 0: group_id = ob.vertex_groups.active_index ob.vertex_groups.new(name="Harmonic") for i in range(len(ob.data.vertices)): try: val = ob.vertex_groups[group_id].weight(i) except: val = 0 weight = self.amp*(sin(val*self.freq) - self.midlevel)/2 + 0.5 + self.add*val*(1-(1-val)*self.mult) ob.vertex_groups[-1].add([i], weight, 'REPLACE') ob.data.update() else: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Active object doesn't have vertex groups") return {'CANCELLED'} bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') return {'FINISHED'} class TISSUE_PT_color(bpy.types.Panel): bl_label = "Tissue Tools" bl_category = "Tissue" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_region_type = "UI" #bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} bl_context = "vertexpaint" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) col.operator("object.vertex_colors_to_vertex_groups", icon="GROUP_VERTEX", text="Convert to Weight") class TISSUE_PT_weight(bpy.types.Panel): bl_label = "Tissue Tools" bl_category = "Tissue" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_region_type = "UI" #bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} bl_context = "weightpaint" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) #if context.object.type == 'MESH' and context.mode == 'OBJECT': #col.label(text="Transform:") #col.separator() #elif bpy.context.mode == 'PAINT_WEIGHT': col.label(text="Weight Generate:") #col.operator( # "object.vertex_colors_to_vertex_groups", icon="GROUP_VCOL") col.operator("object.face_area_to_vertex_groups", icon="FACESEL") col.operator("object.curvature_to_vertex_groups", icon="SMOOTHCURVE") try: col.operator("object.weight_formula", icon="CON_TRANSFORM") except: col.operator("object.weight_formula")#, icon="CON_TRANSFORM") #col.label(text="Weight Processing:") col.separator() # TO BE FIXED #col.operator("object.weight_laplacian", icon="SMOOTHCURVE") col.operator("object.harmonic_weight", icon="IPO_ELASTIC") col.operator("object.vertex_group_to_vertex_colors", icon="GROUP_VCOL", text="Convert to Colors") col.separator() col.label(text="Deformation Analysis:") col.operator("object.edges_deformation", icon="DRIVER_DISTANCE")#FULLSCREEN_ENTER") col.operator("object.edges_bending", icon="DRIVER_ROTATIONAL_DIFFERENCE")#"MOD_SIMPLEDEFORM") col.separator() col.label(text="Weight Contour:") col.operator("object.weight_contour_curves", icon="MOD_CURVE") col.operator("object.weight_contour_displace", icon="MOD_DISPLACE") col.operator("object.weight_contour_mask", icon="MOD_MASK") col.separator() col.label(text="Simulations:") #col.operator("object.reaction_diffusion", icon="MOD_OCEAN") col.operator("object.start_reaction_diffusion", icon="EXPERIMENTAL", text="Reaction-Diffusion") #col.prop(context.object, "reaction_diffusion_run", icon="PLAY", text="Run Simulation") ####col.prop(context.object, "reaction_diffusion_run") #col.separator() #col.label(text="Vertex Color from:") #col.operator("object.vertex_group_to_vertex_colors", icon="GROUP_VERTEX") class start_reaction_diffusion(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.start_reaction_diffusion" bl_label = "Start Reaction Diffusion" bl_description = ("Run a Reaction-Diffusion based on existing Vertex Groups: A and B") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} run : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Run Reaction-Diffusion", default=True, description="Compute a new iteration on frame changes") time_steps : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Steps", default=10, min=0, soft_max=50, description="Number of Steps") dt : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="dt", default=1, min=0, soft_max=0.2, description="Time Step") diff_a : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Diff A", default=0.18, min=0, soft_max=2, description="Diffusion A") diff_b : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Diff B", default=0.09, min=0, soft_max=2, description="Diffusion B") f : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="f", default=0.055, min=0, soft_max=0.5, precision=4, description="Feed Rate") k : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="k", default=0.062, min=0, soft_max=0.5, precision=4, description="Kill Rate") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object.type == 'MESH' def execute(self, context): reaction_diffusion_add_handler(self, context) set_animatable_fix_handler(self, context) ob = context.object ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.run = self.run ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.dt = self.dt ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.time_steps = self.time_steps ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.f = self.f ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.k = self.k ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.diff_a = self.diff_a ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.diff_b = self.diff_b # check vertex group A try: vg = ob.vertex_groups['A'] except: ob.vertex_groups.new(name='A') # check vertex group B try: vg = ob.vertex_groups['B'] except: ob.vertex_groups.new(name='B') for v in ob.data.vertices: ob.vertex_groups['A'].add([v.index], 1, 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups['B'].add([v.index], 0, 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups.update() ob.data.update() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') return {'FINISHED'} class reset_reaction_diffusion_weight(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "object.reset_reaction_diffusion_weight" bl_label = "Reset Reaction Diffusion Weight" bl_description = ("Set A and B weight to default values") bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object.type == 'MESH' def execute(self, context): reaction_diffusion_add_handler(self, context) set_animatable_fix_handler(self, context) ob = context.object # check vertex group A try: vg = ob.vertex_groups['A'] except: ob.vertex_groups.new(name='A') # check vertex group B try: vg = ob.vertex_groups['B'] except: ob.vertex_groups.new(name='B') for v in ob.data.vertices: ob.vertex_groups['A'].add([v.index], 1, 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups['B'].add([v.index], 0, 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups.update() ob.data.update() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') return {'FINISHED'} from bpy.app.handlers import persistent @persistent def reaction_diffusion_def_blur(scene): for ob in scene.objects: if ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.run: #try: me = ob.data bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(me) bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() # store weight values a = [] b = [] for v in me.vertices: try: a.append(ob.vertex_groups["A"].weight(v.index)) except: a.append(0) try: b.append(ob.vertex_groups["B"].weight(v.index)) except: b.append(0) a = array(a) b = array(b) props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings dt = props.dt time_steps = props.time_steps f = props.f k = props.k diff_a = props.diff_a * props.diff_mult diff_b = props.diff_b * props.diff_mult n_verts = len(bm.verts) #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') #ob.data.use_paint_mask_vertex = True for i in range(time_steps): ab2 = a*b**2 ob.vertex_groups.active = ob.vertex_groups['A'] bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_smooth(group_select_mode='ACTIVE', factor=diff_a) ob.vertex_groups.active = ob.vertex_groups['B'] bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_smooth(group_select_mode='ACTIVE', factor=diff_b) a = [] b = [] for v in me.vertices: a.append(ob.vertex_groups["A"].weight(v.index)) b.append(ob.vertex_groups["B"].weight(v.index)) a = array(a) b = array(b) a += - (ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt b += (ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt a = nan_to_num(a) b = nan_to_num(b) for i in range(n_verts): ob.vertex_groups['A'].add([i], a[i], 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups['B'].add([i], b[i], 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups.update() ob.data.update() #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT #bpy.ops.paint.weight_paint_toggle() #bpy.ops.paint.weight_paint_toggle() #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') #except: # pass def reaction_diffusion_def_(scene): for ob in scene.objects: if ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.run: #try: me = ob.data bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(me) bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table() # store weight values a = [] b = [] for v in me.vertices: try: a.append(ob.vertex_groups["A"].weight(v.index)) except: a.append(0) try: b.append(ob.vertex_groups["B"].weight(v.index)) except: b.append(0) a = array(a) b = array(b) props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings dt = props.dt time_steps = props.time_steps f = props.f k = props.k diff_a = props.diff_a * props.diff_mult diff_b = props.diff_b * props.diff_mult n_verts = len(bm.verts) for i in range(time_steps): lap_a = zeros((n_verts))#[0]*n_verts lap_b = zeros((n_verts))#[0]*n_verts if i == 0: lap_map = [[] for i in range(n_verts)] lap_mult = [] for e in bm.edges: id0 = e.verts[0].index id1 = e.verts[1].index lap_map[id0].append(id1) lap_map[id1].append(id0) for id in range(n_verts): lap_mult.append(len(lap_map[id])) lap_mult = array(lap_mult) lap_map = array(lap_map) for id in range(n_verts): map = lap_map[id] lap_a[id] = a[lap_map[id]].sum() lap_b[id] = b[lap_map[id]].sum() lap_a -= a*lap_mult lap_b -= b*lap_mult ab2 = a*b**2 a += (diff_a*lap_a - ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt b += (diff_b*lap_b + ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt a = nan_to_num(a) b = nan_to_num(b) for i in range(n_verts): ob.vertex_groups['A'].add([i], a[i], 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups['B'].add([i], b[i], 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups.update() ob.data.update() #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') bpy.ops.paint.weight_paint_toggle() bpy.ops.paint.weight_paint_toggle() #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='WEIGHT_PAINT') #except: # pass def reaction_diffusion_def(scene): for ob in scene.objects: if ob.reaction_diffusion_settings.run: start = time.time() me = ob.data n_edges = len(me.edges) n_verts = len(me.vertices) # store weight values a = np.zeros(n_verts) b = np.zeros(n_verts) #a = thread_read_weight(a, ob.vertex_groups["A"]) #b = thread_read_weight(b, ob.vertex_groups["B"]) #a = read_weight(a, ob.vertex_groups["A"]) #b = read_weight(b, ob.vertex_groups["B"]) for i in range(n_verts): try: a[i] = ob.vertex_groups["A"].weight(i) except: pass try: b[i] = ob.vertex_groups["B"].weight(i) except: pass props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings dt = props.dt time_steps = props.time_steps f = props.f k = props.k diff_a = props.diff_a * props.diff_mult diff_b = props.diff_b * props.diff_mult edge_verts = [0]*n_edges*2 me.edges.foreach_get("vertices", edge_verts) timeElapsed = time.time() - start print('RD - Preparation Time:',timeElapsed) start = time.time() try: edge_verts = np.array(edge_verts) a, b = numba_reaction_diffusion(n_verts, n_edges, edge_verts, a, b, diff_a, diff_b, f, k, dt, time_steps) a = nan_to_num(a) b = nan_to_num(b) except: edge_verts = np.array(edge_verts) arr = np.arange(n_edges)*2 id0 = edge_verts[arr] # first vertex indices for each edge id1 = edge_verts[arr+1] # second vertex indices for each edge for i in range(time_steps): lap_a = np.zeros(n_verts) lap_b = np.zeros(n_verts) lap_a0 = a[id1] - a[id0] # laplacian increment for first vertex of each edge lap_b0 = b[id1] - b[id0] # laplacian increment for first vertex of each edge for i, j, la0, lb0 in np.nditer([id0,id1,lap_a0,lap_b0]): lap_a[i] += la0 lap_b[i] += lb0 lap_a[j] -= la0 lap_b[j] -= lb0 ab2 = a*b**2 a += eval("(diff_a*lap_a - ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt") b += eval("(diff_b*lap_b + ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt") #a += (diff_a*lap_a - ab2 + f*(1-a))*dt #b += (diff_b*lap_b + ab2 - (k+f)*b)*dt a = nan_to_num(a) b = nan_to_num(b) timeElapsed = time.time() - start print('RD - Simulation Time:',timeElapsed) start = time.time() for i in range(n_verts): ob.vertex_groups['A'].add([i], a[i], 'REPLACE') ob.vertex_groups['B'].add([i], b[i], 'REPLACE') for ps in ob.particle_systems: if ps.vertex_group_density == 'B' or ps.vertex_group_density == 'A': ps.invert_vertex_group_density = not ps.invert_vertex_group_density ps.invert_vertex_group_density = not ps.invert_vertex_group_density timeElapsed = time.time() - start print('RD - Closing Time:',timeElapsed) class TISSUE_PT_reaction_diffusion(Panel): bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "data" bl_label = "Tissue - Reaction-Diffusion" bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return 'A' and 'B' in context.object.vertex_groups def draw(self, context): reaction_diffusion_add_handler(self, context) ob = context.object props = ob.reaction_diffusion_settings layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) row = col.row(align=True) if not ("A" and "B" in ob.vertex_groups): row.operator("object.start_reaction_diffusion", icon="EXPERIMENTAL", text="Reaction-Diffusion") else: row.operator("object.start_reaction_diffusion", icon="EXPERIMENTAL", text="Reset Reaction-Diffusion") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(props, "run", text="Run Reaction-Diffusion") col = layout.column(align=True) row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(props, "time_steps") row.prop(props, "dt") col.separator() row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(props, "diff_a") row.prop(props, "diff_b") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(props, "diff_mult") #col.separator() row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(props, "f") row.prop(props, "k")