# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # Copyright 2011, Ryan Inch import bpy from .internals import ( layer_collections, qcd_slots, expanded, expand_history, rto_history, copy_buffer, swap_buffer, update_property_group, get_move_selection, ) rto_path = { "exclude": "exclude", "select": "collection.hide_select", "hide": "hide_viewport", "disable": "collection.hide_viewport", "render": "collection.hide_render", "holdout": "holdout", "indirect": "indirect_only", } set_off_on = { "exclude": { "off": True, "on": False }, "select": { "off": True, "on": False }, "hide": { "off": True, "on": False }, "disable": { "off": True, "on": False }, "render": { "off": True, "on": False }, "holdout": { "off": False, "on": True }, "indirect": { "off": False, "on": True } } get_off_on = { False: { "exclude": "on", "select": "on", "hide": "on", "disable": "on", "render": "on", "holdout": "off", "indirect": "off", }, True: { "exclude": "off", "select": "off", "hide": "off", "disable": "off", "render": "off", "holdout": "on", "indirect": "on", } } def get_rto(layer_collection, rto): if rto in ["exclude", "hide", "holdout", "indirect"]: return getattr(layer_collection, rto_path[rto]) else: collection = getattr(layer_collection, "collection") return getattr(collection, rto_path[rto].split(".")[1]) def set_rto(layer_collection, rto, value): if rto in ["exclude", "hide", "holdout", "indirect"]: setattr(layer_collection, rto_path[rto], value) else: collection = getattr(layer_collection, "collection") setattr(collection, rto_path[rto].split(".")[1], value) def apply_to_children(parent, apply_function): # works for both Collections & LayerCollections child_lists = [parent.children] while child_lists: new_child_lists = [] for child_list in child_lists: for child in child_list: apply_function(child) if child.children: new_child_lists.append(child.children) child_lists = new_child_lists def isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, rto, *, children=False): off = set_off_on[rto]["off"] on = set_off_on[rto]["on"] laycol_ptr = layer_collections[self.name]["ptr"] target = rto_history[rto][view_layer]["target"] history = rto_history[rto][view_layer]["history"] # get active collections active_layer_collections = [x["ptr"] for x in layer_collections.values() if get_rto(x["ptr"], rto) == on] # check if previous state should be restored if cls.isolated and self.name == target: # restore previous state for x, item in enumerate(layer_collections.values()): set_rto(item["ptr"], rto, history[x]) # reset target and history del rto_history[rto][view_layer] cls.isolated = False # check if all RTOs should be activated elif (len(active_layer_collections) == 1 and active_layer_collections[0].name == self.name): # activate all collections for item in layer_collections.values(): set_rto(item["ptr"], rto, on) # reset target and history del rto_history[rto][view_layer] cls.isolated = False else: # isolate collection rto_history[rto][view_layer]["target"] = self.name # reset history history.clear() # save state for item in layer_collections.values(): history.append(get_rto(item["ptr"], rto)) child_states = {} if children: # get child states def get_child_states(layer_collection): child_states[layer_collection.name] = get_rto(layer_collection, rto) apply_to_children(laycol_ptr, get_child_states) # isolate collection for item in layer_collections.values(): if item["name"] != laycol_ptr.name: set_rto(item["ptr"], rto, off) set_rto(laycol_ptr, rto, on) if rto not in ["exclude", "holdout", "indirect"]: # activate all parents laycol = layer_collections[self.name] while laycol["id"] != 0: set_rto(laycol["ptr"], rto, on) laycol = laycol["parent"] if children: # restore child states def restore_child_states(layer_collection): set_rto(layer_collection, rto, child_states[layer_collection.name]) apply_to_children(laycol_ptr, restore_child_states) else: if children: # restore child states def restore_child_states(layer_collection): set_rto(layer_collection, rto, child_states[layer_collection.name]) apply_to_children(laycol_ptr, restore_child_states) elif rto == "exclude": # deactivate all children def deactivate_all_children(layer_collection): set_rto(layer_collection, rto, True) apply_to_children(laycol_ptr, deactivate_all_children) cls.isolated = True def toggle_children(self, view_layer, rto): laycol_ptr = layer_collections[self.name]["ptr"] # clear rto history del rto_history[rto][view_layer] rto_history[rto+"_all"].pop(view_layer, None) # toggle rto state state = not get_rto(laycol_ptr, rto) set_rto(laycol_ptr, rto, state) def set_state(layer_collection): set_rto(layer_collection, rto, state) apply_to_children(laycol_ptr, set_state) def activate_all_rtos(view_layer, rto): off = set_off_on[rto]["off"] on = set_off_on[rto]["on"] history = rto_history[rto+"_all"][view_layer] # if not activated, activate all if len(history) == 0: keep_history = False for item in reversed(list(layer_collections.values())): if get_rto(item["ptr"], rto) == off: keep_history = True history.append(get_rto(item["ptr"], rto)) set_rto(item["ptr"], rto, on) if not keep_history: history.clear() history.reverse() else: for x, item in enumerate(layer_collections.values()): set_rto(item["ptr"], rto, history[x]) # clear rto history del rto_history[rto+"_all"][view_layer] def invert_rtos(view_layer, rto): if rto == "exclude": orig_values = [] for item in layer_collections.values(): orig_values.append(get_rto(item["ptr"], rto)) for x, item in enumerate(layer_collections.values()): set_rto(item["ptr"], rto, not orig_values[x]) else: for item in layer_collections.values(): set_rto(item["ptr"], rto, not get_rto(item["ptr"], rto)) # clear rto history rto_history[rto].pop(view_layer, None) def copy_rtos(view_layer, rto): if not copy_buffer["RTO"]: # copy copy_buffer["RTO"] = rto for laycol in layer_collections.values(): copy_buffer["values"].append(get_off_on[ get_rto(laycol["ptr"], rto) ][ rto ] ) else: # paste for x, laycol in enumerate(layer_collections.values()): set_rto(laycol["ptr"], rto, set_off_on[rto][ copy_buffer["values"][x] ] ) # clear rto history rto_history[rto].pop(view_layer, None) del rto_history[rto+"_all"][view_layer] # clear copy buffer copy_buffer["RTO"] = "" copy_buffer["values"].clear() def swap_rtos(view_layer, rto): if not swap_buffer["A"]["values"]: # get A swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = rto for laycol in layer_collections.values(): swap_buffer["A"]["values"].append(get_off_on[ get_rto(laycol["ptr"], rto) ][ rto ] ) else: # get B swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = rto for laycol in layer_collections.values(): swap_buffer["B"]["values"].append(get_off_on[ get_rto(laycol["ptr"], rto) ][ rto ] ) # swap A with B for x, laycol in enumerate(layer_collections.values()): set_rto(laycol["ptr"], swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"], set_off_on[ swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] ][ swap_buffer["B"]["values"][x] ] ) set_rto(laycol["ptr"], swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"], set_off_on[ swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] ][ swap_buffer["A"]["values"][x] ] ) # clear rto history swap_a = swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] swap_b = swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] rto_history[swap_a].pop(view_layer, None) rto_history[swap_a+"_all"].pop(view_layer, None) rto_history[swap_b].pop(view_layer, None) rto_history[swap_b+"_all"].pop(view_layer, None) # clear swap buffer swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = "" swap_buffer["A"]["values"].clear() swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = "" swap_buffer["B"]["values"].clear() def clear_copy(rto): if copy_buffer["RTO"] == rto: copy_buffer["RTO"] = "" copy_buffer["values"].clear() def clear_swap(rto): if swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == rto: swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = "" swap_buffer["A"]["values"].clear() swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = "" swap_buffer["B"]["values"].clear() def link_child_collections_to_parent(laycol, collection, parent_collection): # store view layer RTOs for all children of the to be deleted collection child_states = {} def get_child_states(layer_collection): child_states[layer_collection.name] = (layer_collection.exclude, layer_collection.hide_viewport, layer_collection.holdout, layer_collection.indirect_only) apply_to_children(laycol["ptr"], get_child_states) # link any subcollections of the to be deleted collection to it's parent for subcollection in collection.children: if not subcollection.name in parent_collection.children: parent_collection.children.link(subcollection) # apply the stored view layer RTOs to the newly linked collections and their # children def restore_child_states(layer_collection): state = child_states.get(layer_collection.name) if state: layer_collection.exclude = state[0] layer_collection.hide_viewport = state[1] layer_collection.holdout = state[2] layer_collection.indirect_only = state[3] apply_to_children(laycol["parent"]["ptr"], restore_child_states) def remove_collection(laycol, collection, context): # get selected row cm = context.scene.collection_manager selected_row_name = cm.cm_list_collection[cm.cm_list_index].name # delete collection bpy.data.collections.remove(collection) # update references expanded.discard(laycol["name"]) if expand_history["target"] == laycol["name"]: expand_history["target"] = "" if laycol["name"] in expand_history["history"]: expand_history["history"].remove(laycol["name"]) if qcd_slots.contains(name=laycol["name"]): qcd_slots.del_slot(name=laycol["name"]) if laycol["name"] in qcd_slots.overrides: qcd_slots.overrides.remove(laycol["name"]) # reset history for rto in rto_history.values(): rto.clear() # update tree view update_property_group(context) # update selected row laycol = layer_collections.get(selected_row_name, None) if laycol: cm.cm_list_index = laycol["row_index"] elif len(cm.cm_list_collection) <= cm.cm_list_index: cm.cm_list_index = len(cm.cm_list_collection) - 1 if cm.cm_list_index > -1: name = cm.cm_list_collection[cm.cm_list_index].name laycol = layer_collections[name] while not laycol["visible"]: laycol = laycol["parent"] cm.cm_list_index = laycol["row_index"] def select_collection_objects(is_master_collection, collection_name, replace, nested): if is_master_collection: target_collection = bpy.context.view_layer.layer_collection.collection else: laycol = layer_collections[collection_name] target_collection = laycol["ptr"].collection if replace: bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') selection_state = get_move_selection().isdisjoint(target_collection.objects) def select_objects(collection): for obj in collection.objects: try: obj.select_set(selection_state) except RuntimeError: pass select_objects(target_collection) if nested: apply_to_children(target_collection, select_objects)