# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # Copyright 2011, Ryan Inch import bpy from copy import deepcopy from bpy.types import ( Operator, ) from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, StringProperty, IntProperty ) from . import internals from .internals import ( expanded, layer_collections, qcd_slots, rto_history, expand_history, phantom_history, copy_buffer, swap_buffer, update_property_group, get_modifiers, get_move_selection, get_move_active, update_qcd_header, send_report, ) from .operator_utils import ( get_rto, set_rto, apply_to_children, isolate_rto, toggle_children, activate_all_rtos, invert_rtos, copy_rtos, swap_rtos, clear_copy, clear_swap, link_child_collections_to_parent, remove_collection, select_collection_objects, ) class SetActiveCollection(Operator): '''Set the active collection''' bl_label = "Set Active Collection" bl_idname = "view3d.set_active_collection" bl_options = {'UNDO'} is_master_collection: BoolProperty() collection_name: StringProperty() def execute(self, context): if self.is_master_collection: layer_collection = context.view_layer.layer_collection else: laycol = layer_collections[self.collection_name] layer_collection = laycol["ptr"] # set selection to this row cm = context.scene.collection_manager cm.cm_list_index = laycol["row_index"] context.view_layer.active_layer_collection = layer_collection if context.view_layer.active_layer_collection != layer_collection: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Can't set excluded collection as active") return {'FINISHED'} class ExpandAllOperator(Operator): '''Expand/Collapse all collections''' bl_label = "Expand All Items" bl_idname = "view3d.expand_all_items" def execute(self, context): global expand_history if len(expanded) > 0: expanded.clear() context.scene.collection_manager.cm_list_index = 0 else: for laycol in layer_collections.values(): if laycol["ptr"].children: expanded.add(laycol["name"]) # clear expand history expand_history["target"] = "" expand_history["history"].clear() # update tree view update_property_group(context) return {'FINISHED'} class ExpandSublevelOperator(Operator): bl_label = "Expand Sublevel Items" bl_description = ( " * Ctrl+LMB - Expand/Collapse all sublevels\n" " * Shift+LMB - Isolate tree/Restore\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.expand_sublevel" expand: BoolProperty() name: StringProperty() index: IntProperty() def invoke(self, context, event): global expand_history cls = ExpandSublevelOperator modifiers = get_modifiers(event) if modifiers == {"alt"}: expand_history["target"] = "" expand_history["history"].clear() elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: # expand/collapse all subcollections expand = None # check whether to expand or collapse if self.name in expanded: expanded.remove(self.name) expand = False else: expanded.add(self.name) expand = True # do expanding/collapsing def set_expanded(layer_collection): if expand: expanded.add(layer_collection.name) else: expanded.discard(layer_collection.name) apply_to_children(layer_collections[self.name]["ptr"], set_expanded) expand_history["target"] = "" expand_history["history"].clear() elif modifiers == {"shift"}: def isolate_tree(current_laycol): parent = current_laycol["parent"] for laycol in parent["children"]: if laycol["name"] != current_laycol["name"] and laycol["name"] in expanded: expanded.remove(laycol["name"]) expand_history["history"].append(laycol["name"]) if parent["parent"]: isolate_tree(parent) if self.name == expand_history["target"]: for item in expand_history["history"]: expanded.add(item) expand_history["target"] = "" expand_history["history"].clear() else: expand_history["target"] = "" expand_history["history"].clear() isolate_tree(layer_collections[self.name]) expand_history["target"] = self.name else: # expand/collapse collection if self.expand: expanded.add(self.name) else: expanded.remove(self.name) expand_history["target"] = "" expand_history["history"].clear() # set the selected row to the collection you're expanding/collapsing to # preserve the tree view's scrolling context.scene.collection_manager.cm_list_index = self.index #update tree view update_property_group(context) return {'FINISHED'} class CMSelectCollectionObjectsOperator(Operator): bl_label = "Select All Objects in the Collection" bl_description = ( " * LMB - Select all objects in collection.\n" " * Shift+LMB - Add/Remove collection objects from selection.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Isolate nested selection.\n" " * Ctrl+Shift+LMB - Add/Remove nested from selection" ) bl_idname = "view3d.select_collection_objects" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} is_master_collection: BoolProperty() collection_name: StringProperty() def invoke(self, context, event): modifiers = get_modifiers(event) if modifiers == {"shift"}: select_collection_objects( is_master_collection=self.is_master_collection, collection_name=self.collection_name, replace=False, nested=False ) elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: select_collection_objects( is_master_collection=self.is_master_collection, collection_name=self.collection_name, replace=True, nested=True ) elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "shift"}: select_collection_objects( is_master_collection=self.is_master_collection, collection_name=self.collection_name, replace=False, nested=True ) else: select_collection_objects( is_master_collection=self.is_master_collection, collection_name=self.collection_name, replace=True, nested=False ) return {'FINISHED'} class CMSetCollectionOperator(Operator): bl_label = "Set Object Collection" bl_description = ( " * LMB - Move object to collection.\n" " * Shift+LMB - Add/Remove object from collection" ) bl_idname = "view3d.set_collection" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} is_master_collection: BoolProperty() collection_name: StringProperty() def invoke(self, context, event): if self.is_master_collection: target_collection = context.view_layer.layer_collection.collection else: laycol = layer_collections[self.collection_name] target_collection = laycol["ptr"].collection selected_objects = get_move_selection() active_object = get_move_active() internals.move_triggered = True if not selected_objects: return {'CANCELLED'} if event.shift: # add objects to collection # make sure there is an active object if not active_object: active_object = tuple(selected_objects)[0] # check if in collection if not active_object.name in target_collection.objects: # add to collection for obj in selected_objects: if obj.name not in target_collection.objects: target_collection.objects.link(obj) else: warnings = False master_warning = False # remove from collections for obj in selected_objects: if obj.name in target_collection.objects: # disallow removing if only one if len(obj.users_collection) == 1: warnings = True master_laycol = context.view_layer.layer_collection master_collection = master_laycol.collection if obj.name not in master_collection.objects: master_collection.objects.link(obj) else: master_warning = True continue # remove from collection target_collection.objects.unlink(obj) if warnings: if master_warning: send_report( "Error removing 1 or more objects from the Scene Collection.\n" "Objects would be left without a collection." ) self.report({"WARNING"}, "Error removing 1 or more objects from the Scene Collection." " Objects would be left without a collection." ) else: self.report({"INFO"}, "1 or more objects moved to Scene Collection.") else: # move objects to collection for obj in selected_objects: if obj.name not in target_collection.objects: target_collection.objects.link(obj) # remove from all other collections for collection in obj.users_collection: if collection != target_collection: collection.objects.unlink(obj) # update the active object if needed if not context.active_object: try: context.view_layer.objects.active = active_object except RuntimeError: # object not in visible collection pass # update qcd header UI update_qcd_header() return {'FINISHED'} class CMExcludeOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[EC] Exclude from View Layer" bl_description = ( " * Shift+LMB - Isolate/Restore.\n" " * Shift+Ctrl+LMB - Isolate nested/Restore.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Toggle nested.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.exclude_collection" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} name: StringProperty() # static class var isolated = False def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history cls = CMExcludeOperator modifiers = get_modifiers(event) view_layer = context.view_layer.name orig_active_collection = context.view_layer.active_layer_collection laycol_ptr = layer_collections[self.name]["ptr"] if not view_layer in rto_history["exclude"]: rto_history["exclude"][view_layer] = {"target": "", "history": []} if modifiers == {"alt"}: del rto_history["exclude"][view_layer] cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "exclude") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: toggle_children(self, view_layer, "exclude") cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "exclude", children=True) else: # toggle exclusion # reset exclude history del rto_history["exclude"][view_layer] # get current child exclusion state child_exclusion = [] def get_child_exclusion(layer_collection): child_exclusion.append([layer_collection, layer_collection.exclude]) apply_to_children(laycol_ptr, get_child_exclusion) # toggle exclusion of collection laycol_ptr.exclude = not laycol_ptr.exclude # set correct state for all children for laycol in child_exclusion: laycol[0].exclude = laycol[1] cls.isolated = False # reset active collection context.view_layer.active_layer_collection = orig_active_collection # reset exclude all history if view_layer in rto_history["exclude_all"]: del rto_history["exclude_all"][view_layer] return {'FINISHED'} class CMUnExcludeAllOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[EC Global] Exclude from View Layer" bl_description = ( " * LMB - Enable all/Restore.\n" " * Shift+LMB - Invert.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Copy/Paste RTOs.\n" " * Ctrl+Alt+LMB - Swap RTOs.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.un_exclude_all_collections" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history orig_active_collection = context.view_layer.active_layer_collection view_layer = context.view_layer.name modifiers = get_modifiers(event) if not view_layer in rto_history["exclude_all"]: rto_history["exclude_all"][view_layer] = [] if modifiers == {"alt"}: # clear all states del rto_history["exclude_all"][view_layer] clear_copy("exclude") clear_swap("exclude") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: copy_rtos(view_layer, "exclude") elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "alt"}: swap_rtos(view_layer, "exclude") elif modifiers == {"shift"}: invert_rtos(view_layer, "exclude") else: activate_all_rtos(view_layer, "exclude") # reset active collection context.view_layer.active_layer_collection = orig_active_collection return {'FINISHED'} class CMRestrictSelectOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[SS] Disable Selection" bl_description = ( " * Shift+LMB - Isolate/Restore.\n" " * Shift+Ctrl+LMB - Isolate nested/Restore.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Toggle nested.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.restrict_select_collection" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} name: StringProperty() # static class var isolated = False def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history cls = CMRestrictSelectOperator modifiers = get_modifiers(event) view_layer = context.view_layer.name laycol_ptr = layer_collections[self.name]["ptr"] if not view_layer in rto_history["select"]: rto_history["select"][view_layer] = {"target": "", "history": []} if modifiers == {"alt"}: del rto_history["select"][view_layer] cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "select") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: toggle_children(self, view_layer, "select") cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "select", children=True) else: # toggle selectable # reset select history del rto_history["select"][view_layer] # toggle selectability of collection laycol_ptr.collection.hide_select = not laycol_ptr.collection.hide_select cls.isolated = False # reset select all history if view_layer in rto_history["select_all"]: del rto_history["select_all"][view_layer] return {'FINISHED'} class CMUnRestrictSelectAllOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[SS Global] Disable Selection" bl_description = ( " * LMB - Enable all/Restore.\n" " * Shift+LMB - Invert.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Copy/Paste RTOs.\n" " * Ctrl+Alt+LMB - Swap RTOs.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.un_restrict_select_all_collections" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history view_layer = context.view_layer.name modifiers = get_modifiers(event) if not view_layer in rto_history["select_all"]: rto_history["select_all"][view_layer] = [] if modifiers == {"alt"}: # clear all states del rto_history["select_all"][view_layer] clear_copy("select") clear_swap("select") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: copy_rtos(view_layer, "select") elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "alt"}: swap_rtos(view_layer, "select") elif modifiers == {"shift"}: invert_rtos(view_layer, "select") else: activate_all_rtos(view_layer, "select") return {'FINISHED'} class CMHideOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[VV] Hide in Viewport" bl_description = ( " * Shift+LMB - Isolate/Restore.\n" " * Shift+Ctrl+LMB - Isolate nested/Restore.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Toggle nested.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.hide_collection" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} name: StringProperty() # static class var isolated = False def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history cls = CMHideOperator modifiers = get_modifiers(event) view_layer = context.view_layer.name laycol_ptr = layer_collections[self.name]["ptr"] if not view_layer in rto_history["hide"]: rto_history["hide"][view_layer] = {"target": "", "history": []} if modifiers == {"alt"}: del rto_history["hide"][view_layer] cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "hide") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: toggle_children(self, view_layer, "hide") cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "hide", children=True) else: # toggle visible # reset hide history del rto_history["hide"][view_layer] # toggle view of collection laycol_ptr.hide_viewport = not laycol_ptr.hide_viewport cls.isolated = False # reset hide all history if view_layer in rto_history["hide_all"]: del rto_history["hide_all"][view_layer] return {'FINISHED'} class CMUnHideAllOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[VV Global] Hide in Viewport" bl_description = ( " * LMB - Enable all/Restore.\n" " * Shift+LMB - Invert.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Copy/Paste RTOs.\n" " * Ctrl+Alt+LMB - Swap RTOs.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.un_hide_all_collections" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history view_layer = context.view_layer.name modifiers = get_modifiers(event) if not view_layer in rto_history["hide_all"]: rto_history["hide_all"][view_layer] = [] if modifiers == {"alt"}: # clear all states del rto_history["hide_all"][view_layer] clear_copy("hide") clear_swap("hide") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: copy_rtos(view_layer, "hide") elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "alt"}: swap_rtos(view_layer, "hide") elif modifiers == {"shift"}: invert_rtos(view_layer, "hide") else: activate_all_rtos(view_layer, "hide") return {'FINISHED'} class CMDisableViewportOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[DV] Disable in Viewports" bl_description = ( " * Shift+LMB - Isolate/Restore.\n" " * Shift+Ctrl+LMB - Isolate nested/Restore.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Toggle nested.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.disable_viewport_collection" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} name: StringProperty() # static class var isolated = False def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history cls = CMDisableViewportOperator modifiers = get_modifiers(event) view_layer = context.view_layer.name laycol_ptr = layer_collections[self.name]["ptr"] if not view_layer in rto_history["disable"]: rto_history["disable"][view_layer] = {"target": "", "history": []} if modifiers == {"alt"}: del rto_history["disable"][view_layer] cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "disable") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: toggle_children(self, view_layer, "disable") cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "disable", children=True) else: # toggle disable # reset disable history del rto_history["disable"][view_layer] # toggle disable of collection in viewport laycol_ptr.collection.hide_viewport = not laycol_ptr.collection.hide_viewport cls.isolated = False # reset disable all history if view_layer in rto_history["disable_all"]: del rto_history["disable_all"][view_layer] return {'FINISHED'} class CMUnDisableViewportAllOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[DV Global] Disable in Viewports" bl_description = ( " * LMB - Enable all/Restore.\n" " * Shift+LMB - Invert.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Copy/Paste RTOs.\n" " * Ctrl+Alt+LMB - Swap RTOs.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.un_disable_viewport_all_collections" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history view_layer = context.view_layer.name modifiers = get_modifiers(event) if not view_layer in rto_history["disable_all"]: rto_history["disable_all"][view_layer] = [] if modifiers == {"alt"}: # clear all states del rto_history["disable_all"][view_layer] clear_copy("disable") clear_swap("disable") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: copy_rtos(view_layer, "disable") elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "alt"}: swap_rtos(view_layer, "disable") elif modifiers == {"shift"}: invert_rtos(view_layer, "disable") else: activate_all_rtos(view_layer, "disable") return {'FINISHED'} class CMDisableRenderOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[RR] Disable in Renders" bl_description = ( " * Shift+LMB - Isolate/Restore.\n" " * Shift+Ctrl+LMB - Isolate nested/Restore.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Toggle nested.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.disable_render_collection" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} name: StringProperty() # static class var isolated = False def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history cls = CMDisableRenderOperator modifiers = get_modifiers(event) view_layer = context.view_layer.name laycol_ptr = layer_collections[self.name]["ptr"] if not view_layer in rto_history["render"]: rto_history["render"][view_layer] = {"target": "", "history": []} if modifiers == {"alt"}: del rto_history["render"][view_layer] cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "render") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: toggle_children(self, view_layer, "render") cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "render", children=True) else: # toggle renderable # reset render history del rto_history["render"][view_layer] # toggle renderability of collection laycol_ptr.collection.hide_render = not laycol_ptr.collection.hide_render cls.isolated = False # reset render all history if view_layer in rto_history["render_all"]: del rto_history["render_all"][view_layer] return {'FINISHED'} class CMUnDisableRenderAllOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[RR Global] Disable in Renders" bl_description = ( " * LMB - Enable all/Restore.\n" " * Shift+LMB - Invert.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Copy/Paste RTOs.\n" " * Ctrl+Alt+LMB - Swap RTOs.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.un_disable_render_all_collections" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history view_layer = context.view_layer.name modifiers = get_modifiers(event) if not view_layer in rto_history["render_all"]: rto_history["render_all"][view_layer] = [] if modifiers == {"alt"}: # clear all states del rto_history["render_all"][view_layer] clear_copy("render") clear_swap("render") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: copy_rtos(view_layer, "render") elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "alt"}: swap_rtos(view_layer, "render") elif modifiers == {"shift"}: invert_rtos(view_layer, "render") else: activate_all_rtos(view_layer, "render") return {'FINISHED'} class CMHoldoutOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[HH] Holdout" bl_description = ( " * Shift+LMB - Isolate/Restore.\n" " * Shift+Ctrl+LMB - Isolate nested/Restore.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Toggle nested.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.holdout_collection" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} name: StringProperty() # static class var isolated = False def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history cls = CMHoldoutOperator modifiers = get_modifiers(event) view_layer = context.view_layer.name laycol_ptr = layer_collections[self.name]["ptr"] if not view_layer in rto_history["holdout"]: rto_history["holdout"][view_layer] = {"target": "", "history": []} if modifiers == {"alt"}: del rto_history["holdout"][view_layer] cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "holdout") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: toggle_children(self, view_layer, "holdout") cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "holdout", children=True) else: # toggle holdout # reset holdout history del rto_history["holdout"][view_layer] # toggle holdout of collection in viewport laycol_ptr.holdout = not laycol_ptr.holdout cls.isolated = False # reset holdout all history if view_layer in rto_history["holdout_all"]: del rto_history["holdout_all"][view_layer] return {'FINISHED'} class CMUnHoldoutAllOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[HH Global] Holdout" bl_description = ( " * LMB - Enable all/Restore.\n" " * Shift+LMB - Invert.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Copy/Paste RTOs.\n" " * Ctrl+Alt+LMB - Swap RTOs.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.un_holdout_all_collections" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history view_layer = context.view_layer.name modifiers = get_modifiers(event) if not view_layer in rto_history["holdout_all"]: rto_history["holdout_all"][view_layer] = [] if modifiers == {"alt"}: # clear all states del rto_history["holdout_all"][view_layer] clear_copy("holdout") clear_swap("holdout") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: copy_rtos(view_layer, "holdout") elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "alt"}: swap_rtos(view_layer, "holdout") elif modifiers == {"shift"}: invert_rtos(view_layer, "holdout") else: activate_all_rtos(view_layer, "holdout") return {'FINISHED'} class CMIndirectOnlyOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[IO] Indirect Only" bl_description = ( " * Shift+LMB - Isolate/Restore.\n" " * Shift+Ctrl+LMB - Isolate nested/Restore.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Toggle nested.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.indirect_only_collection" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} name: StringProperty() # static class var isolated = False def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history cls = CMIndirectOnlyOperator modifiers = get_modifiers(event) view_layer = context.view_layer.name laycol_ptr = layer_collections[self.name]["ptr"] if not view_layer in rto_history["indirect"]: rto_history["indirect"][view_layer] = {"target": "", "history": []} if modifiers == {"alt"}: del rto_history["indirect"][view_layer] cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "indirect") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: toggle_children(self, view_layer, "indirect") cls.isolated = False elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "shift"}: isolate_rto(cls, self, view_layer, "indirect", children=True) else: # toggle indirect only # reset indirect history del rto_history["indirect"][view_layer] # toggle indirect only of collection laycol_ptr.indirect_only = not laycol_ptr.indirect_only cls.isolated = False # reset indirect all history if view_layer in rto_history["indirect_all"]: del rto_history["indirect_all"][view_layer] return {'FINISHED'} class CMUnIndirectOnlyAllOperator(Operator): bl_label = "[IO Global] Indirect Only" bl_description = ( " * LMB - Enable all/Restore.\n" " * Shift+LMB - Invert.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Copy/Paste RTOs.\n" " * Ctrl+Alt+LMB - Swap RTOs.\n" " * Alt+LMB - Discard history" ) bl_idname = "view3d.un_indirect_only_all_collections" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): global rto_history view_layer = context.view_layer.name modifiers = get_modifiers(event) if not view_layer in rto_history["indirect_all"]: rto_history["indirect_all"][view_layer] = [] if modifiers == {"alt"}: # clear all states del rto_history["indirect_all"][view_layer] clear_copy("indirect") clear_swap("indirect") elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: copy_rtos(view_layer, "indirect") elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "alt"}: swap_rtos(view_layer, "indirect") elif modifiers == {"shift"}: invert_rtos(view_layer, "indirect") else: activate_all_rtos(view_layer, "indirect") return {'FINISHED'} class CMRemoveCollectionOperator(Operator): '''Remove Collection''' bl_label = "Remove Collection" bl_idname = "view3d.remove_collection" bl_options = {'UNDO'} collection_name: StringProperty() def execute(self, context): global rto_history global expand_history global qcd_slots laycol = layer_collections[self.collection_name] collection = laycol["ptr"].collection parent_collection = laycol["parent"]["ptr"].collection # shift all objects in this collection to the parent collection for obj in collection.objects: if obj.name not in parent_collection.objects: parent_collection.objects.link(obj) # shift all child collections to the parent collection preserving view layer RTOs if collection.children: link_child_collections_to_parent(laycol, collection, parent_collection) # remove collection, update references, and update tree view remove_collection(laycol, collection, context) return {'FINISHED'} class CMRemoveEmptyCollectionsOperator(Operator): bl_label = "Remove Empty Collections" bl_idname = "view3d.remove_empty_collections" bl_options = {'UNDO'} without_objects: BoolProperty() @classmethod def description(cls, context, properties): if properties.without_objects: tooltip = ( "Purge All Collections Without Objects.\n" "Deletes all collections that don't contain objects even if they have subcollections" ) else: tooltip = ( "Remove Empty Collections.\n" "Delete collections that don't have any subcollections or objects" ) return tooltip def execute(self, context): global rto_history global expand_history global qcd_slots if self.without_objects: empty_collections = [laycol["name"] for laycol in layer_collections.values() if not laycol["ptr"].collection.objects] else: empty_collections = [laycol["name"] for laycol in layer_collections.values() if not laycol["children"] and not laycol["ptr"].collection.objects] for name in empty_collections: laycol = layer_collections[name] collection = laycol["ptr"].collection parent_collection = laycol["parent"]["ptr"].collection # link all child collections to the parent collection preserving view layer RTOs if collection.children: link_child_collections_to_parent(laycol, collection, parent_collection) # remove collection, update references, and update tree view remove_collection(laycol, collection, context) self.report({"INFO"}, f"Removed {len(empty_collections)} collections") return {'FINISHED'} rename = [False] class CMNewCollectionOperator(Operator): bl_label = "Add New Collection" bl_idname = "view3d.add_collection" bl_options = {'UNDO'} child: BoolProperty() @classmethod def description(cls, context, properties): if properties.child: tooltip = ( "Add New SubCollection.\n" "Add a new subcollection to the currently selected collection" ) else: tooltip = ( "Add New Collection.\n" "Add a new collection as a sibling of the currently selected collection" ) return tooltip def execute(self, context): global rto_history new_collection = bpy.data.collections.new('Collection') cm = context.scene.collection_manager # if there are collections if len(cm.cm_list_collection) > 0: if not cm.cm_list_index == -1: # get selected collection laycol = layer_collections[cm.cm_list_collection[cm.cm_list_index].name] # add new collection if self.child: laycol["ptr"].collection.children.link(new_collection) expanded.add(laycol["name"]) # update tree view property update_property_group(context) cm.cm_list_index = layer_collections[new_collection.name]["row_index"] else: laycol["parent"]["ptr"].collection.children.link(new_collection) # update tree view property update_property_group(context) cm.cm_list_index = layer_collections[new_collection.name]["row_index"] else: context.scene.collection.children.link(new_collection) # update tree view property update_property_group(context) cm.cm_list_index = layer_collections[new_collection.name]["row_index"] # if no collections add top level collection and select it else: context.scene.collection.children.link(new_collection) # update tree view property update_property_group(context) cm.cm_list_index = 0 # set new collection to active layer_collection = layer_collections[new_collection.name]["ptr"] context.view_layer.active_layer_collection = layer_collection global rename rename[0] = True # reset history for rto in rto_history.values(): rto.clear() return {'FINISHED'} class CMPhantomModeOperator(Operator): '''Toggle Phantom Mode''' bl_label = "Toggle Phantom Mode" bl_idname = "view3d.toggle_phantom_mode" def execute(self, context): global phantom_history global rto_history cm = context.scene.collection_manager view_layer = context.view_layer # enter Phantom Mode if not cm.in_phantom_mode: cm.in_phantom_mode = True # save current visibility state phantom_history["view_layer"] = view_layer.name def save_visibility_state(layer_collection): phantom_history["initial_state"][layer_collection.name] = { "exclude": layer_collection.exclude, "select": layer_collection.collection.hide_select, "hide": layer_collection.hide_viewport, "disable": layer_collection.collection.hide_viewport, "render": layer_collection.collection.hide_render, "holdout": layer_collection.holdout, "indirect": layer_collection.indirect_only, } apply_to_children(view_layer.layer_collection, save_visibility_state) # save current rto history for rto, history, in rto_history.items(): if history.get(view_layer.name, None): phantom_history[rto+"_history"] = deepcopy(history[view_layer.name]) else: # return to normal mode def restore_visibility_state(layer_collection): phantom_laycol = phantom_history["initial_state"][layer_collection.name] layer_collection.exclude = phantom_laycol["exclude"] layer_collection.collection.hide_select = phantom_laycol["select"] layer_collection.hide_viewport = phantom_laycol["hide"] layer_collection.collection.hide_viewport = phantom_laycol["disable"] layer_collection.collection.hide_render = phantom_laycol["render"] layer_collection.holdout = phantom_laycol["holdout"] layer_collection.indirect_only = phantom_laycol["indirect"] apply_to_children(view_layer.layer_collection, restore_visibility_state) # restore previous rto history for rto, history, in rto_history.items(): if view_layer.name in history: del history[view_layer.name] if phantom_history[rto+"_history"]: history[view_layer.name] = deepcopy(phantom_history[rto+"_history"]) phantom_history[rto+"_history"].clear() cm.in_phantom_mode = False return {'FINISHED'} class CMApplyPhantomModeOperator(Operator): '''Apply changes and quit Phantom Mode''' bl_label = "Apply Phantom Mode" bl_idname = "view3d.apply_phantom_mode" def execute(self, context): cm = context.scene.collection_manager cm.in_phantom_mode = False return {'FINISHED'}