# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # Copyright 2011, Ryan Inch import time from math import cos, sin, pi, floor import bpy import bgl import blf import gpu from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader from bpy.types import Operator from .internals import ( layer_collections, qcd_slots, ) from . import qcd_operators def spacer(): spacer = 10 return round(spacer * scale_factor()) def scale_factor(): return bpy.context.preferences.system.ui_scale def get_coords(area): x = area["vert"][0] y = area["vert"][1] w = area["width"] h = area["height"] vertices = ( (x, y-h), # bottom left (x+w, y-h), # bottom right (x, y), # top left (x+w, y)) # top right indices = ( (0, 1, 2), (2, 1, 3)) return vertices, indices def get_x_coords(area): x = area["vert"][0] y = area["vert"][1] w = area["width"] h = area["height"] vertices = ( (x, y), # top left A (x+(w*0.1), y), # top left B (x+w, y), # top right A (x+w-(w*0.1), y), # top right B (x, y-h), # bottom left A (x+(w*0.1), y-h), # bottom left B (x+w, y-h), # bottom right A (x+w-(w*0.1), y-h), # bottom right B (x+(w/2)-(w*0.05), y-(h/2)), # center left (x+(w/2)+(w*0.05), y-(h/2)) # center right ) indices = ( (0,1,8), (1,8,9), # top left bar (2,3,9), (3,9,8), # top right bar (4,5,8), (5,8,9), # bottom left bar (6,7,8), (6,9,8) # bottom right bar ) return vertices, indices def get_circle_coords(area): # set x, y to center x = area["vert"][0] + area["width"] / 2 y = area["vert"][1] - area["width"] / 2 radius = area["width"] / 2 sides = 32 vertices = [(radius * cos(side * 2 * pi / sides) + x, radius * sin(side * 2 * pi / sides) + y) for side in range(sides + 1)] return vertices def draw_rounded_rect(area, shader, color, tl=5, tr=5, bl=5, br=5, outline=False): sides = 32 tl = round(tl * scale_factor()) tr = round(tr * scale_factor()) bl = round(bl * scale_factor()) br = round(br * scale_factor()) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) if outline: thickness = round(2 * scale_factor()) thickness = max(thickness, 2) bgl.glLineWidth(thickness) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) bgl.glHint(bgl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, bgl.GL_NICEST) draw_type = 'TRI_FAN' if not outline else 'LINE_STRIP' # top left corner vert_x = area["vert"][0] + tl vert_y = area["vert"][1] - tl tl_vert = (vert_x, vert_y) vertices = [(vert_x, vert_y)] if not outline else [] for side in range(sides+1): if (8<=side<=16): cosine = tl * cos(side * 2 * pi / sides) + vert_x sine = tl * sin(side * 2 * pi / sides) + vert_y vertices.append((cosine,sine)) batch = batch_for_shader(shader, draw_type, {"pos": vertices}) shader.bind() shader.uniform_float("color", color) batch.draw(shader) # top right corner vert_x = area["vert"][0] + area["width"] - tr vert_y = area["vert"][1] - tr tr_vert = (vert_x, vert_y) vertices = [(vert_x, vert_y)] if not outline else [] for side in range(sides+1): if (0<=side<=8): cosine = tr * cos(side * 2 * pi / sides) + vert_x sine = tr * sin(side * 2 * pi / sides) + vert_y vertices.append((cosine,sine)) batch = batch_for_shader(shader, draw_type, {"pos": vertices}) shader.bind() shader.uniform_float("color", color) batch.draw(shader) # bottom left corner vert_x = area["vert"][0] + bl vert_y = area["vert"][1] - area["height"] + bl bl_vert = (vert_x, vert_y) vertices = [(vert_x, vert_y)] if not outline else [] for side in range(sides+1): if (16<=side<=24): cosine = bl * cos(side * 2 * pi / sides) + vert_x sine = bl * sin(side * 2 * pi / sides) + vert_y vertices.append((cosine,sine)) batch = batch_for_shader(shader, draw_type, {"pos": vertices}) shader.bind() shader.uniform_float("color", color) batch.draw(shader) # bottom right corner vert_x = area["vert"][0] + area["width"] - br vert_y = area["vert"][1] - area["height"] + br br_vert = (vert_x, vert_y) vertices = [(vert_x, vert_y)] if not outline else [] for side in range(sides+1): if (24<=side<=32): cosine = br * cos(side * 2 * pi / sides) + vert_x sine = br * sin(side * 2 * pi / sides) + vert_y vertices.append((cosine,sine)) batch = batch_for_shader(shader, draw_type, {"pos": vertices}) shader.bind() shader.uniform_float("color", color) batch.draw(shader) if not outline: vertices = [] indices = [] base_ind = 0 # left edge width = max(tl, bl) le_x = tl_vert[0]-tl vertices.extend([ (le_x, tl_vert[1]), (le_x+width, tl_vert[1]), (le_x, bl_vert[1]), (le_x+width, bl_vert[1]) ]) indices.extend([ (base_ind,base_ind+1,base_ind+2), (base_ind+2,base_ind+3,base_ind+1) ]) base_ind += 4 # right edge width = max(tr, br) re_x = tr_vert[0]+tr vertices.extend([ (re_x, tr_vert[1]), (re_x-width, tr_vert[1]), (re_x, br_vert[1]), (re_x-width, br_vert[1]) ]) indices.extend([ (base_ind,base_ind+1,base_ind+2), (base_ind+2,base_ind+3,base_ind+1) ]) base_ind += 4 # top edge width = max(tl, tr) te_y = tl_vert[1]+tl vertices.extend([ (tl_vert[0], te_y), (tl_vert[0], te_y-width), (tr_vert[0], te_y), (tr_vert[0], te_y-width) ]) indices.extend([ (base_ind,base_ind+1,base_ind+2), (base_ind+2,base_ind+3,base_ind+1) ]) base_ind += 4 # bottom edge width = max(bl, br) be_y = bl_vert[1]-bl vertices.extend([ (bl_vert[0], be_y), (bl_vert[0], be_y+width), (br_vert[0], be_y), (br_vert[0], be_y+width) ]) indices.extend([ (base_ind,base_ind+1,base_ind+2), (base_ind+2,base_ind+3,base_ind+1) ]) base_ind += 4 # middle vertices.extend([ tl_vert, tr_vert, bl_vert, br_vert ]) indices.extend([ (base_ind,base_ind+1,base_ind+2), (base_ind+2,base_ind+3,base_ind+1) ]) batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRIS', {"pos": vertices}, indices=indices) shader.uniform_float("color", color) batch.draw(shader) else: overlap = round(thickness / 2 - scale_factor() / 2) # left edge le_x = tl_vert[0]-tl vertices = [ (le_x, tl_vert[1] + (overlap if tl == 0 else 0)), (le_x, bl_vert[1] - (overlap if bl == 0 else 0)) ] batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'LINE_STRIP', {"pos": vertices}) batch.draw(shader) # right edge re_x = tr_vert[0]+tr vertices = [ (re_x, tr_vert[1] + (overlap if tr == 0 else 0)), (re_x, br_vert[1] - (overlap if br == 0 else 0)) ] batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'LINE_STRIP', {"pos": vertices}) batch.draw(shader) # top edge te_y = tl_vert[1]+tl vertices = [ (tl_vert[0] - (overlap if tl == 0 else 0), te_y), (tr_vert[0] + (overlap if tr == 0 else 0), te_y) ] batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'LINE_STRIP', {"pos": vertices}) batch.draw(shader) # bottom edge be_y = bl_vert[1]-bl vertices = [ (bl_vert[0] - (overlap if bl == 0 else 0), be_y), (br_vert[0] + (overlap if br == 0 else 0), be_y) ] batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'LINE_STRIP', {"pos": vertices}) batch.draw(shader) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND) def mouse_in_area(mouse_pos, area, buf = 0): x = mouse_pos[0] y = mouse_pos[1] # check left if x+buf < area["vert"][0]: return False # check right if x-buf > area["vert"][0] + area["width"]: return False # check top if y-buf > area["vert"][1]: return False # check bottom if y+buf < area["vert"][1] - area["height"]: return False # if we reach here we're in the area return True def account_for_view_bounds(area): # make sure it renders in the 3d view - prioritize top left # right if area["vert"][0] + area["width"] > bpy.context.region.width: x = bpy.context.region.width - area["width"] y = area["vert"][1] area["vert"] = (x, y) # left if area["vert"][0] < 0: x = 0 y = area["vert"][1] area["vert"] = (x, y) # bottom if area["vert"][1] - area["height"] < 0: x = area["vert"][0] y = area["height"] area["vert"] = (x, y) # top if area["vert"][1] > bpy.context.region.height: x = area["vert"][0] y = bpy.context.region.height area["vert"] = (x, y) def update_area_dimensions(area, w=0, h=0): area["width"] += w area["height"] += h class QCDMoveWidget(Operator): """Move objects to QCD Slots""" bl_idname = "view3d.qcd_move_widget" bl_label = "QCD Move Widget" slots = { "ONE":1, "TWO":2, "THREE":3, "FOUR":4, "FIVE":5, "SIX":6, "SEVEN":7, "EIGHT":8, "NINE":9, "ZERO":10, } last_type = '' initialized = False moved = False def modal(self, context, event): if event.type == 'TIMER': if self.hover_time and self.hover_time + 0.5 < time.time(): self.draw_tooltip = True context.area.tag_redraw() return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} context.area.tag_redraw() if len(self.areas) == 1: return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} if self.last_type == 'LEFTMOUSE' and event.value == 'PRESS' and event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE': if mouse_in_area(self.mouse_pos, self.areas["Grab Bar"]): x_offset = self.areas["Main Window"]["vert"][0] - self.mouse_pos[0] x = event.mouse_region_x + x_offset y_offset = self.areas["Main Window"]["vert"][1] - self.mouse_pos[1] y = event.mouse_region_y + y_offset self.areas["Main Window"]["vert"] = (x, y) self.mouse_pos = (event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y) elif event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE': self.draw_tooltip = False self.hover_time = None self.mouse_pos = (event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y) if not mouse_in_area(self.mouse_pos, self.areas["Main Window"], 50 * scale_factor()): if self.initialized: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW') if self.moved: bpy.ops.ed.undo_push() return {'FINISHED'} else: self.initialized = True elif event.value == 'PRESS' and event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE': if not mouse_in_area(self.mouse_pos, self.areas["Main Window"], 10 * scale_factor()): bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW') if self.moved: bpy.ops.ed.undo_push() return {'FINISHED'} for num in range(20): if not self.areas.get(f"Button {num + 1}", None): continue if mouse_in_area(self.mouse_pos, self.areas[f"Button {num + 1}"]): bpy.ops.view3d.move_to_qcd_slot(slot=str(num + 1), toggle=event.shift) self.moved = True elif event.type in {'RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'}: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW') return {'CANCELLED'} if event.value == 'PRESS' and event.type in self.slots: move_to = self.slots[event.type] if event.alt: move_to += 10 if event.shift: bpy.ops.view3d.move_to_qcd_slot(slot=str(move_to), toggle=True) else: bpy.ops.view3d.move_to_qcd_slot(slot=str(move_to), toggle=False) self.moved = True if event.type != 'MOUSEMOVE' and event.type != 'INBETWEEN_MOUSEMOVE': self.last_type = event.type return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def invoke(self, context, event): if context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D': # the arguments we pass the the callback args = (self, context) # Add the region OpenGL drawing callback # draw in view space with 'POST_VIEW' and 'PRE_VIEW' self._handle = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(draw_callback_px, args, 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL') self._timer = context.window_manager.event_timer_add(0.1, window=context.window) self.mouse_pos = (event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y) self.draw_tooltip = False self.hover_time = None self.areas = {} # MAIN WINDOW BACKGROUND x = self.mouse_pos[0] - spacer()*2 y = self.mouse_pos[1] + spacer()*2 main_window = { # Top Left Vertex "vert": (x,y), "width": 0, "height": 0, "value": None } self.areas["Main Window"] = main_window allocate_main_ui(self, context) account_for_view_bounds(main_window) context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} else: self.report({'WARNING'}, "View3D not found, cannot run operator") return {'CANCELLED'} def allocate_main_ui(self, context): main_window = self.areas["Main Window"] self.areas.clear() main_window["width"] = 0 main_window["height"] = 0 self.areas["Main Window"] = main_window cur_width_pos = main_window["vert"][0] cur_height_pos = main_window["vert"][1] # GRAB BAR grab_bar = { "vert": main_window["vert"], "width": 0, "height": round(23 * scale_factor()), "value": None } # add grab bar to areas self.areas["Grab Bar"] = grab_bar # WINDOW TITLE wt_indent_x = spacer()*2 wt_y_offset = round(spacer()/2) window_title = { "vert": main_window["vert"], "width": 0, "height": round(13 * scale_factor()), "value": "Move Objects to QCD Slots" } x = main_window["vert"][0] + wt_indent_x y = main_window["vert"][1] - window_title["height"] - wt_y_offset window_title["vert"] = (x, y) # add window title to areas self.areas["Window Title"] = window_title cur_height_pos = window_title["vert"][1] # MAIN BUTTON AREA button_size = round(20 * scale_factor()) button_gap = round(1 * scale_factor()) button_group = 5 button_group_gap = round(20 * scale_factor()) button_group_width = button_size * button_group + button_gap * (button_group - 1) mba_indent_x = spacer()*2 mba_outdent_x = spacer()*2 mba_indent_y = spacer() x = cur_width_pos + mba_indent_x y = cur_height_pos - mba_indent_y main_button_area = { "vert": (x, y), "width": 0, "height": 0, "value": None } # add main button area to areas self.areas["Main Button Area"] = main_button_area # update current position cur_width_pos = main_button_area["vert"][0] cur_height_pos = main_button_area["vert"][1] # BUTTON ROW 1 A button_row_1_a = { "vert": main_button_area["vert"], "width": button_group_width, "height": button_size, "value": None } # add button row 1 A to areas self.areas["Button Row 1 A"] = button_row_1_a # advance width pos to start of next row cur_width_pos += button_row_1_a["width"] cur_width_pos += button_group_gap # BUTTON ROW 1 B x = cur_width_pos y = cur_height_pos button_row_1_b = { "vert": (x, y), "width": button_group_width, "height": button_size, "value": None } # add button row 1 B to areas self.areas["Button Row 1 B"] = button_row_1_b # reset width pos to start of main button area cur_width_pos = main_button_area["vert"][0] # update height pos cur_height_pos -= button_row_1_a["height"] # add gap between button rows cur_height_pos -= button_gap # BUTTON ROW 2 A x = cur_width_pos y = cur_height_pos button_row_2_a = { "vert": (x, y), "width": button_group_width, "height": button_size, "value": None } # add button row 2 A to areas self.areas["Button Row 2 A"] = button_row_2_a # advance width pos to start of next row cur_width_pos += button_row_2_a["width"] cur_width_pos += button_group_gap # BUTTON ROW 2 B x = cur_width_pos y = cur_height_pos button_row_2_b = { "vert": (x, y), "width": button_group_width, "height": button_size, "value": None } # add button row 2 B to areas self.areas["Button Row 2 B"] = button_row_2_b selected_objects = qcd_operators.get_move_selection() active_object = qcd_operators.get_move_active() # BUTTONS def get_buttons(button_row, row_num): cur_width_pos = button_row["vert"][0] cur_height_pos = button_row["vert"][1] for num in range(button_group): slot_num = row_num + num qcd_slot_name = qcd_slots.get_name(f"{slot_num}") if qcd_slot_name: qcd_laycol = layer_collections[qcd_slot_name]["ptr"] collection_objects = qcd_laycol.collection.objects # BUTTON x = cur_width_pos y = cur_height_pos button = { "vert": (x, y), "width": button_size, "height": button_size, "value": slot_num } self.areas[f"Button {slot_num}"] = button # ACTIVE OBJECT ICON if active_object and active_object in selected_objects and active_object.name in collection_objects: x = cur_width_pos + round(button_size / 4) y = cur_height_pos - round(button_size / 4) active_object_indicator = { "vert": (x, y), "width": floor(button_size / 2), "height": floor(button_size / 2), "value": None } self.areas[f"Button {slot_num} Active Object Indicator"] = active_object_indicator elif not set(selected_objects).isdisjoint(collection_objects): x = cur_width_pos + round(button_size / 4) + floor(1 * scale_factor()) y = cur_height_pos - round(button_size / 4) - floor(1 * scale_factor()) selected_object_indicator = { "vert": (x, y), "width": floor(button_size / 2) - floor(1 * scale_factor()), "height": floor(button_size / 2) - floor(1 * scale_factor()), "value": None } self.areas[f"Button {slot_num} Selected Object Indicator"] = selected_object_indicator elif collection_objects: x = cur_width_pos + floor(button_size / 4) y = cur_height_pos - button_size / 2 + 1 * scale_factor() object_indicator = { "vert": (x, y), "width": round(button_size / 2), "height": round(2 * scale_factor()), "value": None } self.areas[f"Button {slot_num} Object Indicator"] = object_indicator else: x = cur_width_pos + 2 * scale_factor() y = cur_height_pos - 2 * scale_factor() X_icon = { "vert": (x, y), "width": button_size - 4 * scale_factor(), "height": button_size - 4 * scale_factor(), "value": None } self.areas[f"X_icon {slot_num}"] = X_icon cur_width_pos += button_size cur_width_pos += button_gap get_buttons(button_row_1_a, 1) get_buttons(button_row_1_b, 6) get_buttons(button_row_2_a, 11) get_buttons(button_row_2_b, 16) # UPDATE DYNAMIC DIMENSIONS width = button_row_1_a["width"] + button_group_gap + button_row_1_b["width"] height = button_row_1_a["height"] + button_gap + button_row_2_a["height"] update_area_dimensions(main_button_area, width, height) width = main_button_area["width"] + mba_indent_x + mba_outdent_x height = main_button_area["height"] + mba_indent_y * 2 + window_title["height"] + wt_y_offset update_area_dimensions(main_window, width, height) update_area_dimensions(grab_bar, main_window["width"]) def draw_callback_px(self, context): allocate_main_ui(self, context) shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('2D_UNIFORM_COLOR') shader.bind() addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences # main window background main_window = self.areas["Main Window"] outline_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_menu_back_outline background_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_menu_back_inner draw_rounded_rect(main_window, shader, outline_color[:] + (1,), outline=True) draw_rounded_rect(main_window, shader, background_color) # draw window title window_title = self.areas["Window Title"] x = window_title["vert"][0] y = window_title["vert"][1] h = window_title["height"] text = window_title["value"] text_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_menu_back_text font_id = 0 blf.position(font_id, x, y, 0) blf.size(font_id, int(h), 72) blf.color(font_id, text_color[0], text_color[1], text_color[2], 1) blf.draw(font_id, text) # refresh shader - not sure why this is needed shader.bind() in_tooltip_area = False tooltip_slot_idx = None for num in range(20): slot_num = num + 1 qcd_slot_name = qcd_slots.get_name(f"{slot_num}") if qcd_slot_name: qcd_laycol = layer_collections[qcd_slot_name]["ptr"] collection_objects = qcd_laycol.collection.objects selected_objects = qcd_operators.get_move_selection() active_object = qcd_operators.get_move_active() button_area = self.areas[f"Button {slot_num}"] # colors button_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_tool_inner icon_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_tool_text if not qcd_laycol.exclude: button_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_tool_inner_sel icon_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_tool_text_sel if mouse_in_area(self.mouse_pos, button_area): in_tooltip_area = True tooltip_slot_idx = slot_num mod = 0.1 if button_color[0] + mod > 1 or button_color[1] + mod > 1 or button_color[2] + mod > 1: mod = -mod button_color = ( button_color[0] + mod, button_color[1] + mod, button_color[2] + mod, button_color[3] ) # button roundness tl = tr = bl = br = 0 rounding = 5 if num < 10: if not qcd_slots.contains(idx=f"{num+2}"): tr = rounding if not qcd_slots.contains(idx=f"{num}"): tl = rounding else: if not qcd_slots.contains(idx=f"{num+2}"): br = rounding if not qcd_slots.contains(idx=f"{num}"): bl = rounding if num in [0,5]: tl = rounding elif num in [4,9]: tr = rounding elif num in [10,15]: bl = rounding elif num in [14,19]: br = rounding # draw button outline_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_tool_outline draw_rounded_rect(button_area, shader, outline_color[:] + (1,), tl, tr, bl, br, outline=True) draw_rounded_rect(button_area, shader, button_color, tl, tr, bl, br) # ACTIVE OBJECT if active_object and active_object in selected_objects and active_object.name in collection_objects: active_object_indicator = self.areas[f"Button {slot_num} Active Object Indicator"] vertices = get_circle_coords(active_object_indicator) shader.uniform_float("color", icon_color[:] + (1,)) batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRI_FAN', {"pos": vertices}) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) batch.draw(shader) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND) # SELECTED OBJECTS elif not set(selected_objects).isdisjoint(collection_objects): selected_object_indicator = self.areas[f"Button {slot_num} Selected Object Indicator"] alpha = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_selected_icon_alpha vertices = get_circle_coords(selected_object_indicator) shader.uniform_float("color", icon_color[:] + (alpha,)) batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'LINE_STRIP', {"pos": vertices}) bgl.glLineWidth(2 * scale_factor()) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) bgl.glHint(bgl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, bgl.GL_NICEST) batch.draw(shader) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND) # OBJECTS elif collection_objects: object_indicator = self.areas[f"Button {slot_num} Object Indicator"] alpha = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_objects_icon_alpha vertices, indices = get_coords(object_indicator) shader.uniform_float("color", icon_color[:] + (alpha,)) batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRIS', {"pos": vertices}, indices=indices) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) batch.draw(shader) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND) # X ICON else: X_icon = self.areas[f"X_icon {slot_num}"] X_icon_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_menu_back_text vertices, indices = get_x_coords(X_icon) shader.uniform_float("color", X_icon_color[:] + (1,)) batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRIS', {"pos": vertices}, indices=indices) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) bgl.glHint(bgl.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, bgl.GL_NICEST) batch.draw(shader) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND) if in_tooltip_area: if self.draw_tooltip: slot_name = qcd_slots.get_name(f"{tooltip_slot_idx}") slot_string = f"QCD Slot {tooltip_slot_idx}: \"{slot_name}\"\n" hotkey_string = " * Shift+LMB - Toggle objects\' slot." draw_tooltip(self, context, shader, f"{slot_string}{hotkey_string}") self.hover_time = None else: if not self.hover_time: self.hover_time = time.time() def draw_tooltip(self, context, shader, message): addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences font_id = 0 line_height = 11 * scale_factor() text_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_tooltip_text blf.size(font_id, int(line_height), 72) blf.color(font_id, text_color[0], text_color[1], text_color[2], 1) lines = message.split("\n") longest = [0,""] num_lines = len(lines) for line in lines: w, _ = blf.dimensions(font_id, line) if w > longest[0]: longest[0] = w longest[1] = line w, h = blf.dimensions(font_id, longest[1]) line_spacer = 1 * scale_factor() padding = 4 * scale_factor() # draw background tooltip = { "vert": self.mouse_pos, "width": w + spacer()*2, "height": (line_height * num_lines + line_spacer * num_lines) + padding*3, "value": None } x = tooltip["vert"][0] - spacer()*2 y = tooltip["vert"][1] + tooltip["height"] + round(5 * scale_factor()) tooltip["vert"] = (x, y) account_for_view_bounds(tooltip) outline_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_tooltip_outline background_color = addon_prefs.qcd_ogl_widget_tooltip_inner draw_rounded_rect(tooltip, shader, outline_color[:] + (1,), outline=True) draw_rounded_rect(tooltip, shader, background_color) line_pos = padding + line_height # draw text for num, line in enumerate(lines): x = tooltip["vert"][0] + spacer() y = tooltip["vert"][1] - line_pos blf.position(font_id, x, y, 0) blf.draw(font_id, line) line_pos += line_height + line_spacer