# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # Copyright 2011, Ryan Inch import bpy from bpy.types import ( Operator, ) from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, StringProperty, IntProperty ) from . import internals from .internals import ( layer_collections, rto_history, qcd_slots, update_property_group, get_modifiers, get_move_selection, get_move_active, update_qcd_header, ) from .operator_utils import ( apply_to_children, select_collection_objects, ) class MoveToQCDSlot(Operator): '''Move object(s) to QCD slot''' bl_label = "Move To QCD Slot" bl_idname = "view3d.move_to_qcd_slot" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} slot: StringProperty() toggle: BoolProperty() def execute(self, context): global qcd_slots global layer_collections selected_objects = get_move_selection() active_object = get_move_active() internals.move_triggered = True qcd_laycol = None slot_name = qcd_slots.get_name(self.slot) if slot_name: qcd_laycol = layer_collections[slot_name]["ptr"] else: return {'CANCELLED'} if not selected_objects: return {'CANCELLED'} # adds object to slot if self.toggle: if not active_object: active_object = tuple(selected_objects)[0] if not active_object.name in qcd_laycol.collection.objects: for obj in selected_objects: if obj.name not in qcd_laycol.collection.objects: qcd_laycol.collection.objects.link(obj) else: for obj in selected_objects: if obj.name in qcd_laycol.collection.objects: if len(obj.users_collection) == 1: continue qcd_laycol.collection.objects.unlink(obj) # moves object to slot else: for obj in selected_objects: if obj.name not in qcd_laycol.collection.objects: qcd_laycol.collection.objects.link(obj) for collection in obj.users_collection: qcd_idx = qcd_slots.get_idx(collection.name) if qcd_idx != self.slot: collection.objects.unlink(obj) # update the active object if needed if not context.active_object: try: context.view_layer.objects.active = active_object except RuntimeError: # object not in visible slot pass # update header UI update_qcd_header() return {'FINISHED'} class ViewMoveQCDSlot(Operator): bl_label = "" bl_idname = "view3d.view_move_qcd_slot" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} slot: StringProperty() @classmethod def description(cls, context, properties): global qcd_slots slot_name = qcd_slots.get_name(properties.slot) slot_string = f"QCD Slot {properties.slot}: \"{slot_name}\"\n" hotkey_string = ( " * LMB - Isolate slot.\n" " * Shift+LMB - Toggle slot.\n" " * Ctrl+LMB - Move objects to slot.\n" " * Ctrl+Shift+LMB - Toggle objects' slot" ) return f"{slot_string}{hotkey_string}" def invoke(self, context, event): global layer_collections global qcd_history modifiers = get_modifiers(event) if modifiers == {"shift"}: bpy.ops.view3d.view_qcd_slot(slot=self.slot, toggle=True) elif modifiers == {"ctrl"}: bpy.ops.view3d.move_to_qcd_slot(slot=self.slot, toggle=False) elif modifiers == {"ctrl", "shift"}: bpy.ops.view3d.move_to_qcd_slot(slot=self.slot, toggle=True) elif modifiers == {"alt"}: select_collection_objects( is_master_collection=False, collection_name=qcd_slots.get_name(self.slot), replace=True, nested=False ) elif modifiers == {"alt", "shift"}: select_collection_objects( is_master_collection=False, collection_name=qcd_slots.get_name(self.slot), replace=False, nested=False ) else: bpy.ops.view3d.view_qcd_slot(slot=self.slot, toggle=False) return {'FINISHED'} class ViewQCDSlot(Operator): '''View objects in QCD slot''' bl_label = "View QCD Slot" bl_idname = "view3d.view_qcd_slot" bl_options = {'UNDO'} slot: StringProperty() toggle: BoolProperty() def execute(self, context): global qcd_slots global layer_collections global rto_history qcd_laycol = None slot_name = qcd_slots.get_name(self.slot) if slot_name: qcd_laycol = layer_collections[slot_name]["ptr"] else: return {'CANCELLED'} # get objects not in object mode locked_active_obj = context.view_layer.objects.active locked_objs = [] locked_objs_mode = "" for obj in context.view_layer.objects: if obj.mode != 'OBJECT': if obj.mode not in ['POSE', 'WEIGHT_PAINT'] or obj == locked_active_obj: locked_objs.append(obj) locked_objs_mode = obj.mode if self.toggle: # check if slot can be toggled off. if not qcd_laycol.exclude: for obj in qcd_laycol.collection.objects: if obj.mode != 'OBJECT': if obj.mode not in ['POSE', 'WEIGHT_PAINT'] or obj == locked_active_obj: return {'CANCELLED'} # get current child exclusion state child_exclusion = [] def get_child_exclusion(layer_collection): child_exclusion.append([layer_collection, layer_collection.exclude]) apply_to_children(qcd_laycol, get_child_exclusion) # toggle exclusion of qcd_laycol qcd_laycol.exclude = not qcd_laycol.exclude # set correct state for all children for laycol in child_exclusion: laycol[0].exclude = laycol[1] else: # exclude all collections for laycol in layer_collections.values(): if laycol["name"] != qcd_laycol.name: # prevent exclusion if locked objects in this collection if set(locked_objs).isdisjoint(laycol["ptr"].collection.objects): laycol["ptr"].exclude = True else: laycol["ptr"].exclude = False # un-exclude target collection qcd_laycol.exclude = False # exclude all children def exclude_all_children(layer_collection): # prevent exclusion if locked objects in this collection if set(locked_objs).isdisjoint(layer_collection.collection.objects): layer_collection.exclude = True else: layer_collection.exclude = False apply_to_children(qcd_laycol, exclude_all_children) # restore locked objects back to their original mode # needed because of exclude child updates if locked_objs: context.view_layer.objects.active = locked_active_obj if context.view_layer.objects.active: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=locked_objs_mode) # set layer as active layer collection context.view_layer.active_layer_collection = qcd_laycol # update header UI update_qcd_header() view_layer = context.view_layer.name if view_layer in rto_history["exclude"]: del rto_history["exclude"][view_layer] if view_layer in rto_history["exclude_all"]: del rto_history["exclude_all"][view_layer] return {'FINISHED'} class RenumerateQCDSlots(Operator): bl_label = "Renumber QCD Slots" bl_description = ( "Renumber QCD slots.\n" " * LMB - Renumber (breadth first) from slot 1.\n" " * +Ctrl - Linear.\n" " * +Alt - Reset.\n" " * +Shift - Constrain to branch" ) bl_idname = "view3d.renumerate_qcd_slots" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): global qcd_slots modifiers = get_modifiers(event) beginning = False depth_first = False constrain = False if 'alt' in modifiers: beginning=True if 'ctrl' in modifiers: depth_first=True if 'shift' in modifiers: constrain=True qcd_slots.renumerate(beginning=beginning, depth_first=depth_first, constrain=constrain) update_property_group(context) return {'FINISHED'}