# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # Copyright 2011, Ryan Inch import bpy from bpy.types import ( Menu, Operator, Panel, UIList, ) from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, StringProperty, ) # For VARS from . import internals # For FUNCTIONS from .internals import ( update_collection_tree, update_property_group, generate_state, get_move_selection, get_move_active, update_qcd_header, ) from .qcd_operators import ( QCDAllBase, ) preview_collections = {} last_icon_theme_text = None last_icon_theme_text_sel = None class CollectionManager(Operator): '''Manage and control collections, with advanced features, in a popup UI''' bl_label = "Collection Manager" bl_idname = "view3d.collection_manager" last_view_layer = "" window_open = False master_collection: StringProperty( default='Scene Collection', name="", description="Scene Collection" ) def __init__(self): self.window_open = True def draw(self, context): cls = CollectionManager layout = self.layout cm = context.scene.collection_manager prefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences view_layer = context.view_layer if view_layer.name != cls.last_view_layer: if prefs.enable_qcd: bpy.app.timers.register(update_qcd_header) update_collection_tree(context) cls.last_view_layer = view_layer.name # title and view layer title_row = layout.split(factor=0.5) main = title_row.row() view = title_row.row(align=True) view.alignment = 'RIGHT' main.label(text="Collection Manager") view.prop(view_layer, "use", text="") view.separator() window = context.window scene = window.scene view.template_search( window, "view_layer", scene, "view_layers", new="scene.view_layer_add", unlink="scene.view_layer_remove") layout.row().separator() layout.row().separator() # buttons button_row_1 = layout.row() op_sec = button_row_1.row() op_sec.alignment = 'LEFT' collapse_sec = op_sec.row() collapse_sec.alignment = 'LEFT' collapse_sec.enabled = False if len(internals.expanded) > 0: text = "Collapse All Items" else: text = "Expand All Items" collapse_sec.operator("view3d.expand_all_items", text=text) for laycol in internals.collection_tree: if laycol["has_children"]: collapse_sec.enabled = True break if prefs.enable_qcd: renum_sec = op_sec.row() renum_sec.alignment = 'LEFT' renum_sec.operator("view3d.renumerate_qcd_slots") # menu & filter right_sec = button_row_1.row() right_sec.alignment = 'RIGHT' right_sec.menu("VIEW3D_MT_CM_specials_menu") right_sec.popover(panel="COLLECTIONMANAGER_PT_display_options", text="", icon='FILTER') mc_box = layout.box() master_collection_row = mc_box.row(align=True) # collection icon c_icon = master_collection_row.row() highlight = False if (context.view_layer.active_layer_collection == context.view_layer.layer_collection): highlight = True prop = c_icon.operator("view3d.set_active_collection", text='', icon='GROUP', depress=highlight) prop.is_master_collection = True prop.collection_name = 'Master Collection' master_collection_row.separator() # name name_row = master_collection_row.row() name_row.prop(self, "master_collection", text='') name_row.enabled = False master_collection_row.separator() # global rtos global_rto_row = master_collection_row.row() global_rto_row.alignment = 'RIGHT' row_setcol = global_rto_row.row() row_setcol.alignment = 'LEFT' row_setcol.operator_context = 'INVOKE_DEFAULT' selected_objects = get_move_selection() active_object = get_move_active() CM_UL_items.selected_objects = selected_objects CM_UL_items.active_object = active_object collection = context.view_layer.layer_collection.collection icon = 'MESH_CUBE' if selected_objects: if active_object and active_object.name in collection.objects: icon = 'SNAP_VOLUME' elif not selected_objects.isdisjoint(collection.objects): icon = 'STICKY_UVS_LOC' else: row_setcol.enabled = False prop = row_setcol.operator("view3d.set_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=False) prop.is_master_collection = True prop.collection_name = 'Master Collection' copy_icon = 'COPYDOWN' swap_icon = 'ARROW_LEFTRIGHT' copy_swap_icon = 'SELECT_INTERSECT' if cm.show_exclude: exclude_all_history = internals.rto_history["exclude_all"].get(view_layer.name, []) depress = True if len(exclude_all_history) else False icon = 'CHECKBOX_HLT' buffers = [False, False] if internals.copy_buffer["RTO"] == "exclude": icon = copy_icon buffers[0] = True if internals.swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "exclude": icon = swap_icon buffers[1] = True if buffers[0] and buffers[1]: icon = copy_swap_icon global_rto_row.operator("view3d.un_exclude_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress) if cm.show_selectable: select_all_history = internals.rto_history["select_all"].get(view_layer.name, []) depress = True if len(select_all_history) else False icon = 'RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF' buffers = [False, False] if internals.copy_buffer["RTO"] == "select": icon = copy_icon buffers[0] = True if internals.swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "select": icon = swap_icon buffers[1] = True if buffers[0] and buffers[1]: icon = copy_swap_icon global_rto_row.operator("view3d.un_restrict_select_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress) if cm.show_hide_viewport: hide_all_history = internals.rto_history["hide_all"].get(view_layer.name, []) depress = True if len(hide_all_history) else False icon = 'HIDE_OFF' buffers = [False, False] if internals.copy_buffer["RTO"] == "hide": icon = copy_icon buffers[0] = True if internals.swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "hide": icon = swap_icon buffers[1] = True if buffers[0] and buffers[1]: icon = copy_swap_icon global_rto_row.operator("view3d.un_hide_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress) if cm.show_disable_viewport: disable_all_history = internals.rto_history["disable_all"].get(view_layer.name, []) depress = True if len(disable_all_history) else False icon = 'RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF' buffers = [False, False] if internals.copy_buffer["RTO"] == "disable": icon = copy_icon buffers[0] = True if internals.swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "disable": icon = swap_icon buffers[1] = True if buffers[0] and buffers[1]: icon = copy_swap_icon global_rto_row.operator("view3d.un_disable_viewport_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress) if cm.show_render: render_all_history = internals.rto_history["render_all"].get(view_layer.name, []) depress = True if len(render_all_history) else False icon = 'RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF' buffers = [False, False] if internals.copy_buffer["RTO"] == "render": icon = copy_icon buffers[0] = True if internals.swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "render": icon = swap_icon buffers[1] = True if buffers[0] and buffers[1]: icon = copy_swap_icon global_rto_row.operator("view3d.un_disable_render_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress) if cm.show_holdout: holdout_all_history = internals.rto_history["holdout_all"].get(view_layer.name, []) depress = True if len(holdout_all_history) else False icon = 'HOLDOUT_ON' buffers = [False, False] if internals.copy_buffer["RTO"] == "holdout": icon = copy_icon buffers[0] = True if internals.swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "holdout": icon = swap_icon buffers[1] = True if buffers[0] and buffers[1]: icon = copy_swap_icon global_rto_row.operator("view3d.un_holdout_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress) if cm.show_indirect_only: indirect_all_history = internals.rto_history["indirect_all"].get(view_layer.name, []) depress = True if len(indirect_all_history) else False icon = 'INDIRECT_ONLY_ON' buffers = [False, False] if internals.copy_buffer["RTO"] == "indirect": icon = copy_icon buffers[0] = True if internals.swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "indirect": icon = swap_icon buffers[1] = True if buffers[0] and buffers[1]: icon = copy_swap_icon global_rto_row.operator("view3d.un_indirect_only_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress) # treeview layout.row().template_list("CM_UL_items", "", cm, "cm_list_collection", cm, "cm_list_index", rows=15, sort_lock=True) # add collections button_row_2 = layout.row() prop = button_row_2.operator("view3d.add_collection", text="Add Collection", icon='COLLECTION_NEW') prop.child = False prop = button_row_2.operator("view3d.add_collection", text="Add SubCollection", icon='COLLECTION_NEW') prop.child = True button_row_3 = layout.row() # phantom mode phantom_mode = button_row_3.row(align=True) toggle_text = "Disable " if cm.in_phantom_mode else "Enable " phantom_mode.operator("view3d.toggle_phantom_mode", text=toggle_text+"Phantom Mode") phantom_mode.operator("view3d.apply_phantom_mode", text="", icon='CHECKMARK') if cm.in_phantom_mode: view.enabled = False if prefs.enable_qcd: renum_sec.enabled = False c_icon.enabled = False row_setcol.enabled = False addcollec_row.enabled = False def execute(self, context): wm = context.window_manager update_property_group(context) cm = context.scene.collection_manager view_layer = context.view_layer self.view_layer = view_layer.name # make sure list index is valid if cm.cm_list_index >= len(cm.cm_list_collection): cm.cm_list_index = -1 # check if expanded & history/buffer state still correct if internals.collection_state: new_state = generate_state() if new_state["name"] != internals.collection_state["name"]: internals.copy_buffer["RTO"] = "" internals.copy_buffer["values"].clear() internals.swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = "" internals.swap_buffer["A"]["values"].clear() internals.swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = "" internals.swap_buffer["B"]["values"].clear() for name in list(internals.expanded): laycol = internals.layer_collections.get(name) if not laycol or not laycol["has_children"]: internals.expanded.remove(name) for name in list(internals.expand_history["history"]): laycol = internals.layer_collections.get(name) if not laycol or not laycol["has_children"]: internals.expand_history["history"].remove(name) for rto, history in internals.rto_history.items(): if view_layer.name in history: del history[view_layer.name] else: for rto in ["exclude", "select", "hide", "disable", "render", "holdout", "indirect"]: if new_state[rto] != internals.collection_state[rto]: if view_layer.name in internals.rto_history[rto]: del internals.rto_history[rto][view_layer.name] if view_layer.name in internals.rto_history[rto+"_all"]: del internals.rto_history[rto+"_all"][view_layer.name] # check if in phantom mode and if it's still viable if cm.in_phantom_mode: if internals.layer_collections.keys() != internals.phantom_history["initial_state"].keys(): cm.in_phantom_mode = False if view_layer.name != internals.phantom_history["view_layer"]: cm.in_phantom_mode = False if not cm.in_phantom_mode: for key, value in internals.phantom_history.items(): try: value.clear() except AttributeError: if key == "view_layer": internals.phantom_history["view_layer"] = "" # handle window sizing max_width = 960 min_width = 456 row_indent_width = 15 width_step = 21 qcd_width = 30 scrollbar_width = 21 width = min_width + row_indent_width + (width_step * internals.max_lvl) if bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.enable_qcd: width += qcd_width if len(internals.layer_collections) > 14: width += scrollbar_width if width > max_width: width = max_width return wm.invoke_popup(self, width=width) def __del__(self): if not self.window_open: # prevent destructor execution when changing templates return internals.collection_state.clear() internals.collection_state.update(generate_state()) class CM_UL_items(UIList): filtering = False last_filter_value = "" selected_objects = set() active_object = None visible_items = [] new_collections = [] filter_name: StringProperty( name="Filter By Name", default="", description="Filter collections by name", update=lambda self, context: CM_UL_items.new_collections.clear(), ) use_filter_invert: BoolProperty( name="Invert", default=False, description="Invert filtering (show hidden items, and vice-versa)", ) filter_by_selected: BoolProperty( name="Filter By Selected", default=False, description="Filter collections by selected items", update=lambda self, context: CM_UL_items.new_collections.clear(), ) filter_by_qcd: BoolProperty( name="Filter By QCD", default=False, description="Filter collections to only show QCD slots", update=lambda self, context: CM_UL_items.new_collections.clear(), ) def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data,active_propname, index): self.use_filter_show = True cm = context.scene.collection_manager prefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences view_layer = context.view_layer laycol = internals.layer_collections[item.name] collection = laycol["ptr"].collection selected_objects = CM_UL_items.selected_objects active_object = CM_UL_items.active_object column = layout.column(align=True) main_row = column.row() s1 = main_row.row(align=True) s1.alignment = 'LEFT' s2 = main_row.row(align=True) s2.alignment = 'RIGHT' row = s1 # allow room to select the row from the beginning row.separator() # indent child items if laycol["lvl"] > 0: for _ in range(laycol["lvl"]): row.label(icon='BLANK1') # add expander if collection has children to make UIList act like tree view if laycol["has_children"]: if laycol["expanded"]: highlight = True if internals.expand_history["target"] == item.name else False prop = row.operator("view3d.expand_sublevel", text="", icon='DISCLOSURE_TRI_DOWN', emboss=highlight, depress=highlight) prop.expand = False prop.name = item.name prop.index = index else: highlight = True if internals.expand_history["target"] == item.name else False prop = row.operator("view3d.expand_sublevel", text="", icon='DISCLOSURE_TRI_RIGHT', emboss=highlight, depress=highlight) prop.expand = True prop.name = item.name prop.index = index else: row.label(icon='BLANK1') # collection icon c_icon = row.row() highlight = False if (context.view_layer.active_layer_collection == laycol["ptr"]): highlight = True prop = c_icon.operator("view3d.set_active_collection", text='', icon='GROUP', emboss=highlight, depress=highlight) prop.is_master_collection = False prop.collection_name = item.name if prefs.enable_qcd: QCD = row.row() QCD.scale_x = 0.4 QCD.prop(item, "qcd_slot_idx", text="") c_name = row.row() #if rename[0] and index == cm.cm_list_index: #c_name.activate_init = True #rename[0] = False c_name.prop(item, "name", text="", expand=True) # used as a separator (actual separator not wide enough) row.label() row = s2 if cm.align_local_ops else s1 # add set_collection op set_obj_col = row.row() set_obj_col.operator_context = 'INVOKE_DEFAULT' icon = 'MESH_CUBE' if selected_objects: if active_object and active_object.name in collection.objects: icon = 'SNAP_VOLUME' elif not selected_objects.isdisjoint(collection.objects): icon = 'STICKY_UVS_LOC' else: set_obj_col.enabled = False prop = set_obj_col.operator("view3d.set_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=False) prop.is_master_collection = False prop.collection_name = item.name if cm.show_exclude: exclude_history_base = internals.rto_history["exclude"].get(view_layer.name, {}) exclude_target = exclude_history_base.get("target", "") exclude_history = exclude_history_base.get("history", []) highlight = bool(exclude_history and exclude_target == item.name) icon = 'CHECKBOX_DEHLT' if laycol["ptr"].exclude else 'CHECKBOX_HLT' prop = row.operator("view3d.exclude_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=highlight, depress=highlight) prop.name = item.name if cm.show_selectable: select_history_base = internals.rto_history["select"].get(view_layer.name, {}) select_target = select_history_base.get("target", "") select_history = select_history_base.get("history", []) highlight = bool(select_history and select_target == item.name) icon = ('RESTRICT_SELECT_ON' if laycol["ptr"].collection.hide_select else 'RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF') prop = row.operator("view3d.restrict_select_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=highlight, depress=highlight) prop.name = item.name if cm.show_hide_viewport: hide_history_base = internals.rto_history["hide"].get(view_layer.name, {}) hide_target = hide_history_base.get("target", "") hide_history = hide_history_base.get("history", []) highlight = bool(hide_history and hide_target == item.name) icon = 'HIDE_ON' if laycol["ptr"].hide_viewport else 'HIDE_OFF' prop = row.operator("view3d.hide_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=highlight, depress=highlight) prop.name = item.name if cm.show_disable_viewport: disable_history_base = internals.rto_history["disable"].get(view_layer.name, {}) disable_target = disable_history_base.get("target", "") disable_history = disable_history_base.get("history", []) highlight = bool(disable_history and disable_target == item.name) icon = ('RESTRICT_VIEW_ON' if laycol["ptr"].collection.hide_viewport else 'RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF') prop = row.operator("view3d.disable_viewport_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=highlight, depress=highlight) prop.name = item.name if cm.show_render: render_history_base = internals.rto_history["render"].get(view_layer.name, {}) render_target = render_history_base.get("target", "") render_history = render_history_base.get("history", []) highlight = bool(render_history and render_target == item.name) icon = ('RESTRICT_RENDER_ON' if laycol["ptr"].collection.hide_render else 'RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF') prop = row.operator("view3d.disable_render_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=highlight, depress=highlight) prop.name = item.name if cm.show_holdout: holdout_history_base = internals.rto_history["holdout"].get(view_layer.name, {}) holdout_target = holdout_history_base.get("target", "") holdout_history = holdout_history_base.get("history", []) highlight = bool(holdout_history and holdout_target == item.name) icon = ('HOLDOUT_ON' if laycol["ptr"].holdout else 'HOLDOUT_OFF') prop = row.operator("view3d.holdout_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=highlight, depress=highlight) prop.name = item.name if cm.show_indirect_only: indirect_history_base = internals.rto_history["indirect"].get(view_layer.name, {}) indirect_target = indirect_history_base.get("target", "") indirect_history = indirect_history_base.get("history", []) highlight = bool(indirect_history and indirect_target == item.name) icon = ('INDIRECT_ONLY_ON' if laycol["ptr"].indirect_only else 'INDIRECT_ONLY_OFF') prop = row.operator("view3d.indirect_only_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=highlight, depress=highlight) prop.name = item.name row = s2 row.separator() row.separator() rm_op = row.row() prop = rm_op.operator("view3d.remove_collection", text="", icon='X', emboss=False) prop.collection_name = item.name if len(data.cm_list_collection) > index + 1: line_separator = column.row(align=True) line_separator.ui_units_y = 0.01 line_separator.scale_y = 0.1 line_separator.enabled = False line_separator.separator() line_separator.label(icon='BLANK1') for _ in range(laycol["lvl"] + 1): line_separator.label(icon='BLANK1') line_separator.prop(cm, "ui_separator") if cm.in_phantom_mode: c_icon.enabled = False c_name.enabled = False set_obj_col.enabled = False rm_op.enabled = False if prefs.enable_qcd: QCD.enabled = False def draw_filter(self, context, layout): row = layout.row() subrow = row.row(align=True) subrow.prop(self, "filter_name", text="") icon = 'ZOOM_OUT' if self.use_filter_invert else 'ZOOM_IN' subrow.prop(self, "use_filter_invert", text="", icon=icon) subrow = row.row(align=True) subrow.prop(self, "filter_by_selected", text="", icon='SNAP_VOLUME') if context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.enable_qcd: subrow.prop(self, "filter_by_qcd", text="", icon='EVENT_Q') def filter_items(self, context, data, propname): CM_UL_items.filtering = False flt_flags = [] flt_neworder = [] list_items = getattr(data, propname) if self.filter_name: CM_UL_items.filtering = True new_flt_flags = filter_items_by_name_custom(self.filter_name, self.bitflag_filter_item, list_items) flt_flags = merge_flt_flags(flt_flags, new_flt_flags) if self.filter_by_selected: CM_UL_items.filtering = True new_flt_flags = [0] * len(list_items) for idx, item in enumerate(list_items): collection = internals.layer_collections[item.name]["ptr"].collection # check if any of the selected objects are in the collection if not set(context.selected_objects).isdisjoint(collection.objects): new_flt_flags[idx] = self.bitflag_filter_item # add in any recently created collections if item.name in CM_UL_items.new_collections: new_flt_flags[idx] = self.bitflag_filter_item flt_flags = merge_flt_flags(flt_flags, new_flt_flags) if self.filter_by_qcd: CM_UL_items.filtering = True new_flt_flags = [0] * len(list_items) for idx, item in enumerate(list_items): if item.qcd_slot_idx: new_flt_flags[idx] = self.bitflag_filter_item # add in any recently created collections if item.name in CM_UL_items.new_collections: new_flt_flags[idx] = self.bitflag_filter_item flt_flags = merge_flt_flags(flt_flags, new_flt_flags) if not CM_UL_items.filtering: # display as treeview CM_UL_items.new_collections.clear() flt_flags = [0] * len(list_items) for idx, item in enumerate(list_items): if internals.layer_collections[item.name]["visible"]: flt_flags[idx] = self.bitflag_filter_item if self.use_filter_invert: CM_UL_items.filtering = True # invert can act as pseudo filtering for idx, flag in enumerate(flt_flags): flt_flags[idx] = 0 if flag else self.bitflag_filter_item # update visible items list CM_UL_items.visible_items.clear() CM_UL_items.visible_items.extend(flt_flags) return flt_flags, flt_neworder def invoke(self, context, event): pass class CMDisplayOptionsPanel(Panel): bl_label = "Display Options" bl_idname = "COLLECTIONMANAGER_PT_display_options" # set space type to VIEW_3D and region type to HEADER # because we only need it in a popover in the 3D View # and don't want it always present in the UI/N-Panel bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'HEADER' def draw(self, context): cm = context.scene.collection_manager layout = self.layout panel_header = layout.row() panel_header.alignment = 'CENTER' panel_header.label(text="Display Options") layout.separator() section_header = layout.row() section_header.alignment = 'LEFT' section_header.label(text="Restriction Toggles") row = layout.row() row.prop(cm, "show_exclude", icon='CHECKBOX_HLT', icon_only=True) row.prop(cm, "show_selectable", icon='RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF', icon_only=True) row.prop(cm, "show_hide_viewport", icon='HIDE_OFF', icon_only=True) row.prop(cm, "show_disable_viewport", icon='RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF', icon_only=True) row.prop(cm, "show_render", icon='RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF', icon_only=True) row.prop(cm, "show_holdout", icon='HOLDOUT_ON', icon_only=True) row.prop(cm, "show_indirect_only", icon='INDIRECT_ONLY_ON', icon_only=True) layout.separator() section_header = layout.row() section_header.label(text="Layout") row = layout.row() row.prop(cm, "align_local_ops") class SpecialsMenu(Menu): bl_label = "Specials" bl_idname = "VIEW3D_MT_CM_specials_menu" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout prop = layout.operator("view3d.remove_empty_collections") prop.without_objects = False prop = layout.operator("view3d.remove_empty_collections", text="Purge All Collections Without Objects") prop.without_objects = True class EnableAllQCDSlotsMenu(Menu): bl_label = "Global QCD Slot Actions" bl_idname = "VIEW3D_MT_CM_qcd_enable_all_menu" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.operator("view3d.enable_all_qcd_slots") layout.operator("view3d.enable_all_qcd_slots_isolated") layout.separator() layout.operator("view3d.isolate_selected_objects_collections") if context.mode == 'OBJECT': layout.operator("view3d.disable_selected_objects_collections") layout.separator() layout.operator("view3d.disable_all_non_qcd_slots") layout.operator("view3d.disable_all_collections") if context.mode == 'OBJECT': layout.separator() layout.operator("view3d.select_all_qcd_objects") layout.separator() layout.operator("view3d.discard_qcd_history") def view3d_header_qcd_slots(self, context): update_collection_tree(context) view_layer = context.view_layer layout = self.layout idx = 1 if internals.qcd_collection_state: view_layer = context.view_layer new_state = generate_state(qcd=True) if (new_state["name"] != internals.qcd_collection_state["name"] or new_state["exclude"] != internals.qcd_collection_state["exclude"] or new_state["qcd"] != internals.qcd_collection_state["qcd"]): if view_layer.name in internals.qcd_history: del internals.qcd_history[view_layer.name] internals.qcd_collection_state.clear() QCDAllBase.clear() main_row = layout.row(align=True) current_qcd_history = internals.qcd_history.get(context.view_layer.name, []) main_row.operator_menu_hold("view3d.enable_all_qcd_slots_meta", text="", icon='HIDE_OFF', depress=bool(current_qcd_history), menu="VIEW3D_MT_CM_qcd_enable_all_menu") split = main_row.split() col = split.column(align=True) row = col.row(align=True) row.scale_y = 0.5 selected_objects = get_move_selection() active_object = get_move_active() for x in range(20): qcd_slot_name = internals.qcd_slots.get_name(str(x+1)) if qcd_slot_name: qcd_laycol = internals.layer_collections[qcd_slot_name]["ptr"] collection_objects = qcd_laycol.collection.objects icon_value = 0 # if the active object is in the current collection use a custom icon if (active_object and active_object in selected_objects and active_object.name in collection_objects): icon = 'LAYER_ACTIVE' # if there are selected objects use LAYER_ACTIVE elif not selected_objects.isdisjoint(collection_objects): icon = 'LAYER_USED' # If there are objects use LAYER_USED elif collection_objects: icon = 'NONE' active_icon = get_active_icon(context, qcd_laycol) icon_value = active_icon.icon_id else: icon = 'BLANK1' prop = row.operator("view3d.view_move_qcd_slot", text="", icon=icon, icon_value=icon_value, depress=not qcd_laycol.exclude) prop.slot = str(x+1) else: row.label(text="", icon='X') if idx%5==0: row.separator() if idx == 10: row = col.row(align=True) row.scale_y = 0.5 idx += 1 def view_layer_update(self, context): if context.view_layer.name != CollectionManager.last_view_layer: bpy.app.timers.register(update_qcd_header) CollectionManager.last_view_layer = context.view_layer.name def get_active_icon(context, qcd_laycol): global last_icon_theme_text global last_icon_theme_text_sel tool_theme = context.preferences.themes[0].user_interface.wcol_tool pcoll = preview_collections["icons"] if qcd_laycol.exclude: theme_color = tool_theme.text last_theme_color = last_icon_theme_text icon = pcoll["active_icon_text"] else: theme_color = tool_theme.text_sel last_theme_color = last_icon_theme_text_sel icon = pcoll["active_icon_text_sel"] if last_theme_color == None or theme_color.hsv != last_theme_color: update_icon(pcoll["active_icon_base"], icon, theme_color) if qcd_laycol.exclude: last_icon_theme_text = theme_color.hsv else: last_icon_theme_text_sel = theme_color.hsv return icon def update_icon(base, icon, theme_color): icon.icon_pixels = base.icon_pixels colored_icon = [] for offset in range(len(icon.icon_pixels)): idx = offset * 4 r = icon.icon_pixels_float[idx] g = icon.icon_pixels_float[idx+1] b = icon.icon_pixels_float[idx+2] a = icon.icon_pixels_float[idx+3] # add back some brightness and opacity blender takes away from the custom icon r = min(r+r*0.2,1) g = min(g+g*0.2,1) b = min(b+b*0.2,1) a = min(a+a*0.2,1) # make the icon follow the theme color (assuming the icon is white) r *= theme_color.r g *= theme_color.g b *= theme_color.b colored_icon.append(r) colored_icon.append(g) colored_icon.append(b) colored_icon.append(a) icon.icon_pixels_float = colored_icon def filter_items_by_name_custom(pattern, bitflag, items, propname="name", flags=None, reverse=False): """ Set FILTER_ITEM for items which name matches filter_name one (case-insensitive). pattern is the filtering pattern. propname is the name of the string property to use for filtering. flags must be a list of integers the same length as items, or None! return a list of flags (based on given flags if not None), or an empty list if no flags were given and no filtering has been done. """ import fnmatch if not pattern or not items: # Empty pattern or list = no filtering! return flags or [] if flags is None: flags = [0] * len(items) # Make pattern case-insensitive pattern = pattern.lower() # Implicitly add heading/trailing wildcards. pattern = "*" + pattern + "*" for i, item in enumerate(items): name = getattr(item, propname, None) # Make name case-insensitive name = name.lower() # This is similar to a logical xor if bool(name and fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern)) is not bool(reverse): flags[i] |= bitflag # add in any recently created collections if item.name in CM_UL_items.new_collections: flags[i] |= bitflag return flags def merge_flt_flags(l1, l2): for idx, _ in enumerate(l1): l1[idx] &= l2.pop(0) return l1 + l2