# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # Copyright 2011, Ryan Inch from bpy.types import ( Operator, Panel, UIList, ) from bpy.props import BoolProperty from .internals import ( collection_tree, expanded, get_max_lvl, layer_collections, update_collection_tree, update_property_group, ) from .operators import ( rto_history, phantom_history, ) class CollectionManager(Operator): bl_label = "Collection Manager" bl_idname = "view3d.collection_manager" last_view_layer = "" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scn = context.scene view_layer = context.view_layer.name if view_layer != self.last_view_layer: update_collection_tree(context) self.last_view_layer = view_layer title_row = layout.split(factor=0.5) main = title_row.row() view = title_row.row(align=True) view.alignment = 'RIGHT' main.label(text="Collection Manager") view.prop(context.view_layer, "use", text="") view.separator() window = context.window scene = window.scene view.template_search( window, "view_layer", scene, "view_layers", new="scene.view_layer_add", unlink="scene.view_layer_remove") layout.row().separator() layout.row().separator() filter_row = layout.row() filter_row.alignment = 'RIGHT' filter_row.popover(panel="COLLECTIONMANAGER_PT_restriction_toggles", text="", icon='FILTER') toggle_row = layout.split(factor=0.3) toggle_row.alignment = 'LEFT' sec1 = toggle_row.row() sec1.alignment = 'LEFT' sec1.enabled = False if len(expanded) > 0: text = "Collapse All Items" else: text = "Expand All Items" sec1.operator("view3d.expand_all_items", text=text) for laycol in collection_tree: if laycol["has_children"]: sec1.enabled = True break sec2 = toggle_row.row() sec2.alignment = 'RIGHT' if scn.show_exclude: exclude_all_history = rto_history["exclude_all"].get(view_layer, []) depress = True if len(exclude_all_history) else False sec2.operator("view3d.un_exclude_all_collections", text="", icon='CHECKBOX_HLT', depress=depress) if scn.show_selectable: select_all_history = rto_history["select_all"].get(view_layer, []) depress = True if len(select_all_history) else False sec2.operator("view3d.un_restrict_select_all_collections", text="", icon='RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF', depress=depress) if scn.show_hideviewport: hide_all_history = rto_history["hide_all"].get(view_layer, []) depress = True if len(hide_all_history) else False sec2.operator("view3d.un_hide_all_collections", text="", icon='HIDE_OFF', depress=depress) if scn.show_disableviewport: disable_all_history = rto_history["disable_all"].get(view_layer, []) depress = True if len(disable_all_history) else False sec2.operator("view3d.un_disable_viewport_all_collections", text="", icon='RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF', depress=depress) if scn.show_render: render_all_history = rto_history["render_all"].get(view_layer, []) depress = True if len(render_all_history) else False sec2.operator("view3d.un_disable_render_all_collections", text="", icon='RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF', depress=depress) layout.row().template_list("CM_UL_items", "", context.scene, "CMListCollection", context.scene, "CMListIndex", rows=15, sort_lock=True) addcollec_row = layout.row() addcollec_row.operator("view3d.add_collection", text="Add Collection", icon='COLLECTION_NEW').child = False addcollec_row.operator("view3d.add_collection", text="Add SubCollection", icon='COLLECTION_NEW').child = True phantom_row = layout.row() toggle_text = "Disable " if scn.CM_Phantom_Mode else "Enable " phantom_row.operator("view3d.toggle_phantom_mode", text=toggle_text+"Phantom Mode") if scn.CM_Phantom_Mode: view.enabled = False addcollec_row.enabled = False def execute(self, context): wm = context.window_manager lvl = 0 #expanded.clear() #excludeall_history.clear() #restrictselectall_history.clear() #hideall_history.clear() #disableviewall_history.clear() #disablerenderall_history.clear() update_property_group(context) lvl = get_max_lvl() if lvl > 25: lvl = 25 self.view_layer = context.view_layer.name # sync selection in ui list with active layer collection try: active_laycol_name = context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.name active_laycol_row_index = layer_collections[active_laycol_name]["row_index"] context.scene.CMListIndex = active_laycol_row_index except: context.scene.CMListIndex = 0 if context.scene.CM_Phantom_Mode: if set(layer_collections.keys()) != set(phantom_history["initial_state"].keys()): context.scene.CM_Phantom_Mode = False if context.view_layer.name != phantom_history["view_layer"]: context.scene.CM_Phantom_Mode = False return wm.invoke_popup(self, width=(400+(lvl*20))) def update_selection(self, context): selected_item = context.scene.CMListCollection[context.scene.CMListIndex] layer_collection = layer_collections[selected_item.name]["ptr"] context.view_layer.active_layer_collection = layer_collection def filter_items_by_name_insensitive(pattern, bitflag, items, propname="name", flags=None, reverse=False): """ Set FILTER_ITEM for items which name matches filter_name one (case-insensitive). pattern is the filtering pattern. propname is the name of the string property to use for filtering. flags must be a list of integers the same length as items, or None! return a list of flags (based on given flags if not None), or an empty list if no flags were given and no filtering has been done. """ import fnmatch if not pattern or not items: # Empty pattern or list = no filtering! return flags or [] if flags is None: flags = [0] * len(items) # Make pattern case-insensitive pattern = pattern.lower() # Implicitly add heading/trailing wildcards. pattern = "*" + pattern + "*" for i, item in enumerate(items): name = getattr(item, propname, None) # Make name case-insensitive name = name.lower() # This is similar to a logical xor if bool(name and fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern)) is not bool(reverse): flags[i] |= bitflag return flags class CM_UL_items(UIList): last_filter_value = "" filter_by_selected: BoolProperty( name="Filter By Selected", default=False, description="Filter collections by selected items" ) def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data,active_propname, index): self.use_filter_show = True scn = context.scene view_layer = context.view_layer.name laycol = layer_collections[item.name] collection = laycol["ptr"].collection split = layout.split(factor=0.96) row = split.row(align=True) row.alignment = 'LEFT' # indent child items if laycol["lvl"] > 0: for _ in range(laycol["lvl"]): row.label(icon='BLANK1') # add expander if collection has children to make UIList act like tree view if laycol["has_children"]: if laycol["expanded"]: prop = row.operator("view3d.expand_sublevel", text="", icon='DISCLOSURE_TRI_DOWN', emboss=False) prop.expand = False prop.name = item.name prop.index = index else: prop = row.operator("view3d.expand_sublevel", text="", icon='DISCLOSURE_TRI_RIGHT', emboss=False) prop.expand = True prop.name = item.name prop.index = index else: row.label(icon='BLANK1') row.label(icon='GROUP') name_row = row.row() #if rename[0] and index == scn.CMListIndex: #name_row.activate_init = True #rename[0] = False name_row.prop(item, "name", text="", expand=True) # used as a separator (actual separator not wide enough) row.label() # add set_collection op row_setcol = row.row() row_setcol.operator_context = 'INVOKE_DEFAULT' icon = 'MESH_CUBE' if len(context.selected_objects) > 0 and context.active_object: if context.active_object.name in collection.objects: icon = 'SNAP_VOLUME' else: row_setcol.enabled = False prop = row_setcol.operator("view3d.set_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=False) prop.collection_index = laycol["id"] prop.collection_name = item.name if scn.show_exclude: exclude_history_base = rto_history["exclude"].get(view_layer, {}) exclude_target = exclude_history_base.get("target", "") exclude_history = exclude_history_base.get("history", []) depress = True if len(exclude_history) and exclude_target == item.name else False emboss = True if len(exclude_history) and exclude_target == item.name else False icon = 'CHECKBOX_DEHLT' if laycol["ptr"].exclude else 'CHECKBOX_HLT' row.operator("view3d.exclude_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=emboss, depress=depress).name = item.name if scn.show_selectable: select_history_base = rto_history["select"].get(view_layer, {}) select_target = select_history_base.get("target", "") select_history = select_history_base.get("history", []) depress = True if len(select_history) and select_target == item.name else False emboss = True if len(select_history) and select_target == item.name else False icon = 'RESTRICT_SELECT_ON' if laycol["ptr"].collection.hide_select else 'RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF' row.operator("view3d.restrict_select_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=emboss, depress=depress).name = item.name if scn.show_hideviewport: hide_history_base = rto_history["hide"].get(view_layer, {}) hide_target = hide_history_base.get("target", "") hide_history = hide_history_base.get("history", []) depress = True if len(hide_history) and hide_target == item.name else False emboss = True if len(hide_history) and hide_target == item.name else False icon = 'HIDE_ON' if laycol["ptr"].hide_viewport else 'HIDE_OFF' row.operator("view3d.hide_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=emboss, depress=depress).name = item.name if scn.show_disableviewport: disable_history_base = rto_history["disable"].get(view_layer, {}) disable_target = disable_history_base.get("target", "") disable_history = disable_history_base.get("history", []) depress = True if len(disable_history) and disable_target == item.name else False emboss = True if len(disable_history) and disable_target == item.name else False icon = 'RESTRICT_VIEW_ON' if laycol["ptr"].collection.hide_viewport else 'RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF' row.operator("view3d.disable_viewport_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=emboss, depress=depress).name = item.name if scn.show_render: render_history_base = rto_history["render"].get(view_layer, {}) render_target = render_history_base.get("target", "") render_history = render_history_base.get("history", []) depress = True if len(render_history) and render_target == item.name else False emboss = True if len(render_history) and render_target == item.name else False icon = 'RESTRICT_RENDER_ON' if laycol["ptr"].collection.hide_render else 'RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF' row.operator("view3d.disable_render_collection", text="", icon=icon, emboss=emboss, depress=depress).name = item.name rm_op = split.row() rm_op.alignment = 'RIGHT' rm_op.operator("view3d.remove_collection", text="", icon='X', emboss=False).collection_name = item.name if scn.CM_Phantom_Mode: name_row.enabled = False row_setcol.enabled = False rm_op.enabled = False def draw_filter(self, context, layout): row = layout.row() subrow = row.row(align=True) subrow.prop(self, "filter_name", text="") icon = 'ZOOM_OUT' if self.use_filter_invert else 'ZOOM_IN' subrow.prop(self, "use_filter_invert", text="", icon=icon) subrow = row.row(align=True) subrow.prop(self, "filter_by_selected", text="", icon='SNAP_VOLUME') def filter_items(self, context, data, propname): flt_flags = [] flt_neworder = [] list_items = getattr(data, propname) if self.filter_name: flt_flags = filter_items_by_name_insensitive(self.filter_name, self.bitflag_filter_item, list_items) elif self.filter_by_selected: flt_flags = [0] * len(list_items) for idx, item in enumerate(list_items): collection = layer_collections[item.name]["ptr"].collection # check if any of the selected objects are in the collection if not set(context.selected_objects).isdisjoint(collection.objects): flt_flags[idx] |= self.bitflag_filter_item else: # display as treeview flt_flags = [self.bitflag_filter_item] * len(list_items) for idx, item in enumerate(list_items): if not layer_collections[item.name]["visible"]: flt_flags[idx] = 0 return flt_flags, flt_neworder def invoke(self, context, event): pass class CMRestrictionTogglesPanel(Panel): bl_label = "Restriction Toggles" bl_idname = "COLLECTIONMANAGER_PT_restriction_toggles" bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'HEADER' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout row = layout.row() row.prop(context.scene, "show_exclude", icon='CHECKBOX_HLT', icon_only=True) row.prop(context.scene, "show_selectable", icon='RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF', icon_only=True) row.prop(context.scene, "show_hideviewport", icon='HIDE_OFF', icon_only=True) row.prop(context.scene, "show_disableviewport", icon='RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF', icon_only=True) row.prop(context.scene, "show_render", icon='RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF', icon_only=True)