# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # All Operator import math import bpy from bpy.types import Operator from bpy.props import ( IntProperty, FloatProperty, ) import bmesh from . import ( mesh_helpers, report, ) def clean_float(text): # strip trailing zeros: 0.000 -> 0.0 index = text.rfind(".") if index != -1: index += 2 head, tail = text[:index], text[index:] tail = tail.rstrip("0") text = head + tail return text # --------- # Mesh Info class MESH_OT_print3d_info_volume(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_info_volume" bl_label = "3D-Print Info Volume" bl_description = "Report the volume of the active mesh" def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene unit = scene.unit_settings scale = 1.0 if unit.system == 'NONE' else unit.scale_length obj = context.active_object bm = mesh_helpers.bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, apply_modifiers=True) volume = bm.calc_volume() bm.free() if unit.system == 'METRIC': volume_cm = volume * (scale ** 3.0) / (0.01 ** 3.0) volume_fmt = "{} cm".format(clean_float(f"{volume_cm:.4f}")) elif unit.system == 'IMPERIAL': volume_inch = volume * (scale ** 3.0) / (0.0254 ** 3.0) volume_fmt = '{} "'.format(clean_float(f"{volume_inch:.4f}")) else: volume_fmt = clean_float(f"{volume:.8f}") report.update((f"Volume: {volume_fmt}³", None)) return {'FINISHED'} class MESH_OT_print3d_info_area(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_info_area" bl_label = "3D-Print Info Area" bl_description = "Report the surface area of the active mesh" def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene unit = scene.unit_settings scale = 1.0 if unit.system == 'NONE' else unit.scale_length obj = context.active_object bm = mesh_helpers.bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, apply_modifiers=True) area = mesh_helpers.bmesh_calc_area(bm) bm.free() if unit.system == 'METRIC': area_cm = area * (scale ** 2.0) / (0.01 ** 2.0) area_fmt = "{} cm".format(clean_float(f"{area_cm:.4f}")) elif unit.system == 'IMPERIAL': area_inch = area * (scale ** 2.0) / (0.0254 ** 2.0) area_fmt = '{} "'.format(clean_float(f"{area_inch:.4f}")) else: area_fmt = clean_float(f"{area:.8f}") report.update((f"Area: {area_fmt}²", None)) return {'FINISHED'} # --------------- # Geometry Checks def execute_check(self, context): obj = context.active_object info = [] self.main_check(obj, info) report.update(*info) multiple_obj_warning(self, context) return {'FINISHED'} def multiple_obj_warning(self, context): if len(context.selected_objects) > 1: self.report({"INFO"}, "Multiple selected objects. Only the active one will be evaluated") class MESH_OT_print3d_check_solid(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_check_solid" bl_label = "3D-Print Check Solid" bl_description = "Check for geometry is solid (has valid inside/outside) and correct normals" @staticmethod def main_check(obj, info): import array bm = mesh_helpers.bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, transform=False, triangulate=False) edges_non_manifold = array.array('i', (i for i, ele in enumerate(bm.edges) if not ele.is_manifold)) edges_non_contig = array.array( 'i', (i for i, ele in enumerate(bm.edges) if ele.is_manifold and (not ele.is_contiguous)), ) info.append((f"Non Manifold Edge: {len(edges_non_manifold)}", (bmesh.types.BMEdge, edges_non_manifold))) info.append((f"Bad Contig. Edges: {len(edges_non_contig)}", (bmesh.types.BMEdge, edges_non_contig))) bm.free() def execute(self, context): return execute_check(self, context) class MESH_OT_print3d_check_intersections(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_check_intersect" bl_label = "3D-Print Check Intersections" bl_description = "Check geometry for self intersections" @staticmethod def main_check(obj, info): faces_intersect = mesh_helpers.bmesh_check_self_intersect_object(obj) info.append((f"Intersect Face: {len(faces_intersect)}", (bmesh.types.BMFace, faces_intersect))) def execute(self, context): return execute_check(self, context) class MESH_OT_print3d_check_degenerate(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_check_degenerate" bl_label = "3D-Print Check Degenerate" bl_description = ( "Check for degenerate geometry that may not print properly " "(zero area faces, zero length edges)" ) @staticmethod def main_check(obj, info): import array scene = bpy.context.scene print_3d = scene.print_3d threshold = print_3d.threshold_zero bm = mesh_helpers.bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, transform=False, triangulate=False) faces_zero = array.array('i', (i for i, ele in enumerate(bm.faces) if ele.calc_area() <= threshold)) edges_zero = array.array('i', (i for i, ele in enumerate(bm.edges) if ele.calc_length() <= threshold)) info.append((f"Zero Faces: {len(faces_zero)}", (bmesh.types.BMFace, faces_zero))) info.append((f"Zero Edges: {len(edges_zero)}", (bmesh.types.BMEdge, edges_zero))) bm.free() def execute(self, context): return execute_check(self, context) class MESH_OT_print3d_check_distorted(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_check_distort" bl_label = "3D-Print Check Distorted Faces" bl_description = "Check for non-flat faces" @staticmethod def main_check(obj, info): import array scene = bpy.context.scene print_3d = scene.print_3d angle_distort = print_3d.angle_distort bm = mesh_helpers.bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, transform=True, triangulate=False) bm.normal_update() faces_distort = array.array( 'i', (i for i, ele in enumerate(bm.faces) if mesh_helpers.face_is_distorted(ele, angle_distort)) ) info.append((f"Non-Flat Faces: {len(faces_distort)}", (bmesh.types.BMFace, faces_distort))) bm.free() def execute(self, context): return execute_check(self, context) class MESH_OT_print3d_check_thick(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_check_thick" bl_label = "3D-Print Check Thickness" bl_description = ( "Check geometry is above the minimum thickness preference " "(relies on correct normals)" ) @staticmethod def main_check(obj, info): scene = bpy.context.scene print_3d = scene.print_3d faces_error = mesh_helpers.bmesh_check_thick_object(obj, print_3d.thickness_min) info.append((f"Thin Faces: {len(faces_error)}", (bmesh.types.BMFace, faces_error))) def execute(self, context): return execute_check(self, context) class MESH_OT_print3d_check_sharp(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_check_sharp" bl_label = "3D-Print Check Sharp" bl_description = "Check edges are below the sharpness preference" @staticmethod def main_check(obj, info): scene = bpy.context.scene print_3d = scene.print_3d angle_sharp = print_3d.angle_sharp bm = mesh_helpers.bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, transform=True, triangulate=False) bm.normal_update() edges_sharp = [ ele.index for ele in bm.edges if ele.is_manifold and ele.calc_face_angle_signed() > angle_sharp ] info.append((f"Sharp Edge: {len(edges_sharp)}", (bmesh.types.BMEdge, edges_sharp))) bm.free() def execute(self, context): return execute_check(self, context) class MESH_OT_print3d_check_overhang(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_check_overhang" bl_label = "3D-Print Check Overhang" bl_description = "Check faces don't overhang past a certain angle" @staticmethod def main_check(obj, info): from mathutils import Vector scene = bpy.context.scene print_3d = scene.print_3d angle_overhang = (math.pi / 2.0) - print_3d.angle_overhang if angle_overhang == math.pi: info.append(("Skipping Overhang", ())) return bm = mesh_helpers.bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, transform=True, triangulate=False) bm.normal_update() z_down = Vector((0, 0, -1.0)) z_down_angle = z_down.angle # 4.0 ignores zero area faces faces_overhang = [ ele.index for ele in bm.faces if z_down_angle(ele.normal, 4.0) < angle_overhang ] info.append((f"Overhang Face: {len(faces_overhang)}", (bmesh.types.BMFace, faces_overhang))) bm.free() def execute(self, context): return execute_check(self, context) class MESH_OT_print3d_check_all(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_check_all" bl_label = "3D-Print Check All" bl_description = "Run all checks" check_cls = ( MESH_OT_print3d_check_solid, MESH_OT_print3d_check_intersections, MESH_OT_print3d_check_degenerate, MESH_OT_print3d_check_distorted, MESH_OT_print3d_check_thick, MESH_OT_print3d_check_sharp, MESH_OT_print3d_check_overhang, ) def execute(self, context): obj = context.active_object info = [] for cls in self.check_cls: cls.main_check(obj, info) report.update(*info) multiple_obj_warning(self, context) return {'FINISHED'} class MESH_OT_print3d_clean_distorted(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_clean_distorted" bl_label = "3D-Print Clean Distorted" bl_description = "Tessellate distorted faces" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} angle: FloatProperty( name="Angle", description="Limit for checking distorted faces", subtype='ANGLE', default=math.radians(45.0), min=0.0, max=math.radians(180.0), ) def execute(self, context): obj = context.active_object bm = mesh_helpers.bmesh_from_object(obj) bm.normal_update() elems_triangulate = [ele for ele in bm.faces if mesh_helpers.face_is_distorted(ele, self.angle)] if elems_triangulate: bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=elems_triangulate) mesh_helpers.bmesh_to_object(obj, bm) self.report({'INFO'}, f"Triangulated {len(elems_triangulate)} faces") return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): print_3d = context.scene.print_3d self.angle = print_3d.angle_distort return self.execute(context) class MESH_OT_print3d_clean_non_manifold(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_clean_non_manifold" bl_label = "3D-Print Clean Non-Manifold" bl_description = "Cleanup problems, like holes, non-manifold vertices and inverted normals" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} threshold: FloatProperty( name="Merge Distance", description="Minimum distance between elements to merge", default=0.0001, ) sides: IntProperty( name="Sides", description="Number of sides in hole required to fill (zero fills all holes)", default=0, ) def execute(self, context): self.context = context mode_orig = context.mode self.setup_environment() bm_key_orig = self.elem_count(context) self.delete_loose() self.delete_interior() self.remove_doubles(self.threshold) self.dissolve_degenerate(self.threshold) self.fix_non_manifold(context, self.sides) # may take a while self.make_normals_consistently_outwards() bm_key = self.elem_count(context) if mode_orig != 'EDIT_MESH': bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') verts = bm_key[0] - bm_key_orig[0] edges = bm_key[1] - bm_key_orig[1] faces = bm_key[2] - bm_key_orig[2] self.report({'INFO'}, f"Modified: {verts:+} vertices, {edges:+} edges, {faces:+} faces") return {'FINISHED'} @staticmethod def elem_count(context): bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(context.edit_object.data) return len(bm.verts), len(bm.edges), len(bm.faces) @staticmethod def setup_environment(): """set the mode as edit, select mode as vertices, and reveal hidden vertices""" bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type='VERT') bpy.ops.mesh.reveal() @staticmethod def remove_doubles(threshold): """remove duplicate vertices""" bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles(threshold=threshold) @staticmethod def delete_loose(): """delete loose vertices/edges/faces""" bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.delete_loose(use_verts=True, use_edges=True, use_faces=True) @staticmethod def delete_interior(): """delete interior faces""" bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_interior_faces() bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='FACE') @staticmethod def dissolve_degenerate(threshold): """dissolve zero area faces and zero length edges""" bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.dissolve_degenerate(threshold=threshold) @staticmethod def make_normals_consistently_outwards(): """have all normals face outwards""" bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.normals_make_consistent() @classmethod def fix_non_manifold(cls, context, sides): """naive iterate-until-no-more approach for fixing manifolds""" total_non_manifold = cls.count_non_manifold_verts(context) if not total_non_manifold: return bm_states = set() bm_key = cls.elem_count(context) bm_states.add(bm_key) while True: cls.fill_non_manifold(sides) cls.delete_newly_generated_non_manifold_verts() bm_key = cls.elem_count(context) if bm_key in bm_states: break else: bm_states.add(bm_key) @staticmethod def select_non_manifold_verts( use_wire=False, use_boundary=False, use_multi_face=False, use_non_contiguous=False, use_verts=False, ): """select non-manifold vertices""" bpy.ops.mesh.select_non_manifold( extend=False, use_wire=use_wire, use_boundary=use_boundary, use_multi_face=use_multi_face, use_non_contiguous=use_non_contiguous, use_verts=use_verts, ) @classmethod def count_non_manifold_verts(cls, context): """return a set of coordinates of non-manifold vertices""" cls.select_non_manifold_verts(use_wire=True, use_boundary=True, use_verts=True) bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(context.edit_object.data) return sum((1 for v in bm.verts if v.select)) @classmethod def fill_non_manifold(cls, sides): """fill in any remnant non-manifolds""" bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.fill_holes(sides=sides) @classmethod def delete_newly_generated_non_manifold_verts(cls): """delete any newly generated vertices from the filling repair""" cls.select_non_manifold_verts(use_wire=True, use_verts=True) bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='VERT') class MESH_OT_print3d_clean_thin(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_clean_thin" bl_label = "3D-Print Clean Thin" bl_description = "Ensure minimum thickness" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): # TODO return {'FINISHED'} # ------------- # Select Report # ... helper function for info UI class MESH_OT_print3d_select_report(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_select_report" bl_label = "3D-Print Select Report" bl_description = "Select the data associated with this report" bl_options = {'INTERNAL'} index: IntProperty() _type_to_mode = { bmesh.types.BMVert: 'VERT', bmesh.types.BMEdge: 'EDGE', bmesh.types.BMFace: 'FACE', } _type_to_attr = { bmesh.types.BMVert: "verts", bmesh.types.BMEdge: "edges", bmesh.types.BMFace: "faces", } def execute(self, context): obj = context.edit_object info = report.info() text, data = info[self.index] bm_type, bm_array = data bpy.ops.mesh.reveal() bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type=self._type_to_mode[bm_type]) bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) elems = getattr(bm, MESH_OT_print3d_select_report._type_to_attr[bm_type])[:] try: for i in bm_array: elems[i].select_set(True) except: # possible arrays are out of sync self.report({'WARNING'}, "Report is out of date, re-run check") return {'FINISHED'} # ----------- # Scale to... def _scale(scale, report=None, report_suffix=""): if scale != 1.0: bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(scale,) * 3) if report is not None: scale_fmt = clean_float(f"{scale:.6f}") report({'INFO'}, f"Scaled by {scale_fmt}{report_suffix}") class MESH_OT_print3d_scale_to_volume(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_scale_to_volume" bl_label = "Scale to Volume" bl_description = "Scale edit-mesh or selected-objects to a set volume" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} volume_init: FloatProperty( options={'HIDDEN'}, ) volume: FloatProperty( name="Volume", unit='VOLUME', min=0.0, max=100000.0, ) def execute(self, context): scale = math.pow(self.volume, 1 / 3) / math.pow(self.volume_init, 1 / 3) scale_fmt = clean_float(f"{scale:.6f}") self.report({'INFO'}, f"Scaled by {scale_fmt}") _scale(scale, self.report) return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): def calc_volume(obj): bm = mesh_helpers.bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, apply_modifiers=True) volume = bm.calc_volume(signed=True) bm.free() return volume if context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH': volume = calc_volume(context.edit_object) else: volume = sum(calc_volume(obj) for obj in context.selected_editable_objects if obj.type == 'MESH') if volume == 0.0: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Object has zero volume") return {'CANCELLED'} self.volume_init = self.volume = abs(volume) wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self) class MESH_OT_print3d_scale_to_bounds(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_scale_to_bounds" bl_label = "Scale to Bounds" bl_description = "Scale edit-mesh or selected-objects to fit within a maximum length" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} length_init: FloatProperty( options={'HIDDEN'}, ) axis_init: IntProperty( options={'HIDDEN'}, ) length: FloatProperty( name="Length Limit", unit='LENGTH', min=0.0, max=100000.0, ) def execute(self, context): scale = self.length / self.length_init axis = "XYZ"[self.axis_init] _scale(scale, report=self.report, report_suffix=f", Clamping {axis}-Axis") return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): from mathutils import Vector def calc_length(vecs): return max(((max(v[i] for v in vecs) - min(v[i] for v in vecs)), i) for i in range(3)) if context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH': length, axis = calc_length( [Vector(v) @ obj.matrix_world for obj in [context.edit_object] for v in obj.bound_box] ) else: length, axis = calc_length( [ Vector(v) @ obj.matrix_world for obj in context.selected_editable_objects if obj.type == 'MESH' for v in obj.bound_box ] ) if length == 0.0: self.report({'WARNING'}, "Object has zero bounds") return {'CANCELLED'} self.length_init = self.length = length self.axis_init = axis wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self) # ------ # Export class MESH_OT_print3d_export(Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.print3d_export" bl_label = "3D-Print Export" bl_description = "Export selected objects using 3D-Print settings" def execute(self, context): from . import export ret = export.write_mesh(context, self.report) if ret: return {'FINISHED'} return {'CANCELLED'}