# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy import os from bpy.types import Operator from bpy.props import BoolProperty from bpy_extras.object_utils import world_to_camera_view # ------------------------ SEARCH AND SELECT ------------------------ class SearchAndSelectOt(bpy.types.Operator): """Search and select objects, by name.""" bl_idname = "object.search_and_select_osc" bl_label = "Search And Select" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} start = BoolProperty(name="Start With", default=True) count = BoolProperty(name="Contain", default=True) end = BoolProperty(name="End", default=True) def execute(self, context): for objeto in bpy.context.scene.objects: variableNombre = bpy.context.scene.SearchAndSelectOt if self.start: if objeto.name.startswith(variableNombre): objeto.select = True if self.count: if objeto.name.count(variableNombre): objeto.select = True if self.end: if objeto.name.count(variableNombre): objeto.select = True return {'FINISHED'} # -------------------------RENAME OBJECTS---------------------------------- # CREO VARIABLE bpy.types.Scene.RenameObjectOt = bpy.props.StringProperty(default="Type here") class renameObjectsOt (Operator): """Batch rename objects, supports selection order.""" bl_idname = "object.rename_objects_osc" bl_label = "Rename Objects" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} def execute(self, context): i = 0 listaObj = bpy.selection_osc for objeto in listaObj: objeto.name = "%s_%04d" % (bpy.context.scene.RenameObjectOt, i) i += 1 return {'FINISHED'} # ---------------------------REMOVE MODIFIERS Y APPLY MODIFIERS----------- class oscRemModifiers (Operator): """Removes all modifiers in the selected objects.""" bl_idname = "object.modifiers_remove_osc" bl_label = "Remove modifiers" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} def execute(self, context): for objeto in bpy.context.selected_objects: for modificador in objeto.modifiers: print(modificador.type) bpy.context.scene.objects.active = objeto bpy.ops.object.modifier_remove(modifier=modificador.name) return {'FINISHED'} class oscApplyModifiers (Operator): """Applys all the modifiers in the selected objects.(This does not work in objects with shapekeys).""" bl_idname = "object.modifiers_apply_osc" bl_label = "Apply modifiers" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} def execute(self, context): for objeto in bpy.context.selected_objects: bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.context.scene.objects.active = objeto objeto.select = True if objeto.data.users >= 2: bpy.ops.object.make_single_user( type='SELECTED_OBJECTS', object=True, obdata=True, material=False, texture=False, animation=False) for modificador in objeto.modifiers: try: bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply( apply_as="DATA", modifier=modificador.name) except: bpy.ops.object.modifier_remove(modifier=modificador.name) print("* Modifier %s skipping apply" % (modificador.name)) return {'FINISHED'} # ------------------------------------ RELINK OBJECTS--------------------- def relinkObjects(self): LISTSCENE = [] if bpy.selection_osc: for SCENE in bpy.data.scenes[:]: if SCENE.objects: if bpy.selection_osc[-1] in SCENE.objects[:]: LISTSCENE.append(SCENE) if LISTSCENE: OBJECTS = bpy.selection_osc[:-1] ACTOBJ = bpy.selection_osc[-1] OBJSEL = bpy.selection_osc[:] LISTSCENE.remove(bpy.context.scene) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') for OBJETO in OBJECTS: if OBJETO.users != len(bpy.data.scenes): print(OBJETO.name) OBJETO.select = True for SCENE in LISTSCENE: bpy.ops.object.make_links_scene(scene=SCENE.name) bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ACTOBJ for OBJ in OBJSEL: OBJ.select = True else: self.report({'INFO'}, message="Scenes are empty") class OscRelinkObjectsBetween (Operator): """Copies from the selected object the scenes where this is. Its similar to "Objects to Scene".""" bl_idname = "object.relink_objects_between_scenes" bl_label = "Relink Objects Between Scenes" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} def execute(self, context): relinkObjects(self) return {'FINISHED'} # ------------------------------------ COPY GROUPS AND LAYERS------------- def CopyObjectGroupsAndLayers(self): OBSEL = bpy.selection_osc[:] if OBSEL: GLOBALLAYERS = list(OBSEL[-1].layers[:]) ACTSCENE = bpy.context.scene GROUPS = OBSEL[-1].users_group ACTOBJ = OBSEL[-1] for OBJECT in OBSEL[:-1]: for scene in bpy.data.scenes[:]: # SI EL OBJETO ACTIVO ESTA EN LA ESCENA if ACTOBJ in scene.objects[:] and OBJECT in scene.objects[:]: scene.object_bases[ OBJECT.name].layers[ :] = scene.object_bases[ ACTOBJ.name].layers[ :] elif ACTOBJ not in scene.objects[:] and OBJECT in scene.objects[:]: scene.object_bases[OBJECT.name].layers[:] = list(GLOBALLAYERS) # REMUEVO DE TODO GRUPO for GROUP in bpy.data.groups[:]: if GROUP in OBJECT.users_group[:]: GROUP.objects.unlink(OBJECT) # INCLUYO OBJETO EN GRUPOS for GROUP in GROUPS: GROUP.objects.link(OBJECT) bpy.context.window.screen.scene = ACTSCENE bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ACTOBJ class OscCopyObjectGAL (Operator): """Copies to scenes the layers setup in the active scene of the selected object.""" bl_idname = "object.copy_objects_groups_layers" bl_label = "Copy Groups And Layers" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} def execute(self, context): CopyObjectGroupsAndLayers(self) return {'FINISHED'} # ------------------------------------ SELECTION ------------------------- bpy.selection_osc = [] def select_osc(): if bpy.context.mode == "OBJECT": obj = bpy.context.object sel = len(bpy.context.selected_objects) if sel == 0: bpy.selection_osc = [] else: if sel == 1: bpy.selection_osc = [] bpy.selection_osc.append(obj) elif sel > len(bpy.selection_osc): for sobj in bpy.context.selected_objects: if (sobj in bpy.selection_osc) is False: bpy.selection_osc.append(sobj) elif sel < len(bpy.selection_osc): for it in bpy.selection_osc: if (it in bpy.context.selected_objects) is False: bpy.selection_osc.remove(it) class OscSelection(bpy.types.Header): bl_label = "Selection Osc" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" def __init__(self): select_osc() def draw(self, context): """ layout = self.layout row = layout.row() row.label("Sels: "+str(len(bpy.selection_osc))) """ # =============== DISTRIBUTE ====================== def ObjectDistributeOscurart(self, X, Y, Z): if len(bpy.selection_osc[:]) > 1: # VARIABLES dif = bpy.selection_osc[-1].location - bpy.selection_osc[0].location chunkglobal = dif / (len(bpy.selection_osc[:]) - 1) chunkx = 0 chunky = 0 chunkz = 0 deltafst = bpy.selection_osc[0].location # ORDENA for OBJECT in bpy.selection_osc[:]: if X: OBJECT.location.x = deltafst[0] + chunkx if Y: OBJECT.location[1] = deltafst[1] + chunky if Z: OBJECT.location.z = deltafst[2] + chunkz chunkx += chunkglobal[0] chunky += chunkglobal[1] chunkz += chunkglobal[2] else: self.report({'INFO'}, "Needs at least two selected objects") class DialogDistributeOsc(Operator): """Distribute evenly the selected objects in x y z""" bl_idname = "object.distribute_osc" bl_label = "Distribute Objects" Boolx = BoolProperty(name="X") Booly = BoolProperty(name="Y") Boolz = BoolProperty(name="Z") def execute(self, context): ObjectDistributeOscurart(self, self.Boolx, self.Booly, self.Boolz) return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): self.Boolx = True self.Booly = True self.Boolz = True return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self) # ======================== SET LAYERS TO OTHER SCENES ==================== def DefSetLayersToOtherScenes(): actsc = bpy.context.screen.scene for object in bpy.context.selected_objects[:]: bpy.context.screen.scene = actsc lyrs = object.layers[:] for scene in bpy.data.scenes[:]: if object in scene.objects[:]: bpy.context.screen.scene = scene object.layers = lyrs else: print("* %s is not in %s" % (object.name, scene.name)) bpy.context.screen.scene = actsc class SetLayersToOtherScenes (Operator): """Copies to scenes the layers setup in the active scene of the selected object.""" bl_idname = "object.set_layers_to_other_scenes" bl_label = "Copy actual Layers to Other Scenes" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} def execute(self, context): DefSetLayersToOtherScenes() return {'FINISHED'} # ======================== RENDER OBJECTS IN CAMERA ====================== def DefRenderOnlyInCamera(): # crea grupos if "INCAMERA" not in bpy.data.groups: bpy.data.groups.new("INCAMERA") if "NOTINCAMERA" not in bpy.data.groups: bpy.data.groups.new("NOTINCAMERA") # limpio grupos for ob in bpy.data.objects: if ob.name in bpy.data.groups["INCAMERA"].objects: bpy.data.groups["INCAMERA"].objects.unlink(ob) if ob.name in bpy.data.groups["NOTINCAMERA"].objects: bpy.data.groups["NOTINCAMERA"].objects.unlink(ob) # ordeno grupos for ob in bpy.data.objects: obs = False if ob.type == "MESH": tm = ob.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, "RENDER") for vert in tm.vertices: cam = world_to_camera_view( bpy.context.scene, bpy.context.scene.camera, vert.co + ob.location) if cam[0] >= -0 and cam[0] <= 1 and cam[1] >= 0 and cam[1] <= 1: obs = True del(tm) else: obs = True if obs: bpy.data.groups["INCAMERA"].objects.link(ob) else: bpy.data.groups["NOTINCAMERA"].objects.link(ob) class RenderOnlyInCamera (Operator): """Create two different groups, one group contains the objetcs that are in the camera frame, those that camera can see, and then a second group that contains the object that the camera can`t see.""" bl_idname = "group.group_in_out_camera" bl_label = "Make a group for objects in outer camera" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} def execute(self, context): DefRenderOnlyInCamera() return {'FINISHED'} # ------------------------ DUPLICATE OBJECTS SYMMETRY ------------------------ def duplicateSymmetrical(self, disconect): for objeto in bpy.context.selected_objects: bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') objeto.select = 1 bpy.context.scene.objects.active = objeto bpy.ops.object.duplicate(linked=1) OBDUP = bpy.context.active_object print(OBDUP) OBDUP.driver_add("location") OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[0].driver.expression = "-var" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[0].driver.variables.new() OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[0].driver.variables[0].type = "TRANSFORMS" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 0].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].id = objeto OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 0].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].transform_type = 'LOC_X' OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[1].driver.expression = "var" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[1].driver.variables.new() OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[1].driver.variables[0].type = "TRANSFORMS" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 1].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].id = objeto OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 1].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].transform_type = 'LOC_Y' OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[2].driver.expression = "var" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[2].driver.variables.new() OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[2].driver.variables[0].type = "TRANSFORMS" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 2].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].id = objeto OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 2].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].transform_type = 'LOC_Z' OBDUP.driver_add("scale") OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[3].driver.expression = "-var" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[3].driver.variables.new() OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[3].driver.variables[0].type = "TRANSFORMS" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 3].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].id = objeto OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 3].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].transform_type = 'SCALE_X' OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[4].driver.expression = "var" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[4].driver.variables.new() OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[4].driver.variables[0].type = "TRANSFORMS" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 4].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].id = objeto OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 4].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].transform_type = 'SCALE_Y' OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[5].driver.expression = "var" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[5].driver.variables.new() OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[5].driver.variables[0].type = "TRANSFORMS" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 5].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].id = objeto OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 5].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].transform_type = 'SCALE_Z' OBDUP.driver_add("rotation_euler") OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[6].driver.expression = "var" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[6].driver.variables.new() OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[6].driver.variables[0].type = "TRANSFORMS" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 6].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].id = objeto OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 6].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].transform_type = 'ROT_X' OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[7].driver.expression = "-var" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[7].driver.variables.new() OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[7].driver.variables[0].type = "TRANSFORMS" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 7].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].id = objeto OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 7].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].transform_type = 'ROT_Y' OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[8].driver.expression = "-var" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[8].driver.variables.new() OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[8].driver.variables[0].type = "TRANSFORMS" OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 8].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].id = objeto OBDUP.animation_data.drivers[ 8].driver.variables[ 0].targets[ 0].transform_type = 'ROT_Z' if disconect is not True: bpy.ops.object.make_single_user(obdata=True, object=True) bpy.context.active_object.driver_remove("location") bpy.context.active_object.driver_remove("rotation_euler") bpy.context.active_object.driver_remove("scale") class oscDuplicateSymmetricalOp (Operator): """Creates a symmetrical copy on the X axys, also Links by drivers position, rotation and scale.""" bl_idname = "object.duplicate_object_symmetry_osc" bl_label = "Oscurart Duplicate Symmetrical" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} desconecta = BoolProperty(name="Keep Connection", default=True) def execute(self, context): duplicateSymmetrical(self, self.desconecta) return {'FINISHED'} # ------------------------ OBJECTS TO GROUPS ------------------------ def DefObjectToGroups(): scgr = bpy.data.groups.new( "%s_MSH" % (os.path.basename(bpy.data.filepath).replace(".blend", ""))) for ob in bpy.data.objects: if ob.type == "MESH": gr = bpy.data.groups.new(ob.name) gr.objects.link(ob) scgr.objects.link(ob) class ObjectsToGroups (Operator): """Creates a group("_MESH") containing all the mesh type objects in the scene. Creates a group(“object_name”) per mesh type object.""" bl_idname = "object.objects_to_groups" bl_label = "Objects to Groups" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} def execute(self, context): DefObjectToGroups() return {'FINISHED'}