# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Author: Alan Odom (Clockmender), Rune Morling (ermo) Copyright (c) 2019 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # import bmesh import numpy as np from math import sqrt, tan, pi from mathutils import Vector from mathutils.geometry import intersect_point_line from .pdt_functions import ( set_mode, oops, get_percent, dis_ang, check_selection, arc_centre, intersection, view_coords_i, view_coords, view_dir, set_axis, ) from . import pdt_exception PDT_SelectionError = pdt_exception.SelectionError PDT_InvalidVector = pdt_exception.InvalidVector PDT_ObjectModeError = pdt_exception.ObjectModeError PDT_InfRadius = pdt_exception.InfRadius PDT_NoObjectError = pdt_exception.NoObjectError PDT_IntersectionError = pdt_exception.IntersectionError PDT_InvalidOperation = pdt_exception.InvalidOperation PDT_VerticesConnected = pdt_exception.VerticesConnected PDT_InvalidAngle = pdt_exception.InvalidAngle from .pdt_msg_strings import ( PDT_ERR_BAD3VALS, PDT_ERR_BAD2VALS, PDT_ERR_BAD1VALS, PDT_ERR_CONNECTED, PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTS, PDT_ERR_EDOB_MODE, PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ, PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE, PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTS, PDT_ERR_SEL_3_OBJS, PDT_ERR_EDIT_MODE, PDT_ERR_NON_VALID, PDT_LAB_NOR, PDT_ERR_STRIGHT_LINE, PDT_LAB_ARCCENTRE, PDT_ERR_SEL_4_VERTS, PDT_ERR_INT_NO_ALL, PDT_LAB_INTERSECT, PDT_ERR_SEL_4_OBJS, PDT_INF_OBJ_MOVED, PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTIO, PDT_ERR_SEL_2_OBJS, PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTIO, PDT_ERR_TAPER_ANG, PDT_ERR_TAPER_SEL, PDT_ERR_INT_LINES, PDT_LAB_PLANE, ) def vector_build(context, pg, obj, operation, values, num_values): """Build Movement Vector from input Fields. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. pg: PDT Parameters Group - our variables obj: The Active Object operation: The Operation e.g. Create New Vertex values: The paramters passed e.g. 1,4,3 for Catrtesan Coordinates num_values: The number of values passed - determines the function Returns: Vector to position, or offset items. """ scene = context.scene plane = pg.plane flip_angle = pg.flip_angle flip_percent= pg.flip_percent # Cartesian 3D coordinates if num_values == 3 and len(values) == 3: output_vector = Vector((float(values[0]), float(values[1]), float(values[2]))) # Polar 2D coordinates elif num_values == 2 and len(values) == 2: output_vector = dis_ang(values, flip_angle, plane, scene) # Percentage of imaginary line between two 3D coordinates elif num_values == 1 and len(values) == 1: output_vector = get_percent(obj, flip_percent, float(values[0]), operation, scene) else: if num_values == 3: pg.error = PDT_ERR_BAD3VALS elif num_values == 2: pg.error = PDT_ERR_BAD2VALS else: pg.error = PDT_ERR_BAD1VALS context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InvalidVector return output_vector def placement_normal(context, operation): """Manipulates Geometry, or Objects by Normal Intersection between 3 points. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. operation: The Operation e.g. Create New Vertex Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg extend_all = pg.extend obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj.mode == "EDIT": if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_ObjectModeError obj_loc = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) if len(bm.select_history) == 3: vector_a, vector_b, vector_c = check_selection(3, bm, obj) if vector_a is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InvalidVector else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTIO} {len(bm.select_history)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": objs = context.view_layer.objects.selected if len(objs) != 3: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_OBJS} {len(objs)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError objs_s = [ob for ob in objs if ob.name != obj.name] vector_a = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_b = objs_s[-1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_c = objs_s[-2].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_delta = intersect_point_line(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c)[0] if operation == "C": if obj.mode == "EDIT": scene.cursor.location = obj_loc + vector_delta elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": scene.cursor.location = vector_delta elif operation == "P": if obj.mode == "EDIT": pg.pivot_loc = obj_loc + vector_delta elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": pg.pivot_loc = vector_delta elif operation == "G": if obj.mode == "EDIT": if extend_all: for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.co = vector_delta bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=[v for v in bm.verts if v.select], dist=0.0001) else: bm.select_history[-1].co = vector_delta bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": context.view_layer.objects.active.location = vector_delta elif operation == "N": if obj.mode == "EDIT": vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_delta) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.select_set(False) vertex_new.select_set(True) else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_EDIT_MODE} {obj.mode})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return elif operation == "V" and obj.mode == "EDIT": vector_new = vector_delta vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_new) if extend_all: for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: bm.edges.new([v, vertex_new]) else: bm.edges.new([bm.select_history[-1], vertex_new]) for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.select_set(False) vertex_new.select_set(True) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() else: pg.error = f"{operation} {PDT_ERR_NON_VALID} {PDT_LAB_NOR}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") def placement_arc_centre(context, operation): """Manipulates Geometry, or Objects to an Arc Centre defined by 3 points on an Imaginary Arc. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. operation: The Operation e.g. Create New Vertex Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg extend_all = pg.extend obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj.mode == "EDIT": if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_ObjectModeError obj = context.view_layer.objects.active obj_loc = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(verts) != 3: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTS} {len(verts)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError vector_a = verts[0].co vector_b = verts[1].co vector_c = verts[2].co vector_delta, radius = arc_centre(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c) if str(radius) == "inf": pg.error = PDT_ERR_STRIGHT_LINE context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InfRadius pg.distance = radius if operation == "C": scene.cursor.location = obj_loc + vector_delta elif operation == "P": pg.pivot_loc = obj_loc + vector_delta elif operation == "N": vector_new = vector_delta vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_new) for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.select_set(False) vertex_new.select_set(True) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() vertex_new.select_set(True) elif operation == "G": if extend_all: for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.co = vector_delta bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=[v for v in bm.verts if v.select], dist=0.0001) else: bm.select_history[-1].co = vector_delta bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) elif operation == "V": vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_delta) if extend_all: for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: bm.edges.new([v, vertex_new]) v.select_set(False) vertex_new.select_set(True) bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=[v for v in bm.verts if v.select], dist=0.0001) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) else: bm.edges.new([bm.select_history[-1], vertex_new]) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() else: pg.error = f"{operation} {PDT_ERR_NON_VALID} {PDT_LAB_ARCCENTRE}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": if len(context.view_layer.objects.selected) != 3: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_OBJS} {len(context.view_layer.objects.selected)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError vector_a = context.view_layer.objects.selected[0].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_b = context.view_layer.objects.selected[1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_c = context.view_layer.objects.selected[2].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_delta, radius = arc_centre(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c) pg.distance = radius if operation == "C": scene.cursor.location = vector_delta elif operation == "P": pg.pivot_loc = vector_delta elif operation == "G": context.view_layer.objects.active.location = vector_delta else: pg.error = f"{operation} {PDT_ERR_NON_VALID} {PDT_LAB_ARCCENTRE}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") def placement_intersect(context, operation): """Manipulates Geometry, or Objects by Convergance Intersection between 4 points, or 2 Edges. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. operation: The Operation e.g. Create New Vertex Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg plane = pg.plane obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj.mode == "EDIT": if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_NoObjectError obj_loc = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) edges = [e for e in bm.edges if e.select] extend_all = pg.extend if len(edges) == 2: vertex_a = edges[0].verts[0] vertex_b = edges[0].verts[1] vertex_c = edges[1].verts[0] vertex_d = edges[1].verts[1] else: if len(bm.select_history) != 4: pg.error = ( PDT_ERR_SEL_4_VERTS + str(len(bm.select_history)) + " Vertices/" + str(len(edges)) + " Edges)" ) context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError vertex_a = bm.select_history[-1] vertex_b = bm.select_history[-2] vertex_c = bm.select_history[-3] vertex_d = bm.select_history[-4] vector_delta, done = intersection(vertex_a.co, vertex_b.co, vertex_c.co, vertex_d.co, plane) if not done: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_INT_LINES} {plane} {PDT_LAB_PLANE}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_IntersectionError if operation == "C": scene.cursor.location = obj_loc + vector_delta elif operation == "P": pg.pivot_loc = obj_loc + vector_delta elif operation == "N": vector_new = vector_delta vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_new) for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.select_set(False) for f in bm.faces: f.select_set(False) for e in bm.edges: e.select_set(False) vertex_new.select_set(True) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() elif operation in {"G", "V"}: vertex_new = None process = False if (vertex_a.co - vector_delta).length < (vertex_b.co - vector_delta).length: if operation == "G": vertex_a.co = vector_delta process = True else: vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_delta) bm.edges.new([vertex_a, vertex_new]) process = True else: if operation == "G" and extend_all: vertex_b.co = vector_delta elif operation == "V" and extend_all: vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_delta) bm.edges.new([vertex_b, vertex_new]) else: return if (vertex_c.co - vector_delta).length < (vertex_d.co - vector_delta).length: if operation == "G" and extend_all: vertex_c.co = vector_delta elif operation == "V" and extend_all: bm.edges.new([vertex_c, vertex_new]) else: return else: if operation == "G" and extend_all: vertex_d.co = vector_delta elif operation == "V" and extend_all: bm.edges.new([vertex_d, vertex_new]) else: return bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=bm.verts, dist=0.0001) if not process and not extend_all: pg.error = PDT_ERR_INT_NO_ALL context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) return for v in bm.verts: v.select_set(False) for f in bm.faces: f.select_set(False) for e in bm.edges: e.select_set(False) if vertex_new is not None: vertex_new.select_set(True) for v in bm.select_history: if v is not None: v.select_set(True) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) else: pg.error = f"{operation} {PDT_ERR_NON_VALID} {PDT_LAB_INTERSECT}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InvalidOperation elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": if len(context.view_layer.objects.selected) != 4: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_4_OBJS} {len(context.view_layer.objects.selected)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError order = pg.object_order.split(",") objs = sorted(context.view_layer.objects.selected, key=lambda x: x.name) pg.error = ( "Original Object Order (1,2,3,4) was: " + objs[0].name + ", " + objs[1].name + ", " + objs[2].name + ", " + objs[3].name ) context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Info", icon="INFO") vector_a = objs[int(order[0]) - 1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_b = objs[int(order[1]) - 1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_c = objs[int(order[2]) - 1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_d = objs[int(order[3]) - 1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_delta, done = intersection(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, plane) if not done: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_INT_LINES} {plane} {PDT_LAB_PLANE}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_IntersectionError if operation == "C": scene.cursor.location = vector_delta elif operation == "P": pg.pivot_loc = vector_delta elif operation == "G": context.view_layer.objects.active.location = vector_delta pg.error = f"{PDT_INF_OBJ_MOVED} {context.view_layer.objects.active.name}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Info", icon="INFO") else: pg.error = f"{operation} {PDT_ERR_NON_VALID} {PDT_LAB_INTERSECT}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return else: return def join_two_vertices(context): """Joins 2 Free Vertices that do not form part of a Face. Joins two vertices that do not form part of a single face It is designed to close open Edge Loops, where a face is not required or to join two disconnected Edges. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if all([bool(obj), obj.type == "MESH", obj.mode == "EDIT"]): bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(verts) == 2: try: bm.edges.new([verts[-1], verts[-2]]) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() return except ValueError: pg.error = PDT_ERR_CONNECTED context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_VerticesConnected else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTS} {len(verts)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_EDOB_MODE},{obj.mode})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_ObjectModeError def set_angle_distance_two(context): """Measures Angle and Offsets between 2 Points in View Plane. Uses 2 Selected Vertices to set pg.angle and pg.distance scene variables also sets delta offset from these 2 points using standard Numpy Routines Works in Edit and Oject Modes. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg plane = pg.plane flip_angle = pg.flip_angle obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return if obj.mode == "EDIT": bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(verts) == 2: if len(bm.select_history) == 2: vector_a, vector_b = check_selection(2, bm, obj) if vector_a is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InvalidVector else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTIO} {len(bm.select_history)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTIO} {len(verts)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": objs = context.view_layer.objects.selected if len(objs) < 2: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_2_OBJS} {len(objs)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError objs_s = [ob for ob in objs if ob.name != obj.name] vector_a = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_b = objs_s[-1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] if plane == "LO": vector_difference = vector_b - vector_a vector_b = view_coords_i(vector_difference.x, vector_difference.y, vector_difference.z) vector_a = Vector((0, 0, 0)) v0 = np.array([vector_a.x + 1, vector_a.y]) - np.array([vector_a.x, vector_a.y]) v1 = np.array([vector_b.x, vector_b.y]) - np.array([vector_a.x, vector_a.y]) else: a1, a2, _ = set_mode(plane) v0 = np.array([vector_a[a1] + 1, vector_a[a2]]) - np.array([vector_a[a1], vector_a[a2]]) v1 = np.array([vector_b[a1], vector_b[a2]]) - np.array([vector_a[a1], vector_a[a2]]) ang = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]), np.dot(v0, v1))) decimal_places = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.pdt_input_round if flip_angle: if ang > 0: pg.angle = round(ang - 180, decimal_places) else: pg.angle = round(ang - 180, decimal_places) else: pg.angle = round(ang, decimal_places) if plane == "LO": pg.distance = round(sqrt( (vector_a.x - vector_b.x) ** 2 + (vector_a.y - vector_b.y) ** 2), decimal_places) else: pg.distance = round(sqrt( (vector_a[a1] - vector_b[a1]) ** 2 + (vector_a[a2] - vector_b[a2]) ** 2), decimal_places) pg.cartesian_coords = Vector(([round(i, decimal_places) for i in vector_b - vector_a])) def set_angle_distance_three(context): """Measures Angle and Offsets between 3 Points in World Space, Also sets Deltas. Uses 3 Selected Vertices to set pg.angle and pg.distance scene variables also sets delta offset from these 3 points using standard Numpy Routines Works in Edit and Oject Modes. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ pg = context.scene.pdt_pg flip_angle = pg.flip_angle obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_NoObjectError if obj.mode == "EDIT": bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(verts) == 3: if len(bm.select_history) == 3: vector_a, vector_b, vector_c = check_selection(3, bm, obj) if vector_a is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InvalidVector else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTIO} {len(bm.select_history)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTIO} {len(verts)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": objs = context.view_layer.objects.selected if len(objs) < 3: pg.error = PDT_ERR_SEL_3_OBJS + str(len(objs)) context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError objs_s = [ob for ob in objs if ob.name != obj.name] vector_a = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_b = objs_s[-1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_c = objs_s[-2].matrix_world.decompose()[0] ba = np.array([vector_b.x, vector_b.y, vector_b.z]) - np.array( [vector_a.x, vector_a.y, vector_a.z] ) bc = np.array([vector_c.x, vector_c.y, vector_c.z]) - np.array( [vector_a.x, vector_a.y, vector_a.z] ) angle_cosine = np.dot(ba, bc) / (np.linalg.norm(ba) * np.linalg.norm(bc)) ang = np.degrees(np.arccos(angle_cosine)) decimal_places = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.pdt_input_round if flip_angle: if ang > 0: pg.angle = round(ang - 180, decimal_places) else: pg.angle = round(ang - 180, decimal_places) else: pg.angle = round(ang, decimal_places) pg.distance = round((vector_a - vector_b).length, decimal_places) pg.cartesian_coords = Vector(([round(i, decimal_places) for i in vector_b - vector_a])) def origin_to_cursor(context): """Sets Object Origin in Edit Mode to Cursor Location. Keeps geometry static in World Space whilst moving Object Origin Requires cursor location Works in Edit and Object Modes. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = context.scene.pdt_pg obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return obj_loc = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] cur_loc = scene.cursor.location diff_v = obj_loc - cur_loc if obj.mode == "EDIT": bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) for v in bm.verts: v.co = v.co + diff_v obj.location = cur_loc bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": for v in obj.data.vertices: v.co = v.co + diff_v obj.location = cur_loc else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_EDOB_MODE} {obj.mode})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_ObjectModeError def taper(context): """Taper Geometry along World Axes. Similar to Shear command except that it shears by angle rather than displacement. Rotates about World Axes and displaces along World Axes, angle must not exceed +-80 degrees. Rotation axis is centred on Active Vertex. Works only in Edit mode. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Note: Uses pg.taper & pg.angle scene variables Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg tap_ax = pg.taper ang_v = pg.angle obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if all([bool(obj), obj.type == "MESH", obj.mode == "EDIT"]): if ang_v > 80 or ang_v < -80: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_TAPER_ANG} {ang_v})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InvalidAngle if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_NoObjectError _, a2, a3 = set_axis(tap_ax) bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) if len(bm.select_history) >= 1: rotate_vertex = bm.select_history[-1] view_vector = view_coords(rotate_vertex.co.x, rotate_vertex.co.y, rotate_vertex.co.z) else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_TAPER_SEL} {len(bm.select_history)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: if pg.plane == "LO": v_loc = view_coords(v.co.x, v.co.y, v.co.z) dis_v = sqrt((view_vector.x - v_loc.x) ** 2 + (view_vector.y - v_loc.y) ** 2) x_loc = dis_v * tan(ang_v * pi / 180) view_matrix = view_dir(x_loc, 0) v.co = v.co - view_matrix else: dis_v = sqrt( (rotate_vertex.co[a3] - v.co[a3]) ** 2 + (rotate_vertex.co[a2] - v.co[a2]) ** 2 ) v.co[a2] = v.co[a2] - (dis_v * tan(ang_v * pi / 180)) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_EDOB_MODE},{obj.mode})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_ObjectModeError