# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright 2016-2020 by Nathan Lovato, Daniel Oakey, Razvan Radulescu, and contributors # This file is part of Power Sequencer. import bpy import os from platform import system from subprocess import Popen from .utils.doc import doc_name, doc_idname, doc_brief, doc_description class POWER_SEQUENCER_OT_open_project_directory(bpy.types.Operator): """ Opens the Blender project directory in file explorer """ doc = { "name": doc_name(__qualname__), "demo": "", "description": doc_description(__doc__), "shortcuts": [], "keymap": "Sequencer", } bl_idname = doc_idname(__qualname__) bl_label = doc["name"] bl_description = doc_brief(doc["description"]) bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return bpy.data.is_saved def execute(self, context): path = os.path.split(bpy.data.filepath)[0] if not path: self.report({"INFO"}, "You have to save your project first.") return {"CANCELLED"} if system() == "Windows": Popen(["explorer", path]) elif system() == "Darwin": Popen(["open", path]) else: Popen(["xdg-open", path]) return {"FINISHED"}