# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your ointersect_pointion) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # # # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Author: Zeffii # Modified by: Alan Odom (Clockmender) & Rune Morling (ermo) # ---------------------------------------------------------- # import bmesh from mathutils import Vector from mathutils.geometry import intersect_line_line, intersect_point_line from .pdt_functions import debug def point_on_edge(point, edge): """Find Point on Edge. Args: point: vector edge: tuple containing 2 vectors. Returns: True if point happens to lie on the edge, False otherwise. """ intersect_point, _percent = intersect_point_line(point, *edge) on_line = (intersect_point - point).length < 1.0e-5 return on_line and (0.0 <= _percent <= 1.0) def line_from_edge_intersect(edge1, edge2): """Get New Line from Intersections. Note: Prepares input for sending to intersect_line_line Args: edge1, edge2: tuples containing 2 vectors. Returns: Output of intersect_line_line. """ [intersect_point1, intersect_point2], [intersect_point3, intersect_point4] = edge1, edge2 return intersect_line_line( intersect_point1, intersect_point2, intersect_point3, intersect_point4 ) def get_intersection(edge1, edge2): """Get Intersections of 2 Edges. Args: edge1, edge2: tuples containing 2 vectors. Returns: The point halfway on line. See intersect_line_line. """ line = line_from_edge_intersect(edge1, edge2) if line: return (line[0] + line[1]) / 2 return None def test_coplanar(edge1, edge2): """Test 2 Edges are Co-planar. Note: The line that describes the shortest line between the two edges would be short if the lines intersect mathematically. If this line is longer than 1.0e-5 then they are either coplanar or parallel Args: edge1, edge2: tuples containing 2 vectors. Returns: True if edge1 and edge2 or coplanar, False otherwise. """ line = line_from_edge_intersect(edge1, edge2) if line: return (line[0] - line[1]).length < 1.0e-5 return None def closest_idx(intersect_point, edge): """Get Closest Vertex to input point. Note: If both points in edge are equally far from intersect_point, then v1 is returned. Args: intersect_point: vector edge: bmesh edge Returns: Index of vertex closest to intersect_point. """ if isinstance(edge, bmesh.types.BMEdge): edge_verts = edge.verts vector_a = edge_verts[0].co vector_b = edge_verts[1].co distance_test = (vector_a - intersect_point).length <= (vector_b - intersect_point).length return edge_verts[0].index if distance_test else edge_verts[1].index debug(f"Received {edge}, check expected input in docstring ") return None def closest_vector(intersect_point, edge): """Return Closest Vector to input Point. Note: If both points in e are equally far from intersect_point, then v1 is returned. Args: intersect_point: vector edge: tuple containing 2 vectors Returns: Vector closest to intersect_point. """ if isinstance(edge, tuple) and all([isinstance(co, Vector) for co in edge]): vector_a, vector_b = edge distance_test = (vector_a - intersect_point).length <= (vector_b - intersect_point).length return vector_a if distance_test else vector_b debug(f"Received {edge}, check expected input in docstring ") return None def coords_tuple_from_edge_idx(bm, idx): """Return Tuple from Vertices. Args: bm: Object Bmesh idx: Index of chosen Edge Returns: Tuple from Edge Vertices. """ return tuple(v.co for v in bm.edges[idx].verts) def vectors_from_indices(bm, raw_vert_indices): """Return List of vectors from input Vertex Indices. Args: bm: Object Bmesh raw_vert_indices: List of Chosen Vertex Indices Returns: List of Vertex coordinates. """ return [bm.verts[i].co for i in raw_vert_indices] def vertex_indices_from_edges_tuple(bm, edge_tuple): """Return List of vertices. Args: bm: Active object's Bmesh edge_tuple: contains 2 edge indices. Returns: The vertex indices of edge_tuple as an Integer list. """ def find_verts(ind_v, ind_w): return bm.edges[edge_tuple[ind_v]].verts[ind_w].index return [find_verts(i >> 1, i % 2) for i in range(4)] def get_vert_indices_from_bmedges(edges): """Return List of Edges for evaluation. Args: edges: a list of 2 bm edges Returns: The vertex indices of edge_tuple as a flat list. """ temp_edges = [] debug(edges) for e in edges: for v in e.verts: temp_edges.append(v.index) return temp_edges def num_edges_point_lies_on(intersect_point, edges): """Returns the number of edges that a point lies on. Args: intersection_point: Vector describing 3D coordinates of intersection point edges: List of Bmesh edges Returns: Number of Intersecting Edges (Integer). """ res = [point_on_edge(intersect_point, edge) for edge in [edges[:2], edges[2:]]] return len([i for i in res if i]) def find_intersecting_edges(bm, intersect_point, idx1, idx2): """Find Intercecting Edges. Args: intersect_point: Vector describing 3D coordinates of intersection point idx1, idx2: edge indices Returns: The list of edge indices where intersect_point is on those edges. """ if not intersect_point: return [] idxs = [idx1, idx2] edges = [coords_tuple_from_edge_idx(bm, idx) for idx in idxs] return [idx for edge, idx in zip(edges, idxs) if point_on_edge(intersect_point, edge)] def vert_idxs_from_edge_idx(bm, idx): """Find Vertex Indices form Edge Indices. Args: bm: Object's Bmesh idx: Selection Index Returns: Vertex Indices of Edge. """ edge = bm.edges[idx] return edge.verts[0].index, edge.verts[1].index