# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Author: Alan Odom (Clockmender), Rune Morling (ermo) Copyright (c) 2019 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # import bmesh import numpy as np from math import sqrt, tan, pi from mathutils import Vector from mathutils.geometry import intersect_point_line from .pdt_functions import ( set_mode, oops, get_percent, dis_ang, check_selection, arc_centre, intersection, view_coords_i, view_coords, view_dir, set_axis, ) from . import pdt_exception PDT_SelectionError = pdt_exception.SelectionError PDT_InvalidVector = pdt_exception.InvalidVector PDT_ObjectModeError = pdt_exception.ObjectModeError PDT_InfRadius = pdt_exception.InfRadius PDT_NoObjectError = pdt_exception.NoObjectError PDT_IntersectionError = pdt_exception.IntersectionError PDT_InvalidOperation = pdt_exception.InvalidOperation PDT_VerticesConnected = pdt_exception.VerticesConnected PDT_InvalidAngle = pdt_exception.InvalidAngle from .pdt_msg_strings import ( PDT_ERR_BAD3VALS, PDT_ERR_BAD2VALS, PDT_ERR_BAD1VALS, PDT_ERR_CONNECTED, PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTS, PDT_ERR_EDOB_MODE, PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ, PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE, PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTS, PDT_ERR_SEL_3_OBJS, PDT_ERR_EDIT_MODE, PDT_ERR_NON_VALID, PDT_LAB_NOR, PDT_ERR_STRIGHT_LINE, PDT_LAB_ARCCENTRE, PDT_ERR_SEL_4_VERTS, PDT_ERR_INT_NO_ALL, PDT_LAB_INTERSECT, PDT_ERR_SEL_4_OBJS, PDT_INF_OBJ_MOVED, PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTIO, PDT_ERR_SEL_2_OBJS, PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTIO, PDT_ERR_TAPER_ANG, PDT_ERR_TAPER_SEL, PDT_ERR_INT_LINES, PDT_LAB_PLANE, ) def vector_build(context, pg, obj, operation, values, num_values): """Build Movement Vector from Input Fields. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. pg: PDT Parameters Group - our variables obj: The Active Object operation: The Operation e.g. Create New Vertex values: The parameters passed e.g. 1,4,3 for Cartesian Coordinates num_values: The number of values passed - determines the function Returns: Vector to position, or offset, items. """ scene = context.scene plane = pg.plane flip_angle = pg.flip_angle flip_percent= pg.flip_percent # Cartesian 3D coordinates if num_values == 3 and len(values) == 3: output_vector = Vector((float(values[0]), float(values[1]), float(values[2]))) # Polar 2D coordinates elif num_values == 2 and len(values) == 2: output_vector = dis_ang(values, flip_angle, plane, scene) # Percentage of imaginary line between two 3D coordinates elif num_values == 1 and len(values) == 1: output_vector = get_percent(obj, flip_percent, float(values[0]), operation, scene) else: if num_values == 3: pg.error = PDT_ERR_BAD3VALS elif num_values == 2: pg.error = PDT_ERR_BAD2VALS else: pg.error = PDT_ERR_BAD1VALS context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InvalidVector return output_vector def placement_normal(context, operation): """Manipulates Geometry, or Objects by Normal Intersection between 3 points. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. operation: The Operation e.g. Create New Vertex Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg extend_all = pg.extend obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj.mode == "EDIT": if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_ObjectModeError obj_loc = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) if len(bm.select_history) == 3: vector_a, vector_b, vector_c = check_selection(3, bm, obj) if vector_a is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_FeatureError else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTIO} {len(bm.select_history)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": objs = context.view_layer.objects.selected if len(objs) != 3: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_OBJS} {len(objs)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError objs_s = [ob for ob in objs if ob.name != obj.name] vector_a = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_b = objs_s[-1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_c = objs_s[-2].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_delta = intersect_point_line(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c)[0] if operation == "C": if obj.mode == "EDIT": scene.cursor.location = obj_loc + vector_delta elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": scene.cursor.location = vector_delta elif operation == "P": if obj.mode == "EDIT": pg.pivot_loc = obj_loc + vector_delta elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": pg.pivot_loc = vector_delta elif operation == "G": if obj.mode == "EDIT": if extend_all: for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.co = vector_delta bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=[v for v in bm.verts if v.select], dist=0.0001) else: bm.select_history[-1].co = vector_delta bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": context.view_layer.objects.active.location = vector_delta elif operation == "N": if obj.mode == "EDIT": vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_delta) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.select_set(False) vertex_new.select_set(True) else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_EDIT_MODE} {obj.mode})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return elif operation == "V" and obj.mode == "EDIT": vector_new = vector_delta vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_new) if extend_all: for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: bm.edges.new([v, vertex_new]) else: bm.edges.new([bm.select_history[-1], vertex_new]) for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.select_set(False) vertex_new.select_set(True) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() else: pg.error = f"{operation} {PDT_ERR_NON_VALID} {PDT_LAB_NOR}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") def placement_arc_centre(context, operation): """Manipulates Geometry, or Objects to an Arc Centre defined by 3 points on an Imaginary Arc. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. operation: The Operation e.g. Create New Vertex Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg extend_all = pg.extend obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj.mode == "EDIT": if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_ObjectModeError obj = context.view_layer.objects.active obj_loc = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(verts) != 3: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTS} {len(verts)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError vector_a = verts[0].co vector_b = verts[1].co vector_c = verts[2].co vector_delta, radius = arc_centre(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c) if str(radius) == "inf": pg.error = PDT_ERR_STRIGHT_LINE context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InfRadius pg.distance = radius if operation == "C": scene.cursor.location = obj_loc + vector_delta elif operation == "P": pg.pivot_loc = obj_loc + vector_delta elif operation == "N": vector_new = vector_delta vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_new) for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.select_set(False) vertex_new.select_set(True) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() vertex_new.select_set(True) elif operation == "G": if extend_all: for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.co = vector_delta bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=[v for v in bm.verts if v.select], dist=0.0001) else: bm.select_history[-1].co = vector_delta bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) elif operation == "V": vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_delta) if extend_all: for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: bm.edges.new([v, vertex_new]) v.select_set(False) vertex_new.select_set(True) bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=[v for v in bm.verts if v.select], dist=0.0001) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) else: bm.edges.new([bm.select_history[-1], vertex_new]) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() else: pg.error = f"{operation} {PDT_ERR_NON_VALID} {PDT_LAB_ARCCENTRE}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": if len(context.view_layer.objects.selected) != 3: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_OBJS} {len(context.view_layer.objects.selected)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError vector_a = context.view_layer.objects.selected[0].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_b = context.view_layer.objects.selected[1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_c = context.view_layer.objects.selected[2].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_delta, radius = arc_centre(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c) pg.distance = radius if operation == "C": scene.cursor.location = vector_delta elif operation == "P": pg.pivot_loc = vector_delta elif operation == "G": context.view_layer.objects.active.location = vector_delta else: pg.error = f"{operation} {PDT_ERR_NON_VALID} {PDT_LAB_ARCCENTRE}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") def placement_intersect(context, operation): """Manipulates Geometry, or Objects by Convergence Intersection between 4 points, or 2 Edges. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. operation: The Operation e.g. Create New Vertex Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg plane = pg.plane obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj.mode == "EDIT": if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_NoObjectError obj_loc = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) edges = [e for e in bm.edges if e.select] extend_all = pg.extend if len(edges) == 2: vertex_a = edges[0].verts[0] vertex_b = edges[0].verts[1] vertex_c = edges[1].verts[0] vertex_d = edges[1].verts[1] else: if len(bm.select_history) != 4: pg.error = ( PDT_ERR_SEL_4_VERTS + str(len(bm.select_history)) + " Vertices/" + str(len(edges)) + " Edges)" ) context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError vertex_a = bm.select_history[-1] vertex_b = bm.select_history[-2] vertex_c = bm.select_history[-3] vertex_d = bm.select_history[-4] vector_delta, done = intersection(vertex_a.co, vertex_b.co, vertex_c.co, vertex_d.co, plane) if not done: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_INT_LINES} {plane} {PDT_LAB_PLANE}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_IntersectionError if operation == "C": scene.cursor.location = obj_loc + vector_delta elif operation == "P": pg.pivot_loc = obj_loc + vector_delta elif operation == "N": vector_new = vector_delta vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_new) for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: v.select_set(False) for f in bm.faces: f.select_set(False) for e in bm.edges: e.select_set(False) vertex_new.select_set(True) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() elif operation in {"G", "V"}: vertex_new = None process = False if (vertex_a.co - vector_delta).length < (vertex_b.co - vector_delta).length: if operation == "G": vertex_a.co = vector_delta process = True else: vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_delta) bm.edges.new([vertex_a, vertex_new]) process = True else: if operation == "G" and extend_all: vertex_b.co = vector_delta elif operation == "V" and extend_all: vertex_new = bm.verts.new(vector_delta) bm.edges.new([vertex_b, vertex_new]) else: return if (vertex_c.co - vector_delta).length < (vertex_d.co - vector_delta).length: if operation == "G" and extend_all: vertex_c.co = vector_delta elif operation == "V" and extend_all: bm.edges.new([vertex_c, vertex_new]) else: return else: if operation == "G" and extend_all: vertex_d.co = vector_delta elif operation == "V" and extend_all: bm.edges.new([vertex_d, vertex_new]) else: return bm.select_history.clear() bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=bm.verts, dist=0.0001) if not process and not extend_all: pg.error = PDT_ERR_INT_NO_ALL context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) return for v in bm.verts: v.select_set(False) for f in bm.faces: f.select_set(False) for e in bm.edges: e.select_set(False) if vertex_new is not None: vertex_new.select_set(True) for v in bm.select_history: if v is not None: v.select_set(True) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) else: pg.error = f"{operation} {PDT_ERR_NON_VALID} {PDT_LAB_INTERSECT}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InvalidOperation elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": if len(context.view_layer.objects.selected) != 4: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_4_OBJS} {len(context.view_layer.objects.selected)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError order = pg.object_order.split(",") objs = sorted(context.view_layer.objects.selected, key=lambda x: x.name) pg.error = ( "Original Object Order (1,2,3,4) was: " + objs[0].name + ", " + objs[1].name + ", " + objs[2].name + ", " + objs[3].name ) context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Info", icon="INFO") vector_a = objs[int(order[0]) - 1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_b = objs[int(order[1]) - 1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_c = objs[int(order[2]) - 1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_d = objs[int(order[3]) - 1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_delta, done = intersection(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, plane) if not done: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_INT_LINES} {plane} {PDT_LAB_PLANE}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_IntersectionError if operation == "C": scene.cursor.location = vector_delta elif operation == "P": pg.pivot_loc = vector_delta elif operation == "G": context.view_layer.objects.active.location = vector_delta pg.error = f"{PDT_INF_OBJ_MOVED} {context.view_layer.objects.active.name}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Info", icon="INFO") else: pg.error = f"{operation} {PDT_ERR_NON_VALID} {PDT_LAB_INTERSECT}" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return else: return def join_two_vertices(context): """Joins 2 Free Vertices that do not form part of a Face. Note: Joins two vertices that do not form part of a single face It is designed to close open Edge Loops, where a face is not required or to join two disconnected Edges. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if all([bool(obj), obj.type == "MESH", obj.mode == "EDIT"]): bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(verts) == 2: try: bm.edges.new([verts[-1], verts[-2]]) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() return except ValueError: pg.error = PDT_ERR_CONNECTED context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_VerticesConnected else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTS} {len(verts)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_EDOB_MODE},{obj.mode})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_ObjectModeError def set_angle_distance_two(context): """Measures Angle and Offsets between 2 Points in View Plane. Note: Uses 2 Selected Vertices to set pg.angle and pg.distance scene variables also sets delta offset from these 2 points using standard Numpy Routines Works in Edit and Oject Modes. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg plane = pg.plane flip_angle = pg.flip_angle obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return if obj.mode == "EDIT": bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(verts) == 2: if len(bm.select_history) == 2: vector_a, vector_b = check_selection(2, bm, obj) if vector_a is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_FeatureError else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTIO} {len(bm.select_history)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTIO} {len(verts)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": objs = context.view_layer.objects.selected if len(objs) < 2: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_2_OBJS} {len(objs)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError objs_s = [ob for ob in objs if ob.name != obj.name] vector_a = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_b = objs_s[-1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] if plane == "LO": vector_difference = vector_b - vector_a vector_b = view_coords_i(vector_difference.x, vector_difference.y, vector_difference.z) vector_a = Vector((0, 0, 0)) v0 = np.array([vector_a.x + 1, vector_a.y]) - np.array([vector_a.x, vector_a.y]) v1 = np.array([vector_b.x, vector_b.y]) - np.array([vector_a.x, vector_a.y]) else: a1, a2, _ = set_mode(plane) v0 = np.array([vector_a[a1] + 1, vector_a[a2]]) - np.array([vector_a[a1], vector_a[a2]]) v1 = np.array([vector_b[a1], vector_b[a2]]) - np.array([vector_a[a1], vector_a[a2]]) ang = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]), np.dot(v0, v1))) decimal_places = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.pdt_input_round if flip_angle: if ang > 0: pg.angle = round(ang - 180, decimal_places) else: pg.angle = round(ang - 180, decimal_places) else: pg.angle = round(ang, decimal_places) if plane == "LO": pg.distance = round(sqrt( (vector_a.x - vector_b.x) ** 2 + (vector_a.y - vector_b.y) ** 2), decimal_places) else: pg.distance = round(sqrt( (vector_a[a1] - vector_b[a1]) ** 2 + (vector_a[a2] - vector_b[a2]) ** 2), decimal_places) pg.cartesian_coords = Vector(([round(i, decimal_places) for i in vector_b - vector_a])) def set_angle_distance_three(context): """Measures Angle and Offsets between 3 Points in World Space, Also sets Deltas. Note: Uses 3 Selected Vertices to set pg.angle and pg.distance scene variables also sets delta offset from these 3 points using standard Numpy Routines Works in Edit and Oject Modes. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ pg = context.scene.pdt_pg flip_angle = pg.flip_angle obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_NoObjectError if obj.mode == "EDIT": bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(verts) == 3: if len(bm.select_history) == 3: vector_a, vector_b, vector_c = check_selection(3, bm, obj) if vector_a is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_FeatureError else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTIO} {len(bm.select_history)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTIO} {len(verts)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": objs = context.view_layer.objects.selected if len(objs) < 3: pg.error = PDT_ERR_SEL_3_OBJS + str(len(objs)) context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError objs_s = [ob for ob in objs if ob.name != obj.name] vector_a = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_b = objs_s[-1].matrix_world.decompose()[0] vector_c = objs_s[-2].matrix_world.decompose()[0] ba = np.array([vector_b.x, vector_b.y, vector_b.z]) - np.array( [vector_a.x, vector_a.y, vector_a.z] ) bc = np.array([vector_c.x, vector_c.y, vector_c.z]) - np.array( [vector_a.x, vector_a.y, vector_a.z] ) angle_cosine = np.dot(ba, bc) / (np.linalg.norm(ba) * np.linalg.norm(bc)) ang = np.degrees(np.arccos(angle_cosine)) decimal_places = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.pdt_input_round if flip_angle: if ang > 0: pg.angle = round(ang - 180, decimal_places) else: pg.angle = round(ang - 180, decimal_places) else: pg.angle = round(ang, decimal_places) pg.distance = round((vector_a - vector_b).length, decimal_places) pg.cartesian_coords = Vector(([round(i, decimal_places) for i in vector_b - vector_a])) def origin_to_cursor(context): """Sets Object Origin in Edit Mode to Cursor Location. Note: Keeps geometry static in World Space whilst moving Object Origin Requires cursor location Works in Edit and Object Modes. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = context.scene.pdt_pg obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return obj_loc = obj.matrix_world.decompose()[0] cur_loc = scene.cursor.location diff_v = obj_loc - cur_loc if obj.mode == "EDIT": bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) for v in bm.verts: v.co = v.co + diff_v obj.location = cur_loc bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() elif obj.mode == "OBJECT": for v in obj.data.vertices: v.co = v.co + diff_v obj.location = cur_loc else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_EDOB_MODE} {obj.mode})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_ObjectModeError def taper(context): """Taper Geometry along World Axes. Note: Similar to Shear command except that it shears by angle rather than displacement. Rotates about World Axes and displaces along World Axes, angle must not exceed +-80 degrees. Rotation axis is centred on Active Vertex. Works only in Edit mode. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Note: Uses pg.taper & pg.angle scene variables Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg tap_ax = pg.taper ang_v = pg.angle obj = context.view_layer.objects.active if all([bool(obj), obj.type == "MESH", obj.mode == "EDIT"]): if ang_v > 80 or ang_v < -80: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_TAPER_ANG} {ang_v})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_InvalidAngle if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_NoObjectError _, a2, a3 = set_axis(tap_ax) bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) if len(bm.select_history) >= 1: rotate_vertex = bm.select_history[-1] view_vector = view_coords(rotate_vertex.co.x, rotate_vertex.co.y, rotate_vertex.co.z) else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_TAPER_SEL} {len(bm.select_history)})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_SelectionError for v in [v for v in bm.verts if v.select]: if pg.plane == "LO": v_loc = view_coords(v.co.x, v.co.y, v.co.z) dis_v = sqrt((view_vector.x - v_loc.x) ** 2 + (view_vector.y - v_loc.y) ** 2) x_loc = dis_v * tan(ang_v * pi / 180) view_matrix = view_dir(x_loc, 0) v.co = v.co - view_matrix else: dis_v = sqrt( (rotate_vertex.co[a3] - v.co[a3]) ** 2 + (rotate_vertex.co[a2] - v.co[a2]) ** 2 ) v.co[a2] = v.co[a2] - (dis_v * tan(ang_v * pi / 180)) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() else: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_EDOB_MODE},{obj.mode})" context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") raise PDT_ObjectModeError