# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Author: Alan Odom (Clockmender), Rune Morling (ermo) Copyright (c) 2019 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Common Functions used in more than one place in PDT Operations import bpy import bmesh import bgl import gpu import numpy as np from mathutils import Vector, Quaternion from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader from math import cos, sin, pi from .pdt_msg_strings import ( PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE, PDT_ERR_SEL_2_V_1_E, PDT_ERR_SEL_2_OBJS, PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ, PDT_ERR_SEL_1_EDGEM, ) from . import pdt_exception PDT_ShaderError = pdt_exception.ShaderError def debug(msg, prefix=""): """Print a debug message to the console if PDT's or Blender's debug flags are set. Note: The printed message will be of the form: {prefix}{caller file name:line number}| {msg} Args: msg: Incomming message to display prefix: Always Blank Returns: Nothing. """ pdt_debug = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.debug if bpy.app.debug or bpy.app.debug_python or pdt_debug: import traceback def extract_filename(fullpath): """Return only the filename part of fullpath (excluding its path). Args: fullpath: Filename's full path Returns: filename. """ # Expected to end up being a string containing only the filename # (i.e. excluding its preceding '/' separated path) filename = fullpath.split('/')[-1] #print(filename) # something went wrong if len(filename) < 1: return fullpath # since this is a string, just return it return filename # stack frame corresponding to the line where debug(msg) was called #print(traceback.extract_stack()[-2]) laststack = traceback.extract_stack()[-2] #print(laststack[0]) # laststack[0] is the caller's full file name, laststack[1] is the line number print(f"{prefix}{extract_filename(laststack[0])}:{laststack[1]}| {msg}") def oops(self, context): """Error Routine. Note: Displays error message in a popup. Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Nothing. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg self.layout.label(text=pg.error) def set_mode(mode_pl): """Sets Active Axes for View Orientation. Note: Sets indices of axes for locational vectors: "XY": a1 = x, a2 = y, a3 = z "XZ": a1 = x, a2 = z, a3 = y "YZ": a1 = y, a2 = z, a3 = x Args: mode_pl: Plane Selector variable as input Returns: 3 Integer indices. """ order = { "XY": (0, 1, 2), "XZ": (0, 2, 1), "YZ": (1, 2, 0), } return order[mode_pl] def set_axis(mode_pl): """Sets Active Axes for View Orientation. Note: Sets indices for axes from taper vectors Axis order: Rotate Axis, Move Axis, Height Axis Args: mode_pl: Taper Axis Selector variable as input Returns: 3 Integer Indicies. """ order = { "RX-MY": (0, 1, 2), "RX-MZ": (0, 2, 1), "RY-MX": (1, 0, 2), "RY-MZ": (1, 2, 0), "RZ-MX": (2, 0, 1), "RZ-MY": (2, 1, 0), } return order[mode_pl] def check_selection(num, bm, obj): """Check that the Object's select_history has sufficient entries. Note: If selection history is not Verts, clears selection and history. Args: num: The number of entries required for each operation bm: The Bmesh from the Object obj: The Object Returns: list of 3D points as Vectors. """ if len(bm.select_history) < num: return None active_vertex = bm.select_history[-1] if isinstance(active_vertex, bmesh.types.BMVert): vector_a = active_vertex.co if num == 1: return vector_a if num == 2: vector_b = bm.select_history[-2].co return vector_a, vector_b if num == 3: vector_b = bm.select_history[-2].co vector_c = bm.select_history[-3].co return vector_a, vector_b, vector_c if num == 4: vector_b = bm.select_history[-2].co vector_c = bm.select_history[-3].co vector_d = bm.select_history[-4].co return vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d else: for f in bm.faces: f.select_set(False) for e in bm.edges: e.select_set(False) for v in bm.verts: v.select_set(False) bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data) bm.select_history.clear() return None def update_sel(bm, verts, edges, faces): """Updates Vertex, Edge and Face Selections following a function. Args: bm: Object Bmesh verts: New Selection for Vertices edges: The Edges on which to operate faces: The Faces on which to operate Returns: Nothing. """ for f in bm.faces: f.select_set(False) for e in bm.edges: e.select_set(False) for v in bm.verts: v.select_set(False) for v in verts: v.select_set(True) for e in edges: e.select_set(True) for f in faces: f.select_set(True) def view_coords(x_loc, y_loc, z_loc): """Converts input Vector values to new Screen Oriented Vector. Args: x_loc: X coordinate from vector y_loc: Y coordinate from vector z_loc: Z coordinate from vector Returns: Vector adjusted to View's Inverted Tranformation Matrix. """ areas = [a for a in bpy.context.screen.areas if a.type == "VIEW_3D"] if len(areas) > 0: view_matrix = areas[0].spaces.active.region_3d.view_matrix view_matrix = view_matrix.to_3x3().normalized().inverted() view_location = Vector((x_loc, y_loc, z_loc)) new_view_location = view_matrix @ view_location return new_view_location return Vector((0, 0, 0)) def view_coords_i(x_loc, y_loc, z_loc): """Converts Screen Oriented input Vector values to new World Vector. Note: Converts View tranformation Matrix to Rotational Matrix Args: x_loc: X coordinate from vector y_loc: Y coordinate from vector z_loc: Z coordinate from vector Returns: Vector adjusted to View's Transformation Matrix. """ areas = [a for a in bpy.context.screen.areas if a.type == "VIEW_3D"] if len(areas) > 0: view_matrix = areas[0].spaces.active.region_3d.view_matrix view_matrix = view_matrix.to_3x3().normalized() view_location = Vector((x_loc, y_loc, z_loc)) new_view_location = view_matrix @ view_location return new_view_location return Vector((0, 0, 0)) def view_dir(dis_v, ang_v): """Converts Distance and Angle to View Oriented Vector. Note: Converts View Transformation Matrix to Rotational Matrix (3x3) Angles are Converts to Radians from degrees. Args: dis_v: Scene PDT distance ang_v: Scene PDT angle Returns: World Vector. """ areas = [a for a in bpy.context.screen.areas if a.type == "VIEW_3D"] if len(areas) > 0: view_matrix = areas[0].spaces.active.region_3d.view_matrix view_matrix = view_matrix.to_3x3().normalized().inverted() view_location = Vector((0, 0, 0)) view_location.x = dis_v * cos(ang_v * pi / 180) view_location.y = dis_v * sin(ang_v * pi / 180) new_view_location = view_matrix @ view_location return new_view_location return Vector((0, 0, 0)) def euler_to_quaternion(roll, pitch, yaw): """Converts Euler Rotation to Quaternion Rotation. Args: roll: Roll in Euler rotation pitch: Pitch in Euler rotation yaw: Yaw in Euler rotation Returns: Quaternion Rotation. """ # fmt: off quat_x = (np.sin(roll/2) * np.cos(pitch/2) * np.cos(yaw/2) - np.cos(roll/2) * np.sin(pitch/2) * np.sin(yaw/2)) quat_y = (np.cos(roll/2) * np.sin(pitch/2) * np.cos(yaw/2) + np.sin(roll/2) * np.cos(pitch/2) * np.sin(yaw/2)) quat_z = (np.cos(roll/2) * np.cos(pitch/2) * np.sin(yaw/2) - np.sin(roll/2) * np.sin(pitch/2) * np.cos(yaw/2)) quat_w = (np.cos(roll/2) * np.cos(pitch/2) * np.cos(yaw/2) + np.sin(roll/2) * np.sin(pitch/2) * np.sin(yaw/2)) # fmt: on return Quaternion((quat_w, quat_x, quat_y, quat_z)) def arc_centre(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c): """Calculates Centre of Arc from 3 Vector Locations using standard Numpy routine Args: vector_a: Active vector location vector_b: Second vector location vector_c: Third vector location Returns: Vector representing Arc Centre and Float representing Arc Radius. """ coord_a = np.array([vector_a.x, vector_a.y, vector_a.z]) coord_b = np.array([vector_b.x, vector_b.y, vector_b.z]) coord_c = np.array([vector_c.x, vector_c.y, vector_c.z]) line_a = np.linalg.norm(coord_c - coord_b) line_b = np.linalg.norm(coord_c - coord_a) line_c = np.linalg.norm(coord_b - coord_a) # fmt: off line_s = (line_a+line_b+line_c) / 2 radius = ( line_a*line_b*line_c/4 / np.sqrt(line_s * (line_s-line_a) * (line_s-line_b) * (line_s-line_c)) ) base_1 = line_a*line_a * (line_b*line_b + line_c*line_c - line_a*line_a) base_2 = line_b*line_b * (line_a*line_a + line_c*line_c - line_b*line_b) base_3 = line_c*line_c * (line_a*line_a + line_b*line_b - line_c*line_c) # fmt: on intersect_coord = np.column_stack((coord_a, coord_b, coord_c)) intersect_coord = intersect_coord.dot(np.hstack((base_1, base_2, base_3))) intersect_coord /= base_1 + base_2 + base_3 return Vector((intersect_coord[0], intersect_coord[1], intersect_coord[2])), radius def intersection(vertex_a, vertex_b, vertex_c, vertex_d, plane): """Calculates Intersection Point of 2 Imagined Lines from 4 Vectors. Note: Calculates Converging Intersect Location and indication of whether the lines are convergent using standard Numpy Routines Args: vertex_a: Active vector location of first line vertex_b: Second vector location of first line vertex_c: Third vector location of 2nd line vertex_d: Fourth vector location of 2nd line plane: Working Plane 4 Vector Locations representing 2 lines and Working Plane Returns: Intersection Vector and Boolean for convergent state. """ if plane == "LO": vertex_offset = vertex_b - vertex_a vertex_b = view_coords_i(vertex_offset.x, vertex_offset.y, vertex_offset.z) vertex_offset = vertex_d - vertex_a vertex_d = view_coords_i(vertex_offset.x, vertex_offset.y, vertex_offset.z) vertex_offset = vertex_c - vertex_a vertex_c = view_coords_i(vertex_offset.x, vertex_offset.y, vertex_offset.z) vector_ref = Vector((0, 0, 0)) coord_a = (vertex_c.x, vertex_c.y) coord_b = (vertex_d.x, vertex_d.y) coord_c = (vertex_b.x, vertex_b.y) coord_d = (vector_ref.x, vector_ref.y) else: a1, a2, a3 = set_mode(plane) coord_a = (vertex_c[a1], vertex_c[a2]) coord_b = (vertex_d[a1], vertex_d[a2]) coord_c = (vertex_a[a1], vertex_a[a2]) coord_d = (vertex_b[a1], vertex_b[a2]) v_stack = np.vstack([coord_a, coord_b, coord_c, coord_d]) h_stack = np.hstack((v_stack, np.ones((4, 1)))) line_a = np.cross(h_stack[0], h_stack[1]) line_b = np.cross(h_stack[2], h_stack[3]) x_loc, y_loc, z_loc = np.cross(line_a, line_b) if z_loc == 0: return Vector((0, 0, 0)), False new_x_loc = x_loc / z_loc new_z_loc = y_loc / z_loc if plane == "LO": new_y_loc = 0 else: new_y_loc = vertex_a[a3] # Order Vector Delta if plane == "XZ": vector_delta = Vector((new_x_loc, new_y_loc, new_z_loc)) elif plane == "XY": vector_delta = Vector((new_x_loc, new_z_loc, new_y_loc)) elif plane == "YZ": vector_delta = Vector((new_y_loc, new_x_loc, new_z_loc)) else: # Must be Local View Plane vector_delta = view_coords(new_x_loc, new_z_loc, new_y_loc) + vertex_a return vector_delta, True def get_percent(obj, flip_percent, per_v, data, scene): """Calculates a Percentage Distance between 2 Vectors. Note: Calculates a point that lies a set percentage between two given points using standard Numpy Routines. Works for either 2 vertices for an object in Edit mode or 2 selected objects in Object mode. Args: obj: The Object under consideration flip_percent: Setting this to True measures the percentage starting from the second vector per_v: Percentage Input Value data: pg.flip, pg.percent scene variables & Operational Mode scene: Context Scene Returns: World Vector. """ pg = scene.pdt_pg if obj.mode == "EDIT": bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(verts) == 2: vector_a = verts[0].co vector_b = verts[1].co if vector_a is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return None else: pg.error = PDT_ERR_SEL_2_V_1_E + str(len(verts)) + " Vertices" bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return None coord_a = np.array([vector_a.x, vector_a.y, vector_a.z]) coord_b = np.array([vector_b.x, vector_b.y, vector_b.z]) if obj.mode == "OBJECT": objs = bpy.context.view_layer.objects.selected if len(objs) != 2: pg.error = PDT_ERR_SEL_2_OBJS + str(len(objs)) + ")" bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return None coord_a = np.array( [ objs[-1].matrix_world.decompose()[0].x, objs[-1].matrix_world.decompose()[0].y, objs[-1].matrix_world.decompose()[0].z, ] ) coord_b = np.array( [ objs[-2].matrix_world.decompose()[0].x, objs[-2].matrix_world.decompose()[0].y, objs[-2].matrix_world.decompose()[0].z, ] ) coord_c = coord_b - coord_a coord_d = np.array([0, 0, 0]) _per_v = per_v if (flip_percent and data != "MV") or data == "MV": _per_v = 100 - per_v coord_out = (coord_d+coord_c) * (_per_v / 100) + coord_a return Vector((coord_out[0], coord_out[1], coord_out[2])) def obj_check(obj, scene, operation): """Check Object & Selection Validity. Args: obj: Active Object scene: Active Scene operation: The Operation e.g. Create New Vertex Returns: Object Bmesh Validity Boolean. """ pg = scene.pdt_pg _operation = operation.upper() if obj is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return None, False if obj.mode == "EDIT": bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data) if _operation == "S": if len(bm.edges) < 1: pg.error = f"{PDT_ERR_SEL_1_EDGEM} {len(bm.edges)})" bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return None, False return bm, True if len(bm.select_history) >= 1: vector_a = None if _operation not in {"D", "E", "F", "G", "N", "S"}: vector_a = check_selection(1, bm, obj) else: verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] if len(verts) > 0: vector_a = verts[0] if vector_a is None: pg.error = PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(oops, title="Error", icon="ERROR") return None, False return bm, True return None, True def dis_ang(values, flip_angle, plane, scene): """Set Working Axes when using Direction command. Args: values: Input Arguments flip_angle: Whether to flip the angle plane: Working Plane scene: Current Scene Returns: Directional Offset as a Vector. """ pg = scene.pdt_pg dis_v = float(values[0]) ang_v = float(values[1]) if flip_angle: if ang_v > 0: ang_v = ang_v - 180 else: ang_v = ang_v + 180 pg.angle = ang_v if plane == "LO": vector_delta = view_dir(dis_v, ang_v) else: a1, a2, _ = set_mode(plane) vector_delta = Vector((0, 0, 0)) # fmt: off vector_delta[a1] = vector_delta[a1] + (dis_v * cos(ang_v * pi/180)) vector_delta[a2] = vector_delta[a2] + (dis_v * sin(ang_v * pi/180)) # fmt: on return vector_delta # Shader for displaying the Pivot Point as Graphics. # SHADER = gpu.shader.from_builtin("3D_UNIFORM_COLOR") if not bpy.app.background else None def draw_3d(coords, gtype, rgba, context): """Draw Pivot Point Graphics. Note: Draws either Lines Points, or Tris using defined shader Args: coords: Input Coordinates List gtype: Graphic Type rgba: Colour in RGBA format context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Nothing. """ batch = batch_for_shader(SHADER, gtype, {"pos": coords}) try: if coords is not None: bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) SHADER.bind() SHADER.uniform_float("color", rgba) batch.draw(SHADER) except: raise PDT_ShaderError def draw_callback_3d(self, context): """Create Coordinate List for Pivot Point Graphic. Note: Creates coordinates for Pivot Point Graphic consisting of 6 Tris and one Point colour coded Red; X axis, Green; Y axis, Blue; Z axis and a yellow point based upon screen scale Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Nothing. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg region_width = context.region.width x_loc = pg.pivot_loc.x y_loc = pg.pivot_loc.y z_loc = pg.pivot_loc.z # Scale it from view areas = [a for a in context.screen.areas if a.type == "VIEW_3D"] if len(areas) > 0: scale_factor = abs(areas[0].spaces.active.region_3d.window_matrix.decompose()[2][1]) # Check for orhtographic view and resize #if areas[0].spaces.active.region_3d.is_orthographic_side_view: # dim_a = region_width / sf / 60000 * pg.pivot_size #else: # dim_a = region_width / sf / 5000 * pg.pivot_size dim_a = region_width / scale_factor / 50000 * pg.pivot_size dim_b = dim_a * 0.65 dim_c = dim_a * 0.05 + (pg.pivot_width * dim_a * 0.02) dim_o = dim_c / 3 # fmt: off # X Axis coords = [ (x_loc, y_loc, z_loc), (x_loc+dim_b, y_loc-dim_o, z_loc), (x_loc+dim_b, y_loc+dim_o, z_loc), (x_loc+dim_a, y_loc, z_loc), (x_loc+dim_b, y_loc+dim_c, z_loc), (x_loc+dim_b, y_loc-dim_c, z_loc), ] # fmt: on colour = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, pg.pivot_alpha) draw_3d(coords, "TRIS", colour, context) coords = [(x_loc, y_loc, z_loc), (x_loc+dim_a, y_loc, z_loc)] draw_3d(coords, "LINES", colour, context) # fmt: off # Y Axis coords = [ (x_loc, y_loc, z_loc), (x_loc-dim_o, y_loc+dim_b, z_loc), (x_loc+dim_o, y_loc+dim_b, z_loc), (x_loc, y_loc+dim_a, z_loc), (x_loc+dim_c, y_loc+dim_b, z_loc), (x_loc-dim_c, y_loc+dim_b, z_loc), ] # fmt: on colour = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, pg.pivot_alpha) draw_3d(coords, "TRIS", colour, context) coords = [(x_loc, y_loc, z_loc), (x_loc, y_loc + dim_a, z_loc)] draw_3d(coords, "LINES", colour, context) # fmt: off # Z Axis coords = [ (x_loc, y_loc, z_loc), (x_loc-dim_o, y_loc, z_loc+dim_b), (x_loc+dim_o, y_loc, z_loc+dim_b), (x_loc, y_loc, z_loc+dim_a), (x_loc+dim_c, y_loc, z_loc+dim_b), (x_loc-dim_c, y_loc, z_loc+dim_b), ] # fmt: on colour = (0.2, 0.5, 1.0, pg.pivot_alpha) draw_3d(coords, "TRIS", colour, context) coords = [(x_loc, y_loc, z_loc), (x_loc, y_loc, z_loc + dim_a)] draw_3d(coords, "LINES", colour, context) # Centre coords = [(x_loc, y_loc, z_loc)] colour = (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, pg.pivot_alpha) draw_3d(coords, "POINTS", colour, context) def scale_set(self, context): """Sets Scale by dividing Pivot Distance by System Distance. Note: Sets Pivot Point Scale Factors by Measurement Uses pg.pivotdis & pg.distance scene variables Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg sys_distance = pg.distance scale_distance = pg.pivot_dis if scale_distance > 0: scale_factor = scale_distance / sys_distance pg.pivot_scale = Vector((scale_factor, scale_factor, scale_factor))