#After 1962 #Common uses: outdoor lighting where good color rendering is needed, television/film lighting, sports fields, car headlights, flood lights, heavy flashlights, green house applications import bpy bpy.context.object.data.type = 'SPOT' lampdata = bpy.context.object.data lampdata.show_cone = True lampdata.spot_size = 0.6 lampdata.spot_blend = 0.9 lampdata.color = (0.9490196108818054, 0.9882352948188782, 1.0) lampdata.energy = 20.98293#9000lm/21.446(=lux)*0.004*6.25(distance) *2 for distance is the point of half strength lampdata.distance = 0.025 lampdata.falloff_type = 'INVERSE_SQUARE'