################################################################################ # # df3.py # # Copyright (C) 2005 Mike Kost # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Creation functions # __init__(x=1, y=1, z=1) : default constructor # clone(indf3) : make this df3 look like indf3 # # Info functions # sizeX(): returns X dimension # sizeY(): returns Y dimension # sizeZ(): returns Z dimension # # Scalar functions # mult(): # add(): # max(): returns highest voxel value in df3 # min(): returns lowest voxel value in df3 # # Vector functions # # Import/Export functions # exportDF3(): # importDF3(): # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import struct import os import stat import array # -+-+-+- Start df3 Class -+-+-+- class df3: __version__ = '0.2' __arraytype__ = 'f' __struct4byte__ = '>I' __struct2byte__ = '>H' __struct2byte3__ = '>HHH' __struct1byte__ = '>B' __array4byte__ = 'I' __array2byte__ = 'H' __array1byte__ = 'B' def __init__(self, x=1, y=1, z=1): self.maxX = x self.maxY = y self.maxZ = z self.voxel = self.__create__(x, y, z) def clone(self, indf3): self.voxel = array.array(self.__arraytype__) for i in range(indf3.sizeX() * indf3.sizeY() * indf3.sizeZ()): self.voxel[i] = indf3.voxel[i] return self # --- Info Functions def sizeX(self): return self.maxX def sizeY(self): return self.maxY def sizeZ(self): return self.maxZ def size(self): tmp = [self.sizeX()] tmp.append(self.sizeY()) tmp.append(self.sizeZ()) return tmp # --- Voxel Access Functions def get(self, x, y, z): return self.voxel[self.__voxa__(x, y, z)] def getB(self, x, y, z): if x > self.sizeX() or x < 0: return 0 if y > self.sizeX() or y < 0: return 0 if z > self.sizeX() or z < 0: return 0 return self.voxel[self.__voxa__(x, y, z)] def set(self, x, y, z, val): self.voxel[self.__voxa__(x, y, z)] = val def setB(self, x, y, z, val): if x > self.sizeX() or x < 0: return if y > self.sizeX() or y < 0: return if z > self.sizeX() or z < 0: return self.voxel[self.__voxa__(x, y, z)] = val # --- Scalar Functions def mult(self, val): for i in range(self.sizeX() * self.sizeY() * self.sizeZ()): self.voxel[i] = self.voxel[i] * val return self def add(self, val): for i in range(self.sizeX() * self.sizeY() * self.sizeZ()): self.voxel[i] = self.voxel[i] + val return self def max(self): tmp = self.voxel[0] for i in range(self.sizeX() * self.sizeY() * self.sizeZ()): if self.voxel[i] > tmp: tmp = self.voxel[i] return tmp def min(self): tmp = self.voxel[0] for i in range(self.sizeX() * self.sizeY() * self.sizeZ()): if self.voxel[i] < tmp: tmp = self.voxel[i] return tmp # --- Vector Functions def compare(self, indf3): if self.__samesize__(indf3) == 0: return 0 if self.voxel == indf3.voxel: return 1 return 0 def multV(self, indf3): if self.__samesize__(indf3) == 0: print("Cannot multiply voxels - not same size") return for i in range(self.sizeX() * self.sizeY() * self.sizeZ()): self.voxel[i] = self.voxel[i] * indf3.voxel[i] return self def addV(self, indf3): if self.__samesize__(indf3) == 0: print("Cannot add voxels - not same size") return for i in range(self.sizeX() * self.sizeY() * self.sizeZ()): self.voxel[i] = self.voxel[i] + indf3.voxel[i] return self def convolveV(self, filt): fx = filt.sizeX() fy = filt.sizeY() fz = filt.sizeZ() if fx % 2 != 1: print("Incompatible filter - must be odd number of X") return self if fy % 2 != 1: print("Incompatible filter - must be odd number of Y") return self if fz % 2 != 1: print("Incompatible filter - must be odd number of Z") return self fdx = (fx - 1) / 2 fdy = (fy - 1) / 2 fdz = (fz - 1) / 2 flen = fx * fy * fz newV = self.__create__(self.sizeX(), self.sizeY(), self.sizeZ()) for x in range(self.sizeX()): for y in range(self.sizeY()): for z in range(self.sizeZ()): rip = self.__rip__(x - fdx, x + fdx, y - fdy, y + fdy, z - fdz, z + fdz) tmp = 0.0 for i in range(flen): tmp += rip[i] * filt.voxel[i] newV[self.__voxa__(x, y, z)] = tmp self.voxel = newV return self # --- Import/Export Functions def exportDF3(self, file, depth=8, rescale=1): x = self.sizeX() y = self.sizeY() z = self.sizeZ() try: f = open(file, 'wb') except BaseException as e: print(e.__doc__) print('An exception occurred: {}'.format(e)) print("Could not open " + file + " for write") return f.write(struct.pack(self.__struct2byte3__, x, y, z)) tmp = self.__toInteger__(pow(2, depth) - 1, rescale) if depth > 16: # 32-bit for i in range(x * y * z): f.write(struct.pack(self.__struct4byte__, tmp[i])) elif depth > 8: # 16-bit for i in range(x * y * z): f.write(struct.pack(self.__struct2byte__, tmp[i])) else: for i in range(x * y * z): f.write(struct.pack(self.__struct1byte__, tmp[i])) def importDF3(self, file, scale=1): try: f = open(file, 'rb') size = os.stat(file)[stat.ST_SIZE] except BaseException as e: print(e.__doc__) print('An exception occurred: {}'.format(e)) print("Could not open " + file + " for read") return [] (x, y, z) = struct.unpack(self.__struct2byte3__, f.read(6)) self.voxel = self.__create__(x, y, z) self.maxX = x self.maxY = y self.maxZ = z size = size - 6 if size == x * y * z: format = 8 elif size == 2 * x * y * z: format = 16 elif size == 4 * x * y * z: format = 32 for i in range(x * y * z): if format == 32: self.voxel[i] = float(struct.unpack(self.__struct4byte__, f.read(4))[0]) elif format == 16: self.voxel[i] = float(struct.unpack(self.__struct2byte__, f.read(2))[0]) elif format == 8: self.voxel[i] = float(struct.unpack(self.__struct1byte__, f.read(1))[0]) return self # --- Local classes not intended for user use def __rip__(self, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ): sizeX = maxX - minX + 1 sizeY = maxY - minY + 1 sizeZ = maxZ - minZ + 1 tmpV = self.__create__(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ) for x in range(sizeX): for y in range(sizeY): for z in range(sizeZ): # Check X if (minX + x) < 0: tmpV[(z * sizeZ + y) * sizeY + x] = 0.0 elif (minX + x) > self.sizeX() - 1: tmpV[(z * sizeZ + y) * sizeY + x] = 0.0 # Check Y elif (minY + y) < 0: tmpV[(z * sizeZ + y) * sizeY + x] = 0.0 elif (minY + y) > self.sizeY() - 1: tmpV[(z * sizeZ + y) * sizeY + x] = 0.0 # Check Z elif (minZ + z) < 0: tmpV[(z * sizeZ + y) * sizeY + x] = 0.0 elif (minZ + z) > self.sizeZ() - 1: tmpV[(z * sizeZ + y) * sizeY + x] = 0.0 else: tmpV[(z * sizeZ + y) * sizeY + x] = self.get(minX + x, minY + y, minZ + z) return tmpV def __samesize__(self, indf3): if self.sizeX() != indf3.sizeX(): return 0 if self.sizeY() != indf3.sizeY(): return 0 if self.sizeZ() != indf3.sizeZ(): return 0 return 1 def __voxa__(self, x, y, z): return (z * self.sizeY() + y) * self.sizeX() + x def __create__(self, x, y, z, atype='0', init=1): if atype == '0': tmp = self.__arraytype__ else: tmp = atype if init == 1: if tmp in ('f', 'd'): voxel = array.array(tmp, [0.0 for i in range(x * y * z)]) else: voxel = array.array(tmp, [0 for i in range(x * y * z)]) else: voxel = array.array(tmp) return voxel def __toInteger__(self, scale, rescale=1): if scale < pow(2, 8): # 8-bit tmp = self.__create__(self.sizeX(), self.sizeY(), self.sizeZ(), self.__array1byte__) elif scale < pow(2, 16): # 16-bit tmp = self.__create__(self.sizeX(), self.sizeY(), self.sizeZ(), self.__array2byte__) else: # 32-bit tmp = self.__create__(self.sizeX(), self.sizeY(), self.sizeZ(), self.__array4byte__) maxVal = self.max() print(scale) for i in range(self.sizeX() * self.sizeY() * self.sizeZ()): if rescale == 1: tmp[i] = max(0, int(round(scale * self.voxel[i] / maxVal))) else: tmp[i] = max(0, min(scale, int(round(self.voxel[i])))) return tmp # -=-=-=- End df3 Class -=-=-=- # --------DEFAULT EXAMPLES # if __name__ == '__main__': # localX = 80 # localY = 90 # localZ = 100 # -- Generate an output # temp = df3(localX, localY, localZ) # for i in range(localX): # for j in range(localY): # for k in range(localZ): # if (i >= (localX/2)): # temp.set(i, j, k, 1.0) # temp.exportDF3('temp.df3', 16) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -- Import # temp2 = df3().importDF3('temp.df3') # temp2.mult(1/temp2.max()) # -- Compare # print(temp2.size()) # if (temp.compare(temp2) == 0): print("DF3's Do Not Match") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ChangeLog # --------- # 08/09/05: 0.20 released # + Change internal representation to floating point # + Rewrite import/export for speed # + Convert from 3-d list structure to Array class for data storage # + Add element access, scalar, and vector functions # 07/13/05: 0.10 released # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------