# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # """Translate to POV the control point compound geometries. Such as polygon meshes or curve based shapes. """ # -------- # -- Faster mesh export ...one day # import numpy as np # -------- import bpy from . import texturing # for how textures influence shaders from . import model_poly_topology # from .texturing import local_material_names from .scenography import export_smoke def matrix_as_pov_string(matrix): """Translate some transform matrix from Blender UI to POV syntax and return that string""" return ( "matrix <" "%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, " "%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, " "%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, " "%.6f, %.6f, %.6f" ">\n" % ( matrix[0][0], matrix[1][0], matrix[2][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[1][1], matrix[2][1], matrix[0][2], matrix[1][2], matrix[2][2], matrix[0][3], matrix[1][3], matrix[2][3], ) ) # objectNames = {} DEF_OBJ_NAME = "Default" def objects_loop( file, scene, sel, csg, material_names_dictionary, unpacked_images, tab_level, tab_write, info_callback, ): # global preview_dir # global smoke_path # global global_matrix # global comments # global tab """write all meshes as POV mesh2{} syntax to exported file""" # # some numpy functions to speed up mesh export NOT IN USE YET # # Current 2.93 beta numpy linking has troubles so definitions commented off for now # # TODO: also write a numpy function to read matrices at object level? # # feed below with mesh object.data, but only after doing data.calc_loop_triangles() # def read_verts_co(self, mesh): # #'float64' would be a slower 64-bit floating-point number numpy datatype # # using 'float32' vert coordinates for now until any issue is reported # mverts_co = np.zeros((len(mesh.vertices) * 3), dtype=np.float32) # mesh.vertices.foreach_get("co", mverts_co) # return np.reshape(mverts_co, (len(mesh.vertices), 3)) # def read_verts_idx(self, mesh): # mverts_idx = np.zeros((len(mesh.vertices)), dtype=np.int64) # mesh.vertices.foreach_get("index", mverts_idx) # return np.reshape(mverts_idx, (len(mesh.vertices), 1)) # def read_verts_norms(self, mesh): # #'float64' would be a slower 64-bit floating-point number numpy datatype # # using less accurate 'float16' normals for now until any issue is reported # mverts_no = np.zeros((len(mesh.vertices) * 3), dtype=np.float16) # mesh.vertices.foreach_get("normal", mverts_no) # return np.reshape(mverts_no, (len(mesh.vertices), 3)) # def read_faces_idx(self, mesh): # mfaces_idx = np.zeros((len(mesh.loop_triangles)), dtype=np.int64) # mesh.loop_triangles.foreach_get("index", mfaces_idx) # return np.reshape(mfaces_idx, (len(mesh.loop_triangles), 1)) # def read_faces_verts_indices(self, mesh): # mfaces_verts_idx = np.zeros((len(mesh.loop_triangles) * 3), dtype=np.int64) # mesh.loop_triangles.foreach_get("vertices", mfaces_verts_idx) # return np.reshape(mfaces_verts_idx, (len(mesh.loop_triangles), 3)) # # Why is below different from vertex indices? # def read_faces_verts_loops(self, mesh): # mfaces_verts_loops = np.zeros((len(mesh.loop_triangles) * 3), dtype=np.int64) # mesh.loop_triangles.foreach_get("loops", mfaces_verts_loops) # return np.reshape(mfaces_verts_loops, (len(mesh.loop_triangles), 3)) # def read_faces_norms(self, mesh): # #'float64' would be a slower 64-bit floating-point number numpy datatype # # using less accurate 'float16' normals for now until any issue is reported # mfaces_no = np.zeros((len(mesh.loop_triangles) * 3), dtype=np.float16) # mesh.loop_triangles.foreach_get("normal", mfaces_no) # return np.reshape(mfaces_no, (len(mesh.loop_triangles), 3)) # def read_faces_smooth(self, mesh): # mfaces_smth = np.zeros((len(mesh.loop_triangles) * 1), dtype=np.bool) # mesh.loop_triangles.foreach_get("use_smooth", mfaces_smth) # return np.reshape(mfaces_smth, (len(mesh.loop_triangles), 1)) # def read_faces_material_indices(self, mesh): # mfaces_mats_idx = np.zeros((len(mesh.loop_triangles)), dtype=np.int16) # mesh.loop_triangles.foreach_get("material_index", mfaces_mats_idx) # return np.reshape(mfaces_mats_idx, (len(mesh.loop_triangles), 1)) # obmatslist = [] # def hasUniqueMaterial(): # # Grab materials attached to object instances ... # if hasattr(obj, 'material_slots'): # for ms in obj.material_slots: # if ms.material is not None and ms.link == 'OBJECT': # if ms.material in obmatslist: # return False # else: # obmatslist.append(ms.material) # return True # def hasObjectMaterial(obj): # # Grab materials attached to object instances ... # if hasattr(obj, 'material_slots'): # for ms in obj.material_slots: # if ms.material is not None and ms.link == 'OBJECT': # # If there is at least one material slot linked to the object # # and not the data (mesh), always create a new, "private" data instance. # return True # return False # For objects using local material(s) only! # This is a mapping between a tuple (dataname, material_names_dictionary, ...), # and the POV dataname. # As only objects using: # * The same data. # * EXACTLY the same materials, in EXACTLY the same sockets. # ... can share a same instance in POV export. from .render import ( string_strip_hyphen, global_matrix, tab, comments, ) from .render_core import ( preview_dir, smoke_path, ) from .model_primitives import write_object_modifiers from .shading import write_object_material_interior from .scenography import image_format, img_map, img_map_transforms linebreaksinlists = scene.pov.list_lf_enable and not scene.pov.tempfiles_enable obmats2data = {} def check_object_materials(obj, obj_name, dataname): """Compare other objects exported material slots to avoid rewriting duplicates""" if hasattr(obj, "material_slots"): has_local_mats = False key = [dataname] for ms in obj.material_slots: if ms.material is not None: key.append(ms.material.name) if ms.link == "OBJECT" and not has_local_mats: has_local_mats = True else: # Even if the slot is empty, it is important to grab it... key.append("") if has_local_mats: # If this object uses local material(s), lets find if another object # using the same data and exactly the same list of materials # (in the same slots) has already been processed... # Note that here also, we use object name as new, unique dataname for Pov. key = tuple(key) # Lists are not hashable... if key not in obmats2data: obmats2data[key] = obj_name return obmats2data[key] return None data_ref = {} def store(scene, ob, name, dataname, matrix): # The Object needs to be written at least once but if its data is # already in data_ref this has already been done. # This func returns the "povray" name of the data, or None # if no writing is needed. if ob.is_modified(scene, "RENDER"): # Data modified. # Create unique entry in data_ref by using object name # (always unique in Blender) as data name. data_ref[name] = [(name, matrix_as_pov_string(matrix))] return name # Here, we replace dataname by the value returned by check_object_materials, only if # it is not evaluated to False (i.e. only if the object uses some local material(s)). dataname = check_object_materials(ob, name, dataname) or dataname if dataname in data_ref: # Data already known, just add the object instance. data_ref[dataname].append((name, matrix_as_pov_string(matrix))) # No need to write data return None # Else (no return yet): Data not yet processed, create a new entry in data_ref. data_ref[dataname] = [(name, matrix_as_pov_string(matrix))] return dataname ob_num = 0 depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() for ob in sel: # Using depsgraph ob = bpy.data.objects[ob.name].evaluated_get(depsgraph) # subtract original from the count of their instances as were not counted before 2.8 if (ob.is_instancer and ob.original != ob): continue ob_num += 1 # XXX I moved all those checks here, as there is no need to compute names # for object we won't export here! if ob.type in { "LIGHT", "CAMERA", # 'EMPTY', #empties can bear dupligroups "META", "ARMATURE", "LATTICE", }: continue fluid_found = False for mod in ob.modifiers: if mod and hasattr(mod, "fluid_type"): fluid_found = True if mod.fluid_type == "DOMAIN": if mod.domain_settings.domain_type == "GAS": export_smoke(file, ob.name, smoke_path, comments, global_matrix) break # don't render domain mesh, skip to next object. if mod.fluid_type == "FLOW": # The domain contains all the smoke. so that's it. if mod.flow_settings.flow_type == "SMOKE": # Check how liquids behave break # don't render smoke flow emitter mesh either, skip to next object. if fluid_found: return # No fluid found if hasattr(ob, "particle_systems"): # Importing function Export Hair # here rather than at the top recommended for addons startup footprint from .particles import export_hair for p_sys in ob.particle_systems: for particle_mod in [ m for m in ob.modifiers if (m is not None) and (m.type == "PARTICLE_SYSTEM") ]: if ( (p_sys.settings.render_type == "PATH") and particle_mod.show_render and (p_sys.name == particle_mod.particle_system.name) ): export_hair(file, ob, particle_mod, p_sys, global_matrix) if not ob.show_instancer_for_render: continue # don't render emitter mesh, skip to next object. # ------------------------------------------------ # Generating a name for object just like materials to be able to use it # (baking for now or anything else). # XXX I don't understand that if we are here, sel if a non-empty iterable, # so this condition is always True, IMO -- mont29 # EMPTY type objects treated a little further below -- MR # modified elif to if below as non EMPTY objects can also be instancers if ob.is_instancer: if ob.instance_type == "COLLECTION": name_orig = "OB" + ob.name dataname_orig = "DATA" + ob.instance_collection.name else: # hoping only dupligroups have several source datablocks # ob_dupli_list_create(scene) #deprecated in 2.8 for eachduplicate in depsgraph.object_instances: # Real dupli instance filtered because # original included in list since 2.8 if eachduplicate.is_instance: dataname_orig = "DATA" + eachduplicate.object.name # obj.dupli_list_clear() #just don't store any reference to instance since 2.8 elif ob.data: # not an EMPTY type object name_orig = "OB" + ob.name dataname_orig = "DATA" + ob.data.name elif ob.type == "EMPTY": name_orig = "OB" + ob.name dataname_orig = "DATA" + ob.name else: name_orig = DEF_OBJ_NAME dataname_orig = DEF_OBJ_NAME name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(name_orig)) dataname = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(dataname_orig)) # for slot in obj.material_slots: # if slot.material is not None and slot.link == 'OBJECT': # obmaterial = slot.material # ------------------------------------------------ if info_callback: info_callback("Object %2.d of %2.d (%s)" % (ob_num, len(sel), ob.name)) me = ob.data matrix = global_matrix @ ob.matrix_world povdataname = store(scene, ob, name, dataname, matrix) if povdataname is None: print("This is an instance of " + name) continue print("Writing Down First Occurrence of " + name) # ------------ Mesh Primitives ------------ # # special export_curves() function takes care of writing # lathe, sphere_sweep, birail, and loft except with modifiers # converted to mesh if not ob.is_modified(scene, "RENDER"): if ob.type == "CURVE" and ( ob.pov.curveshape in {"lathe", "sphere_sweep", "loft"} ): continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object # pov_mat_name = "Default_texture" # Not used...remove? # Implicit else-if (as not skipped by previous "continue") # which itself has no "continue" (to combine custom pov code)?, so Keep this last. # For originals, but not their instances, attempt to export mesh: if not ob.is_instancer: # except duplis which should be instances groups for now but all duplis later if ob.type == "EMPTY": # XXX Should we only write this once and instantiate the same for every # empty in the final matrix writing, or even no matrix and just a comment # with empty object transforms ? tab_write(file, "\n//dummy sphere to represent Empty location\n") tab_write( file, "#declare %s =sphere {<0, 0, 0>,0 pigment{rgbt 1} no_image no_reflection no_radiosity photons{pass_through collect off} hollow}\n" % povdataname, ) continue # Don't render empty object but this is later addition, watch it. if ob.pov.object_as: pass else: model_poly_topology.export_mesh(file, ob, povdataname, material_names_dictionary, unpacked_images, tab_level, tab_write, linebreaksinlists) # ------------ Povray Primitives ------------ # # Also implicit elif (continue) clauses and sorted after mesh # as less often used. if ob.pov.object_as == "PLANE": tab_write(file, "#declare %s = plane{ <0,0,1>,0\n" % povdataname) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) write_object_modifiers(ob, file) # tab_write(file, "rotate x*90\n") tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "SPHERE": tab_write( file, "#declare %s = sphere { 0,%6f\n" % (povdataname, ob.pov.sphere_radius), ) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) write_object_modifiers(ob, file) # tab_write(file, "rotate x*90\n") tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "BOX": tab_write(file, "#declare %s = box { -1,1\n" % povdataname) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) write_object_modifiers(ob, file) # tab_write(file, "rotate x*90\n") tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "CONE": br = ob.pov.cone_base_radius cr = ob.pov.cone_cap_radius bz = ob.pov.cone_base_z cz = ob.pov.cone_cap_z tab_write( file, "#declare %s = cone { <0,0,%.4f>,%.4f,<0,0,%.4f>,%.4f\n" % (povdataname, bz, br, cz, cr), ) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) write_object_modifiers(ob, file) # tab_write(file, "rotate x*90\n") tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "CYLINDER": r = ob.pov.cylinder_radius x2 = ob.pov.cylinder_location_cap[0] y2 = ob.pov.cylinder_location_cap[1] z2 = ob.pov.cylinder_location_cap[2] tab_write( file, "#declare %s = cylinder { <0,0,0>,<%6f,%6f,%6f>,%6f\n" % (povdataname, x2, y2, z2, r), ) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) # cylinders written at origin, translated below write_object_modifiers(ob, file) # tab_write(file, "rotate x*90\n") tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "HEIGHT_FIELD": data = "" filename = ob.pov.hf_filename data += '"%s"' % filename gamma = " gamma %.4f" % ob.pov.hf_gamma data += gamma if ob.pov.hf_premultiplied: data += " premultiplied on" if ob.pov.hf_smooth: data += " smooth" if ob.pov.hf_water > 0: data += " water_level %.4f" % ob.pov.hf_water # hierarchy = obj.pov.hf_hierarchy tab_write(file, "#declare %s = height_field { %s\n" % (povdataname, data)) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) write_object_modifiers(ob, file) tab_write(file, "rotate x*90\n") tab_write(file, "translate <-0.5,0.5,0>\n") tab_write(file, "scale <0,-1,0>\n") tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "TORUS": tab_write( file, "#declare %s = torus { %.4f,%.4f\n" % ( povdataname, ob.pov.torus_major_radius, ob.pov.torus_minor_radius, ), ) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) write_object_modifiers(ob, file) tab_write(file, "rotate x*90\n") tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "PARAMETRIC": tab_write(file, "#declare %s = parametric {\n" % povdataname) tab_write(file, "function { %s }\n" % ob.pov.x_eq) tab_write(file, "function { %s }\n" % ob.pov.y_eq) tab_write(file, "function { %s }\n" % ob.pov.z_eq) tab_write( file, "<%.4f,%.4f>, <%.4f,%.4f>\n" % (ob.pov.u_min, ob.pov.v_min, ob.pov.u_max, ob.pov.v_max), ) # Previous to 3.8 default max_gradient 1.0 was too slow tab_write(file, "max_gradient 0.001\n") if ob.pov.contained_by == "sphere": tab_write(file, "contained_by { sphere{0, 2} }\n") else: tab_write(file, "contained_by { box{-2, 2} }\n") tab_write(file, "max_gradient %.6f\n" % ob.pov.max_gradient) tab_write(file, "accuracy %.6f\n" % ob.pov.accuracy) tab_write(file, "precompute 10 x,y,z\n") tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "ISOSURFACE_NODE": tab_write(file, "#declare %s = isosurface{ \n" % povdataname) tab_write(file, "function{ \n") text_name = ob.pov.iso_function_text if text_name: node_tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree for node in node_tree.nodes: if node.bl_idname == "IsoPropsNode" and node.label == ob.name: for inp in node.inputs: if inp: tab_write( file, "#declare %s = %.6g;\n" % (inp.name, inp.default_value), ) text = bpy.data.texts[text_name] for line in text.lines: split = line.body.split() if split[0] != "#declare": tab_write(file, "%s\n" % line.body) else: tab_write(file, "abs(x) - 2 + y") tab_write(file, "}\n") tab_write(file, "threshold %.6g\n" % ob.pov.threshold) tab_write(file, "max_gradient %.6g\n" % ob.pov.max_gradient) tab_write(file, "accuracy %.6g\n" % ob.pov.accuracy) tab_write(file, "contained_by { ") if ob.pov.contained_by == "sphere": tab_write(file, "sphere {0,%.6g}}\n" % ob.pov.container_scale) else: tab_write( file, "box {-%.6g,%.6g}}\n" % (ob.pov.container_scale, ob.pov.container_scale), ) if ob.pov.all_intersections: tab_write(file, "all_intersections\n") else: if ob.pov.max_trace > 1: tab_write(file, "max_trace %.6g\n" % ob.pov.max_trace) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) tab_write(file, "scale %.6g\n" % (1 / ob.pov.container_scale)) tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "ISOSURFACE_VIEW": simple_isosurface_function = ob.pov.isosurface_eq if simple_isosurface_function: tab_write(file, "#declare %s = isosurface{ \n" % povdataname) tab_write(file, "function{ \n") tab_write(file, simple_isosurface_function) tab_write(file, "}\n") tab_write(file, "threshold %.6g\n" % ob.pov.threshold) tab_write(file, "max_gradient %.6g\n" % ob.pov.max_gradient) tab_write(file, "accuracy %.6g\n" % ob.pov.accuracy) tab_write(file, "contained_by { ") if ob.pov.contained_by == "sphere": tab_write(file, "sphere {0,%.6g}}\n" % ob.pov.container_scale) else: tab_write( file, "box {-%.6g,%.6g}}\n" % (ob.pov.container_scale, ob.pov.container_scale), ) if ob.pov.all_intersections: tab_write(file, "all_intersections\n") else: if ob.pov.max_trace > 1: tab_write(file, "max_trace %.6g\n" % ob.pov.max_trace) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) tab_write(file, "scale %.6g\n" % (1 / ob.pov.container_scale)) tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "SUPERELLIPSOID": tab_write( file, "#declare %s = superellipsoid{ <%.4f,%.4f>\n" % (povdataname, ob.pov.se_n2, ob.pov.se_n1), ) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) write_object_modifiers(ob, file) tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "SUPERTORUS": rad_maj = ob.pov.st_major_radius rad_min = ob.pov.st_minor_radius ring = ob.pov.st_ring cross = ob.pov.st_cross accuracy = ob.pov.st_accuracy gradient = ob.pov.st_max_gradient # --- Inline Supertorus macro file.write( "#macro Supertorus(RMj, RMn, MajorControl, MinorControl, Accuracy, MaxGradient)\n" ) file.write(" #local CP = 2/MinorControl;\n") file.write(" #local RP = 2/MajorControl;\n") file.write(" isosurface {\n") file.write( " function { pow( pow(abs(pow(pow(abs(x),RP) + pow(abs(z),RP), 1/RP) - RMj),CP) + pow(abs(y),CP) ,1/CP) - RMn }\n" ) file.write(" threshold 0\n") file.write( " contained_by {box {<-RMj-RMn,-RMn,-RMj-RMn>, < RMj+RMn, RMn, RMj+RMn>}}\n" ) file.write(" #if(MaxGradient >= 1)\n") file.write(" max_gradient MaxGradient\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" evaluate 1, 10, 0.1\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" accuracy Accuracy\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write("#end\n") # --- tab_write( file, "#declare %s = object{ Supertorus( %.4g,%.4g,%.4g,%.4g,%.4g,%.4g)\n" % ( povdataname, rad_maj, rad_min, ring, cross, accuracy, gradient, ), ) if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(obj.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(me) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) write_object_modifiers(ob, file) tab_write(file, "rotate x*90\n") tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if ob.pov.object_as == "POLYCIRCLE": # TODO write below macro Once: # if write_polytocircle_macro_once == 0: file.write("/****************************\n") file.write("This macro was written by 'And'.\n") file.write("Link:(http://news.povray.org/povray.binaries.scene-files/)\n") file.write("****************************/\n") file.write("//from math.inc:\n") file.write("#macro VPerp_Adjust(V, Axis)\n") file.write(" vnormalize(vcross(vcross(Axis, V), Axis))\n") file.write("#end\n") file.write("//Then for the actual macro\n") file.write("#macro Shape_Slice_Plane_2P_1V(point1, point2, clip_direct)\n") file.write("#local p1 = point1 + <0,0,0>;\n") file.write("#local p2 = point2 + <0,0,0>;\n") file.write("#local clip_v = vnormalize(clip_direct + <0,0,0>);\n") file.write("#local direct_v1 = vnormalize(p2 - p1);\n") file.write("#if(vdot(direct_v1, clip_v) = 1)\n") file.write(' #error "Shape_Slice_Plane_2P_1V error: Can\'t decide plane"\n') file.write("#end\n\n") file.write( "#local norm = -vnormalize(clip_v - direct_v1*vdot(direct_v1,clip_v));\n" ) file.write("#local d = vdot(norm, p1);\n") file.write("plane{\n") file.write("norm, d\n") file.write("}\n") file.write("#end\n\n") file.write("//polygon to circle\n") file.write( "#macro Shape_Polygon_To_Circle_Blending(" "_polygon_n, _side_face, " "_polygon_circumscribed_radius, " "_circle_radius, " "_height)\n" ) file.write("#local n = int(_polygon_n);\n") file.write("#if(n < 3)\n") file.write(" #error\n") file.write("#end\n\n") file.write("#local front_v = VPerp_Adjust(_side_face, z);\n") file.write("#if(vdot(front_v, x) >= 0)\n") file.write(" #local face_ang = acos(vdot(-y, front_v));\n") file.write("#else\n") file.write(" #local face_ang = -acos(vdot(-y, front_v));\n") file.write("#end\n") file.write("#local polyg_ext_ang = 2*pi/n;\n") file.write("#local polyg_outer_r = _polygon_circumscribed_radius;\n") file.write("#local polyg_inner_r = polyg_outer_r*cos(polyg_ext_ang/2);\n") file.write("#local cycle_r = _circle_radius;\n") file.write("#local h = _height;\n") file.write("#if(polyg_outer_r < 0 | cycle_r < 0 | h <= 0)\n") file.write(' #error "error: each side length must be positive"\n') file.write("#end\n\n") file.write("#local multi = 1000;\n") file.write("#local poly_obj =\n") file.write("polynomial{\n") file.write("4,\n") file.write("xyz(0,2,2): multi*1,\n") file.write("xyz(2,0,1): multi*2*h,\n") file.write("xyz(1,0,2): multi*2*(polyg_inner_r-cycle_r),\n") file.write("xyz(2,0,0): multi*(-h*h),\n") file.write("xyz(0,0,2): multi*(-pow(cycle_r - polyg_inner_r, 2)),\n") file.write("xyz(1,0,1): multi*2*h*(-2*polyg_inner_r + cycle_r),\n") file.write("xyz(1,0,0): multi*2*h*h*polyg_inner_r,\n") file.write("xyz(0,0,1): multi*2*h*polyg_inner_r*(polyg_inner_r - cycle_r),\n") file.write("xyz(0,0,0): multi*(-pow(polyg_inner_r*h, 2))\n") file.write("sturm\n") file.write("}\n\n") file.write("#local mockup1 =\n") file.write("difference{\n") file.write(" cylinder{\n") file.write(" <0,0,0.0>,<0,0,h>, max(polyg_outer_r, cycle_r)\n") file.write(" }\n\n") file.write(" #for(i, 0, n-1)\n") file.write(" object{\n") file.write(" poly_obj\n") file.write(" inverse\n") file.write(" rotate <0, 0, -90 + degrees(polyg_ext_ang*i)>\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" object{\n") file.write( " Shape_Slice_Plane_2P_1V(,,x)\n" ) file.write(" rotate <0, 0, -90 + degrees(polyg_ext_ang*i)>\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write("}\n\n") file.write("object{\n") file.write("mockup1\n") file.write("rotate <0, 0, degrees(face_ang)>\n") file.write("}\n") file.write("#end\n") # Use the macro ngon = ob.pov.polytocircle_ngon ngonR = ob.pov.polytocircle_ngonR circleR = ob.pov.polytocircle_circleR tab_write( file, "#declare %s = object { Shape_Polygon_To_Circle_Blending(" "%s, z, %.4f, %.4f, 2) rotate x*180 translate z*1\n" % (povdataname, ngon, ngonR, circleR), ) tab_write(file, "}\n") continue # Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object if csg: # fluid_found early return no longer runs this # todo maybe make a function to run in that other branch duplidata_ref = [] _dupnames_seen = {} # avoid duplicate output during introspection for ob in sel: # matrix = global_matrix @ obj.matrix_world if ob.is_instancer: tab_write(file, "\n//--DupliObjects in %s--\n\n" % ob.name) # obj.dupli_list_create(scene) #deprecated in 2.8 dup = "" if ob.is_modified(scene, "RENDER"): # modified object always unique so using object name rather than data name dup = "#declare OB%s = union{\n" % ( string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(ob.name)) ) else: dup = "#declare DATA%s = union{\n" % ( string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(ob.name)) ) for eachduplicate in depsgraph.object_instances: if ( eachduplicate.is_instance ): # Real dupli instance filtered because original included in list since 2.8 _dupname = eachduplicate.object.name _dupobj = bpy.data.objects[_dupname] # BEGIN introspection for troubleshooting purposes if "name" not in dir(_dupobj.data): if _dupname not in _dupnames_seen: print( "WARNING: bpy.data.objects[%s].data (of type %s) has no 'name' attribute" % (_dupname, type(_dupobj.data)) ) for _thing in dir(_dupobj): print( "|| %s.%s = %s" % (_dupname, _thing, getattr(_dupobj, _thing)) ) _dupnames_seen[_dupname] = 1 print("''=> Unparseable objects so far: %s" % _dupnames_seen) else: _dupnames_seen[_dupname] += 1 continue # don't try to parse data objects with no name attribute # END introspection for troubleshooting purposes duplidataname = "OB" + string_strip_hyphen( bpy.path.clean_name(_dupobj.data.name) ) dupmatrix = ( eachduplicate.matrix_world.copy() ) # has to be copied to not store instance since 2.8 dup += "\tobject {\n\t\tDATA%s\n\t\t%s\t}\n" % ( string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(_dupobj.data.name)), matrix_as_pov_string(ob.matrix_world.inverted() @ dupmatrix), ) # add object to a list so that it is not rendered for some instance_types if ( ob.instance_type != "COLLECTION" and duplidataname not in duplidata_ref ): duplidata_ref.append( duplidataname, ) # older key [string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name("OB"+obj.name))] dup += "}\n" # obj.dupli_list_clear()# just do not store any reference to instance since 2.8 tab_write(file, dup) else: continue if _dupnames_seen: print("WARNING: Unparseable objects in current .blend file:\n''--> %s" % _dupnames_seen) if duplidata_ref: print("duplidata_ref = %s" % duplidata_ref) for data_name, inst in data_ref.items(): for ob_name, matrix_str in inst: if ob_name not in duplidata_ref: # .items() for a dictionary tab_write(file, "\n//----Blender Object Name: %s----\n" % ob_name.removeprefix("OB")) if ob.pov.object_as == "": tab_write(file, "object { \n") tab_write(file, "%s\n" % data_name) tab_write(file, "%s\n" % matrix_str) tab_write(file, "}\n") else: no_boolean = True for mod in ob.modifiers: if mod.type == "BOOLEAN": operation = None no_boolean = False if mod.operation == "INTERSECT": operation = "intersection" else: operation = mod.operation.lower() mod_ob_name = string_strip_hyphen( bpy.path.clean_name(mod.object.name) ) mod_matrix = global_matrix @ mod.object.matrix_world mod_ob_matrix = matrix_as_pov_string(mod_matrix) tab_write(file, "%s { \n" % operation) tab_write(file, "object { \n") tab_write(file, "%s\n" % data_name) tab_write(file, "%s\n" % matrix_str) tab_write(file, "}\n") tab_write(file, "object { \n") tab_write(file, "%s\n" % ("DATA" + mod_ob_name)) tab_write(file, "%s\n" % mod_ob_matrix) tab_write(file, "}\n") tab_write(file, "}\n") break if no_boolean: tab_write(file, "object { \n") tab_write(file, "%s\n" % data_name) tab_write(file, "%s\n" % matrix_str) tab_write(file, "}\n")