# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # """Translate to POV the control point compounded geometries like polygon meshes or curve based shapes. """ import bpy # -------- LOFT, ETC. def export_curves(file, ob, tab_write): """write all curves based POV primitives to exported file Args: file: The POV file being written ob: The current curve object to export from Blender string_strip_hyphen: Function to clean up names tab_write: Function to write to POV file """ from .shading import write_object_material_interior from .render import string_strip_hyphen # name_orig = "OB" + ob.name # XXX Unused, check instantiation dataname_orig = "DATA" + ob.data.name # name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(name_orig)) # XXX Unused, check instantiation dataname = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(dataname_orig)) # matrix = global_matrix @ ob.matrix_world # XXX Unused, check instantiation bezier_sweep = False if ob.pov.curveshape == "sphere_sweep": # TODO: Check radius ; shorten lines, may use tab_write() ? > fstrings since py 2.9 # inlined spheresweep macro, which itself calls Shapes.inc: file.write(' #include "shapes.inc"\n') file.write( " #macro Shape_Bezierpoints_Sphere_Sweep(_merge_shape, _resolution, _points_array, _radius_array)\n" ) file.write(" //input adjusting and inspection\n") file.write(" #if(_resolution <= 1)\n") file.write(" #local res = 1;\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local res = int(_resolution);\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #if(dimensions(_points_array) != 1 | dimensions(_radius_array) != 1)\n") file.write(' #error ""\n') file.write( " #elseif(div(dimension_size(_points_array,1),4) - dimension_size(_points_array,1)/4 != 0)\n" ) file.write(' #error ""\n') file.write( " #elseif(dimension_size(_points_array,1) != dimension_size(_radius_array,1))\n" ) file.write(' #error ""\n') file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local n_of_seg = div(dimension_size(_points_array,1), 4);\n") file.write(" #local ctrl_pts_array = array[n_of_seg]\n") file.write(" #local ctrl_rs_array = array[n_of_seg]\n") file.write(" #for(i, 0, n_of_seg-1)\n") file.write( " #local ctrl_pts_array[i] = array[4] {_points_array[4*i], _points_array[4*i+1], _points_array[4*i+2], _points_array[4*i+3]}\n" ) file.write( " #local ctrl_rs_array[i] = array[4] {abs(_radius_array[4*i]), abs(_radius_array[4*i+1]), abs(_radius_array[4*i+2]), abs(_radius_array[4*i+3])}\n" ) file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" //drawing\n") file.write(" #local mockup1 =\n") file.write(" #if(_merge_shape) merge{ #else union{ #end\n") file.write(" #for(i, 0, n_of_seg-1)\n") file.write(" #local has_head = true;\n") file.write(" #if(i = 0)\n") file.write( " #if(vlength(ctrl_pts_array[i][0]-ctrl_pts_array[n_of_seg-1][3]) = 0 & ctrl_rs_array[i][0]-ctrl_rs_array[n_of_seg-1][3] <= 0)\n" ) file.write(" #local has_head = false;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write( " #if(vlength(ctrl_pts_array[i][0]-ctrl_pts_array[i-1][3]) = 0 & ctrl_rs_array[i][0]-ctrl_rs_array[i-1][3] <= 0)\n" ) file.write(" #local has_head = false;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #if(has_head = true)\n") file.write(" sphere{\n") file.write(" ctrl_pts_array[i][0], ctrl_rs_array[i][0]\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #local para_t = (1/2)/res;\n") file.write( " #local this_point = ctrl_pts_array[i][0]*pow(1-para_t,3) + ctrl_pts_array[i][1]*3*pow(1-para_t,2)*para_t + ctrl_pts_array[i][2]*3*(1-para_t)*pow(para_t,2) + ctrl_pts_array[i][3]*pow(para_t,3);\n" ) file.write( " #local this_radius = ctrl_rs_array[i][0]*pow(1-para_t,3) + ctrl_rs_array[i][1]*3*pow(1-para_t,2)*para_t + ctrl_rs_array[i][2]*3*(1-para_t)*pow(para_t,2) + ctrl_rs_array[i][3]*pow(para_t,3);\n" ) file.write( " #if(vlength(this_point-ctrl_pts_array[i][0]) > abs(this_radius-ctrl_rs_array[i][0]))\n" ) file.write(" object{\n") file.write( " Connect_Spheres(ctrl_pts_array[i][0], ctrl_rs_array[i][0], this_point, this_radius)\n" ) file.write(" }\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" sphere{\n") file.write(" this_point, this_radius\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" #for(j, 1, res-1)\n") file.write(" #local last_point = this_point;\n") file.write(" #local last_radius = this_radius;\n") file.write(" #local para_t = (1/2+j)/res;\n") file.write( " #local this_point = ctrl_pts_array[i][0]*pow(1-para_t,3) + ctrl_pts_array[i][1]*3*pow(1-para_t,2)*para_t + ctrl_pts_array[i][2]*3*(1-para_t)*pow(para_t,2) + ctrl_pts_array[i][3]*pow(para_t,3);\n" ) file.write( " #local this_radius = ctrl_rs_array[i][0]*pow(1-para_t,3) + ctrl_rs_array[i][1]*3*pow(1-para_t,2)*para_t + ctrl_rs_array[i][2]*3*(1-para_t)*pow(para_t,2) + ctrl_rs_array[i][3]*pow(para_t,3);\n" ) file.write( " #if(vlength(this_point-last_point) > abs(this_radius-last_radius))\n" ) file.write(" object{\n") file.write( " Connect_Spheres(last_point, last_radius, this_point, this_radius)\n" ) file.write(" }\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" sphere{\n") file.write(" this_point, this_radius\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #local last_point = this_point;\n") file.write(" #local last_radius = this_radius;\n") file.write(" #local this_point = ctrl_pts_array[i][3];\n") file.write(" #local this_radius = ctrl_rs_array[i][3];\n") file.write( " #if(vlength(this_point-last_point) > abs(this_radius-last_radius))\n" ) file.write(" object{\n") file.write( " Connect_Spheres(last_point, last_radius, this_point, this_radius)\n" ) file.write(" }\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" sphere{\n") file.write(" this_point, this_radius\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" mockup1\n") file.write(" #end\n") for spl in ob.data.splines: if spl.type == "BEZIER": bezier_sweep = True if ob.pov.curveshape in ("loft", "birail"): n = 0 for spline in ob.data.splines: n += 1 tab_write(file, "#declare %s%s=spline {\n" % (dataname, n)) tab_write(file, "cubic_spline\n") lp = len(spline.points) delta = 1 / lp d = -delta point = spline.points[lp - 1] x, y, z, w = point.co[:] tab_write(file, "%.6f, <%.6f,%.6f,%.6f>\n" % (d, x, y, z)) d += delta for point in spline.points: x, y, z, w = point.co[:] tab_write(file, "%.6f, <%.6f,%.6f,%.6f>\n" % (d, x, y, z)) d += delta for i in range(2): point = spline.points[i] x, y, z, w = point.co[:] tab_write(file, "%.6f, <%.6f,%.6f,%.6f>\n" % (d, x, y, z)) d += delta tab_write(file, "}\n") if ob.pov.curveshape == "loft": n = len(ob.data.splines) tab_write(file, "#declare %s = array[%s]{\n" % (dataname, (n + 3))) tab_write(file, "spline{%s%s},\n" % (dataname, n)) for i in range(n): tab_write(file, "spline{%s%s},\n" % (dataname, (i + 1))) tab_write(file, "spline{%s1},\n" % dataname) tab_write(file, "spline{%s2}\n" % dataname) tab_write(file, "}\n") # Use some of the Meshmaker.inc macro, here inlined file.write("#macro CheckFileName(FileName)\n") file.write(" #local Len=strlen(FileName);\n") file.write(" #if(Len>0)\n") file.write(" #if(file_exists(FileName))\n") file.write(" #if(Len>=4)\n") file.write(" #local Ext=strlwr(substr(FileName,Len-3,4))\n") file.write( ' #if (strcmp(Ext,".obj")=0 | strcmp(Ext,".pcm")=0 | strcmp(Ext,".arr")=0)\n' ) file.write(" #local Return=99;\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local Return=0;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local Return=0;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #if(Len>=4)\n") file.write(" #local Ext=strlwr(substr(FileName,Len-3,4))\n") file.write( ' #if (strcmp(Ext,".obj")=0 | strcmp(Ext,".pcm")=0 | strcmp(Ext,".arr")=0)\n' ) file.write(' #if (strcmp(Ext,".obj")=0)\n') file.write(" #local Return=2;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(' #if (strcmp(Ext,".pcm")=0)\n') file.write(" #local Return=3;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(' #if (strcmp(Ext,".arr")=0)\n') file.write(" #local Return=4;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local Return=1;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local Return=1;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local Return=1;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" (Return)\n") file.write("#end\n") file.write("#macro BuildSpline(Arr, SplType)\n") file.write(" #local Ds=dimension_size(Arr,1);\n") file.write(" #local Asc=asc(strupr(SplType));\n") file.write(" #if(Asc!=67 & Asc!=76 & Asc!=81) \n") file.write(" #local Asc=76;\n") file.write( ' #debug "\nWrong spline type defined (C/c/L/l/N/n/Q/q), using default linear_spline\\n"\n' ) file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" spline {\n") file.write(" #switch (Asc)\n") file.write(" #case (67) //C cubic_spline\n") file.write(" cubic_spline\n") file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #case (76) //L linear_spline\n") file.write(" linear_spline\n") file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #case (78) //N linear_spline\n") file.write(" natural_spline\n") file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #case (81) //Q Quadratic_spline\n") file.write(" quadratic_spline\n") file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #local Add=1/((Ds-2)-1);\n") file.write(" #local J=0-Add;\n") file.write(" #local I=0;\n") file.write(" #while (I, \n") file.write(" #switch(Write)\n") file.write(" #case(1)\n") file.write(" #write(\n") file.write(" MeshFile,\n") file.write(" , \n") file.write(" )\n") file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #case(2)\n") file.write(" #write(\n") file.write(" MeshFile,\n") file.write( ' "f ",Ind+1,"/",Ind+1,"/",Ind+1," ",Ind+1+1,"/",Ind+1+1,"/",Ind+1+1," ",Ind+U+2+1,"/",Ind+U+2+1,"/",Ind+U+2+1,"\\n",\n' ) file.write( ' "f ",Ind+U+1+1,"/",Ind+U+1+1,"/",Ind+U+1+1," ",Ind+1,"/",Ind+1,"/",Ind+1," ",Ind+U+2+1,"/",Ind+U+2+1,"/",Ind+U+2+1,"\\n"\n' ) file.write(" )\n") file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #case(3)\n") file.write(" #write(\n") file.write(" MeshFile,\n") file.write( ' Ind,",",Ind+NumVertices,",",Ind+1,",",Ind+1+NumVertices,",",Ind+U+2,",",Ind+U+2+NumVertices,",\\n"\n' ) file.write( ' Ind+U+1,",",Ind+U+1+NumVertices,",",Ind,",",Ind+NumVertices,",",Ind+U+2,",",Ind+U+2+NumVertices,",\\n"\n' ) file.write(" )\n") file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #case(4)\n") file.write(" #write(\n") file.write(" MeshFile,\n") file.write(" , \n") file.write(" )\n") file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #local J=J+1;\n") file.write(" #local H=H+1;\n") file.write(" #if(Write=1 | Write=4)\n") file.write(" #if(mod(H,3)=0)\n") file.write(' #write(MeshFile,"\\n ")\n') file.write(" #end \n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #local I=I+1;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" #switch(Write)\n") file.write(" #case(1)\n") file.write(' #write(MeshFile, "\\n }\\n}")\n') file.write(" #fclose MeshFile\n") file.write(' #debug concat(" Done writing\\n")\n') file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #case(2)\n") file.write(" #fclose MeshFile\n") file.write(' #debug concat(" Done writing\\n")\n') file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #case(3)\n") file.write(" #fclose MeshFile\n") file.write(' #debug concat(" Done writing\\n")\n') file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #case(4)\n") file.write(' #write(MeshFile, "\\n}\\n}")\n') file.write(" #fclose MeshFile\n") file.write(' #debug concat(" Done writing\\n")\n') file.write(" #break\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write("#end\n") file.write("#macro MSM(SplineArray, SplRes, Interp_type, InterpRes, FileName)\n") file.write(" #declare Build=CheckFileName(FileName);\n") file.write(" #if(Build=0)\n") file.write(' #debug concat("\\n Parsing mesh2 from file: ", FileName, "\\n")\n') file.write(" #include FileName\n") file.write(" object{Surface}\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local NumVertices=(SplRes+1)*(InterpRes+1);\n") file.write(" #local NumFaces=SplRes*InterpRes*2;\n") file.write( ' #debug concat("\\n Calculating ",str(NumVertices,0,0)," vertices for ", str(NumFaces,0,0)," triangles\\n\\n")\n' ) file.write(" #local VecArr=array[NumVertices]\n") file.write(" #local NormArr=array[NumVertices]\n") file.write(" #local UVArr=array[NumVertices]\n") file.write(" #local N=dimension_size(SplineArray,1);\n") file.write(" #local TempSplArr0=array[N];\n") file.write(" #local TempSplArr1=array[N];\n") file.write(" #local TempSplArr2=array[N];\n") file.write(" #local PosStep=1/SplRes;\n") file.write(" #local InterpStep=1/InterpRes;\n") file.write(" #local Count=0;\n") file.write(" #local Pos=0;\n") file.write(" #while(Pos<=1)\n") file.write(" #local I=0;\n") file.write(" #if (Pos=0)\n") file.write(" #while (I+Spl(Pos);\n") file.write(" #local TempSplArr1[I]=<0,0,0>+Spl(Pos+PosStep);\n") file.write(" #local TempSplArr2[I]=<0,0,0>+Spl(Pos-PosStep);\n") file.write(" #local I=I+1;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #local S0=BuildSpline(TempSplArr0, Interp_type)\n") file.write(" #local S1=BuildSpline(TempSplArr1, Interp_type)\n") file.write(" #local S2=BuildSpline(TempSplArr2, Interp_type)\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #while (I+Spl(Pos+PosStep);\n") file.write(" #local I=I+1;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #local S1=BuildSpline(TempSplArr1, Interp_type)\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #local J=0;\n") file.write(" #while (J<=1)\n") file.write(" #local P0=<0,0,0>+S0(J);\n") file.write(" #local P1=<0,0,0>+S1(J);\n") file.write(" #local P2=<0,0,0>+S2(J);\n") file.write(" #local P3=<0,0,0>+S0(J+InterpStep);\n") file.write(" #local P4=<0,0,0>+S0(J-InterpStep);\n") file.write(" #local B1=P4-P0;\n") file.write(" #local B2=P2-P0;\n") file.write(" #local B3=P3-P0;\n") file.write(" #local B4=P1-P0;\n") file.write(" #local N1=vcross(B1,B2);\n") file.write(" #local N2=vcross(B2,B3);\n") file.write(" #local N3=vcross(B3,B4);\n") file.write(" #local N4=vcross(B4,B1);\n") file.write(" #local Norm=vnormalize((N1+N2+N3+N4));\n") file.write(" #local VecArr[Count]=P0;\n") file.write(" #local NormArr[Count]=Norm;\n") file.write(" #local UVArr[Count]=;\n") file.write(" #local J=J+InterpStep;\n") file.write(" #local Count=Count+1;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #local S2=spline{S0}\n") file.write(" #local S0=spline{S1}\n") file.write( ' #debug concat("\\r Done ", str(Count,0,0)," vertices : ", str(100*Count/NumVertices,0,2)," %")\n' ) file.write(" #local Pos=Pos+PosStep;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(' BuildWriteMesh2(VecArr, NormArr, UVArr, InterpRes, SplRes, "")\n') file.write(" #end\n") file.write("#end\n\n") file.write("#macro Coons(Spl1, Spl2, Spl3, Spl4, Iter_U, Iter_V, FileName)\n") file.write(" #declare Build=CheckFileName(FileName);\n") file.write(" #if(Build=0)\n") file.write(' #debug concat("\\n Parsing mesh2 from file: ", FileName, "\\n")\n') file.write(" #include FileName\n") file.write(" object{Surface}\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local NumVertices=(Iter_U+1)*(Iter_V+1);\n") file.write(" #local NumFaces=Iter_U*Iter_V*2;\n") file.write( ' #debug concat("\\n Calculating ", str(NumVertices,0,0), " vertices for ",str(NumFaces,0,0), " triangles\\n\\n")\n' ) file.write(" #declare VecArr=array[NumVertices] \n") file.write(" #declare NormArr=array[NumVertices] \n") file.write(" #local UVArr=array[NumVertices] \n") file.write(" #local Spl1_0=Spl1(0);\n") file.write(" #local Spl2_0=Spl2(0);\n") file.write(" #local Spl3_0=Spl3(0);\n") file.write(" #local Spl4_0=Spl4(0);\n") file.write(" #local UStep=1/Iter_U;\n") file.write(" #local VStep=1/Iter_V;\n") file.write(" #local Count=0;\n") file.write(" #local I=0;\n") file.write(" #while (I<=1)\n") file.write(" #local Im=1-I;\n") file.write(" #local J=0;\n") file.write(" #while (J<=1)\n") file.write(" #local Jm=1-J;\n") file.write( " #local C0=Im*Jm*(Spl1_0)+Im*J*(Spl2_0)+I*J*(Spl3_0)+I*Jm*(Spl4_0);\n" ) file.write(" #local P0=LInterpolate(I, Spl1(J), Spl3(Jm)) + \n") file.write(" LInterpolate(Jm, Spl2(I), Spl4(Im))-C0;\n") file.write(" #declare VecArr[Count]=P0;\n") file.write(" #local UVArr[Count]=;\n") file.write(" #local J=J+UStep;\n") file.write(" #local Count=Count+1;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #debug concat(\n") file.write(' "\r Done ", str(Count,0,0)," vertices : ",\n') file.write(' str(100*Count/NumVertices,0,2)," %"\n') file.write(" )\n") file.write(" #local I=I+VStep;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(' #debug "\r Normals "\n') file.write(" #local Count=0;\n") file.write(" #local I=0;\n") file.write(" #while (I<=Iter_V)\n") file.write(" #local J=0;\n") file.write(" #while (J<=Iter_U)\n") file.write(" #local Ind=(I*Iter_U)+I+J;\n") file.write(" #local P0=VecArr[Ind];\n") file.write(" #if(J=0)\n") file.write(" #local P1=P0+(P0-VecArr[Ind+1]);\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local P1=VecArr[Ind-1];\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #if (J=Iter_U)\n") file.write(" #local P2=P0+(P0-VecArr[Ind-1]);\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local P2=VecArr[Ind+1];\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #if (I=0)\n") file.write(" #local P3=P0+(P0-VecArr[Ind+Iter_U+1]);\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local P3=VecArr[Ind-Iter_U-1];\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #if (I=Iter_V)\n") file.write(" #local P4=P0+(P0-VecArr[Ind-Iter_U-1]);\n") file.write(" #else\n") file.write(" #local P4=VecArr[Ind+Iter_U+1];\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" #local B1=P4-P0;\n") file.write(" #local B2=P2-P0;\n") file.write(" #local B3=P3-P0;\n") file.write(" #local B4=P1-P0;\n") file.write(" #local N1=vcross(B1,B2);\n") file.write(" #local N2=vcross(B2,B3);\n") file.write(" #local N3=vcross(B3,B4);\n") file.write(" #local N4=vcross(B4,B1);\n") file.write(" #local Norm=vnormalize((N1+N2+N3+N4));\n") file.write(" #declare NormArr[Count]=Norm;\n") file.write(" #local J=J+1;\n") file.write(" #local Count=Count+1;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write( ' #debug concat("\r Done ", str(Count,0,0)," normals : ",str(100*Count/NumVertices,0,2), " %")\n' ) file.write(" #local I=I+1;\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write(" BuildWriteMesh2(VecArr, NormArr, UVArr, Iter_U, Iter_V, FileName)\n") file.write(" #end\n") file.write("#end\n\n") # Empty curves if len(ob.data.splines) == 0: tab_write(file, "\n//dummy sphere to represent empty curve location\n") tab_write(file, "#declare %s =\n" % dataname) tab_write( file, "sphere {<%.6g, %.6g, %.6g>,0 pigment{rgbt 1} " "no_image no_reflection no_radiosity " "photons{pass_through collect off} hollow}\n\n" % (ob.location.x, ob.location.y, ob.location.z), ) # ob.name > povdataname) # And non empty curves else: if not bezier_sweep: tab_write(file, "#declare %s =\n" % dataname) if ob.pov.curveshape == "sphere_sweep" and not bezier_sweep: tab_write(file, "union {\n") for spl in ob.data.splines: if spl.type != "BEZIER": spl_type = "linear" if spl.type == "NURBS": spl_type = "cubic" points = spl.points num_points = len(points) if spl.use_cyclic_u: num_points += 3 tab_write(file, "sphere_sweep { %s_spline %s,\n" % (spl_type, num_points)) if spl.use_cyclic_u: pt1 = points[len(points) - 1] wpt1 = pt1.co tab_write( file, "<%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>,%.4g\n" % ( wpt1[0], wpt1[1], wpt1[2], pt1.radius * ob.data.bevel_depth, ), ) for pt in points: wpt = pt.co tab_write( file, "<%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>,%.4g\n" % (wpt[0], wpt[1], wpt[2], pt.radius * ob.data.bevel_depth), ) if spl.use_cyclic_u: for i in range(0, 2): end_pt = points[i] wpt = end_pt.co tab_write( file, "<%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>,%.4g\n" % ( wpt[0], wpt[1], wpt[2], end_pt.radius * ob.data.bevel_depth, ), ) tab_write(file, "}\n") # below not used yet? if ob.pov.curveshape == "sor": for spl in ob.data.splines: if spl.type in ("POLY", "NURBS"): points = spl.points num_points = len(points) tab_write(file, "sor { %s,\n" % num_points) for pt in points: wpt = pt.co tab_write(file, "<%.4g,%.4g>\n" % (wpt[0], wpt[1])) else: tab_write(file, "box { 0,0\n") if ob.pov.curveshape in ("lathe", "prism"): spl = ob.data.splines[0] if spl.type == "BEZIER": points = spl.bezier_points len_cur = len(points) - 1 len_pts = len_cur * 4 ifprism = "" if ob.pov.curveshape == "prism": height = ob.data.extrude ifprism = "-%s, %s," % (height, height) len_cur += 1 len_pts += 4 tab_write( file, "%s { bezier_spline %s %s,\n" % (ob.pov.curveshape, ifprism, len_pts) ) for i in range(0, len_cur): p1 = points[i].co pR = points[i].handle_right end = i + 1 if i == len_cur - 1 and ob.pov.curveshape == "prism": end = 0 pL = points[end].handle_left p2 = points[end].co line = "<%.4g,%.4g>" % (p1[0], p1[1]) line += "<%.4g,%.4g>" % (pR[0], pR[1]) line += "<%.4g,%.4g>" % (pL[0], pL[1]) line += "<%.4g,%.4g>" % (p2[0], p2[1]) tab_write(file, "%s\n" % line) else: points = spl.points len_cur = len(points) len_pts = len_cur ifprism = "" if ob.pov.curveshape == "prism": height = ob.data.extrude ifprism = "-%s, %s," % (height, height) len_pts += 3 spl_type = "quadratic" if spl.type == "POLY": spl_type = "linear" tab_write( file, "%s { %s_spline %s %s,\n" % (ob.pov.curveshape, spl_type, ifprism, len_pts), ) if ob.pov.curveshape == "prism": pt = points[len(points) - 1] wpt = pt.co tab_write(file, "<%.4g,%.4g>\n" % (wpt[0], wpt[1])) for pt in points: wpt = pt.co tab_write(file, "<%.4g,%.4g>\n" % (wpt[0], wpt[1])) if ob.pov.curveshape == "prism": for i in range(2): pt = points[i] wpt = pt.co tab_write(file, "<%.4g,%.4g>\n" % (wpt[0], wpt[1])) if bezier_sweep: for p, spl in enumerate(ob.data.splines, start=1): br = [] depth = ob.data.bevel_depth points = spl.bezier_points len_cur = len(points) - 1 num_points = len_cur * 4 if spl.use_cyclic_u: len_cur += 1 num_points += 4 tab_write(file, "#declare %s_points_%s = array[%s]{\n" % (dataname, p, num_points)) for i in range(len_cur): p1 = points[i].co pR = points[i].handle_right end = i + 1 if spl.use_cyclic_u and i == (len_cur - 1): end = 0 pL = points[end].handle_left p2 = points[end].co r3 = points[end].radius * depth r0 = points[i].radius * depth r1 = 2 / 3 * r0 + 1 / 3 * r3 r2 = 1 / 3 * r0 + 2 / 3 * r3 br.append((r0, r1, r2, r3)) line = "<%.4g,%.4g,%.4f>" % (p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]) line += "<%.4g,%.4g,%.4f>" % (pR[0], pR[1], pR[2]) line += "<%.4g,%.4g,%.4f>" % (pL[0], pL[1], pL[2]) line += "<%.4g,%.4g,%.4f>" % (p2[0], p2[1], p2[2]) tab_write(file, "%s\n" % line) tab_write(file, "}\n") tab_write(file, "#declare %s_radii_%s = array[%s]{\n" % (dataname, p, len(br) * 4)) for rad_tuple in br: tab_write( file, "%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f\n" % (rad_tuple[0], rad_tuple[1], rad_tuple[2], rad_tuple[3]), ) tab_write(file, "}\n") if len(ob.data.splines) == 1: p = 1 tab_write(file, "#declare %s = object{\n" % dataname) tab_write( file, " Shape_Bezierpoints_Sphere_Sweep(yes,%s, %s_points_%s, %s_radii_%s) \n" % (ob.data.resolution_u, dataname, p, dataname, p), ) else: tab_write(file, "#declare %s = union{\n" % dataname) for p, spl in enumerate(ob.data.splines, start=1): tab_write( file, " object{Shape_Bezierpoints_Sphere_Sweep(yes,%s, %s_points_%s, %s_radii_%s)} \n" % (ob.data.resolution_u, dataname, p, dataname, p), ) # tab_write(file, '#include "bezier_spheresweep.inc"\n') #now inlined # tab_write(file, '#declare %s = object{Shape_Bezierpoints_Sphere_Sweep(yes,%s, %s_bezier_points, %.4f) \n'%(dataname,ob.data.resolution_u,dataname,ob.data.bevel_depth)) if ob.pov.curveshape == "loft": tab_write( file, 'object {MSM(%s,%s,"c",%s,"")\n' % (dataname, ob.pov.res_u, ob.pov.res_v) ) if ob.pov.curveshape == "birail": splines = "%s1,%s2,%s3,%s4" % (dataname, dataname, dataname, dataname) tab_write( file, 'object {Coons(%s, %s, %s, "")\n' % (splines, ob.pov.res_u, ob.pov.res_v) ) # pov_mat_name = "Default_texture" # XXX! Unused, check instantiation if ob.active_material: # pov_mat_name = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(ob.active_material.name)) try: material = ob.active_material write_object_material_interior(file, material, ob, tab_write) except IndexError: print(ob.data) # tab_write(file, "texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) if ob.pov.curveshape == "prism": tab_write(file, "rotate <90,0,0>\n") tab_write(file, "scale y*-1\n") tab_write(file, "}\n")