# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # """User interface for the POV tools""" import bpy import os from bpy.utils import ( register_class, unregister_class, register_tool, unregister_tool ) from bpy.types import ( # Operator, Menu, Panel, WorkSpaceTool, ) # Example of wrapping every class 'as is' from bl_ui import properties_data_modifier for member in dir(properties_data_modifier): subclass = getattr(properties_data_modifier, member) if hasattr(subclass, "COMPAT_ENGINES"): subclass.COMPAT_ENGINES.add('POVRAY_RENDER') del properties_data_modifier from bl_ui import properties_data_mesh # These panels are kept properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_custom_props_mesh.COMPAT_ENGINES.add('POVRAY_RENDER') properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_context_mesh.COMPAT_ENGINES.add('POVRAY_RENDER') # make some native panels contextual to some object variable # by recreating custom panels inheriting their properties from .scripting_gui import VIEW_MT_POV_import class ModifierButtonsPanel: """Use this class to define buttons from the modifier tab of properties window.""" bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "modifier" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): mods = context.object.modifiers rd = context.scene.render return mods and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES) class ObjectButtonsPanel: """Use this class to define buttons from the object tab of properties window.""" bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "object" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): obj = context.object rd = context.scene.render return obj and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES) class PovDataButtonsPanel(properties_data_mesh.MeshButtonsPanel): """Use this class to define buttons from the edit data tab of properties window.""" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} POV_OBJECT_TYPES = { 'PLANE', 'BOX', 'SPHERE', 'CYLINDER', 'CONE', 'TORUS', 'BLOB', 'ISOSURFACE_NODE', 'ISOSURFACE_VIEW', 'SUPERELLIPSOID', 'SUPERTORUS', 'HEIGHT_FIELD', 'PARAMETRIC', 'POLYCIRCLE', } @classmethod def poll(cls, context): # engine = context.scene.render.engine # XXX Unused obj = context.object # We use our parent class poll func too, avoids to re-define too much things... return ( super(PovDataButtonsPanel, cls).poll(context) and obj and obj.pov.object_as not in cls.POV_OBJECT_TYPES ) # We cannot inherit from RNA classes (like e.g. properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_vertex_groups). # Complex py/bpy/rna interactions (with metaclass and all) simply do not allow it to work. # So we simply have to explicitly copy here the interesting bits. ;) class DATA_PT_POV_normals(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_normals.bl_label draw = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_normals.draw class DATA_PT_POV_texture_space(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_texture_space.bl_label bl_options = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_texture_space.bl_options draw = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_texture_space.draw class DATA_PT_POV_vertex_groups(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_vertex_groups.bl_label draw = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_vertex_groups.draw class DATA_PT_POV_shape_keys(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_shape_keys.bl_label draw = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_shape_keys.draw class DATA_PT_POV_uv_texture(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_uv_texture.bl_label draw = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_uv_texture.draw class DATA_PT_POV_vertex_colors(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_vertex_colors.bl_label draw = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_vertex_colors.draw class DATA_PT_POV_customdata(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): bl_label = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_customdata.bl_label bl_options = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_customdata.bl_options draw = properties_data_mesh.DATA_PT_customdata.draw del properties_data_mesh class MODIFIERS_PT_POV_modifiers(ModifierButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov modifier buttons. (For booleans)""" bl_label = "POV-Ray" # def draw_header(self, context): # scene = context.scene # self.layout.prop(scene.pov, "boolean_mod", text="") def draw(self, context): # scene = context.scene layout = self.layout ob = context.object col = layout.column() # Find Boolean Modifiers for displaying CSG option once_csg = 0 for mod in ob.modifiers: if once_csg == 0 and mod: if mod.type == 'BOOLEAN': col.prop(ob.pov, "boolean_mod") once_csg = 1 if ob.pov.boolean_mod == "POV": # split = layout.split() # better ? col = layout.column() # Inside Vector for CSG col.prop(ob.pov, "inside_vector") class OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_parameters(ObjectButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov specific object level options buttons.""" bl_label = "POV" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): engine = context.scene.render.engine return engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout obj = context.object split = layout.split() col = split.column(align=True) col.label(text="Radiosity:") col.prop(obj.pov, "importance_value", text="Importance") col.label(text="Photons:") col.prop(obj.pov, "collect_photons", text="Receive Photon Caustics") if obj.pov.collect_photons: col.prop(obj.pov, "spacing_multiplier", text="Photons Spacing Multiplier") split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(obj.pov, "hollow") col.prop(obj.pov, "double_illuminate") if obj.type == 'META' or obj.pov.curveshape == 'lathe': # if obj.pov.curveshape == 'sor' col.prop(obj.pov, "sturm") col.prop(obj.pov, "no_shadow") col.prop(obj.pov, "no_image") col.prop(obj.pov, "no_reflection") col.prop(obj.pov, "no_radiosity") col.prop(obj.pov, "inverse") col.prop(obj.pov, "hierarchy") # col.prop(obj.pov,"boundorclip",text="Bound / Clip") # if obj.pov.boundorclip != "none": # col.prop_search(obj.pov,"boundorclipob",context.blend_data,"objects",text="Object") # text = "Clipped by" # if obj.pov.boundorclip == "clipped_by": # text = "Bounded by" # col.prop(obj.pov,"addboundorclip",text=text) class OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_sphere(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov sphere primitive parameters buttons.""" bl_label = "POV Sphere" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} # bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): engine = context.scene.render.engine obj = context.object return obj and obj.pov.object_as == 'SPHERE' and (engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout obj = context.object col = layout.column() if obj.pov.object_as == 'SPHERE': if not obj.pov.unlock_parameters: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Exported parameters below", icon='LOCKED' ) col.label(text="Sphere radius: " + str(obj.pov.sphere_radius)) else: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Edit exported parameters", icon='UNLOCKED' ) col.label(text="3D view proxy may get out of synch") col.active = obj.pov.unlock_parameters layout.operator("pov.sphere_update", text="Update", icon="SHADING_RENDERED") # col.label(text="Parameters:") col.prop(obj.pov, "sphere_radius", text="Radius of Sphere") class OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_cylinder(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov cylinder primitive parameters buttons.""" bl_label = "POV Cylinder" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} # bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): engine = context.scene.render.engine obj = context.object return obj and obj.pov.object_as == 'CYLINDER' and (engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout obj = context.object col = layout.column() if obj.pov.object_as == 'CYLINDER': if not obj.pov.unlock_parameters: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Exported parameters below", icon='LOCKED' ) col.label(text="Cylinder radius: " + str(obj.pov.cylinder_radius)) col.label(text="Cylinder cap location: " + str(obj.pov.cylinder_location_cap)) else: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Edit exported parameters", icon='UNLOCKED' ) col.label(text="3D view proxy may get out of synch") col.active = obj.pov.unlock_parameters layout.operator("pov.cylinder_update", text="Update", icon="MESH_CYLINDER") # col.label(text="Parameters:") col.prop(obj.pov, "cylinder_radius") col.prop(obj.pov, "cylinder_location_cap") class OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_cone(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov cone primitive parameters buttons.""" bl_label = "POV Cone" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} # bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): engine = context.scene.render.engine obj = context.object return obj and obj.pov.object_as == 'CONE' and (engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout obj = context.object col = layout.column() if obj.pov.object_as == 'CONE': if not obj.pov.unlock_parameters: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Exported parameters below", icon='LOCKED' ) col.label(text="Cone base radius: " + str(obj.pov.cone_base_radius)) col.label(text="Cone cap radius: " + str(obj.pov.cone_cap_radius)) col.label(text="Cone proxy segments: " + str(obj.pov.cone_segments)) col.label(text="Cone height: " + str(obj.pov.cone_height)) else: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Edit exported parameters", icon='UNLOCKED' ) col.label(text="3D view proxy may get out of synch") col.active = obj.pov.unlock_parameters layout.operator("pov.cone_update", text="Update", icon="MESH_CONE") # col.label(text="Parameters:") col.prop(obj.pov, "cone_base_radius", text="Radius of Cone Base") col.prop(obj.pov, "cone_cap_radius", text="Radius of Cone Cap") col.prop(obj.pov, "cone_segments", text="Segmentation of Cone proxy") col.prop(obj.pov, "cone_height", text="Height of the cone") class OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_superellipsoid(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov superellipsoid primitive parameters buttons.""" bl_label = "POV Superquadric ellipsoid" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} # bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): engine = context.scene.render.engine obj = context.object return obj and obj.pov.object_as == 'SUPERELLIPSOID' and (engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout obj = context.object col = layout.column() if obj.pov.object_as == 'SUPERELLIPSOID': if not obj.pov.unlock_parameters: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Exported parameters below", icon='LOCKED' ) col.label(text="Radial segmentation: " + str(obj.pov.se_u)) col.label(text="Lateral segmentation: " + str(obj.pov.se_v)) col.label(text="Ring shape: " + str(obj.pov.se_n1)) col.label(text="Cross-section shape: " + str(obj.pov.se_n2)) col.label(text="Fill up and down: " + str(obj.pov.se_edit)) else: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Edit exported parameters", icon='UNLOCKED' ) col.label(text="3D view proxy may get out of synch") col.active = obj.pov.unlock_parameters layout.operator("pov.superellipsoid_update", text="Update", icon="MOD_SUBSURF") # col.label(text="Parameters:") col.prop(obj.pov, "se_u") col.prop(obj.pov, "se_v") col.prop(obj.pov, "se_n1") col.prop(obj.pov, "se_n2") col.prop(obj.pov, "se_edit") class OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_torus(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov torus primitive parameters buttons.""" bl_label = "POV Torus" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} # bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): engine = context.scene.render.engine obj = context.object return obj and obj.pov.object_as == 'TORUS' and (engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout obj = context.object col = layout.column() if obj.pov.object_as == 'TORUS': if not obj.pov.unlock_parameters: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Exported parameters below", icon='LOCKED' ) col.label(text="Torus major radius: " + str(obj.pov.torus_major_radius)) col.label(text="Torus minor radius: " + str(obj.pov.torus_minor_radius)) col.label(text="Torus major segments: " + str(obj.pov.torus_major_segments)) col.label(text="Torus minor segments: " + str(obj.pov.torus_minor_segments)) else: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Edit exported parameters", icon='UNLOCKED' ) col.label(text="3D view proxy may get out of synch") col.active = obj.pov.unlock_parameters layout.operator("pov.torus_update", text="Update", icon="MESH_TORUS") # col.label(text="Parameters:") col.prop(obj.pov, "torus_major_radius") col.prop(obj.pov, "torus_minor_radius") col.prop(obj.pov, "torus_major_segments") col.prop(obj.pov, "torus_minor_segments") class OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_supertorus(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov supertorus primitive parameters buttons.""" bl_label = "POV SuperTorus" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} # bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): engine = context.scene.render.engine obj = context.object return obj and obj.pov.object_as == 'SUPERTORUS' and (engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout obj = context.object col = layout.column() if obj.pov.object_as == 'SUPERTORUS': if not obj.pov.unlock_parameters: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Exported parameters below", icon='LOCKED' ) col.label(text="SuperTorus major radius: " + str(obj.pov.st_major_radius)) col.label(text="SuperTorus minor radius: " + str(obj.pov.st_minor_radius)) col.label(text="SuperTorus major segments: " + str(obj.pov.st_u)) col.label(text="SuperTorus minor segments: " + str(obj.pov.st_v)) col.label(text="SuperTorus Ring Manipulator: " + str(obj.pov.st_ring)) col.label(text="SuperTorus Cross Manipulator: " + str(obj.pov.st_cross)) col.label(text="SuperTorus Internal And External radii: " + str(obj.pov.st_ie)) col.label(text="SuperTorus accuracy: " + str(obj.pov.st_accuracy)) col.label(text="SuperTorus max gradient: " + str(obj.pov.st_max_gradient)) else: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Edit exported parameters", icon='UNLOCKED' ) col.label(text="3D view proxy may get out of synch") col.active = obj.pov.unlock_parameters layout.operator("pov.supertorus_update", text="Update", icon="MESH_TORUS") # col.label(text="Parameters:") col.prop(obj.pov, "st_major_radius") col.prop(obj.pov, "st_minor_radius") col.prop(obj.pov, "st_u") col.prop(obj.pov, "st_v") col.prop(obj.pov, "st_ring") col.prop(obj.pov, "st_cross") col.prop(obj.pov, "st_ie") # col.prop(obj.pov, "st_edit") #? col.prop(obj.pov, "st_accuracy") col.prop(obj.pov, "st_max_gradient") class OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_isosurface(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov generic isosurface primitive function user field.""" bl_label = "POV Isosurface" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} # bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): engine = context.scene.render.engine obj = context.object return obj and obj.pov.object_as == 'ISOSURFACE_VIEW' and (engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout obj = context.object col = layout.column() if obj.pov.object_as == 'ISOSURFACE_VIEW': col.prop(obj.pov, "isosurface_eq") class OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_parametric(PovDataButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov parametric surface primitive parameters buttons.""" bl_label = "POV Parametric surface" # bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): engine = context.scene.render.engine obj = context.object return obj and obj.pov.object_as == 'PARAMETRIC' and (engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout obj = context.object col = layout.column() if obj.pov.object_as == 'PARAMETRIC': if not obj.pov.unlock_parameters: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Exported parameters below", icon='LOCKED' ) col.label(text="Minimum U: " + str(obj.pov.u_min)) col.label(text="Minimum V: " + str(obj.pov.v_min)) col.label(text="Maximum U: " + str(obj.pov.u_max)) col.label(text="Minimum V: " + str(obj.pov.v_min)) col.label(text="X Function: " + str(obj.pov.x_eq)) col.label(text="Y Function: " + str(obj.pov.y_eq)) col.label(text="Z Function: " + str(obj.pov.x_eq)) else: col.prop( obj.pov, "unlock_parameters", text="Edit exported parameters", icon='UNLOCKED' ) col.label(text="3D view proxy may get out of synch") col.active = obj.pov.unlock_parameters layout.operator("pov.parametric_update", text="Update", icon="SCRIPTPLUGINS") col.prop(obj.pov, "u_min", text="Minimum U") col.prop(obj.pov, "v_min", text="Minimum V") col.prop(obj.pov, "u_max", text="Maximum U") col.prop(obj.pov, "v_max", text="Minimum V") col.prop(obj.pov, "x_eq", text="X Function") col.prop(obj.pov, "y_eq", text="Y Function") col.prop(obj.pov, "z_eq", text="Z Function") class OBJECT_PT_povray_replacement_text(ObjectButtonsPanel, Panel): """Use this class to define pov object replacement field.""" bl_label = "Custom POV Code" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout obj = context.object col = layout.column() col.label(text="Replace properties with:") col.prop(obj.pov, "replacement_text", text="") # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Add POV objects # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # def check_add_mesh_extra_objects(): """Test if Add mesh extra objects addon is activated This addon is currently used to generate the proxy for POV parametric surface which is almost the same principle as its Math xyz surface """ return "add_mesh_extra_objects" in bpy.context.preferences.addons.keys() def menu_func_add(self, context): """Append the POV primitives submenu to blender add objects menu""" engine = context.scene.render.engine if engine == 'POVRAY_RENDER': self.layout.menu("VIEW_MT_POV_primitives_add", icon="PLUGIN") class VIEW_MT_POV_primitives_add(Menu): """Define the primitives menu with presets""" bl_idname = "VIEW_MT_POV_primitives_add" bl_label = "Povray" COMPAT_ENGINES = {'POVRAY_RENDER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): engine = context.scene.render.engine return engine == 'POVRAY_RENDER' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN' layout.menu(VIEW_MT_POV_Basic_Shapes.bl_idname, text="Primitives", icon="GROUP") layout.menu(VIEW_MT_POV_import.bl_idname, text="Import", icon="IMPORT") class VIEW_MT_POV_Basic_Shapes(Menu): """Use this class to sort simple primitives menu entries.""" bl_idname = "POVRAY_MT_basic_shape_tools" bl_label = "Basic_shapes" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN' layout.operator("pov.addplane", text="Infinite Plane", icon='MESH_PLANE') layout.operator("pov.addbox", text="Box", icon='MESH_CUBE') layout.operator("pov.addsphere", text="Sphere", icon='SHADING_RENDERED') layout.operator("pov.addcylinder", text="Cylinder", icon="MESH_CYLINDER") layout.operator("pov.addcone", text="Cone", icon="MESH_CONE") layout.operator("pov.addtorus", text="Torus", icon='MESH_TORUS') layout.separator() layout.operator("pov.addrainbow", text="Rainbow", icon="COLOR") layout.operator("pov.addlathe", text="Lathe", icon='MOD_SCREW') layout.operator("pov.addprism", text="Prism", icon='MOD_SOLIDIFY') layout.operator("pov.addsuperellipsoid", text="Superquadric Ellipsoid", icon='MOD_SUBSURF') layout.operator("pov.addheightfield", text="Height Field", icon="RNDCURVE") layout.operator("pov.addspheresweep", text="Sphere Sweep", icon='FORCE_CURVE') layout.separator() layout.operator("pov.addblobsphere", text="Blob Sphere", icon='META_DATA') layout.separator() layout.label(text="Isosurfaces") layout.operator("pov.addisosurfacebox", text="Isosurface Box", icon="META_CUBE") layout.operator("pov.addisosurfacesphere", text="Isosurface Sphere", icon="META_BALL") layout.operator("pov.addsupertorus", text="Supertorus", icon="SURFACE_NTORUS") layout.separator() layout.label(text="Macro based") layout.operator( "pov.addpolygontocircle", text="Polygon To Circle Blending", icon="MOD_CAST" ) layout.operator("pov.addloft", text="Loft", icon="SURFACE_NSURFACE") layout.separator() # Warning if the Add Advanced Objects addon containing # Add mesh extra objects is not enabled if not check_add_mesh_extra_objects(): # col = box.column() layout.label(text="Please enable Add Mesh: Extra Objects addon", icon="INFO") # layout.separator() layout.operator( "preferences.addon_show", text="Go to Add Mesh: Extra Objects addon", icon="PREFERENCES", ).module = "add_mesh_extra_objects" # layout.separator() return layout.operator("pov.addparametric", text="Parametric", icon='SCRIPTPLUGINS') # ------------ Tool bar button------------ # icon_path = (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "icons")) class VIEW_WT_POV_plane_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addplane" bl_label = "Add POV plane" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a plane of infinite dimension for POV" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.infinite_plane") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addplane", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_box_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addbox" bl_label = "Add POV box" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV box solid primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.box") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addbox", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_sphere_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addsphere" bl_label = "Add POV sphere" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add an untesselated sphere for POV" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.sphere") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addsphere", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_cylinder_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addcylinder" bl_label = "Add POV cylinder" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add an untesselated cylinder for POV" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.cylinder") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addcylinder", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_cone_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addcone" bl_label = "Add POV cone" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add an untesselated cone for POV" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.cone") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addcone", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_torus_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addtorus" bl_label = "Add POV torus" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add an untesselated torus for POV" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.torus") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addtorus", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_rainbow_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addrainbow" bl_label = "Add POV rainbow" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV rainbow primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.rainbow") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addrainbow", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_lathe_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addlathe" bl_label = "Add POV lathe" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV lathe primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.lathe") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addlathe", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_prism_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addprism" bl_label = "Add POV prism" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV prism primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.prism") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addprism", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_heightfield_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addheightfield" bl_label = "Add POV heightfield" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV heightfield primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.heightfield") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addheightfield", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_superellipsoid_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addsuperellipsoid" bl_label = "Add POV superquadric ellipsoid" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV superquadric ellipsoid primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.superellipsoid") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addsuperellipsoid", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_spheresweep_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addspheresweep" bl_label = "Add POV spheresweep" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV spheresweep primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.spheresweep") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addspheresweep", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_loft_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addloft" bl_label = "Add POV loft macro" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV loft macro between editable spline cross sections" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.loft") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addloft", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_polytocircle_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addpolytocircle" bl_label = "Add POV poly to circle macro" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV regular polygon to circle blending macro" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.polytocircle") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addpolytocircle", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_parametric_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addparametric" bl_label = "Add POV parametric surface" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV parametric surface primitive shaped from three equations (for x, y, z directions)" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.parametric") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addparametric", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_isosurface_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addisosurface" bl_label = "Add POV generic isosurface" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV generic shaped isosurface primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.isosurface") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addisosurface", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_isosurfacebox_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addisosurfacebox" bl_label = "Add POV isosurface box" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV box shaped isosurface primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.isosurfacebox") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addisosurfacebox", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_isosurfacesphere_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addisosurfacesphere" bl_label = "Add POV isosurface sphere" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV sphere shaped isosurface primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.isosurfacesphere") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addisosurfacesphere", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_isosurfacesupertorus_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addsupertorus" bl_label = "Add POV isosurface supertorus" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV torus shaped isosurface primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.isosurfacesupertorus") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addsupertorus", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_blobsphere_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addblobsphere" bl_label = "Add POV blob sphere" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV sphere shaped blob primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.blobsphere") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addblobsphere", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_blobcapsule_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addblobcapsule" bl_label = "Add POV blob capsule" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV capsule shaped blob primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.blobcapsule") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addblobcapsule", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_blobplane_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addblobplane" bl_label = "Add POV blob plane" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV plane shaped blob primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.blobplane") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addblobplane", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_blobellipsoid_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addblobellipsoid" bl_label = "Add POV blob ellipsoid" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV ellipsoid shaped blob primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.blobellipsoid") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addblobellipsoid", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) class VIEW_WT_POV_blobcube_add(WorkSpaceTool): bl_space_type='VIEW_3D' bl_context_mode='OBJECT' # The prefix of the idname should be your add-on name. bl_idname = "pov.addsblobcube" bl_label = "Add POV blob cube" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} bl_description = ( "add a POV cube shaped blob primitive" ) bl_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, "pov.add.blobcube") bl_widget = None bl_keymap = ( ("pov.addblobcube", {"type": 'LEFTMOUSE', "value": 'PRESS'}, {"properties": None}), ) classes = ( # ObjectButtonsPanel, # PovDataButtonsPanel, DATA_PT_POV_normals, DATA_PT_POV_texture_space, DATA_PT_POV_vertex_groups, DATA_PT_POV_shape_keys, DATA_PT_POV_uv_texture, DATA_PT_POV_vertex_colors, DATA_PT_POV_customdata, MODIFIERS_PT_POV_modifiers, OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_parameters, OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_sphere, OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_cylinder, OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_cone, OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_superellipsoid, OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_torus, OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_supertorus, OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_isosurface, OBJECT_PT_POV_obj_parametric, OBJECT_PT_povray_replacement_text, VIEW_MT_POV_primitives_add, VIEW_MT_POV_Basic_Shapes, ) tool_classes = ( VIEW_WT_POV_plane_add, VIEW_WT_POV_box_add, VIEW_WT_POV_sphere_add, VIEW_WT_POV_cylinder_add, VIEW_WT_POV_cone_add, VIEW_WT_POV_torus_add, VIEW_WT_POV_prism_add, VIEW_WT_POV_lathe_add, VIEW_WT_POV_spheresweep_add, VIEW_WT_POV_heightfield_add, VIEW_WT_POV_superellipsoid_add, VIEW_WT_POV_rainbow_add, VIEW_WT_POV_loft_add, VIEW_WT_POV_polytocircle_add, VIEW_WT_POV_parametric_add, VIEW_WT_POV_isosurface_add, VIEW_WT_POV_isosurfacebox_add, VIEW_WT_POV_isosurfacesphere_add, VIEW_WT_POV_isosurfacesupertorus_add, VIEW_WT_POV_blobsphere_add, VIEW_WT_POV_blobcapsule_add, VIEW_WT_POV_blobplane_add, VIEW_WT_POV_blobellipsoid_add, VIEW_WT_POV_blobcube_add, ) def register(): for cls in classes: register_class(cls) # Register tools last_tool = {"builtin.measure"} for index, wtl in enumerate(tool_classes): # Only separate first and 12th tools and hide subtools only in 8th (isosurfaces) register_tool(wtl, after=last_tool, separator=index in [0,7,11,12,14,19], group=index == 15) last_tool = {wtl.bl_idname} bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_add.prepend(menu_func_add) # Below was used for parametric objects but made the other addon unreachable on # unregister for other tools to use. Created a user action call instead # addon_utils.enable("add_mesh_extra_objects", default_set=False, persistent=True) def unregister(): # addon_utils.disable("add_mesh_extra_objects", default_set=False) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_add.remove(menu_func_add) for wtl in reversed(tool_classes): unregister_tool(wtl) for cls in reversed(classes): unregister_class(cls)