# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # """Get some Blender particle objects translated to POV.""" import bpy import random def pixel_relative_guess(ob): """Convert some object x dimension to a rough pixel relative order of magnitude""" from bpy_extras import object_utils scene = bpy.context.scene cam = scene.camera render = scene.render # Get rendered image resolution output_x_res = render.resolution_x focal_length = cam.data.lens # Get object bounding box size object_location = ob.location object_dimension_x = ob.dimensions[0] world_to_camera = object_utils.world_to_camera_view(scene, cam, object_location) apparent_size = (object_dimension_x * focal_length) / world_to_camera[2] sensor_width = cam.data.sensor_width pixel_pitch_x = sensor_width / output_x_res return apparent_size / pixel_pitch_x def export_hair(file, ob, mod, p_sys, global_matrix): """Get Blender path particles (hair strands) objects translated to POV sphere_sweep unions.""" # tstart = time.time() from .render import write_matrix textured_hair = 0 depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() p_sys_settings = p_sys.settings.evaluated_get(depsgraph) if ob.material_slots[p_sys_settings.material - 1].material and ob.active_material is not None: pmaterial = ob.material_slots[p_sys_settings.material - 1].material # XXX Todo: replace by pov_(Particles?)_texture_slot for th in pmaterial.pov_texture_slots: povtex = th.texture # slot.name tex = bpy.data.textures[povtex] if ( tex and th.use and ((tex.type == "IMAGE" and tex.image) or tex.type != "IMAGE") and th.use_map_color_diffuse ): textured_hair = 1 if pmaterial.strand.use_blender_units: strand_start = pmaterial.strand.root_size strand_end = pmaterial.strand.tip_size else: try: # inexact pixel size, just to make radius relative to screen and object size. pixel_fac = pixel_relative_guess(ob) except ZeroDivisionError: # Fallback to hardwired constant value pixel_fac = 4500 print("no pixel size found for stand radius, falling back to %i" % pixel_fac) strand_start = pmaterial.strand.root_size / pixel_fac strand_end = pmaterial.strand.tip_size / pixel_fac strand_shape = pmaterial.strand.shape else: pmaterial = "default" # No material assigned in blender, use default one strand_start = 0.01 strand_end = 0.01 strand_shape = 0.0 # Set the number of particles to render count rather than 3d view display # p_sys.set_resolution(scene, ob, 'RENDER') # DEPRECATED # When you render, the entire dependency graph will be # evaluated at render resolution, including the particles. # In the viewport it will be at viewport resolution. # So there is no need fo render engines to use this function anymore, # it's automatic now. steps = p_sys_settings.display_step steps = 2**steps # or + 1 # Formerly : len(particle.hair_keys) total_number_of_strands = p_sys_settings.count * p_sys_settings.rendered_child_count # hairCounter = 0 file.write("#declare HairArray = array[%i] {\n" % total_number_of_strands) for pindex in range(total_number_of_strands): # if particle.is_exist and particle.is_visible: # hairCounter += 1 # controlPointCounter = 0 # Each hair is represented as a separate sphere_sweep in POV-Ray. file.write("sphere_sweep{") if p_sys_settings.use_hair_bspline: file.write("b_spline ") file.write( "%i,\n" % (steps + 2) ) # +2 because the first point needs tripling to be more than a handle in POV else: file.write("linear_spline ") file.write("%i,\n" % steps) # changing world coordinates to object local coordinates by # multiplying with inverted matrix init_coord = ob.matrix_world.inverted() @ (p_sys.co_hair(ob, particle_no=pindex, step=0)) init_coord = (init_coord[0], init_coord[1], init_coord[2]) if ( ob.material_slots[p_sys_settings.material - 1].material and ob.active_material is not None ): pmaterial = ob.material_slots[p_sys_settings.material - 1].material for th in pmaterial.pov_texture_slots: povtex = th.texture # slot.name tex = bpy.data.textures[povtex] if tex and th.use and th.use_map_color_diffuse: # treat POV textures as bitmaps if ( tex.type == "IMAGE" and tex.image and th.texture_coords == "UV" and ob.data.uv_textures is not None ): # or ( # tex.pov.tex_pattern_type != 'emulator' # and th.texture_coords == 'UV' # and ob.data.uv_textures is not None # ): image = tex.image image_width = image.size[0] image_height = image.size[1] image_pixels = image.pixels[:] uv_co = p_sys.uv_on_emitter(mod, p_sys.particles[pindex], pindex, 0) x_co = round(uv_co[0] * (image_width - 1)) y_co = round(uv_co[1] * (image_height - 1)) pixelnumber = (image_width * y_co) + x_co r = image_pixels[pixelnumber * 4] g = image_pixels[pixelnumber * 4 + 1] b = image_pixels[pixelnumber * 4 + 2] a = image_pixels[pixelnumber * 4 + 3] init_color = (r, g, b, a) else: # only overwrite variable for each competing texture for now init_color = tex.evaluate(init_coord) for step in range(steps): coord = ob.matrix_world.inverted() @ (p_sys.co_hair(ob, particle_no=pindex, step=step)) # for controlPoint in particle.hair_keys: if p_sys_settings.clump_factor: hair_strand_diameter = p_sys_settings.clump_factor / 200.0 * random.uniform(0.5, 1) elif step == 0: hair_strand_diameter = strand_start else: # still initialize variable hair_strand_diameter = strand_start if strand_shape == 0.0: fac = step elif strand_shape < 0: fac = pow(step, (1.0 + strand_shape)) else: fac = pow(step, (1.0 / (1.0 - strand_shape))) hair_strand_diameter += ( fac * (strand_end - strand_start) / (p_sys_settings.display_step + 1) ) # XXX +1 or -1 or nothing ? abs_hair_strand_diameter = abs(hair_strand_diameter) if step == 0 and p_sys_settings.use_hair_bspline: # Write three times the first point to compensate pov Bezier handling file.write( "<%.6g,%.6g,%.6g>,%.7g,\n" % (coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], abs_hair_strand_diameter) ) file.write( "<%.6g,%.6g,%.6g>,%.7g,\n" % (coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], abs_hair_strand_diameter) ) # Useless because particle location is the tip, not the root: # file.write( # '<%.6g,%.6g,%.6g>,%.7g' # % ( # particle.location[0], # particle.location[1], # particle.location[2], # abs_hair_strand_diameter # ) # ) # file.write(',\n') # controlPointCounter += 1 # total_number_of_strands += len(p_sys.particles)# len(particle.hair_keys) # Each control point is written out, along with the radius of the # hair at that point. file.write( "<%.6g,%.6g,%.6g>,%.7g" % (coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], abs_hair_strand_diameter) ) # All coordinates except the last need a following comma. if step == steps - 1: if textured_hair: # Write pigment and alpha (between Pov and Blender, # alpha 0 and 1 are reversed) file.write( "\npigment{ color srgbf < %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g> }\n" % (init_color[0], init_color[1], init_color[2], 1.0 - init_color[3]) ) # End the sphere_sweep declaration for this hair file.write("}\n") else: file.write(",\n") # All but the final sphere_sweep (each array element) needs a terminating comma. if pindex != total_number_of_strands: file.write(",\n") else: file.write("\n") # End the array declaration. file.write("}\n") file.write("\n") if not textured_hair: # Pick up the hair material diffuse color and create a default POV-Ray hair texture. file.write("#ifndef (HairTexture)\n") file.write(" #declare HairTexture = texture {\n") file.write( " pigment {srgbt <%s,%s,%s,%s>}\n" % ( pmaterial.diffuse_color[0], pmaterial.diffuse_color[1], pmaterial.diffuse_color[2], (pmaterial.strand.width_fade + 0.05), ) ) file.write(" }\n") file.write("#end\n") file.write("\n") # Dynamically create a union of the hairstrands (or a subset of them). # By default use every hairstrand, commented line is for hand tweaking test renders. file.write("//Increasing HairStep divides the amount of hair for test renders.\n") file.write("#ifndef(HairStep) #declare HairStep = 1; #end\n") file.write("union{\n") file.write(" #local I = 0;\n") file.write(" #while (I < %i)\n" % total_number_of_strands) file.write(" object {HairArray[I]") if textured_hair: file.write("\n") else: file.write(" texture{HairTexture}\n") # Translucency of the hair: file.write(" hollow\n") file.write(" double_illuminate\n") file.write(" interior {\n") file.write(" ior 1.45\n") file.write(" media {\n") file.write(" scattering { 1, 10*<0.73, 0.35, 0.15> /*extinction 0*/ }\n") file.write(" absorption 10/<0.83, 0.75, 0.15>\n") file.write(" samples 1\n") file.write(" method 2\n") file.write(" density {cylindrical\n") file.write(" color_map {\n") file.write(" [0.0 rgb <0.83, 0.45, 0.35>]\n") file.write(" [0.5 rgb <0.8, 0.8, 0.4>]\n") file.write(" [1.0 rgb <1,1,1>]\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" }\n") file.write(" #local I = I + HairStep;\n") file.write(" #end\n") write_matrix(file, global_matrix @ ob.matrix_world) file.write("}") print("Totals hairstrands written: %i" % total_number_of_strands) print("Number of tufts (particle systems): %i" % len(ob.particle_systems))