# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### import bpy import subprocess import os import sys import time import math from math import atan, pi, degrees, sqrt import platform as pltfrm if pltfrm.architecture()[0] == '64bit': bitness = 64 else: bitness = 32 ##############################SF########################### ##############find image texture def splitExt(path): dotidx = path.rfind('.') if dotidx == -1: return path, '' else: return (path[dotidx:]).upper().replace('.','') def imageFormat(imgF): ext = '' ext_orig = splitExt(imgF) if ext_orig == 'JPG' or ext_orig == 'JPEG': ext='jpeg' if ext_orig == 'GIF': ext = 'gif' if ext_orig == 'TGA': ext = 'tga' if ext_orig == 'IFF': ext = 'iff' if ext_orig == 'PPM': ext = 'ppm' if ext_orig == 'PNG': ext = 'png' if ext_orig == 'SYS': ext = 'sys' if ext_orig in ('TIFF', 'TIF'): ext = 'tiff' if ext_orig == 'EXR': ext = 'exr'#POV3.7 Only! if ext_orig == 'HDR': ext = 'hdr'#POV3.7 Only! --MR print(imgF) if not ext: print(' WARNING: texture image format not supported ') # % (imgF , '')) #(ext_orig))) return ext def imgMap(ts): image_map='' if ts.mapping=='FLAT':image_map= ' map_type 0 ' if ts.mapping=='SPHERE':image_map= ' map_type 1 '# map_type 7 in megapov if ts.mapping=='TUBE':image_map= ' map_type 2 ' #if ts.mapping=='?':image_map= ' map_type 3 '# map_type 3 and 4 in development (?) for POV-Ray, currently they just seem to default back to Flat (type 0) #if ts.mapping=='?':image_map= ' map_type 4 '# map_type 3 and 4 in development (?) for POV-Ray, currently they just seem to default back to Flat (type 0) if ts.texture.use_interpolation: image_map+= ' interpolate 2 ' if ts.texture.extension == 'CLIP': image_map+=' once ' #image_map+='}' #if ts.mapping=='CUBE':image_map+= 'warp { cubic } rotate <-90,0,180>' #no direct cube type mapping. Though this should work in POV 3.7 it doesn't give that good results(best suited to environment maps?) #if image_map=='': print(' No texture image found ') return image_map def imgMapBG(wts): image_mapBG='' if wts.texture_coords== 'VIEW':image_mapBG= ' map_type 0 ' #texture_coords refers to the mapping of world textures if wts.texture_coords=='ANGMAP':image_mapBG= ' map_type 1 ' if wts.texture_coords=='TUBE':image_mapBG= ' map_type 2 ' if wts.texture.use_interpolation: image_mapBG+= ' interpolate 2 ' if wts.texture.extension == 'CLIP': image_mapBG+=' once ' #image_mapBG+='}' #if wts.mapping=='CUBE':image_mapBG+= 'warp { cubic } rotate <-90,0,180>' #no direct cube type mapping. Though this should work in POV 3.7 it doesn't give that good results(best suited to environment maps?) #if image_mapBG=='': print(' No background texture image found ') return image_mapBG def splitFile(path): idx = path.rfind('/') if idx == -1: idx = path.rfind('\\') return path[idx:].replace('/', '').replace('\\', '') def splitPath(path): idx = path.rfind('/') if idx == -1: return path, '' else: return path[:idx] def findInSubDir(filename, subdirectory=''): pahFile='' if subdirectory: path = subdirectory else: path = os.getcwd() try: for root, dirs, names in os.walk(path): if filename in names: pahFile = os.path.join(root, filename) return pahFile except OSError: return '' def path_image(image): import os fn = bpy.path.abspath(image) fn_strip = os.path.basename(fn) if not os.path.isfile(fn): fn=(findInSubDir(splitFile(fn),splitPath(bpy.data.filepath))) () return fn ##############end find image texture def splitHyphen(name): hyphidx = name.find('-') if hyphidx == -1: return name else: return (name[hyphidx:]).replace('-','') ##############safety string name material def safety(name, Level): # Level=1 is for texture with No specular nor Mirror reflection # Level=2 is for texture with translation of spec and mir levels for when no map influences them # Level=3 is for texture with Maximum Spec and Mirror try: if int(name) > 0: prefix='shader' except: prefix = '' prefix='shader_' name = splitHyphen(name) if Level == 2: return prefix+name elif Level == 1: return prefix+name+'0'#used for 0 of specular map elif Level == 3: return prefix+name+'1'#used for 1 of specular map ##############end safety string name material ##############################EndSF########################### TabLevel = 0 def write_pov(filename, scene=None, info_callback=None): import mathutils #file = filename file = open(filename.name, 'w') # Only for testing if not scene: scene = bpy.data.scenes[0] render = scene.render world = scene.world global_matrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(-pi / 2.0, 4, 'X') def setTab(tabtype, spaces): TabStr = '' if tabtype == '0': TabStr = '' elif tabtype == '1': TabStr = '\t' elif tabtype == '2': TabStr = spaces * ' ' return TabStr Tab = setTab(scene.pov_indentation_character, scene.pov_indentation_spaces) def tabWrite(str_o): global TabLevel brackets = str_o.count('{') - str_o.count('}') if brackets < 0: TabLevel = TabLevel + brackets if TabLevel < 0: print('Indentation Warning: TabLevel = %s' % TabLevel) TabLevel = 0 if TabLevel >= 1: file.write('%s' % Tab * TabLevel) file.write(str_o) if brackets > 0: TabLevel = TabLevel + brackets def uniqueName(name, nameSeq): if name not in nameSeq: return name name_orig = name i = 1 while name in nameSeq: name = '%s_%.3d' % (name_orig, i) i += 1 name = splitHyphen(name) return name def writeMatrix(matrix): tabWrite('matrix <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f>\n' %\ (matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2], matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2], matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2], matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2])) def writeObjectMaterial(material): # DH - modified some variables to be function local, avoiding RNA write # this should be checked to see if it is functionally correct if material: #and material.transparency_method == 'RAYTRACE':#Commented out: always write IOR to be able to use it for SSS, Fresnel reflections... #But there can be only one! if material.subsurface_scattering.use:#SSS IOR get highest priority tabWrite('interior {\n') tabWrite('ior %.6f\n' % material.subsurface_scattering.ior) elif material.pov_mirror_use_IOR:#Then the raytrace IOR taken from raytrace transparency properties and used for reflections if IOR Mirror option is checked tabWrite('interior {\n') tabWrite('ior %.6f\n' % material.raytrace_transparency.ior) else: tabWrite('interior {\n') tabWrite('ior %.6f\n' % material.raytrace_transparency.ior) pov_fake_caustics = False pov_photons_refraction = False pov_photons_reflection = False if material.pov_refraction_type=='0': pov_fake_caustics = False pov_photons_refraction = False pov_photons_reflection = True #should respond only to proper checkerbox elif material.pov_refraction_type=='1': pov_fake_caustics = True pov_photons_refraction = False elif material.pov_refraction_type=='2': pov_fake_caustics = False pov_photons_refraction = True #If only Raytrace transparency is set, its IOR will be used for refraction, but user can set up 'un-physical' fresnel reflections in raytrace mirror parameters. #Last, if none of the above is specified, user can set up 'un-physical' fresnel reflections in raytrace mirror parameters. And pov IOR defaults to 1. if material.pov_caustics_enable: if pov_fake_caustics: tabWrite('caustics %.3g\n' % material.pov_fake_caustics_power) if pov_photons_refraction: tabWrite('dispersion %.3g\n' % material.pov_photons_dispersion) #Default of 1 means no dispersion #TODO # Other interior args # if material.use_transparency and material.transparency_method == 'RAYTRACE': # fade_distance 2 # fade_power [Value] # fade_color # (variable) dispersion_samples (constant count for now) tabWrite('}\n') if pov_photons_refraction or pov_photons_reflection: tabWrite('photons{\n') tabWrite('target\n') if pov_photons_refraction: tabWrite('refraction on\n') if pov_photons_reflection: tabWrite('reflection on\n') tabWrite('}\n') materialNames = {} DEF_MAT_NAME = 'Default' def writeMaterial(material): # Assumes only called once on each material if material: name_orig = material.name else: name_orig = DEF_MAT_NAME name = materialNames[name_orig] = uniqueName(bpy.path.clean_name(name_orig), materialNames) comments = scene.pov_comments_enable ##################Several versions of the finish: Level conditions are variations for specular/Mirror texture channel map with alternative finish of 0 specular and no mirror reflection # Level=1 Means No specular nor Mirror reflection # Level=2 Means translation of spec and mir levels for when no map influences them # Level=3 Means Maximum Spec and Mirror def povHasnoSpecularMaps(Level): if Level == 1: tabWrite('#declare %s = finish {' % safety(name, Level = 1)) if comments: file.write(' //No specular nor Mirror reflection\n') else: tabWrite('\n') elif Level == 2: tabWrite('#declare %s = finish {' % safety(name, Level = 2)) if comments: file.write(' //translation of spec and mir levels for when no map influences them\n') else: tabWrite('\n') elif Level == 3: tabWrite('#declare %s = finish {' % safety(name, Level = 3)) if comments: file.write(' //Maximum Spec and Mirror\n') else: tabWrite('\n') if material: #POV-Ray 3.7 now uses two diffuse values respectively for front and back shading (the back diffuse is like blender translucency) frontDiffuse=material.diffuse_intensity backDiffuse=material.translucency if material.pov_conserve_energy: #Total should not go above one if (frontDiffuse + backDiffuse) <= 1.0: pass elif frontDiffuse==backDiffuse: frontDiffuse = backDiffuse = 0.5 # Try to respect the user's 'intention' by comparing the two values but bringing the total back to one elif frontDiffuse>backDiffuse: # Let the highest value stay the highest value backDiffuse = 1-(1-frontDiffuse) else: frontDiffuse = 1-(1-backDiffuse) # map hardness between 0.0 and 1.0 roughness = ((1.0 - ((material.specular_hardness - 1.0) / 510.0))) ## scale from 0.0 to 0.1 roughness *= 0.1 # add a small value because 0.0 is invalid roughness += (1 / 511.0) #####################################Diffuse Shader###################################### # Not used for Full spec (Level=3) of the shader if material.diffuse_shader == 'OREN_NAYAR' and Level != 3: tabWrite('brilliance %.3g\n' % (0.9+material.roughness))#blender roughness is what is generally called oren nayar Sigma, and brilliance in POV-Ray if material.diffuse_shader == 'TOON' and Level != 3: tabWrite('brilliance %.3g\n' % (0.01+material.diffuse_toon_smooth*0.25)) frontDiffuse*=0.5 #Lower diffuse and increase specular for toon effect seems to look better in POV-Ray if material.diffuse_shader == 'MINNAERT' and Level != 3: #tabWrite('aoi %.3g\n' % material.darkness) pass #let's keep things simple for now if material.diffuse_shader == 'FRESNEL' and Level != 3: #tabWrite('aoi %.3g\n' % material.diffuse_fresnel_factor) pass #let's keep things simple for now if material.diffuse_shader == 'LAMBERT' and Level != 3: tabWrite('brilliance 1.8\n') #trying to best match lambert attenuation by that constant brilliance value if Level == 2: ####################################Specular Shader###################################### if material.specular_shader == 'COOKTORR' or material.specular_shader == 'PHONG':#No difference between phong and cook torrence in blender HaHa! tabWrite('phong %.3g\n' % (material.specular_intensity)) tabWrite('phong_size %.3g\n'% (material.specular_hardness / 2 + 0.25)) if material.specular_shader == 'BLINN':#POV-Ray 'specular' keyword corresponds to a Blinn model, without the ior. tabWrite('specular %.3g\n' % (material.specular_intensity * (material.specular_ior/4))) #Use blender Blinn's IOR just as some factor for spec intensity tabWrite('roughness %.3g\n' % roughness) #Could use brilliance 2(or varying around 2 depending on ior or factor) too. if material.specular_shader == 'TOON': tabWrite('phong %.3g\n' % (material.specular_intensity * 2)) tabWrite('phong_size %.3g\n' % (0.1+material.specular_toon_smooth / 2)) #use extreme phong_size if material.specular_shader == 'WARDISO': tabWrite('specular %.3g\n' % (material.specular_intensity / (material.specular_slope+0.0005))) #find best suited default constant for brilliance Use both phong and specular for some values. tabWrite('roughness %.4g\n' % (0.0005+material.specular_slope/10)) #find best suited default constant for brilliance Use both phong and specular for some values. tabWrite('brilliance %.4g\n' % (1.8-material.specular_slope*1.8)) #find best suited default constant for brilliance Use both phong and specular for some values. ######################################################################################### elif Level == 1: tabWrite('specular 0\n') elif Level == 3: tabWrite('specular 1\n') tabWrite('diffuse %.3g %.3g\n' % (frontDiffuse, backDiffuse)) tabWrite('ambient %.3g\n' % material.ambient) #tabWrite('ambient rgb <%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n' % tuple([c*material.ambient for c in world.ambient_color])) # POV-Ray blends the global value tabWrite('emission %.3g\n' % material.emit) #New in POV-Ray 3.7 #tabWrite('roughness %.3g\n' % roughness) #POV-Ray just ignores roughness if there's no specular keyword if material.pov_conserve_energy: tabWrite('conserve_energy\n')#added for more realistic shading. Needs some checking to see if it really works. --Maurice. # 'phong 70.0 ' if Level != 1: if material.raytrace_mirror.use: raytrace_mirror = material.raytrace_mirror if raytrace_mirror.reflect_factor: tabWrite('reflection {\n') tabWrite('rgb <%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>' % material.mirror_color[:]) if material.pov_mirror_metallic: tabWrite('metallic %.3g' % (raytrace_mirror.reflect_factor)) if material.pov_mirror_use_IOR: #WORKING ? tabWrite('fresnel 1 ')#Removed from the line below: gives a more physically correct material but needs proper IOR. --Maurice tabWrite('falloff %.3g exponent %.3g} ' % (raytrace_mirror.fresnel, raytrace_mirror.fresnel_factor)) if material.subsurface_scattering.use: subsurface_scattering = material.subsurface_scattering tabWrite('subsurface { <%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>, <%.3g, %.3g, %.3g> }\n' % (sqrt(subsurface_scattering.radius[0])*1.5, sqrt(subsurface_scattering.radius[1])*1.5, sqrt(subsurface_scattering.radius[2])*1.5, 1-subsurface_scattering.color[0], 1-subsurface_scattering.color[1], 1-subsurface_scattering.color[2])) if material.pov_irid_enable: tabWrite('irid { %.4g thickness %.4g turbulence %.4g }' % (material.pov_irid_amount, material.pov_irid_thickness, material.pov_irid_turbulence)) else: tabWrite('diffuse 0.8\n') tabWrite('phong 70.0\n') #tabWrite('specular 0.2\n') # This is written into the object ''' if material and material.transparency_method=='RAYTRACE': 'interior { ior %.3g} ' % material.raytrace_transparency.ior ''' #tabWrite('crand 1.0\n') # Sand granyness #tabWrite('metallic %.6f\n' % material.spec) #tabWrite('phong %.6f\n' % material.spec) #tabWrite('phong_size %.6f\n' % material.spec) #tabWrite('brilliance %.6f ' % (material.specular_hardness/256.0) # Like hardness tabWrite('}\n\n') # Level=1 Means No specular nor Mirror reflection povHasnoSpecularMaps(Level=1) # Level=2 Means translation of spec and mir levels for when no map influences them povHasnoSpecularMaps(Level=2) # Level=3 Means Maximum Spec and Mirror povHasnoSpecularMaps(Level=3) def exportCamera(): camera = scene.camera # DH disabled for now, this isn't the correct context active_object = None #bpy.context.active_object # does not always work MR matrix = global_matrix * camera.matrix_world focal_point = camera.data.dof_distance # compute resolution Qsize = float(render.resolution_x) / float(render.resolution_y) tabWrite('#declare camLocation = <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>;\n' % (matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2])) tabWrite('#declare camLookAt = <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>;\n' % tuple([degrees(e) for e in matrix.rotation_part().to_euler()])) tabWrite('camera {\n') if scene.pov_baking_enable and active_object and active_object.type=='MESH': tabWrite('mesh_camera{ 1 3\n') # distribution 3 is what we want here tabWrite('mesh{%s}\n' % active_object.name) tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('location <0,0,.01>') tabWrite('direction <0,0,-1>') # Using standard camera otherwise else: tabWrite('location <0, 0, 0>\n') tabWrite('look_at <0, 0, -1>\n') tabWrite('right <%s, 0, 0>\n' % - Qsize) tabWrite('up <0, 1, 0>\n') tabWrite('angle %f \n' % (360.0 * atan(16.0 / camera.data.lens) / pi)) tabWrite('rotate <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>\n' % tuple([degrees(e) for e in matrix.rotation_part().to_euler()])) tabWrite('translate <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>\n' % (matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2])) if focal_point != 0: tabWrite('aperture 0.25\n') # fixed blur amount for now to do, add slider a button? tabWrite('blur_samples 96 128\n') tabWrite('variance 1/10000\n') tabWrite('focal_point <0, 0, %f>\n' % focal_point) tabWrite('}\n') def exportLamps(lamps): # Get all lamps for ob in lamps: lamp = ob.data matrix = global_matrix * ob.matrix_world color = tuple([c * lamp.energy *2 for c in lamp.color]) # Colour is modified by energy #muiltiplie by 2 for a better match --Maurice tabWrite('light_source {\n') tabWrite('< 0,0,0 >\n') tabWrite('color rgb<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n' % color) if lamp.type == 'POINT': # Point Lamp pass elif lamp.type == 'SPOT': # Spot tabWrite('spotlight\n') # Falloff is the main radius from the centre line tabWrite('falloff %.2f\n' % (degrees(lamp.spot_size) / 2.0)) # 1 TO 179 FOR BOTH tabWrite('radius %.6f\n' % ((degrees(lamp.spot_size) / 2.0) * (1.0 - lamp.spot_blend))) # Blender does not have a tightness equivilent, 0 is most like blender default. tabWrite('tightness 0\n') # 0:10f tabWrite('point_at <0, 0, -1>\n') elif lamp.type == 'SUN': tabWrite('parallel\n') tabWrite('point_at <0, 0, -1>\n') # *must* be after 'parallel' elif lamp.type == 'AREA': tabWrite('fade_distance %.6f\n' % (lamp.distance / 5) ) tabWrite('fade_power %d\n' % 2) # Area lights have no falloff type, so always use blenders lamp quad equivalent for those? size_x = lamp.size samples_x = lamp.shadow_ray_samples_x if lamp.shape == 'SQUARE': size_y = size_x samples_y = samples_x else: size_y = lamp.size_y samples_y = lamp.shadow_ray_samples_y tabWrite('area_light <%d,0,0>,<0,0,%d> %d, %d\n' % (size_x, size_y, samples_x, samples_y)) if lamp.shadow_ray_sample_method == 'CONSTANT_JITTERED': if lamp.jitter: tabWrite('jitter\n') else: tabWrite('adaptive 1\n') tabWrite('jitter\n') if lamp.type == 'HEMI':#HEMI never has any shadow attribute tabWrite('shadowless\n') elif lamp.shadow_method == 'NOSHADOW': tabWrite('shadowless\n') if lamp.type != 'SUN' and lamp.type!='AREA' and lamp.type!='HEMI':#Sun shouldn't be attenuated. Hemi and area lights have no falloff attribute so they are put to type 2 attenuation a little higher above. tabWrite('fade_distance %.6f\n' % (lamp.distance / 5) ) if lamp.falloff_type == 'INVERSE_SQUARE': tabWrite('fade_power %d\n' % 2) # Use blenders lamp quad equivalent elif lamp.falloff_type == 'INVERSE_LINEAR': tabWrite('fade_power %d\n' % 1) # Use blenders lamp linear elif lamp.falloff_type == 'CONSTANT': #Supposing using no fade power keyword would default to constant, no attenuation. pass elif lamp.falloff_type == 'CUSTOM_CURVE': #Using Custom curve for fade power 3 for now. tabWrite('fade_power %d\n' % 4) writeMatrix(matrix) tabWrite('}\n') ################################################################################################################################## #Wip to be Used for fresnel, but not tested yet. ################################################################################################################################## ## lampLocation=[0,0,0] ## lampRotation=[0,0,0] ## lampDistance=0.00 ## averageLampLocation=[0,0,0] ## averageLampRotation=[0,0,0] ## averageLampDistance=0.00 ## lamps=[] ## for l in scene.objects: ## if l.type == 'LAMP':#get all lamps ## lamps += [l] ## for ob in lamps: ## lamp = ob.data ## lampLocation[0]+=ob.location[0] ## lampLocation[1]+=ob.location[1] ## lampLocation[2]+=ob.location[2] ## lampRotation[0]+=ob.rotation_euler[0] ## lampRotation[1]+=ob.rotation_euler[1] ## lampRotation[2]+=ob.rotation_euler[2] ## lampDistance+=ob.data.distance ## averageLampRotation[0]=lampRotation[0] / len(lamps)#create an average direction for all lamps. ## averageLampRotation[1]=lampRotation[1] / len(lamps)#create an average direction for all lamps. ## averageLampRotation[2]=lampRotation[2] / len(lamps)#create an average direction for all lamps. ## ## averageLampLocation[0]=lampLocation[0] / len(lamps)#create an average position for all lamps. ## averageLampLocation[1]=lampLocation[1] / len(lamps)#create an average position for all lamps. ## averageLampLocation[2]=lampLocation[2] / len(lamps)#create an average position for all lamps. ## ## averageLampDistance=lampDistance / len(lamps)#create an average distance for all lamps. ## file.write('\n#declare lampTarget= vrotate(<%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>,<%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>);' % (-(averageLampLocation[0]-averageLampDistance), -(averageLampLocation[1]-averageLampDistance), -(averageLampLocation[2]-averageLampDistance), averageLampRotation[0], averageLampRotation[1], averageLampRotation[2])) ## #v(A,B) rotates vector A about origin by vector B. ## #################################################################################################################################### def exportMeta(metas): # TODO - blenders 'motherball' naming is not supported. if scene.pov_comments_enable and len(metas)>= 1: file.write('//--Blob objects--\n\n') for ob in metas: meta = ob.data importance=ob.pov_importance_value tabWrite('blob {\n') tabWrite('threshold %.4g\n' % meta.threshold) try: material = meta.materials[0] # lame! - blender cant do enything else. except: material = None for elem in meta.elements: if elem.type not in ('BALL', 'ELLIPSOID'): continue # Not supported loc = elem.co stiffness = elem.stiffness if elem.use_negative: stiffness = - stiffness if elem.type == 'BALL': tabWrite('sphere { <%.6g, %.6g, %.6g>, %.4g, %.4g }\n' % (loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, elem.radius, stiffness)) # After this wecould do something simple like... # 'pigment {Blue} }' # except we'll write the color elif elem.type == 'ELLIPSOID': # location is modified by scale tabWrite('sphere { <%.6g, %.6g, %.6g>, %.4g, %.4g }\n' % (loc.x / elem.size_x, loc.y / elem.size_y, loc.z / elem.size_z, elem.radius, stiffness)) tabWrite('scale <%.6g, %.6g, %.6g> \n' % (elem.size_x, elem.size_y, elem.size_z)) if material: diffuse_color = material.diffuse_color if material.use_transparency and material.transparency_method == 'RAYTRACE': trans = 1.0 - material.raytrace_transparency.filter else: trans = 0.0 material_finish = materialNames[material.name] tabWrite('pigment {rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>} \n' %(diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2], 1.0 - material.alpha, trans, )) tabWrite('finish {%s}\n' % safety(material_finish, Level=2)) else: tabWrite('pigment {rgb<1 1 1>} \n') tabWrite('finish {%s}\n' % (safety(DEF_MAT_NAME, Level=1))) # Write the finish last. writeObjectMaterial(material) writeMatrix(global_matrix * ob.matrix_world) #Importance for radiosity sampling added here: tabWrite('radiosity { \n') tabWrite('importance %3g \n' % importance) tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('}\n') #End of Metaball block if scene.pov_comments_enable and len(metas)>= 1: file.write('\n') objectNames = {} DEF_OBJ_NAME = 'Default' def exportMeshs(scene, sel): ob_num = 0 for ob in sel: ob_num += 1 ############################################# #Generating a name for object just like materials to be able to use it (baking for now or anything else). if sel: name_orig = ob.name else: name_orig = DEF_OBJ_NAME name = objectNames[name_orig] = uniqueName(bpy.path.clean_name(name_orig), objectNames) ############################################# if ob.type in ('LAMP', 'CAMERA', 'EMPTY', 'META', 'ARMATURE', 'LATTICE', 'CURVE'): continue me = ob.data importance=ob.pov_importance_value me_materials = me.materials me_faces = me.faces[:] me = ob.create_mesh(scene, True, 'RENDER') if not me or not me_faces: continue if info_callback: info_callback('Object %2.d of %2.d (%s)' % (ob_num, len(sel), ob.name)) #if ob.type!='MESH': # continue # me = ob.data matrix = global_matrix * ob.matrix_world try: uv_layer = me.uv_textures.active.data except AttributeError: uv_layer = None try: vcol_layer = me.vertex_colors.active.data except AttributeError: vcol_layer = None faces_verts = [f.vertices[:] for f in me_faces] faces_normals = [f.normal[:] for f in me_faces] verts_normals = [v.normal[:] for v in me.vertices] # quads incur an extra face quadCount = sum(1 for f in faces_verts if len(f) == 4) # Use named declaration to allow reference e.g. for baking. MR file.write('\n') tabWrite('#declare %s =\n' % name) tabWrite('mesh2 {\n') tabWrite('vertex_vectors {\n') tabWrite('%s' % (len(me.vertices))) # vert count for v in me.vertices: file.write(',\n') tabWrite('<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>' % v.co[:]) # vert count file.write('\n') tabWrite('}\n') # Build unique Normal list uniqueNormals = {} for fi, f in enumerate(me_faces): fv = faces_verts[fi] # [-1] is a dummy index, use a list so we can modify in place if f.use_smooth: # Use vertex normals for v in fv: key = verts_normals[v] uniqueNormals[key] = [-1] else: # Use face normal key = faces_normals[fi] uniqueNormals[key] = [-1] tabWrite('normal_vectors {\n') tabWrite('%d' % len(uniqueNormals)) # vert count idx = 0 for no, index in uniqueNormals.items(): file.write(',\n') tabWrite('<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>' % no) # vert count index[0] = idx idx += 1 file.write('\n') tabWrite('}\n') # Vertex colours vertCols = {} # Use for material colours also. if uv_layer: # Generate unique UV's uniqueUVs = {} for fi, uv in enumerate(uv_layer): if len(faces_verts[fi]) == 4: uvs = uv.uv1, uv.uv2, uv.uv3, uv.uv4 else: uvs = uv.uv1, uv.uv2, uv.uv3 for uv in uvs: uniqueUVs[uv[:]] = [-1] tabWrite('uv_vectors {\n') #print unique_uvs tabWrite('%s' % (len(uniqueUVs))) # vert count idx = 0 for uv, index in uniqueUVs.items(): file.write(',\n') tabWrite('<%.6f, %.6f>' % uv) index[0] = idx idx += 1 ''' else: # Just add 1 dummy vector, no real UV's tabWrite('1') # vert count file.write(',\n\t\t<0.0, 0.0>') ''' file.write('\n') tabWrite('}\n') if me.vertex_colors: for fi, f in enumerate(me_faces): material_index = f.material_index material = me_materials[material_index] if material and material.use_vertex_color_paint: col = vcol_layer[fi] if len(faces_verts[fi]) == 4: cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3, col.color4 else: cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3 for col in cols: key = col[0], col[1], col[2], material_index # Material index! vertCols[key] = [-1] else: if material: diffuse_color = material.diffuse_color[:] key = diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2], material_index vertCols[key] = [-1] else: # No vertex colours, so write material colours as vertex colours for i, material in enumerate(me_materials): if material: diffuse_color = material.diffuse_color[:] key = diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2], i # i == f.mat vertCols[key] = [-1] # Vert Colours tabWrite('texture_list {\n') tabWrite('%s' % (len(vertCols))) # vert count idx = 0 for col, index in vertCols.items(): if me_materials: material = me_materials[col[3]] material_finish = materialNames[material.name] if material.use_transparency: trans = 1.0 - material.alpha else: trans = 0.0 else: material_finish = DEF_MAT_NAME # not working properly, trans = 0.0 ##############SF texturesDif='' texturesSpec='' texturesNorm='' texturesAlpha='' for t in material.texture_slots: if t and t.texture.type == 'IMAGE' and t.use and t.texture.image: image_filename = path_image(t.texture.image.filepath) imgGamma = '' if image_filename: if t.use_map_color_diffuse: texturesDif = image_filename colvalue = t.default_value t_dif = t if t_dif.texture.pov_tex_gamma_enable: imgGamma = (' gamma %.3g ' % t_dif.texture.pov_tex_gamma_value) if t.use_map_specular or t.use_map_raymir: texturesSpec = image_filename colvalue = t.default_value t_spec = t if t.use_map_normal: texturesNorm = image_filename colvalue = t.normal_factor * 10.0 #textNormName=t.texture.image.name + '.normal' #was the above used? --MR t_nor = t if t.use_map_alpha: texturesAlpha = image_filename colvalue = t.alpha_factor * 10.0 #textDispName=t.texture.image.name + '.displ' #was the above used? --MR t_alpha = t ############################################################################################################## tabWrite('\n') tabWrite('texture {\n') #THIS AREA NEEDS TO LEAVE THE TEXTURE OPEN UNTIL ALL MAPS ARE WRITTEN DOWN. --MR ############################################################################################################## if material.diffuse_shader == 'MINNAERT': tabWrite('\n') tabWrite('aoi\n') tabWrite('texture_map {\n') tabWrite('[%.3g finish {diffuse %.3g}]\n' % ((material.darkness/2), (2-material.darkness))) tabWrite('[%.3g' % (1-(material.darkness/2))) ######TO OPTIMIZE? or present a more elegant way? At least make it work!################################################################## #If Fresnel gets removed from 2.5, why bother? if material.diffuse_shader == 'FRESNEL': ######END of part TO OPTIMIZE? or present a more elegant way?################################################################## ## #lampLocation=lamp.position ## lampRotation= ## a=lamp.Rotation[0] ## b=lamp.Rotation[1] ## c=lamp.Rotation[2] ## lampLookAt=tuple (x,y,z) ## lampLookAt[3]= 0.0 #Put 'target' of the lamp on the floor plane to elimianate one unknown value ## degrees(atan((lampLocation - lampLookAt).y/(lampLocation - lampLookAt).z))=lamp.rotation[0] ## degrees(atan((lampLocation - lampLookAt).z/(lampLocation - lampLookAt).x))=lamp.rotation[1] ## degrees(atan((lampLocation - lampLookAt).x/(lampLocation - lampLookAt).y))=lamp.rotation[2] ## degrees(atan((lampLocation - lampLookAt).y/(lampLocation.z))=lamp.rotation[0] ## degrees(atan((lampLocation.z/(lampLocation - lampLookAt).x))=lamp.rotation[1] ## degrees(atan((lampLocation - lampLookAt).x/(lampLocation - lampLookAt).y))=lamp.rotation[2] #color = tuple([c * lamp.energy for c in lamp.color]) # Colour is modified by energy tabWrite('\n') tabWrite('slope { lampTarget }\n') tabWrite('texture_map {\n') tabWrite('[%.3g finish {diffuse %.3g}]\n' % ((material.diffuse_fresnel/2), (2-material.diffuse_fresnel_factor))) tabWrite('[%.3g\n' % (1-(material.diffuse_fresnel/2))) #if material.diffuse_shader == 'FRESNEL': pigment pattern aoi pigment and texture map above, the rest below as one of its entry ########################################################################################################################## if texturesSpec !='': tabWrite('\n') tabWrite('pigment_pattern {\n') # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse, a standard scale factor. # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale is not the same in blender and POV mappingSpec = (' translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n' % (-t_spec.offset.x ,t_spec.offset.y ,t_spec.offset.z, 1 / t_spec.scale.x, 1 / t_spec.scale.y, 1 / t_spec.scale.z)) tabWrite('uv_mapping image_map{%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesSpec) ,texturesSpec ,imgMap(t_spec),mappingSpec)) tabWrite('texture_map {\n') tabWrite('[0 \n') if texturesDif == '': if texturesAlpha !='': tabWrite('\n') # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse, a standard scale factor. # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale is not the same in blender and POV mappingAlpha = (' translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n' % (-t_alpha.offset.x,t_alpha.offset.y,t_alpha.offset.z, 1 / t_alpha.scale.x, 1 / t_alpha.scale.y, 1 / t_alpha.scale.z)) tabWrite('pigment {pigment_pattern {uv_mapping image_map{%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesAlpha) ,texturesAlpha ,imgMap(t_alpha),mappingAlpha)) tabWrite('pigment_map {\n') tabWrite('[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n') tabWrite('[1 color rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>]\n' % (col[0], col[1], col[2], 1.0 - material.alpha, trans) ) tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('}\n') else: tabWrite('pigment {rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>}\n' % (col[0], col[1], col[2], 1.0 - material.alpha, trans)) if texturesSpec !='': tabWrite('finish {%s}\n' % (safety(material_finish, Level=1)))# Level 1 is no specular else: tabWrite('finish {%s}\n' % (safety(material_finish, Level=2)))# Level 2 is translated spec else: # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse, a standard scale factor. # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale is not the same in blender and POV mappingDif = (' translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n' % (-t_dif.offset.x,t_dif.offset.y,t_dif.offset.z, 1 / t_dif.scale.x, 1 / t_dif.scale.y, 1 / t_dif.scale.z)) if texturesAlpha !='': # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse, a standard scale factor. # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale is not the same in blender and POV mappingAlpha = (' translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n' % (t_alpha.offset.x,t_alpha.offset.y,t_alpha.offset.z,1 / t_alpha.scale.x, 1 / t_alpha.scale.y, 1 / t_alpha.scale.z)) tabWrite('pigment {pigment_pattern {uv_mapping image_map{%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesAlpha),texturesAlpha,imgMap(t_alpha),mappingAlpha)) tabWrite('pigment_map {\n') tabWrite('[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n') tabWrite('[1 uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s}%s]\n' % (imageFormat(texturesDif),texturesDif,(imgGamma + imgMap(t_dif)),mappingDif)) tabWrite('}\n' ) tabWrite('}\n') else: tabWrite('pigment {uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesDif),texturesDif,(imgGamma + imgMap(t_dif)),mappingDif)) if texturesSpec !='': tabWrite('finish {%s}\n' % (safety(material_finish, Level=1)))# Level 1 is no specular else: tabWrite('finish {%s}\n' % (safety(material_finish, Level=2)))# Level 2 is translated specular ## scale 1 rotate y*0 #imageMap = ('{image_map {%s \"%s\" %s }\n' % (imageFormat(textures),textures,imgMap(t_dif))) #tabWrite('uv_mapping pigment %s} %s finish {%s}\n' % (imageMap,mapping,safety(material_finish))) #tabWrite('pigment {uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s}%s} finish {%s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesDif),texturesDif,imgMap(t_dif),mappingDif,safety(material_finish))) if texturesNorm !='': ## scale 1 rotate y*0 # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse, a standard scale factor. # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale is not the same in blender and POV mappingNor = (' translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n' % (-t_nor.offset.x,t_nor.offset.y,t_nor.offset.z, 1 / t_nor.scale.x, 1 / t_nor.scale.y, 1 / t_nor.scale.z)) #imageMapNor = ('{bump_map {%s \"%s\" %s mapping}' % (imageFormat(texturesNorm),texturesNorm,imgMap(t_nor))) #We were not using the above maybe we should? tabWrite('normal {uv_mapping bump_map {%s \"%s\" %s bump_size %.4g }%s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesNorm),texturesNorm,imgMap(t_nor),(t_nor.normal_factor * 10),mappingNor)) if texturesSpec !='': tabWrite(']\n') ################################Second index for mapping specular max value################################################################################################## tabWrite('[1 \n') if texturesDif == '': if texturesAlpha !='': # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse, a standard scale factor. # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale is not the same in blender and POV mappingAlpha = (' translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n' % (-t_alpha.offset.x,t_alpha.offset.y,t_alpha.offset.z, 1 / t_alpha.scale.x, 1 / t_alpha.scale.y, 1 / t_alpha.scale.z)) #strange that the translation factor for scale is not the same as for translate. ToDo: verify both matches with blender internal. tabWrite('pigment {pigment_pattern {uv_mapping image_map{%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesAlpha) ,texturesAlpha ,imgMap(t_alpha),mappingAlpha)) tabWrite('pigment_map {\n') tabWrite('[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n') tabWrite('[1 color rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>]\n' % (col[0], col[1], col[2], 1.0 - material.alpha, trans)) tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('}\n') else: tabWrite('pigment {rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>}\n' % (col[0], col[1], col[2], 1.0 - material.alpha, trans)) if texturesSpec !='': tabWrite('finish {%s}\n' % (safety(material_finish, Level=3)))# Level 3 is full specular else: tabWrite('finish {%s}\n' % (safety(material_finish, Level=2)))# Level 2 is translated specular else: # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse, a standard scale factor. # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale is not the same in blender and POV mappingDif = (' translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n' % (-t_dif.offset.x,t_dif.offset.y,t_dif.offset.z, 1 / t_dif.scale.x, 1 / t_dif.scale.y, 1 / t_dif.scale.z)) #strange that the translation factor for scale is not the same as for translate. ToDo: verify both matches with blender internal. if texturesAlpha !='': mappingAlpha = (' translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n' % (-t_alpha.offset.x,t_alpha.offset.y,t_alpha.offset.z, 1 / t_alpha.scale.x, 1 / t_alpha.scale.y, 1 / t_alpha.scale.z)) #strange that the translation factor for scale is not the same as for translate. ToDo: verify both matches with blender internal. tabWrite('pigment {pigment_pattern {uv_mapping image_map{%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesAlpha),texturesAlpha,imgMap(t_alpha),mappingAlpha)) tabWrite('pigment_map {\n') tabWrite('[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n') tabWrite('[1 uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s}%s]\n' % (imageFormat(texturesDif),texturesDif,(imgMap(t_dif)+imgGamma),mappingDif)) tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('}\n') else: tabWrite('pigment {uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s}%s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesDif),texturesDif,(imgGamma + imgMap(t_dif)),mappingDif)) if texturesSpec !='': tabWrite('finish {%s}\n' % (safety(material_finish, Level=3)))# Level 3 is full specular else: tabWrite('finish {%s}\n' % (safety(material_finish, Level=2)))# Level 2 is translated specular ## scale 1 rotate y*0 #imageMap = ('{image_map {%s \"%s\" %s }' % (imageFormat(textures),textures,imgMap(t_dif))) #file.write('\n\t\t\tuv_mapping pigment %s} %s finish {%s}' % (imageMap,mapping,safety(material_finish))) #file.write('\n\t\t\tpigment {uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s}%s} finish {%s}' % (imageFormat(texturesDif),texturesDif,imgMap(t_dif),mappingDif,safety(material_finish))) if texturesNorm !='': ## scale 1 rotate y*0 # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its inverse, a standard scale factor. # Offset seems needed relatively to scale so probably center of the scale is not the same in blender and POV mappingNor = (' translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>\n' % (-t_nor.offset.x,t_nor.offset.y,t_nor.offset.z, 1 / t_nor.scale.x, 1 / t_nor.scale.y, 1 / t_nor.scale.z)) #imageMapNor = ('{bump_map {%s \"%s\" %s mapping}' % (imageFormat(texturesNorm),texturesNorm,imgMap(t_nor))) #We were not using the above maybe we should? tabWrite('normal {uv_mapping bump_map {%s \"%s\" %s bump_size %.4g }%s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesNorm),texturesNorm,imgMap(t_nor),(t_nor.normal_factor * 10),mappingNor)) if texturesSpec !='': tabWrite(']\n') tabWrite('}\n') #End of slope/ior texture_map if material.diffuse_shader == 'MINNAERT' or material.diffuse_shader == 'FRESNEL': tabWrite(']\n') tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('}\n') #THEN IT CAN CLOSE IT --MR ############################################################################################################ index[0] = idx idx += 1 file.write('\n') tabWrite('}\n') # Face indices tabWrite('face_indices {\n') tabWrite('%d' % (len(me_faces) + quadCount)) # faces count for fi, f in enumerate(me_faces): fv = faces_verts[fi] material_index = f.material_index if len(fv) == 4: indices = (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3) else: indices = ((0, 1, 2),) if vcol_layer: col = vcol_layer[fi] if len(fv) == 4: cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3, col.color4 else: cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3 if not me_materials or me_materials[material_index] is None: # No materials for i1, i2, i3 in indices: file.write(',\n') tabWrite('<%d,%d,%d>' % (fv[i1], fv[i2], fv[i3])) # vert count else: material = me_materials[material_index] for i1, i2, i3 in indices: if me.vertex_colors and material.use_vertex_color_paint: # Colour per vertex - vertex colour col1 = cols[i1] col2 = cols[i2] col3 = cols[i3] ci1 = vertCols[col1[0], col1[1], col1[2], material_index][0] ci2 = vertCols[col2[0], col2[1], col2[2], material_index][0] ci3 = vertCols[col3[0], col3[1], col3[2], material_index][0] else: # Colour per material - flat material colour diffuse_color = material.diffuse_color ci1 = ci2 = ci3 = vertCols[diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2], f.material_index][0] file.write(',\n') tabWrite('<%d,%d,%d>, %d,%d,%d' % (fv[i1], fv[i2], fv[i3], ci1, ci2, ci3)) # vert count file.write('\n') tabWrite('}\n') # normal_indices indices tabWrite('normal_indices {\n') tabWrite('%d' % (len(me_faces) + quadCount)) # faces count for fi, fv in enumerate(faces_verts): if len(fv) == 4: indices = (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3) else: indices = ((0, 1, 2),) for i1, i2, i3 in indices: if me_faces[fi].use_smooth: file.write(',\n') tabWrite('<%d,%d,%d>' %\ (uniqueNormals[verts_normals[fv[i1]]][0],\ uniqueNormals[verts_normals[fv[i2]]][0],\ uniqueNormals[verts_normals[fv[i3]]][0])) # vert count else: idx = uniqueNormals[faces_normals[fi]][0] file.write(',\n') tabWrite('<%d,%d,%d>' % (idx, idx, idx)) # vert count file.write('\n') tabWrite('}\n') if uv_layer: tabWrite('uv_indices {\n') tabWrite('%d' % (len(me_faces) + quadCount)) # faces count for fi, fv in enumerate(faces_verts): if len(fv) == 4: indices = (0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3) else: indices = ((0, 1, 2),) uv = uv_layer[fi] if len(faces_verts[fi]) == 4: uvs = uv.uv1[:], uv.uv2[:], uv.uv3[:], uv.uv4[:] else: uvs = uv.uv1[:], uv.uv2[:], uv.uv3[:] for i1, i2, i3 in indices: file.write(',\n') tabWrite('<%d,%d,%d>' %\ (uniqueUVs[uvs[i1]][0],\ uniqueUVs[uvs[i2]][0],\ uniqueUVs[uvs[i3]][0])) file.write('\n') tabWrite('}\n') if me.materials: try: material = me.materials[0] # dodgy writeObjectMaterial(material) except IndexError: print(me) writeMatrix(matrix) #Importance for radiosity sampling added here: tabWrite('radiosity { \n') tabWrite('importance %3g \n' % importance) tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('}\n') # End of mesh block tabWrite('%s\n' % name) # Use named declaration to allow reference e.g. for baking. MR bpy.data.meshes.remove(me) def exportWorld(world): render = scene.render camera = scene.camera matrix = global_matrix * camera.matrix_world if not world: return #############Maurice#################################### #These lines added to get sky gradient (visible with PNG output) if world: #For simple flat background: if not world.use_sky_blend: #Non fully transparent background could premultiply alpha and avoid anti-aliasing display issue: if render.alpha_mode == 'PREMUL' or render.alpha_mode == 'PREMUL' : tabWrite('background {rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0.75>}\n' % (world.horizon_color[:])) #Currently using no alpha with Sky option: elif render.alpha_mode == 'SKY': tabWrite('background {rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0>}\n' % (world.horizon_color[:])) #StraightAlpha: else: tabWrite('background {rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 1>}\n' % (world.horizon_color[:])) worldTexCount=0 #For Background image textures for t in world.texture_slots: #risk to write several sky_spheres but maybe ok. worldTexCount+=1 if t and t.texture.type == 'IMAGE': #and t.use: #No enable checkbox for world textures yet (report it?) image_filename = path_image(t.texture.image.filepath) if t.texture.image.filepath != image_filename: t.texture.image.filepath = image_filename if image_filename != '' and t.use_map_blend: texturesBlend = image_filename #colvalue = t.default_value t_blend = t #commented below was an idea to make the Background image oriented as camera taken here: http://news.povray.org/povray.newusers/thread/%3Cweb.4a5cddf4e9c9822ba2f93e20@news.povray.org%3E/ #mappingBlend = (' translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> rotate z*degrees(atan((camLocation - camLookAt).x/(camLocation - camLookAt).y)) rotate x*degrees(atan((camLocation - camLookAt).y/(camLocation - camLookAt).z)) rotate y*degrees(atan((camLocation - camLookAt).z/(camLocation - camLookAt).x)) scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>b' % (t_blend.offset.x / 10 ,t_blend.offset.y / 10 ,t_blend.offset.z / 10, t_blend.scale.x ,t_blend.scale.y ,t_blend.scale.z))#replace 4/3 by the ratio of each image found by some custom or existing function #using camera rotation valuesdirectly from blender seems much easier if t_blend.texture_coords=='ANGMAP': mappingBlend = ('') else: mappingBlend = (' translate <%.4g-0.5,%.4g-0.5,%.4g-0.5> rotate<0,0,0> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>' % (t_blend.offset.x / 10 ,t_blend.offset.y / 10 ,t_blend.offset.z / 10, t_blend.scale.x*0.85 , t_blend.scale.y*0.85 , t_blend.scale.z*0.85 )) #The initial position and rotation of the pov camera is probably creating the rotation offset should look into it someday but at least background won't rotate with the camera now. #Putting the map on a plane would not introduce the skysphere distortion and allow for better image scale matching but also some waay to chose depth and size of the plane relative to camera. tabWrite('sky_sphere {\n') tabWrite('pigment {\n') tabWrite('image_map{%s \"%s\" %s}\n' % (imageFormat(texturesBlend),texturesBlend,imgMapBG(t_blend))) tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('%s\n' % (mappingBlend)) tabWrite('}\n') #tabWrite('scale 2\n') #tabWrite('translate -1\n') #For only Background gradient if worldTexCount==0: if world.use_sky_blend: tabWrite('sky_sphere {\n') tabWrite('pigment {\n') tabWrite('gradient y\n')#maybe Should follow the advice of POV doc about replacing gradient for skysphere..5.5 tabWrite('color_map {\n') if render.alpha_mode == 'STRAIGHT': tabWrite('[0.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 1>]\n' % (world.horizon_color[:])) tabWrite('[1.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 1>]\n' % (world.zenith_color[:])) elif render.alpha_mode == 'PREMUL': tabWrite('[0.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0.99>]\n' % (world.horizon_color[:])) tabWrite('[1.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0.99>]\n' % (world.zenith_color[:])) #aa premult not solved with transmit 1 else: tabWrite('[0.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0>]\n' % (world.horizon_color[:])) tabWrite('[1.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0>]\n' % (world.zenith_color[:])) tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('}\n') #sky_sphere alpha (transmit) is not translating into image alpha the same way as 'background' #if world.light_settings.use_indirect_light: # scene.pov_radio_enable=1 #Maybe change the above to a funtion copyInternalRenderer settings when user pushes a button, then: #scene.pov_radio_enable = world.light_settings.use_indirect_light #and other such translations but maybe this would not be allowed either? ############################################################### mist = world.mist_settings if mist.use_mist: tabWrite('fog {\n') tabWrite('distance %.6f\n' % mist.depth) tabWrite('color rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n' % (world.horizon_color[:] + (1 - mist.intensity,))) #tabWrite('fog_offset %.6f\n' % mist.start) #tabWrite('fog_alt 5\n') #tabWrite('turbulence 0.2\n') #tabWrite('turb_depth 0.3\n') tabWrite('fog_type 1\n') tabWrite('}\n') if scene.pov_media_enable: tabWrite('media {\n') tabWrite('scattering { 1, rgb %.3g}\n' % scene.pov_media_color) tabWrite('samples %.d\n' % scene.pov_media_samples) tabWrite('}\n') def exportGlobalSettings(scene): tabWrite('global_settings {\n') tabWrite('assumed_gamma 1.0\n') tabWrite('max_trace_level %d\n' % scene.pov_max_trace_level) if scene.pov_radio_enable: tabWrite('radiosity {\n') tabWrite('adc_bailout %.4g\n' % scene.pov_radio_adc_bailout) tabWrite('always_sample %d\n' % scene.pov_radio_always_sample) tabWrite('brightness %.4g\n' % scene.pov_radio_brightness) tabWrite('count %d\n' % scene.pov_radio_count) tabWrite('error_bound %.4g\n' % scene.pov_radio_error_bound) tabWrite('gray_threshold %.4g\n' % scene.pov_radio_gray_threshold) tabWrite('low_error_factor %.4g\n' % scene.pov_radio_low_error_factor) tabWrite('media %d\n' % scene.pov_radio_media) tabWrite('minimum_reuse %.4g\n' % scene.pov_radio_minimum_reuse) tabWrite('nearest_count %d\n' % scene.pov_radio_nearest_count) tabWrite('normal %d\n' % scene.pov_radio_normal) tabWrite('pretrace_start %.3g\n' % scene.pov_radio_pretrace_start) tabWrite('pretrace_end %.3g\n' % scene.pov_radio_pretrace_end) tabWrite('recursion_limit %d\n' % scene.pov_radio_recursion_limit) tabWrite('}\n') once=1 for material in bpy.data.materials: if material.subsurface_scattering.use and once: tabWrite('mm_per_unit %.6f\n' % (material.subsurface_scattering.scale * (-100) + 15))#In pov, the scale has reversed influence compared to blender. these number should correct that once=0 #In POV-Ray, the scale factor for all subsurface shaders needs to be the same if world: tabWrite('ambient_light rgb<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n' % world.ambient_color[:]) if material.pov_photons_refraction or material.pov_photons_reflection: tabWrite('photons {\n') tabWrite('spacing 0.003\n') tabWrite('max_trace_level 5\n') tabWrite('adc_bailout 0.1\n') tabWrite('gather 30, 150\n') tabWrite('}\n') tabWrite('}\n') sel = scene.objects comments = scene.pov_comments_enable if comments: file.write('//---------------------------------------------\n//--Exported with POV-Ray exporter for Blender--\n//---------------------------------------------\n') if comments: file.write('\n//--Global settings and background--\n\n') exportGlobalSettings(scene) if comments: file.write('\n') exportWorld(scene.world) if comments: file.write('\n//--Cameras--\n\n') exportCamera() if comments: file.write('\n//--Lamps--\n\n') exportLamps([l for l in sel if l.type == 'LAMP']) if comments: file.write('\n//--Material Definitions--\n\n') # Convert all materials to strings we can access directly per vertex. #exportMaterials() writeMaterial(None) # default material for material in bpy.data.materials: if material.users > 0: writeMaterial(material) if comments: file.write('\n') # if comments: file.write('//--Blob objects--\n\n') exportMeta([l for l in sel if l.type == 'META']) # if comments: file.write('\n') if comments: file.write('//--Mesh objecs--\n') exportMeshs(scene, sel) #What follow used to happen here: #exportCamera() #exportWorld(scene.world) #exportGlobalSettings(scene) # MR:..and the order was important for an attempt to implement pov 3.7 baking (mesh camera) comment for the record # CR: Baking should be a special case than. If "baking", than we could change the order. #print('pov file closed %s' % file.closed) file.close() #print('pov file closed %s' % file.closed) def write_pov_ini(filename_ini, filename_pov, filename_image): scene = bpy.data.scenes[0] render = scene.render x = int(render.resolution_x * render.resolution_percentage * 0.01) y = int(render.resolution_y * render.resolution_percentage * 0.01) file = open(filename_ini.name, 'w') file.write("Input_File_Name='%s'\n" % filename_pov.name) file.write("Output_File_Name='%s'\n" % filename_image.name) file.write('Width=%d\n' % x) file.write('Height=%d\n' % y) # Needed for border render. ''' file.write('Start_Column=%d\n' % part.x) file.write('End_Column=%d\n' % (part.x+part.w)) file.write('Start_Row=%d\n' % (part.y)) file.write('End_Row=%d\n' % (part.y+part.h)) ''' file.write('Bounding_Method=2\n')#The new automatic BSP is faster in most scenes file.write('Display=1\n')#Activated (turn this back off when better live exchange is done between the two programs (see next comment) file.write('Pause_When_Done=0\n') file.write('Output_File_Type=N\n') # PNG, with POV-Ray 3.7, can show background color with alpha. In the long run using the POV-Ray interactive preview like bishop 3D could solve the preview for all formats. #file.write('Output_File_Type=T\n') # TGA, best progressive loading file.write('Output_Alpha=1\n') if render.use_antialiasing: aa_mapping = {'5': 2, '8': 3, '11': 4, '16': 5} # method 2 (recursive) with higher max subdiv forced because no mipmapping in POV-Ray needs higher sampling. file.write('Antialias=on\n') file.write('Sampling_Method=2\n') file.write('Antialias_Depth=%d\n' % aa_mapping[render.antialiasing_samples]) file.write('Antialias_Threshold=0.1\n')#rather high settings but necessary. file.write('Jitter=off\n')#prevent animation flicker else: file.write('Antialias=0\n') file.write('Version=3.7') #print('ini file closed %s' % file.closed) file.close() #print('ini file closed %s' % file.closed) class PovrayRender(bpy.types.RenderEngine): bl_idname = 'POVRAY_RENDER' bl_label = 'POV-Ray 3.7' DELAY = 0.1 def _export(self, scene): import tempfile # mktemp is Deprecated since version 2.3, replaced with NamedTemporaryFile() #CR self._temp_file_in = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pov', delete=False) self._temp_file_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png', delete=False)#PNG with POV 3.7, can show the background color with alpha. In the long run using the POV-Ray interactive preview like bishop 3D could solve the preview for all formats. #self._temp_file_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tga', delete=False) self._temp_file_ini = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.ini', delete=False) ''' self._temp_file_in = '/test.pov' self._temp_file_out = '/test.png'#PNG with POV-Ray 3.7, can show the background color with alpha. In the long run using the POV-Ray interactive preview like bishop 3D could solve the preview for all formats. #self._temp_file_out = '/test.tga' self._temp_file_ini = '/test.ini' ''' def info_callback(txt): self.update_stats('', 'POV-Ray 3.7: ' + txt) write_pov(self._temp_file_in, scene, info_callback) def _render(self, scene): try: os.remove(self._temp_file_out.name) # so as not to load the old file except OSError: pass write_pov_ini(self._temp_file_ini, self._temp_file_in, self._temp_file_out) print ('***-STARTING-***') pov_binary = 'povray' extra_args = [] if scene.pov_command_line_switches != "": for newArg in scene.pov_command_line_switches.split(' '): extra_args.append(newArg) if sys.platform == 'win32': import winreg regKey = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\\POV-Ray\\v3.7\\Windows') if bitness == 64: pov_binary = winreg.QueryValueEx(regKey, 'Home')[0] + '\\bin\\pvengine64' else: pov_binary = winreg.QueryValueEx(regKey, 'Home')[0] + '\\bin\\pvengine' else: # DH - added -d option to prevent render window popup which leads to segfault on linux extra_args.append('-d') # print('Extra Args: ' + str(extra_args)) if 1: # TODO, when POV-Ray isn't found this gives a cryptic error, would be nice to be able to detect if it exists try: self._process = subprocess.Popen([pov_binary, self._temp_file_ini.name] + extra_args) # stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE except OSError: # TODO, report api print("POV-Ray 3.7: could not execute '%s', possibly POV-Ray isn't installed" % pov_binary) import traceback traceback.print_exc() print ('***-DONE-***') return False else: # This works too but means we have to wait until its done os.system('%s %s' % (pov_binary, self._temp_file_ini.name)) # print ('***-DONE-***') return True def _cleanup(self): for f in (self._temp_file_in, self._temp_file_ini, self._temp_file_out): #print('Name: %s' % f.name) #print('File closed %s' % f.closed) f.close() # Why do I have to close them again? Without closeing the pov and ini files are not deletable. PNG is not closable! try: os.unlink(f.name) #os.remove(f.name) except OSError: #was that the proper error type? #print('Couldn't remove/unlink TEMP file %s' % f.name) pass print('') self.update_stats('', '') def render(self, scene): self.update_stats('', 'POV-Ray 3.7: Exporting data from Blender') self._export(scene) self.update_stats('', 'POV-Ray 3.7: Parsing File') if not self._render(scene): self.update_stats('', 'POV-Ray 3.7: Not found') return r = scene.render ##WIP output format ## if r.file_format == 'OPENEXR': ## fformat = 'EXR' ## render.color_mode = 'RGBA' ## else: ## fformat = 'TGA' ## r.file_format = 'TARGA' ## r.color_mode = 'RGBA' # compute resolution x = int(r.resolution_x * r.resolution_percentage * 0.01) y = int(r.resolution_y * r.resolution_percentage * 0.01) # Wait for the file to be created while not os.path.exists(self._temp_file_out.name): # print('***POV WAITING FOR FILE***') if self.test_break(): try: self._process.terminate() print('***POV INTERRUPTED***') except OSError: pass break poll_result = self._process.poll() if poll_result is not None: print('***POV PROCESS FAILED : %s ***' % poll_result) self.update_stats('', 'POV-Ray 3.7: Failed') break time.sleep(self.DELAY) if os.path.exists(self._temp_file_out.name): # print('***POV FILE OK***') self.update_stats('', 'POV-Ray 3.7: Rendering') prev_size = -1 def update_image(): # print('***POV UPDATING IMAGE***') result = self.begin_result(0, 0, x, y) lay = result.layers[0] # possible the image wont load early on. try: lay.load_from_file(self._temp_file_out.name) except SystemError: pass self.end_result(result) # Update while POV-Ray renders while True: # print('***POV RENDER LOOP***') # test if POV-Ray exists if self._process.poll() is not None: print('***POV PROCESS FINISHED***') update_image() break # user exit if self.test_break(): try: self._process.terminate() print('***POV PROCESS INTERRUPTED***') except OSError: pass break # Would be nice to redirect the output # stdout_value, stderr_value = self._process.communicate() # locks # check if the file updated new_size = os.path.getsize(self._temp_file_out.name) if new_size != prev_size: update_image() prev_size = new_size time.sleep(self.DELAY) else: print('***POV FILE NOT FOUND***') print('***POV FINISHED***') #time.sleep(self.DELAY) self._cleanup()