# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # """Declare rendering properties controllable in UI""" import bpy from bpy.utils import register_class, unregister_class from bpy.types import PropertyGroup, Scene from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, IntProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, StringProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty, ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Scene POV properties. # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # class RenderPovSettingsScene(PropertyGroup): """Declare scene level properties controllable in UI and translated to POV""" # Linux SDL-window enable sdl_window_enable: BoolProperty( name="Enable SDL window", description="Enable the SDL window in Linux OS", default=True ) # File Options text_block: StringProperty( name="Text Scene Name", description="Name of POV scene to use. " "Set when clicking Run to render current text only", maxlen=1024, ) tempfiles_enable: BoolProperty( name="Enable Tempfiles", description="Enable the OS-Tempfiles. Otherwise set the path where to save the files", default=True, ) pov_editor: BoolProperty( name="POV editor", description="Don't Close POV editor after rendering (Overridden by /EXIT command)", default=False, ) deletefiles_enable: BoolProperty( name="Delete files", description="Delete files after rendering. Doesn't work with the image", default=True, ) scene_name: StringProperty( name="Scene Name", description="Name of POV scene to create. Empty name will use " "the name of the blend file", maxlen=1024, ) scene_path: StringProperty( name="Export scene path", # Bug in POV-Ray RC3 # description="Path to directory where the exported scene " # "(POV and INI) is created", description="Path to directory where the files are created", maxlen=1024, subtype="DIR_PATH", ) renderimage_path: StringProperty( name="Rendered image path", description="Full path to directory where the rendered image is saved", maxlen=1024, subtype="DIR_PATH", ) list_lf_enable: BoolProperty( name="LF in lists", description="Enable line breaks in lists (vectors and indices). " "Disabled: lists are exported in one line", default=False, ) # Not a real pov option, just to know if we should write radio_enable: BoolProperty( name="Enable Radiosity", description="Enable POV radiosity calculation", default=True ) radio_display_advanced: BoolProperty( name="Advanced Options", description="Show advanced options", default=False ) media_enable: BoolProperty( name="Enable Media", description="Enable POV atmospheric media", default=False ) media_samples: IntProperty( name="Samples", description="Number of samples taken from camera to first object " "encountered along ray path for media calculation", min=1, max=100, default=35, ) media_scattering_type: EnumProperty( name="Scattering Type", description="Scattering model", items=( ( "1", "1 Isotropic", "The simplest form of scattering because it is independent of direction.", ), ( "2", "2 Mie haze ", "For relatively small particles such as " "minuscule water droplets of fog, cloud " "particles, and particles responsible " "for the polluted sky. In this model the" " scattering is extremely directional in" " the forward direction i.e. the amount " "of scattered light is largest when the " "incident light is anti-parallel to the " "viewing direction (the light goes " "directly to the viewer). It is smallest" " when the incident light is parallel to" " the viewing direction. ", ), ("3", "3 Mie murky", "Like haze but much more directional"), ( "4", "4 Rayleigh", "For extremely small particles such as " "molecules of the air. The amount of " "scattered light depends on the incident" " light angle. It is largest when the " "incident light is parallel or " "anti-parallel to the viewing direction " "and smallest when the incident light is " "perpendicular to viewing direction.", ), ( "5", "5 Henyey-Greenstein", "The default eccentricity value " "of zero defines isotropic " "scattering while positive " "values lead to scattering in " "the direction of the light and " "negative values lead to " "scattering in the opposite " "direction of the light. Larger " "values of e (or smaller values " "in the negative case) increase " "the directional property of the" " scattering.", ), ), default="1", ) media_diffusion_scale: FloatProperty( name="Scale", description="Scale factor of Media Diffusion Color", precision=6, step=0.00000001, min=0.000000001, max=1.0, default=1.0, ) media_diffusion_color: FloatVectorProperty( name="Media Diffusion Color", description="The atmospheric media color", precision=4, step=0.01, min=0, soft_max=1, default=(0.001, 0.001, 0.001), options={"ANIMATABLE"}, subtype="COLOR", ) media_absorption_scale: FloatProperty( name="Scale", description="Scale factor of Media Absorption Color. " "use 1/depth of media volume in meters", precision=6, step=0.000001, min=0.000000001, max=1.0, default=0.00002, ) media_absorption_color: FloatVectorProperty( name="Media Absorption Color", description="The atmospheric media absorption color", precision=4, step=0.01, min=0, soft_max=1, default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), options={"ANIMATABLE"}, subtype="COLOR", ) media_eccentricity: FloatProperty( name="Media Eccenticity Factor", description="Positive values lead" " to scattering in the direction of the light and negative " "values lead to scattering in the opposite direction of the " "light. Larger values of e (or smaller values in the negative" " case) increase the directional property of the scattering", precision=2, step=0.01, min=-1.0, max=1.0, default=0.0, options={"ANIMATABLE"}, ) baking_enable: BoolProperty( name="Enable Baking", description="Enable POV texture baking", default=False ) indentation_character: EnumProperty( name="Indentation", description="Select the indentation type", items=( ("NONE", "None", "No indentation"), ("TAB", "Tabs", "Indentation with tabs"), ("SPACE", "Spaces", "Indentation with spaces"), ), default="SPACE", ) indentation_spaces: IntProperty( name="Quantity of spaces", description="The number of spaces for indentation", min=1, max=10, default=4, ) comments_enable: BoolProperty( name="Enable Comments", description="Add comments to pov file", default=True ) # Real pov options command_line_switches: StringProperty( name="Command Line Switches", description="Command line switches consist of a + (plus) or - " "(minus) sign, followed by one or more alphabetic " "characters and possibly a numeric value", maxlen=500, ) antialias_enable: BoolProperty( name="Anti-Alias", description="Enable Anti-Aliasing", default=True ) antialias_method: EnumProperty( name="Method", description="AA-sampling method. Type 1 is an adaptive, " "non-recursive, super-sampling (as in the plain old render " "bigger and scale down trick. Type 2 is a slightly " "more efficient adaptive and recursive super-sampling. " "Type 3 is a stochastic halton based super-sampling method so " "rather artifact free and sampling rays so depth of field can " "use them at no additional cost, as do area lights and " "subsurface scattering materials, making it the best " "quality / time trade-off in complex scenes", items=( ("0", "non-recursive AA", "Type 1 Sampling in POV"), ("1", "recursive AA", "Type 2 Sampling in POV"), ("2", "stochastic AA", "Type 3 Sampling in POV"), ), default="1", ) antialias_confidence: FloatProperty( name="Antialias Confidence", description="how surely the computed color " "of a given pixel is indeed" "within the threshold error margin", min=0.0001, max=1.0000, default=0.9900, precision=4, ) antialias_depth: IntProperty( name="Antialias Depth", description="Depth of pixel for sampling", min=1, max=9, default=2 ) antialias_threshold: FloatProperty( name="Antialias Threshold", description="Tolerance for sub-pixels", min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.05, soft_max=0.5, default=0.03, ) jitter_enable: BoolProperty( name="Jitter", description="Enable Jittering. Adds noise into the sampling " "process (it should be avoided to use jitter in " "animation)", default=False, ) jitter_amount: FloatProperty( name="Jitter Amount", description="Amount of jittering", min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=1.0, default=1.0, ) antialias_gamma: FloatProperty( name="Antialias Gamma", description="POV-Ray compares gamma-adjusted values for super " "sampling. Antialias Gamma sets the Gamma before " "comparison", min=0.0, max=5.0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=2.5, default=2.5, ) alpha_filter: FloatProperty( name="Alpha", description="User defined color associated background alpha", min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=1.0, default=0.75, ) alpha_mode: EnumProperty( name="Alpha", description="Representation of alpha information in the RGBA pixels", items=( ("SKY", "Sky", "Transparent pixels are filled with sky color"), ("STRAIGHT", "Straight", "Transparent pixels are not premultiplied"), ( "TRANSPARENT", "Transparent", "World background has user defined premultiplied alpha", ), ), default="SKY", ) use_shadows: BoolProperty( name="Shadows", description="Calculate shadows while rendering", default=True ) max_trace_level: IntProperty( name="Max Trace Level", description="Number of reflections/refractions allowed on ray " "path", min=1, max=256, default=5, ) adc_bailout_enable: BoolProperty(name="Enable", description="", default=False) adc_bailout: FloatProperty( name="ADC Bailout", description="Adaptive Depth Control (ADC) to stop computing additional" "reflected or refracted rays when their contribution is insignificant." "The default value is 1/255, or approximately 0.0039, since a change " "smaller than that could not be visible in a 24 bit image. Generally " "this value is fine and should be left alone." "Setting adc_bailout to 0 will disable ADC, relying completely on " "max_trace_level to set an upper limit on the number of rays spawned. ", min=0.0, max=1000.0, default=0.00392156862745, precision=3, ) ambient_light_enable: BoolProperty(name="Enable", description="", default=False) ambient_light: FloatVectorProperty( name="Ambient Light", description="Ambient light is used to simulate the effect of inter-diffuse reflection", precision=4, step=0.01, min=0, soft_max=1, default=(1, 1, 1), options={"ANIMATABLE"}, subtype="COLOR", ) global_settings_advanced: BoolProperty(name="Advanced", description="", default=False) irid_wavelength_enable: BoolProperty(name="Enable", description="", default=False) irid_wavelength: FloatVectorProperty( name="Irid Wavelength", description=( "Iridescence calculations depend upon the dominant " "wavelengths of the primary colors of red, green and blue light" ), precision=4, step=0.01, min=0, soft_max=1, default=(0.25, 0.18, 0.14), options={"ANIMATABLE"}, subtype="COLOR", ) number_of_waves_enable: BoolProperty(name="Enable", description="", default=False) number_of_waves: IntProperty( name="Number Waves", description=( "The waves and ripples patterns are generated by summing a series of waves, " "each with a slightly different center and size" ), min=1, max=10, default=1000, ) noise_generator_enable: BoolProperty(name="Enable", description="", default=False) noise_generator: IntProperty( name="Noise Generator", description="There are three noise generators implemented", min=1, max=3, default=2, ) # -------- PHOTONS -------- # photon_enable: BoolProperty(name="Photons", description="Enable global photons", default=False) photon_enable_count: BoolProperty( name="Spacing / Count", description="Enable count photons", default=False ) photon_count: IntProperty( name="Count", description="Photons count", min=1, max=100000000, default=20000 ) photon_spacing: FloatProperty( name="Spacing", description="Average distance between photons on surfaces. half " "this get four times as many surface photons", min=0.001, max=1.000, soft_min=0.001, soft_max=1.000, precision=3, default=0.005, ) photon_max_trace_level: IntProperty( name="Max Trace Level", description="Number of reflections/refractions allowed on ray " "path", min=1, max=256, default=5, ) photon_adc_bailout: FloatProperty( name="ADC Bailout", description="The adc_bailout for photons. Use adc_bailout = " "0.01 / brightest_ambient_object for good results", min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0, precision=3, default=0.1, ) photon_gather_min: IntProperty( name="Gather Min", description="Minimum number of photons gathered" "for each point", min=1, max=256, default=20, ) photon_gather_max: IntProperty( name="Gather Max", description="Maximum number of photons gathered for each point", min=1, max=256, default=100, ) photon_map_file_save_load: EnumProperty( name="Operation", description="Load or Save photon map file", items=(("NONE", "None", ""), ("save", "Save", ""), ("load", "Load", "")), default="NONE", ) photon_map_filename: StringProperty(name="Filename", description="", maxlen=1024) photon_map_dir: StringProperty( name="Directory", description="", maxlen=1024, subtype="DIR_PATH" ) photon_map_file: StringProperty(name="File", description="", maxlen=1024, subtype="FILE_PATH") # -------- RADIOSITY -------- # radio_adc_bailout: FloatProperty( name="ADC Bailout", description="The adc_bailout for radiosity rays. Use " "adc_bailout = 0.01 / brightest_ambient_object for good results", min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0, default=0.0039, precision=4, ) radio_always_sample: BoolProperty( name="Always Sample", description="Only use the data from the pretrace step and not gather " "any new samples during the final radiosity pass", default=False, ) radio_brightness: FloatProperty( name="Brightness", description="Amount objects are brightened before being returned " "upwards to the rest of the system", min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=10.0, default=1.0, ) radio_count: IntProperty( name="Ray Count", description="Number of rays for each new radiosity value to be calculated " "(halton sequence over 1600)", min=1, max=10000, soft_max=1600, default=35, ) radio_error_bound: FloatProperty( name="Error Bound", description="One of the two main speed/quality tuning values, " "lower values are more accurate", min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=10.0, default=10.0, ) radio_gray_threshold: FloatProperty( name="Gray Threshold", description="One of the two main speed/quality tuning values, " "lower values are more accurate", min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0, soft_max=1, default=0.0, ) radio_low_error_factor: FloatProperty( name="Low Error Factor", description="Just enough samples is slightly blotchy. Low error changes error " "tolerance for less critical last refining pass", min=0.000001, max=1.0, soft_min=0.000001, soft_max=1.0, default=0.5, ) radio_media: BoolProperty( name="Media", description="Radiosity estimation can be affected by media", default=True ) radio_subsurface: BoolProperty( name="Subsurface", description="Radiosity estimation can be affected by Subsurface Light Transport", default=False, ) radio_minimum_reuse: FloatProperty( name="Minimum Reuse", description="Fraction of the screen width which sets the minimum radius of reuse " "for each sample point (At values higher than 2% expect errors)", min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=0.1, default=0.015, precision=3, ) radio_maximum_reuse: FloatProperty( name="Maximum Reuse", description="The maximum reuse parameter works in conjunction with, and is similar to that of minimum reuse, " "the only difference being that it is an upper bound rather than a lower one", min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.2, precision=3, ) radio_nearest_count: IntProperty( name="Nearest Count", description="Number of old ambient values blended together to " "create a new interpolated value", min=1, max=20, default=1, ) radio_normal: BoolProperty( name="Normals", description="Radiosity estimation can be affected by normals", default=False ) radio_recursion_limit: IntProperty( name="Recursion Limit", description="how many recursion levels are used to calculate " "the diffuse inter-reflection", min=1, max=20, default=1, ) radio_pretrace_start: FloatProperty( name="Pretrace Start", description="Fraction of the screen width which sets the size of the " "blocks in the mosaic preview first pass", min=0.005, max=1.00, soft_min=0.02, soft_max=1.0, default=0.04, ) # XXX TODO set automatically to pretrace_end = 8 / max (image_width, image_height) # for non advanced mode radio_pretrace_end: FloatProperty( name="Pretrace End", description="Fraction of the screen width which sets the size of the blocks " "in the mosaic preview last pass", min=0.000925, max=1.00, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=1.00, default=0.004, precision=3, ) classes = (RenderPovSettingsScene,) def register(): for cls in classes: register_class(cls) Scene.pov = PointerProperty(type=RenderPovSettingsScene) def unregister(): del Scene.pov for cls in reversed(classes): unregister_class(cls)