# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # """With respect to camera frame and optics distortions, also export environment with world, sky, atmospheric effects such as rainbows or smoke """ import bpy import os from imghdr import what # imghdr is a python lib to identify image file types from math import atan, pi, sqrt, degrees from . import df3_library # for smoke rendering from .object_primitives import write_object_modifiers # -------- find image texture # used for export_world -------- # def image_format(img_f): """Identify input image filetypes to transmit to POV.""" # First use the below explicit extensions to identify image file prospects ext = { 'JPG': "jpeg", 'JPEG': "jpeg", 'GIF': "gif", 'TGA': "tga", 'IFF': "iff", 'PPM': "ppm", 'PNG': "png", 'SYS': "sys", 'TIFF': "tiff", 'TIF': "tiff", 'EXR': "exr", 'HDR': "hdr", }.get(os.path.splitext(img_f)[-1].upper(), "") # Then, use imghdr to really identify the filetype as it can be different if not ext: # maybe add a check for if path exists here? print(" WARNING: texture image has no extension") # too verbose ext = what(img_f) # imghdr is a python lib to identify image file types return ext def img_map(ts): """Translate mapping type from Blender UI to POV syntax and return that string.""" image_map = "" texdata = bpy.data.textures[ts.texture] if ts.mapping == 'FLAT': image_map = "map_type 0 " elif ts.mapping == 'SPHERE': image_map = "map_type 1 " elif ts.mapping == 'TUBE': image_map = "map_type 2 " # map_type 3 and 4 in development (?) (ENV in pov 3.8) # for POV-Ray, currently they just seem to default back to Flat (type 0) # elif ts.mapping=="?": # image_map = " map_type 3 " # elif ts.mapping=="?": # image_map = " map_type 4 " if ts.use_interpolation: # Available if image sampling class reactivated? image_map += " interpolate 2 " if texdata.extension == 'CLIP': image_map += " once " # image_map += "}" # if ts.mapping=='CUBE': # image_map+= "warp { cubic } rotate <-90,0,180>" # no direct cube type mapping. Though this should work in POV 3.7 # it doesn't give that good results(best suited to environment maps?) # if image_map == "": # print(" No texture image found ") return image_map def img_map_transforms(ts): """Translate mapping transformations from Blender UI to POV syntax and return that string.""" # XXX TODO: unchecked textures give error of variable referenced before assignment XXX # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but ,its # inverse, a standard scale factor. # 0.5 Offset is needed relatively to scale because center of the # scale is 0.5,0.5 in blender and 0,0 in POV # Strange that the translation factor for scale is not the same as for # translate. # TODO: verify both matches with other blender renderers / internal in previous versions. image_map_transforms = "" image_map_transforms = "scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>" % ( ts.scale[0], ts.scale[1], ts.scale[2], ts.offset[0], ts.offset[1], ts.offset[2], ) # image_map_transforms = (" translate <-0.5,-0.5,0.0> scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>" % \ # ( 1.0 / ts.scale.x, # 1.0 / ts.scale.y, # 1.0 / ts.scale.z, # (0.5 / ts.scale.x) + ts.offset.x, # (0.5 / ts.scale.y) + ts.offset.y, # ts.offset.z)) # image_map_transforms = ( # "translate <-0.5,-0.5,0> " # "scale <-1,-1,1> * <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> " # "translate <0.5,0.5,0> + <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>" % \ # (1.0 / ts.scale.x, # 1.0 / ts.scale.y, # 1.0 / ts.scale.z, # ts.offset.x, # ts.offset.y, # ts.offset.z) # ) return image_map_transforms def img_map_bg(wts): """Translate world mapping from Blender UI to POV syntax and return that string.""" tex = bpy.data.textures[wts.texture] image_mapBG = "" # texture_coords refers to the mapping of world textures: if wts.texture_coords in ['VIEW', 'GLOBAL']: image_mapBG = " map_type 0 " elif wts.texture_coords == 'ANGMAP': image_mapBG = " map_type 1 " elif wts.texture_coords == 'TUBE': image_mapBG = " map_type 2 " if tex.use_interpolation: image_mapBG += " interpolate 2 " if tex.extension == 'CLIP': image_mapBG += " once " # image_mapBG += "}" # if wts.mapping == 'CUBE': # image_mapBG += "warp { cubic } rotate <-90,0,180>" # no direct cube type mapping. Though this should work in POV 3.7 # it doesn't give that good results(best suited to environment maps?) # if image_mapBG == "": # print(" No background texture image found ") return image_mapBG def path_image(image): """Conform a path string to POV syntax to avoid POV errors.""" return bpy.path.abspath(image.filepath, library=image.library).replace("\\", "/") # .replace("\\","/") to get only forward slashes as it's what POV prefers, # even on windows # end find image texture # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def export_camera(scene, global_matrix, render, tab_write): """Translate camera from Blender UI to POV syntax and write to exported file.""" camera = scene.camera # DH disabled for now, this isn't the correct context active_object = None # bpy.context.active_object # does not always work MR matrix = global_matrix @ camera.matrix_world focal_point = camera.data.dof.focus_distance # compute resolution q_size = render.resolution_x / render.resolution_y tab_write("#declare camLocation = <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>;\n" % matrix.translation[:]) tab_write( "#declare camLookAt = <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>;\n" % tuple([degrees(e) for e in matrix.to_3x3().to_euler()]) ) tab_write("camera {\n") if scene.pov.baking_enable and active_object and active_object.type == 'MESH': tab_write("mesh_camera{ 1 3\n") # distribution 3 is what we want here tab_write("mesh{%s}\n" % active_object.name) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("location <0,0,.01>") tab_write("direction <0,0,-1>") else: if camera.data.type == 'ORTHO': # XXX todo: track when SensorHeightRatio was added to see if needed (not used) sensor_height_ratio = ( render.resolution_x * camera.data.ortho_scale / render.resolution_y ) tab_write("orthographic\n") # Blender angle is radian so should be converted to degrees: # % (camera.data.angle * (180.0 / pi) ) # but actually argument is not compulsory after angle in pov ortho mode tab_write("angle\n") tab_write("right <%6f, 0, 0>\n" % -camera.data.ortho_scale) tab_write("location <0, 0, 0>\n") tab_write("look_at <0, 0, -1>\n") tab_write("up <0, %6f, 0>\n" % (camera.data.ortho_scale / q_size)) elif camera.data.type == 'PANO': tab_write("panoramic\n") tab_write("location <0, 0, 0>\n") tab_write("look_at <0, 0, -1>\n") tab_write("right <%s, 0, 0>\n" % -q_size) tab_write("up <0, 1, 0>\n") tab_write("angle %f\n" % (360.0 * atan(16.0 / camera.data.lens) / pi)) elif camera.data.type == 'PERSP': # Standard camera otherwise would be default in pov tab_write("location <0, 0, 0>\n") tab_write("look_at <0, 0, -1>\n") tab_write("right <%s, 0, 0>\n" % -q_size) tab_write("up <0, 1, 0>\n") tab_write( "angle %f\n" % (2 * atan(camera.data.sensor_width / 2 / camera.data.lens) * 180.0 / pi) ) tab_write( "rotate <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>\n" % tuple([degrees(e) for e in matrix.to_3x3().to_euler()]) ) tab_write("translate <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>\n" % matrix.translation[:]) if camera.data.dof.use_dof and (focal_point != 0 or camera.data.dof.focus_object): tab_write("aperture %.3g\n" % (1 / (camera.data.dof.aperture_fstop * 10000) * 1000)) tab_write( "blur_samples %d %d\n" % (camera.data.pov.dof_samples_min, camera.data.pov.dof_samples_max) ) tab_write("variance 1/%d\n" % camera.data.pov.dof_variance) tab_write("confidence %.3g\n" % camera.data.pov.dof_confidence) if camera.data.dof.focus_object: focal_ob = scene.objects[camera.data.dof.focus_object.name] matrix_blur = global_matrix @ focal_ob.matrix_world tab_write("focal_point <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>\n" % matrix_blur.translation[:]) else: tab_write("focal_point <0, 0, %f>\n" % focal_point) if camera.data.pov.normal_enable: tab_write( "normal {%s %.4f turbulence %.4f scale %.4f}\n" % ( camera.data.pov.normal_patterns, camera.data.pov.cam_normal, camera.data.pov.turbulence, camera.data.pov.scale, ) ) tab_write("}\n") exported_lights_count = 0 def export_lights(lamps, file, scene, global_matrix, write_matrix, tab_write): """Translate lights from Blender UI to POV syntax and write to exported file.""" # Incremented after each lamp export to declare its target # currently used for Fresnel diffuse shader as their slope vector: global exported_lights_count # Get all lamps and keep their count in a global variable for exported_lights_count, ob in enumerate(lamps, start=1): lamp = ob.data matrix = global_matrix @ ob.matrix_world # Color is no longer modified by energy # any way to directly get bpy_prop_array as tuple? color = tuple(lamp.color) tab_write("light_source {\n") tab_write("< 0,0,0 >\n") tab_write("color srgb<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n" % color) if lamp.type == 'POINT': pass elif lamp.type == 'SPOT': tab_write("spotlight\n") # Falloff is the main radius from the centre line tab_write("falloff %.2f\n" % (degrees(lamp.spot_size) / 2.0)) # 1 TO 179 FOR BOTH tab_write("radius %.6f\n" % ((degrees(lamp.spot_size) / 2.0) * (1.0 - lamp.spot_blend))) # Blender does not have a tightness equivalent, 0 is most like blender default. tab_write("tightness 0\n") # 0:10f tab_write("point_at <0, 0, -1>\n") if lamp.pov.use_halo: tab_write("looks_like{\n") tab_write("sphere{<0,0,0>,%.6f\n" % lamp.distance) tab_write("hollow\n") tab_write("material{\n") tab_write("texture{\n") tab_write("pigment{rgbf<1,1,1,%.4f>}\n" % (lamp.pov.halo_intensity * 5.0)) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("interior{\n") tab_write("media{\n") tab_write("emission 1\n") tab_write("scattering {1, 0.5}\n") tab_write("density{\n") tab_write("spherical\n") tab_write("color_map{\n") tab_write("[0.0 rgb <0,0,0>]\n") tab_write("[0.5 rgb <1,1,1>]\n") tab_write("[1.0 rgb <1,1,1>]\n") tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") elif lamp.type == 'SUN': tab_write("parallel\n") tab_write("point_at <0, 0, -1>\n") # *must* be after 'parallel' elif lamp.type == 'AREA': tab_write("fade_distance %.6f\n" % (lamp.distance / 2.0)) # Area lights have no falloff type, so always use blenders lamp quad equivalent # for those? tab_write("fade_power %d\n" % 2) size_x = lamp.size samples_x = lamp.pov.shadow_ray_samples_x if lamp.shape == 'SQUARE': size_y = size_x samples_y = samples_x else: size_y = lamp.size_y samples_y = lamp.pov.shadow_ray_samples_y tab_write( "area_light <%.6f,0,0>,<0,%.6f,0> %d, %d\n" % (size_x, size_y, samples_x, samples_y) ) tab_write("area_illumination\n") if lamp.pov.shadow_ray_sample_method == 'CONSTANT_JITTERED': if lamp.pov.use_jitter: tab_write("jitter\n") else: tab_write("adaptive 1\n") tab_write("jitter\n") # No shadow checked either at global or light level: if not scene.pov.use_shadows or (lamp.pov.shadow_method == 'NOSHADOW'): tab_write("shadowless\n") # Sun shouldn't be attenuated. Area lights have no falloff attribute so they # are put to type 2 attenuation a little higher above. if lamp.type not in {'SUN', 'AREA'}: if lamp.falloff_type == 'INVERSE_SQUARE': tab_write("fade_distance %.6f\n" % (sqrt(lamp.distance / 2.0))) tab_write("fade_power %d\n" % 2) # Use blenders lamp quad equivalent elif lamp.falloff_type == 'INVERSE_LINEAR': tab_write("fade_distance %.6f\n" % (lamp.distance / 2.0)) tab_write("fade_power %d\n" % 1) # Use blenders lamp linear elif lamp.falloff_type == 'CONSTANT': tab_write("fade_distance %.6f\n" % (lamp.distance / 2.0)) tab_write("fade_power %d\n" % 3) # Use blenders lamp constant equivalent no attenuation. # Using Custom curve for fade power 3 for now. elif lamp.falloff_type == 'CUSTOM_CURVE': tab_write("fade_power %d\n" % 4) write_matrix(matrix) tab_write("}\n") # v(A,B) rotates vector A about origin by vector B. file.write( "#declare lampTarget%s= vrotate(<%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>,<%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>);\n" % ( exported_lights_count, -ob.location.x, -ob.location.y, -ob.location.z, ob.rotation_euler.x, ob.rotation_euler.y, ob.rotation_euler.z, ) ) def export_world(world, scene, global_matrix, tab_write): """write world as POV backgrounbd and sky_sphere to exported file """ render = scene.pov camera = scene.camera # matrix = global_matrix @ camera.matrix_world # view dependant for later use NOT USED if not world: return # These lines added to get sky gradient (visible with PNG output) if world: # For simple flat background: if not world.pov.use_sky_blend: # Non fully transparent background could premultiply alpha and avoid # anti-aliasing display issue: if render.alpha_mode == 'TRANSPARENT': tab_write( "background {rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0.75>}\n" % (world.pov.horizon_color[:]) ) # Currently using no alpha with Sky option: elif render.alpha_mode == 'SKY': tab_write("background {rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0>}\n" % (world.pov.horizon_color[:])) # StraightAlpha: # XXX Does not exists anymore # else: # tab_write("background {rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 1>}\n" % (world.pov.horizon_color[:])) world_tex_count = 0 # For Background image textures for t in world.pov_texture_slots: # risk to write several sky_spheres but maybe ok. if t: tex = bpy.data.textures[t.texture] if tex.type is not None: world_tex_count += 1 # XXX No enable checkbox for world textures yet (report it?) # if t and tex.type == 'IMAGE' and t.use: if tex.type == 'IMAGE': image_filename = path_image(tex.image) if tex.image.filepath != image_filename: tex.image.filepath = image_filename if image_filename != "" and t.use_map_blend: textures_blend = image_filename # colvalue = t.default_value t_blend = t # Commented below was an idea to make the Background image oriented as camera # taken here: # http://news.pov.org/pov.newusers/thread/%3Cweb.4a5cddf4e9c9822ba2f93e20@news.pov.org%3E/ # Replace 4/3 by the ratio of each image found by some custom or existing # function # mapping_blend = (" translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> rotate z*degrees" \ # "(atan((camLocation - camLookAt).x/(camLocation - " \ # "camLookAt).y)) rotate x*degrees(atan((camLocation - " \ # "camLookAt).y/(camLocation - camLookAt).z)) rotate y*" \ # "degrees(atan((camLocation - camLookAt).z/(camLocation - " \ # "camLookAt).x)) scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>b" % \ # (t_blend.offset.x / 10 , t_blend.offset.y / 10 , # t_blend.offset.z / 10, t_blend.scale.x , # t_blend.scale.y , t_blend.scale.z)) # using camera rotation valuesdirectly from blender seems much easier if t_blend.texture_coords == 'ANGMAP': mapping_blend = "" else: # POV-Ray "scale" is not a number of repetitions factor, but its # inverse, a standard scale factor. # 0.5 Offset is needed relatively to scale because center of the # UV scale is 0.5,0.5 in blender and 0,0 in POV # Further Scale by 2 and translate by -1 are # required for the sky_sphere not to repeat mapping_blend = ( "scale 2 scale <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> translate -1 " "translate <%.4g,%.4g,%.4g> rotate<0,0,0> " % ( (1.0 / t_blend.scale.x), (1.0 / t_blend.scale.y), (1.0 / t_blend.scale.z), 0.5 - (0.5 / t_blend.scale.x) - t_blend.offset.x, 0.5 - (0.5 / t_blend.scale.y) - t_blend.offset.y, t_blend.offset.z, ) ) # The initial position and rotation of the pov camera is probably creating # the rotation offset should look into it someday but at least background # won't rotate with the camera now. # Putting the map on a plane would not introduce the skysphere distortion and # allow for better image scale matching but also some waay to chose depth and # size of the plane relative to camera. tab_write("sky_sphere {\n") tab_write("pigment {\n") tab_write( "image_map{%s \"%s\" %s}\n" % (image_format(textures_blend), textures_blend, img_map_bg(t_blend)) ) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("%s\n" % mapping_blend) # The following layered pigment opacifies to black over the texture for # transmit below 1 or otherwise adds to itself tab_write("pigment {rgb 0 transmit %s}\n" % tex.intensity) tab_write("}\n") # tab_write("scale 2\n") # tab_write("translate -1\n") # For only Background gradient if world_tex_count == 0 and world.pov.use_sky_blend: tab_write("sky_sphere {\n") tab_write("pigment {\n") # maybe Should follow the advice of POV doc about replacing gradient # for skysphere..5.5 tab_write("gradient y\n") tab_write("color_map {\n") # XXX Does not exists anymore # if render.alpha_mode == 'STRAIGHT': # tab_write("[0.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 1>]\n" % (world.pov.horizon_color[:])) # tab_write("[1.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 1>]\n" % (world.pov.zenith_color[:])) if render.alpha_mode == 'TRANSPARENT': tab_write("[0.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0.99>]\n" % (world.pov.horizon_color[:])) # aa premult not solved with transmit 1 tab_write("[1.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0.99>]\n" % (world.pov.zenith_color[:])) else: tab_write("[0.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0>]\n" % (world.pov.horizon_color[:])) tab_write("[1.0 rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0>]\n" % (world.pov.zenith_color[:])) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") # Sky_sphere alpha (transmit) is not translating into image alpha the same # way as 'background' # if world.pov.light_settings.use_indirect_light: # scene.pov.radio_enable=1 # Maybe change the above to a function copyInternalRenderer settings when # user pushes a button, then: # scene.pov.radio_enable = world.pov.light_settings.use_indirect_light # and other such translations but maybe this would not be allowed either? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mist = world.mist_settings if mist.use_mist: tab_write("fog {\n") if mist.falloff == 'LINEAR': tab_write("distance %.6f\n" % ((mist.start + mist.depth) * 0.368)) elif mist.falloff == 'QUADRATIC': # n**2 or squrt(n)? tab_write("distance %.6f\n" % ((mist.start + mist.depth) ** 2 * 0.368)) elif mist.falloff == 'INVERSE_QUADRATIC': # n**2 or squrt(n)? tab_write("distance %.6f\n" % ((mist.start + mist.depth) ** 2 * 0.368)) tab_write( "color rgbt<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>\n" % (*world.pov.horizon_color, (1.0 - mist.intensity)) ) # tab_write("fog_offset %.6f\n" % mist.start) #create a pov property to prepend # tab_write("fog_alt %.6f\n" % mist.height) #XXX right? # tab_write("turbulence 0.2\n") # tab_write("turb_depth 0.3\n") tab_write("fog_type 1\n") # type2 for height tab_write("}\n") if scene.pov.media_enable: tab_write("media {\n") tab_write( "scattering { %d, rgb %.12f*<%.4g, %.4g, %.4g>\n" % ( int(scene.pov.media_scattering_type), scene.pov.media_diffusion_scale, *(scene.pov.media_diffusion_color[:]), ) ) if scene.pov.media_scattering_type == '5': tab_write("eccentricity %.3g\n" % scene.pov.media_eccentricity) tab_write("}\n") tab_write( "absorption %.12f*<%.4g, %.4g, %.4g>\n" % (scene.pov.media_absorption_scale, *(scene.pov.media_absorption_color[:])) ) tab_write("\n") tab_write("samples %.d\n" % scene.pov.media_samples) tab_write("}\n") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def export_rainbows(rainbows, file, scene, global_matrix, write_matrix, tab_write): """write all POV rainbows primitives to exported file """ pov_mat_name = "Default_texture" for ob in rainbows: povdataname = ob.data.name # enough? XXX not used nor matrix fn? angle = degrees(ob.data.spot_size / 2.5) # radians in blender (2 width = ob.data.spot_blend * 10 distance = ob.data.shadow_buffer_clip_start # eps=0.0000001 # angle = br/(cr+eps) * 10 #eps is small epsilon variable to avoid dividing by zero # width = ob.dimensions[2] #now let's say width of rainbow is the actual proxy height # formerly: # cz-bz # let's say width of the rainbow is height of the cone (interfacing choice # v(A,B) rotates vector A about origin by vector B. # and avoid a 0 length vector by adding 1 # file.write("#declare %s_Target= vrotate(<%.6g,%.6g,%.6g>,<%.4g,%.4g,%.4g>);\n" % \ # (povdataname, -(ob.location.x+0.1), -(ob.location.y+0.1), -(ob.location.z+0.1), # ob.rotation_euler.x, ob.rotation_euler.y, ob.rotation_euler.z)) direction = ( # XXX currently not used (replaced by track to?) ob.location.x, ob.location.y, ob.location.z, ) # not taking matrix into account rmatrix = global_matrix @ ob.matrix_world # ob.rotation_euler.to_matrix().to_4x4() * mathutils.Vector((0,0,1)) # XXX Is result of the below offset by 90 degrees? up = ob.matrix_world.to_3x3()[1].xyz # * global_matrix # XXX TO CHANGE: # formerly: # tab_write("#declare %s = rainbow {\n"%povdataname) # clumsy for now but remove the rainbow from instancing # system because not an object. use lamps later instead of meshes # del data_ref[dataname] tab_write("rainbow {\n") tab_write("angle %.4f\n" % angle) tab_write("width %.4f\n" % width) tab_write("distance %.4f\n" % distance) tab_write("arc_angle %.4f\n" % ob.pov.arc_angle) tab_write("falloff_angle %.4f\n" % ob.pov.falloff_angle) tab_write("direction <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>\n" % rmatrix.translation[:]) tab_write("up <%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>\n" % (up[0], up[1], up[2])) tab_write("color_map {\n") tab_write("[0.000 color srgbt<1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0>]\n") tab_write("[0.130 color srgbt<0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.9>]\n") tab_write("[0.298 color srgbt<0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 0.7>]\n") tab_write("[0.412 color srgbt<0.2, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4>]\n") tab_write("[0.526 color srgbt<0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 0.4>]\n") tab_write("[0.640 color srgbt<1.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.4>]\n") tab_write("[0.754 color srgbt<1.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.6>]\n") tab_write("[0.900 color srgbt<1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7>]\n") tab_write("[1.000 color srgbt<1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0>]\n") tab_write("}\n") # tab_write("texture {%s}\n"%pov_mat_name) write_object_modifiers(ob, file) # tab_write("rotate x*90\n") # matrix = global_matrix @ ob.matrix_world # write_matrix(matrix) tab_write("}\n") # continue #Don't render proxy mesh, skip to next object def export_smoke(file, smoke_obj_name, smoke_path, comments, global_matrix, write_matrix): """export Blender smoke type fluids to pov media using df3 library""" flowtype = -1 # XXX todo: not used yet? should trigger emissive for fire type depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() smoke_obj = bpy.data.objects[smoke_obj_name].evaluated_get(depsgraph) domain = None smoke_modifier = None # Search smoke domain target for smoke modifiers for mod in smoke_obj.modifiers: if mod.type == 'FLUID': if mod.fluid_type == 'DOMAIN': domain = smoke_obj smoke_modifier = mod elif mod.fluid_type == 'FLOW': if mod.flow_settings.flow_type == 'BOTH': flowtype = 2 elif mod.flow_settings.flow_type == 'FIRE': flowtype = 1 elif mod.flow_settings.flow_type == 'SMOKE': flowtype = 0 eps = 0.000001 # XXX not used currently. restore from corner case ... zero div? if domain is not None: mod_set = smoke_modifier.domain_settings channeldata = [] for v in mod_set.density_grid: channeldata.append(v.real) print(v.real) # -------- Usage in voxel texture: # channeldata = [] # if channel == 'density': # for v in mod_set.density_grid: # channeldata.append(v.real) # if channel == 'fire': # for v in mod_set.flame_grid: # channeldata.append(v.real) resolution = mod_set.resolution_max big_res = [ mod_set.domain_resolution[0], mod_set.domain_resolution[1], mod_set.domain_resolution[2] ] if mod_set.use_noise: big_res[0] = big_res[0] * (mod_set.noise_scale + 1) big_res[1] = big_res[1] * (mod_set.noise_scale + 1) big_res[2] = big_res[2] * (mod_set.noise_scale + 1) # else: # p = [] # -------- gather smoke domain settings # BBox = domain.bound_box # p.append([BBox[0][0], BBox[0][1], BBox[0][2]]) # p.append([BBox[6][0], BBox[6][1], BBox[6][2]]) # mod_set = smoke_modifier.domain_settings # resolution = mod_set.resolution_max # smokecache = mod_set.point_cache # ret = read_cache(smokecache, mod_set.use_noise, mod_set.noise_scale + 1, flowtype) # res_x = ret[0] # res_y = ret[1] # res_z = ret[2] # density = ret[3] # fire = ret[4] # if res_x * res_y * res_z > 0: # -------- new cache format # big_res = [] # big_res.append(res_x) # big_res.append(res_y) # big_res.append(res_z) # else: # max = domain.dimensions[0] # if (max - domain.dimensions[1]) < -eps: # max = domain.dimensions[1] # if (max - domain.dimensions[2]) < -eps: # max = domain.dimensions[2] # big_res = [int(round(resolution * domain.dimensions[0] / max, 0)), # int(round(resolution * domain.dimensions[1] / max, 0)), # int(round(resolution * domain.dimensions[2] / max, 0))] # if mod_set.use_noise: # big_res = [big_res[0] * (mod_set.noise_scale + 1), # big_res[1] * (mod_set.noise_scale + 1), # big_res[2] * (mod_set.noise_scale + 1)] # if channel == 'density': # channeldata = density # if channel == 'fire': # channeldata = fire # sc_fr = '%s/%s/%s/%05d' % ( # efutil.export_path, # efutil.scene_filename(), # bpy.context.scene.name, # bpy.context.scene.frame_current # ) # if not os.path.exists( sc_fr ): # os.makedirs(sc_fr) # # smoke_filename = '%s.smoke' % bpy.path.clean_name(domain.name) # smoke_path = '/'.join([sc_fr, smoke_filename]) # # with open(smoke_path, 'wb') as smoke_file: # # Binary densitygrid file format # # # # File header # smoke_file.write(b'SMOKE') #magic number # smoke_file.write(struct.pack(', <1,1,1>\n") file.write(" pigment{ rgbt 1 }\n") file.write(" hollow\n") file.write(" interior{ //---------------------\n") file.write(" media{ method 3\n") file.write(" emission <1,1,1>*1\n") # 0>1 for dark smoke to white vapour file.write(" scattering{ 1, // Type\n") file.write(" <1,1,1>*0.1\n") file.write(" } // end scattering\n") file.write(" density{density_file df3 \"%s\"\n" % smoke_path) file.write(" color_map {\n") file.write(" [0.00 rgb 0]\n") file.write(" [0.05 rgb 0]\n") file.write(" [0.20 rgb 0.2]\n") file.write(" [0.30 rgb 0.6]\n") file.write(" [0.40 rgb 1]\n") file.write(" [1.00 rgb 1]\n") file.write(" } // end color_map\n") file.write(" } // end of density\n") file.write(" samples %i // higher = more precise\n" % resolution) file.write(" } // end of media --------------------------\n") file.write(" } // end of interior\n") # START OF TRANSFORMATIONS # Size to consider here are bbox dimensions (i.e. still in object space, *before* applying # loc/rot/scale and other transformations (like parent stuff), aka matrix_world). bbox = smoke_obj.bound_box dim = [ abs(bbox[6][0] - bbox[0][0]), abs(bbox[6][1] - bbox[0][1]), abs(bbox[6][2] - bbox[0][2]), ] # We scale our cube to get its final size and shapes but still in *object* space (same as Blender's bbox). file.write("scale<%.6g,%.6g,%.6g>\n" % (dim[0], dim[1], dim[2])) # We offset our cube such that (0,0,0) coordinate matches Blender's object center. file.write("translate<%.6g,%.6g,%.6g>\n" % (bbox[0][0], bbox[0][1], bbox[0][2])) # We apply object's transformations to get final loc/rot/size in world space! # Note: we could combine the two previous transformations with this matrix directly... write_matrix(global_matrix @ smoke_obj.matrix_world) # END OF TRANSFORMATIONS file.write("}\n") # file.write(" interpolate 1\n") # file.write(" frequency 0\n") # file.write(" }\n") # file.write("}\n")