# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # #**** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #**** # """Translate blender texture influences into POV.""" import os import bpy def write_texture_influence( using_uberpov, mater, material_names_dictionary, local_material_names, path_image, exported_lights_count, image_format, img_map, img_map_transforms, tab_write, comments, string_strip_hyphen, safety, col, preview_dir, unpacked_images, ): """Translate Blender texture influences to various POV texture tricks and write to pov file.""" material_finish = material_names_dictionary[mater.name] if mater.pov.use_transparency: trans = 1.0 - mater.pov.alpha else: trans = 0.0 if (mater.pov.specular_color.s == 0.0) or (mater.pov.diffuse_shader == "MINNAERT"): # No layered texture because of aoi pattern used for minnaert and pov can't layer patterned colored_specular_found = False else: colored_specular_found = True if mater.pov.use_transparency and mater.pov.transparency_method == "RAYTRACE": pov_filter = mater.pov_raytrace_transparency.filter * (1.0 - mater.pov.alpha) trans = (1.0 - mater.pov.alpha) - pov_filter else: pov_filter = 0.0 ##############SF texture_dif = "" texture_spec = "" texture_norm = "" texture_alpha = "" # procedural_flag=False tmpidx = -1 for t in mater.pov_texture_slots: tmpidx += 1 # index = mater.pov.active_texture_index slot = mater.pov_texture_slots[tmpidx] # [index] povtex = slot.texture # slot.name tex = bpy.data.textures[povtex] if t and (t.use and (tex is not None)): # 'NONE' ('NONE' type texture is different from no texture covered above) if tex.type == "NONE" and tex.pov.tex_pattern_type == "emulator": continue # move to next slot # Implicit else-if (as not skipped by previous "continue") # PROCEDURAL if tex.type != "IMAGE" and tex.type != "NONE": procedural_flag = True image_filename = "PAT_%s" % string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(tex.name)) if image_filename: if t.use_map_color_diffuse: texture_dif = image_filename # colvalue = t.default_value # UNUSED t_dif = t if t_dif.texture.pov.tex_gamma_enable: img_gamma = " gamma %.3g " % t_dif.texture.pov.tex_gamma_value if t.use_map_specular or t.use_map_raymir: texture_spec = image_filename # colvalue = t.default_value # UNUSED t_spec = t if t.use_map_normal: texture_norm = image_filename # colvalue = t.normal_factor/10 # UNUSED # textNormName=tex.image.name + ".normal" # was the above used? --MR t_nor = t if t.use_map_alpha: texture_alpha = image_filename # colvalue = t.alpha_factor * 10.0 # UNUSED # textDispName=tex.image.name + ".displ" # was the above used? --MR t_alpha = t # RASTER IMAGE elif tex.type == "IMAGE" and tex.image and tex.pov.tex_pattern_type == "emulator": procedural_flag = False # PACKED if tex.image.packed_file: orig_image_filename = tex.image.filepath_raw unpackedfilename = os.path.join( preview_dir, ("unpacked_img_" + (string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(tex.name)))), ) if not os.path.exists(unpackedfilename): # record which images that were newly copied and can be safely # cleaned up unpacked_images.append(unpackedfilename) tex.image.filepath_raw = unpackedfilename tex.image.save() image_filename = unpackedfilename.replace("\\", "/") # .replace("\\","/") to get only forward slashes as it's what POV prefers, # even on windows tex.image.filepath_raw = orig_image_filename # FILE else: image_filename = path_image(tex.image) # IMAGE SEQUENCE BEGINS if image_filename: if bpy.data.images[tex.image.name].source == "SEQUENCE": korvaa = "." + str(tex.image_user.frame_offset + 1).zfill(3) + "." image_filename = image_filename.replace(".001.", korvaa) print(" seq debug ") print(image_filename) # IMAGE SEQUENCE ENDS img_gamma = "" if image_filename: texdata = bpy.data.textures[t.texture] if t.use_map_color_diffuse: texture_dif = image_filename # colvalue = t.default_value # UNUSED t_dif = t print(texdata) if texdata.pov.tex_gamma_enable: img_gamma = " gamma %.3g " % t_dif.texture.pov.tex_gamma_value if t.use_map_specular or t.use_map_raymir: texture_spec = image_filename # colvalue = t.default_value # UNUSED t_spec = t if t.use_map_normal: texture_norm = image_filename # colvalue = t.normal_factor/10 # UNUSED # textNormName=tex.image.name + ".normal" # was the above used? --MR t_nor = t if t.use_map_alpha: texture_alpha = image_filename # colvalue = t.alpha_factor * 10.0 # UNUSED # textDispName=tex.image.name + ".displ" # was the above used? --MR t_alpha = t #################################################################################### tab_write("\n") # THIS AREA NEEDS TO LEAVE THE TEXTURE OPEN UNTIL ALL MAPS ARE WRITTEN DOWN. # --MR current_material_name = string_strip_hyphen(material_names_dictionary[mater.name]) local_material_names.append(current_material_name) tab_write("\n#declare MAT_%s = \ntexture{\n" % current_material_name) ################################################################################ if mater.pov.replacement_text != "": tab_write("%s\n" % mater.pov.replacement_text) ################################################################################# # XXX TODO: replace by new POV MINNAERT rather than aoi if mater.pov.diffuse_shader == "MINNAERT": tab_write("\n") tab_write("aoi\n") tab_write("texture_map {\n") tab_write("[%.3g finish {diffuse %.3g}]\n" % (mater.darkness / 2.0, 2.0 - mater.darkness)) tab_write("[%.3g\n" % (1.0 - (mater.darkness / 2.0))) if mater.pov.diffuse_shader == "FRESNEL": # For FRESNEL diffuse in POV, we'll layer slope patterned textures # with lamp vector as the slope vector and nest one slope per lamp # into each texture map's entry. c = 1 while c <= exported_lights_count: tab_write("slope { lampTarget%s }\n" % (c)) tab_write("texture_map {\n") # Diffuse Fresnel value and factor go up to five, # other kind of values needed: used the number 5 below to remap tab_write( "[%.3g finish {diffuse %.3g}]\n" % ( (5.0 - mater.diffuse_fresnel) / 5, (mater.diffuse_intensity * ((5.0 - mater.diffuse_fresnel_factor) / 5)), ) ) tab_write( "[%.3g\n" % ((mater.diffuse_fresnel_factor / 5) * (mater.diffuse_fresnel / 5.0)) ) c += 1 # if shader is a 'FRESNEL' or 'MINNAERT': slope pigment pattern or aoi # and texture map above, the rest below as one of its entry if texture_spec != "" or texture_alpha != "": if texture_spec != "": # tab_write("\n") tab_write("pigment_pattern {\n") mapping_spec = img_map_transforms(t_spec) if texture_spec and texture_spec.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write("function{f%s(x,y,z).grey}\n" % texture_spec) tab_write("%s\n" % mapping_spec) else: tab_write( 'uv_mapping image_map{%s "%s" %s}\n' % (image_format(texture_spec), texture_spec, img_map(t_spec)) ) tab_write("%s\n" % mapping_spec) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("texture_map {\n") tab_write("[0 \n") if texture_dif == "": if texture_alpha != "": tab_write("\n") mapping_alpha = img_map_transforms(t_alpha) if texture_alpha and texture_alpha.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write("function{f%s(x,y,z).transmit}%s\n" % (texture_alpha, mapping_alpha)) else: tab_write( "pigment {pigment_pattern {uv_mapping image_map" '{%s "%s" %s}%s' % ( image_format(texture_alpha), texture_alpha, img_map(t_alpha), mapping_alpha, ) ) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("pigment_map {\n") tab_write("[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n") tab_write( "[1 color rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>]\n" % (col[0], col[1], col[2], pov_filter, trans) ) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") else: tab_write( "pigment {rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>}\n" % (col[0], col[1], col[2], pov_filter, trans) ) if texture_spec != "": # ref_level_bound 1 is no specular tab_write("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, ref_level_bound=1))) else: # ref_level_bound 2 is translated spec tab_write("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, ref_level_bound=2))) else: mapping_dif = img_map_transforms(t_dif) if texture_alpha != "": mapping_alpha = img_map_transforms(t_alpha) tab_write("pigment {\n") tab_write("pigment_pattern {\n") if texture_alpha and texture_alpha.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write("function{f%s(x,y,z).transmit}%s\n" % (texture_alpha, mapping_alpha)) else: tab_write( 'uv_mapping image_map{%s "%s" %s}%s}\n' % ( image_format(texture_alpha), texture_alpha, img_map(t_alpha), mapping_alpha, ) ) tab_write("pigment_map {\n") tab_write("[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n") # if texture_alpha and texture_alpha.startswith("PAT_"): # tab_write("[1 pigment{%s}]\n" %texture_dif) if texture_dif and not texture_dif.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write( '[1 uv_mapping image_map {%s "%s" %s} %s]\n' % ( image_format(texture_dif), texture_dif, (img_gamma + img_map(t_dif)), mapping_dif, ) ) elif texture_dif and texture_dif.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write("[1 %s]\n" % texture_dif) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") if texture_alpha and texture_alpha.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write("}\n") else: if texture_dif and texture_dif.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write("pigment{%s}\n" % texture_dif) else: tab_write( 'pigment {uv_mapping image_map {%s "%s" %s}%s}\n' % ( image_format(texture_dif), texture_dif, (img_gamma + img_map(t_dif)), mapping_dif, ) ) if texture_spec != "": # ref_level_bound 1 is no specular tab_write("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, ref_level_bound=1))) else: # ref_level_bound 2 is translated specular tab_write("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, ref_level_bound=2))) ## scale 1 rotate y*0 # imageMap = ("{image_map {%s \"%s\" %s }\n" % \ # (image_format(textures),textures,img_map(t_dif))) # tab_write("uv_mapping pigment %s} %s finish {%s}\n" % \ # (imageMap,mapping,safety(material_finish))) # tab_write("pigment {uv_mapping image_map {%s \"%s\" %s}%s} " \ # "finish {%s}\n" % \ # (image_format(texture_dif), texture_dif, img_map(t_dif), # mapping_dif, safety(material_finish))) if texture_norm != "": ## scale 1 rotate y*0 mapping_normal = img_map_transforms(t_nor) if texture_norm and texture_norm.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write( "normal{function{f%s(x,y,z).grey} bump_size %.4g %s}\n" % (texture_norm, (-t_nor.normal_factor * 9.5), mapping_normal) ) else: tab_write("normal {\n") # XXX TODO: fix and propagate the micro normals reflection blur below to non textured materials if ( mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.use and mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor < 1.0 and not using_uberpov ): tab_write("average\n") tab_write("normal_map{\n") # 0.5 for entries below means a 50 percent mix # between the micro normal and user bump map # order seems indifferent as commutative tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.1]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.15]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.2]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.25]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.3]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.35]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.4]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.45]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.5]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write("[1.0 ") # Proceed with user bump... tab_write( "uv_mapping bump_map " '{%s "%s" %s bump_size %.4g }%s' % ( image_format(texture_norm), texture_norm, img_map(t_nor), (-t_nor.normal_factor * 9.5), mapping_normal, ) ) # ...Then close its last entry and the the normal_map itself if ( mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.use and mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor < 1.0 and not using_uberpov ): tab_write("]}}\n") else: tab_write("]}\n") if texture_spec != "": tab_write("]\n") ##################Second index for mapping specular max value############### tab_write("[1 \n") if texture_dif == "" and mater.pov.replacement_text == "": if texture_alpha != "": mapping_alpha = img_map_transforms(t_alpha) if texture_alpha and texture_alpha.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write("function{f%s(x,y,z).transmit %s}\n" % (texture_alpha, mapping_alpha)) else: tab_write( "pigment {pigment_pattern {uv_mapping image_map" '{%s "%s" %s}%s}\n' % (image_format(texture_alpha), texture_alpha, img_map(t_alpha), mapping_alpha) ) tab_write("pigment_map {\n") tab_write("[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n") tab_write( "[1 color rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>]\n" % (col[0], col[1], col[2], pov_filter, trans) ) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") else: tab_write( "pigment {rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g>}\n" % (col[0], col[1], col[2], pov_filter, trans) ) if texture_spec != "": # ref_level_bound 3 is full specular tab_write("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, ref_level_bound=3))) if ( mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.use and mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor < 1.0 and not using_uberpov ): tab_write("normal {\n") tab_write("average\n") tab_write("normal_map{\n") # 0.5 for entries below means a 50 percent mix # between the micro normal and user bump map # order seems indifferent as commutative tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.1]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.15]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.2]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.25]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.3]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.35]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.4]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.45]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.5]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring # XXX IF USER BUMP_MAP if texture_norm != "": tab_write( "[1.0 " ) # Blurry reflection or not Proceed with user bump in either case... tab_write( "uv_mapping bump_map " '{%s "%s" %s bump_size %.4g }%s]\n' % ( image_format(texture_norm), texture_norm, img_map(t_nor), (-t_nor.normal_factor * 9.5), mapping_normal, ) ) # ...Then close the normal_map itself if blurry reflection if ( mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.use and mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor < 1.0 and not using_uberpov ): tab_write("}}\n") else: tab_write("}\n") elif colored_specular_found: # ref_level_bound 1 is no specular tab_write("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, ref_level_bound=1))) else: # ref_level_bound 2 is translated specular tab_write("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, ref_level_bound=2))) elif mater.pov.replacement_text == "": mapping_dif = img_map_transforms(t_dif) if texture_alpha != "": mapping_alpha = img_map_transforms(t_alpha) if texture_alpha and texture_alpha.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write( "pigment{pigment_pattern {function{f%s(x,y,z).transmit}%s}\n" % (texture_alpha, mapping_alpha) ) else: tab_write( "pigment {pigment_pattern {uv_mapping image_map" '{%s "%s" %s}%s}\n' % (image_format(texture_alpha), texture_alpha, img_map(t_alpha), mapping_alpha) ) tab_write("pigment_map {\n") tab_write("[0 color rgbft<0,0,0,1,1>]\n") if texture_alpha and texture_alpha.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write("[1 function{f%s(x,y,z).transmit}%s]\n" % (texture_alpha, mapping_alpha)) elif texture_dif and not texture_dif.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write( '[1 uv_mapping image_map {%s "%s" %s} %s]\n' % ( image_format(texture_dif), texture_dif, (img_map(t_dif) + img_gamma), mapping_dif, ) ) elif texture_dif and texture_dif.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write("[1 %s %s]\n" % (texture_dif, mapping_dif)) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("}\n") else: if texture_dif and texture_dif.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write("pigment{%s %s}\n" % (texture_dif, mapping_dif)) else: tab_write("pigment {\n") tab_write("uv_mapping image_map {\n") # tab_write("%s \"%s\" %s}%s\n" % \ # (image_format(texture_dif), texture_dif, # (img_gamma + img_map(t_dif)),mapping_dif)) tab_write('%s "%s" \n' % (image_format(texture_dif), texture_dif)) tab_write("%s\n" % (img_gamma + img_map(t_dif))) tab_write("}\n") tab_write("%s\n" % mapping_dif) tab_write("}\n") if texture_spec != "": # ref_level_bound 3 is full specular tab_write("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, ref_level_bound=3))) else: # ref_level_bound 2 is translated specular tab_write("finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, ref_level_bound=2))) ## scale 1 rotate y*0 # imageMap = ("{image_map {%s \"%s\" %s }" % \ # (image_format(textures), textures,img_map(t_dif))) # tab_write("\n\t\t\tuv_mapping pigment %s} %s finish {%s}" % \ # (imageMap, mapping, safety(material_finish))) # tab_write("\n\t\t\tpigment {uv_mapping image_map " \ # "{%s \"%s\" %s}%s} finish {%s}" % \ # (image_format(texture_dif), texture_dif,img_map(t_dif), # mapping_dif, safety(material_finish))) if texture_norm != "" and mater.pov.replacement_text == "": mapping_normal = img_map_transforms(t_nor) if texture_norm and texture_norm.startswith("PAT_"): tab_write( "normal{function{f%s(x,y,z).grey} bump_size %.4g %s}\n" % (texture_norm, (-t_nor.normal_factor * 9.5), mapping_normal) ) else: tab_write("normal {\n") # XXX TODO: fix and propagate the micro normals reflection blur below to non textured materials if ( mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.use and mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor < 1.0 and not using_uberpov ): tab_write("average\n") tab_write("normal_map{\n") # 0.5 for entries below means a 50 percent mix # between the micro normal and user bump map # order seems indifferent as commutative tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.1]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.15]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.2]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.25]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.3]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.35]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.4]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.45]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[0.025 bumps %.4g scale 0.1*%.4g phase 0.5]\n" % ( (10 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor + 0.01)), (1 / (mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_samples + 0.001)), ) ) # micronormals blurring tab_write( "[1.0 " ) # Blurry reflection or not Proceed with user bump in either case... tab_write( "uv_mapping bump_map " '{%s "%s" %s bump_size %.4g }%s]\n' % ( image_format(texture_norm), texture_norm, img_map(t_nor), (-t_nor.normal_factor * 9.5), mapping_normal, ) ) # ...Then close the normal_map itself if blurry reflection if ( mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.use and mater.pov_raytrace_mirror.gloss_factor < 1.0 and not using_uberpov ): tab_write("}}\n") else: tab_write("}\n") if texture_spec != "" and mater.pov.replacement_text == "": tab_write("]\n") tab_write("}\n") # End of slope/ior texture_map if mater.pov.diffuse_shader == "MINNAERT" and mater.pov.replacement_text == "": tab_write("]\n") tab_write("}\n") if mater.pov.diffuse_shader == "FRESNEL" and mater.pov.replacement_text == "": c = 1 while c <= exported_lights_count: tab_write("]\n") tab_write("}\n") c += 1 # Close first layer of POV "texture" (Blender material) tab_write("}\n") colored_specular_found = bool( (mater.pov.specular_color.s > 0.0) and (mater.pov.diffuse_shader != "MINNAERT") ) # Write another layered texture using invisible diffuse and metallic trick # to emulate colored specular highlights special_texture_found = False tmpidx = -1 for t in mater.pov_texture_slots: tmpidx += 1 # index = mater.pov.active_texture_index slot = mater.pov_texture_slots[tmpidx] # [index] povtex = slot.texture # slot.name tex = bpy.data.textures[povtex] # Specular mapped textures would conflict with colored specular # because POV can't layer over or under pigment patterned textures special_texture_found = bool( t and t.use and ((tex.type == "IMAGE" and tex.image) or tex.type != "IMAGE") and (t.use_map_specular or t.use_map_raymir) ) if colored_specular_found and not special_texture_found: if comments: tab_write(" // colored highlights with a stransparent metallic layer\n") else: tab_write("\n") tab_write("texture {\n") tab_write( "pigment {rgbft<%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, 0, 1>}\n" % ( mater.pov.specular_color[0], mater.pov.specular_color[1], mater.pov.specular_color[2], ) ) tab_write( "finish {%s}\n" % (safety(material_finish, ref_level_bound=2)) ) # ref_level_bound 2 is translated spec texture_norm = "" for t in mater.pov_texture_slots: if t and tex.pov.tex_pattern_type != "emulator": procedural_flag = True image_filename = string_strip_hyphen(bpy.path.clean_name(tex.name)) if ( t and tex.type == "IMAGE" and t.use and tex.image and tex.pov.tex_pattern_type == "emulator" ): procedural_flag = False image_filename = path_image(tex.image) img_gamma = "" if image_filename: if t.use_map_normal: texture_norm = image_filename # colvalue = t.normal_factor/10 # UNUSED XXX *-9.5 ! # textNormName=tex.image.name + ".normal" # was the above used? --MR t_nor = t if procedural_flag: tab_write( "normal{function" "{f%s(x,y,z).grey} bump_size %.4g}\n" % (texture_norm, (-t_nor.normal_factor * 9.5)) ) else: tab_write( "normal {uv_mapping bump_map " '{%s "%s" %s bump_size %.4g }%s}\n' % ( image_format(texture_norm), texture_norm, img_map(t_nor), (-t_nor.normal_factor * 9.5), mapping_normal, ) ) tab_write("}\n") # THEN IT CAN CLOSE LAST LAYER OF TEXTURE