#====================== BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ====================== # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # #======================= END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ======================== import bpy from bpy.props import StringProperty import os import re import importlib from zipfile import ZipFile from shutil import rmtree from . import feature_sets DEFAULT_NAME = 'rigify' INSTALL_PATH = feature_sets._install_path() NAME_PREFIX = feature_sets.__name__.split('.') def get_install_path(*, create=False): if not os.path.exists(INSTALL_PATH): if create: os.makedirs(INSTALL_PATH, exist_ok=True) else: return None return INSTALL_PATH def get_installed_list(): features_path = get_install_path() if not features_path: return [] sets = [] for fs in os.listdir(features_path): if fs and fs[0] != '.' and fs != DEFAULT_NAME: fs_path = os.path.join(features_path, fs) if os.path.isdir(fs_path): sets.append(fs) return sets def get_module(feature_set): return importlib.import_module('.'.join([*NAME_PREFIX, feature_set])) def get_module_safe(feature_set): try: return get_module(feature_set) except: return None def get_dir_path(feature_set, *extra_items): base_dir = os.path.join(INSTALL_PATH, feature_set, *extra_items) base_path = [*NAME_PREFIX, feature_set, *extra_items] return base_dir, base_path def get_info_dict(feature_set): module = get_module_safe(feature_set) if module and hasattr(module, 'rigify_info'): data = module.rigify_info if isinstance(data, dict): return data return {} def get_ui_name(feature_set): # Try to get user-defined name info = get_info_dict(feature_set) if 'name' in info: return info['name'] # Default name based on directory name = re.sub(r'[_.-]', ' ', feature_set) name = re.sub(r'(?<=\d) (?=\d)', '.', name) return name.title() def feature_set_items(scene, context): """Get items for the Feature Set EnumProperty""" items = [('all',)*3, ('rigify',)*3, ] for fs in get_installed_list(): items.append((fs,)*3) return items def verify_feature_set_archive(zipfile): """Verify that the zip file contains one root directory, and some required files.""" dirname = None init_found = False data_found = False for name in zipfile.namelist(): parts = re.split(r'[/\\]', name) if dirname is None: dirname = parts[0] elif dirname != parts[0]: dirname = None break if len(parts) == 2 and parts[1] == '__init__.py': init_found = True if len(parts) > 2 and parts[1] in {'rigs', 'metarigs'} and parts[-1] == '__init__.py': data_found = True return dirname, init_found, data_found class DATA_OT_rigify_add_feature_set(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "wm.rigify_add_feature_set" bl_label = "Add External Feature Set" bl_description = "Add external feature set (rigs, metarigs, ui templates)" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO", "INTERNAL"} filter_glob: StringProperty(default="*.zip", options={'HIDDEN'}) filepath: StringProperty(maxlen=1024, subtype='FILE_PATH', options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'}) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def execute(self, context): addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences rigify_config_path = get_install_path(create=True) with ZipFile(bpy.path.abspath(self.filepath), 'r') as zip_archive: base_dirname, init_found, data_found = verify_feature_set_archive(zip_archive) if not base_dirname: self.report({'ERROR'}, "The feature set archive must contain one base directory.") return {'CANCELLED'} # Patch up some invalid characters to allow using 'Download ZIP' on GitHub. fixed_dirname = re.sub(r'[.-]', '_', base_dirname) if not re.fullmatch(r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*', fixed_dirname): self.report({'ERROR'}, "The feature set archive base directory name is not a valid identifier: '%s'." % (base_dirname)) return {'CANCELLED'} if fixed_dirname == DEFAULT_NAME: self.report({'ERROR'}, "The '%s' name is not allowed for feature sets." % (DEFAULT_NAME)) return {'CANCELLED'} if not init_found or not data_found: self.report({'ERROR'}, "The feature set archive has no rigs or metarigs, or is missing __init__.py.") return {'CANCELLED'} base_dir = os.path.join(rigify_config_path, base_dirname) fixed_dir = os.path.join(rigify_config_path, fixed_dirname) for path, name in [(base_dir, base_dirname), (fixed_dir, fixed_dirname)]: if os.path.exists(path): self.report({'ERROR'}, "Feature set directory already exists: '%s'." % (name)) return {'CANCELLED'} # Unpack the validated archive and fix the directory name if necessary zip_archive.extractall(rigify_config_path) if base_dir != fixed_dir: os.rename(base_dir, fixed_dir) addon_prefs.machin = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=(('a',)*3, ('b',)*3, ('c',)*3),) addon_prefs.update_external_rigs() return {'FINISHED'} class DATA_OT_rigify_remove_feature_set(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "wm.rigify_remove_feature_set" bl_label = "Remove External Feature Set" bl_description = "Remove external feature set (rigs, metarigs, ui templates)" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO", "INTERNAL"} featureset: StringProperty(maxlen=1024, options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'}) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_confirm(self, event) def execute(self, context): addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences rigify_config_path = get_install_path() if rigify_config_path: set_path = os.path.join(rigify_config_path, self.featureset) if os.path.exists(set_path): rmtree(set_path) addon_prefs.update_external_rigs() return {'FINISHED'} def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(DATA_OT_rigify_add_feature_set) bpy.utils.register_class(DATA_OT_rigify_remove_feature_set) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(DATA_OT_rigify_add_feature_set) bpy.utils.unregister_class(DATA_OT_rigify_remove_feature_set)